Intensive Care Med (2001) 27: S 1±S 2 Charles L. Sprung Gordon R. Bernard R. Phillip Dellinger Introduction ) C. L. Sprung ( ) ´ G. R. Bernard ´ R. P. Dellinger E-mail: Phone: +9 72-2-6 77 71 11 Fax: +9 72-2-5 63 54 43 This supplement to Intensive Care Medicine is the result of a sustained effort by the International Sepsis Forum (ISF) to bring together a body of practical recommendations for the management of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. The ISF is a nonprofit, nongovernmental association whose members are healthcare professionals in critical care and infectious disease committed to improving the understanding and clinical management of patients with severe sepsis. While there is still a high morbidity and mortality associated with sepsis and its sequelae, new data on patient management are emerging that may ultimately significantly improve the current situation. Such findings need to be evaluated and incorporated, when appropriate, into existing treatment protocols. Headed by a Steering Committee of international experts and opinion leaders, the ISF focuses on improving the management of sepsis and, in particular, septic shock by developing an international consensus on the latest understanding of key scientific and clinical issues, and disseminating emerging practice guidelines to researchers, intensivists and other critical care professionals worldwide. The ISF educational program comprises three major elements: workshops on management strategies in sepsis, traveling fellowships and lecture series. Funding for the activities of the ISF is provided through international sponsors using unrestricted educational grants. The present supplement presents management guidelines for practicing clinicians and is primarily devoted to those patients with severe sepsis, typically hospitalized patients, many of whom are in intensive care units. Animal trials have been mentioned when relevant, but our major goal is clinical management and we have primarily focused on human studies. The current recommendations are based on an evidence-based methodology with categorization as previously described (Table 1). The recommendations represent the groups assessment of the evidence-based medicine literature together with clinical practice and personal experience. The evidence-based method is devised primarily for therapeutic trials, and some of the contributions to this Table 1 Grading of responses to questions and levels of evidence (adapted from [1]) Grading of responses to questions A. Supported by at least two level I investigations B. Supported by only one level I investigation C. Supported by level II investigations only D. Supported by at least one level III investigation E. Supported by level IV or V evidence Levels of evidence I. Large, randomized trials with clearcut results; low risk of false-positive (alpha) error or false-negative (beta) error II. Small, randomized trials with uncertain results; moderate to high risk of false-positive (alpha) and/or false-negative (beta) error III. Nonrandomized, contemporaneous controls IV. Nonrandomized, historical controls and expert opinion V. Case series, uncontrolled studies, and expert opinion S2 issue such as definitions, epidemiology of infection and experimental therapy are therefore not well suited to this approach. In addition, not all treatments used in septic patients have been the subject of randomized, controlled trials. Therefore the level of evidence may not be so strong, even though a particular clinical practice is well established and in routine use. Clinicians will need to be aware of this limitation and use their judgement in interpreting these recommendations. The methodology used included a Medline search for at least 10 years prior to the publication, supplemented by a manual search of other relevant journals. Keywords that were used are noted in each contribution to this issue. All nine ISF members or their collaborators was re- Reference 1. Sackett DL (1989) Rules of evidence and clinical recommendations on the use of antithrombotic agents. Chest 95 [Suppl]:2S±4S quired to present a first draft of their respective contributions prior to a meeting in November 1999. At the meeting each author presented the data for the article, which were discussed. Based on suggestions, changes were made and contributions were revised. Each article was then reviewed by another ISF member and then edited by one of the three editors. We believe this supplement will be an extremely helpful source of practical information for the clinician. As the fields of infectious diseases, microbiology and intensive care are ever moving forward, the data and recommendations may change in the future. In the meantime, we believe this supplement will be an important addition to every clinician's library. Intensive Care Med (2001) 27: S 3±S 9 Definition of sepsis Idit Matot Charles L. Sprung ) I. Matot ´ C. L. Sprung ( ) Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Hadassah University Medical Center, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel E-mail: Phone: +9 72-2-6 77 71 11 Fax: +9 72-2-5 63 54 43 History of definitions Sepsis is the systemic inflammatory response to infection [1]. Sepsis and its sequelae represent progressive stages of the same illness in which a systemic response to an infection mediated by endogenous mediators may lead to a generalized inflammatory reaction in organs remote from the initial insult and eventually to end-organ dysfunction and/or failure [2]. Sepsis remains an important and life-threatening problem. Sepsis is the most common cause of death in the intensive care unit [3]. Because of increasingly aggressive treatment of patients in advanced stages of illness the incidence and mortality from sepsis in hospital patients remains high [2, 4, 5, 6]. New efforts to improve survival have highlighted the uncertainty of the specific diagnostic criteria used to define entry criteria for clinical trials. In the past the terms bacteremia, septicemia, sepsis, sepsis syndrome, and septic shock were used interchangeably, which led to an imprecise understanding of sepsis and its related disorders and to confusion in the interpretation of clinical trials [6]. A review of the literature published in the 1980s discloses remarkable disparity in the mortality of patients with sepsis, sepsis syndrome, and septic shock [5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]. The conflicting results were due in part to different definitions of the clinical entity under investigation. Bone, Sibbald, and Sprung [9, 10, 11] listed several reasons for the lack of firm definitions at that time, including the lack of epidemiological studies to evaluate the systemic response to infection, the lack of precise criteria for the different terms used, the early death of severely injured patients before the development of sepsis and septic shock, and the focus on patients with Gramnegative bacteremia rather than sepsis. Two decades ago the idea of a microbial cause of sepsis was established, and bacteremia was required for a patient to have ªsepsisº [12]. Later, investigators recognized that the host is not passive when invaded by an organism but in fact secretes a large spectrum of endogenous inflammatory mediators that may also result in injury. Moreover, it was also recognized that the same inflammatory response might result from noninfectious insults as well [13, 14]. Further studies [7, 15] found that the clinical response persists after eradication of the infection, and is itself associated with an increased mortality. Although the inflammatory response is beneficial in many patients, an exaggerated response, rather than the invasive infection, may be the more important determinant of outcome in critically ill patients [16]. Methods Consensus Conference definitions To evaluate studies of sepsis for definitions a computer-based review of the literature was undertaken using Medline from 1990 until September 1999 as the primary database. The specific subject heading keywords were definition, diagnosis, criteria, epidemiology, and classification and matching them with infection, sepsis, sepsis syndrome, septicemia, septic shock, and multiple organ failure. A new set of definitions was proposed by the Consensus Conference of the American College of Chest Physicians and the Society of Critical Care Medicine held in Chicago in August 1991 [6]. These definitions included patients in various stages of infection: bacteremia, sep- Introduction S4 Table 1 Clinical frequency of SIRS, sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock Reference Location Determination SIRS (%) Sepsis (%) Severe sepsis (%) Rangel-Frausto et al. [19] Pittet et al. [20] Medical, surgical ICUs and wards Surgical ICU Study period 68 26 18 Study period 93 49 16 7 Salvo et al. [21] General ICU Admission 52 5 2 3 Saez-Llorens et al. [22] Pediatric ICU Infection suspected ± 21 61 18 Proulx et al. [23] Jones and Lowes [24] Pediatric ICU Medical ward Study period Time of blood culture 82 55 23 16 4 5 2 3 Muckart and Bhagwanjee [4] Surgical ICU (trauma) 1st 24 h 88 14 14 20 Bossink et al. [25] Medical ward Fever onset 95 44 ± ± sis, severe sepsis, septic shock, and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). Recommendations from the Consensus Conference provided both a conceptual and practical framework for the definition of the systemic inflammatory response to infection (sepsis). It was expected that the application of a more flexible and easily met definition would improve early bedside detection of sepsis, permit early intervention, standardize research protocols, and allow comparisons of results of clinical trials of new therapies. The conference proposed a new term, systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), to describe widespread inflammation that occurs following a wide variety of insults including infection, pancreatitis, trauma, burns, etc. The term SIRS validated the concept that endogenous mediators of inflammation play an important role in ªsepsisº together with microbial factors. The term sepsis was defined as a subset of patients with an inflammatory response, limited to those patients with documented infection. The systemic response included two or more abnormalities in temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, and white blood count. Many patients have infection without a systemic response and are therefore not septic. SIRS, sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock represent a continuum of clinical and pathophysiological severity. The process begins with an infection, with or without a systemic inflammatory response, and may progress to a systemic response with severe sepsis (hypotension, hypoperfusion, or organ dysfunction) or septic shock (hypotension not responsive to adequate fluid resuscitation with hypoperfusion or organ dysfunction). It was believed that the phases of the disease process form a continuum of severity which characterize populations at increased risk of morbidity and mortality. The terms septicemia, sepsis syndrome, and refractory shock were eliminated by the Consensus Conference because they were believed to be confusing and nonspecific, applying to a variety of inflammatory states. Septic shock (%) 4 Epidemiology Prior to the Consensus Conference it was not possible to compare epidemiological or outcome studies of sepsis since the definitions were not standardized. Hypothermia, fever, tachycardia, and tachypnea or hypocapnea were included in many studies [7, 12, 17, 18] as well as hypotension [7, 17, 18]. Laboratory results indicative of infection were also included in many sepsis trials. They included abnormal white blood cell count, abnormal neutrophil count, and thrombocytopenia [7, 12, 18]. Manifestations of organ dysfunction in septic patients included altered mentation, hypoxemia, oliguria, coagulopathy, and increased lactate concentration [7, 17, 18]. Unfortunately, no studies had evaluated and compared the epidemiology, morbidity, and mortality of different definitions of sepsis. After the Consensus Conference several studies evaluated the epidemiology of sepsis [4, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]. The frequency of the problem usually decreased as the severity increased from SIRS to sepsis to severe sepsis and to septic shock (Table 1). Unfortunately, the population of patients studied differed and the inflammatory entity was determined at different times (admission, during the first 24 or 48 h, at fever onset, or over the entire study period). As patients developed more SIRS criteria (from two to four), the incidence of sepsis increased [19, 24], as did mortality [24]. Correlation to mortality Sepsis in its evolution to severe sepsis and septic shock reflect increasing disease severity with increased patient morbidity and mortality. Knaus et al. [5] found that the presence or absence of sepsis (infection plus two of four SIRS criteria) failed to identify subgroups with increased risk of death and concluded that while categoric S5 Table 2 Mortality of SIRS, sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock Reference SIRS (%) Sepsis (%) Severe sepsis (%) Septic shock (%) Rangel-Frausto et al. [19] Pittet et al. [20] Salvo et al. [21] Saez-Llorens et al. [22] Jones and Lowes [24] Muckart and Bhagwanjee [4] Bossink et al. [25] 7 6 27 ± 23 8 6 16 0 36 16 ± 10 13 20 35 52 40 38 18 ± 46 58 82 62 56 53 ± definitions of sepsis may be useful in selecting patients for entry into clinical trials, they may not be useful in characterizing individual, or perhaps group, risks. Several studies, however, have demonstrated increasing organ failure (acute respiratory distress syndrome, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, acute renal failure, and shock) with worsening severity of sepsis [19, 20]. In addition, most studies [4, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25] have noted stepwise increases in mortality from SIRS to sepsis to severe sepsis and to septic shock (Table 2). Clinical characteristics defining the response to infection The Consensus definition [4] of sepsis has been criticized for its restrictive and incomplete nature [26, 27]. For example, it may be very difficult to detect a respiratory rate of more than 20 breaths/min in patients already on respiratory support. Moreover, it might be difficult to diagnose organ dysfunction, for example, CNS depression in a sedated patient [26]. The definition of ªseptic shockº is also somewhat subjective, as hypotension that persists after ªadequate fluid resuscitationº has not been defined and may be arbitrary. Moreover, a blood pressure based criterion may underestimate the number of patients with shock since shock physiologically represents the inability of oxygen delivery to support metabolic demands, which can occur in the presence of normal blood pressure [28]. Some recent epidemiological studies of sepsis have not used the consensus definitions [29, 30, 31, 32]. Several clinical trials have used consensus definitions [33, 34, 35] whereas others have not [36, 37, 38, 39, 40]. Despite certain problems with the Consensus definitions they define a continuum of progressive physiological decline toward multiple organ dysfunction/failure and mortality. Better understanding of the pathophysiology of sepsis will enable us in the future to begin therapy at an earlier stage in the disease process before the onset of shock and multiorgan dysfunction and failure. The Consensus Conference used specific clinical characteristics and thresholds to define sepsis, but there may be better combinations of clinical manifestations in septic patients. Unfortunately, none has proven more use- ful or has undergone such a rigorous evaluation of its epidemiology, morbidity, and mortality. Although the Consensus criteria have been useful in epidemiological studies, they should not be the sole basis for the clinical diagnosis of sepsis. It may be extremely difficult to diagnose sepsis in the patient who does not have the classical findings. The symptoms and signs that should lead the clinician to suspect sepsis are as follows: · Clinical signs · Fever/hypothermia · Unexplained tachycardia · Unexplained tachypnea · Signs of peripheral vasodilation · Unexplained shock · Changes in mental status · Invasive hemodynamic or laboratory parameters · Low systemic vascular resistance/Increased cardiac output · Increased oxygen consumption · Leukocytosis/neutropenia · Unexplained lactic acidosis · Unexplained alteration in renal or liver function tests · Thrombocytopenia/disseminated intravascular coagulation · Increased procalcitonin · Increased cytokines, C reactive protein Absolute thresholds are probably less important than combinations or severity levels. For example, sepsis should be suspected in all patients with unexplained shock. Consensus vs. controversy The Consensus Conference [5] agreed to a new set of definitions that could readily be applied to patients in various stages of sepsis. It was expected that application of these definitions would improve bedside detection of infections and permit earlier intervention before the onset of shock and multiorgan failure. Early recognition of S6 the inflammatory response to infections should lead to more effective therapeutic management. The term SIRS was introduced to provide a term other than sepsis to describe a patient who looked ªsepticº but was not infected. Some clinicians oppose the use of the term SIRS [4, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 41] as it is nonspecific, very common in hospitalized patients, and can lead physicians to become compliant with a ªdiagnosisº and not seek a potential infection. When a patient manifests a systemic response to infection, the terminology used is not as important as the actions. It is agreed that sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock represent a continuum in a disease process and are correlated with increasing organ dysfunction and failure and mortality. It is vitally important to search continuously for a source of infection and to make a diagnosis. Treatment of infection should eradicate the invading organism with antimicrobial therapy and surgical debridement or drainage. Early detection of infections in patients should lead to rapid and aggressive diagnostic and therapeutic interventions which should prevent circulatory compromise and organ dysfunction and improve survival. The exact criteria used to define these entities may change with time as more studies are performed. Biological markers of infection Early detection of sepsis is difficult because the first signs of this disease may be minimal and are similar to those of various noninfectious processes, and culture results are not immediately available. The availability of laboratory tests to accurately and more rapidly identify septic patients by the isolation of micro-organisms from body fluid specimens would be of considerable value. Several indicators measured in the bloodstream have been evaluated for the diagnosis of sepsis. A prominent and invariable component of the systemic inflammatory response is the induction and release of cytokines and acute-phase proteins, which rapidly increase in the serum. The principal cytokines [interleukin (IL) 1, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) a, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10] and their soluble receptors (soluble TNF receptor) have convincingly been demonstrated to increase during sepsis [42, 43, 44, 45, 46]. Both cytokines and their soluble receptors, however, are greatly elevated also in nonbacterial infections such as malaria [47] and in disease states such as burn injury [48], trauma [49], pancreatitis [50], heart failure [51], renal allograft rejection [52], and even in such minor injury states as elective surgery [53, 54]. Critics have therefore rightly questioned the diagnostic significance of elevated cytokine concentration because of its nonspecific character. In addition, the inflammatory response changes with time during the course of sepsis and a complex balance exists between cytokines and their inhibitors and antagonists, which require that the evaluation of inflammatory pathways take into account the pro- and anti-inflammatory factors that affect each pathway. Current efforts should therefore be directed at defining the cytokine balance that exists at the onset of sepsis, how this balance changes over time, and determining whether groups of cytokine variables (not a single cytokine) can be used to predict more accurately either the onset or the outcome of sepsis. Recently several studies have evaluated the use of Creactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT) in differentiating conditions that may mimic sepsis. These studies highlight both CRP and PCT as specific markers of bacterial sepsis [55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69]. Both are acute-phase proteins, and their role is