Issue: 15 Date: 17 October 2014 REMINDER: 20-24 October - Year 10 Examinations 07 November - Years 7-9 Examinations Inside this issue: Principal’s Message 1-2 Social Justice News 3 From Acting Dir of Welfare 3-4 From the Development office 4-5 Director Faith & Mission 6-8 Dir Teaching & Learning 9-10 Study without Stress - DOW 10 Careers News 10-11 From the HSIE Dept 11 From the Science Dept 12 From the LRC 12 Performing Arts News 13 Thank you to the P&F 13 From the PD/H/PE Dept 14 Sport Report 14-15 Recommended Reading 16-17 Scholarship 2016 Information 17 Uniform Shop Information 18 From the P&F Association 19-20 Important Dates: 22 Oct - Year 7 Vaccinations 22 Oct - Yr 7 2015 Parent Information Evening, SCEGGS Hall 6.30pm 23 Oct - Yr 7 2015 Orientation & Testing Day 24 Oct - Yr 7 2015 Orientation Day 25-26 Oct - Boarders’ In Weekend & Yr 7 2015 boarder sleepover 28-30 Oct - Year 10 Immersion 28 Oct - P&F AGM, 7.15pm 31 Oct - Year 10 Reflection Day 03-07 Nov - Year 10 Parati Young Mary Aikenhead portrait - Deb Pettigrew Ignatius at Mansrea Acting Principal’s Message Welcome back to Term 4, and a special welcome to those students who are new to the College this term and to the staff who are returning after long service leave or other leave. justice and service is a key focus, it is wonderful to once again be in a school with similar values and aspirations. I am excited and delighted to have this opportunity, brief though it may be, to be Acting Principal of St Vincent's College. It is indeed a privilege and an honour to be here, as St Vincent’s stands as one of the grand schools in the history of Catholic education in Australia. My key objective this term is to ensure staff and students are all happy and safe especially over the forthcoming weeks when there will be changes to the daily schedule, and more importantly significant changes to the College site. A great deal of construction work is about to begin. This will continue throughout this term and well into next year. Inspired by the commitment and dedication of the Sisters of Charity to education, service of the poor and justice, St Vincent’s has a rich history and a proud heritage that has its roots in our convict past where the Sisters worked tirelessly with the poor and disadvantaged, especially convict women. It is also a school where education, underpinned by Ignatian spirituality, aims to form young women who will go out into the world and make a difference. Having worked for some 35 years in Ignatian schools in Sydney where education for For students to be happy and safe, it’s essential that the staff themselves are happy and able to use their talents to foster a love of learning within our students. My aim this term is to work and walk alongside staff so that together we can create a positive, enriched environment where students are able to enjoy learning, reflect, discern, question and grow. Page: 2 Issue: 15 Principal’s Message (cont) As many of you will know, I have many years of experience working in and with an Ignatian tradition. What I have learnt during this time is that it is so important to be able to talk about Ignatian education in a way that students can easily understand and share with others. To me, education informed by Ignatian spirituality, is about the education of the whole person. Put simplistically it’s about education of the head, the hands and the heart, while developing in students academic wisdom and the desire to serve God. punctuality and uniforms. With changes to the class times commencing this term, it is essential that we maximise our teaching time by setting standards of punctuality. 8.45am is the commencement of first period, not the time of arrival at school nor the time to start walking to class! Nail polish, or the removal of nail polish by students is a completely new problem I have never had to face before coming to St Vincent’s. (I am learning the difference between polish and shellac.) HSC Examinations By the time you read this, our Year 12 students will have Education of the hands is about the doing and the making, sat the first of their HSC examinations. While this can be a in subjects such as Music, Art, Design and Technology and time of anxiety for many students, our prayers are that they Sport which teaches us skills such as co-ordination, coremain focused and are able to think clearly and logically operation and creativity as well as allowing students to use throughout the HSC examination period. their God-given ability to create and to serve others. A recent editorial in the Sydney Morning Herald has some Education of the ‘head’ is about the development of good advice for students: wisdom, knowledge, memory and the capacity to reflect, ‘Know that other pupils are feeling just as stressed as you, question and discern. largely because the HSC is structured as a competition although two lucky students will be competing only with Education of the heart occurs through conversation, themselves. One is the lone participant in Heritage through engagement with people not as fortunate as Indonesian, the other in Maltese Continuers. ourselves and through opening our heart to understand what the face of God looks like in other people. Know, however, that if you fall short, the Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank is not a measure of your intelligence, And so I say to the students, when your mother or father knowledge, success in life or your qualities as a person. ask, why are you doing this or that? Or what is your education at St Vincent’s all about? All you have to say is, It's just a ranking among your peers. There will always be well, this is an education of my head or that is an education academically brilliant students, those who have worked of my heart or that is the development and education of my hard and those who have had extra support…you cannot change that. hands, and this is Ignatian Spirituality in action! I look forward to meeting with as many people from the St Vincent’s community as possible during my time here this term. I have already had conversations with quite a number of students and staff about the College and what they enjoy most about being here. I encourage students to come and see me and let me know how they are feeling, in particular whether they are happy or not, as I will certainly be going around the College asking that very important question, ‘are you happy?’. Ms Marina Ugonotti I would also like to take this opportunity to inform you that Ms Marina Ugonotti, Deputy Principal and Director of Welfare, is leaving at the end of the year to take up the position of Deputy Principal at Loreto Normanhurst. I know she has been an outstanding leader in the College and very supportive of the students. I also know students and their parents will want the opportunity to say goodbye to Ms Ugonotti later in the year. New Staff - Business Manager I also take this opportunity to welcome Mr Matt Nicoll as the College Business Manager. Mr Nicoll joins the College Executive and brings a vast amount of experience in the areas of finance and property management. Punctuality and Uniforms Two areas we will be looking at keenly this term are Know, too, that every individual has unique strengths. Your strength may be your sporting, cultural, technological or interpersonal relations. Even then, it isn't really so important to compare. Judge yourself by what sort of person you are and how you treat others. Your HSC is one certificate and your ATAR one ranking in a lifelong resume of certificates and rankings. Very few people find their life's calling at 17; most have a vague idea in their mid-20s; and even then many change direction a number of times. That's what makes life interesting… Reflection Take time to think, it is the source of power. Take time to play, it is the secret of perpetual youth. Take time to read, it is the fountain of wisdom. Take time to pray, it is the greatest power on earth. Take time to love, and be loved it is a God-given privilege. Take time to laugh, it is the music of the soul. Take time to do charity, it is the key to heaven. by Author Unknown Mr Shane Hogan Acting Principal Issue: 15 Page: 3 Social Justice News From the Acting Director of Welfare Welcome back to Term Four I hope everyone had a relaxing break and all ready for the last term of the year. Dear Parents and Students I would like to welcome you back to a very exciting Term 4. I am very fortunate to be Acting in the role of Director of Welfare for Term 4, and I am aware that I have big shoes to fill following in the footsteps of Ms Ugonotti. Many students have already expressed their desire to have a chance to see Ms Ugonotti again and farewell her, and as Mr Hogan said, there will an opportunity for this later in the term. I’ve already had students tell me that they are sure I’ll be good but Ms Ugonotti was amazing! As we continue to hear heartbreaking news about the escalating violence in the Middle East, we are left once again feeling quite helpless. What can be done? In a day and age where we thrive on instantaneous knowledge, it is disheartening to know that people are not willing to look past the mainstream media hype. It is worth remembering the things that we have in common rather than the things that set us apart. The majority of people in this country and this city want the same things somewhere safe to raise their children, opportunities for their children to be educated and freedom to able to worship whatever religion they choose. I hope that we as a school can impart this idea to our girls to take people as they are and realise that more often than not we are same in a lot of ways, than we are different. There are a couple of upcoming activities our students will have the opportunity to represent our College this term. Pink Ribbon Day will be taking place on 24 October at Martin Place, Kings Cross and St James/Hyde Park. There is always an overwhelming number of volunteers and I look forward to seeing the girls in action selling pink merchandise for the Cancer Council. The Edmund Rice Centre will hosting