Alpha Sigma Nu The Honor Society of Jesuit Institutions of Higher Education loyola marymount university 2014 induction ceremony loyola marymount university Alpha Sigma Nu National Jesuit Honor Society “Adelphotes Skolastikon Nikephoron” (company of honor students) The Alpha Sigma Nu key bears the three Greek letters together with the eye of wisdom. Founded 1915 LMU Chapter Est. 1939 Alpha Sigma Nu Induction Program WELCOME Kelly M. Younger, Ph.D., Professor, English, ASN Chapter Faculty Advisor INVOCATION Marc E. Reeves, S.J., Campus Minister and Faculty, Theological Studies ALPHA SIGMA NU IDEALS LMU Chapter Officers Kailey O. Strachan, President Caitlin E. Tomasetti, Vice President Kevin A. Cacabelos, Secretary Autumn C. Nailes, Treasurer AWARDING OF PINS AND MEDALS David W. Burcham, J.D., President, Loyola Marymount University Joseph B. Hellige, Ph.D., Executive Vice President and Provost Dorian Llywelyn, S.J., Acting Rector of the Jesuit Community PRESENTATION OF HONORARY JESUIT Bishop Gordon D. Bennett, S.J, D.D., Peter Faber Fellow in Pastoral Theology and Ignatian Spirituality PRESENTATION OF HONORARY FACULTY AND STAFF Bryant Keith Alexander, Ph.D., Dean, College of Communication and Fine Arts Pam Rector, M.Ed., Director, Center for Service and Action, Student Affairs Kathy Reed, M.Ed., University Registrar, Academic Affairs Brian Treanor, Ph.D., Taylor Chair and Professor of Philosophy, and Director of Environmental Studies PRESENTATION OF STUDENT Kelly M. Younger, Ph.D., Professor, English, ASN Chapter Faculty Advisor Beatrice Henson-O’Neal, M.F.A., ASN Chapter Coordinator PLEDGE OF COMMITMENT TO ALPHA SIGMA NU IDEALS Kailey O. Strachan, ASN Student Chapter President DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF NEW MEMBERS David W. Burcham, J.D., President, Loyola Marymount University CLOSING REMARKS Patrick J. Cain, J.D., President, ASN National Board, and President, Los Angeles ASN Alumni Club Kelly M. Younger, Ph.D., Professor, English, ASN Chapter Faculty Advisor 2014 Honorary Inductees Dr. Bryant Keith Alexander is Dean, College of Communication and Fine Arts at LMU and Professor of Communication and Performance Studies. He is an active scholar, lecturer and performer with nearly 100 publications in leading journals and book chapters with forthcoming essays on the politics of hair, queer theory, bodies and social difference, and globalizing intercultural communication. His research circulates around commitments to diversity and plurality in the identity categories of race; culture; gender and sexuality; performances of masculinity; culture and pedagogy as evidenced in his three published books: Performance Theories in Education: Power, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Identity, Performing Black Masculinity: Race, Culture, and Queer Identity, and The Performative Sustainability of Race: Reflections on Black Culture and the Politics of Identity. Alexander serves on the Advisory Board of LA’s Best, Afterschool Program and has been a consistent facilitator at the California Diversity Forum committed to encouraging the increase of underrepresented populations in graduate programs in California. Alexander’s administrative, teaching, and scholarly life celebrates integrative and interdisciplinary approaches to knowledge. He sees administration, teaching and scholarship as informing practices of academic professionalism and student success. Bishop Gordon D. Bennett, S.J. D.D., was born on October 21, 1946 in Denver. He was educated at Mount St. Michael’s in Spokane, Washington, Loyola High School in Los Angeles, Loyola University in Los Angeles (later Loyola Marymount