unknown. It has been reported that increased CRP concentrations differentiate between viral and bacterial infections [55], and that decreases in levels indicate resolution of bacterial sepsis [56]. Moreover, CRP has been shown to be superior to body temperature and white blood cell count in identifying bacterial sepsis [57]. Other studies have been less enthusiastic about CRP as a marker of infection. Increased levels were demonstrated in patients with stable and unstable angina pectoris and in patients with heart failure. Interestingly, increased preoperative levels of CRP were predictive of postoperative infection after cardiac surgery [58]. CRP was also markedly elevated in trauma patients, in children after head injury, and in patients undergoing various types of surgery. Some studies have also reported higher concentrations of PCT in patients with systemic manifestations of infection than in noninfected patients who fulfill the SIRS criteria [59] or patients with systemic viral and localized bacterial infection [60]. Other studies have shown that increased levels of PCT predict infected necrosis in patients with acute pancreatitis [61, 70] or bacterial or fungal infection in severe burn injuries [62] and can discriminate between infection and graft rejection in patients after organ transplantation [63, 64, 65, 71]. In patients having undergone cardiopulmonary bypass increases in PCT have been demonstrated only in infected patients, with low values in patients with SIRS alone [66]. Moreover, in injured patients [72] sustained increases in PCT plasma levels predict sepsis and MODS. In neonates [67] the sensitivity and specificity of PCT concentrations in the detection of early-onset sepsis was 92.6 % and 97.5 %, respectively, and 100 % for both for the diagnosis of late-onset sepsis. In a recent study of 111 infected and 79 noninfected patients Urgate et al. [68] found a slightly higher sensitivity and specificity for CRP than PCT in the diagnosis of infection: 71.8 % and 66.6 % for CRP and 67.6 % and 61.3 % for PCT, respectively. However, the combination of CRP and PCT was much more specific in ascertaining the diagnosis of infection. In contrast, PCT S7 was found to be a better marker of infection than CRP in patients with pancreatitis [61], and in patients after renal transplantation [63]. PCT has been found to be superior to the classical criteria of inflammation (CRP, TNFa, IL-6, leukocyte count, and body temperature) in identifying patients with sepsis [69, 73, 74]. How abnormal must PCT blood concentration be before it reliably predicts the presence of sepsis in the appropriate clinical setting? The answer is not known. Based on the data reviewed, a value higher than 5 ng/ ml would be a reasonable threshold. More importantly, PCT measurements might serve as a reasonable parameter to rule out sepsis. When blood levels are very low or undetectable, the patient is unlikely to have sepsis as a cause of organ dysfunction or shock. The definition of sepsis should not depend on any single arbitrary dichotomizing measurement. Rather, sepsis should be defined as the systemic inflammatory response, associated with an identified source of infection that develops under the appropriate clinical setting. If measurement of a marker such as procalcitonin is validated to be correlated with the presence of infection (and further studies are needed for this), a more precise set of criteria can be proposed for the diagnosis of sepsis: (a) systemic manifestations; (b) an appropriate clinical setting (the reason for the addition of this criterion is that the systemic manifestations are by themselves nonspecific markers of infection); (c) source of infection; and (d) laboratory marker. In the future a biological marker or markers of infection, alone or in combination, should be evaluated for their capability to predict/ diagnose sepsis. As discussed above, PCT, with an appropriate concentration threshold, may prove to be such a marker. Measurements of such a marker may have to be repeated daily as the sensitivity increases with time after the diagnosis of infection [68]. Other measures [75, 76] that have been proposed as markers of sepsis are not easily determined and therefore are difficult to apply to all patients. In the meantime these should serve as a research tool only. Sepsis is a diverse illness, and the heterogeneity of patient populations may account for some of the variability in the results of the published studies. Prospec- tive epidemiological studies and clinical trials of sepsis should include a larger number of patients, enough to permit stratification of the population by the source of infection (CNS, lungs, gastrointestinal, urinary, etc.) and the pattern of immunological response (hypo- vs. hyperactivation, and precise stage of inflammatory response). The former is a potentially important issue since the source of infection has been found in many studies to be statistically associated with increased mortality [77, 78]. In addition, to know whether the studied patient populations are similar, one must also develop two sets of appropriate tests: one that measures the severity of injury to the infected system and one that measures the overall severity of the patient's illness. Summary and recommendations Sepsis is the systemic inflammatory response to infection. In the past many different definitions of sepsis were used interchangeably, which led to confusion. Today, the definitions of sepsis and its clinical manifestations are still a source of controversy. No single physiological or laboratory parameter can universally identify sepsis. Not all patients with sepsis are equally ill. Sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock constitute different gradations in the continuum of a disease process manifested by a combination of changes in vital signs, laboratory parameters, hypoperfusion, and organ dysfunction. The continuum of sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock is correlated with increasing organ dysfunction and mortality. The source of infection and diagnosis of sepsis must be identified as early as possible to permit early intervention with antimicrobial therapy and surgical drainage to prevent disease progression, organ dysfunction, and mortality. Although the consensus criteria have been useful in epidemiological studies, they should not be the sole basis for the clinical diagnosis of sepsis. Future prospective clinical trials may lead to a more precise understanding of sepsis and its related disorders and result in clearer, more universally accepted and easily interpreted definitions. References 1. Rackow EC (1986) Clinical definition of sepsis and septic shock. In: Sibbald WJ, Sprung CL (eds) New horizons: perspectives of sepsis and septic shock. Society of Critical Care Medicine, Fullerton, pp 1±9 2. 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Crit Care Med 23: 376±393 Intensive Care Med (2001) 27: S 10±S 32 Diagnosis of infection in sepsis Martin Llewelyn Jonathan Cohen ) M. Llewelyn ´ J. Cohen ( ) Department of Infectious Diseases, Imperial College School of Medicine, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK E-mail: Phone: +44-20-83 83 32 43 Fax: +44-20-83 83 33 94 Introduction Infection is a sine qua non of sepsis. Sepsis can complicate infection occurring at any site, most commonly the respiratory tract, abdomen and blood stream. More than 90 % of cases of sepsis are caused by bacteria, and Gram-negative and Gram-positive organisms occur with approximately equal frequency [1]. Fungi ± in particular Candida species ± are sometimes responsible, but a wide variety of other organisms have occasionally been implicated [2]. There are several reasons why it is important to try and make a microbiological diagnosis in septic patients. First, and most important, is to ensure that effective antimicrobial therapy is given. There is good evidence to support the intuitive belief that patients given appropriate therapy are more likely to survive than those given inadequate or inappropriate treatment [3]. Secondly, obtaining microbiological information will contribute to the local epidemiological database, without which logical prescribing is difficult, if not impossible. There are substantial differences between intensive care units in the microbial ecology, including the prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis. Antimicrobial resistance patterns also vary widely, for example, penicillin resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae, and gentamicin resistance in Enterobacteriaceae. Furthermore, these patterns are constantly changing, and an up-todate awareness of these patterns is obviously essential when considering empirical therapy. Finally, knowledge of the microbial cause of sepsis may be important in the choice of adjunctive therapies. This is not yet clinical reality but will clearly be important if, for instance, antiendotoxin agents ever enter the clinical arena. In this contribution we first consider the general approach to the diagnosis of infection in septic patients and then some aspects of infections at particular sites. We focus on the microbiological aspects of diagnosis, although where appropriate we also comment on other modalities such as imaging. The clinical management of these infections are discussed elsewhere. Methods We use where possible a systematic, evidence-based approach to provide answers to specific questions. A computer-based review of the literature was undertaken using Medline from 1991 until September 1999 as the primary database. The references obtained were searched manually for relevance. More recent clinical articles were identified by manual search of the relevant journals. Although the literature searches were not extended further back than 1991, key earlier papers are frequently cited. In reviewing this field we frequently observed that whereas there is extensive literature on microbiological aspects of infection in general, there is a paucity of data concerning sepsis in particular. Hence we have often been obliged to make recommendations based on the available literature and our own clinical experience, and that of others. The search strategies used were as follows. Bacteremia The primary search terms bacteremia/septicemia (diagnosis, microbiology) and blood (microbiology) were combined with secondary search terms sepsis/sepsis syndrome (diagnosis, microbiology), blood specimen collection (methods), bacteriological techniques and diagnostic tests, routine (methods). Studies addressing exclusively pediatric populations were excluded. S 11 Central venous catheter infection The primary search terms catheterization, central venous (adverse effects) and indwelling catheters (adverse effects) were combined with secondary search terms sepsis/sepsis syndrome (diagnosis, microbiology, etiology), bacteremia/septicemia (diagnosis, microbiology, etiology), blood specimen collection (methods), bacteriological techniques and diagnostic tests, routine (methods). Ventilator-associated pneumonia The primary search terms artificial respiration (adverse effects) ventilation, mechanical (adverse effects) and intensive care (methods) were combined with the secondary search terms pneumonia (diagnosis, microbiology, etiology), sepsis/sepsis syndrome (diagnosis, microbiology, etiology), bacteremia/septicemia (diagnosis, microbiology, etiology), bacteriological techniques and diagnostic tests, routine (methods). Surgical site infections and intra-abdominal sepsis The primary search terms wound infection (diagnosis, microbiology), abscess (diagnosis, microbiology) and abdomen were combined with secondary search terms sepsis/sepsis syndrome (diagnosis, microbiology, etiology), bacteremia/septicemia (diagnosis, microbiology, etiology), bacteriological techniques, diagnostic tests, routine (methods) and interventional radiology. General considerations in the diagnosis of sepsis There are three key difficulties associated with the diagnosis of infection in patients who have sepsis. Establishing infection as the primary cause The controversies surrounding the definition of sepsis are discussed elsewhere (see Matot and Sprung, ªIntroductionº). Establishing that the patient has an ongoing infection ± and therefore has sepsis rather than a noninfective cause of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) ± can be extremely difficult. An important first step is a systematic consideration of possible noninfective causes. Knowledge of other pathologies that may mimic sepsis and how they apply to the specific patient can make up for a relative paucity of clinical information in patients who may be sedated or critically ill. Noninfective causes of SIRS are the following: · Tissue injury · Surgery/trauma · Hematoma/venous thrombosis · Myocardial/pulmonary infarction · Transplant rejection · Pancreatitis · Erythroderma · Metabolic · Thyroid storm · Acute adrenal insufficiency · Therapy related · Blood products · Cytokines, especially granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor · Anasthetic-related malignant hyperpyrexia, especially halothane · Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, for example, caused by haloperidol · Opiates/benzodiazepines · Malignancy · Hypernephroma/lymphoma · Tumor lysis syndrome · Neurological · Subarachnoid hemorrhage Tissue infarction or hematoma, for example, may need to be actively sought in a surgical or trauma patient who develops signs of SIRS and precipitation of thyroid storm or adrenal insufficiency should be considered in at-risk patients following trauma or surgery. Localizing the site of infection This may be straightforward, but frequently it is confounded by the fact there are multiple pathological processes occurring concurrently or by the frequent use of antibiotics which undermine microbiological diagnosis. Occasionally the site of infection is occult, for instance, when there is sinusitis or deep intra-abdominal infection. Interpreting the microbiological findings Conventional microbiology has several limitations in hospitalized patients who may be septic: · · · · · Distinguishing colonization from infection Prior antibiotic therapy Correctly identifying unfamiliar organisms Determining the significance of mixed culture results Interpreting the importance of organisms normally of low virulence Principal among these is the fact that many organisms isolated from nonsterile sites may represent either colonization or infection ± microbiology alone cannot answer this question. Conversely, the microbiology laboratory may report negative findings in samples from sites that are in fact infected, either because antibiotics have sterilized the specimen, or because special procedures need to be carried out (e.g., immunofluorescence to detect Pneumocystis carinii). S 12 A clinical approach Fever is a common sign in hospitalized patients and is often the first indication of sepsis. Practical guidelines for the evaluation of fever on the ICU have recently been published [4]. Focused clinical examination, guided by risk factors relevant to the individual patient, often reveal potential sources of sepsis and guide subsequent investigation. Surgical and traumatic wounds should be exposed and examined for signs of infection. Particular attention should be paid to vascular access sites for signs of phlebitis or cellulitis and to pressure areas or injection sites for evidence of soft tissue infection. Evidence of sinusitis should be sought, and fundoscopy is invaluable in detecting candidal endophthalmitis, a pathognomic feature of systemic fungal sepsis. Urine in the catheter may be frankly purulent, and the presence of diarrhea may indicate Clostridium difficile associated colitis. The importance of repeated, complete physical examination to detect the emergence of new signs cannot be overstated. Nonspecific markers of infection Traditional markers of infection such as neutrophilia lack sufficient sensitivity among hospitalized patients to be of value in distinguishing sepsis, although marked neutrophilia or failure to mount a neutrophil response may be of prognostic value. Levels of procalcitonin (PCT) and C-reactive protein (CRP) are straightforward to assay. The evidence that these acute-phase markers have specificity in differentiating infection from other causes of an inflammatory response has recently been reviewed [5]. Levels of CRP and PCT are correlated well with the degree of inflammatory response and are of particular value in monitoring response to treatment [6]. PCT may have some advantages over CRP in that it rises more quickly at the onset of inflammation and is cleared more quickly as inflammation resolves [7]. Levels of PCT are correlated more closely with severity of sepsis [8] and also are predictive of mortality [9]. A prospective study of ICU patients found that a CRP level of 50 mg/l or higher had a sensitivity of 98.5 % and specificity of 75 % in identifying probable or definite sepsis [10]. De Werra et al. [11], also in an ICU population, found PCT levels of 1.5 ng/ml or higher to have a sensitivity of 100 % and specificity of 72 % in identifying sepsis. Such markers therefore cannot alone differentiate sepsis from other causes of SIRS; rather they are a part of a systematic evaluation that includes clinical examination and directed diagnostic techniques. Daily, sequential measurement of inflammatory markers is likely to be of more value in diagnosis of infection than single measurements [10]. Detection of circulating endotoxin might be expected to be a specific test for sepsis. Assays differ in the sensitivity, cutoffs are not established, and the transient nature of endotoxemia makes timing of measurements essential. For these reasons measurement of endotoxin levels in sepsis patients remains experimental. Figure 1 outlines an algorithm for investigation of suspected sepsis into which may be fed data from clinical examination and nonspecific investigations along with the appropriate specific microbiology and imaging investigations discussed in detail below. Discussion: literature-based recommendations To answer each of the following important clinical questions, a review of the literature was performed as previously described. Bacteremia Are there specific indications for obtaining blood for culture? Answer: yes; grade D. Recommendation Fever, chills, hypothermia, leukocytosis, left-shift of neutrophils, neutropenia, and when infection is suspected, hypoalbuminemia, development of renal failure or signs of hemodynamic compromise are specific indications for obtaining blood for culture. Blood cultures should be taken as soon as possible after onset of fever or chills. Rationale Blood should be obtained for culture whenever there is reason to suspect blood stream infection, commonly when a patient develops a new fever. In practice, as a noninvasive, safe, and low-cost investigation, blood culture is often performed when there a few specific indications. However, a number of clinical and laboratory parameters are independently correlated with the presence of bacteremia in patients in whom infection is suspected, notably, chills, hypoalbuminemia, development of renal failure, and a diagnosis of urinary tract infection [12]. Other criteria are fever, hypothermia, leukocytosis, left-shift of neutrophils, neutropenia and signs of hemodynamic compromise [13]. Ideally patients should not be receiving parenteral antibiotics when blood cultures are performed. While we are aware of no published S 13 Fig. 1 Algorithm for systematic evaluation of nonneutropenic patients with suspected sepsis data which directly address this issue, blood cultures should be taken, where possible, immediately before a regular dose of antibiotic so that blood levels are minimized. In suspected fungemia, therapy with antibacterial agents clearly should not impact on yield. Otherwise the indications for performing blood culture are the same irrespective of whether the patient is receiving antibiotics or not. In this group of patients, media containing antibiotic adsorbing substances such as BacT/Alert FAN and BACTEC Plus/F should be used since they are associated with increased recovery of significant pathogens, particularly among patients on appropriate antibiotic regimes [14]. The literature contains no clinical data relating to timing of blood cultures with respect to timing of fever or chills. Nevertheless, bacteria are rapidly cleared from blood, and development of fever usually follows an episode of bacteremia by 30±90 min. Published expert opinion is that blood cultures should be taken as soon as possible following onset of fever [15]. Does the technique employed in obtaining blood cultures influence the sensitivity and specificity of this investigation? Answer: yes; grade D. Recommendation Blood should be obtained by fresh venipuncture. Sites associated with skin contamination (e.g., femoral site) or loss of skin integrity (e.g., burns or dermatological