THE HON MARGARET REID AO PATRON – ACT CHILDREN’S WEEK Another extraordinary program of activities this year to celebrate and showcase our children and young people in the ACT! Held as always as the ACT contribution to acknowledge International Children’s Day and in particular the UN protocol of The Rights of the Child. Without a dedicated and committed Committee to oversee and plan the ACT program, we would not have the opportunity to experience the range of activities which are available. Thank you to the Committee for the many hours you devote every year to this special week. In addition to the program of activities, the ACT Children’s Week Committee runs an Awards celebration to recognise and acknowledge so many people who selflessly contribute to the well-being and development of children and young people in our community. I see these Awards as being a very significant part of Children’s Week. This enables nominations to be made in a number of categories for recognition, rarely sought but so richly deserved. I congratulate those nominated and the category winners. STORY TIME - ACT LIBRARIES A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR 3-5 year old children, their parents/carers - stories, rhymes and songs. Story time helps develop: A love of books and lifelong use of libraries – Listening and language skills Imagination and creativity Pre-reading skills and a desire to learn to read – Cooperative behaviour as part of a group – Understanding of simple concepts. 10.30 am during school terms - runs for approximately thirty minutes Monday Erindale Tuesday Tuggeranong, Kingston Wednesday Kippax, Belconnen, Woden Thursday Dickson, Gungahlin, Woden Friday Dickson Saturday Erindale NARELLE HARGREAVES OAM JP PRESIDENT - ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK Welcome to Children’s Week in the ACT for 2014! Once again, our program of ‘happenings' highlights the needs and the rights of children and young people to have lots of opportunities to have fun, enjoy their play and activities with their families, loved ones and friends, who care for their welfare and wellbeing. The ACT Children’s Week Committee has enjoyed another successful year. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members of the committee for their time, commitment and enthusiasm, especially our ACT convenor, Prue Clarke. A 'BIG THANK YOU’ to everyone in our community for their outstanding work and dedication to the children and young people in the ACT. The small grants provided to many organisations assist with their planned activities. ‘THANK YOU’ to our sponsors who provide the funds for these important grants. In March, 2014, the Annual Council meeting of the Children's Week Council of Australia Inc., involving all states and territories, was held in Sydney. The sharing of information and learning about the highlights from Children's Week, 2013, in all states and territories was enjoyed by all participants. It was decided at the annual meeting that this year’s National Theme will be - UN Rights of the Child - Article 12, ‘You have the right to speak and be heard’. The voices of children and young people can change their world and contribute in very meaningful ways in our community. Also, the annual meeting welcomed as a guest speaker, Megan Mitchell, Australia’s first Commissioner for Children who spoke about her work as she travels Australia. Megan agreed to become our National Ambassador for Children’s Week. The Children's Week Council of Australia Inc. is delighted that the Governor General, His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd) has agreed to be our National Patron. Become involved in the many and exciting activities listed in our program during Children’s Week in 2014. LET’S CELEBRATE TOGETHER’. ENJOY! CHILDREN’S WEEK AMBASSADOR - JACKI FRENCH Australian Children’s Laureate - Sam is five and three quarters. He is working on a machine to mine asteroids, but he hasn't quite got it right yet. He loves school but wants to know why he can't have time to work on his inventions, too? Rory is 16, and wants help with his current invention too, not necessarily in school hours. He wants a list of all the teachers outside the classroom door, saying what skills they have and are willing to share with the students at lunch time or after school. George hasn't been to school all term. He lives in the Northern Territory and his brothers and their mates don't go to bed till about 6 am so George can't get to sleep till then either. If he gets to school late he gets ticked off. It's easier not to go to school at all. George says that if school didn't start till the afternoon, then there'd be time to 'do all the interesting things first' and it would be kind of good to sit down quietly and learn stuff. For the last six months, as Australian Children’s Laureate, I've been asking kids how THEY think schools should change. The answers have been deep, far ranging, and, in many cases, extremely practical: Andley wanted one lesson a week where the kids were the teachers and the teachers had to be the students, and it works. Those kids now put five times the effort into learning what they need to teach as they ever did into their homework. Their teachers are remembering what is was like to be trapped behind a desk for an afternoon, not allowed to speak without permission. Both teachers and students are gaining more respect for each other with every session. It takes time to listen to a kid. Mostly we talk at them, or tell them what to do. We ask perfunctory questions, how was school, what home work do you have. Adults rarely ask kids’ opinions on politics, morality, what makes them happiest and most fulfilled, or even give kids the freedom to realise that they might have opinions that matter. It is so very, very easy to underestimate a child. Even the most financially privileged of our kids may be more impoverished than a young person who must work in the field with a parent. For there, at least, they talk to each other, hour long conversations with exchanges of ideas and memories and feelings that few parents have time for today, where the TV speaks for us at meal times or even on car journeys. When was the last time you talked for three hours with a child? Just talked, while driving, walking, ironing, weeding, fishing, conversations that meander till looking back you are surprised how much of importance you have shared. Every child needs an hour a day conversation with an adult who cares for them: parent, grandparent, teacher, volunteer aunt or uncle or mentor. The kids may be tidying their room or folding clothes while it happens, but it must be conversation, not just Q and A. Every child deserves a morning or afternoon a week of conversation, too. Every child deserves at least one full day a month, because without that shared practice and trust, true conversation can’t begin. And that is the minimum. If we truly value our kids, we will give far more. Of all the gifts we have to share with kids, a ‘simple’ conversation might be the most profound- and the one our modern kids most lack. We need to listen to our kids, not just because they can surprise us with the depth of their insight, but because if we want adults who have the courage to think and dream and care about the world, we must give children freedom to truly talk with adults, now. As ACT Minister for Education and Training, it always gives me great pleasure to celebrate events that highlight the achievements of our young people as well as to raise awareness of their rights, their opinions, hopes, ambitions and dreams. ACT Children’s Week is one such wonderful opportunity. This year the theme of the Week is about the right of children to speak and to be listened to. The Week also acknowledges the ongoing support, passion and determination of families, carers, teachers, community workers and volunteers who work so hard to ensure our children achieve their potential. Education has the ability to shape, inspire and influence lives for the better and is a powerful tool fundamental to the growth of our future generations. The ACT Government is committed to ensuring our children get the best start in life. We do this by providing the nation’s best education system, founded on the quality of our schools, our magnificent teachers, and our focus on putting parents and children at the centre of everything we do. We know our children do better at school when parents and families are actively engaged and involved. During Children’s Week, I encourage you to celebrate the diversity and range of skills and achievements of our children and young people to make a difference and shape the world. On behalf of the ACT Government, I would like to thank all of you who have made 2014 Children’s Week possible through your hard work, passion and enthusiasm. In particular, I wish to thank the Children’s Week Committee and their Chairperson Narelle Hargreaves and commend all those hosting an event throughout the Week. Please join me and all ACT children and their families as we celebrate them and their achievements during Children’s Week 2014. Joy Burch MLA Minister for Education and Training #%* !$ " ) !! )-+,.') #' %)) ( )& ,- " ' !!! ' "%!& # " !# #% ! &% ! %' "#&%! "# # !%' ) ! % ##&! %& "# %! ! !