University), the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, California, Loyola Marymount University (for graduate studies after his undergraduate work at Loyola), and Fordham University in New York City for the Professional Diploma in Administration and Supervision. Most Rev. Gordon Bennett was ordained a priest in 1975. On March 3, 1998, he was ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore. Bennett assumed his duties as Bishop of Mandeville, Jamaica on September 24, 2004. Later he also served with distinction as the President of Loyola High School, Los Angeles, California. Bishop Bennett has rich experience in education, administration and spiritual formation. He has been a High School Campus Minister, as well as Rector and Master of Novices at the Jesuit Novitiate in Southern California, and Principal and more recently President of Loyola High School, one of the largest Jesuit High Schools in the United States. 2014 induction ceremony | 3 Bishop Bennett has established an outstanding reputation as a Preacher of Spiritual Retreats to clergy, religious and laity. He has received the Irma Brown Dillon Community Service Award, which honors leaders who exemplify LMU’s mission and tradition of serving others. Bishop Bennett retired as Bishop of Mandeville in 2008 and is currently the Peter Faber Fellow in Pastoral Theology and Ignatian Spirituality at LMU. Ms. Pam Rector, the Founder and Director of the Center for Service and Action at Loyola Marymount University, is a lifelong advocate for social justice with special interest in immigration reform, educational equity for all, and working toward a justice system focused more on rehabilitation than retribution. Her work in the Lennox School District for 17 years and her work with a wide variety of organizations and schools during the last 15 years at LMU keep her energized for collaboration with community partners and LMU colleagues. As the Co-Founder of the El Espejo program, she is committed to developing college readiness programs. She is currently a board member and has served on several boards including St. Margaret’s Center, Lennox Math Science and Technology Academy, Greet Dot Public Schools, the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, the Ignatian Volunteer Corp, the Center for Ignatian Spirituality and she served as member and President of the National Alumni Association for LMU. Pam holds a B.A. in Psychology, M.A. in Counseling and a M.Ed. in Educational Administration, all from Loyola Marymount University. Past honors include LMU Educator of the Year, LMU Alumni of the Year for Community Service and the Ignatian Volunteer Corps Madonna Della Strada Award. Pam’s daughter Grace and extended family make for a life filled with joy. Ms. Kathy Reed is the University Registrar who reports to the Vice President of Enrollment Management and is responsible for protecting the integrity of the university’s academic regulations. The University Registrar oversees the management and maintenance of student records and directs and coordinates university registration activities, produces the university bulletin and schedule of classes, publishes the academic calendar, and directs commencement activities. Kathy Reed came to Loyola Marymount University as Graduation Coordinator in 1982. Since that time she has served the university as Assistant University Registrar, Associate and Senior Associate University Registrar, and most recently as University Registrar. Reed is an alumna of Loyola Marymount University, having received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and a Master of Education degree in Reading. While receiving her master’s degree, Reed earned an Elementary Education Teaching Credential