disease) should be avoided. Skin should be swabbed twice with either 70 % isopropyl alcohol or with an iodine containing solution prior to venipuncture. The blood culture stopper should also be sterilized prior to inoculation. An adequate volume (20±60 ml) of blood should be obtained per culture (10±30 ml per bottle). If insufficient blood is available, only the aerobic bottle should be inoculated. The needle used for venipuncture should be changed prior to inoculation of blood into culture bottles. Rationale When a decision has been made to take blood for culture, adherence to a protocol for obtaining the specimen results in lower contamination rates and improved yield [13, 16]. The cost of additional investigations, treatment and in-patient stay associated with each contaminated blood culture has been estimated as between U. S. $1,000 and $5,000 [17, 18]. Furthermore, with Grampositive organisms making up an increasing proportion of significant blood culture isolates, identifying such isolates as contaminants is more difficult than ever. Blood taken from a central venous catheter (CVC) is significantly more likely to be contaminated by skin flora [19], as is blood taken from previously placed periph- S 14 Table 1 Trials comparing skin sterilization techniques Protocol Conclusion Reference 10 % povidone iodine and 0.2 % chlorine peroxide No benefit 21 Alcohol then povidone iodine compared with alcohol alone No benefit 22 70 % iodophore compared with tincture of iodine Tincture of iodine associated with 50 % fewer contaminated cultures 23 70 % isopropyl alcohol/70 % povidone iodine compared with isopropyl alcohol, 10 % acetone and povidone iodine dispenser Isopropyl alcohol and 10 % acetone and povidone iodine dispenser associated with 50 % fewer contaminated cultures 24 eral cannulas, although contamination rates may not be higher for blood obtained through a peripheral cannula at the time of insertion, and this is acceptable as a means of minimizing number of venipunctures [20]. It may be possible to minimize contamination of blood obtained through venous catheters by adherence to meticulous sterile technique [21], but this approach should only be used when no site for venipuncture is available. Definitive evidence that skin disinfection reduces blood culture contamination rates is lacking, but this conclusion has been inferred from the findings of controlled trials which demonstrated superiority of one skin preparation agent over another. Two other trials have shown no benefit. One concluded that contamination occurs during laboratory specimen handling [22], a second found unexpectedly low contamination rates in both patient groups. The relevant trials since 1990 are summarized in Table 1. We are aware of no reason to revise our earlier recommendations that skin should be swabbed twice with either 70 % isopropyl or ethyl alcohol or with an iodine-containing solution [25]. The blood culture stopper should also be sterilized prior to inoculation of the blood sample. While we are aware of no data that directly address this issue, it is the recommendation of previously published expert opinion [15]. Inoculation of 3 cfu into blood culture is required to give 100 % culture positivity [26]. The concentration of bacteremia in adult patients is frequently less than one viable organism per milliliter [27] and may be less than 0.1 organisms per milliliter [28]. For these reasons it is not surprising that the volume of blood inoculated into culture is an important variable determining culture yield [13, 29]. This effect has also been demonstrated in clinical studies, although not specifically in sepsis patients [30, 31]. While the blood culture system employed determines the volume of blood that may be utilized, in adults a minimum sample size of 20 ml is required per venipuncture (10 ml per bottle) [15, 32] while increasing the sample volume above 30 ml is not associated with significantly improved culture rates [13]. In infants, in whom bacteremia is associated with higher number of colony-forming units per milliliter, a smaller volume of blood (0.5± ml or < 1 % of circulating blood volume) can be used for culture [33]. Anaerobic organisms now make up fewer than 5 % of blood culture isolates [34, 35]. Furthermore, aerobic culture bottles are more successful in culture of the overwhelming majority of organisms identified in blood [36]. Therefore, if insufficient blood is available to inoculate two culture bottles, only the aerobic bottle should be inoculated. Contrary to earlier reports [37, 38, 39], a recent metaanalysis has demonstrated lower contamination rates if a needle change is performed [18]. Guidelines regarding resheathing of needles must be strictly adhered to in order that the associated increased risk of needle-stick injury be avoided. Is there evidence to determine how many sets of blood cultures should be taken? Answer: yes; grade E. Recommendation A minimum of two and maximum of three sets of blood cultures should be obtained for each episode of suspected bacteremia. Rationale When bacteremia is associated with endocarditis, if one culture is positive, the probability of any subsequent culture being positive exceeds 95 %. In bacteremia associated with other sources of infection, sensitivity exceeding 99 % is reached with either two [40] or three [41] cultures. The taking of only one culture is rarely permissible since the rate of contamination of an individual set of blood cultures is finite, ranging from 1 % to 4.5 % [22, 23, 24]. Interpretation of a single isolate of a potentially contaminating organism may therefore be exceedingly difficult. S 15 Is there evidence that temporal separation of blood cultures is valuable? Answer: no; grade D. Recommendation In critically ill patients, in whom it may not be possible to delay treatment, no interval is required between taking sets of blood cultures. initions of CRB and CRS. In particular, most published studies that appear to show that it is possible to diagnose catheter infection without catheter removal for culture in reality only address cases of CRB. Can CVC infection be identified as a source of bacteremia without resorting to catheter removal for culture? Answer: yes; grade C. Rationale Recommendations In patients who are not critically unwell, published expert opinion has been that a 30- to 60-min interval should be allowed between obtaining sets of blood cultures [42]. However, the only published study directly to address the efficacy of serial versus simultaneous blood cultures, demonstrated that drawing blood cultures simultaneously or at intervals over a 24-h period did not effect yield [31]. When a CVC is suspected as a source of bacteremia, diagnosis of CVC infection may be made by blood culture based techniques if (a) the patient's clinical condition permits a potentially infected line to be left in place, (b) treatment of CVC infection is to be attempted, or (c) other potential sources of bacteremia are apparent. While the acridine orange leucocyte cytospin (AOLC) test offers the possibility of virtually immediate diagnosis, on the basis of currently available data its use should remain experimental. Central venous catheter infection Definition of terms Rationale It is clinically important to distinguish catheter-related bacteremia (CRB) from catheter-related sepsis (CRS). CRB is defined by the presence of three criteria [43]: When a patient who has a CVC in place develops bacteremia, the likelihood that the CVC is the source of the bacteremia depends on the organism cultured. One study of 311 patients who had CVCs found that 73 % of bacteremias were related to CVC infection, and that if the culture was of S. aureus, this figure rose to over 92 % [48]. Other organisms that are particularly associated with CVC infection as a source are coagulase-negative staphylococci, Corynebacterium (especially JK-1), Bacillus species and fungi, in particular, Candida species [49]. Two approaches to diagnosing CVC infection as a source of bacteremia, without catheter removal for culture, have been reported in the literature: (a) culture of CVC and peripheral blood and (b) AOLC test. · Positive catheter culture. · Positive peripheral blood culture taken before catheter removal. · The same micro-organism is identified in each of the above. A positive catheter culture has been defined [44] as the presence of 15 colonies or more on semiquantitative culture of the catheter tip [45] or of 10 colonies or more on quantitative culture [46]. The various laboratory techniques used to culture CVCs is beyond the scope of this article but have recently been reviewed [47]. CRS is defined as a positive catheter culture when this is considered to be the source of the patient's sepsis, but bacteremia does not occur [44]. The term catheterrelated blood stream infection is sometimes used, and refers to cases in which peripheral cultures are positive, but catheter tip cultures do not need to meet culture criteria as long as there is indirect evidence that the catheter is the source of infection, for example, defervescence following catheter removal. Unfortunately, many of the studies pertaining to diagnosis of CVC infection do not strictly adhered to def- Culture of central venous catheter blood This approach is based on the fact that the concentration of bacteria drawn through an infected catheter is between 4 [50] and 30 [51] times higher than the concentration in peripheral blood drawn simultaneously. The use of this approach in clinical diagnosis has been assessed in two ways. First, by quantitative or semiquantitive blood culture and, secondly, in continuous monitoring blood culture systems. Both methods rely on it being possible to aspirate at least 20 ml blood through the S 16 Table 2 Studies of continuous blood culture monitoring (CRB catheter-related bacteremia) Table 3 Studies of acridine orange leukocyte cytospin (AOLC) in adult patients (CRB catheter-related bacteremia, CVC central venous catheter, HDU high dependency unit) Population Finding Reference Retrospective review of 7 patients with suspected line related infection Time to positivity shorter for central catheter cultures than cultures from peripheral sites 59 Retrospective study of 11 patients in whom CRB was diagnosed Time to culture positivity 1±24 h earlier for central peripheral catheter cultures 61 Retrospective analysis of 64 cancer patients with suspected CRB 28 cases of CRB were identified; a cutoff of +120 min had 100 % specificity and 96.4 % sensitivity 62 Prospective study of 93 cancer patients on an ICU 28 cases of CRB were identified; a cutoff of +120 min had 91 % specificity and 94 % sensitivity 63 Setting Finding Reference 100 patients with suspected CRB, most on parenteral nutrition 35 cases of CRB, AOLC positive in 2/17; when used in conjunction with endoluminal brushing, AOLC identified 15/18 and was 100 % specific 4 cases of CRB, AOLC positive in 2; 10 colonized catheters, AOLC positive in 2 12 cases of catheter-related blood-stream infection identified, AOLC negative in all 64 50 cases of CRB, AOLC was 96 % sensitive and 92 % specific 67 55 CVC tips from ICU patients 49 patients with suspected catheterrelated blood-stream infection; mixed ICU/HDU 128 surgical patients with suspected CRB catheter in question, and it is estimated that blood cannot be aspirated from 12±50 % of potentially infected catheters [43, 52]. Furthermore, being culture based methods, both involve a delay of up to 48 h before cultures can be expected to become positive, time when a potentially infected catheter remains in situ. Quantitative blood cultures A series of studies in the 1980s demonstrated that quantitative cultures of central and peripheral blood can be used to diagnose CRB [53, 54, 55]. In the literature since 1991 two studies have attempted to determine the ratio of colony-forming units per milliliter that gives optimal sensitivity and specificity. Capdevila et al. [50] found that using a cutoff of 1:4 for the ratio of bacterial colonies in peripheral to central blood, sensitivity and specificity of 94 % and 100 %, respectively, could be achieved. Quilici et al. [56] used a ratio of 1:8 and found sensitivity of 92.8 % and specificity of 100 % in a prospective study of critical care patients. Published expert opinion is that quantitative culture of central and peripheral blood samples showing a greater than 5:1 ratio suggest CRB [57, 58]. A meta-analyis of various catheter culture techniques concluded that quantitative blood 65 66 cultures were more cost effective than any culture technique involving the catheter itself [47]. Continuous blood culture monitoring In this approach the time taken for a blood culture to become positive is related to the number of micro-organisms initially present. The higher the initial concentration, the faster the cutoff point is be reached to determine positivity [59]. Four clinical studies have been performed using paired central and peripheral blood samples and one of the commercially available continuous monitoring blood culture systems (e.g., BacT/Alert) which employs a colorimetric CO2 sensor [60]; findings are summarized in Table 2. Acridine orange leukocyte cytospin test This is currently the only good candidate for a rapid diagnostic test for CRB. The test requires only 50 ml blood to be withdrawn from a CVC and takes around 30 min and minimal specialist laboratory expertise. We are aware of four clinical trials in adults (Table 3). Two have yielded positive results [64, 67], both from the S 17 Table 4 Factors associated with risk of central venous catheter (CVC) infection (CRB catheter-related bacteremia) References Catheter site Subclavian lines are associated with significantly less catheter site colonization and infection than jugular or femoral lines although less CRB has not been demonstrated. Difficult catheter insertions with multiple attempts are associated with higher rates of infection. 71, 74, 75, 76 Catheter type It has been suggested that multilumen catheters may be associated with a higher risk of infection than single lumen catheters possibly because they are handled more frequently. This effect is not apparent in critical care patients. Tunnelled lines are associated with delayed and fewer incidences of CRB. 72, 74, 78, 79, 80 Antiseptic impregnated and antibiotic coated catheters There are conflicting studies assessing the extent to which incorporating antimicrobial agents into the manufacture of catheters reduces infection rates. When assessed in critical care patients, such catheters are associated with rates of colonization, local infection and CRB reduced by up to 70 %. When CVCs are used for parenteral nutrition this benefit may be lost. In an ICU setting the use of CVCs for parenteral nutrition has been shown to increase colonization rates. In a non-ICU setting higher infection rates have been found in CVCs used for parenteral feeding. The risk of a central venous catheter being infected increases as duration of catheterization increases beyond 1 week. Meta-analysis data suggest that ªguide-wireº replacement of CVC may be associated with a higher infection rate than replacement to a new site. The infection rate for a patient's first CVC is significantly lower than for any subsequent catheter whether replaced by ªguide-wireº or at a distant site. 81, 82, 83, 84 Trauma and burns patients at high risk, neurosurgical patients at lowest risk. 71 Catheter insertion Catheter use Duration of catheterization Previous catheters Underlying disease same group in Leeds, while two from elsewhere [65, 66] both produced disappointing results. None has specifically investigated sepsis patients, and only one specifically involved critical care patients [65]. Two small studies, again from the group in Leeds, have demonstrated that culture of a wire brush passed down the lumen of a potentially infected catheter is correlated well with subsequent culture of the catheter tip. The first looked at 115 CVCs used for parenteral nutrition in general surgical patients [68]. The second reported 95 % sensitivity and 84 % specificity among 22 surgical patients subsequently diagnosed with CRB [69]. Can CVC infection be identified as a source of sepsis in nonbacteremic patients without catheter removal for culture? Answer: no; grade E. Recommendation When a CVC is suspected as a source of sepsis in nonbacteremic patients, definitive diagnosis requires that the CVC should be removed and sent for culture. 77 85, 86 74, 87 74, 88, 89 90 91 Rationale Only a proportion (10±72 % depending on organisms involved) of infected CVCs are associated with bacteremia [70]. When critical care patients develop signs of sepsis, even in the absence of bacteremia, replacement of central venous catheters is frequently advised. However, using standard culture techniques, rates of proven catheter infection range from 8.9 % to 26 % [66, 71, 72], and therefore many more catheters are removed than are infected [66, 69, 73]. The decision whether to remove a CVC in this setting, where blood cultures are negative, is essentially a clinical one, and involves weighing up risk of catheter replacement against risk of leaving in place a potential source of infection. To help guide this decision a range of clinical parameters have been suggested as possible correlates of catheter infection. A number of individual associations have been identified, summarized in Table 4, and these have been used to make recommendations concerning CVC insertion and care [44]. Two studies have assessed the use of such parameters in guiding clinical judgement and have failed to show they are of value in increasing the proportion of removed CVCs that are infected [66, 92]. Clinical criteria have been incorporated with microbiological data and clinical response to catheter removal into a scoring system [93] which appears more sensitive and no less specific than the Hospital Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee diagnostic criteria [94] S 18 but nevertheless requires removal of the catheter for culture. Is infection at the catheter insertion site indicative of CVC infection? Answer: yes; grade C. Recommendation If infection is suspected at the catheter site, swabs should be taken from the insertion site for culture. The presence of purulence at the CVC site should prompt catheter replacement at a distant site irrespective of culture results. Rationale We are unaware of any studies of insertion site skin culture as a predictor of catheter-related infection in sepsis patients. In patients with long-term nutrition catheters, negative site cultures had a negative predictive value for line infection of 98 % [95] while positive culture, particularly of organisms other than coagulase-negative staphylococci is predictive of CVC infection [96]. In patients with nontunneled CVCs, quantitative skin cultures at the time of removal for suspected infection had a sensitivity of 75 %, a positive predictive value of 100 % and a negative predictive value of 92 % in detecting CVC infection [97]. Expert opinion in the literature is generally that inflammation and frank purulence around a catheter insertion site is a predictor of CVC infection [43, 57, 98]. Reed et al. [44] recommend that ªif the site appears to be infected, the catheter is removed.º While local evidence of infection is predictive of systemic infection, it is possible to find marked local signs of infection with no evidence of systemic infection [48]. Ventilator-associated pneumonia This section addresses specifically the diagnosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) in sepsis patients. The diagnoses of community-acquired pneumonia [99, 100, 101] and pneumonia in the immunocompromised host [102] have recently been reviewed by others. The merits of various invasive diagnostic approaches to VAP have also been the subject of several recent editorials and reviews [103, 104, 105, 106, 107]. We therefore specifically exclude from this discussion a review of the extensive literature, which assesses the different modes of invasive airway sampling. Nevertheless, the question ªIs the lower respiratory tract the source of this patient's sepsis?