# %&%' % #" %! !! ) " ! % !! %' #! ! % "%#"! %!' $ #$" "" % ! THE NATIONAL AMBASSADOR FOR CHILDREN’S WEEK 2014 MEGAN MITCHELL NATIONAL CHILDREN’S COMMISSIONER AUSTRALIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Director-General Welcome The ACT Education and Training Directorate is a proud sponsor of Children’s Week. I commend the ACT Children’s Week Committee once again for the integral role they play in making sure the Week is not only enjoyed by all but also promotes the unique contribution children make to our community. The theme this year, speak and be heard, certainly is a focus of our schools. As parents we know the most valuable gift you can give your child is to listen to the little and big things in his or her life. This is also true for educators and teachers at all levels. The importance of listening to children and young people can never be underestimated; particularly when we are designing, delivering and evaluating their learning. One of the most rewarding parts of my role is meeting with children when I visit schools. The insights and opinions children share with me about their learning, their schools and their education is wonderful, often refreshing, and overall inspiring. There has been a major paradigm shift in schools over recent decades. We have shifted from education being “producer-led”, that is teachers know best and decide the what, when and how of learning, to education being “user-led”. It is about what students think of their school, not what the school thinks of the student that matters. It is through providing genuine opportunities for children to speak and be heard, and more importantly, for adults to really listen that ultimately will make sure that learning is shaped around individual children, their talents, abilities and experiences. I look forward to participating in some of the many activities published in this year’s program. Indeed, the program seems to get bigger each year. I thank the schools, community groups and organisations who are hosting events. I extend my warmest wishes to Canberra’s children, their families and carers and their teachers as we celebrate ACT Children’s Week together. Diane Joseph Director-General ACT Education and Training Directorate %"$"" ! ""! "" !!!'!! " !"!$ !"!! " ""$!"!! "#$ "!!!"!!! " $!!"!!!# #$!!!!! "!"! #" ! "$ !! " !"$ ! "!"" """"%%$ ! & " ACT CHILDREN’S WEEK COMMITTEE AND CONTACTS 2014 Narelle Hargreaves OAM JP (President), Prue Clarke OAM (Convenor), Cathy Marker (Treasurer, Girl Guides), Wendy Cummins (A/Treasurer, Community representative), Liz Cox (Secretary), Marie-Luise Persson (Community representative, Awards), Sarah Kirk (Community representative), Julie Long OAM (Publicity. Children’s Book Council, Scouts), Vicki Brown (ACT Playgroups, Community Representative, Awards), Mollie B Bialkowski (ACT Story Teller’s Guild, Children’s Book Council), Sara Lynch (Community Services Directorate), Jennifer Muir (Community representative), Linda Fleming (Canberra Preschool Society), Mike Payne (Community representative), Louise Keightley (Education & Training Directorate), Anne Simpson (PPA/Chapman Primary School), Michelle Woodward (Catholic Education Office) Kellie Robson (NMA), Rose Marin (NGA Family Programs) 3OD\)(67 dƵĞƐĚĂLJϮϭKĐƚŽďĞƌ ϭϬĂŵ—ϭƉŵ ŽŽŬŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ,Ƶď ϰϭdĞŵƉůĞƚŽŶ^ƚƌĞĞƚ &ƌĞĞ KK< ĐŚŝůĚ ƌĞŶ͛Ɛ ĞŶƚĞ ƌƚĂŝŶ ŵĞŶƚ ĂŶĚ ĂĐƟǀ ŝƟĞƐ ǀĞƌLJŽŶĞ tĞůĐŽŵĞ͊͊͊ ĞŶ͛Ɛ ƌ Ě ů ŝ Ś Ő Ŷ ĞůĞďƌĂƟ tĞĞŬ /ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶĂŶĚĂĐƟǀŝƟĞƐĨƌŽŵĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ͕ ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐĂŶĚƐƉŽƌƟŶŐŐƌŽƵƉƐ͊͊ &ŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶĐŽŶƚĂĐƚdWůĂLJŐƌŽƵƉƐŽŶϭϴϬϬϭϳϭϴϴϮ ŽƌǀŝƐŝƚŽƵƌǁĞďƐŝƚĞĂƚǁǁǁ͘ƉůĂLJŐƌŽƵƉĂƵƐƚƌĂůŝĂ͘ĐŽŵ͘ĂƵͬĂĐƚ Southwell Scouts Group Sunday Monday 19/10/14 20/10/14 Gungahlin College Tina Fisk Sunday Girl Guides, ACT & (or 26/10/2014 in SE NSW Region event of rain) 19/10/14 Stephen Collins Louise GalenMules SARAH MAK 18/10/14 AMANDA POLLOK TUGGERANONG ARTS CENTRE SATURDAY 18/10/14 LCF FUN Saturday 18th to Sunday 26th LANGUAGES PTY October LTD ROSE MARIN NATIONAL GALLERY OF AUSTRALIA SATURDAY - ALL WEEK (until 26 January 2015) 18/10/14 6142 1000 0412 694 270 6282 5328 0431 252 768 6293 1443 6240 6502 6293 6350 Kellie Stewart 18/10/14 0420 958 110 Illoura Child Care and Education Centre 17/10/14 Leah Uttley Saturday 18th to Sunday 26th October Friday 26/09/14 VENUE Glebe Park ACT Scouts Water Activities Base, Kingston Gungahlin College "Picnic in the Park" is an event for Guides aged 5-10 years. 2014 will have the theme "Games in the Park". We have invited a variety of sporting and active organisations to attend and enable girls to sample their different activities and learn new skills. Leaders and older Guides will also run fun Guiding games. Scouting youth members from Southwell Group will enjoy a canoeing/kayaking activity on Lake Burley Griffin followed by a barbecue lunch at the Kingston Foreshore. Gungahlin College will be hosting a 'Get on your Soapbox' day. This will enable students to have their say on a range of issues in a safe and respectful public environment. Students will be encouraged to explore topics such as gender stereotypes, politics and human rights. Food and prizes will be provided to participants. 12.30 pm - 1.30 pm 10.00 am - 2.00 pm 10.00 am - 3.00 pm TBA CONTACT 0431 252 768 for information 10.00 AM - 5.00 PM DAILY FREE Fun Language Programs - Children will definitely enjoy learning a new language in a fun and interesting way - includes French, Italian, Mandarin and Spanish playgroups, preschool and after school clubs. You can either join one of the existing clubs or form a small group of 5. For details of existing clubs, go to or email CHILDREN'S GALLERY ALIVE AND SPIRITED: JOURNEY THROUGH THE LAND OF ALIVE AND SPIRITED AND DISCOVER THE SPIRITUAL BEINGS OF AUSTRALIA'S FIRST PEOPLE. THE EXHIBITION INCLUDES CREATIVE ACTIVITIES TO ENGAGE FAMILIES. (free entry) TBA TUGGERANONG 10.00 AM - 4.00 ARTS CENTRE PM Illoura Child Care and Education Centre The Educational Team, families and children will be working together to create a mosaic path to the centre that celebrates Children's Week and acknowledges the diversity of the children at the centre. Children will be actively involved in the planning, development and construction of the path allowing for the expression of creativity that enhances a child's sense of belonging within the Illoura Community. 10.00 am 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm TIMES Take pART Open Day for children - a full day of arts-based activities. With continuous, collaborative drawing - a great way to interact and be part of a communal artwork! Fabulous local artists will inspire and encourage the children with their drawing. Plus Lego creations, Frida Flower Crowns, crazy veggie sculptures and kids drumming and Funk stars! Cafe space serving morning and afternoon tea for parents and carers. Nellie Hall Melba Duncan Smith, an Indigenous performer, will visit Playgroup. Through the enjoyment of this performance the children, educators and parents' knowledge and respect for Indigenous culture will be enhanced. Before Children's Week we are creating an art display spelling out "OUR VOICE" in large letters and then our children will create art and comment on what their voice Duffy School Age means to them. These quotes and artworks will then be collected and used to Care create a vinyl sign capturing "Our Voice". This vinyl sign will be unveiled in Children's Week at the Service. ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE 6258 6518 Duffy School Age Care Children's Week preparation 22nd to 26th September CONTACT YWCA of Canberra Anne Ostini-Horan Family Day Care WHO DAY DATE 1 In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only OPEN TO THE PUBLIC OPEN TO THE PUBLIC OPEN TO THE PUBLIC In house and immediate Community only20/10/14 All Playgroups using Nellie Hall In house activity only ACCESS Mona Kleimann Bonython School Age Care 20/10/14 Monday through to Friday Monday 20th , Tuesday 21st , Wednesday22nd and Friday 24th 0413 435 759 Learning Filipino Together - Filipino Mrs Irene Santos Language School of Canberra 20/10/14 Monday 20/10/14 0406 379 685 6254 8418 Charlene Barriga/Tania Kriticos/Darren Kriticos Scouts Group Les Explorateurs (Ainslie) Kelly Dunstan Monday 20/10/14 0407 431 748 Emma Watson YMCA Canberra St Michael's OSHC Monday Monday 20/10/14 Hannah Freyne Lyons Early Childhood School 20/10/14 Monday 20/10/14 0409 703 695 6142 2235 0403 3710 367 6205 5673 0426 968 849 Nishi Puri Ngunnawal Childcare Centre Harrison School Preschool Monday 20/10/14 6142 0900 Pam Rosser 1.50 pm - 3.00 pm 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm Gungahlin Library Jerrabomberra Community Centre Harrison School Preschool We are proposing to conduct a "Northside Filipino Class Info Session" and invite parents and children. We will make A3/A4 laminated placemats for the children with initial Tagalog words to boost classroom activities. We would also like to give the children reader bags to store their class materials. We will organise a series of activities to encourage the development of children's fundamental motor skills. These will encourage children to get active and demonstrate how easy it is for parents to get their children enjoying physical activity. A qualified physical education teacher will be employed and we will provide parents with ideas for games and physical activities to do at home. Harrison Preschool has enhanced our outdoor environment to include a fairy garden and a boat. We will make and paint little fairy houses on tree stumps and paint waves on a boat recently constructed by the senior school students. This is a Harrison Preschool event for the 75 students and their families attending Monday/Tuesday. For Children's Week 2014 Bonython SAC would like to investigate the world on which we live: the rocks and soil; plants and seeds. To aid this, we would purchase Bonython School Age Care some magnifying glasses, seeds, potting mixture, seedling trays, gardening tools and watering can to grow our own garden for the program. 10.30 am - 12.00 pm 5.00 pm 6.30 pm start National Dinosaur Museum, Gold Creek Village Les Explorateurs are supporting local ACT businesses which focus on education and entertainment. Children will enjoy a night-time adventure, with the museum going dark and a guide shinning a torch on different parts of their special collection. It ticks all boxes- Adventure, Friends, Nature and Fun! 