Nelson College for Girls N E W S L E T T E R NCG GIFT CATALOGUE Kia ora tatou katoa Dear Parents, Caregivers and Whanau The end of term 3 seems to have arrived very quickly. For our senior students the year is rushing past and they need to have a strong focus on the end of year deadlines, whether this be for completion of portfolios or preparation for the NCEA exams that begin in early November. The effort that they put in now will have a significant effect on the results that they are able to achieve. The final term of the year also brings with it many events for parents of seniors to attend and we hope to see many of you at these events. The key ones are:20 October 29 October 2 November 3 November 5 November – The Performing Arts Awards (evening) – The Sports Awards (evening) – High Tea for boarders – Year 13 graduation (evening) – Senior prizegiving (afternoon) YEAR 9 2015 We have had a very successful enrolment and orientation period for incoming Year 9 students for 2015 and we look forward to welcoming a lovely group of young women into our school next year. Ms Rebecca Monopoli, our Year 9 Dean for 2015, will start visiting contributing schools next term to gather helpful information from the staff. The little things that make a difference – This is a story that illustrates the power of any actions that help others, no matter how small. We have many of our students who show such care, empathy and concern for others. They are learning to be wonderful citizens and we are proud of them. There was a man taking a morning walk along the beach. He saw that along with the morning tide came hundreds of starfish and when the tide receded, they were left behind and with the morning sun email: Please find attached to this email a copy of our new and exciting fundraising gift catalogue. A hard copy has been sent home with your daughter and if you would like further copies do request one via our website. We hope the gifts we have selected will provide some gift inspiration for everyone. Happy shopping & thank you. NCG Gift Catalogue 2014 This catalogue contains products for sale from a range of local businesses. These are all businesses who are pleased to support Nelson College for Girls and we would like to thank them sincerely for this. All have agreed to donate a proportion of each sale to Nelson College for Girls. We encourage you to support these businesses. Please remember to use the NCG code for any purchases made. Thank you. YOUTH ALCOHOL & DRUG CLINIC Specific timing of each of these events will be given by official invitation to parents. Tel: +64 3 548 3104 TERM 3 WEEK 10 2014 We are pleased to let you know that we will be recommencing our Youth Alcohol and Drug Clinic at Nelson College for Girls. The Alcohol and Drug clinic is open to any student within our school and can be accessed either through self referral, through the school counsellors or through referral by a Teacher, Dean, other staff member or a Parent. The current climate in Nelson with regards to youth consumption of alcohol and drugs is concerning, with indications that a growing number of youth are using alcohol and/or drugs at hazardous levels. The aim of having the Alcohol and Drug Clinics running within schools is to provide an easily accessed and confidential service to young people where any questions they may have can be answered. They can get the assistance they need to work through any issues they may be experiencing with alcohol and/or drugs, whether these be personal, with friends, or even in their family home. In saying this, should a safety issue arise where the young person or anyone around them is at risk, we will breach confidentiality – this is explained to the young person at their first session. We are very committed to providing this service within your school to a high standard and want to let you know that our door is always open should you have any questions about our services. We thank you for your support of this clinic and we look forward to working with you and your young people to help them achieve better outcomes for their futures. Kind regards, Rebecca Greig (On behalf of Youth AOD Team) Youth AOD Counsellor, Addiction Services, NMDHB P O Box 842, Nelson, 7040, New Zealand rays, they would die. The tide was fresh and the starfish were alive. The man took a few steps, picked up one and threw it into the water. He did that repeatedly. Right behind him there was another person who couldn’t understand what this man was doing. He caught up with him and asked, “What