º will, particularly in the ICU frequently apply to patients who develop sepsis while ventilated. We focus then on the evidence to support the recommendation of particular diagnostic tests in management of sepsis patients in whom VAP is suspected as the source. Can clinical parameters be used to diagnose pneumonia as a source of sepsis in a ventilated patient? Answer: uncertain; grade D. Rationale The clinical diagnosis of pneumonia in the non-ICU patient is usually based on the presence of fever, leukocytosis, purulent sputum and new radiographic infiltrates in such patients these criteria are sensitive and specific. In intubated patients these parameters are too nonspecific to be of diagnostic value. Purulent secretions, for example, are almost inevitably found in patients receiving prolonged mechanical ventilation and do not specifically indicate the presence of pneumonia [108]. A range of risk factors for the development of VAP have been identified. Cumulative incidence of VAP increases with time following intubation, but the daily increase in risk diminishes over time [109], such that rates are approximately 3 % per day in the first week, 2 % per day in the second and 1 % per day thereafter [109]. Other independent risk factors recently reviewed include witnessed aspiration, neurological disease and administration of a paralyzing agent impairing airway reflexes, presence of a nasogastric tube, enteral feeding and drugs used to raise gastric pH [110]. One study used by multivariate analysis of clinical parameters to generate a scoring system for risk of developing nosocomial pneumonia in ICU patients. In the patients studied the scoring system had a sensitivity of 85 % and a specificity of 66 % [111]. We are not aware of any prospective, comparative data to assess the usefulness of such a system in clinical practice; hence the answer to the question remains ªuncertain.º Should blood cultures be obtained in patients in whom VAP is suspected? Answer: yes; grade E. Recommendation Two sets of blood cultures should be sent in patients with suspected VAP. S 19 Rationale Recommendation Blood cultures are neither sensitive nor specific in the diagnosis of VAP. Between 3 % and 12 % of bacteremias which occur in ICU patients have a respiratory tract source [112, 113], but only one-quarter of cases of VAP are associated with bacteremia [114]. Bacteremia in patients with suspected VAP, in reality, usually arises from outside the chest [114, 115]. Meduri et al. [115] have demonstrated that two-thirds of patients with nosocomial pneumonia have at least one other focus of infection, usually urinary or CVC related. For this reason published expert opinion is that blood cultures are an essential part of the work up of a patient with suspected VAP [116]. Pleural effusions larger than 10 mm should be aspirated. Samples should be sent for immediate Gram and fungal stains, culture and biochemistry including protein, lactic dehydrogenase and glucose. Paired blood chemistry samples should also be sent for comparison. Are new chest radiographic infiltrates diagnostic of pneumonia in a ventilated patient? Answer: no; grade D. Recommendation A chest radiography should be performed. Rationale The development of a new chest radiographic infiltrate in a ventilated patient may have many causes other than infection [104, 117]. When assessed against diagnosis by bronchoscopy [118], final clinical diagnosis [104] or postmortem histology [119], chest radiographic changes alone are insufficiently specific for diagnosis of pneumonia in this group of patients. Computed tomography (CT) is more sensitive in detecting lung parenchymal changes than plain radiography and may better demonstrate fluid collections [120]. Even so, most causes of diffuse air-space shadowing cannot be reliably differentiated on CT, which therefore adds little diagnostic information in suspected VAP over and above plain radiography [121]. Not withstanding this lack of diagnostic specificity, chest radiography may provide valuable information, for example, to guide invasive diagnostic approaches and detect pleural effusion. Should thoracocentesis be performed in patients with pleural effusions in whom VAP is suspected? Answer: yes; grade E. Rationale Pleural effusions are uncommon in VAP, and empyema develops rarely. We are not aware of any data which determine rates at which diagnostic information is gained from analysis of pleural fluid in the context of VAP. Our recommendation is in line with published guidelines of the American Thoracic Society [116]. The presence of a parapneumonic effusion larger than 10 mm warrants diagnostic thoracocentesis. Parameters suggestive of an underlying pneumonia include: white blood cells higher than 5 ” 109/l, more than 50 % polymorphonuclear cells, organisms seen on Gram stain, low glucose (< 40 g/dl), pH less than 7.3 and biochemical criteria of an exudate (protein > 3 g/l, raised lactic dehydrogenase) [122]. Do serological tests have a role in diagnosis of VAP? Answer: no; grade E. Recommendation Serology is not routinely indicated in the diagnosis of VAP. Rationale With the possible exception of Legionella infection, ªatypicalº organisms are not causes of VAP. Although nonepidemic Legionella infections made up 22 out of 286 episodes of hospital acquired pneumonia in one study, none developed in patients who were already ventilated [123]. Legionella infection developing in a ventilated patient would raise the possibility of acquisition from within the ICU. In rare cases in which Legionella infection is suspected, urinary antigen testing provides rapid and accurate diagnosis and is now beginning to replace serology. Should tracheal aspirates be obtained in patients in whom VAP is suspected? Answer: yes; grade C. S 20 Table 5 Studies assessing diagnostic accuracy of endotracheal aspirates (ETA) in diagnosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) (BAL bronchoalveolar lavage, PSB protected specimen brush) Protocol Finding Reference 12 patients with suspected VAP; compares semiquantitative culture of ETA, PSB and BAL Similar range and quantities of organisms recovered by all techniques 127 52 patients with suspected VAP; compares ETA (cutoff 106 cfu/ml) and PSB Sensitivity 82 % vs. 64 %; specificity 83 % vs. 96 % 128 26 patients with ªdefinite VAP,º 48 ªpossible VAP,º 28 controls; compares ETA (cutoff 105 cfu/ml) and PSB/BAL Sensitivity 70 % vs. 60 %/57 %; specificity 72 % vs. 93 %/87 % 129 28 patients with suspected VAP; compares ETA (cutoff 105 cfu/ml) and PSB/BAL to postmortem histology Sensitivity 63 % vs. 57 %/47 %; specificity 75 % vs. 88 %/100 % 130 Recommendation A sample of secretions aspirated via the endotracheal tube should be sent for Gram stain and for bacterial and fungal culture. Rationale Studies which assess different approaches to the microbiological diagnosis of VAP have been hampered by the fact that there is no accepted diagnostic ªgold-standard.º Postmortem histology and quantitative tissue culture (104 cfu/g tissue) are generally regarded as the most precise techniques available but are often not practicable for use in clinical studies. Furthermore, characteristic histological changes in pneumonia may be found in lung which is sterile in culture, and bacterial counts up to 104 cfu/g lung tissue may be found in the absence of histological changes in pneumonia, due to rapid proliferation of organisms after death (reviewed in [124]). Published studies therefore frequently make comparisons between different techniques or use clinical response as confirmation of the diagnosis. The microbiology of endotracheal aspirates (ETA) exemplifies the problem of distinguishing colonization from infection in an ICU setting. Bacterial colonization of the lower respiratory tract is almost universal following intubation [125]. Consequently, negative ETA cultures have powerful negative predictive value in the diagnosis of VAP. When pneumonia is present, the causal agent is usually present in nonquantitative culture of ETA [126, 128, 129]. True pathogens may, however, be missed in culture if more numerous but possibly less pathogenic organisms over-grow the plates. Gram staining is an essential component of the evaluation of respiratory tract specimens. The presence of squamous cells (> 10 per high power field) and the absence of leukocytes (< 25 per high power field) suggests the specimen is contaminated with saliva and unsuitable for culture. The finding of certain organisms may influence initial choice of antibiotics. For example, large numbers of clustered gram positive cocci may emphasize the need to cover S. aureus pending culture results. Table 5 summarizes the studies of ETA in diagnosis of VAP since 1991. What is clear from these data is that ETA has the advantages of not only being the least invasive means of sampling the respiratory tract but also the most sensitive. This is a crucial point in favor of use of ETA in that the outcome of VAP is correlated with the adequacy of the initial antibiotic regimen used. Where the initial antibiotic regimen fails to cover pathogens subsequently identified by microbiology, changes aimed at broadening coverage of pathogens does not improve outcome [131]. ETAs may be of particular value combined with clinical and radiographic parameters in a formal scoring system [132]. Should lower respiratory tract specimens be obtained routinely for microbiology in suspected VAP? Answer: yes; grade B. Recommendations Samples from the lower respiratory tract should be obtained for microbiology. No significant advantage of one invasive diagnostic approach over another has been consistently demonstrated. Choice of technique depends in practice primarily on available expertise and equipment. Rationale Sampling of lower respiratory tract secretions for microbiology may impact on the management of VAP in several ways. First, the range of bacteria which cause VAP, and their susceptibility patterns, varies widely between different hospitals [133]. For this reason knowledge of S 21 Fig. 2 Algorithm for diagnosis of ventilator associated pneumonia pathogens present in an individual hospital has great importance in choice of empirical antimicrobial regimens. Secondly, the microbiological data may alter the outcome. A number of studies on the impact of invasive diagnostic techniques on mortality of VAP have demonstrated that invasive techniques often trigger a change in the antibiotic regimen but have failed to provide conclusive evidence of associated improvement in outcome [131, 134, 135, 136, 137]. However, the balance of evidence is beginning to accumulate in favor of invasive sampling. A preliminary report of a prospective randomized controlled trial comparing invasive to noninvasive strategies demonstrated that the invasive approach is significantly better [138]. A large randomized controlled trial recently been completed in France has demonstrated reduced 14- and 28-day mortality and reduced antibiotic use associated with invasive as oppose to noninvasive diagnosis of VAP [139]. Direct examination of a good-quality specimen helps to guide initial empirical therapy, and culture results allow subsequent modification of antibiotic regimen. The information obtained by invasive sampling of the lower respiratory tract secretions might be expected to allow use of broad spectrum antibiotics to be restricted. The studies cited above, however, show that in clinical practice this is rarely the case. Only in a small minority of cases do the changes in antibiotic regimen, which follow lower respiratory tract sampling, result in the use of narrower spectrum drugs. This need not be so. Where appropriate cutoff values for quantitative culture are set, sensitivity of bronchoalveolar lavage and protected specimen brush has exceeded 90 %. Two studies addressing outcome in patients with suspected VAP who have had antibiotics withdrawn on the basis of bronchoscopy findings showed that there was no increase in mortality associated with this strategy [140, 141]. A systematic approach to the diagnosis of VAP in sepsis patients is described in Fig. 2. When a ventilated S 22 patient develops sepsis, blood cultures should be drawn and chest radiography performed. A diagnostic bronchoscopy should be performed without delay unless either facilities or expertise are not available, or the procedure is contraindicated. In such cases diagnostic endotracheal aspiration is indicated. Respiratory samples should be sent for direct examination and the result used to guide choice of antibiotic therapy. When culture results become available, the antibiotic regimen may be modified. Should blood cultures be obtained in cases of suspected surgical site infection or deep abdominal collection? Answer: yes; grade E. Recommendation Two sets of blood cultures should be obtained. Rationale Surgical site infection and intra-abdominal sepsis National Nosocomial Infections Surveillance definitions for surgical site infection (SSI) have been in use in the United States for a decade [142]. These are as follows [143]: · Superficial SSI: Occurs within 30 days, involves skin or subcutaneous tissue of the incision, and any one of the following; purulence, organisms cultured from aspirate or biopsy specimen, clinical signs of local infection, diagnosis as SSI by attending clinician. Not stitch abscess. · Deep SSI: Occurs within 30 days, or up to 1 year if implant in place, infection appears to relate to surgery and involves fascia and deep muscle layers and any one of the following; purulence, dehiscence of deep incision, abscess found at reoperation, radiology or histology, diagnosis as deep SSI by attending clinician. · Organ/space SSI: Occurs within 30 days, or up to 1 year if implant in place, infection appears to relate to surgery, involves any part of the body other than the incision, and any of the following; purulence, organisms cultured from aspirate, abscess found at reoperation, radiology or histology, diagnosis as organ/ space SSI by attending clinician. Similar definitions have recently been adopted in Europe and the United Kingdom [144]. The literature on microbiological diagnosis of surgical site and wound infection has recently been reviewed [145], and we know of no more recent, relevant data. In brief, while culture of bacteria from an aseptically collected sample of deep fluid or tissue is diagnostic of infection, the contribution of qualitative culture of wound swabs is limited by inevitable contamination of any open wound. Certain organisms such as b-hemolytic streptococci can be considered as pathogenic when present at any concentration. Otherwise, on culture of tissue biopsy, growth of more than 105 bacteria per gram of tissue is considered diagnostic of wound infection. Superficial SSI rarely causes sepsis and uncommonly bacteremia. Although making up fewer than 5 % of all causes of bacteremia among hospitalized patients [113, 146], cases of deep SSI and localized intra-abdominal sepsis are frequently associated with bacteremia. Furthermore, empirical antibiotics may need to be given before samples from the suspected site of infection itself are available. However, such deep infections are frequently polymicrobial, comprising fecal organisms, and blood cultures may not identify the full range of organisms involved, particularly anaerobes. Are there specific indications for obtaining wound swabs or specimens of drain fluid? Answer: yes; grade E. Recommendations The presence of purulence or spreading cellulitis are indications for taking wound swabs. Infection should be suspected particularly at ªcontaminatedº or ªdirtyº surgical sites Rationale Certain clinical changes imply that a superficial surgical site has become infected. Discharge of purulent fluid is diagnostic of SSI, and spreading inflammation, in excess of that seen in normal healing, is present. The development of these features in the first 48 h after surgery or trauma (ªearly infectionº) suggests the presence of infection by virulent organisms such as b-hemolytic streptococci or Clostridium species. Most surgical site infections appear between the 4th and 6th postoperative days (ªlateº) and are polymicrobial. The National Research Council wound definitions set out in 1964 continue to be of value in risk assessment of wound infection. The category of wound is correlated well with the rate of wound infection (Table 6). S 23 Table 6 Wound categories and infection rates (modified from [147]) Wound category Definition Clean Elective surgery, primary closure, no breach in sterile technique, no contamination from potentially colonized body sites Nonelective surgery, controlled opening of colonized body site, minimal breach in sterile technique, reoperation through clean wound with-in 7 days Clean contaminated Infection rate 1.5 % 7.7 % Contaminated Nonpurulent inflammation at first surgery, major break in sterile technique or contamination from colonized body sites; penetrating trauma < 4 h old 15.2 % Dirty Purulent inflammation at first surgery, preoperative perforation of colonized body sites; penetrating trauma > 4 h old 40 % Can the contribution of anaerobic organisms to surgical site infection be determined in routine practice? Answer: no; grade D. Recommendation When contaminated or dirty abdominal wounds develop, features of wound infection, a diagnosis of anaerobic coinfection should be assumed irrespective of whether anaerobes are identified by routine microbiology. Is there evidence to support the preference of particular imaging modalities in the diagnosis of intra-abdominal infection? Answer: yes; grade E. Recommendation In most situations ultrasound is be the modality of first choice. When ultrasound is not diagnostic, CT should be considered. Rationale Rationale Detection of anaerobic organisms in clinical specimens is technically demanding. If anaerobic organisms are to be cultured, specific measures may need to be taken in obtaining samples, such as transporting pus in anaerobic conditions. In the laboratory, culture techniques are specialized and time consuming. For these reasons routine processing of samples in most microbiology laboratories does not include an extensive search for anaerobes. While infections which develop in clean wounds are frequently caused by skin flora such as S. aureus, when contaminated or dirty wounds become infected it is possible to identify, at least one anaerobic organism in 65±94 % of samples [148]. Similarly, over 50 % of abdominal abscesses are polymicrobial, and almost 80 % involve at least one anaerobic species [149, 150]. Consequently, while data from randomized controlled trials are lacking, it is accepted best practice to cover anaerobic organisms when treating sepsis arising contaminated or dirty surgical sites [151]. Gas liquid chromatography to detect bacterial shortchain fatty acids is a technique that allows rapid identification of anaerobes in a mixed culture. Although cost currently limits the availability of gas liquid chromatography, it may in future replace culture-based methods of anaerobe identification. Plain radiography of the abdomen may reveal free gas within the abdomen suggesting bowel perforation, or demonstrate the presence of gas within an abscess, but is only rarely yield definitive diagnostic information [152]. In most patients further imaging, usually by ultrasound or CT, is necessary to localize a source of infection within the abdomen [153]. Ultrasound is readily available, if necessary as a bed-side investigation. Its limitations are that gas-filled loops of bowel, commonly present in postoperative ileus may obscure underlying pathology. Wounds and drains may make access to the abdominal wall difficult. The sensitivity of ultrasound is particularly operator dependent. CT, by comparison, is more sensitive than ultrasound in detecting small foci of infection, but in certain areas of the abdomen, particularly the pancreas, distinguishing an abscess from inflammation may be difficult by CT [154]. Magnetic resonance imaging is in turn more sensitive than CT; a recent study reported 100 % sensitivity and 94 % specificity in detecting intraperitoneal abscess [155]. In many situations, for example in ventilated patients, the use of magnetic resonance imaging is limited in the diagnosis of sepsis by the need to keep all metallic instruments away from the scanner's magnetic field. S 24 Should abdominal fluid collections identified by imaging be aspirated as a matter of routine? Answer: yes; grade E. Recommendation Collections identified by radiology should, where technically possible, be aspirated and drained under radiological control, samples being sent for Gram-staining and culture. Rationale Differentiation of infected material from hematoma or inflammatory fluid is not possible on the basis of radiology alone [154]. Confirmation that infection is present and identification particularly of any drug-resistant organisms depends on obtaining samples for microscopy and culture [156, 157]. The pH of fluid obtained at ultrasound-guided aspiration (< 7.1) was found in one study to be a sensitive marker (92 %) of the presence of infection [158] and has been suggested as a bed-side means of identifying collections which require formal drainage. Acalculous cholecystitis Acute acalculous cholecystitis (ACC) is an infrequent but probably underdiagnosed complication in critically ill patients [159, 160]. It is caused by spontaneous gangrene of the gall bladder which without prompt diagnosis and treatment progresses to perforation. The cause appears to involve infection by Clostridium perfringens [161]. Although reported as a complication of a wide range of critical illnesses, the majority of cases of AAC follow trauma or biliary surgery [162, 163]. High doses of narcotic agents may be a contributory