Heikki Ojamo Prof. / bioprocess engineering M.Sc. (Tech.) Markus Räsänen Tohtorikoulutettava Fermentation of the fractions from silage processing 12.3.2014 Heikki Ojamo Markus Räsänen Fractions studied 1. Silage juice • Applicability as a replacer for high-value, complex components in growth media for industrially relevant microbes (University of Oulu / Laboratory of bioprocess engineering) 2. Hydrolyzate from extracted silage • • • • Feed protein production in Pekilo-fermentation Applicability of the hydrolyzate as C/energy source for Pekilo Requirements of supplementary nutrients in fermentation Techno-economic parameters for the fermentation process 12.3.2014 Heikki Ojamo Markus Räsänen Silage juice as a component in growth media 1. Inhibitory effects of weak organic acids (lactic/formic/acetic acids) • • E.coli and Bacillus subtilis : 100 % inhibition of growth with 50 % juice concentration (replacing water) L.rhamnosus, S.cerevisiae and Pichia pastoris: growth and glucose consumption slow down and cellmass yield decreases by 25…50 % 2. Nutrients in the juice • L.rhamnosus, S.cerevisiae and P.pastoris grow on the juice without any supplementary nutrients (peptone and yeast extract) • The addition of peptone and/or yeast extract into the juice have no effect on growth, rate of glucose consumption or cellmass yield => Silage produced with enzyme treatment probably would produce juice applicable as a nutrient source in media for growing microbes Ruohosta proteiinia - loppuseminaari 12.3.2014 Heikki Ojamo Markus Räsänen Production of feed protein on silage hydrolyzate 1. Why Pekilo (Paecilomyces variotii)? • • • • • • Hydrolytic fungus Tolerates inhibitors in hydrolyzates better than e.g. yeasts Is even able to use furfural and HMF as C/energy source A filamentous organism => easy to filtrate out from the broth to high dry substance (30 % +) Long history of use as SCP-product and approved feed component Protein content 50 – 60 % Ruohosta proteiinia - loppuseminaari 12.3.2014 Heikki Ojamo Markus Räsänen Production of feed protein on silage hydrolyzate 1. Inhibitory effect of the process fractions • • Hydrolyzate/extract –combination increases remarkably lag-time The effect can be avoided by adaptation to the fractions ( hydrolyzate 1:5 = appr. 100 g/L glucose) 2. Pullokoesarja - CO2 1400 pO2 % Glu + PYM 120 1200 H 1:14 + PU 1:10 600 H 1:16 + PU 1:10 400 200 H 1:18 + PU 1:10 pO2 % CO2 ppm 80 800 60 40 20 0 0 -200 100 H 1:12 + PU 1:10 1000 0 50 100 150 H 1:20 + PU 1:10 0 20 40 60 80 Aika h Aika h Ruohosta proteiinia - loppuseminaari 12.3.2014 Heikki Ojamo Markus Räsänen 100 Production of feed protein on silage hydrolyzate 2. Consumption of glucose and acids in fermentation • In a fed-batch fermentation the final cell dry weight concentration was 37 g/L and cellmass yiedl on glucose was 0,49 g/g (0,49 – 0,67 g/g) 35 30,3 Konsentraatio g/l 30 25 60 20 50 16,8 15 16,3 13,5 12,5 10 0 -5 40 Muurahaishappo g/l Maitohappo g/l 30 Etikkahappo 20 Muurahaishappo Glukoosi Glukoosi g/l 1,72,1 0,6 0,40,9 1,4 0 -20 Etikkahappo g/l 5,8 5 47,047,6 20 40 Aika h 0,8 0,5 0,3 0,1 60 10 0,4 0,3 0,0 80 100 9,4 9,4 4,8 4,5 1,9 1,8 0 -20 0 20 13,3 10,2 6,4 4,4 3,0 0,9 0,4 0,0 40 Maitohappo 0,9 0,7 0,5 0,4 60 2,6 1,3 0,90,6 0,40,3 0,4 80 100 -10 Ruohosta proteiinia - loppuseminaari 12.3.2014 Heikki Ojamo Markus Räsänen Production of feed protein on silage hydrolyzate 3. Need for supplementary nutrients • The xtract can be replaced with e.g. CSL (5 g/25 g glucose) and diammoniumhydrogen phosphate (5 g/25 g glucose) 4. Specific growth rate (µ = dX/(X dt)) • • Based on fed-batch experiments µ 0,16 h-1 Continuous chemostat cultivation experiments done µ 0,12 h-1 with max. glucose concentration 30 g/L limited by the oxygen transfer capacity of the fermentor and practical arrangements in small-scale (appr. 2-fold value achievable in large-scale meaning volumetric cellmass productivity appr. 3,7 g/Lh] 5. Asepticity • Continuous fermentation was run > 500 h without any contamination Ruohosta proteiinia - loppuseminaari 12.3.2014 Heikki Ojamo Markus Räsänen Production of feed protein on silage hydrolyzate 6. Techno-economic parameters • • • • • • • • Continuous fermentation; residence time ≥ 6 h Cellmass volumetric productivity 3,7 g/Lh Cellmass yield on glucose 0,5 g/g Cellmass yield on oxygen 0,85 g/g Working volume of the fermentor 80 m3 Annual productivity of dry Pekilo 2400 t CSL and diammoniumhydrogen phosphate consumption appr. 500 t/a Power consumption in fermentation 5 000 MWh/a Ruohosta proteiinia - loppuseminaari 12.3.2014 Heikki Ojamo Markus Räsänen
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