a workshop on Action for Human Rights. It is an opportunity for the senior students in Caritas Christi to learn develop skills in advocacy and a day to meet and greet like-minded students from other schools. Ms Jessica Lee Social Justice Coordinator In Sympathy The College community offers its condolences to the following who have lost a loved one recently: Gabrielle Healey (Year 9) Father; Cassidy Onslow (Year 10) Grandmother; Allie Loeve (Year 8) Great-Grandfather; Sophia Vantuno (Year 7) Grandmother. Emma Palmer (staff) Grandfather. Congratulations to Ms Julianna Wick (staff) on her recent engagement. For those of you who don’t know me I think it is important that I introduce myself. I have worked at St Vincent’s for 11 years and previously have been in the position of Head of Religious Studies. Although I have been in curriculum recently I have also held positions in pastoral care over the years, and Acted in the position of Director of Mission. I have two teenage daughters in high school, one 16 and one 18, who is sitting the HSC. I feel very confident that I am well situated to empathise with parents and understand the needs of students as well. The Structure of the Day As you are aware, there have been a number of changes that have directly affected you and your daughter this term already. Firstly, the change to the structure of the day and the times of the school day. Can I please reiterate that these changes are intended to be most beneficial to the students’ learning and to remove the busyness of the day, and, so look after the welfare of your daughter in a more holistic manner. Having said that, changes are always difficult to get accustomed to so let me outline some basic, yet essential rules. Lessons begin at 8.45am. This means that students are to be at school before 8.40am. The College gates will be closed at 8.40am, and any student arriving after this time will be required to sign in at Student Services and get a late slip. Please remember that students have already been allowed to arrive at school later than ever before, and are expected to be prompt to class at the beginning of Period 1 each morning. Teachers will begin lessons at 8.45am sharp, because they will have started their day with meetings and professional time at 8.00am. At the end of the day class ends at 3.06pm. Students will not be released from class before this time and teachers will teach until the bell sounds. I ask for the support of parents and carers in regard to adhering to these times to ensure the full benefits of this exciting and innovative change. Lockers Students have been asked to carry their bags with them while lockers were relocated and renewed due to the building program. The lockers will be delivered, installed and allocated to students by the end of this month, less than three weeks time. I acknowledge that bags are heavy, but it has been necessary to relocate lockers and replace them with new and improved ones. They are sturdy and have much more room for storage of books and backpack. Issue: 15 Acting Director of Welfare (cont) Parking and Dropping Off During the Building Program Drop off in Victoria Street: The initial phases of the building works has begun and the College car park is closed. Access is only for the builders are their equipment. Large trucks will begin to enter and exit the main car park via Rockwall Crescent within days. Page: 4 Development & Foundation Office News College Masterplan - Stage Two Over the holiday break the builders began preparation for Stage two of the College Masterplan. Sections of the Vincentia building and Aikenhead have been 'hoarded up' for the work that will follow. As with any building project there are adjustments to be made and some inconvenience, however the end result will have a For safety, may I please urge you to drop off your daughter transformational impact. Included below are the architect's drawing of the end result. ONLY in Victoria Street. Council and residents in Rockwall Crescent are aware that heavy vehicles will Stage two once completed will transform the College increase and have asked parking police to ensure that traffic signs are adhered to. I hate getting parking fines, so facilities, connecting the main learning spaces (Tarmons, I will remind you of the heavy penalties that can be incurred Victoria Street and Vincentia buildings) together, and create a plaza of learning and social interaction providing outside and around the College as of 9 October 2014: ease of access and movement, opening up existing classrooms and creating collaborative learning Parking Infringements spaces. This is a substantial undertaking by the College, Disobey No Stopping sign - School zone - $311 + 2 and will benefit from the support of our entire community, demerit points Disobey No Parking sign - School zone - $173 + 2 demerit an undertaking that will directly impact students today and generations to come. points Double park - School zone - $311 + 2 demerit points If you would like to know more, to view the plans or discuss Stop at/near bus stop - School zone - $311 + 2 demerit your participation or gift, please contact Lyn O’Neill, points Stop on path/strip in built-up area - School zone - $173 + 2 Director of Community and Development, phone 9358 5398 or email demerit points Stop on/across driveway/other access to/from land School zone - $173 + 2 demerit points. The most important message is SAFETY FIRST. Uniform Students all grew over the holidays! Summer uniforms have crept up. Please check the length of your daughter’s uniform and have it altered and lengthen if it is above the knee. Hats are a compulsory part of the uniform and must be worn during the day in the College grounds. While students don’t have a locker, the sports cap may be worn. Mr Hogan has already mentioned nail polish is not allowed, nor are rings, bracelets, and multiple earrings and makeup. I ask again for your support in making sure your daughter leaves the house in the morning looking like a proud and well groomed St Vincent’s girl. I look forward to working with the girls during Term 4. Please don’t hesitate to contact me. Mrs Elizabeth Parker Acting Director of Welfare Issue: 15 Page: 5 Development & Foundation News (cont) Ex-Students Reunions Last Sunday the St Vincent's College Ex-Student Union Inc held their annual reunion Mass and lunch. This day is always a highlight on the ExStudent's Union calendar and one that is immensely enjoyed by all who attend. The weather was perfect and everyone gathered in the chapel for Mass prior to lunch, which was a lovely way to celebrate the role our ex-students play in the College's history, and the connections shared. Before Mass began in the chapel, a very moving acknowledgement was given in remembrance of exstudents who have passed away during the last twelve months. Sr Genevieve Walsh rsc read a moving eulogy on each ex-student, sharing a little of the remarkable lives these ladies led. It was a true celebration of each of them, and a flower was placed in their memory on the altar. Lunch in the dining room followed Mass, where great chatter was testament to the enjoyment of catching up with friends, the fellowship shared and the strong connections still enjoyed. Thank you to the Ex-Students’ Union for your ongoing support of the College and our students. Class of 1974 and Class of 1984 - Reunions Last Saturday we welcomed back to the College ladies from the Class of 1974, who were celebrating their 40 year reunion and ladies from the Class of 1984, celebrating their 30 year reunion. It was a delight to have these ladies visit, and to hear their stories and memories of their time as SVC students. Thank you for visiting. Reunions for the Class of 1994 and Class of 1964 are planned for November. If you know exstudents from these years please let them know. Ms Lyn O’Neill Development and Foundation office Francoise McCallum, President of the Ex-Students Union Page: 6 Issue: 15 From the Director of Faith Formation and Mission Over the September/October holidays I was fortunate enough to spend some time relaxing and rejuvenating with my family; it is such a precious gift to while days away with those who know you and love you. I enjoyed returning to work on Monday and seeing the welcoming faces of the students and staff who had got the term off to a flying start the previous week. contact me at the College or Sr Anne at Building Much work has been done at the College over the holidays in preparation for the next stage of the building project. Students have been very patient as they wait for their new lockers which are going to be operational before the end of October. Staff and students have moved safely and patiently around the new corridors that have been created, with the addition of hoarding and barricades that are in place to provide protection from the building site as it evolves. More information about the progress of the building work will be communicated to parents next week. Some important information in the meantime is as follows: St Teresa of Avila, who the Church honours today, had a gift for putting the experience of God into words and images which are simple enough for most people to understand. She did this at a time when the Church was struggling for clarity: She wrote during the period of the Council of Trent (1545-1563) in which the Church attended to some overdue housekeeping. Teresa was not involved in that council, but her writing, coming from an experience of the heart, is a reminder that Church structures need always to be an expression of the love of imperfect people for God. Teresa spoke of God as a Father, Brother, Lord and, above all, Lover. Students will continue to carry their bags until the installation and allocation of lockers which will occur BEFORE THE END OF OCTOBER. Ms Rachel McLean Director Faith Formation and Mission I look forward to a busy Term 4 and leave you with a reflection that was shared with staff at our staff meeting on Wednesday morning, a reflection from Finding God’s Traces. Students are able to access OLiV where the Daily