and the Reading Specialist Credential. Prior to her return to Loyola Marymount University, Reed spent several years as an educator at elementary, middle, and adult schools in the Southern California area. Reed 4 | loyola marymount university alpha sigma nu is an active member of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers (AACRAO), the Pacific Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (PACRAO), serves as the West Coast representative on the Banner Student Advisory Board for SunGardHE Community Source Initiative, and is chairperson for the Enrollment Management Technology Team. Dr. Brian Treanor is currently Professor of Philosophy, Taylor Chair of Philosophy, and Director of Environmental Studies at Loyola Marymount University. He received his Ph.D. at Boston College studying under Richard Kearney and Jacques Taminiaux. Prof. Treanor’s research covers a wide variety of issues from a broadly hermeneutic perspective, focusing on the way in which philosophy can tap into the “surplus of meaning” in texts and, by extension, other phenomena that solicit or require interpretation. His work has touched on virtue, hope, faith, God, risk, place, the natural world, personal identity, embodiment, and other subjects. Published widely in journals and edited volumes, his book-length scholarship includes authoring Emplotting Virtue (SUNY 2014) and Aspects of Alterity (Fordham 2006) as well as editing Interpreting Nature (Fordham 2013) and A Passion for the Possible (Fordham 2010). He is currently finishing work on two additional edited collections—Being in Creation (Fordham 2015) and Carnal Hermeneutics (Fordham 2015)—and is working on a monograph on the topic of joy as it is related to carnal embodiment and the material world. Treanor is a native of California, though he has traveled widely on six continents and lived abroad in Europe and Asia. He lives near LMU with his wife, Gitty, and daughters Darya and Ciara, with whom he shares his love of poetry, theater, climbing, skiing, camping, and myriad other pursuits. 2014 induction ceremony | 5 2014 Inductees BELLARMINE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Alyssa Catlin Loomer Carmen Marina Abella Jessica-Mae Novicio Mejia Katherine Rose Altobello-Czescik Kayla Lu Fuki Mikasa Julia Rose Ayeroff Caisen Mirassou Alexander John Baptiste Joseph Montoya Loana C. Benjamin Marissa Irene Morgan Roshan Pirnazar Berentes Ryan J. Nielsen Brianna Sorel Bruns Carolina Nuñez Lindsey Nicole Convoy Shannon L. O’Brien Allison E. Croley Steven R. O’Connor* Nicole Elizabeth Daly Zaneta Pereira Connor David DeVane Alyssa Monique Perez Shirley Liane Drange Eric Joseph Pittaluga Nicole Giambone Jacqueline Shaib Miranda Rachel Grey Carlie Bree Smith Sarah Melad Indrawes Hannah Elaine Stone Ebehireme M. Iyoha Tyler Anne Townsend Rochelle H. Kwan Megan Virginia Unger Rebecca Rose Lepore COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Caitlin Rose Dickson Joseph Johnson Bryanna Y. Dooley Jessica Lopez Jon M. Florentino Kristina Ann Pollock Juan José Gálvez San Martin Alison Roth Brendan Robert Henderson Amy Sims COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION AND FINE ARTS Kellee Melissa Kemp* Genna Mikaela BloomBecker Riley Catherine Mostrom Patrick Buchanan Eliza Ann Pfister* Kathryn Rose Callaghan* Monica Isabella Rosales Mary Grace Cerni Sarah E. Scherk Adam John Dlugolecki Hallie Marie Spoor Khayla Jordan Golucke Miriam Guadalupe Vega Carolyn Lucia Herrera * graduate student 6 | loyola marymount university alpha sigma nu SCHOOL OF FILM AND TELEVISION Ana Ávila Bohórquez* Juliana Collins Tucker Tewksbury King Andrew P. Langdon Pamela Loh Christopher Meinen Samantha Jean Ring Andre