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm Kaleen Primary School Combining three OSHC Centres for a large fun day to celebrate Children's Week Jumping Castles, face painting, games for approx 140 children. To celebrate the right to speak and be heard children will be inviting a grandparent or special friend to share their learning space. Children will share their achievements and skills and celebrate their learning. We will be focusing on Lyons Early grandparents to acknowledge the contribution they give to a child's learning and Childhood School wellbeing and the importance of family members and carers in a child's education. We will also celebrate Grandparents Day on 26th October. 9.30 am - 11.30 am 10.00 am Ngunnawal Childcare Centre, Wanganeen Ave Petting Zoo - all age groups. The Children have a great interest in animals. 10.30 am for morning tea and performance Namadgi School Primary Open Day - an opportunity for grandparents and parents to come into the classrooms and share the students' learning. Grandfriends' morning tea - an opportunity for the children's choir to perform for their grandparents TIMES VENUE ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE Namadgi School CONTACT Elizabeth Lozberis Monday 20/10/14 WHO Jerrabomberra Playgroup DAY DATE 2 In house activity only In house and local community In house activity only In house and local community In house and invitations to new Scout members from Scouts Catchment Area In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only ACCESS WHO Tanya Muscat Toni Sullivan Lydia Ashford Bronwyn Motion Narrabundah Children's Cottage Richardson Child Care & Education Centre Mt Stromlo High School Duffy Primary School Torrens School Age Care Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday through to Friday 20/10/14 20/10/14 20/10/14 20/10/14 20/10/14 Elise Bailey Tanya Muscat Narrabundah Children's Cottage - Senior Campus Monday 20/10/14 Kate Chapman Jenna Cunningham Ainslie School Jenna Cunningham CONTACT 20/10/14 Monday Monday through to Friday - special Harrison School activities every Age Care Program day DAY Monday through Harrison School to Friday - special Age Care Program activities each day 20/10/14 20/10/14 DATE 6234 6809 6205 6022 6205 6166 6293 6331 6239 4698 6239 4698 0447 611 651 6142 3060 0447 611 651 Ainslie School, Braddon Harrison School Canteen, Hal, Grounds Event The SRC will host the Children's Week assembly in the School Hall. Students will share their recent successes and explore all the UN's Children's Rights. They will in particular highlight Article 12 - You have the right to speak and be heard. Grand-friend's morning tea. Students invite their grandparents to a special Children's Week Morning tea and to the Children's Week Assembly. * Environmental Recycling mural -children create an ocean scene using recycled bottle tops. * Share a story Day - Educators pick their favourite children's story. * Grandparents Day - children will design thank you cards and share stories about what makes their grandparents special.* World games, outdoor play working collaboratively (Egyptian Sticks, Circus Skills, and Rhythm sticks). * Guest Speaker/display from a Tae Kwon-Do club who offer lessons in the local area. Large Banner with children's handprints made throughout the week. Daily cultural cooking, with afternoon tea preparing food from various cultures in the service. Family will be invited to join in. Torrens Primary School Hall Duffy Primary School Mt Stromlo High School We would like to host a morning tea that celebrates the contribution our volunteer mentors make to the development of our students' personalities, abilities, and talents. Students who have a mentor would prepare the morning tea, then serve it to their mentors. Duffy primary school will hold a family breakfast and cooperative games day. The school band will play, netball teams will do a demonstration and students will teach their families how to skip and hula hoop. A Children’s Week artwork will be unveiled, celebrating* The right of children to enjoy childhood * The celebration of children and young people * Highlighting their skills, achievements and needs TBA Richardson Child Care & Education Centre, Richardson Present food to Care and Share. The children will have been learning about those that have and those who have not in the community. 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm 8.30 am - 9.30 am 11.00 am Throughout the day Throughout the day 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm 12.30 pm 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm TIMES Narrabundah Children's Cottage Making recyclable objects for our garden. Narrabundah Children's Cottage - Senior Campus Harrison School Canteen, Hall, School Grounds Making recyclable objects for our garden. VENUE ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK Recycling mural design, caring for our environment - an ocean scene using recycled bottle tops. Share a story Day - Educators share their favourite children's story. Grandparents Day - children will design thank you cards and share stories about what makes their grandparents special. World games, outdoor play working collaboratively (Egyptian Sticks, Circus Skills, and Rhythm sticks). Guest Speaker/ display from a local Tae Kwon-Do club. ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE 3 In house activity only In house and local community In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house and local community In house and local community In house activity only ACCESS WHO Patrick Burge Anja Kraus Sarah Lovelady Jilly Stedman Amanda Fleming Woden Community Service - Curtin School Age Care Juniors YWCA Yarralumla School Age Care YWCA Macquarie School Age Care YWCA Majura School Age Care YWCA St Benedict's School Age Care YWCA St Bede's School Age Care YWCA St Thomas More School Age Care Monday through to Friday Monday through to Friday Monday through to Friday Monday through to Friday Monday and Thursday Monday through to Friday Monday through to Friday 20/10/14 20/10/14 20/10/14 20/10/14 20/10/14 20/10/14 20/10/14 Rachel Pace Andrea Rowley Vidya Chandra Hughes School Age Care Nicole Metcalfe CONTACT Monday Monday through Lollipop Children's to Friday - special Centre activities each day DAY 20/10/14 20/10/14 DATE 6175 9923 6175 9923 6175 9923 6175 9923 6175 9923 6175 9923 6234 6809 6234 6809 6234 6809 3.30 pm - 5.00 pm 3.30 pm - 5.00 pm 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm The children will write their name and a picture of themselves on a "Name Wall" Banner, to be displayed in the foyer. A social event will be organised where all children and the staff are included and named visually in a community. This Majura School Age banner encourages confidence in self and generates understanding and acceptance Care in the Hall of other people and the diversities within a social community. The children will be creating an understanding of belonging in this social community. St Benedict's School Age Care in the Hall Baker off - parents and children come into the school and for a set amount of hours bake together. They will then sell the baked goods to raise money for the Centre. Movie night at the school. The children could make a time capsule to keep for the next year. Longest morning tea. St Bede's would like to present an artistic celebration of the children who attend St Bede's School Age Care the centre in a collaboration of their creativity on a big canvas. The children would Demountable also complete an individual artwork on A3 paper. St Thomas School Age Care would like to do provide an outdoor theatre. This would feature a flat all weather platform which would allow children to enjoy a variety of learning experiences. We understand the children will explore their creative abilities on this platform. This was done in consolation with children wanting to do more talent shows outside. St Thomas More School Hall, Campbell 3.30 pm - 5.00 pm Macquarie School Age Care in the Hall Macquarie would like to do a book of children's artwork. The children will pick a theme or issue that they are passionate about and in response to that they will create an artwork that will be displayed in this book. By responding to an issue the children will have the change to speak and be heard. 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm TIMES 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm Curtin Primary School Hall Hughes Primary School Hall Lollipop Children's Centre VENUE Yarralumla will conduct a crazy hair day afternoon with sausage sizzle. The circle Yarralumla School time will be involving children with various cooperative games which develop social Age Care in the skills and team work. Children will make a poster about children's interest, needs Hall and achievements whilst at the centre. Curtin Junior School Age Care service would like to do woodwork, making personal treasure boxes. Monday: Teddy Bears picnic in the fairy garden. Monday: Face Painting. Tuesday: Dress up Day. Wednesday: Teddy Bears Picnic. Thursday: Jumping Castle. Friday: Outdoor games and board games. ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE 4 In house activity only In house activity only In house only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only ACCESS Andrew Rosley Brian Pearce Nicole Andrews Melanie Pace Paula Kinsman YWCA Yarralumla School Age Care Woden Community Service Garran School Age Care YWCA Kingsford Smith School Age Care YWCA Rosary School Age Care Campbell Primary School Monday through to Friday Monday through to Friday Monday through to Friday Monday through to Friday Monday Monday 20/10/14 20/10/14 20/10/14 20/10/14 20/10/14 20/10/14 20/10/14 20/10/14 6293 6364 6293 6576 6205 5699 Gini McFadyen Samantha Thornton & Kathy Perinovic Tuggeranong Child Care & Education Centre Hughes Primary School Monday through to Friday Monday through to Friday 6205 6300 6175 9923 6175 9923 6234 6809 6175 9923 6247 3452 Students run a Children's Market Day to support our World Vision Child. K-2 and Year 6 run a cake stall at morning tea. 3-6 run market stall activities such as Jaffa Smash and Sock Wrestling. They enjoy helping children around the world. Classroom Talent Quests - each class selects two acts to showcase for the whole school. The finalists perform for the whole school community and it is a celebration of student voice. Year 6 host the event, fondly named ‘Shine’. Across the week the whole centre will be celebrating the achievements of our children with displays and activities. Families and our community are invited to attend. Teddy Bears Picnic - Children will bring their favourite teddy bear and have a lovely afternoon tea with their teddies and their parents/grandparents. 3.00 pm TBA 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm Hughes Primary School TBA Tuggeranong Child Throughout each Care & Education day Centre Kambah Childcare & Education Centre Mini sports Olympics & family picnic on the hill: Multi-age group activities focussed on building relationships between year levels through re-iterating our SCARFFF values (Support, co-operate, accept, respect, friendship, forgiveness and fun) and Campbell Primary developing leadership's skills in our senior students. Building community School partnerships by inviting families and carers to participate in our Mini Olympics and join their children and staff for a picnic lunch. Rosary School Hall Kingsford Smith School Due to the theme children have the right to speak and be heard, we will be putting out a letter box where children can write their ideas for afternoon tea and activities. Children will also put together a book of poetry, stories and pictures they have created over the week. Children will have their work over the week made into a book so they can take home. For Children's Week, Rosary will create a photo/'About Me' wall. The wall will display a photograph of each child and a description about them and their interests. Garran Primary School hall 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm Yarralumla will conduct a crazy hair day afternoon with sausage sizzle. The circle Yarralumla School time will be involving children with various cooperative games which develop social Age Care in the skills and team work. Children will make a poster about children's interest, needs Hall and achievements whilst at the centre. Children's graffiti - spray painting on wooden boards. Purchase of wood, spray cans of paint, protective masks and goggles. 3.30 pm - 5.00 pm Turner School Age Care in the Hall TIMES VENUE ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK For children's week the program is going to hold a 'family fun week', encouraging our families to be involved within the service. Activities will be chosen and led by the children of Turner School Age Care, ensuring that their voices are heard and that we as adults are listening to them. Some of our planned activities include a big picnic, trivia afternoon, face painting and a bake sale. And who knows what other fabulous ideas our children will come up with before Children's Week! ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE Kambah Child Care & Education Joanne Crammond Centre Sarah Nicholson YWCA Turner School Age Care Monday through to Friday 20/10/14 CONTACT WHO DAY DATE 5 In house and local community In house activity only In house and local community In house and local community In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only ACCESS Tuesday TUESDAY Tuesday 21/10/14 21/10/14 21/10/14 Linda White Tuesday 21/10/14 Communities @Work Family Day Care and in Home Care Tuesday 21/10/14 VICKI BROWN Nishi Puri Ngunnawal Childcare Centre TUESDAY 21/10/14 ACT PLAYGROUPS ASSOCIATION MOLLIE BEE ACT STORYTELLERS GUILD Tuesday 21/10/14 Natalie Hogan Mark Holberton Melrose High School TUESDAY 21/10/14 Theodore Primary School LUCIA LU MANDARIN FOR FUN PLAYGROUP 20/10/14 Veronica Rapp Katrina Robb Brindabella Christian College Early Learning Centre Monday to Friday 24/10/14 Gordon Preschool CONTACT WHO DAY DATE 6293 6596 1800 171 882 6142 3100 6205 5433 0426 968 849 6285 3956 0408 163 205 0410 981 788 0423 533 823 Gordon Preschool Gordon Preschool will be purchasing 125 art canvases on which the children will complete their art work. The works of art will be on display at an art show to be held at the preschool and open to family and friends during Children's Week. Staff, Educators, children in care and their families will be invited to "A Beary Fun Day" celebrating Children's Week at the National Arboretum. A bear hunt in the Himalayan Cedar Forest followed by a teddy bear picnic sharing fresh fruit, vegetables and a treat of teddy biscuits will highlight the morning. To reflect "A caring world shares" a honey pot will be provided to collect gold coin donations to be donated to the Canberra Hospital Women and Children's ward. National Arboretum 9.30 am - 11.30 am 6 In house activity only OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ACT Playgroups annual PlayFEST has been a major Children's Week celebration for many years. We invite parents and carers to join us to gather important information and parenting resources from community organisations, sporting bodies and local businesses and for the children there will be lots of FREE, exciting, fun, entertainment and activities. COOK COMMUNITY 10.00 am - 1.00 HUB, Templeton pm Street, Cook In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only OPEN TO THE PUBLIC In house activity only OPEN TO THE PUBLIC In house and local community ACCESS Grandparents and 'grand friends' will be invited to come and share a picture book or an oral story with the children - supporting and nurturing a love of literature. A Theodore Primary 10.30 am - 11.30 morning tea will then be held to enable the visitors to make and build connections School am within the community. TBA 9.30 am Ngunnawal Childcare Centre, Wanganeen Ave Hey de Ho Musical Workshop - for all the children. The children love music and dancing! 'A GREAT DAY OUT'. JOIN US IN OUR STORYTELLING TENT FOR STORIES AND SONGS. 10.00 am - 1.00 pm 8.00 am - 9.00 am COOK COMMUNITY HUB An interactive band performance where students will be given the opportunity to explore their own creativity through dance and freestyle rapping. The artists will Melrose Breakfast perform their own songs, speaking about the unique skills that each young person Club has and offering them the opportunity to explore their own activities. West Belconnen Child and Family 3.20 pm - 4.45 Centre, Cnr pm Starke & Luke St, Holt To support and encourage bilingualism in the Canberra region, Mandarin for Fun Playgroup will host a Family Fun Learning Mandarin Day. The day will include performance by children and parents, games, craft, singing, dancing and healthy afternoon tea. 8.00 am - 6.00 pm Brindabella Christian College Charnwood A photo and art show. Children will be asked to take a photo of: Something that makes me happy. Something that is beautiful. Something that I share. Something that is fun. Something special. Photos will be enlarged and displayed for a children's art show to which all families and community members will be invited. TIMES VENUE ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE DAY Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday DATE 21/10/14 21/10/14 21/10/14 21/10/14 21/10/14 21/10/14 21/10/14 21/10/14 21/10/14 Kate Chapman Toni Sullivan Larissa Sinclair Annie-Lea Patterson Paula Kinsman Janice Shroder Richardson Child Care & Education Centre Tuggeranong Link Community Houses & Centres YWCA Hawker School Age Care Campbell Primary School Ngunnawal Preschool and 5 other Preschools 6281 7428 Iva Plessnitzer Kellie Lambert kellieann.lambert Holy Trinity Early Learning Centre Ainslie School 6285 3399 Emma Booth Mt Taylor Scout Group 6205 8308 6205 6300 6175 9923 0412 854 515 6293 6331 6142 3060 6205 8055 Judy Richards Wanniassa Preschool We have booked the Canberra Reptile Zoo to visit our Preschool, to provide an educational experience about reptiles for our 6 Preschool groups. Aligning with our Kids Matter and community initiatives we are hosting before School Tuesday drop everything and exercise fitness groups (aerobics) For children's week Hawker would like to hold a 'listen to me' afternoon tea and exhibition. During the exhibition children will exhibit some art work, poems, stories, plays to parents. This is an opportunity for the children to speak their mind about social issues and be listened to. Sport Morning with Government and Koorie Preschool. Richardson CCEC will provide morning tea. Tuesday afternoon Kids Safe Child Restraint service at RECC Ngunnawal Preschool Campbell Primary School Hawker School Age Care in the Hall 11.30 am TBA 3.30 pm - 5.00 pm 11.00 am 7 In house activity only In house and local community In house activity only In house activity only In house and local community In house activity only Tuggeranong Link is a not for profit organisation. We run playschools out of three centres. We will run a Teddy Bears Picnic. Each child will bring in their favourite Conder bear and Tuggeranong Link will pay for a healthy morning tea. The children are Community House between 3 - 4 years - this will be a fun activity as children usually bring their own food. If weather permits we will sit on a picnic mat outside, or inside on a mat. Various times 7.30 am - 8.30 am In house activity only In house activity only ACCESS Morning Tea 9.30 - 11.30 am. In house and local Kids Safe community 3.00 pm - 4.30 pm Ainslie School, Braddon Holy Trinity