$500.00 is due by October 24th for DC. If you need information on you DC account you may contact Dawn Murphy (GPHS Bookkeeper) by Email Only. She handles this account as a favor to us, so out of courtesy to her, email is the preferred method of communication. dmurphy@grantspass.k12.or.us (Note: Ghostbuster coupons will not be added to your band account until after this payment is due since they are being used till OCT 30th) AWESOME JOB at PNW! What terrific performances! Chocolate Is Available!! See info below. is Here….Forms were Handed Out last Wednesday At Practice; Open House on Saturday the 25th from 9-1 Monday October 20th —6:00-9:00PM Band and Auxiliary Rehearsal Tuesday October 21st --off Wednesday October22nd —Half time show for the North VS. South Civil War Football game. 4:30 call time for Color Guard, 5:00 for the band. Thursday October 23rd—3:30-6:00 Percussion Sectional; 3:30-6:00 Color Guard Rehearsal Friday October 24th—DC trip $500.00 payment due! GPHS Football game—homecoming VS. South Eugene—Color Guard call time 5:00—Band call time 5:30. Saturday October 25th —9-3:00pm Rehearsal Band and Auxiliary; 8:00PM Event— Homecoming Dance! Sunday October 26th –-Cans and Bottles Collections 11:45—2:00 GPHS Band parking lot. Erin Lemois is the contact now; 541-441-2008; 2:00—done deposits at the store—Average income for each shift is between $20 and $40.00; If you work a shift with a parent that can mean close to $80.00 for your DC Account. DC Update: All families that plan to attend with their student must pay in full by October 24th as well. REMEMBER: Next DC payment of $500 due no later than October 24. Payable to the GPHS Bookkeeper. Questions on your student’s account balance, email Dawn Murphy dmurphy@grantspass.k12.or.us -If you do not pay your total due of $750 ($250 due April 25, 2014; $500 due October 24, 2014), then your name will not be submitted on the travel docket as we will be purchasing plane tickets in November. This is the only way to guarantee that you will be able to participate on this trip. All families that plan to travel with the band to DC please email Dawn Boyd with the number of travelers in your party (not including your band or guard student). She needs names, ages, and contact information no later than Friday September 26th. dboyd@grantspass.k12.or.us DC T-shirts are now available! Black or Berry with the DC logo for $20.00 each. Thank you to Grants Pass Ladies Nines for their generous donation of $500.00 towards our general fund. Don’t forget to link your Fred Meyer account and Amazon accounts to GPHS Band. They will give a percentage of your purchases back into the program. Details below under Fundraising. Last month we made $158.00 from Fred Meyer and $18.00 from Amazon. Every little bit helps so please sign up now! Guest travel info: If you want to travel as a guest (non-chaperone), there are a few options for you. 1. Travel with the band: Full payment due by October 24, 2014. Cost based on occupancy. Payments will be made through the GPHS Band Boosters treasurer. We will be requesting your travel info soon. 2. Flight separately: If you wish to make your own travel arrangements (flight, transfers to and from hotel), but wish to purchase the “land package” only (including hotel, meals, bus transportation and all activities with band), deduct $500 per person, per occupancy. 3. Separate travel – if you wish to travel on your own and make all of your own arrangements, you will need to make your own reservations for sightseeing opportunities. You will be able to be at the same sights hopefully at the same time as the students, but there is no guarantee that the tours would allow you through at the same time. You can also plan your meals at the same restaurants, but will not be able to eat with the group. If you have more questions on particular travel needs, or the itinerary, please contact Dawn Boyd. 541-450-2428 dboyd@grantspass.k12.or.us Do you shop at Fred Meyer, and want to help the boosters raise the additional $40,000 for DC? Just link your rewards card to the Grants Pass High School Band Boosters on the Fred Meyer website www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards . Fundraising: We are planning numerous upcoming fundraisers that will not only help with student accounts, but will help with the additional expenses that the DC trip will encompass. These expenses include busses to and from the airport, shipping large instruments and uniforms, and additional uniforms. Please join us at the monthly booster meetings to get more information – and be sure to join the facebook group: GPHS Marching Band & Auxiliary Boosters Fundraising Note: Remember that when volunteering at a Band Booster Fundraiser, you are representing GPHS Band and Auxiliary. Students MUST wear a band shirt or GP Blue shirt, tennis shoes, and appropriate length shorts/skirt or pants (please comply with GPHS dress code). Students must stay until the event is over or they will only receive partial credit for their hours. Link your Amazon account to GPHS Marching Band and they give a percentage of your purchases back to our program! Every little bit helps! Click on this link http://smile.amazon.com/ Find GPHS Band Boosters, and then a portion of your purchases is given back to the band. October 17th—30th See attached flyer! Coupons were handed out and are available. Write your name and section on the back and hand them out. If used 50% goes into your student’s account! Gofundme.com is a website where you can register for free and set up an account so your family and friends can deposit money into a predetermined account. It’s a fast easy way to get funding quickly and easily. Check it out. Schwan’s Fundraiser: Here is the link to the website: http://schwans.flipgive.com/f/20164 Contact Jim Martin for more information: brokenarrow6869@yahoo.com www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards Search for us using our name or non-profit number 81278. This links your Fred Meyer card to GPHS and Fred Meyer pays us a percentage of the sales. For information see the attached form. Collections are from 11:45 to 2:00 pm. Meet at GPHS then to Albertsons for the machines from 2:00 until done; Profits will be shared with students; 80% goes to the kids, 20% to the boosters with a $10.00 minimum per student but averages are between $20.00-$40.00; Maximum of 4 students and 2 adults per session; Must sign up to work it. Please contact; Erin Lemois at 541-441-2008 or respond to our facebook page notifications. Honor your Student with a GPHS Memorial Walkway Brick We need 60 bricks sold to start off. If you have a graduating student, or future graduate, or perhaps you are a graduate; purchase your bricks today to support our DC trip and other band booster functions. Bricks may be purchased in honor of your student for $45 and they will be prominently displayed in a Memorial Walkway in front of the PAC. Please click on the link below to view a sampling of these bricks that will honor your student for years to come. http://nicebadge.com/cart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=5409_10594&products_id=78075 Code of Conduct: GPHS Marching and Band and Auxiliary is an organization to be proud of. Let’s remember our code and ensure that we are setting the example for all to see. We are respected and admired by our peers. Let’s keep that image going. Please revue the code of conduct you signed. Copies will be posted on FB or are available in the band room and are attached to this newsletter. October 22nd: Performance NMS Vs SMS half time show October 24th: $500.00 due for DC Trip October 24th: Homecoming home game vs. South Eugene October 31st: Home game November 1st: Championships at Hillsboro Stadium! For information on those dates please see our calendar: http://www.brownbearsw.com/freecal/gphsband?Op=ShowIt;KW=Grants%20Pass%20HIgh%20School%20Ba nd%2C%20GPHS%20Band&Date=2014-08-01 More Fundraising BINGO – We have a new location for Bingo. The Pub on F Street. 5:30 pm, doors open; 6:30 pm games start; shifts end at approx. 10:00 pm - Parents and family members can volunteer to work; $10 per shift to your student’s account. Bottle & Can Recycling going on now Location Changed to GPHS! – This is aprox 3 hours shift on Sunday’s from 11:45 to 3:45pm. Meet at GPHS then to Albertsons for the machines; $10 to each students account for each worker. Must sign up to work it. Erin Lemois is the contact; 541-441-2008 or there is Bottles and Cans Facebook page; the link is on the Grants Pass Marching band page. Domino’s Pizza – when ordered Mondays or Thursdays, mention that you want to support the GPHS Band and a percentage of proceeds are donated. Chocolate—Is here!: permission slips attached; $20.00 goes into student’s account and $7.00 to Band Booster’s general fund. Each box has 52 candy bars for a total collection amount of $52.00. Distribution will begin after school on October 12th unless our order is delayed. No chocolate will be handed out with the signed form. Contact Patty Martin 541-441-2469 with any questions Schwan’s: 5% of your purchase gets credited to your students account. Talk to Jim Martin for details. Scentsy wax fragrances and warmers – open house and catalog sale coming soon! Questions? Contact your band director or booster board members: Joel Naegele, Director of Bands- jnaegele@grantspass.k12.or.us JJ Sutton, Assistant Director – jsutton@grantspass.k12.or.us Evan Daggett, Assistant Director - evandaggett@gmail.com Jennifer Brouillette, Color Guard Director, jbrouillette@grantspass.k12.or.us Jim Martin, Booster President –brokenarrow6869@yahoo.com Stacey Snyder, Booster Vice President – staceysnyder@charter.net Tracy Cauble, Booster Treasurer – tcauble@grantspass.k12.or.us Jeannie Davis Booster Secretary – jdavis@grantspass.k12.or.us Christine King, Auxiliary/Guard Chair –auntiegyrl@yahoo.com Jeff Bluhm, Equipment Chair – bluhmp_123@yahoo.com , Trip Coordinator Chair – Shawn Logue & Colleen Magorian, Foods Chair – shawn@edgewaterfellowship.org cmagorian@optionsonline.org Angela Taylor, PNW Coordinator Chair – pnw.gpband@gmail.com Patty Martin, Uniform Coordinator – pattysfam4@gmail.com , Fundraising Chair – Heather Schultz, Co Fundraising Chair Lance Jackson, Bingo Chair – jackass68@yahoo.com Staci Hunt, Communications Chair – dshuntdshunt@msn.com
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