T M Memo

…a newsletter for Zion Grade School’s families and the
congregations of Zion and St. Mark’s
Issue 08
Oct. 15, 2014
Sharing Hope, Teaching Christ!
Christ Centered – Academically Strong – Respectfully Operated
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with
all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first
and greatest commandment. And the second is like
it: Love your neighbor as yourself.
Matthew 22:37-39
FROM THE School Administrator…
Greetings! Parent/Teacher conferences for grades K-8 are
coming up on Nov. 6th and Nov. 11th. I have attached the signup sheet to the memo. Please send in your form by Friday,
Oct. 24th. I will assign times as forms are received, so if you
need a specific time, please turn this form in as soon as
possible. If I do not receive your form by Oct. 24th, I will
assign you a time. Please also indicate if you need childcare
during your conferences. This will help me determine how
many volunteers I need during the evening.
Our first Parent Partnership Workshop is on Wednesday, Oct.
29 at 6:30 pm. Please plan on attending this one hour
workshop. We will have a total of four Parent Partnership
Workshops this school year. The first two will offer a tuition
credit for this school year. More information will be available
in the next Mustang Memo.
We are going to be doing Operation Christmas Child
shoeboxes for our Christmas project again this year. We are
asking all families to bring in items such as bar soap,
toothbrushes, small toys, and crayons. Start looking for items
like this as you do your shopping. More information will be
available next week.
The volleyball teams have one more regular season game and
then tournaments at Waconia (5/6 team) and LHS (7/8 team).
The 7/8 grade team played an exciting game against Waconia
last night. They lost 23-25 in the first game, came back to win
the second, and lost the third.
Thank you to everyone who came to the first Zion Little
Lambs last Friday. The next time the group will meet is on
Friday, Oct. 24th. Call Katie Baumann with questions.
In His Service,
Mr. Joshua Baumann
Power of Devotions at Home
Bad Hair Moment
The one thing worse than a bad-hair day is a bad-hair week!
Not one piece of clothing fits; our hair-do has become a hairdon't, and nothing about us meets our expectations. Everyone
has had those times when looking in the mirror is unthinkable.
Not one redeeming feature is visible.
That is very true. No amount of change to our outward
appearance can make us right under God's Law. We are sinful
creatures and can never redeem ourselves. Thanks be to God
that He sees us through the sacrifice on the cross of His Son,
Jesus. He sees us as He created us — fearfully and wonderfully
made (Psalm 139:14b). We are righteous through Christ's
resurrection and beautiful in His sight. The bad-hair days will
still happen, but reading Psalm 139 will remind us that our
outward appearance does not determine who we are. We are
precious children of God! Because of the grace of Jesus Christ,
we can be renewed in this truth and be a mirror of God's love
to others.
Lord, in moments when I am very critical of myself, assure
me that through Jesus my Redeemer I am a new person,
created in Your image. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Mustard Seed Devotions LWML
Did you know?
LHS does a Senior Service Day where seniors go into the
Lutheran grade schools and community to give back through
service. Today we had two students, Andrew Wolf and
Jericho Norman, that read to students, helped with math, and
worked in the PE classes. Thank you!
Please keep the following students in your prayers on the day
Monday, Oct. 20 – Aletheia Woodford
Tuesday, Oct. 21 – Sydney Rahne
Wednesday, Oct. 22 – Dylan Maetzold
Thursday, Oct. 23 – Gabriel Hindermann
Friday, Oct. 24 – Sawyer Kubasch
we welcome Jack Baumann to Zion’s fourth grade
class. Jack was born on June 10, 2005 in St. Louis,
MO. Jack has two brothers & one sister. His family
lives in Lester Prairie. Some of Jack’s favorites
include: Food: Quesadilla; Color: Red; Book: How
to Train Your Dragon; Hobby: Pokémon Cards Sport:
Kickball. When Jack grows up he would like to be a
Construction Worker. The person Jack would most
like to meet is Toothless (from How to Train Your
Dragon). Jack’s family likes special suppers, play
board games, going to the park, eat together and
swimming in the pool. Welcome to Zion, Jack, we
are very excited to have you and your family with
Jack Baumann – Fourth Grade
Mark your calendars! The Zion Fall Festival is coming
The Zion Fall Festival is less than 2 weeks away! Our
FREE celebration will be held at school on Friday,
October 24, 6:30-8 pm. All children, families and
friends are invited to attend and are encouraged to
dress up in a fun, non-violent costume. There will be a
magic show, games, treats, and prizes galore! Pizza,
pop, juice boxes and bottled water will be available
for purchase.