Early Learning Centre 6.00 pm - 8.00 pm 10.30 am - 12.30 pm TIMES Richardson Child Care & Education Centre, Richardson Students meet with their cross age buddies to make origami butterflies for display around the school. Students can write what they feel, see or think about themselves, each other, the school or their learning. Students will also work with a class buddy to create a 'chain link' of children to represent that 'we all matter' and 'we all care', promoting affirmative messages about each other. The children in Holy Trinity Before School Care would like to have a party to celebrate Children's week. They have decided that they would like to make breakfast, have a disco, play games and invite their mums and dads. Mt Taylor Scout Hall Wanniassa Preschool We are planning to enhance our outdoor area by including some "small world" play spaces. The children will give their input, prior to the days, about the materials they would like to have included in the "worlds". On the days, the children will be involved in setting up the "small world" pots (large terracotta pots) using the selected materials. We will hold a Special Children's Week Event. All ages of Mt Taylor Scouting will come together for an evening of fun, games and a BBQ dinner. The Mt Taylor Scout members will be encouraged to bring along a friend. VENUE ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE CONTACT WHO DAY Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday WEDNESDAY DATE 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 Tess Ryan Pam Cording Isabella Plains Childcare & Education Centre Malkara Specialist School PRUE CLARKE Nishi Puri Ngunnawal Childcare Centre ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK COMMITTEE Paul Simmons Canberra High School - Young Carers Group (CHSYCG) Sharon Moloney Julie Dixon Isabella Plains Early Childhood School Turner School Arilia King Nicole Richardson Forrest Primary School Amaroo School CONTACT WHO 0427 637 378 6205 6622 6205 5917 6293 6361 0426 968 849 6250 7000 6205 9722 6205 2808 6205 5644 TBA Ngunnawal Childcare Centre, Wanganeen Ave Malkara School Grounds ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK LAUNCH AND AWARDS PRESENTATION CEREMONY - ALL WELCOME. NATIONAL MUSEUM OF AUSTRALIA: Visions Theatre Turner School will celebrate Children's Week in a variety of ways, hosting a special assembly to mark Universal Children's Day as well as an SRC forum at lunchtime Turner School Hall where children can voice their thoughts and opinions on our school and how we can support our community and region. Visit to Malkara School by Reptiles Inc. Under the expert guidance of their staff, Malkara students will have an opportunity to develop sensitivity for the needs of animals while observing, investigating and managing the reptiles. This will allow for individual class experiences and allow the staff from Reptiles Inc to personally engage with students and meet their many and varied individual needs. In house activity only In house and local community In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only ACCESS 11.00 AM 12.15 PM 8 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 11.15 am - 2.10 In house and local pm community 9.30 am - 1.00 pm 10.15 am 12 noon - 3.00 pm 8.15 am - 9.00 am 9.00 am - 11.00 am 9.00 am - 3.00 pm TIMES Belconnen AMF Ten Bin Bowling Centre Isabella Plains Our Centre is celebrating children and young people, we are holding a morning tea Childcare and for our families, the local community being our Grocer, Hairdresser, Chemist, Sue Education Centre Kelly from Bunnings and the local pet shop manager Terry. Dress-Up Day for all the children in the centre. Our CHSYCG students will have the opportunity to participate in a Ten Pin Bowling activity - providing transport, shoe hire, game costs and refreshments School Hall Amaroo School Early Childhood Grand friends will be invited to come and spend the morning with the children engaging in Investigations (learning through play) and view a Portrait Gallery created by the students of their special grand friend. Followed by a morning tea with teachers, students and grand friends from Preschool to year 2. We host many events during Children's Week each year. This year we would like to host a special 'Children's Breakfast'. We will invite children of IPECS, their families and the wider local community. This is a wonderful time for families to connect, spend time with the children and enjoy the children in their school environment. The children will help plan the menu. Forrest Primary School VENUE Students will be engaged in a range of international learning experiences to celebrate our school’s diverse cultures. Valuing Diversity celebrations will begin with a Parade, with students encouraged to wear clothes from around the world. They will then enjoy experiences that promote inclusivity, tolerance and the valuing of our school's cultural diversity. The day will emphasise student enquiry and cooperation, providing a snapshot of different countries and cultures. ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE DAY Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday DATE 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 6287 5520 Mary-Anne Winchester Emma Gusse T.J. Martin Klaudia Kulas Anna Dyliewski Rebecca Adams Meghan WevvWagg Amanda Flanigan St Jude's ELC Palmerston District Primary School Bonner School Age Care Mt Rogers School Age Care Charles Conder Preschool Unit Greenway Child Care and Education Centre Gordon Early Childhood Centre Isabella Plains Early Childhood service, Communities@ Work 6205 9722 6294 7377 6293 6340 6205 8333 0407 494 842 0451 680 221 6205 7241 6142 1110 Annette Evans Franklin Early Childhood School Charles Conder Preschool This year we are following the theme of "You have the right to speak and be heard" so are getting the children to make short films of themselves telling us what they think is important about our Early Childhood Service. These films will be played at a Children's Week breakfast. We will be doing a different activity each day for Children's Week. This will include a teddy bears family picnic & family fun day. We hope to hire a bus so the children can go to Southern Cross Early Childhood School & use the bike safety course & have lunch with the children from that centre & Calwell Early Childhood Centre. Isabella Plains Early Childhood School Hall Southern Cross Early Childhood School Greenway Child Teddy Bear's Picnic. Jumping Castle. Children's handprint canvas work. Care and Children's voice video documentary for the service to promote what matters to our Education Centre children and their interests. Other activities to be confirmed. Family Picnic and Planting Day: Families are invited to share a picnic lunch at Preschool followed by planting seedlings in our newly developed garden beds. Mt Rogers SAC is focusing on children having the right to keep warm. The children Mt Rogers Primary will participate in making a combined quilt. Each child will have an individual School square to make, knit, crochet or decorate. Neville Bonner Primary School Neville Bonner SAC will combine with Amaroo Primary SAC for an afternoon full of games and activities promoting Children's Week. The afternoon will have a sausage sizzle and will promote interaction between both schools. St Jude's ELC A shared afternoon tea for children and carers, consisting of fruit and baked goods by the children. This will be followed by board games promoting conversation and the children's week theme "You have a right to speak and be heard." Palmerston District Primary School Franklin Early Childhood School Hall & Piazza We Are One, We Are Many, We Sing and Play Together - celebration of diversity through song, dance and games with students and families dressing in traditional costume. "Oral/Visual Story Telling and Sharing", families are invited to come and share stories and cultural facts from their heritage. VENUE ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE CONTACT WHO ACCESS In house activity only 8.15 am - 9.15 am 9.30 am - 1.00 pm TBC 11.30 am - 12.30 pm 3.00 pm - 5.30 pm 3.00 pm - 5.00 pm ??? 9 In house activity only In house activity only (local community TBC) In house activity only In house and local community In house and local community 9.00 am - 10.00 In house and local am community 2.00 pm - 3.00 pm 9.00 am - 10.30 In house and local am community TIMES DAY Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday DATE 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 CONTACT Jody Mitrousis Tanya Muscat Tanya Muscat Toni Sullivan Larissa Sinclair Rebecca Telek Marion Brown Rebekah Baris Shane McAlpine WHO Apple tree House Child Care & Education Centre Narrabundah Children's Cottage - Senior Campus Narrabundah Children's Cottage Richardson Child Care & Education Centre Tuggeranong Link Community Houses & Centres Anglicare at Franklin Early Childhood School Tharwa Preschool Unit Gordon School Age Care YMCA Jamison Early Learning Centre 6251 5735 0407 953 033 6205 7246 Tharwa Conder Campus 6205 8333 6142 1117 0412 854 515 6293 6331 6239 4698 6239 4698 6293 6320 Tharwa Preschool Gordon Primary School Jamison Early Learning Centre Families are invited to share a picnic lunch at Preschool followed by planting seedlings in our newly developed garden The students will paint a portrait of themselves. This activity will encourage the children to look at their individual place within the Gordon School Age Care program. The portraits will then be displayed. A contemporary Group Art Project, in combination with the families, children and staff of the centre we will be doing 4 separate, large abstract canvas art pieces. This will be inspired by the animals of the centre and their link to indigenous perspectives with connection to earth and nature. Anglicare at Franklin ECS Exploring Children's Voices using different mediums of expression including Song, Sign, Art, Dance, Music and Drama. Families of our service will be invited to celebrate their children's voices in an afternoon gathering where we will display the children's artworks and other performances. 