STUDENT LEADERSHIP TEAM 2014-2015 Admin notices will be stored. Admin notices will We are delighted to have the following students as leaders also be available through: iPad/phone apps; College email; TV screens and printed copies positioned around for the College in 2014-2015. Each student was asked to write a small introduction about themselves and what the College. leadership meant to them…their reflections and hopes All major demolition work will NOT occur during auger for an exciting period of student leadership at the examination periods. The builders and contractors College. have been informed of all examination blocks to ensure that students are not disrupted through their exams. Phoebe Haylen - College Co-Captain Access to the College is through Victoria Street from 7:30am-8:40am every morning and 3:06pm5:00pm every afternoon. Students are also able to exit through Rockwall Crescent. I am currently a proud member of St Vincent's College and participate in many College activities such as the College choir, Vinnies night patrol, Sport and the SRC. I have been given the opportunity to represent the College as Co Students who are being collected by parents/carers Captain to which I am thoroughly looking forward. during school hours will be able buzz the reception gate Leadership has always been very important to me as I and drive into the driveway; parents then reverse out to have always looked up to the leadership team and have Rockwall Crescent. If there are trucks in the driveway, admired how they have been positive role models to the parents are asked to park in Rockwall Place while they younger students. As a leader, I hope to encourage and influence students to get involved in all aspects of College collect their daughter. life. I also hope to listen and work with all the girls in the Conversations school to build upon the nurturing and positive environment we have here at St Vincent’s. Our last Sisters of Charity Conversation will occur next Tuesday, 21 October at 6.00pm in Bethania. The guest Jacinta Mitchell - College Co-Captain speaker is Angela Burke rsc who will share her insights As a College leader I hope to help guide the St Vincent’s and wisdom on 'The Spirit within’ and will explore her experience of Ignatian Spirituality. We will begin at 6.00pm community by living my fundamental belief of being with a shared meal. All students and parents are welcome extensively useful in service to others and participating fully in College life. As a student of St Vincent’s College, I have to attend the evening. engaged in many aspects of College life, including being Finding God’s Traces an active member of Caritas Christi, as well as accepting Sr Anne and I have been working on a committee over the the role of Transport Prefect earlier this year to oversee the last three months planning and preparing a new publication safety and wellbeing of students travelling to and from the College. As a member of the leadership committee, I based on the work of the Jesuit Publication Finding God’s Traces by Michael McGirr. All members of our community believe both Phoebe and myself will provide a positive and are invited to submit a reflection for the publication. If you enthusiastic approach to the team, which will hopefully resonate throughout the whole College. would like more information about this process, please Issue: 15 Page: 7 From the Director of Faith Formation and Mission (cont) maintain a strong connection to St Vincent’s. Opportunity in all areas including academic, sports, social justice and Tess O’Connor - Aikenhead House Captain Performing Arts are always readily available to seize and it I first came to SVC at the beginning of Year 9 as a boarder is these opportunities, combined with a positive attitude from Tamworth. Since my very first day I have been and a sense of involvement in St Vincent’s College life that nurtured in both academic and non-academic areas of has made me want to become a leader. Leadership is College life and formed life-long friendships both in the day more than just organising people, it is about supporting school and boarding house. I have also been an others to seize the opportunities that are available every enthusiastic member of the St Vincent’s College day at St Vincent’s. As House captain of De Lacy, I aspire environment and to a smaller scale, Aikenhead House, to lead the student body by example in all areas of College being actively involved in all areas of the House. As such, life, retaining that outstanding SVC spirit whilst moving taking on the role of Aikenhead House Captain in 2015 is forward with House meetings that involves more of student something I am very proud of, and am extremely excited to output and strengthening the De Lacy House bond. work as a member of the leadership team alongside my capable peers. Poppy Clark - O’Brien House Captain I started at St Vincent’s in 2012, having previously been at Dominique Cooper - Cahill House Captain Ascham. Since moving I have made new friends and have I am so excited to have been given this position and look enjoyed adapting to the challenged, which that presents. I forward to working with all the girls and teachers of Cahill have been involved in many in and out of school activities, House. To me, leadership is shown by setting a including Red Cross Calling, Vincentian House, Daffodil positive example, not only through your action and spirit but to the commitment you show in approaching your Day and Stella Fella. Leadership is successful when everyone works together learning, and I wish to accomplish that. My aim in my and that is what I feel the leadership team for next year will leadership position this and next year is to create and encourage a stronger spirit and community, not only within do. I have many ideas to boost House spirit and get my House but with that of the College. St Vincent’s spirit is everyone involved in the many House events. what I love about this College, and I aim to support and Ally Barron - Williams House Captain guide the students and teachers of Cahill House to embrace themselves in this and the opportunities it can I have recently accepted the role of Williams House present. I will be focusing on this in striving to improve the Captain for 2015 and I couldn’t be happier! To me, communication between students and teachers as their leadership isn’t defined by a badge but by results. I feel support system, and the House growing closer and leadership means responsibility, innovation and giving a working together. I have many fun ideas for the year voice to all students in the College. There are many things ahead and look forward to getting to know every girl of my I hope to achieve over the next year, ensuring that the Cahill House. whole of Williams dives into every opportunity that comes its way, because my biggest motto in life is, “You only get Leadership is the ability to unite a whole congregation in out what you out in.” I hope that over my time as a leader I assuring all voices are heard, creating a neutral respect for continue to strengthen the community and St Vincent’s one another. Being a part of this College since Year 7 as spirit, and build on what already works from previous both boarder and student, has given me an experience that leaders! GO WILLIAMS!! is only unique to St Vincent's. This eye opening Edwina Watson - Liturgy Captain experience would not have been possible if I didn't participate within the College life through school When I came St Vincent’s as a boarder in Year 7, I was productions, volunteering and co-curricular activities. It is probably half the height and half the personality that I am something as a leader that I wish encourage, for the SVC today! So when I applied for leadership it was out of spirit to be re-invented, and spark ingenuity and creativity gratitude for this College community: for all of the diverse to the students of 2015 in creating their own new and eye experiences it has offered me and for the rich Catholic opening experiences. values it has instilled in me. Over my time at SVC I have participated in many activities and co-curricular pursuitsEleanor Michael - Cater House Captain from Tildesley Tennis to Trinity Guildhall (London) Speech I have always been a part of many aspects of the College and Drama exams, from Vinnies Night Patrol to the participating in College plays, sports and being a part of the Indigenous Experience to the Northern Territory in 2012. SCR team. My enthusiasm and passion for the College When I was offered the position of Liturgy Captain for and the Cater House will encourage the girls to get 2015, I felt extremely honored. It is my objective that all involved and lead Cater to victory. I am very excited for my students, staff and parents of this College community will new role and know that my approachable nature will use their gifts and their talents for the betterment of this continue the strong sense of community and spirit this faith community. I hope that I can bring enthusiasm and College offers. I cannot wait to work with all the girls and energy to the leadership team, and I also hope that we can staff in the House! build upon our core College values of compassion, empathy, Generosity of Spirit and Service to the Poor. Lydia Ayto - De Lacy House Captain From the beginning of Year 7 I have been determined to Student Leadership 2014-2015 (cont) Page: 8 Issue: 15 From the Director of Faith and Mission (cont) Student Leadership 2014-2015 (cont) Bronte Condador-Kelsall – Social Justice Captain Whilst at St Vincent’s College I have involved myself in various aspects of College life and have experienced joy in doing so. I have been a part of social justice related activities such as Daffodil Day, Eastern Outreach Visitors Program, Caritas Christi and Street Retreat, as well as the Archdale Debating competition, and representing the College in MUNA, at both regional and national level. Dance Tour in 2013, which was a great experience and success! I have participated in many social justice activities volunteering, such as Vinnies