factor [164]. Is there a standard approach to the diagnosis of acalculous cholecystitis? Answer: no; grade E. Recommendations ACC should be suspected in any sepsis patient, particularly postoperatively, when there are either signs relating to the right upper quadrant of the abdomen or obstructive liver function tests. When ACC is suspected, ultrasound should be ordered urgently. If an initial ultrasound examination is not diagnostic, CT should be performed. If CT is unavailable, a repeat ultrasound should be performed after 24 h. Rationale Localizing right upper quadrant pain and tenderness is often absent in sedated or ventilated patients suffering from ACC. Diagnosis therefore requires a high index of suspicion. The only differentiating features in a sepsis patient may be elevation in alkaline phosphatase or gglutaryl transferase, in an at risk patient [165]. Although the ultrasound appearances of ACC (gallbladder distension, wall thickening and free fluid suggestive of perforation) are well established [166], such changes are not diagnostic and are frequently demonstrable in critically ill patients who do not go on to develop ACC [167]. The value of a single ultrasound study in diagnosis of ACC has been assessed in three retrospective studies. Two studies of ICU patients estimated sensitivity at 76 % [168] and 92 %, with a specificity of 96 % [169]. More recently among 27 cases of ACC, only half of which occurred in critically ill patients, a sensitivity of 29 % was found [165]. Two prospective studies looking specifically at the use of serial ultrasound examinations in patients with suspected ACC have demonstrated that when initial diagnosis is uncertain, failure of any abnormalities to progress on followup scans has excellent negative predictive value [170, 171]. The role of CT in diagnosis of ACC has not been thoroughly evaluated. Superior sensitivity of CT over ultrasound has been suggested by three retrospective studies of patients with a surgical diagnosis of ACC [165, 169, 172]. We are aware of two studies which examine the role of laparoscopy in diagnosis and treatment of ACC. Neither study compared diagnostic accuracy with radiology. In both the procedure was well tolerated. Laparoscopy has the advantage over CT that it may, in some units, be performed at the bedside and, if the diagnosis of ACC is confirmed, can proceed directly to laparoscopic cholecystectomy [162] or cholecystostomy [173]. Sinusitis Since being first reported in 1974 [174], ventilator-associated sinusitis has become an increasingly well recognized cause of sepsis. It occurs usually but not exclusively in patients who have nasotracheal, as opposed to orotracheal intubation [175, 176]. The true incidence of sinusitis among critical care patients is hard to establish since published estimates vary widely depending on the population studied and the diagnostic techniques used. In the only study to directly address the issue, one of 19 patients with occult sepsis on a surgical ICU had si- S 25 nusitis as the sole focus of infection [177]. This topic has recently been the subject of a general review [178]. Is there a standard approach to the diagnosis of ventilator-associated sinusitis? Answer: no; grade E. Recommendations Acute sinusitis should be suspected in any sepsis patient who has either a nasotracheal tube or a fine-bore nasogastric feeding tube, or who has suffered a head injury. When sinusitis is suspected, radiography of the maxillary sinuses should be performed to detect the presence of fluid. When radiography does not demonstrate fluid in the maxillary sinuses, CT should be performed. If either radiography or CT demonstrates the presence of fluid, antral puncture should be performed to allow definitive diagnosis and therapeutic drainage before antibiotic therapy is initiated. Rationale If sinusitis is the source of sepsis, specific physical signs are likely to be absent, although a mucopurulent nasal discharge may be noted. For this reason the diagnosis should be suspected in any patient who has a nasotracheal tube or an indwelling nasal device of any sort (even a fine-bore nasogastric feeding tube), or who has had a head injury. The definitive investigation of antral sinus disease is considered to be direct endoscopic examination [179]. In general the diagnosis is made on the basis of culture of bacteria from purulent material obtained from the sinus cavities [180]. Because clinical evidence to support a diagnosis of sinusitis is generally lacking in ICU patients, the first supportive evidence often comes from radiology, either plain radiographic sinus views, ultrasound or CT. For each of these modalities there is a discrepancy between radiological diagnosis of sinusitis (presence of fluid) and microbiological confirmation on any subsequent aspirate. While plain radiography is of value in diagnosis of maxillary sinusitis [181], five views are required to achieve 88 % sensitivity [182]. Similarly, ultrasound detected accumulation of fluid in the sinuses of 15 of 100 patients in a consecutive prospective series of intubated ICU patients but in only one of these patients could aspiration confirm sinusitis [183]. CT has two advantages over sinus radiography and ultrasound. CT is able to distinguish mucosal thickening from fluid within the sinuses [184] and can assess the other paranasal sinuses which may, albeit less frequently, be infect- ed in isolation [185]. The principal disadvantage is that CT usually requires the patient to be moved from the ICU. Although the ability of CT to detect mucosal abnormalities improves diagnostic accuracy, the discrepancy between CT diagnosis and diagnosis by antral puncture remains significant [184, 186]. Since the discrepancy between radiological diagnosis of sinusitis and confirmation on aspiration is unavoidable, abnormalities on radiology indicate further investigation by antral puncture to obtain fluid for culture. Interpretation of culture results, however, requires caution. Hospitalized patients have heavy colonization of the nose, and contamination of samples is virtually unavoidable [184]. In addition, while true infective sinusitis is frequently caused by mixed Gram-negative and anaerobic infections, fluid obtained from antra that do not have signs of infection quite frequently produces an apparently significant culture result [187]. Invasive Candida infection As a result of widespread use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and intravascular catheters, an increase in the incidence of nosocomial infection by Candida species has occurred in both the United States and Europe [188, 189, 190, 191]. Although C. albicans remains the most frequently isolated species, the incidence of other, potentially more drug-resistant species is also rising [192]. The importance of invasive fungal infection is further underlined by the considerable attributable mortality, 38 % in one study [193] and 21.7 % in another [194]. Invasive Candida infections begin by colonization of the gastrointestinal tract or skin [195]. Suppression of indigenous intestinal bacteria allows overgrowth of Candida in the gastrointestinal tract and mucosal adhesion. Once a critical level of colonization has been reached translocation, across intact small bowel mucosa may occur. In an ICU setting, where a range of physiological stresses may impair small bowel mucosal integrity, such translocation may occur at much lower concentrations. Similarly, skin colonization provides a source for invasive disease when integrity is breached either by intravascular catheters or burns. Finally, any disease or drug which inhibits cellular immunity, for example, diabetes mellitus, or corticosteroids, predisposes to invasive Candida infection [196]. Is there a standard approach to the diagnosis of invasive candidiasis? Answer: no; grade E. S 26 Table 7 Examples of suggested risk factors for invasive Candida infection and associated mortality (APACHE II Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II) (data summarized from: [194, 201, 202, 203, 204]) Examples of risk factors for development of invasive Candida infection Examples of risk factors for mortality associated with invasive Candida infection Colonization with Candida species. Prior treatment with multiple antibiotics APACHE II score > 20 Delay between onset of candidemia and start of antifungal therapy > 48 h Total number of different antibiotics > 2 Total number of days on antibiotics > 14 Prior Hickman catheter Prior hemodialysis Recommendations There are no data to support a policy of routine screening of hospitalized patients for Candida colonization. However, in sepsis patients invasive fungal infection is more likely in patients who are heavily colonized. When sepsis develops in patients colonized by Candida species at two or more sites, blood cultures should be sent and lysis centrifugation performed if available. Isolates of Candida species from sterile sites should be sent for speciation and sensitivity testing. Rationale Clinical features of invasive Candida infection are in most cases nonspecific, ranging from unexplained fever to sepsis [197]. Specific clinical manifestations are rare. Candidal chorioretinitis occurs in fewer than 15 % of candidemic patients [198], but when found is an absolute indication for initiation of antifungal therapy. Skin lesions and septic arthritis occur less frequently still [199]. Retrospective studies have demonstrated a range of risk factors for invasive Candida infection (Table 7). One small prospective study has suggested that after 4 days of persisting fever despite antibacterial antibiotics, antifungal agents should be started empirically [200]. We are not aware of any studies that address a risk stratification approach to diagnosis of fungal infection. Development of invasive Candida infection is correlated with preceding colonization [201]. Sites at which colonization may be detected include urine, rectum, gastric aspirate, vascular access sites, sputum/throat swab, wounds and surgical drains. The number of sites has been found to be correlated with the risk of develop- ing invasive fungal infection [202, 203] A cutoff of two sites colonized, as an indication for beginning empirical antifungal therapy, has a high sensitivity but low specificity, 22 % in one study [203]. This may in part be because using the number of colonized sites alone as a measure of infection risk fails to take into account the intensity of colonization. Using semiquantitative culture techniques to produce a ªcorrected Candida colonization indexº; sensitivity and specificity of 100 % was achieved in a retrospective analysis of 29 critical care patients [203]. No evidence exists regarding how frequently samples should be taken to detect colonization in at-risk patients. Five days would seem a reasonable interval. At present there is no consensus on the value or use of routine screening for Candida in hospitalized patients, and the data are inadequate to support a general recommendation that it should be instituted. Conventional blood culture techniques are insensitive in detecting blood-borne Candida infections. For example, only 50 % of patients with disseminated candidiasis have positive blood cultures [196], but lysis centrifugation of blood cultures increases yield by 30±40 %. While growth of Candida species in blood is a clear indication for initiation of antifungal agents, failure to confirm candidemia in an at-risk patient in no way disproves the diagnosis. Candiduria in patients who have not had instrumentation of the renal tract is strongly suggestive of renal involvement in disseminated candidiasis [195]. The practical value of this is limited by the fact that the majority of ICU patients will have been catheterized at some stage. Furthermore, up to 50 % of patients who have disseminated candidiasis do not have candiduria [205]. In an ICU setting the finding of candiduria in a catheterized patient is no more significant an indicator of invasive disease than isolation from any other single site [206]. While a single colony of Candida species isolated from a sterile site such as blood or cerebrospinal fluid must be regarded as significant, the greatest obstacle to the diagnosis of invasive Candida infection by culture from nonsterile sites is distinguishing infection from colonization. Cut-off values for quantitative diagnosis of Candida infections are much less well established than for bacterial infections. Diagnosis of Candida infection by tissue biopsy is made on the basis of either quantitative culture of more than 105 organisms per gram of tissue or the presence of yeasts on microscopy pending culture results [196]. Although C. albicans continues to make up the majority of clinical isolates, the incidence of other species is increasing. When Candida is cultured from nonsterile sites or urine, differentiation of C. albicans from other species using the germ-tube technique is generally sufficient. However, when Candida is identified at sterile sites, speciation and sensitivity testing should be routine [157]. Relative sensitivity of these species to azole anti- S 27 fungals varies. In certain cases the use of azoles may be possible in place of amphotericin, with its associated toxicity (see Bochud et al., ªAntibiotics in sepsisº) [157, 207]. In addition, knowledge of the species and resistance patterns within a particular hospital is essential to choice of empirical antifungal agents. A number of PCR [208] and serological [209, 210, 211] assays have shown promise in preclinical trials, but two clinical trials in hospitalized patients have found that such techniques are unlikely to replace culture based diagnosis [212, 213]. References 1. Cohen J, Heumann D, Glauser MP (1995) Do monoclonal antibodies and anticytokines still have a future in infectious diseases? Am J Med 99: 45S±52S 2. Parrillo JE (1993) Pathogenetic mechanisms of septic shock. N Engl J Med 328: 1471±1477 3. 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However, the surgical therapy of infection in the form of drainage of abscesses, removal of foreign bodies, or dØbridement of devitalized tissue dates to antiquity. The surgical drainage of ocular abscesses was sufficiently common in ancient Mesopotamia that the fees payable to its practitioners are laid out in the Code of Hammurabi, and the drainage of abscesses was a common practice at the temple of Asclepios in Greece in the fourth century BC. The surgical management of wounds dates back to prehistoric times; skulls showing evidence of trephination (craniotomy) with healing during life have been found in both Europe and the pre-Columbian western hemisphere. Surgical approaches to the treatment of infection have evolved through principle and tradition, and few have been evaluated by randomized controlled trials. Moreover the need to tailor therapy to circumstances that are often unique to a particular clinical situation makes it difficult to standardize surgical therapy sufficiently to conduct a randomized trial of surgical approaches in the management of severe sepsis and septic shock. For example, there has been considerable controversy regarding the relative merits of open versus closed management of the peritoneal cavity in the patient with diffuse peritonitis. Yet a randomized trial to answer this question has proven difficult if not impossible to organize [1]. Most patients with peritonitis have an infectious process that is at least relatively localized within the peritoneal cavity, and open management necessitates much greater use of nursing and operating room resources, raising important economical and ethical concerns in designing such a study. Conversely, for a number of patients with diffuse peritonitis it is not technically possible to close the abdomen because of increased intra-abdominal pressure or concomitant abdominal wall defects. Thus while the question is of theoretical interest, there is in reality only a very small number of patients for whom the two different approaches could reasonably be considered to be sufficiently appropriate to justify their random assignment to either therapeutic option. The paucity of data derived from level I or level II studies limits the development of solid evidence-based recommendations regarding optimal approaches to source control in patients with sepsis. The guidelines presented here are not definitive management algorithms, and their applicability is influenced by a number of factors best evaluated by a surgical consultant with experience in the complex process of surgical decision making in life-threatening sepsis. Methods A computer-based literature review was undertaken using Medline from 1985 to the present. While references were sought using specific subject heading keywords related to sepsis, i.e., sepsis, sepsis syndrome, septic shock, infection, multiple organ failure, critical care, and intensive care units, the paucity of relevant retrievals prompted us to repeat the search using headings specific for the questions asked, including soft tissue infections, pancreatitis, and diverticulitis. Additional references were identified from the references cited in these reports. Case reports and reviews were excluded, and clinical papers included only if they reported a least ten subjects and included some form of control population (often historical). S 50 Definitions and principles The term source control is used in preference to surgical therapy or surgery to emphasize that measures to control the source of an infection are not limited to surgery, but may include, for example, removal of an infected intravascular catheter or tube thoracostomy to treat an empyema of the pleural cavity. Advances in interventional radiology have permitted access to anatomic areas previously only amenable to surgical intervention, with the result that formal operative intervention is necessary less often than in the past. Source control measures encompass three broad types of intervention: Drainage of abscesses, dØbridement of devitalized infected tissue and removal of colonized foreign bodies, diversion, repair, or excision of an ongoing focus of contamination from a hollow viscus. Drainage of abscesses An abscess is a discrete collection of tissue debris, bacteria, and host leukocytes that has become walled off from adjacent healthy tissues. The local host inflammatory response activates the coagulation cascade, resulting in the generation of fibrin; this fibrin becomes organized to form a capsule of fibrous tissue that isolates the infectious focus from the surrounding tissues [2]. The contents of an abscess are usually liquid, because of the presence of tissue fluid, permitting the abscess to be drained to the exterior. This process externalizes the focus of infection: further microbial entry into host tissues is prevented by the abscess wall, and the clinical infectious process resolves. Drainage of an abscess converts a closed focus of infection to either a fistula if the abscess arises from perforation of an epithelially lined surface such as the gastrointestinal tract, or a sinus if it does not. Drainage of an abscess may occur spontaneously or may be a result of deliberate therapeutic intervention. The clinical consequences of such a process of spontaneous drainage depend on the site of drainage. In the preantibiotic era, conservative management of appendiceal abscesses was an accepted practice, since the abscess generally drained into the gastrointestinal tract, and was associated with no significant clinical sequelae. However, a diverticular abscess may drain spontaneously into the bladder, giving rise to a colovesical fistula, or the vagina, creating a colovaginal fistula. Therapeutic drainage of an abscess results in the creation of a controlled sinus or fistula. Intervention should be planned to minimize contamination of uninfected tissues adjacent to the abscess, to simplify nursing care needed during the resolution of the abscess cavity, and to minimize the long-term morbidity of the intervention. Thus, if percutaneous drainage of an abscess can be performed effectively, it is generally preferable to surgical intervention, for it reduces the contamination of surrounding tissues, obviates the need for postoperative wound management and avoids the later risks of incisional hernia. DØbridement of devitalized tissues DØbridement ± the removal of dead tissue ± can be accomplished by surgical excision, by the use of dressings that adhere to devitalized tissue, removing it as the dressing is changed, or by the use of enzymatic or biological agents, including, in the past, maggots. Dead tissue is an excellent culture medium for micro-organisms, and because it lacks a blood supply, permits microbial proliferation in an environment that is protected from host inflammatory cells. Thus dØbridement of infected necrotic tissue is a critical element in source control, eliminating a locus of unopposed microbial growth. The benefits of excising uninfected