9.00 am - 5.00 pm 3.30 pm - 5.30 pm 11.30 am - 12.30 pm 3.00 pm - 4.00 pm 11.00 am Throughout the day Richardson Child Care & Education Centre, Richardson Isabella Neighbourhood House Throughout the day Narrabundah Children's Cottage Throughout the day 10.00 am Apple tree House Child Care & Education Centre Narrabundah Children's Cottage - Senior Campus TIMES VENUE Tuggeranong Link is a not for profit organisation. We run playschools out of three centres. We will run a Teddy Bears Picnic. Each child will bring in their favourite bear and Tuggeranong Link will pay for a healthy morning tea. The children are between 3 - 4 years - this will be a fun activity as children usually bring their own food. If weather permits we will sit on a picnic mat outside, or inside on a mat. Centre Art collaboration - throughout the day. Establishing our garden. Establishing our garden. Reptiles INC. - the Canberra Reptile Zoo will be coming to apple tree house to let the children have hands on experience with different type of Reptiles ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE 10 In house and local community In house activity only In house activity only In house and local community In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only ACCESS DAY Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday DATE 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 CONTACT Deborah Fitzgerald Michael Aisbitt Edie McLister Chriss Wallwork Tim Palmer Bec Vanhala Paula Kinsman Sharon Mathers Gini McFadyen WHO Curtin Primary School Red Hill Senior School Age Care Red Hill School Age Care Lyons School Age Care Curtin Senior School Age Care Woden Community Service Lyons Children's Centre Campbell Primary School YMCA Holder Early Learning Centre Tuggeranong Child Care & Education Centre 6293 6576 6287 3100 6205 6300 6234 6809 6234 6809 6234 6809 6234 6809 6295 2830 6205 5622 YMCA Early Learning Centre Holder YMCA Holder "Celebrates the Arts". Music and dance can bring a high element of pleasure to children, and assist them in their development of a large array of skills at the same time, including social skills, exploring cause and effect, co-ordination and balance and also their own body awareness. We will provide children with an opportunity to explore cultural music and dance in our environment. In recognition of this year's theme to have the right to speak and be heard, we are Tuggeranong Child Care & Education inviting all children to come to the centre in a dress up of their choice with crazy hair. Centre Campbell Primary School Lyons Children's Centre deck All day 10.00 am 1.00 pm - 1.45 pm 10.00 am - 11.00 am 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm Lyons Early Childhood School Hall 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm 3.45 pm - 6.00 pm Curtin Primary Patterson Hall ACCESS 11 In house activity only In house activity only In house and local community In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only 12.00 noon - 2.00 In house and local pm community TIMES Red Hill Primary School Craft Room Music in the Quad: Lunchtime music session The Children will come dressed up as their favourite character. In the morning families will join the children having brunch on the deck. We will have face painting too! Relief printmaking workshop on the theme of Children's Week. The artworks created by participating students will be published and made available to students and their families. We will buy kites to play with on the oval near the school, after our picnic afternoon tea. Family "Hot Dog Day". Red Hill Primary School Hall Curtin Primary School Junior Playground Planting of the Peace Garden (quiet play area) that our year1 /2 students voted for as the most wanted addition to the junior playground (K-2) grassed area. We have seating in place and the student gardening group have offered to do the plantings. The grant money would be used to purchase native bird attracting plants as requested by the year 1/ 2 students. Red Hill Senior School Age Care children have asked to do a favourite activity for Children's Week - Crazy Hair Day! VENUE ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE DAY Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday DATE 22/10/14 22/10/14 22/10/14 23/10/14 23/10/14 23/10/14 23/10/14 23/10/14 23/10/14 Naomi Findlay Bev White Mrs Ros Brydie Lynne Sheville Harrison School Preschool Ngunnawal School Age Care Kaleen Primary School Nishi Puri Ngunnawal Childcare Centre Kerrie Long Vidya Chandra Hughes School Age Care Lake Tuggeranong College Science Faculty Emma Webster Palmerston School Age Care Veronica Rapp Carmel Richardson Wiradjuri Preschool Child Care Centre Gordon Preschool CONTACT WHO 6205 5888 0451 680 223 6142 2235 6205 6213 6205 5433 0426 968 849 6234 6809 0451 680 226 6201 2087 Wiradjuri Preschool Following our Children's Week morning tea and sing-a-long with grandparents and special friends we will invite family members to help children plant native shrubs in a newly landscaped part of our playground garden. Kaleen Primary School Harrison School Preschool The children have been involved in re-designing our outdoor environment, including a fairy garden. We are organising an afternoon where the children enjoy working together with their families. Mosaic tiles/stepping stones will provide stimulus for dramatic play in the fairy garden. This is preschool community event for 75 enrolled students attending Thursday/Friday. Japanese Day at Kaleen Primary will be coordinated by Mrs Ros Brydie. Our Year Six leaders will lead games and activities for all students - Preschool to Year 5. The Japanese Embassy will assist by sending helpers and providing traditional costumes. We will have a sushi lunch for the children. Our Japanese Day will feature traditional Japanese crafts, stories and traditional games that the children have learnt. Lake Tuggeranong College/RSPCA Weston As part of students' learning about animal care and welfare, Introduction to Veterinary Science students are excited to take part in some community engagement activities with the RSPCA. Student achievements within the course will be celebrated and will support their community work with the RSPCA. Ngunnawal Primary School Gordon Preschool Gordon Preschool will be purchasing 125 art canvases on which the children will complete their art work. The works of art will be on display at an art show to be held at the preschool and open to family and friends during Children's Week. All day 7.30 am - 9.00 am 1.50 pm - 3.00 pm 2.00 pm TBA 10.00 am Ngunnawal Childcare Centre, Wanganeen Ave Toddlers are going to a farm near Sutton that is owned by a Toddler family travelling by bus. 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm Ngunnawal SAC would like to host a breakfast (hot) for the wider school community, children and families. This would influence their positive and continuous open dialogue. ACCESS 12 In house and local community In house and local community In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house and local community 10.00 AM - 12.00 In house and local NOON community TIMES Hughes Primary School Hall Wednesday: Jewellery workshop and knitting. At Palmerston, we will be celebrating Indonesian food and culture in the Service by making Beef Rendang and engaging in a variety of Indonesian contemporary and Palmerston School traditional activities; to share interests while also building cultural awareness with Age Care our country's nearest neighbour and those who are part of our Program. VENUE ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE DAY Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday THURSDAY Thursday DATE 23/10/14 23/10/14 23/10/14 23/10/14 23/10/14 23/10/14 23/10/14 23/10/14 23/10/14 CONTACT Rebecca Adams Claire Northfield Subhani Thewahettige Alan Codorin Toni Sullivan Larissa Sinclair Jenny Pearce JENNA Eliza Hughes WHO Greenway Child Care and Education Centre Holy Trinity Early Learning Centre After School Care Amaroo School Age Care Possum Magic Child Care Richardson Child Care & Education Centre Tuggeranong Link Community Houses & Centres Woden Weston Family Day Care UNITING CARE KIPPAX YWCA Lyneham School Age Care Gilmore Community House Weston Hub Playground SPORTS HALL, BELCONNEN COMMUNITY CENTRE, SWANSON COURT Tuggeranong Link is a not for profit organisation. We run playschools out of three centres. We will run a Teddy Bears Picnic. Each child will bring in their favourite bear and Tuggeranong Link will pay for a healthy morning tea. The children are between 3 - 4 years - this will be a fun activity as children usually bring their own food. If weather permits we will sit on a picnic mat outside, or inside on a mat. Woden-Weston Family Day Care invites parents to join the educators and children for a barbecue in the park at the Weston Hub Playground. Fun, food and laughs! THIS IS ME' festival celebrating the uniqueness of every child and their right to express themselves. Let your child come dressed in whatever they would like to wear. Activities include a jumping castle, face painting, disco, craft and more! Free event for families with children 5 and under. Morning tea provided. To register, contact Jenna on 6278 8110 or 6234 6853 6278 8110 TO REGISTER. FREE EVENT families with children 5 and under 6175 9923 0412 854 515 6293 6331 The children would like to provide an afternoon tea for the families and incorporate Lyneham School a visit from The Reptile Man. Age Care In house activity only Centre Lunch 11.30 - 1.30 pm Information session 3.00 4.30 pm Richardson Child Care & Education Centre, Richardson Centre Lunch, Educators will cook lunch and be serving/waiting on the children's lunch, in an outdoor dining room style setting. Child and Family Centre will be at the service to provide families with information on a range of topics. 