Night Patrol and Daffodil Day, and have also represented the College on numerous occasions and different leadership events. Leadership to me means, taking initiative and working in a team to achieve a goal together, and for St Vincent’s College, using others strengths to support and motivate each other to listen, collaborate and compromise, in order to take action and achieve a common aim together. Leadership to me is about building an environment that nurtures the many talents and abilities that are possessed I am very excited to be part of the leadership team this year by individuals, and recognising that if we develop these, we and I hope to uphold the great SVC Spirit that is so alive in the College, and bring ideas from the girls and staff forward can collectively work toward a common cause or goal. to further better the College! I know it will be a great year, being part of the team is such a privilege, and I hope in As a member of the 2014/2015 leadership team I will endeavour to build upon traditions, efforts and initiatives of particular, to promote the Sports aspect, encouraging girls the past, whilst recognising the need for the year of 2015 to to get involved and bring some new and fresh ideas while also continuing what we SVC girls do best! leave our own unique legacy at this College. Madeline Pryke - SRC Captain I started my time at St Vincent's in Year 7 and since then I have been involved in many different aspects of College life from sporting teams, drama productions and social justice activities. It is through these activities that I have learnt many valuable skills and I am able to apply these to my leadership. It is an honour to be elected as I have seen the excellent work that our College's previous leaders have completed. As SRC Captain I will be working closely with SRC representatives to encourage student involvement in all aspects of our College. Through leading the SRC team I would like to ensure that students are represented fairly, and are able to make effective contributions to our College. Gabrielle Stapleton - Arts Captain I am in Cahill House and look forward to my role in the College leadership team as Arts Captain. This year I was involved in the College Production of Peter Pan and the Year 11 play, Mamma Mia. Under the leadership of Francesca Guerrera this year, I will continue the tradition of Performing Arts Day for 2015 and being involved in events surrounding the Arts. Clare Southwall - Boarding Co Captain It’s both an honour and privilege to be accepting the role as boarding co-captain for 2014/2015. In the past seven months while I have been attending St Vincent’s, I have seen great examples of leadership and those of which I would like to emulate. I take strength in knowing that I am following the steps of leadership from Felicity and Emily Southwell, my cousins, and Ursula Southwell (nee Lynch), my Grandmother. The future of boarding at St Vincent’s has so much potential and I believe that it offers a great opportunity for young women to acquire life skills that are not easily gained. As Boarding Co-Captain, I believe I can encourage these women to be themselves and achieve their goals both inside and outside of school. Edwina Waters - Boarding Co Captain What leadership means to me, is the ability to unify a community in assuring all voices are heard, creating a neutral respect for one another. Being a part of this College since Year 7 as both boarder and student, has given me an experience that is only unique to St Vincent's. This eye opening experience would not have been possible if I didn't participate within the College life through school productions, volunteering and co-curricular I will work with the Arts staff to further enrich and activities. It is something as I leader that I wish encourage, encourage the girls next year in Arts. To me, being a for the SVC spirit to be re-invented and spark ingenuity and leader means to set a positive example, being fair and creativity to the students of 2015 in creating their own new listening to those around me and being a team player. I hope to follow on from the leadership of the captains before and eye opening experiences. me and work with the 2015 Leadership team in leading the College next year. Lauren Kava - Sport Captain I’m Lauren Kava and I am extremely excited to be Sports Captain for St Vincent’s College! I have attended the College since Year 7 and have been an active member in all aspects of the College, in particularly Sport. I have participated in a long list of Sports for the College each term including football, netball, basketball, water polo and touch football. I was football captain in 2014 and also captained the First football team on the USA Sport and Page: 9 Issue: 15 From the Director of Teaching and Learning I would like to add my warm welcome to Term 4. I would especially like to welcome the new members of the College community and hope that they experience the same generosity of spirit for which St Vincent’s College is renowned. I would also remind those new to our community that the College website is a hub of information and includes a link to the Parent Portal. The portal enables parents to see which assessments are upcoming, what results have been published for assessment tasks, past reports as well as a record of attendance, awards and behaviour issues. I remind everyone that login details are available through our IT Department. I have no doubt that the conversation at home in the last week and a half has been about the changes in the environment as well as the day. The trial of the change in day has commenced. While not without its teething problems, I am very impressed with the way that the vast majority of students have adjusted seamlessly to the changes. The consulting group, CIRCLE, who conducted the review and helped develop the model for change, will be conducting a review in approximately week 5. CIRCLE will be seeking feedback from students, staff and parents about what they have experienced and work towards making necessary adjustments to get the greatest benefit from the change in day. There have already been a few questions regarding the change in day and most relate to the quality of the education being provided. It should be noted that research shows that the length of the lesson (within reason) has little impact on achievable outcomes. The greatest effect comes from how the time is being used. It should also be noted that all courses offered at the College exceed the mandatory hours stipulated by the Board of Studies. In order to maximise the time there are many things that need to be attended to, which include factors controlled by the students, factors controlled by the teachers and factors controlled by the College structure. To this end, students are required to not delay their presence in the classroom. There is an expectation that students arrive on time and should not leave a classroom unless it is absolutely vital. The review of our day and its trial is very Ignatian. St Vincent’s is underpinned by Ignatian spirituality and as such adopts Ignatian pedagogy as a framework for teaching and learning. During 2014 the College Heads of Department have been reviewing Assessment, and more recently embarked upon looking at the framework more closely to ensure that Ignatian Pedagogy is explicit in the curriculum. While some of you will know Ignatian Pedagogy more intimately than others, it is characterised by the following: CONTEXT EXPERIENCE REFLECTION ACTION EVALUATION What each of these components mean will be explained over time as we review more fully how learning occurs at St Vincent’s, how we assess and on what we report. Our teaching and learning practice is always under review, but earlier this year teachers embraced and embarked upon developing a culture of sharing practice. This includes, but is not limited to, lesson observations. The aim is to ensure that teachers are developing their skills in a learning community in order to become the best that they can be. 2015 HSC Courses and Assessment The 2015 HSC courses commenced at the start of term which is two weeks earlier than we have normally done. This is partly in response to the change in day, but suffice to say that there was a desire from students and staff to get moving. The practice in the past was to ensure that all timetables were sorted but as I have indicated previously, there is no rush to drop subjects. All students were provided with an HSC guide from the Board of Studies as well as the St Vincent’s College HSC Assessment Handbook. Both publications were explained highlighting students’ rights and responsibilities. It is most important that these publications are read and understood. For students who may have missed the meeting on Friday 17 The College has attempted to address the teacher and College structure impact in a number of ways. Firstly it has October, copies will be available from Student Services. zoned times to create opportunities for appropriate Term 4 Examinations professional development, sharing of resources and Year 10 students are about to embark upon their yearly dialogue to ensure lessons are better prepared and more examination with Years 7-9 scheduled for Week 5. engaging. It has also sought to develop a culture of Students have the responsibility to turn up for each reflection and nourishment. The second break is examination and adhere to the examination rules. It is sacrosanct and is an opportunity for staff and students to most important that we are informed and the necessary obtain nourishment of the body, mind and soul. By being less busy and having time to slow down, staff and students paperwork is completed, if a student misses an can optimise learning opportunities. The College has also examination. This is indicated on each of the assessment notifications that students receive prior to the examination. performed a review of calendar events and made some moves to minimise the number of disruptions to the teaching and learning time. It is envisaged that while there are less minutes in a lesson, there