necrotic tissue are less clear, and must be weighed against the risks of attempted excision. In the early stages of tissue necrosis, viable tissue is not clearly demarcated from nonviable tissue, and an intermediate zone of hyperemic inflammatory tissue is present: bleeding during attempted excision can be considerable and is an important reason that delayed dØbridement of infected pancreatic necrosis is associated with a better clinical outcome [3]. With time the demarcation of viable from nonviable tissue becomes clearer, and intervention is facilitated; however, potential morbidity of intervention must be weighed against the risks of leaving dead, infected tissue. A foreign body such as a colonized intravascular catheter or a retained surgical sponge serves as a reservoir of micro-organisms that are relatively protected from endogenous host defenses. Experimental studies show that the presence of a foreign body significantly reduces the inoculum of micro-organisms required for the establishment of a focus of infection [4]. In addition, certain organisms, notably coagulase-negative Staphylococci, form biofilms on prosthetic materials that permit the establishment of microbial colonies, and protect the bacteria from host immune cells [5]. Removal of a colonized foreign body is therefore a key element of source control. Again, however, the clinician must balance risks and benefits. When the infected foreign body is a retained surgical sponge or a colonized Foley catheter, the decision to remove the device is obvious. However, removal of a prosthetic heart valve, a vascular graft, or even a peritoneal dialysis catheter in a patient with dialysis-dependent renal failure entails a greater degree of risk, and justifies a trial of noninterventional management. S 51 Definitive management of source of contamination When infection arises as a consequence of perforation of a hollow viscus, ongoing contamination occurs unless the anatomical problem is corrected. Ideally this is accomplished by surgical removal of the involved structure, for example, appendectomy for acute perforated appendicitis. Drainage alone can serve to create a controlled fistula, and is frequently a less morbid interim solution. Finally, contamination can be reduced by proximal diversion or defunctioning of the injured viscus. A colostomy created proximal to a colonic perforation, for example, reduces the volume of gastrointestinal effluent passing across the injured colon and thus minimizes the leakage of bacteria into tissues surrounding the perforation. Indications for source control in the management of sepsis The potential role of source control measures should be evaluated for all patients with severe sepsis. In many circumstances, for example, the patient with diffuse peritonitis from a perforated ulcer or clostridial myonecrosis following a traumatic injury, the need for source control is obvious. In others, it may be less so. The patient with pneumonia, for example, may have a concomitant empyema; even in the absence of this complication, tracheal suctioning, and physiotherapy to enhance clearance of contaminated secretions are source control measures that may be of benefit. Replacement of a colonized catheter can hasten the resolution of a urinary tract infection. The incremental benefits of instituting source control are largely unknown, even in the management of a number of common infectious processes. Analyses of cohorts of patients enrolled in trials of novel mediator-targeted therapies indicate that inadequate source control is associated with a worse clinical outcome [6]; however, the merits of surgical source control, as with those of antibiotic therapy, are largely based on expert opinion, informed by experience. Selection of the best method of providing definitive management of a focus of infection involves a principle common to the application of all forms of source control ± balancing the physiological costs and risks of intervention against the benefits of more definitive control. Timing of source control interventions Optimal timing of intervention requires that the benefits of intervention in providing definitive control of a focus of infection be balanced against the risks of doing so. General anesthesia or a reduction in the intensity of monitoring in the radiology suite result in increased risk for the patient who is not fully resuscitated, or who remains physiologically unstable despite resuscitation. Surgical intervention early in the course of necrotizing pancreatitis can eliminate a potential or actual focus of infection but entails a significantly greater risk of lifethreatening bleeding, because tissue planes are not demarcated. As a general principle, source control measures should only be undertaken once the patient has been appropriately stabilized, although resuscitation should proceed as rapidly as feasible. Rarely, source control is part of the process of resuscitation, for example, in emergency surgery for a ruptured mycotic aneurysm. Moreover in septic shock associated with intestinal infarction or infections such as clostridial myonecrosis, full resuscitation is not possible until the rapidly advancing tissue necrosis has been stopped. Nonetheless, even in these situations, aggressive and rapid resuscitation can reduce the risks of anesthesia. For most infections requiring source control, timing is an urgency, but not an emergency. The impact of the timeliness of source control on clinical outcome was evaluated for two distinct infectious processes. Necrotizing soft tissue infection Does the timing of surgery alter outcome in necrotizing fasciitis? Answer: yes, grade E. Recommendation Surgical intervention in the form of dØbridement of infected, devitalized, or nonbleeding tissue should be undertaken rapidly following hemodynamic stabilization in patients with necrotizing soft tissue infections. This is a grade E recommendation supported by level IV and level V evidence. Rationale The mortality of necrotizing fasciitis in reported series ranges from 9 % to 30 %. A number of case series and uncontrolled studies suggest that timely intervention in the patient with a necrotizing soft tissue infection is associated with a superior clinical outcome. Early reports suggested that delayed diagnosis and limited or inadequate resection results in increased mortality [7, 8, 9]. Both Majestic and Alexander [10] and Miller [11] have shown that mortality in patients with necrotizing fasciitis is less than that in historical controls when infection is diagnosed early, and surgical dØbridement is aggressive. S 52 More recent retrospective cohort studies [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] have confirmed the benefits of early aggressive surgical dØbridement for the treatment of patients with necrotizing fasciitis. For example, Bilton and colleagues [12] demonstrated a mortality reduction from 38 % to 4.2 % when patients underwent radical surgical dØbridement at the time of initial presentation, and Freischlag and coworkers [14] reported that surgical intervention within 24 h of recognition of necrotizing soft tissue infection resulted in 36 % mortality, compared to 70 % when the surgical procedure was delayed more than 24 h. Various reports have suggested that improved outcome requires surgical intervention within 3 h of admission [18, 19] or 12 h of admission [20]. Two studies evaluating clinical and laboratory predictors of survival of patients with necrotizing soft tissue infections have suggested that surgical dØbridement does not influence outcome [21, 22], particularly for patients with coagulopathy at the time of admission [22]. Infected pancreatic necrosis and pancreatic abscesses Does early surgery improve outcome for patients with infected pancreatic necrosis? Answer: no, grade C. Recommendation The decision to intervene surgically in the patient with infected pancreatic necrosis must weigh the potential advantages of removing a source of ongoing bacterial proliferation against the inherent morbidity of early surgery. In general, surgery should be delayed in the stable patient to permit adequate demarcation of tissue planes. This is a grade C recommendation supported by a single randomized trial and expert opinion. Rationale Studies of the natural history of retroperitoneal infection in patients with severe acute pancreatitis demonstrate that culture positivity generally occurs during the second or third week after the onset of pancreatitis, and that the risk of infection is directly related to the initial clinical severity of the disease process [23]. Drainage of infected fluid collections or dØbridement of infected necrosis is intuitively appealing. However, the morbidity of early surgical intervention is increased because clear biological demarcation between viable and necrotic tissues is often not present early in the course of the disease, and significant retroperitoneal hemorrhage is a common complication. Earlier enthusiasm for early ac- tive surgical intervention is giving way to greater conservatism. Delayed surgical intervention in infected pancreatic necrosis was first suggested by Machado et al. [24], and later supported by a randomized trial showing a reduction in complication rates and mortality in patients in whom surgical intervention was delayed at least 2 weeks [3]. The benefits of further intentional delay in patients with known infected pancreatic necrosis are not established. The discordant recommendations for the management of infected necrosis of subcutaneous or peripancreatic tissues reflect several factors, the most important of which is the morbidity associated with intervention. Principles of drainage of infectious foci Surgical drainage of deep-seated foci of infection was an innovation of the twentieth century. The classical surgical principles for the drainage of intra-abdominal abscesses were established by Ochsner and Debakey in 1938 [25] in an era when the diagnosis of intra-abdominal infection was established primarily through the clinical findings, and antibiotics were not yet available as adjuvant anti-infective therapy. More recently improvements in diagnostic imaging and the development of techniques for radiologically guided abscess drainage have provided the clinician with a spectrum of therapeutic options for the management of deep space infections. Radiographic techniques for the diagnosis of deep site infections Are computed tomography and ultrasonography equally efficacious in detecting foci of intra-abdominal infection? Answer: yes, grade E. Recommendation The diagnosis of intra-abdominal infection amenable to source control measures can generally be made by either ultrasound or computed tomography (CT). Ultrasonography has the advantage of being portable and inexpensive, but is highly operator dependent; CT is especially useful in the evaluation of the retroperitoneum. Rationale The presence of infection within the thoracic or abdominal cavities is usually suspected on the basis of history S 53 and physical examination; however, radiographic documentation is almost always indicated. Not only does delineation of the process permit safer surgical approaches, in many cases deep site infections can be treated by radiographically guided percutaneous drainage. Three methods of radiological investigation are commonly used to define such infections ± ultrasonography, CT, and contrast studies. Rigorous comparative studies of their merits are generally not available. Abdominal ultrasound is a useful first line diagnostic modality for intra-abdominal collections. It is inexpensive and portable, and allows confirmatory needle aspiration of fluid collections or therapeutic percutaneous abscess drainage. The capacity to establish a diagnosis at the bedside in the ICU obviates the risks associated with transportation to the radiographic suite. However, ultrasound is highly operator dependent, and adequate visualization may be prevented by gas within the lumen of the intestine or external dressings. Abdominal computed tomography is the most sensitive and specific radiological study for the diagnosis of foci of intra-abdominal infection. It provides readily interpretable information about anatomical location, localizes gas collections as being intraluminal or extraluminal, and facilitates percutaneous aspiration of cysts and abscesses. It is especially useful in the evaluation of the retroperitoneum, and, when performed using intravenous contrast, can differentiate viable and nonviable tissue. However, CT is expensive and requires that the patient be transported to the radiology suite. The accuracy of CT without contrast is reduced because it is difficult to differentiate fluid-filled bowel from an abscess. When infection arises as a consequence of perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, studies using water-soluble contrast agents may show the site of perforation or demonstrate distortion of normal anatomy by an adjacent abscess. Sinograms performed by the injection of contrast solution into a therapeutic drain can document resolution of an abscess cavity and evaluate its connection with the gastrointestinal tract. Radionuclide scans using gallium or indium have largely given way to ultrasonography and CT. Two retrospective studies compared the accuracy of CT and ultrasonography for the diagnosis of intra-abdominal abscesses [26, 27]. The accuracy of ultrasound examination ranges from 75±96 %, while CT correctly diagnoses 71±100 % of intraperitoneal abscesses. No statistically significant difference was demonstrated between the two imaging modalities in identifying an abdominal abscess. However, with technological improvements to both imaging modalities, the CT has generally emerged as the preferred method for identifying intraabdominal infectious foci. Therapeutic options in intra-abdominal infection Is percutaneous drainage as efficacious as surgical intervention for the treatment of intra-abdominal abscesses? Answer: yes, grade E. Recommendation The initial approach to well-defined and accessible intra-abdominal abscesses should be percutaneous drainage. Catheter drainage can also be used as a temporizing measure to optimize the physiological and hemodynamic condition of an acutely ill patient prior to surgical exploration [28]. Laparotomy should be reserved for those circumstances in which there are no well-defined collections, dead tissue requires dØbridement, or residual collections cannot be treated percutaneously. Surgical intervention may also be indicated to control a source of ongoing peritoneal contamination. Rates of failure have increased as interventional radiologists have extended the indications for percutaneous drainage. If the clinical condition of the patient does not improve following the initial drainage, a follow-up CT should be performed to determine whether a residual or missed collection is present, and surgical intervention should be considered. Rationale The traditional approach to the treatment for intra-abdominal abscesses has been surgical drainage, often performed on clinical grounds alone, without definitive radiological confirmation. However, surgical drainage carries potential morbidity including bleeding, the development of fistulas, and wound infection. Improvements in radiological imaging techniques led to new techniques for percutaneous drainage of intra-abdominal abscesses that could be successfully employed with low mortality [29]. Percutaneous abscess drainage was initially restricted to unilocular well-defined collections, for which a safe drainage route could be established. Gerzof et al. [30] initially reported a 92 % success rate for percutaneous drainage when these criteria were satisfied. Indications and access routes for percutaneous drainage have been since expanded. Multiple, ill-defined, or complicated abscesses (for example, appendiceal, interloop, and pelvic abscesses), collections communicating to the gastrointestinal tract, and even abscesses whose drainage must traverse normal organs can be treated percutaneously, with a success rate of 73.6 % and 9 % mortality [31]. S 54 Much of the literature comparing of operative and percutaneous methods for the drainage of intra-abdominal abscesses uses historical surgical controls, without stratification of severity of illness prior to drainage [32, 33]. There are no randomized studies comparing percutaneous and operative drainage techniques. Uncontrolled case series show that percutaneous drainage is as effective as conventional surgery for the drainage of intra-abdominal collections [34, 35, 36]. In a retrospective case-control study Olak and colleagues [37] stratified patients undergoing percutaneous drainage of intra-abdominal abscesses using the acute physiology score, and matched for age, sex, diagnosis, abscess etiology, and location with a cohort of patients managed surgically. They found no differences in morbidity and mortality when patients with intra-abdominal infection were treated surgically or percutaneously. Are aggressive operative approaches (continuous postoperative peritoneal lavage, open abdomen) superior to conventional surgical treatment for intraabdominal infection? Answer: in continuous postoperative peritoneal lavage, uncertain, grade D; in open abdomen, no, grade D. Recommendation Current data support the concept that relaparotomy ªon demand,º as indicated by worsening of the clinical status, absence of improvement, or evolving organ dysfunction is as efficacious as a more aggressive approach. Planned relaparotomy is indicated for patients with ischemic bowel when intestinal viability is a concern (ªsecond lookº), for patients with necrotizing pancreatitis when demarcation of necrotic tissue demarcation is not distinct, or when bleeding precludes complete dØbridement. Rationale The substantial morbidity and mortality of unsuccessful surgical management of severe intra-abdominal infection has led to the development of more aggressive surgical procedures, in particular, continuous postoperative peritoneal lavage, and open abdomen management, with or without planned relaparotomy. The rationale for continuous postoperative peritoneal lavage is that the continuous removal of bacteria and fibrin may hasten the resolution of intra-abdominal infection and reduce the risk of persistence or recurrence [38]. The technique is labor intensive and time consuming, requires intensive care monitoring, and has been associated with the formation of enteric fistulas. It necessitates the perioperative placement of drains in the subphrenic spaces for infusion of dialysis solution, and of outflow catheters in the pelvis for evacuation of the effluent. The abdomen is closed and lavage is performed with large volumes of fluid, either continuously or intermittently, for a period of 1±5 days. The role of postoperative peritoneal lavage remains to be defined. A nonrandomized study by Washington et al. [39] showed that postoperative lavage with cefamandole, erythromycin, and heparin decreases postoperative abscess formation. On the other hand, a prospective randomized control study by Hallerback et al. [40] was unable to demonstrate benefit for postoperative lavage containing neither antibiotics nor heparin for patients who had received broad-spectrum systemic antibiotics. Similarly, a randomized trial of radical peritoneal dØbridement to remove fibrin from the peritoneal surface failed to show any benefit for this more aggressive form of therapy [41]. Laparostomy ± open management of the abdomen ± has been promoted in circumstances in which multiple reexplorations are required to control an intra-abdominal infection. The technique avoids the increased intraabdominal pressure associated with the closure of the abdomen and facilitates reintervention. Its complications include evisceration, massive fluid losses, fistula formation, and retraction of the abdominal wall resulting in postoperative hernias. The significant risk of these complications led to the development of a semiopen technique, in which temporary abdominal wall closure is accomplished by the use of polypropylene and polyglycolic acid meshes, or polytetrafluoroethylene patches with or without zippers or adhesive sheets. This semiopen technique facilitates reintervention without leaving the bowel exposed, prevents evisceration, avoids raised intra-abdominal pressures associated with abdominal wall closure, and minimizes damage to the abdominal wall [42]. Planned relaparotomy or staged abdominal repair (STAR), has been advocated for the management of patients with diffuse peritonitis to prevent the development of multiple organ failure and facilitate the resolution of intra-abdominal infection [43]. STAR implies a commitment at the first operation to perform multiple surgical procedures at fixed intervals (24±72 h), regardless of the patient's clinical condition. In theory, planned relaparotomy allows superior control of peritoneal contamination and earlier detection of anastomotic