3.30 pm - 5.00 pm 10.00 AM 12.00 NOON 9.00 am - 12.00 pm 11.00 am In house activity only 5.00 pm Possum Magic Child Care, Red Hill Parent, family and Friends of Possum - a Sausage Sizzle to share together. 6295 7077 13 In house activity only OPEN TO THE PUBLIC (REGISTER 6278 8110) In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only 3.30 pm - 5.30 pm Amaroo School Age Care 0451 680 225 6281 7428 In house activity only In house activity only (local community TBC) This year, Amaroo and Bonner SAC programs will combine to celebrate Children's Week with a party for over 150 children and educators! We will organise unique experiences to share with one another, along with a sausage sizzle for the enjoyment and interaction of all children and educators from both Services. TBC Greenway Child Care and Education Centre ACCESS 5.30 pm - 7.00 pm Pyjama Party. Jumping Castle. Children's handprint canvas work. Children's voice video documentary for the service to promote what matters to our children and their interests. Other activities to be confirmed. TIMES VENUE Family BBQ to celebrate our children in our After School Care community and an opportunity for children to share the ASC experience with their families including Holy Trinity Early their older or younger siblings. Children will plan and organise a BBQ and activities Learning Centre to share with their families. 6293 6340 ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE Pam Rosser Janice Shroder Diane Stedman Nishi Puri Rebecca Adams Lynn Ingram Kate Muscat Kate Muscat Jessica Annerley Namadgi School Ngunnawal Preschool and 5 other Preschools Fraser Primary School After School Care Program Ngunnawal Childcare Centre Greenway Child Care and Education Centre Calwell School Age Care YMCA Mother Teresa OSHC YMCA Mother Teresa OSHC Bruce Ridge Early Childhood Centre and Preschool Thursday and Friday Thursday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday 23/10/14 23/10/14 24/10/14 24/10/14 24/10/14 24/10/14 24/10/14 24/10/14 24/10/14 CONTACT WHO DAY DATE 6251 3205 6242 4040 6242 4040 0417 700 597 6293 6340 0426 968 849 6258 8964 6205 8308 6142 0900 Bruce Ridge Early Childhood Centre and Preschool YMCA Mother Teresa OSHC, Harrison Our activity encompasses our children's love for cooking. The children have expressed their desire to open a restaurant for each other and parents of our service to attend. The children will be responsible for cooking food and helping set up their very own restaurant. Family Afternoon Tea with Jumping Castle and Face Painting fun. YMCA Mother Teresa OSHC, Harrison Our activity encompasses our children's love for cooking. The children have expressed their desire to open a restaurant for each other and parents of our service to attend. The children will be responsible for cooking food and helping set up their very own restaurant. TBC Greenway Child Care and Education Centre 3.00 pm - 5.00 pm 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm 4.00 pm - 6.00 pm 9.00 am Ngunnawal Childcare Centre, Wanganeen Ave Calwell School Age Care 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm 11.30 am Various times TIMES Fraser Primary School Ngunnawal Preschool Namadgi School Community Room VENUE For Calwell's Children's Week celebration, we would like to purchase a small electric oven with hot plates and a grill, so our children and educators can create some snacks and cakes together which we then share with each other, our families and our school community in an invitational afternoon tea. Multicultural Food Festival for Children, Families and Educators to enjoy a shared lunch. This will be the main event of the week, with the provision of all food for lunch. We are inviting all our families to breakfast at the centre. Each year we celebrate Children's Week by inviting all families at our service to attend our activities. We have a jumping castle, games, face painting, a barbecue and afternoon tea with drinks. It is a great opportunity for all members of our ASC community to celebrate children. We have booked the Canberra Reptile Zoo to visit our Preschool, to provide an educational experience about reptiles for our 6 Preschool groups. NAMADGICAL - an interactive community performing arts event that is an annual event for Children's Week ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE 14 In house activity only In house and local community In house activity only In house and local community In house and local community In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only ACCESS DAY Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday Friday DATE 24/10/14 24/10/14 24/10/14 24/10/14 24/10/14 24/10/14 24/10/14 24/10/14 24/10/14 CONTACT Tanya Muscat Tanya Muscat Toni Sullivan Maribel Cabezas Melinda HallO'Brien Paula Kinsman Jessica Shute Gini McFadyen Vidya Chandra WHO Narrabundah Children's Cottage - Senior Campus Narrabundah Children's Cottage Richardson Child Care & Education Centre St Thomas Aquinas Early Learning Centre Rosary Primary School Campbell Primary School YMCA OSHC St John Vianney, Arawang, St Jude's Tuggeranong Child Care & Education Centre Hughes School Age Care 6234 6809 6293 6576 6242 4040 6205 6300 6248 0010 6585 5834 6293 6331 6239 4698 6239 4698 Richardson Narrabundah Children's Cottage Narrabundah Children's Cottage - Senior Campus VENUE Campbell Primary School YMCA ST Jude's OSHC Multicultural Dress day and Assembly : a focus on inclusivity / recognition of the diverse Cultures in our School/community. Celebrating World Teacher Day: Building the apple tree…… Apple messages go to the children/families to recognise the traits/hard work of their teachers to contribute to building our apple tree of appreciation. "Let's explore dance and music" Children will be able to extend their learning through participating in a variety of cultural diverse music and dance experiences. They will be introduced to a variety of ways to move and hear a variation of sounds through music, dance from local cultural group performances and through hands on participation in their own or in a shared environment with the local ELC at Holder and with Arawang and St John Vianney OSHC. Friday: Sports day with sausage sizzle. Hughes Primary School Hall The whole centre is traveling to the National Zoo and Aquarium. This outing is to Tuggeranong Child provide the children with an opportunity to expand their interest and knowledge of Care & Education animals and to gain a deeper understanding of caring for animals. Also to have an Centre outing together with families and children to acknowledge Children Week Rosary Primary School The Kindergarten classes will invite a special family member to a 'Come back to school' morning. This will be an opportunity for the children and their special family person to share their learning - a time to celebrate schooling and share a healthy morning tea. This will support the Kindergarten History inquiry unit of work - How the stories of families and the past can be communicated, for example through photographs, artifacts, books, oral histories, digital media and museums. St Thomas We would like to encourage the school community to be involved in our environmental program. We hope to purchase plants for our garden and invite the Aquinas Preschool parents to join us for a working bee and sausage sizzle. grounds Local walk in the community. Establishing our vegetable garden. Establishing our vegetable garden. ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm 9.00 am - 1.00 pm 3.30 pm All day 10.00 am - 11.30 am 11.00 am 9.30 am Throughout the day Throughout the day TIMES 15 In house activity only In house activity only In house activity only In house and local community In house activity only In house and local community In house and local community In house activity only In house activity only ACCESS DAY SATURDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY Tuesday Tuesday Friday DATE 25/10/14 25/10/14 26/10/14 26/10/14 28/10/14 28/10/14 31/10/14 MARIAN ASHFORD THE BOYS' BRIGADE ACT & REGION AND THE GIRLS' BRIGADE ACT Jenny Parsons Kiley Lambert Cranleigh School Dickson College & Majura Early Childhood Centre Kate Chapman MANDY ACT BILINGUAL EDUCATION ALLIANCE Ainslie School ROSE MARIN NATIONAL GALLERY OF AUSTRALIA THE SALVATION JOANNE PAULL ARMY CONTACT WHO 6205 6455 6205 8000 6142 3060 0408 089 235 6240 6502 0411 444 764 6286 9355 HUGHES PRIMARY SCHOOL VENUE Majura Early 10.15 am - 12.15 Childhood Centre pm Year 11 & 12 students studying Children's Play at Dickson College will work alongside children at Majura Early Childhood Centre to enhance their outdoor space including gardening and painting the new cubby house. Dickson College students will work alongside the children to plant seeds in their outdoor garden. The children have drawn designs that the Dickson College students can assist them to paint their cubby house.. 