will be far greater value in each lesson and less interruptions. I would like to reiterate that the expectation is that there is no increase in homework. Page: 10 Issue: 15 Director of Teaching and Learning (cont) Careers News Parati Program After completing their examinations, Year 10 students will be involved in a program we call Parati. The program has been devised and developed over the last few years to facilitate successful transitioning from stage 5 to stage 6. Scholarship Opportunity for Year 12 All Year 10 students were informed of the program and will receive further details on Monday 27 October. The program has a variety of experiences that are designed to engage and enthuse them in the final weeks of the school year. However, Parati is ultimately designed to provide students with experiences that will assist them in finding the greatest success in stage 6 coursework. The hope is that the experiences meets the needs of the students in subject specific areas by providing a series of academically rigorous, open and structured activities that allow students to develop skills and confidence within specific areas. This is balanced with a broader perspective to see the meaning and value of learning. By the end of the program students will have produced work that will be of a stage 6 level, and have feedback throughout that replicates the type of feedback stage 6 students receive. Mr Robert Graham Director of Teaching and Learning STUDY WITHOUT STRESS: A program for adolescents completing the HSC The Study Without Stress Program is a psychoeducational program that equips students with both knowledge and practical tips on how to approach and overcome the stress associated with exams in the final high school years. The program uses Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) techniques to help participants get the most out of their final year whilst keeping stress to a manageable level. The program can be completed by students in 6 x 1.5 sessions and is ideal for students already experiencing high stress and anxiety levels. Each session is designed to provide the basis for skills to be practiced and used outside of the group. Students are encouraged to try the different skills while they are involved in the program, both in session and during the week, so as to seek help with implementation and achieve a level of mastery. The Program will be held every Day 5 and Day 10 from 2.30pm until 4.00pm for Term 4. It is open for all Year 11 into Year 12 students. An email will be sent to parents and students with further information and instructions on how and when to enrol. Mrs Elizabeth Parker Acting Director of Welfare The 2015 CAS Hawker Scholarships open on Monday 8 December 2014 and close on Friday 2 January 2015. The CAS Hawker Scholarship is one of the most generous privately funded scholarships available to undergraduate students in Australia. Each residential scholarship is valued at up to $45,000 over three years. Information about the CAS Hawker Scholarship and an application form are available at or, by contacting the secretary to the Trustees on 08 8127 1654. The scholarships are available to all Australian students, and the majority have been awarded to students entering their first year of university study. Selection is largely based on personal qualities and demonstrated leadership as well as academic ability. Undergraduate Hawker scholars are able to attend a range of Australian educational institutions. Any current Year 12 student who would like to apply for this highly prestigious scholarship should go to and download an application form. I would like to wish Year 12 all the best in their HSC exams. If there is any way I can assist with any thing to do with your post- school options please don’t hesitate to contact me at the College. I would like to encourage all Year 11 students to make an appointment with Ms Marshall before the end of Term 4, as it is important to set goals and be aware of the opportunities available to you. Information for HSC Students International College of Management, Sydney (ICMS) SCHOLARSHIPS STILL OPEN FOR 2014 ICMS has partnered with the NSW Rugby League to offer a unique industry sponsored professional scholarship valued at over $30,000 for a student starting at ICMS in February 2015. Professional Scholarship program rewards high-performing and community-orientated students. With numerous partner institutions including ANZ Bank, HOSTPLUS, Hugos Manly, Manly Council and now NSW Rugby League to provide industry placement scholarships, offering practical as well as financial incentives. Find more information at or contact Rebecca Wise on (02) 94661030. teach.NSW would like to wish your HSC students all the best with their upcoming exams! Also, please note applications have been extended for the Department’s Teacher Education Scholarship Program, teach.Rural Scholarships and Great Teaching, Inspired Learning Cadetships until Friday, 17 October 2015. Please pass this information on to your high achieving HSC students. For more information or to apply, visit Page: 11 Issue: 15 Careers News (cont) Study at Notre Dame in 2015 Applications to study at the University of Notre Dame in 2015 are open. Prospective students apply directly to the university via the Admissions Office. Applicants should submit a personal statement of 300 words, Year 11 and Year 12 reports, and any other relevant supporting documentation along with their completed application form. For more information and to download the application form, visit: or email News from the University of Sydney Info Day 2015 - Tuesday 6 January 2015, 9.30am-4pm The University of Sydney Info Day provides prospective students with course advice and support for making final decisions regarding UAC preferences. The days are run by industry experts and give students a true taste of what it’s like to work in their dream career while having some fun along the way. Macleay College will host these days for senior high school students on 25 October and 1 November 2014, 10am-1pm. RSVP is essential as places are limited. Please visit: Ms Helen Marshall Careers Adviser HSIE Department News If you’re still unsure about which degree to choose or want to find out more about a particular area of study, then come Year 8 History student, Kodie Mason-Bunton spent the along. On the day there will be over 130 mini-lectures and first week of her school holidays preparing to be a future talks, a variety of demonstrations, exhibitions and free parliamentarian! entertainment. She was successfully selected to take part in this year’s YMCA NSW Junior Parliament. This program for students NEW COURSES AT USYDNEY FOR 2015 in Years 7 to 9 introduces "junior MP’s" to the legal and Bachelor of Architecture and Environments parliamentary processes of NSW, and focuses on their This exciting new degree provides an architectural personal development and growth as community leaders. education that contextualises architecture within the The HSIE Department and fellow classmates of Kodie are framework of the wider built environment – and opens the very proud of her achievements and we look forward to door to a wide range of professions in the built environment viewing her work on the website soon. If you would like to such as town planning, project management, or specialist follow her progress or indeed be involved yourself please areas in the building sciences. The program has an visit: indicative ATAR of 85 in its first year, and students have the opportunity to submit a design portfolio as part of the Kodie’s Report flexible entry program, potentially adding an additional five During the recent holidays I was chosen to represent our ATAR points to successful submissions. More details can College at the YMCA NSW Junior Parliament camp. This be found on the course homepage. took place at Camp Yarramundi, NSW. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I learnt how to dress, act Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Economics and speak in the oldest continuous council in the world. I This combined degree will offer students high quality, was a member of the Aboriginal Affairs professional training in Economics as well as the flexibility Committee for five days. Throughout the of a Bachelor of Arts degree, with the largest range of camp, myself and seven other students humanities and social sciences majors in Australia. from around NSW wrote a Bill. It Students also have the option to take Business subjects. contained information about how to make These graduates will be technical experts with highly it more accessible for aboriginal language developed soft skills, qualities sought after by leading tutors to come into schools and teach the employers all over the world. For more information visit the traditional language of the land. My Course Webpage committee created with the Bill and introduced it to the Legislative Assembly Study a Language Beside Your Degree at NSW Parliament House. I learnt how Parliament works The University of Sydney is offering a new Diploma of and how Bills get passed. It was a really fun experience Language Studies in 2015. This is an accelerated, one and it has given me an insight and ambition to make a year program for students who are enrolled in a course difference, and to continue to change aboriginal who would like to study a language concurrently with their opportunities in Australia. degree but have no units free to do so. Languages offered are :Indonesian, Spanish, Korean and Japanes Ms Laura Wilson Head of HSIE Student Information Days Industry Days for Students interested in: Event Management, Travel and Tourism, Sports Management or Journalism. Page: 12 Issue: 15 From the Science Department From the Learning Resource Centre As we embark on a busy last term of the final Science competitions, excursions and assessments for the year, the Science team is also finding time for reflection. In particular we are reflecting on the success of our new Year 7 and 9 programs for the National Curriculum in preparation for the