HELSINGIN ENERGIA Kosti Koski Helsinki will be carbon neutral by the year 2050. Combined heat and cooling (CHC) plays a significant role. 15 % YEARLY GROWTH IS BASED ON FREE MARKETS • 300 connected buildings • 160 MW of power demand • 60 km of DC piping (steel) Kosti Koski 10/9/2014 3 2015 SECOND STORAGE WILL BE OPERATIONAL Pekka Simula 35 000 m3 water from Päijänne Pekka Nieminen TEKIJÄ / ESITYKSEN NIMI 10/9/2014 4 COOLING DEMAND IS RISING IN RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS • In 80´s only premium cars had AC .Today it is impossible to purchase a family sedan without AC • Customers are expecting high air quality in housing as well • New low energy buildings are usually cooled Kosti Koski 10/9/2014 5 WHY IS DC SO SUCCESFULL? SERVICE Savings in greenhouse gases and other emissions CONDENSERS RELIABILITY Kosti Koski 10/9/2014 6 Thank you! Kosti Koski Head of District Cooling +358 40 846 6089 kosti.koski@helen.fi Kosti Koski 10/9/2014 7
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