Robert Megan Anne Smallen Elizabeth Quinn* SEAVER COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Cole G. Merritt Lauren Susan Adams Joshua Dominador Napial Carly Joy Bagnall Kasey Elizabeth O’Connor Katrina Alexandra Camus Kyle Timothy Peerless Lauren Emily Carlson Alexander Luke Santiago Claire Lewis Cronenweth Samantha Nicole Sawicki Simone Evett Liam Thomas Clarke Shorrock Carrie Elizabeth Giesen Michelle Hiromi Siu Maria Isabel Gonzaga Adrianna Elyse Sosa Jennifer Alejandra Gonzalez Pablo Teixeira Sergio Ezequiel Gonzalez Robert Quinlan Thames Patrick Buckley Hodgkiss Luis Ivan Ventura Ben M. Horten Madison M. Wesseln Kevin S. Joerger Katherine Eileen Wikholm McKenzie L. Kerr Ellen Hope Zirkelbach Juan David Llanos Jacqueline Measer SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Linda Rae Andrews* Lauren Marie Bertoni* Samantha Rae Brawn* Lisa Chan* Marissa Esther Chavez* Patrick Uchenna Chikwe* Kelli Ellesse Clayton* Brian W. David* Sandy Melissa Diaz* Lauren Simoes Garcia* Erin Kathryn Gaughan* Samantha Claire Godfrey* Kara Danielle Gross* Marisol A. Gutierrez* Jesse S. Jovel* Colleen P. Kielich* Esther Jung Kim* Samantha Rachel Kollar* Jin Myungjin Lee* * Emily Yuan-Shuan Liu* Brandi Odom Lucas* Liliana Luviano* Sarah Marie Manson* Corena Marasco* Bronwen Cait McAuliffe* Brittany A. Meadows* Angela Meyer* Catherine Cichocki Muzzy* Katie Elizabeth Yumiko Omori* Christine Reyes Onvtiveros* Adriana Ortiz* Paul Augustine Ostick* Allyson Patricia Page* Hannah Rose Passafuime* Roydavid V. Quinto* Matthew James Malgapo Uy* Christina Nicole Watson* graduate student 2014 induction ceremony | 7 2014 Inductees LOYOLA LAW SCHOOL Mark Bolin* Courtnee Draper* Ashley Neglia* Mark Oknyansky* Stephanie Roberts* * Margaret Rose* Elena Sadowsky* Tiffany Tejeda-Rodriguez* Rosemarie Unite* graduate student Faculty and Administration Membership BELLARMINE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS Jose Badenes, S.J. Jasper J. Blystone* Robert J. Braus* Katherine Joyce Brown Thomas Buckley, S.J. Patrick J. Cahalan, S.J. Patrick J. Cain Robert V. Caro, S.J. Joanne Connolly, S.S.L Matt Dillon William F. Fitzgerald* Michael R. Foy David French William Fulco, S.J. Michael Genovese Deena J. González Donna Gray John Grever, C.F.M.M.* Cheryl Tawede Grills Fernando Guerra James G. Hanink Renée L. Harrangue* Daniel Harper Joseph LaBrie Dorian Llywelyn, S.J. Sharon Locy* James T. Mathieu* Marie Anne Mayeski* Linda M. McMurdock John Mitchell, S.J. Loretta M. Morris* Michael J. O’Sullivan Antonia Petro Thomas P. Rausch, S.J Randy Roche, S.J. Tanya S. Salvini Jeffrey Siker Rosenia M. St. Onge* Joseph S. Tiedemann Paul Vu, S.J. Amy Woodson-Boulton Kelly M. Younger COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Marc E. Reeves, S.J. Mark Bandsuch Lynne B. Scarboro Dennis W. Draper Gary P. Sibeck Arthur Gross-Schaefer John T. Wholihan George Hess Robert D. Winsor W. Frederick Kiesner Ralph Quiñones 8 | loyola marymount university alpha sigma nu COLLEGE OF COMMUNICATION AND FINE ARTS Nina Reich Bernadette Bernard Susan Robinson* Barbara J. Busse Judith Royer, C.S.J. C. Melvin Davidson* Warren C. Sherlock* Paul Humphreys Birute Anne Vileisis* Thomas P. Kelley* Kimberly Rehrer Petok SCHOOL OF FILM AND TELEVISION Marilyn Beker Arlene Clendenin Stephen V. Duncan Daniel Hyslop, M.D. Amy Meredith Sue Scheibler Edward Siebert SEAVER COLLEGE OF SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Richard Plumb Philip Chmielewski, S.J. Martina Ramirez S.W. Tina Choe James A. Roe Jacqueline Dewar Paul Rude* M. Catherine McElwain Raymond J. Toal Michael E. Mulvihill* John A. Page SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Elena M. Bove Victoria L. Graf Judith C. Delavigne Ja Taileasha Jones Albert P. Koppes, O.Carm Chaké H. Kouyoumjian Shane Martin Gohar Mnatskanyan Irene Oliver Francesca Piumetti Abbie Robinson-Armstrong Ernest Rose Elizabeth Stoddard Robert Walsh, S.J. LOYOLA LAW SCHOOL David W. Burcham William G. Coskran Frederick J. Lower, Jr.