implementation of the new Year 8 and 10 programs next year. We have been experimenting with many new practicals, texts and digital resources to ensure that these programs provide stimulating and differentiated experiences for the girls. In this issue of the Bulletin the LRC has a selection of short news about renovations, research and book donations. Dr Chris Reynolds Head of Science Year 10 CSIRO Chemistry Incursion On Friday 5 September Year 10 gathered eagerly in the College Hall as Oliver, our guest from the CSIRO, came to demonstrate to us some cool, almost magical Science. This helped us put some of the more abstract concepts that we have been learning in class into a practical setting. We observed different chemicals switching colours with perfect timing. This was called the Clock Test. We watched a reaction swing between two states as the products of one reaction reacted together and continued on in this pattern. We also observed flames changing colour due to the presence of different elements - the same chemicals found in fireworks! The favourite reaction for the cohort was the luminescence test, when a substance emits light not resulting from heat. In just a few hours Year 10 learnt much Science and had fun doing so as some of our textbook learning was brought to life. Juliette Tighe Year 10 Renovations and a reading nook A great deal of work was done in and around the library during the holidays. With new partitions and a somewhat rearranged collection, we are thinking of interesting ways to use the space. We now have a new reading nook and big plans for livening up temporary wooden partitions, which just beg for some artwork. Research During the holidays, the LRC hosted a LARK (Library Applied Research Kollektive) workshop. As always, we had a diverse group comprised of teachers, librarians from different types of libraries and academics. LARK was born at the College a couple of years ago to connect professional communities around research interests and has been thriving ever since. Some of our regular readers may remember that research was an important part of the digital storytelling project iTell. Results of the study have been published in the peerreviewed article entitled iTell: transliteracy and digital storytelling. A full-text copy of the article is available from and a blog-post version of study findings will be (hopefully, at the time of Bulletin publishing “is”) available at Books to Footpath Library After an extraordinary effort from the College community to collect books for children in detention centres in Nauru and Christmas Island as part of the library Spark for the Dark project, we had some leftover books which were not suitable for postage. These books have finally found a good home at the Footpath Library. This organisation collects and delivers books to homeless people. The Footpath Library has accepted our donation of books for men and teens. At the end of the first week of term, I sighed a big sigh of relief when I placed five boxes of books in storage for the Footpath Library. We now have only a small collection of picture books and books for women left, which will hopefully go to one of the women’s shelters. Dr Suzana Sukovic Head of the LRC Issue: 15 Page: 13 Performing Arts News As usual Performing Arts was wildly busy last term and this performer. Her recent performance of Sholem-Alkhem, term there is much to look forward to. Rov Feidman! by Bela Kovacs at the ‘Music Night with Wine and Cheese’ was breathtaking and exhilarating. It is As the Year 12 finished their HSC Practical exams, Year wonderful to have students involved at every level in the 11 students began their final Preliminary exams before Performing Arts but it is inspiration for juniors when we they enter the HSC year. For some students they felt an have a student like Claudia to share her talents and skills. incredible sense of relief as more than half their HSC for I look forward to sharing the Trinity exam results and any Performing Arts is done, but many felt sadness as they other triumphs that our students achieve. leave behind performances, compositions and projects that they have spent over six months creating and refining. KEY DATES for the Diary: This term there are some One of my Drama students said she will miss her exciting events coming up. Please stay tuned for character; she has become an escape and an alternate announcements and book through Trybookings. ego - a haven from the other forms of study. A Music Dance Night 2014: 12 November, 6.00pm at Waverley student told me she will remember singing her pieces for College, R J Wallace Performing Arts Centre. Adults $20, the rest of her life. There were cheering and crying from students $15 - book through trybookings. both joy and relief! We wish our Year 12’s the best of luck Snippets Film: 21 November, 6.00pm in the MCR Hall. in the upcoming written components. All tickets $5 - book through trybookings. Exams are only part of life and the Music Night with Wine Carols by Candlelight: 27 November, 6.30pm on the and Cheese was an example of celebration. On Tuesday 9 Garcia lawn - free. September at 5.30pm parents, friends and the extended community were welcomed to the Bethania boardroom on Ms Catherine Johnson the ground floor of Garcia by the Jazz Ensemble. Here the Head of Performing Arts adults drank wine and enjoyed cheese and crackers, while the siblings and friends of our students enjoyed juice and the music. At 6.00pm the audience came upstairs to enjoy a vast array of musical performances. The evening was graciously opened by our outgoing Arts Captain Francesca Guerrera who also performed the final performance, which Thank you to the Parents and Friends for a delicious lunch was a magnificent performance of Caruso by Lucio Dalla. on Thursday. The lunch was to thank and acknowledge The evening included performances by our Orchestra, the staff for all they do. It was greatly appreciated and Choir, Glee Club, Ukulele Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Wind enjoyed by all the staff! Ensemble, performances representing each Year group and students performing solos, duets and class items. Congratulations to all our students and a big thank you to our Music teachers, accompanists and co-curricular tutors for their excellent and rigorous tutelage. World Teachers’ Day Lunch Thank you to the P&F Association On Thursday 11 September the Performing Arts day was able to be completed. Previously in the term the event was postponed because of the rain. All six Houses had created, rehearsed and costumed their House Dance. The six Houses performed an array of musical and dance styles ranging from a fabulous Grease performance, a Disney medley and even themed classics like ‘I Will Survive’ (Gloria Gaynor) and ‘Single Ladies” (Beyonce). The performances were creative, clever and incredibly energetic and inclusive. Like a sports carnival, having every student up and dancing and participating with their House is thrilling. I look forward to next year’s. This term students have returned to their studies and exams. First is Year 10 then Years 7, 8 and 9. Cocurricular students of Speech and Drama have Trinity College of London Acting, Speech and Performance exams next week, and one of our seniors completed her AMusA over the holidays. Congratulations to Claudia Jelic! Claudia performs in our Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble AND Choir. She is a very talented Music student and a wonderful Page: 14 Issue: 15 From the PD/H/PE Department Term four is here already and with the arrival of the summer months the PD/H/PE Department would like to stress the importance of girls remembering their hats for practical lessons (water bottles and sunscreen are also a good idea!). Not only is the Sports hat part of the compulsory uniform for all outdoor lessons, but it also provides vital protection from the summer sun. Elsewhere in the department there is lots going on with the HSC course starting for the Year 11 group and of course the final HSC examinations taking place for PD/H/PE and CAFS classes. In fact by the time this goes to print the PD/H/PE exam will be over!. Year 10 students are also about to sit their yearly examination, which for many students will mark the end of their PD/H/PE studies at the College. In Term four students in Years 7-9 will be studying the following topics. Year PDH PE 7 Risky Business Staying Safe (First Aid) Nutrition and Health Racquet Sports 8 9 Striking Sports Net Games In preparation for Years 7-9 Semester two examinations in Week 5, students are reminded to use their chapter summaries as a useful study tool. These summary notes are designed to help students reduce content into bite sized chunks so that they don’t feel like they have to “learn everything in their book” when it comes time to study. Mr Ben Doyle Head of PD/H/PE Sport Report NB: EASTS have a Wet Weather Facebook page - Eastern Suburbs Touch Association. Saturday 18 October Games: All divisions play games on 18 October at both Queens Park and Centennial Park Reservoir Fields. Reservoir Fields are off Oxford Street. You can enter via Paddington gates and park inside the park, in Carrington Street, or park on Oxford Street, Paddington. Alice and Emily VOLLEYBALL Term 4 Morgan scored the Congratulations to our Volleyballers first try at touch on who commenced the season last Saturday Saturday 11 October. Four out of the six teams won their games and enjoyed the spring weather and easy-going atmosphere at Santa Sabina College. This was a great start and I'm proud of all the teams. A note to parents to please ensure your daughter wears sunscreen, plus for yourselves bring a camping chair and hat so that watching the game is more comfortable!. Training is on even if it rains as we can use room A14. Monday 3.15pm and Tuesday 7.30am. Ms Kat McGrath Bianca Wallace, Year 7 BASKETBALL Basketball training for teams 2, 3, 4 and 5 are on Tuesday afternoons, 3.15pm-4.15pm. SVC1 will train on Thursday afternoons 3.15pm-4.15pm. Wear your basketball singlet and PE shorts for the Saturday