9.30 am Cranleigh School Cranleigh School has invited some students from Southern Cross Early Childhood School to Join together and watch a performance by Hemlock the Acrobat. He will perform an interactive circus involving balancing and acrobatic feats. Various times 2.00 PM - 4.00 PM 10.00 AM - 2.30 PM Ainslie School and in the School Hall CENTRE, 180 LONDON CCT MULTICULTURAL THEO NOTARAS NATIONAL GALLERY OF AUSTRALIA 3.00 pm - 6.00 pm 2.30 PM - 5.00 PM TIMES We will be holding a Road Safety day in conjunction with the NRMA's Science Shows. The children will be encouraged to wear their helmets to and from school and will choose and discuss the safest routes to walk or ride to school. Parents and the community will be invited to one of these sessions. An afternoon of free fun activities for families raising children in more than one language and others interested in languages education. Join in songs, games and craft activities in a range of languages. Light refreshments provided, but feel free to bring along something to share for afternoon tea. Contact: BIG DRAW: ALL AGES AND ABILITIES - CHILDREN TO BE ACCOMPANIED. JOIN CREATIVE WORKSHOPS EXPLORING DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO DRAWING. (free entry) THE SALVATION ARMY WILL BE CELEBRATING YOUNG PEOPLE WITH A FUN DAY FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY, including food and drink stalls, and THE BONYTHON lots of FREE activities - jumping castles, face-painting, activities and much PRIMARY SCHOOL more. There will also be a concert displaying the talents of our young people & programs available. FESTIVAL AND FETE - ACTIVITIES INCLUDE FACE PAINTING, THE "B" FACTOR, FAIRY FLOSS, TEA & COFFEE, CAKES, GAMES, SAUSAGE SIZZLE, JUMPING CASTLE. LOTS OF FAMILY FUN FOR ALL AGES. ACTIVITY ORGANISED TO CELEBRATE CHILDREN'S WEEK ACT CHILDREN'S WEEK PROGRAM 2014 PHONE 16 In house activity only In house activity only In house and local community OPEN TO THE PUBLIC OPEN TO THE PUBLIC OPEN TO THE PUBLIC OPEN TO THE PUBLIC - IN HOUSE AND LOCAL COMMUNITY ACCESS What’s on for kids The National Museum of Australia presents a range of programs and interactive experiences to inspire children to learn about Australian history, culture and society. Every day School holidays Become a Museum Trailblazer and try our new kids activity trail — a 30 to 40 minute self-guided tour through our galleries. The trail is designed just for kids as a fun way to explore our wonderful collections. Every school holidays the National Museum presents quality and innovative family programs about Australian history, culture and society. Kspace is currently closed to allow us to start building our new on-site interactive digital experience for children and families. The new and improved Kspace will open in mid-2015, and will definitely be worth the wait. The Garden of Australian Dreams is a rich landscape of symbols and meanings drawn from Australian life. Take a walk and see what you can find and learn. Stories, experiences and interpretations for children are also offered throughout our permanent galleries. The drop-in Discovery Space operates during the school holidays and is an exciting activity centre where children can participate in hands-on creative craft relating to specific exhibitions and Museum themes. The Museum offers a variety of exciting materials and allows children to take home their creations. The Discovery Space caters for children aged 5–12 with assistance from their parents or carers. Free general entry Open 9 am – 5 pm daily (closed Christmas Day) Lawson crescent Acton Peninsula Canberra 1800 026 132 Donations (tax deductible) are welcome, visit The National Museum of Australia is an Australian Government Agency. CHILDREN’S WEEK ACTIVITIES 18–26 OCTOBER The Australian War Memorial offers a variety of programs and interactive activities for children of all ages. These programs are free and no bookings are required. Discovery Zone Hands-on History Storytime Open to the public on weekdays from 12.30 pm to 1.30 pm. Open to the public all day on weekends Saturday 18, Sunday 19, Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 October 11 am and 2 pm Orientation Gallery Friday 24 October 10.30 am In this interactive environment, kids can experience what it would be like to work in a trench, a helicopter, or a submarine. They can build bridges, explore an air raid shelter, and try on uniforms. Families can investigate Australia’s involvement in the Second World War and some of the jobs today’s peacekeepers do. The Discovery Zone is full of things to hear, see, and do. What do servicemen and servicewomen wear? What do they eat? What jobs do they do? Our exciting Hands-on History programs answer these and many other questions. Try on uniforms, handle real items and hear incredible stories of Australians in wartime. Hear stories of brave animals, extraordinary people, and faraway places, brought to life through puppets, uniforms, and educational toys. This program is suitable for pre-school-aged children, but older brothers and sisters are also welcome. Opening hours: 10 am – 5 pm. Free entry Australian War Memorial, Treloar Crescent, Campbell ACT E: W: P: (02) 6243 4211 Image: A young visitor enjoys the annual Big Draw event Alive and Spirited 2 August – 26 January 2015 Children’s Gallery Journey through the land of Alive and Spirited and discover the spiritual beings of Australia’s first people. The exhibition includes creative activities to engage families. Big Draw Sunday 26 October 10.30 am – 2.30 pm Join creative workshops exploring different approaches to drawing. all ages and abilities, children to be accompanied Parkes Place, Canberra | Free entry | 10 am – 5 pm daily | Enquiries: (02) 6240 6502 OUR BRAND NEW CHILDREN'S S PACE PLAY UP IS NOW OPEN! AT OLD PARLIAMENT HOUS E PLAY UP pokes its tongue out at the idea that museums are hands off. Let's stand up, dress up, make up, think up and step up in a fabulous space that has turned the traditional idea of what goes on in museums completely on its head. In PLAY UP it is our visitors who are the curators, it is your work that will be on the walls and the media screens. Our first exhibition, the Right to Play, has been developed with children and celebrates the 25th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. T HERE'S S OMET HING FOR T HE WHOLE FAMILY . . . Behind the Lines 2013 Heads and Tales Puppet Theatre Create your own Tony, Julia and Kevin tales through the Behind the Lines 2013 puppet theatre. Heads and Tails Board Game Play this old-school board game as you make your way around the exhibition. Spin the arrow and move your counter around the board to find heads and tails from the best political cartoons of 2013. Family Action Packs Discover the gardens and surrounds of the museum with a fantastic Outdoor Family Action Pack. Available daily, ask the friendly staff when you arrive. MoADventure Trail PLAY UP is so much fun, we predict you'll be coming back again and again. Discover the building and find some special objects located around the museum. Suitable for 5-12 year olds and takes about 30-45 minutes to complete. WE DOUBLE DARE YOU! Zine Lounge All children's activities FREE after entry! Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House 18 King George Terrace, Parkes A zine (pronounced ‘zeen’) is a handmade, selfpublished magazine, often photocopied in black and white, and with a limited print run. The Zine Lounge is for everyone, of any age. Come along and create your own zine…or just relax! 02 6270 8222 Open daily: 9am – 5pm $1 Child/Concession $2 Adult $5 Family WHAT IS CHILDREN’S WEEK? In 1954 the United Nations General Assembly recommended (Resolution 836 - IX) that all countries institute a Universal Children’s Day, to be observed as a day of worldwide fraternity and understanding between children and of activity promoting the welfare of the world’s children That the observance of Universal Children’s Day should be used for a concrete and effective expression of the support of Governments for the purposes of UNICEF The General Assembly suggested to Governments that the Day be observed on the date which each considers appropriate. Australia celebrates Universal Children’s Day on the fourth Wednesday in October – the day that UNICEF Australia has traditionally celebrated this special day. A number of other countries celebrate Universal Children’s Day on 20 November – this date marks the day on which the Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959 and the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989. Children’s Week Committees in each State and Territory seek to focus attention on the theme of Children’s Week, with due regard to the rights, needs and accomplishments of children and young people, within the context of the family, the community and the world. They seek to celebrate childhood and young people sharing each other’s unique culture and situation while assisting the organisation of local activities that support and involve children, young people, their families and all who care for and support them. The committees support and acknowledge government and community groups in their work for our children and young people. For information on Children’s Week in the ACT Tel: 6254 4209 - 6288 3518 CHILDREN’S WEEK IN AUSTRALIA The Children’s Week Council of Australia, made up of representatives of every Australian State and Territory, determined that the annual theme be adopted from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The UN Convention consists of 54 articles, guided by four fundamental principles: 1. EVERY CHILD, EVERYWHERE: Children should neither benefit nor suffer because of their race, colour, gender, language, religion, national, social or ethnic origin, or because of any political or other opinion; because of their caste, property or birth status; or because they are disabled. 2. THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CHILD: Laws and actions affecting children should put their best interests first and benefit them in the best possible way. 3. SURVIVAL, DEVELOPMENT AND PROTECTION: The authorities in each country must protect children and help ensure their full development — physically, spiritually, morally and socially. 4. A VOICE: Children have a right to have their say in decisions that affect them and to have their opinions taken into account The Children’s Week Council of Australia adopted Article 12 as the theme for 2014 “You have the right to speak and be heard”
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