are you doing? There are hundreds of starfish. How many can you help? What difference does it make?” The other man did not reply, took two more steps, picked up another one, threw it into the water, and said, “It makes a difference to this one.” I hope that you all have some lovely family time during the upcoming holidays. Kia kaha Cathy Ewing PRINCIPAL Health Curricu The Education Standards Act 2001 prepares a draft statement about the the school community at least every t HEALTH CURRICULUM CONSULTATION 2014 The Education Standards Act 2001 requires that each school Board of Trustees the school community at least every two years. The consultation is to: yy inform the school community about the content of the Health Education components of the curriculum; yy consult with members of the school community regarding the way in which the school should implement Health Education; At Nelson College for Girls we regu ensure that they meet the needs of follow below to seeofa detailed At Nelson College for Girls we regularly review our Health Education programmes to ensure that the theylink meet the needs to provide feedback regarding our students and the school community. Please follow the link below to see a detailed overview of the programme of work the ong to enable you to provide feedback regarding the ongoing review of our Health Education programme. Link to Health Programme: click her Link to Health Programme: click here (control + click) We invite you to complete We invite you to complete your feedback online following the link below by Friday 31st October. Any comments that youyour feed October. Any comments that you hav have on the proposed programme of work will assist us to complete this review and ensure that you have been involved in us to complete this review and ensur the consultation process. Feedback about the consultation will be provided to you once the process has been completed. process. Feedback about the consulta been completed. Link to Feedback Questionnaire: click here (control + click) yy describe, in broad terms, the Health Education needs of the school’s students If you have any other questions or comments please feel free to contact Louise HOD Questionnaire: Health at LinkSmulian, to Feedback cl If you have any other questions or co Smulian, HOD Health at louise.smulia ART Nadia Ryan, Y12 student, has just been placed in the Top 20 of a National Design competition to design an Illustration character in two views to show opposing emotional states. The competition was for High School age students and received over 1000 entries. 2 S C H O O L O N L I N E S Y S T E M S All these systems may be accessed online, at anytime, anywhere where you have internet access. Our new website homepage looks like this. At the bottom of each page you will see icons that link you to our contact page, Twitter, Moodle and Home page. Our website does not and will not contain information pertaining to everyday housekeeping, this will all be found in Moodle. PLEASE DO NOT USE OUR CONTACT FORM TO INFORM US OF ABSENCES, THIS MUST BE DONE THROUGH THE CORRECT EMAILS FOUND IN MOODLE ON THE FRONT PAGE. KAMAR THE WEB PORTAL By logging into KAMAR through the Web Parent Portal, which is accessed via the front page of Moodle, you can access your daughter’s attendance, her timetable, the main school notices. You can also access her grades and (once uploaded) her report. Parents were given their login at the beginning of the year via email. Moodle is a Learning Management System which is used by many schools and tertiary institutions both in New Zealand and overseas. As a parent you have access to information here without logging on. Here you can see term dates, the newsletter, the calendar etc. From Moodle, students can login through the portal to gain access to their classes. Microsoft Outlook is the mail system that we use at NCG. Your daughter can access her mail account from anywhere. Google Apps is the online software that students use to create and collaborate. Again, this can be accessed from anywhere. Schools are working in a rapidly and frequently changing environment. This is both exciting and challenging, but also takes time. We ask that as we implement these changes and upgrade and develop our systems you bear with us and support what will finally become a very efficient and productive method of communication for all concerned. 