games. All games are held at Santa Sabina College, 90 The Boulevard, Strathfield. TERM 4 SPORT On Saturday 11 October over 390 girls commenced Week 1 of the Term 4 Sports season. All went really well and the teams played with great Vinnies spirit, and we had some good wins and close losses. Most importantly, the girls worked well with our dedicated coaches and everyone is now revved-up for the season. It’s wonderful to see such a large number participating in sport, however, girls, please be aware that you have made a commitment to your training sessions, just as your coaches have made a commitment to your team. Turn up on time, be courteous, enthusiastic and organised! That way you will see your personal performances improve as well as team spirit and results. Basketball first week back FUTSAL Futsal competition games are held on Friday (between 4.30pm-9.30pm) at Indoor Central, 5 Kent Road, Mascot. The girls played superbly last week and we had many wins! For games, wear St Vincent’s College football socks, PE TOUCH shirt and PE shorts. Purchase socks from the uniform shop. (for details see the uniform shop flyer in this Bulletin The Easts draw is now available on their website and below is some important information about the competition. page 13) Page: 15 Issue: 15 Sport Report (cont) WATER POLO Games all went well the first week on Saturday 11 October, and SVC held their own in the pool! For games, wear the St Vincent’s swimming costume which can be purchased from the uniform shop (see flyer page 13). CONGRATULATIONS to the following athletes who competed at the Combined All Schools NSW Athletics Carnival on Friday 10 and Saturday 11 October. All of the girls performed wonderfully and represented the College with pride. Well done girls. Samantha Kiss placed 9th in the 14 years high jump Ruby Fifield placed 10th in the 13 years 80m hurdles Isabel Di Paolantonio placed 6th in the 100m and finished 5th in the 200m. Water polo from Saturday’s first games CONGRATULATIONS to Alannah Griffiths (Year 7) who played in the under 13 years State Softball tournament on 13 and 14 September at Liverpool, playing for Sutherland Shire Softball Association. They ended up coming 7th but their win loss record was 3 and 2. Well done. Note: All draws for touch, volleyball, basketball, water polo and futsal are on the Sports noticeboard and St Vincent’s College website. CONGRATULATIONS also to Stephanie Augoustis (Year 7) who played in the under 13 years State Football tournament in Mudgee during the holidays. Stephanie TILDESLEY TENNIS was the major goal scorer for her team, Tildesley tennis squad will kick off with training sessions who won five of their eight games and from week 3 due to inclement weather this week. We wish finished 4th in the competition. Due to her our talented tennis athletes well in their mission to win the excellent attacking skills, Stephanie was ‘Most Improved School’ trophy at the tournament next year! then selected to trial for the NSW Institute Training will be held on the College courts from 4.15pmteam. Well done Steph! 5.15pm on Wednesdays. FITNESS SESSIONS OFFERED TERM 4 I think all girls found out that getting fitter could be a goal in order to cope with the speed of basketball, touch, futsal and water polo! So we offer a fitness session now on Monday afternoons, 3.15pm-4.15pm. The sessions are run by Tash, an accredited fitness trainer and badged athletics coach. Only $5 per session and is billed at the end of term. TERM 1 SPORT 2015 Please go on to the College website to register for next term’s sports. Go to Beyond the Class Room/Sport/Term 1 Registrations. Choices are EASTS Touch; Danebank Invitational Water polo; and IGSSA Tennis. There will also be noncompetitive tennis lessons, cardio tennis and fitness, which will be organized at the start of next year. Registrations close at 3pm on Friday 24 October. The Sports Department is very excited to announce that we have a new itinerary and price for our tour next year. All interested Dance and Basketball girls will be given a hard copy of this itinerary on Monday. Please contact Ms Jacobs in the Sports office if you have any questions. Deposits will be due in two weeks to secure your spot. Ms Jacinta Jacobs Sports Co-ordinator Stephanie Issue: 15 Page: 16 Recommended Reading I really wanted to dislike Brooke Davis’ novel, Lost and Found. This was me at my most curmudgeonly worst: the author was clever and pretty, she had a Ph.D. in creative writing and was the star of an episode of Australian Story. Fortunately for me, I overcame my bigotry, read the book and LOVED it. It concerns Millie Bird who is deposited by her mother in a department store, and left there while her mother travels first from Perth to Melbourne and then to America. Both Millie and her mother are grieving for Millie’s father who has died of cancer. Millie is sort-of rescued by a lonely elderly man, Karl, who understands grief because his beloved wife has died. He escapes from a horrible nursing home where his graceless son has deposited him. Millie and Karl meet Agatha who has lived inside her home for the past ten years because of her grief for her dead husband. Despite the theme of grief, much of this book is very funny because of the eccentricities of these three people. They are also good and kind people and we care about them a great deal. I have had to accept that Brooke Davis was surrounded by a number of fairy godmothers at her birth who gave her beauty, talent and vivacity. However, she wrote this, her first book, as a way of coping with the accidental death of her own mother. I would recommend this book for HSC students for Discovery but also to everyone who enjoys reading good books written by Australian writers. insane. One of the many strengths of this novel is that the creature is never described, so that we can use our imaginations. The plot moves back and forth over four years. Malorie is a young woman who has almost absent-mindedly become pregnant. Her parents and sister surround her with support. However, they are consumed by madness and so Malorie has to leave home to find shelter with other survivors. Four years later she is rowing down a river, blindfolded and with two young children with her. It has taken her four years to be brave and desperate to leave the house that was both a shelter and a scene of a massacre. She has trained the two children in skills they need in this dreadfully dangerous world. We read on breathlessly, totally involved with this brave, determined and terrified woman. I think the end could suggest a sequel and the author’s Afterword suggests a film. I look forward to both a great deal. This is a brilliant holiday read! When I researched the author, I found out he is a member of a rock band appropriately called Highly Strung. Just like his readers! Pirouette is Robyn Bavati’s second novel about ballet in Melbourne. I loved her first novel, Dancing in the Dark because it was a great story and it converted that rare Vinnies beast, the non-reader, to becoming a reader. I found the second book somewhat less engaging because of some rather creaky plot devices. Beautiful Popular is a book about a book by Maya Van Wagenen. It identical twins are born in Brazil. Their father had is the non-fiction account of how one horribly shy been driving their mother, a beautiful ballerina, to girl became much kinder to herself and everyone hospital to deliver the babies but a traffic accident about her. Van Wagenen came from a fairly poor occurs and he is killed instantly and the mother family, despite her father’s position at university. lives just long enough to give birth before she dies She had two younger siblings: a lovable little as well. The babies are placed in an orphanage from brother and an autistic younger sister. She was where they are adopted. To the distress of one of the attending a junior high school near the Mexican border, so nurses, the twins are to be separated, one going to Texas it was common for the school to go into real lockdown with and the other to Melbourne. The nurse switches the gun battles raging in the street outside. Maya was utterly babies so that they are both adopted by Melbourne miserable, anxious, self-conscious and lonely. She found families. Fifteen years later, we find that one twin is a in the book-cluttered house a self-help book about how to technically brilliant dancer but she has no passion for be popular - but it was published in the 1950’s. Despite the performance. The other twin attends a fairly good ballet advice being decades old, she decided to follow the advice school but both her parents see dance as a hobby rather month by month. Each chapter is made up of the than a serious career option. When the twins meet at a achievements and failures of the year-ling project. She summer dance school in Canberra, they believe they can learns to hate the constricting evil device call “a step-in” but solve all their problems. Despite the creakiness, there is a also learns that walking up to people and introducing lot to like about this novel and I am sure girls who dance yourself is actually possible. One of the many great will especially enjoy reading the book. moments in the book is when she makes contact with the Peter Read begins his biography of Joy Januka Wiradjuri author of the original book and is encouraged by her admiration for what Maya is trying to do. The final chapter Williams, Tripping Over Feathers, with a description of her funeral and an explanation of the title. She had said to him of the book has great moments of triumph in it. This is an that there had been so much tragedy in her life, that she excellent book for all ages. It really does challenge the was so sad, that she would trip over an insubstantial reader to think about a detailed definition of “popularity” feather. Williams was the third generation in her family to and how it can be either a destructive or affirming be removed from her mother. As for the two preceding experience. generations, when there was a mother-daughter reunion, One of the many joys