leaks. The disadvantages of this method are inadvertent visceral injury and fistula formation. Increased intra-abdominal pressure resulting from abdominal wall closure may compromise organ perfusion and pulmonary function [44]. Although favorable results with these aggressive surgical techniques have been reported worldwide [45, 46], S 55 objective evaluation is difficult because of the heterogeneity of patients in whom the method has been employed, and the inherent difficulties associated with performing a well-designed clinical trial. A semiopen technique with planned relaparotomy was found to reduce mortality to one third that predicted on the basis of Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II scores for patients with diffuse peritonitis [47]. On the other hand, a multicenter case-control study undertaken by the Peritonitis Study Group of the Surgical Infection Society Europe compared planned relaparotomy to relaparotomy on demand for the treatment of intra-abdominal infections. The two groups of patients were comparable respect to the severity of illness, age, cause of infection, site of origin of peritonitis, and ability to eliminate the source of infection. No difference was found between the groups with respect to mortality or the need for unplanned relaparotomy. However, the incidence of anastomotic leaks, septicemia, and postoperative organ failure was increased in the patients who underwent planned relaparotomy [48]. In a collected review of 642 patients from 22 series Schein and colleagues [42] found an overall mortality rate of 33 % in patients treated with aggressive surgical management compared to a range of 30±76 % in patients with intra-abdominal infection treated with conventional methods. A prospective, nonrandomized trial comparing the closed-abdomen technique to open-abdomen technique in patients with severe peritonitis, suggested that the major determinant of mortality in patients with intra-abdominal infection is the host response to peritoneal contamination, rather than the approach used to control bacteria in the peritoneal cavity [1]. There currently is no clearcut evidence of the superiority of radical surgical procedures for the treatment of severe intra-abdominal infection. DØbridement and device removal DØbridement ± the surgical removal of injured, necrotic, and/or infected tissue ± is a fundamental principle of source control, and at least in the case of necrotizing soft tissue infections early surgical intervention is associated with a better prognosis. However, the identification of necrotic tissue may be difficult, particularly in deep-seated infections. Moreover, as discussed earlier for patients with pancreatic necrosis, dØbridement of sterile necrotic tissue may not be necessary to achieve a favorable clinical outcome. Can the presence of tissue necrosis be ruled out by means of nonoperative investigations? Answer: no, grade E. Recommendation Although tissue necrosis can often be detected by such characteristic radiographic findings as gas in the tissues, or nonenhancement of tissues following administration of intravenous contrast, there is no single test that can exclude the presence of tissue necrosis with certainty, and in circumstances in which necrosis may be life threatening (for example, intestinal ischemia) it is often necessary to establish the diagnosis operatively. Rationale The early diagnosis of necrotizing soft-tissue infections may be difficult because the initial appearance of the skin is normal, and local signs are mild, despite the presence of extensive deeper soft tissue necrosis. Local signs of deep infection may include edema, crepitus, and cyanosis or bronzing of the skin. Radiographic studies revealing the presence of air in the soft tissues support the diagnosis of underlying necrosis [10]. CT with intravenous contrast can also provide information about the viability of deeper tissues. The easy separation of the subcutaneous tissue at the level of the fascia when probing the wound through an incision in the skin has traditionally been considered pathognomonic of necrotizing fasciitis, and the diagnosis of necrotizing soft-tissue infection can be confirmed by operative exploration, with direct visualization of whether the incised tissue bleeds. Frozen-section biopsy early in the evolution of a suspected necrotizing soft tissue infection has been recommended in patients with rapidly advancing infections to provide a reliable diagnosis and define the extent of dØbridement [49]. Can a vascular catheter be safely changed over a guidewire? Answer: yes, grade B. Recommendation An infected central venous catheter can be safely changed over a guidewire, provided there is not significant local soft tissue infection at the exit site. This is a grade B recommendation supported by level II evidence. Rationale The diagnosis of catheter-related infection is based on the isolation of the same organism from the catheter and the blood, clinical and microbiological information S 56 ruling out another site of infection, and the presence of signs of systemic inflammatory response. A semiquantitative technique to differentiate contamination of a catheter from true infection was described by Maki et al. [50], based on the demonstration of at least 15 colonies of a given organism on an agar culture roll-plate. The presence of more than more than 103 cfu/25 cm2 or more than 102 colonies from cultures obtained by sonication is also indicative of catheter infection [51]. Cook and colleagues [52] performed a systematic review of 12 randomized trials that addressed the relative merits of catheter changes over a guidewire or catheter replacement at a new site for patients with central venous catheter infections. The guidewire exchange technique was associated with fewer mechanical complications (relative risk 1.72, 95 % confidence interval 0.89±3.33) compared to replacement at a new site, but also with a trend towards a higher rate of catheter exitsite infection (relative risk 1.52, 95 % confidence interval 0.34±6.73) and catheter-related bacteremia. Tunneled silastic catheters such as the Hickman or Broviac catheter have a lower rate of infection. Removal of the catheter is often required for tunnel infections (presence erythema, induration or purulence along the subcutaneous tract), whereas exit-site infection (signs of infection within 2 cm of the exit site) usually resolves with local wound care and antibiotics [53]. Tunneled hemodialysis catheters can also be safely and easily replaced over a guidewire through the preexisting subcutaneous tunnel, with infection rates comparable to de novo catheter replacement [54]. Removal of the catheter and excision of the affected vein leaving the wound open is the recommended approach for peripheral septic thrombophlebitis. Catheter-related septic central venous thrombosis requires systemic antibiotics, catheter removal, and surgical excision when medical measures fail [55]. Does a policy of scheduled replacement of indwelling central venous catheters reduce the risk of infectious complications? Answer: no, grade C. Recommendation There is no evidence that routine catheter replacement reduces the risk of catheter-related bacteremia. Venous catheters should be changed only as needed when evidence of infection is present (signs of inflammation, purulent discharge at the insertion site), or when the catheter is not working [52, 56]. This is a level C recommendation for central venous catheters, supported by level II evidence, and a level E recommendation for peripheral catheters, supported by level V evidence. Rationale A clinical trial in cardiac surgical patients evaluating the risk of infection associated with routine guidewire exchange from a pulmonary artery to a central venous catheter 48±72 h after the surgical procedure showed a higher incidence of catheter-related infection (35.3 % compared 12.5 %) in patients undergoing catheter exchange [57]. Similarly a randomized controlled trial of routine catheter exchanges every 3 days failed to show any reduction in rates of catheter-related infections [58]. Proximal diversion, defunctioning, and definitive therapy An anatomical defect in the gastrointestinal tract permits continuing contamination of sterile tissues by micro-organisms found within the gut lumen. Diverting the fecal stream or otherwise defunctioning of the gut minimizes such contamination. Regardless of the level of the leak proximal diversion of the gastrointestinal tract involves two elements: drainage of the infectious focus adjacent to the perforation and creation of a diverting stoma or ostomy proximal to the site of perforation. For mediastinitis secondary to an intrathoracic rupture of the esophagus, exercise of this principle entails mediastinal drainage and the creation of a cervical esophagostomy; in the case of a perforation of the colon secondary to cancer or diverticulitis, the principle would dictate drainage of the abscess and the creation of a colostomy or ileostomy proximal to the site of the leak. Application of this principle led to the classical approach to perforated diverticulitis ± a three-stage operation involving the sequential drainage of the abscess and creation of a transverse loop colostomy, followed by a second operation to resect the involved segment of sigmoid colon, and a final third operation to close the colostomy. While the principle of proximal diversion remains widely accepted as the safest and most conservative approach to complex perforations of the gastrointestinal tract, its utility is open to evaluation. In the first place, the approach is not applicable to many common sites of gastrointestinal perforation. Proximal diversion of the stomach, for example, would entail the creation of a cervical esophagostomy, and standard therapy for perforated ulcers now consists simply of an omental patch with or without an acid-reducing operation. Indeed a randomized clinical trial has suggested that nonoperative management is a reasonable alternative for most patients with perforated ulcers [59]. Secondly, drainage S 57 Table 1 Clinical Studies Comparing Resection with Colostomy and Drainage for Perforated Sigmoid Diverticulitis Author No. Patients Colostomy& Drainage Resection Deaths Deaths Complications Comment Complications Kronberg, 1993 [60] 62 6/31 (19 %) 8/31 (26 %) Smirniotis, 1992 [62] 38 4/14 (29 %) 1/24 (4 %) Finlay, 1987 [64] 78 24 % 20 % Fistulas 21 % 0 % Fistulas Auguste, 1985 [65] 116 10/51 20 % Stay- 52 days 8/65 12 % Stay- 36 days Nagorney, 1985 [66] 121 8/31 (26 %) and diversion, although technically simpler, leaves the source of contamination in situ. A number of case series have addressed the question of whether resection of the diseased segment of colon is superior to simple drainage and diversion, and whether anastomosis of the colon is safe in the face of perforation and active infection. Is resection of perforated colon preferable to simple drainage and proximal diversion for patients with perforated diverticulitis? Answer: yes, grade D. Recommendation Definitive resection is preferable to proximal diversion and drainage for perforated diverticulitis, and likely for other causes of intestinal perforation, when the more demanding procedure of resection can be performed safely. Extension of this principle to other sites of gastrointestinal peroration such as the esophagus requires balancing the risks of resection with the potential benefits. This is a grade D recommendation based on level III evidence. Rationale Resection of a perforated segment of colon eliminates a focus of ongoing contamination. However, the additional operative time and resulting physiological stress to a critically ill patient may result in higher perioperative morbidity. Moreover, definitive resection is more technically demanding; therefore the potential for significant perioperative complications is increased. Higher rate of colostomy closure with resection (84 %) than drainage (44 %) Shorter length of disability with resection (81 vs 148 days) 6/90 (7 %) Medline was searched from 1985 to the present, using as keywords, ªgastrointestinal perforation/surgery,º and restricting the search to papers published in English. The literature search was restricted to the past 15 years since changes in other aspects of supportive care may have rendered earlier study conclusions less relevant. Of the 639 references identified, 73 were selected for review. One randomized trial [60] and six retrospective case series [61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66] compared outcomes for patients managed by drainage and diversion or definitive resection (Table 1). While the series were retrospective, and the subjects randomized in only one of the trials, consistent evidence of benefit was apparent for patients treated with definitive resection compared to proximal diversion and drainage. Pooled data showed a mortality of 22.8 % (38/167) for patients treated by proximal diversion and drainage compared with 12.5 % (31/248) for those managed with definitive resection and colostomy (odds ratio 2.06, 95 % confidence interval 1.22±3.48, p = 0.007). It should be emphasized that intrinsic differences in patient populations, or in adjuvant care may have created a spurious suggestion of superiority for resection. Resection also appears to be associated with lower morbidity, principally a shorter hospital stay and period of disability, a lower rate of postoperative fistulas, and a higher rate of colostomy reversal. Following colonic resection for perforated diverticulitis, is primary anastomosis a safe alternative to the construction of a colostomy? Answer: yes, grade D. S 58 Table 2 Clinical Studies Comparing Primary Anastomosis to Colostomy Following Resection for Perforated Diverticulitis Author Umbach, 1999 [67] Setti Carraro, 1999 [68] No. of Patients Primary Anastomosis Resection and Colostomy Deaths Complications Deaths Complications 33 0 1 anastomotic dehiscence N/A N/A No control group; mortality from literature 1±28 % for Hartmann procedure 105 ± ± ± ± No difference in outcome; mortality related to APACHE II Strada, 1993 [70] 73 4/73 (5.5 %) 11/73 (15 %) Saccomani, 1993 [71] 38 1/26 (3.8 %) 11/26 (42 %) Smirniotis, 1992 [62] 24 1/6 (17 %) Alanis, 1989 [73] 60 1/34 (3 %) 2/6 (33 %) ± Recommendation Primary anastomosis or colostomy are equally efficacious following colon resection for diverticulitis. The choice of procedure should be dictated by other factors such as severity of illness, presence of chronic disease, the degree or duration of peritoneal contamination, and the skill and experience of the surgical team. This is a grade D recommendation based on level III evidence. Rationale A primary anastomosis obviates the need for a second operative procedure to close the stoma, a procedure with a recognized morbidity. On the other hand, the risk of anastomotic leakage is generally held to be greater in the face of an acute inflammatory process, and the attendant morbidity resulting from an anastomotic leak may be formidable. Nine reports were identified that evaluated the safety of primary anastomosis in the clinical setting of colon perforation with established inflammation [61, 62, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73]; four of these reported rates for concomitant controls. Six studies were judged to be evaluable (Table 2). All studies were case series. In no study was primary anastomosis associated with an increased risk of mortality, and two reports suggested that the primary determinant of mortality was the degree of physiological derangement, rather than the specific method of therapy used. Strada and colleagues [70] reviewed the course of 73 patients injured on the battlefield during the Afghan War, all of whom were managed by primary anastomosis or direct suture repair, without creation of a stoma. Despite the fact Comment Battlefield management of colonic injuries during Afghan War 3/8 (38 %) 5/8 (63 %) 0/18 (0 %) 1/18 (6 %) 4/26 (15 %) ± 1 additional death with colostomy closure that nearly half the patients were hypotensive at presentation, and that management was undertaken more than 12 h after injury in 445, only 4 patients died (5.5 %). The independent morbidity and mortality associated with colostomy closure is an additional variable to be considered. Complications develop during one-third of colostomy closures [74, 75, 76], although the majority are relatively minor. In addition, colostomy closure necessitates an additional hospital stay and postoperative convalescence. Pooled data from the four studies that compared primary anastomosis with colostomy following colon resection for diverticulitis [62, 71, 72, 73] showed a modestly lower mortality for patients undergoing primary anastomosis (3/69 or 4.3 % vs. 8/55 or 14.5 %, odds ratio 0.27, 95 % confidence interval 0.07±1.06, p = 0.06). Publication bias and the absence of randomization preclude drawing firm conclusions from these data; however, they suggest that, contrary to classical teaching, primary anastomosis does not carry a higher mortality rate. Dealing with diagnostic uncertainty Does empirical or ªblindº laparotomy improve outcome? Answer: no, grade E. Recommendation Intra-abdominal infectious complications mandating source control are almost always evident using modern S 59 diagnostic imaging techniques. There is little if any role for empirical laparotomy to rule out undiagnosed infection in a critically ill patient in whom radiological examination has failed to demonstrate a surgically correctable problem. Rationale The first descriptions of the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome emphasized its association with uncontrolled and/or occult infection, particularly infection within the abdomen [77, 78, 79]. It remains a truism that the presence of remote organ dysfunction in critically ill patients should trigger an aggressive search for an unidentified focus of infection, especially when organ dysfunction evolves rapidly. The association between organ dysfunction and occult intra-abdominal infection stimulated led to the concept of ªblind laparotomy,º undertaken in the absence of radiological evidence of infection to search for an undrained abscess [80, 81]. However, improved radiological techniques have tempered the initial enthusiasm for this approach. Significant occult pathology is relatively uncommon, and when it is encountered, there is no convincing evidence that a more aggressive approach alters outcome [82, 83, 84]. With the spectrum of radiological diagnostic techniques currently available, interpreted within the specific clinical context of an individual patient, there is little justification for the temptation to ªhave a lookº for fear that a clinically important infection that might benefit from source control measures is being missed. Summary The process of surgical decision making is based on both general principles that are amenable to evaluation using rigorous techniques of clinical research and the intangible element of surgical judgment that seeks to apply those principles to the care of an individual patient. The role of surgical judgment is inescapable, even though it is intrinsically subjective and recalcitrant to objective evaluation, for a host of factors modify the application of principle in each patient, and render the circumstances of a given problem sufficiently distinctive, that evidence must be tempered with common sense. We have tried to provide, through an evidence-based approach to a series of questions, the rationale for the basic principles that should guide the clinician in initiating or modifying source control, recognizing that sound clinical judgement demands, at times, that these be set aside. In the individual patient, evidence of clinical improvement is the most important marker of the approach selected. Evaluation of the adequacy of source control in the critically ill patient can be difficult. As with other modes of anti-infective therapy, effective source control measures are expected to result in clinical improvement, reflected in: · Resolution of clinical signs of sepsis or systemic inflammation · Bacteriological resolution · Evidence of reversal of the metabolic sequelae of infection, with normal progression of wound healing, reflected in the formation of granulation tissue, and epithelialization · Radiographic evidence of control of an infectious focus · Prevention of further organ dysfunction, and resolution of existing organ dysfunction · Survival Evaluation of the adequacy of source control may necessitate planned reoperation. The adequacy of dØbridement of necrotizing soft-tissue infections can be assessed by repeat exploration under general anesthesia, continuing the process until there is evidence of healthy granulation tissue throughout the wound. Planned reexploration is also indicated for patients with diffuse intestinal ischemia to ensure bowel viability. The appropriate interventions to determine the adequacy of source control are dictated by the clinical circumstances. A residual or recurrent abscess can usually be demonstrated by CT or ultrasound examination, while resolution of an abscess cavity can be monitored using sinograms. The diagnosis of persistent or evolving tissue necrosis is guided by the clinical setting. Retroperitoneal necrosis can be detected by CT, while sigmoid ischemia following aortic aneurysmectomy can be evaluated by sigmoidoscopy. Occasionally diagnostic peritoneal lavage assists in establishing a diagnosis of gut ischemia; the lavage fluid appears bloody with established ischemia. The diagnosis of an infected foreign body requires an appropriate history and is supported by recurrent bacteremia or by positive cultures drawn retrograde through an indwelling vascular or peritoneal dialysis catheter. Finally, ongoing contamination from a breach of the gastrointestinal tract can be documented by appropriate contrast studies. The general principles that guide the use of source control techniques in the management of the patient with severe sepsis or septic shock are readily articulated. Their implementation in practice, however, is more complex, and does not, as a rule, lend itself to simple algorithms that are applicable in all cases. Moreover evidence-based support for these principles is weak. In the final analysis, the elusive process of experienced surgical judgement is invaluable for all but the most straightforward problems. S 60 References 1. Christou NV, Barie PS, Dellinger EP, Waymack JP, Stone HH (1993) Surgical Infection Society intra-abdominal infection study. Prospective evaluation of management techniques and outcome. Arch Surg 128: 193±198 2. 