3 NATIONAL KAPA HAKA TE ROUROU KURA 2014 Te Rourou Kura 2014 was amazing. Going into a group where you only know a few people was a bit hard at first but as weekends of training went by we all became closer. Travelling to Te Tairāwhiti with those people that I didn’t know before was unbelievable. Long hours on the bus and ferry were well worthwhile. When we arrived at Turanga Ararau in Gisborne it felt so good because we had almost reached our goal. Finally the day we had all been waiting for. Getting up in the early hours of the morning to eat, get dressed and warm up was exciting. When we reached the venue we said karakia and then went to the holding tent. The best 25 minutes standing there with the brothers and sisters on that national stage was an unforgettable moment. Afterwards we went down town for something to eat and then we went back to watch other groups. It was great to see how fantastic the other groups were. Overall the experience was awesome. I learnt so much along the way and can’t wait for 2016 Phoenix Moka 9Rb 4 AMAZING OPPORTUNITY TO SEE STUDENT PERFORMANCE IN SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Local drama students from various local high schools are performing Next to Normal, a Pullitzer prize-winning theatrical performance these holidays. They chose this performance because it addresses mental health issues & consequences which are of high concern for them and their families. Please note, all performances are at the SUTER. DATES & TIMES performances for students (gold coin at the door) public matinees 2 p.m. Monday 6 Oct 7:30pm (Rehearsal) Tuesday 7 Oct 7:30pm (Rehearsal) Wednesday 8 Oct 7:30pm (Opening night) Saturday 11 October Sunday 12 October (Parents are welcome to attend with their teenager: full-price entry for adults to all shows) public evening performances at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday 8 October Friday 10 October Saturday 11 October Sunday 12 October 5 Venue: SUTER Theatre, 208 Bridge Street, Nelson Tickets can be booked at the Theatre Royal or Nelson i-Site or Richmond Mall information centre or online at: http://www. al #n2nNelson SPORTS NEWS NCG OLD GIRLS ASSOCIATION NCG Old Girls Association (NCGOGA) hosted our Annual Spring Luncheon 6 September, in the College Staff Room, 42 past pupils attended and were well entertained by our guest speaker The Very Reverend Charles Tyrell, Charles has a history with NCG during his term Dean of Nelson Cathedral 1994 – 2010. Charles had recently returned from 3 months Sabbatical leave in the UK, where he spent time studying “Positive Ageing”. NCG UNDERWATER HOCKEY SCHOOL NATIONALS Over the winter sports week, two teams made the arduous journey via bus , ferry and bus up to Rotorua for school nationals. Only the top 10 teams in each division in the country qualify for this tournament and we were lucky to have both our Junior and Senior teams attend. The competition went for 3 days with games starting at 7.00 am going through to 9.30pm . SENIOR GIRLS A team made up of Year 11 and 12 players, led by captain Jessica Sturrock started the tournament with a number of players down due to sickness. This made it tough on the team. Despite this, the girls ended up second seed in their pool after the round robin. They played a strong Wellington Girls College in the semis, who went on to win the final. The girls ended up a credible 4th place going down to Epsom Girls Grammar 4–2. Overall a great effort. JUNIOR GIRLS A experienced team led by captain Tessa Timms completely dominated the competition. The girls were determined and skilled with their play. They easily won their games to be first seed in their pool. The girls went on to meet Epsom Girls Grammar in the final. After a bit of a slow start due to nerves the girls ‘swam away’ with the score, 9–0 ,winning the game, the gold medal and trophy for top team in the country. This is the second year in a row that NCG Junior Girls have won the gold medal. A fantastic achievement. Stuart Batham Assistant Principal, presented news from College to date this year via a power point production. Old Girls present were interested to learn of this years progress with IT/tablet technology in the classroom for students. We watched via a youtube link the Stella Nova Choir performance in the Finale of Big Sing held in Auckland. Congratulations to staff and students for your amazing achievement, we are so proud of you all. Karen Price and I met with Year 13 Students 17 September on the college lawn to present NCG Old Girls Ass membership to our leaving students. We encouraged students to join “Old Girls”, and become a life member for a fee of $20.00. In return NCGOGA will gift all new life members a porcelain College coffee mug as a memento to their student years at NCG. All Year 13 students have received the NCG Old Girls Association Farewell Pack 2014 which has the membership form enclosed to be completed by 17 October 2014, all students leaving College are entitled to become life members of NCGOGA. NCG Old Girls Association fosters a link between college and past pupils nationally and internationally. Our members donate their time to enhance our college community through social events, fundraising, communication, creating and updating the College Archives. We look to hosting the Year 13 Graduation Ceremony Monday 3 November, this event remains the highlight event of the year for the committee. Christmas Morning Tea Saturday 6 December 10 am, will be held in the Lois Voller Library and we welcome parents who are past pupils and Old Girls members to attend. Please contact the NCG Website, Alumni Section to register and we look forward to your company. Virginia Hogarth Chairperson NCGOGA Due to NCG success in the pool the teams scored enough points to be the ‘ Runner Up’ for the Top School Trophy Alex Coombes-King 6 M E D I A S T U D I E P OST E R 6DWXUGD\WK 6HSWHPEHU 7KH6XWHU7KHDWUH SP'RFXPHQWDU\ SP'UDPD (PDLOMHQQLIHUGDOWRQ#QFJVFKRROQ]IRUHQWU\IRUPV G A B B I C O U R T E N A Y SCHOOL MAGAZINE The Nelson College for Girls Collegian has been printed since 1900! This year we are producing the 114th Yearbook as a record of the main events and the people of 2014. We would love to see every student take home a copy at the end of the year. The Collegian costs $18 which can be paid as any other fee at the Student Office. Christina Wilson and Sammy Stevens – Editors 7 W INN E R Y E A R 1 3 Nelson College for Girls preparatory school open night entry 2016 onwards Wednesday 15 October 2014 at 7 p.m. N.C.G Library/ Learning Resource Hub All welcome Ph: 03 548 2194 8 Lucy Feltham Head Teacher Term 3 @ NCG C A L E N D A R D A T E S TERM 4 DATE EVENT Thursday 25 September Mufti day Friday 26 September Movie fundraiser at Suter Friday 26 September End of Term Three Sunday 28 September Daylight Saving begins Monday 13 October Term 4 begins Wednesday 15 October Prep open night 2016 entry Thursday 16 October Interviews for Head Students Monday 20 October Performing Arts Awards Tuesday 21 October Interviews for Boarders Leaders, House Leaders and Kaitaunaki Tuesday 21 October BOT Meeting Thursday 23 October Mufti Day Monday 27 October Labour Day Wednesday 29 October Sports Awards Wednesday 29 October NZQA talk to Yr 12 and 13 Thursday 30 October NZQA talk to Yr 11 Thursday 30 October Yr12 Achievers assembly Friday 31 October Yr11 Achievers assembly Sunday 02 October CJ House High Tea Monday 03 November Yr13 Achievers assembly Monday 03 November Yr13 Graduation Wednesday 05 November Last day for seniors Friday 07 November NCEA exams begin 2014 *Correct at time of printing but subject to change 9 NCG Sponsors We are pleased to confirm the following businesses as our School Partners. Please support these businesses and make sure you mention you’re part of the Nelson College for Girls family. Platinum sponsor Bowater Hyundai continue their support of our School with the provision of the new i20 Hyundai signwritten vehicle, acknowledging Bowater Hyundai’s involvement with Spirit of Adventure Trust and their generous sponsorship towards two girls to go on the Spirit of NZ each year. The keys for the i20 were presented to our Principal at the launch of the new Hyundai premises on Rutherford Street on 3rd April and The Nelson Mail article is attached. The vehicle is in constant use with errands, meetings and appointments and the School is very grateful for this excellent resource. Gold sponsor TM Covers (formerly Transport & Marine Covers) is the provider of the smart shade sail at the school canteen as well as those at the pool. They are the leading company in the top of the south for all quality outdoor fabric and canvas products. They make a wide range of products, from shade sails to outdoor blinds, awnings, outdoor beanbags & cushions, PVC covers, tarpaulins, calf shelters, swimming pool covers, truck covers & curtains and boat covers. They also have Nelson’s widest range of hire tarpaulins available. Contact them to discuss your requirements. If you are interested in becoming an NCG Sponsor please contact Jo Reilly at – she would be pleased to discuss the options available. Preferred accommodation suppliers to Nelson