of holidays is being able to read a there was no joy or connection. In each situation, the child book a day. I am especially grateful for this luxury because had been so brutalised in an institution that she was afraid it would have frustrated me to have to put down Bird Box to love unconditionally and the mother had never learned to by Josh Malerman and re-enter the real world. A hideous be a parent. Addictions to legal and illegal drugs, danger is stalking the world - if a person looks at a prostitution and in Williams’ case, years in mental creature, that person becomes violently, murderously institutions also wreaked their havoc. Page: 17 Issue: 15 Recommended Reading (cont) Each chapter of the biography goes further back in time, so that we are able to see the damage caused by the taking away of children because their skins were lighter than their mothers’. Williams’ son was another victim of this cycle and her daughter who did not really know her birth mother, was further alienated. This is a book that should be read by all Australians so that we are aware of the ongoing tragedies caused by government policy. life and death over all the gypsies. I long to believe the ending of this fascinating book but I am not quite confident that there were people who were that brave - and still alive - in the Reich. Dear Mum, this book supports a worthy cause: the breast Cancer Foundation. A number of well-known people were asked to write a letter to their mothers, whether they were still alive or not. Some of the resulting letters are hilarious and some are touching, It is no accident that The Lost Garden by Helen Humphreys and some are a mixture of both. At the end of the is so deeply lyrical: the author is a well-known Canadian collection is a space to allow readers to write a letter to poet. Although I have only to stare at rosemary to kill it, I their own mother. I think this would be a thoughtful present love gardening and this book is redolent with gardens. The for many mothers, especially if the giver were to complete narrator, Gwen, has been encouraged to feel deep the letter space to make the gift even more personal and guilt for existence - her birth robbed her beautiful treasured. mother of any chance of a career in the theatre. To Ms Suzanne O’Connor add to her guilt, Gwen is told how very plain she is almost daily by her mother. She is a horticulturist English Teacher and in 1941, in the quickly disappearing London, is researching a cure for canker in parsnips. Her research is unsuccessful so she decides to apply for a position in charge of a group of Land Army girls who are ordered to turn the grounds of a stately home into potato fields in order to help feed the civilian population. Gwen finds her ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIPS charges sullen and defiant at first but she eventually The St Vincent’s College Board makes available academic blunders into a positive relationship with them and the scholarships to students entering Year 7 and Year 11. group of Canadian soldiers who are waiting to be sent to These scholarships cover part remission of tuition fees and Europe to fight. This is a book of less than two hundred are awarded on the basis of the ACER Scholarship pages and it beautifully written. It made me want to rush examination with your supporting application to the College out to my balcony and plant some climbing roses which, sadly, would be as doomed as many of the Canadians are. and an interview. All scholarships will be awarded at the discretion of the Principal. Although this gentle novel will appeal to older readers, it could be used as a Related Text for Area of Study: To sit for an Academic Scholarship you must register Discovery. online and submit an application for enrolment. Please visit our website: and go to I love learning new information and The Extra by Scholarships. Candidates for Academic Scholarships will Kathryn Lasky met this function as well as being a sit for the ACER examination on SATURDAY 28 very good book. The novel is based on the life of FEBRUARY 2015 at the College. Registrations close the ambiguous Leni Riefenstahl who had the Monday 9 February 2015. doubtful honour of being Hitler’s favourite film maker. She had great success with documentaries but her PERFORMING ARTS SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE TO dream was to write a script, direct and star in a feature film. STUDENTS ENTERING YEAR 7 TO YEAR 11 In the middle of World War II, she realised this ambition The Madame Christian Scholarship is awarded to a student with endless financial support from the Reich. The film was of singing. The Annie McParland Scholarship is awarded based on a Spanish folk tale: Riefenstahl played a to a student of instrumental music and The St Vincent’s beautiful woman called Martha (a very Spanish name) who College Ex-Students’ Union Drama Scholarship is awarded rejects a rich aristocrat in favour of a handsome shepherd. to a student of outstanding ability in Drama. These The purpose of this piece of fluff was to enable the German scholarships cover music tuition fees and part remission of people to escape the growing horror of the war. College tuition fees, and are awarded on the basis of an Riefenstahl died at 101: she claimed in trials after the war audition and interview. Please contact the Registrar to that she had no idea about the camps. This claim is rather obtain a Music or Drama Scholarship form and return it to undermined by the people she used as extras in the film. the College Registrar with a cheque for the fee payable. They were gypsies, a group as despised as the Jews by NB: There is a fee of $100 for each audition for the Nazis. The title is about a Lilo, a Santi girl, (this is Instrumental and Vocal Scholarships. some of the information I learned from the novel) who is one of a group to act as extras - street urchins and peasant Candidates for the Music and Drama Scholarships will be required to attend auditions at the College on Saturday women. The positive aspect of this experience is that the group is slightly better fed and housed than they had been afternoon 28 February 2015. in the camps from which they were taken. The negative Mrs Tammy Hancock aspect was the close connection with Riefenstahl who is Registrar presented as narcissistic and cruel with complete power of Scholarship Information 2016 Issue: 15 From the Uniform Shop Page: 18 Issue: 15 Page: 19 From the P&F Association Farewell to our departing Principal, Ms Fay Gurr, who has steered the College through the past six years and brought in some exciting changes. We have greatly appreciated your work with parents over the years and the way you have welcomed parent involvement at so many levels. On behalf of the parents and friends of the College, I wish you all the best in your next move, and thank you sincerely. just to name a few. Prices are well below retail and the stock is first grade quality. This is a popular event so get in the queue early by booking here now. The cover charge, for P&F fundraising is $10 per adult, $5 per student. (see the flyer on the next page) Year Group Parent Coordinators Each Year group has one or more designated volunteers to The HSC exams are now underway and I wish all HSC keep parents informed particularly on College P&F events families well at this important milestone. such as the Fair or Year group events for families in your Year Group. You may remember filling out a P&F form at Thank you to the Year 12 families who have been involved time of enrolment. You can opt to have your details in P&F events over the years, from the Cocktail Party to included in the class contact list. Open Days, our inaugural ‘Vine to Vinnies’ Wine Night and Please contact: Felicity Ratcliffe of course, the Spring Fair - we will miss you! ( ; Sally Ayto (, or your Year Group coordinator Now we are well into Term 4, the P&F Annual General see below. Meeting looms large on the events calendar. So it is time Year 7 (Therese Powell & Despa Fitzgerald) for those so inspired to get motivated about taking on a P&F role. See below for what it all means! Year 8 (Trish Pryke, Carin Gerrard, Gina Turco & Ann Regards Cahill) Elizabeth Roydhouse Year 9 (Geraldine King, Adrienne Ruz & Katherine Aitken) 2014 P&F President Year 10 (Annette Moran) P&F Meeting AGM Tuesday 28 October Year 11 (Rebecca Hugonnet & Lynne Carr) The next meeting of the St Vincent’s College P&F Association is in Term 4 on Tuesday 28 October, commencing at 7.15pm. The Term 4 meeting is the Annual Year 12 (Mary O’Sullivan, Sally Doyle & Abigail Gruzman) General Meeting and all parents and carers are welcome, and indeed encouraged to attend. At this meeting there will be an election for the 2015 Executive committee 2014 P&F Executive: positions. This is your chance to be part of the P&F Executive. The following roles will be up for nomination President: Elizabeth Roydhouse and election of leaders: 0416 107 029 Vice President: Robert Goldrick 0422 259 364 President Vice President Treasurer: Chris Dunn Secretary Secretary: Sally Ayto - or Assistant Secretary Treasurer Assistant Secretary: Felicity Ratcliffe Please think about getting involved by putting your name forward! If you have questions about what any of these roles entail, please contact any of the current P&F Executive - our details are at the end of this article. Year 10 Social Saturday 8 November 2014 This event is now sold out! Thank you to the parents who have kindly come forward to volunteer as supervisors on the cruise - you will be contacted shortly by the Year group coordinator to finalise arrangements. Estée Lauder Showroom - Shopping Night A shopping night has been organised in Term 4 at the Estée Lauder shop at 165A Mitchell Road, Erskineville. When? Thursday 6 November, 5.30pm-8.30pm (you can come any time during these hours). This is a great opportunity for some “retail therapy” with well-known brands including Estée Lauder, Clinique and Bobbi Brown Issue: 15 From the P&F Association Page: 20
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