Prayerfully consider helping out by volunteering to
assist with an activity or donating supplies. The
volunteer sign up and supply “wish list” are located in
the church Narthex. You may also contact Deb T.
(952-657-2400), Nikki M. (952-240-2150), Beth K.
(320-583-8190), Molly H. (952-388-3963) or Barb G.
(952-657-2476) to volunteer or for further
Fall Festival Wish List: Bring any donated items to
the office.
bags of individually wrapped candy (LOTS)
monetary donations
boxes of fruit snacks/fruit roll-ups (20)
boxes of Hostess/ Little Debbie individually wrapped
snack cakes (15)
packages of juice boxes (8)
case of bottled water (2)
large and small pumpkins ( a dozen or so of each)
Indian Corn ( half dozen cobs)
stalks of corn (10 - 12)
bales of straw (6)
12 pack pop: Strawberry (2), Grape (2), Orange (2),
Sprite (2), Mountain Dew (3), Coke (2), Dr. Pepper (2)
Diet Coke (1), Diet Dr. Pepper (1), Diet Pepsi (1).
Sunday School News
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when
he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Week of Oct. 16 – Oct. 22
Tuesday, Oct. 21 – Sydney Rahne
Happy Birthday and God’s many blessings in the
coming year!
Sunday School Children will be singing at the
10:30 service on November 2nd.
Please contact Jessica Boersma with any
questions at
jessicaboersma13@gmail.com or 952-955-3531
Dad’s Belgian Waffle Breakfast!
New Germany Commercial Club is having a Belgian
Waffle Breakfast this Sunday, October 19th with
serving from 8:30-12:30pm. Tickets are $8 and
children 5 and under are free. All profits go back to
the city parks and to help fund the children’s parties
– Santa and Easter Bunny visits and the Halloween
party. Make your way to New Germany this Sunday
for a delicious sausage & waffle breakfast with many
syrups and toppings to choose from!
Save The Date!!!
St. Mark is having their 9th
Annual Holiday Boutique on
Sunday, November 2nd from
10:00-2:00pm. Head over to
New Germany for some early
Christmas shopping from 20+ vendors and
crafters. Lunch will also be available. Save the
date for a fun girl’s afternoon out! More info to
Mayer Lutheran High would like your help with
“Celebrate My Drive” safe driving initiative. Anyone
age 14 and over can go to
www.celebratemydrive.com and register each day by
answering a safe driving question beginning
Wednesday Oct. 15th through Oct. 24th. If LHS is
one of the top 50 schools to have folks do this, the
kids will win either $100,000 or $25,000 for the
school. Remember that you need to visit every day
during the event, not just the first day. Thank you in
advance for helping to prepare the next generation of
Christian leaders!
In Christ
Joel Landskroener
come in the weeks ahead.
A program where a congregation can help provide
housing and food for a homeless family for one week.
First quarter goal: $400.00
Offerings to date: $286.89
Annual Voter’s Meeting
Just a “heads up”….on October 23 @ 7:00 pm we
have our Annual Voter’s meeting. Our goal is to get
more families involved. Zion Lutheran School items
aren’t always a part of the agenda; however some
issues do get brought up during the course of the
meeting. It would be wonderful to have more
families present. Please mark your calendars for this
School Picture Re-Take Day
Thursday, October 30th.This day will be for 3
year old preschool and anyone who missed the first
picture day or if you want your pictures re-done.
Grades 5-8
All practices are at Mayer. All home games are at Mayer.
Practice times are listed:
Mon. Oct. 20 – Practice
Tues. Oct. 21 – Home games vs. Zion, Cologne 3:45
Wed. Oct. 22 – Practice
Thurs. Oct. 23 – Practice
Fri. & Sat. Oct. 24 & 25 – Waconia 5/6 Tournament
Thurs. & Fri. – Oct. 16 & 17 – NO School
Tues. Oct. 21 – Home games vs. Zion Cologne 3:45
Tues. Oct 21 – School Board Meeting 6:30
Wed. Oct. 22 – Chapel, 8:30 a.m.
Oct. 23 – Voter’s Meeting 7:00
Oct. 24 & 25 – Waconia VB Tournament 5/6
Oct. 24 – Fall Festival 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Oct. 29 – Parent Partnership Workshop
Oct. 30 – Picture Retake Day
Oct. 31 – End of 1st Quarter
Nov. 3 – No School – Teacher Workday