College for Girls TRAILWAYS HOTEL & DELORENZO’S STUDIO APARTMENTS For direct reservations at best available rates and room types, please visit the websites below Tel 0800 872 459 Please quote “Nelson College for Girls” in comments field online Tel 0508 335 673 We now have a special offer with both Trailways Hotel and DeLorenzo’s Studio Apartments whereby any NCG families booking at either accommodation can quote Nelson College for Girls and the School will receive a 10% commission on the booking! So please keep this mind for those out of town visitors needing accommodation or your next special night in town! 10 SUPPORT CJ HOUSE FUNDRAISING BUY PURPLE WHEATBAGS ONLY $20 BEANIES ONLY $12 All available from the student office (Note: beanies not for wearing at school). Nelson College for Girls WORK DAY 4 September 2014 Thank you to all those that have supported Work Day. We still have money coming in, but are please to report that there was a good number of girls who took the opportunity to gain some work-related experience at the same time as supporting their School; future hairdressers helping at salons, future beauty therapists helping at beauty parlours, and future accountants helping business administrators, to name just a few. Thank you also to those girls who simply got behind our School fundraising with a smile, and showed good community spirit; all of which is in line with encouraging our girls to be good citizens within their community. $40 DONATION TO NCG = 4 HRS OF STUDENT HELP SEED SALES CONTACT NCG IF INTERESTED TOTAL PACKS STUDENT NAME: TUTOR CLASS: SMITH SPORTS SHOES We have another special offer to School families. A FREE $20 voucher was sent home with the girls. This is to spend at Smith Sports Shoes, cnr Bridge & Rutherford Street, Nelson for any footwear over $100, and is valid until 31 October 2014. For every $20 voucher that is redeemed, the School will receive $5 back. Please support Smiths Sports Shoes and thank them for supporting our School! VODAFONE AND INTELLIGENT REWARDS Are you a Vodafone homeline customer? If so, you can nominate the School to receive Intelligent Rewards points from your bill each month. It doesn’t cost you anything to nominate your School for points, but the School will earn 1.5 points for every dollar that is spent each month by you. Call Vodafone free on 0508 011 737, quote Intelligent Rewards and register Nelson College for Girls or ctrl click on the link below. Intelligent Rewards can be redeemed for a range of items from first aid kits to bean bags! WAREHOUSE STATIONERY – SCHOOL POINTS Each time you shop at Warehouse Stationery, please ask for Nelson College for Girls to receive Support Your School points. We can then redeem Points for rewards to buy much needed school stationery, art supplies and more. If you are shopping online, please quote our School code: BYSHUTZ For more information on any of the above, please contact Jo Reilly on or phone 548 3104 ext 891. 11 $PAID NAME AND ADDRESS OF PURCHASER CARROT ONION TOMATO CABBAGE BROCCOLI RADISH SPRING ONION SPINACH CAULIFLOWER DWARF BEANS • CUCUMBER Seed orders will be sent home in Term 4, and we would really appreciate your support. Family, friends and neighbours may also be interested! Thank you in anticipation. • • • • S A L E S Order your vegetable seeds through Nelson College for Girls! Only $2 per pack of seeds. Please complete below and pay to the student. Your seeds will be delivered to you via the student. Students - please return form & money to the Student Office by Monday 22 September. Thank you for supporting our fundraising. SWEETCORN Attention Gardeners! We have a special fundraising offer, with packets of vegetable seeds selling at only $2 per packet. September’s a good time to buy your seeds, so it’s an opportunity to buy something that you would normally buy, AND support the School at the same time. The student that sells the most packets of seeds will win a Fujifilm Instax Mini Instant Polaroid camera, and the Tutor Class that sells the most will win a pizza lunch. S E E D • Nelson College for Girls FUNDRAISING 2014/2015 $65,000 $60,000 $55,000 $50,000 $45,000 $40,000 $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 Incredible! What a team! Superb! Marvellous! Wonderful! Amazing! Brilliant! Fantastic! Awesome! Cool! Fab! $10,000 $ 5,000 Doing well! Great Start Nelson College for Girls 400 Trafalgar Street South P O Box 842, 7040 Nelson Ph: +0064 3 548 3104 email: Website: 12
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