* Gerald T. McLaughlin Dan Schechter Frederica Sedgwick* * EMERITI 2014 induction ceremony | 9 Graduate Membership Manuel A. Aceves, Jr. Gail Anderson Rebecca Arguello Natalie Berberian-Darakjian Lucien Bourjeily Wade Brown Molly Casanova Amanda Edwards Andrea Fuentes Jasmin Gonzalez Kortney Hernandez Jennifer Lambert Courtney Leopold Dianna Myers Xenia Paniagua Harold Pleitz Guerra Jennifer Sewell Christina Vierra Maria Ablaza Whittington Undergraduate Membership Nour S. Abi Samra Jessica Lauren Baker Alexi Anne Brooks Kevin A. Cacabelos Jonathan Steven Carin Kiara Alexis Cerda Sarah Elizabeth Comstock Daniel J. Conti Thomas Francis Costello Mara G. De La Rosa Alex R. DeAngelis Anna Michaela Franco Diaz Coralie C. Eilers Andrea M. Fisher Caitlyn Dessaint Handy Michael Alexander Hanover Gina R. Hirose Michelle Elizabeth Iafe Thomas James Ireton Maximiliano Isi Margaret Pei-Yu Kao PROFESSIONAL STAFF Emma M. Kennedy Alice Aurea Kellett* Sara Layon Dorothy Pascale* Jacqueline Lee Caitlin Elizabeth Lopes Xavier Armando Loza Morales Anthony Edward Martin Kevin M. Meilak Autumn Cherell Nailes Kiana Kala’iku Tatsue Otsuka Quinn Akari Ison Painter Marc R. Papakyriakou Raquel E. Pappas Pooja H. Patel Teresa Ann Penilla Andrew P. Petersen Spencer W. Roberson Chelsea L. Sabella Madeline Voula Santy Alexander V. Sasso Austin James Scheiber Jacquelyn Michelle Sheehan Keeya Shawnee Singer Riley Kathleen Stauffer Kailey O. Strachan Caitlin Elizabeth Tomassetti Brian P. Trott Frances Sakata* Reed Kaname Tsuda David Sasha G. E. Trump* Vancura For more information and upcoming chapter events, visit * emeriti For the National Chapter, visit For the Lost Angeles Alumni Chapter, visit 2010 induction ceremony | 8 Alpha Sigma Nu Mission Alpha Sigma Nu, the honor society of Jesuit institutions of higher education, recognizes those students who distinguish themselves in scholarship, loyalty and service. The only honor society permitted to bear the name Jesuit, Alpha Sigma Nu encourages its members to a lifetime pursuit of intellectual development, deepening Ignatian spirituality, service to others, and a commitment to the core principles of Jesuit education. LMU CHAPTER LEADERSHIP Kelly M. Younger, Ph.D. LMU ASN Chapter Faculty Advisor Beatrice Henson-O’Neal, M.F.A. LMU ASN Chapter Coordinator Kailey O. Strachan LMU ASN Chapter President Caitlin E. Tomasetti LMU ASN Chapter Vice President Kevin A. Cacabelos LMU ASN Chapter Secretary Autumn C. Nailes LMU ASN Chapter Treasurer LMU ASN Chapter Board Members Jonathan Steven Carin Sarah Elizabeth Comstock Anna Michaela Diaz Emma M. Kennedy Kevin M. Meilak Kiana Kala’iku Otsuka Quinn Akari Ison Painter Alexander V. Sasso Taurus P. Vigalys Patrick J. Cain, J.D. ASN National Board President and LA Alumni Chapter President Kate Gaertner, M.Ed. ASN National Office Executive Director Alpha Sigma Nu Pledge As a member of Alpha Sigma Nu, I promise to do everything in my power to carry out the ideals of scholarship, loyalty and service. I will be committed to intellectual integrity and the pursuit of wisdom. I will be loyal to the moral, social, and religious ideals of my education, and I will continue to be genuinely committed to the well-being of others and active in serving them. I will do all of this in light of the Jesuit concern for the greater honor and glory of God.
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