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McCrory C, Crowley K (1997) Is repeat laparotomy of value in patients with suspected intra-abdominal sepsis in the intensive care unit? Ir J Med Sci 166: 89±91 Intensive Care Med (2001) 27: S 63±S 79 Airway and lung in sepsis Greg S. Martin Gordon R. Bernard ) G. S. Martin ´ G. R. Bernard ( ) Center for Lung Research, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Division of Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Nashville, Tenn., USA E-mail: Phone: +1-6 15-3 43 00 77 Fax: +1-6 15-3 43 74 48 Introduction The development of respiratory dysfunction in patients with sepsis presents a myriad of complex interactions, which are yet to be completely understood. Similar to sepsis itself, the respiratory dysfunction that accompanies sepsis lies on a continuum from subclinical disease to overwhelming organ dysfunction. The most dreaded respiratory complication of sepsis is the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) ± a severe form of acute lung injury (ALI) at the end of the spectrum of respiratory dysfunction. Sepsis itself encompasses an entire range of host inflammatory responses, most frequently generated in humans by an infectious source. As the criteria defining the sepsis syndrome have become more established, the ability to determine specific epidemiological information associated with the syndrome has become more feasible. Recent compilations suggest a rising incidence of sepsis, likely resulting from advancing age of the population, potent immunosuppressive medications, and increasing numbers of invasive procedures [1]. In addition, data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control indicate that the incidence of sepsis increased more than 100 % from 1979 to 1987, although the lack of contemporaneous standardized definitions may make this statistic exaggerated. The sepsis syndrome remains one of the most commonly recognized predisposing conditions for ALI, accounting for approximately 40 % of cases [3, 4]. Pulmonary and intra-abdominal infections are the most commonly associated sites of infection identified in patients suffering ALI related to sepsis [5]. The development of ARDS in patients with sepsis is reported to occur in 25±42 % of patients, increasing with persistent arterial hypotension [6]. Since its description in 1967, the defining criteria of ARDS have varied. Most physicians include the presence of bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on frontal chest radiography, impaired gas exchange, and the absence of cardiac dysfunction. Many investigators believe reduced respiratory system compliance, increased extravascular lung water, or other biochemical markers of inflammation should be included [7]. The AmericanEuropean Consensus Conference on ARDS created a uniform definition for ALI and ARDS in 1994, outlined in Table 1. These criteria have allowed more precise epidemiological estimates to be made, although the incidence has been reported to vary from 5 to 71 per 100000 persons in the United States [8, 9]. Imprecision in these statistics makes quantification of the financial burden of this disorder difficult, although rational yearly estimates approach $5 billion in the United States alone. Broad, cooperative studies to obtain more precise estimates are underway. The morbidity and mortality associated with ALI and ARDS may be declining slowly, although it is widely considered to remain in excess of 40 %. Mortality is most often due to unresolved sepsis or multisystem organ failure (MOF) as opposed to progressive respiratory failure [5]. A recent review based on data from the period 1983±1993 in Seattle suggests that mortality rates have declined slowly over time, particularly in young patients with lung injury related to sepsis [10]. Several factors have been consistently found to affect mortality in patients with ALI, including age, severity of illness, cause of lung injury, presence of MOF, and preexisting comorbid conditions [11]. The degree of initial hypoxemia is not a reliable prognostic indicator, although changes in oxygenation over the first 48 h appear to dis- S 64 Table 1 Definitions of acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) (adapted from the American-European Consensus Conference) ALI ARDS Timing Degree of oxygenation defect Radiographic appearance Hydrostatic component Acute Acute PaO2/FIO2 £300 PaO2/FIO2 £200 Bilateral infiltrates Bilateral infiltrates PAOP < 18 mmHg PAOP < 18 mmHg Table 2 Calculation of the Lung Injury Score: the total number of points is divided by the number of components used Points 0 1 2 3 4 Chest radiography PaO2/FIO2 ratio PEEP (cmH2O) Cstat (ml/cmH2O) No infiltrates > 300 5 80 1 quadrant 225±299 6±8 60±79 2 quadrants 172±224 9±11 40±59 3 quadrants 100±174 12±14 20±39 4 quadrants < 100 15 19 criminate eventual outcomes. In 1988 the publication of the lung injury score (LIS, Table 2) provided a method of grading the severity of lung injury ± a system that has been validated prospectively for prognostic purposes. An initial LIS higher than 3.5 has been observed to be correlated with a survival rate of 18 %, while a score of 2.5±3.5 corresponds to a survival rate of 30 %, a score of 1.1±2.4 with a 59 % survival, and a score below 1.1 with a 66 % rate of survival [12]. This contribution addresses the respiratory system complications encountered in patients with sepsis, with a focus on clinically relevant diagnostic methods and management options for the practicing critical care physician. Methods A computer-based review of the literature was undertaken using Medline from 1993 to the present as the primary database. The specific subject heading keywords defined for each question were combined with the following general sepsis-related subject heading keywords: infection, sepsis, sepsis syndrome, septic shock, multiple organ failure, critical care, intensive care. An additional manual retrieval of pertinent cited articles from the retrieved literature was performed. Pathophysiology Biochemical and cellular mediators The hallmark of ALI/ARDS is alveolar epithelial inflammation, airspace flooding with plasma proteins and cellular debris, surfactant depletion and inactivation, and a loss of normal endothelial reactivity [13]. This article is not intended to serve as a reference for the biochemical and cellular mediators of sepsis-induced respiratory dysfunction, although their interplay is indisputably critical to the pathophysiology common to the syn- drome. The pathogenesis of ALI/ARDS is complex, with a consistently observed broad activation of the host inflammatory response. A well described pathophysiological model of ALI/ARDS is one of acute lung inflammation mediated by neutrophils, cytokines, and oxidant stress [14]. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients with ALI contains increased quantities of neutrophils and their enzymes, both of which are correlated with the severity of lung injury [15]. While it is clear that neutrophils exert a critical role in the evolution of the host inflammatory response, neutropenic patients can develop ALI, thus supporting a pivotal role for other effector cells such as alveolar macrophages [16]. Both of these cell types produce inflammatory mediators, catalyze the generation of reactive oxygen species, and encourage lipid peroxidation through arachidonic acid metabolism pathways. Persistent plasma elevations in the proinflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-a and interleukins (ILs) 1, 6, and 8 are correlated with reduced survival, while increases in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10 are correlated directly with survival [17, 18, 19, 20]. Evidence of lipid peroxidation and oxidant stress is uniformly present in patients with sepsis, with reported elevations in hypoxanthine and numerous arachidonic acid metabolites (e.g., isoprostanes) [21, 24]. Plasma thiol levels have been found to be correlated with survival in patients with ARDS, while lipid peroxidation products are correlated with severity of disease and survival [25]. Cytokine expression has been known to be regulated by oxidative stress mechanisms; antioxidants such as N-acetylcysteine and tocopherol derivatives have been shown experimentally to reduce the expression of proinflammatory cytokines [26, 27, 28]. Recent evidence exists that mechanisms independent of oxidant control also contribute to cytokine expression [29, 30]. In addition, endogenous (e.g., transferrin and ceruloplasmin) and exogenous substances (albumin) with the ability to S 65 chelate iron have been shown effectively to suppress proinflammatory cytokine production in vitro [31, 32]. Unfortunately, the endogenous antioxidants have been shown to be either insufficient or inactive, rendering the natural oxidant stress defense mechanisms ineffectual. As the lung functions to filter nearly the entire cardiac output, it may thus be injured as a passive participant in the systemic inflammatory cascade. Gas exchange The principal cause of hypoxemia associated with sepsis is extensive right-to-left intrapulmonary shunting of blood flow. Intrapulmonary shunting is normally limited to less than 5 % of the total cardiac output, whereas in ARDS it may consume more than 25 % of the total cardiac output. In ARDS, shunting is due to persistent perfusion of atelectatic and fluid-filled alveoli. Ordinarily, compensation occurs through hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction to limit the amount of shunt by reducing perfusion to poorly ventilated lung units. In states of lung injury, however, hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction may be ineffective or absent, thereby increasing the magnitude of the intrapulmonary shunt. After the initial insult to the lung, gradients appear along a gravitational axis, in which the dependent lung is extensively consolidated and the main source of venous admixture [33]. Another factor affecting the ability to compensate for intrapulmonary shunting may be differences among patients in the mixed venous oxygen concentration of blood perfusing the injured lung regions as a result of differences in cardiac output or tissue oxygen consumption. Shunting of blood through nonventilated lung units accounts for the relative refractory nature of hypoxemia in ARDS. As a means to improve oxygenation, manipulation of airway pressure is often required to restore ventilation to nonventilated lung units. Lung mechanics Decrements in lung compliance (the change in lung volume for a given change in transpulmonary pressure) related to small airway and alveolar collapse are nearly universal in patients with ALI/ARDS. When delivered by mechanical ventilation with no end-expiratory pressure, the static inflation pressure for typical tidal volumes of 8 ml/kg may exceed 25 cmH2O. This implies lung compliance approaching 20 ml/cmH2O, or less than one-fourth that of normal. To reflect the actual intrinsic elastic properties of lung tissue, compliance should be calculated with the quantity of lung participating in gas exchange. In early ARDS the volume of aeratable lung is reduced by alveolar edema and surfactant dysfunction. These changes account for the need for higher inflation pressures, exclusive of any change in the intrinsic elastic properties of lung. As such, the inflation pressure may function as an estimation of the amount of edema and atelectasis early in the course of ARDS. This is reflected in the concept of a ªsmallº lung early in ARDS versus a ªstiffº lung later in the course. Only if fibrosis develops in the later phases do increases in inflation pressures reflect true changes in lung compliance. In a person with normal lungs, a transpulmonary pressure of 30 cmH2O is sufficient to achieve total lung capacity ± thus the recommended pressure limit for mechanical ventilation adopted by the American College of Chest Physicians Consensus Conference [34]. Interestingly, this level of airway pressure has also been shown to induce lung injury in some animals [35]. Whereas the static inflation pressure is the best index of transalveolar pressure during mechanical ventilation, the mean airway pressure is the best predictor of an overall effect on oxygenation or hemodynamics. As the mean airway pressure increases, progressively greater amounts of potentially recruitable lung are recruited. Unfortunately, at the same time venous return can be impeded and cardiac output depressed. Because volume-related alveolar overdistension is now recognized to play a major role in airway pressure associated injury in ARDS, the term ªvolutraumaº (instead of barotrauma) has been coined. At times, peak airway pressures during mechanical ventilatory support of patients with ARDS are increased out of proportion to the increase in static inflation pressures. This finding suggests an increase in airway resistance. Airway secretions, edema, mediators that provoke bronchospasm, narrow endotracheal tubes, etc. can all increase airway resistance. Airway resistance, as with compliance, should be normalized for the amount of aeratable lung volume available and, although abnormal in part due to bronchoconstriction, the extent to which airway resistance is increased in ARDS is not completely known [36]. Work of breathing Because these changes in mechanical properties increase the airway pressure necessary to achieve a given tidal volume, the work of breathing (measured as the pressure-volume product during spontaneous breaths) is also increased in ARDS ± an effect that is multiplied by coincident tachypnea. One cause of increased deadspace ventilation is hyperventilation of still normal or relatively normal alveolar units, a process exaggerated by differences in the distribution of ventilation with mechanical ventilatory support and by overinflation of normal lung units when mean airway pressure is increased by positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) or other maneuvers. Normally, the dead space-to-tidal volume S 66 ratio (Vd/Vt) is 0.3, but in severe ARDS as much as 90 % (Vd/Vt = 0.9) of each tidal volume may fail to participate in effective gas exchange. As a consequence minute ventilation greater than five times normal may be necessary to maintain normal arterial CO2 concentrations. The increases in work of breathing are multifactorial, including hypoxemia, dead-space ventilation, and increased airflow resistance from bronchoconstriction. Although normal work of breathing accounts for only a small percentage of the body's overall oxygen consumption, the work of spontaneous breathing in patients with ARDS may require nearly 50 % of the body's total oxygen consumption. To supply the energy necessary to sustain this level of work, resources (i.e., relative blood flow) may have to be diverted from other vital organ systems. Patients with lung injury related to sepsis demonstrate heightened airway resistance, as least partially mediated by bronchoconstriction, although this phenomenon has not been shown to exist specifically in sepsis (see ªLung mechanics,º above). The combination of altered airflow and abnormal pulmonary vascular perfusion (with loss of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction) contributes to dramatic alterations in ventilation ± perfusion matching, which may lead to clinically disproportionate hypoxemia relative to radiographic changes. Extravascular lung water The equation described by Starling in 1896 characterizes fluid flux across a semipermeable membrane and has been applied both experimentally and clinically to predict pulmonary edema formation in humans. The prime factors in this equation are the hydrostatic and oncotic gradients between the vasculature and interstitium coupled with the degree of capillary permeability. When fluid deposition exceeds the capacity of the lung to remove such fluid (i.e., lymphatic flow), accumulation of extravascular water occurs. Patients with sepsis demonstrate variable degrees of capillary permeability, increasing the effect of the hydrostatic pressure gradient relative to the oncotic pressure gradient as molecules responsible for maintaining oncotic pressure may be allowed freely to cross such leaky barriers. Accumulation of extravascular lung water and exudation of plasma proteins into the alveolar space creates the interstitial edema recognized as a complication of sepsis (i.e., ALI/ARDS). Pulmonary hemodynamics Increased pulmonary artery pressure is common in patients with ARDS, but pulmonary vascular resistance is usually only mildly to moderately elevated as a consequence of increased cardiac output. The prognosis of patients with significant elevations in pulmonary vascular resistance is worse, whether related to depressed cardiac function or worsening pulmonary hypertension. The cause of pulmonary hypertension in ARDS is multifactorial [37]. Vasoconstriction caused by alveolar hypoxia or other vasoactive mediators such as thromboxane and endothelin and intravascular obstruction from platelet thrombi or perivascular edema probably dominate initially. Later, sustained or worsening pulmonary hypertension probably reflects the degree to which fibrosis is responsible for obliteration of the vascular bed. Thus the poor prognosis associated with late pulmonary hypertension in ARDS may simply reflect the severity of fibrosis. Pathology and lung repair The pathological hallmark of ALI/ARDS, diffuse alveolar damage, changes dynamically as ARDS evolves [38, 39]. This occurs gradually over days to weeks, depending on the severity and resolution of the insult, and may not resolve for months or may result in chronic fibrotic changes along the alveolar interstitium. The changes that develop are conveniently divided into three phases: the early exudative phase (days 1±5), the fibroproliferative phase (days 6±10), and the fibrotic phase (after 10 days). These times are approximate, and the characteristic features in each phase often overlap. The initial pathological abnormalities are interstitial swelling, proteinaceous alveolar edema, hemorrhage, and fibrin deposition. Basement membrane disruption and denudation, especially of alveolar epithelial cells, can be seen with electron microscopy. After 1±2 days hyaline membranes (sloughed alveolar cellular debris mixed with fibrin) are commonly observed by light microscopy. Cellular infiltrates may be minimal or may be dominated by neutrophils. Fibrin thrombi can be seen in some of the alveolar capillaries and small pulmonary arteries. Although type I alveolar epithelial cells cover 95 % of the alveolar surface, they are terminally differentiated cells that cannot regenerate. Instead, several days after the onset of ARDS type II cells (the cell responsible for surfactant production) proliferate and then differentiate into new type I cells to reline the alveolar walls. After approximately 1 week most of the alveolar edema has resolved, hyaline membranes are much less prominent, mononuclear cells have replaced the neutrophilic infiltrate, and fibroblasts are proliferating within the interstitium and depositing new collagen. Pulmonary fibrosis in ARDS is often referred to as ªinterstitialº because structures between airspaces appear to be markedly widened by fibrotic material. Detailed inspection has revealed, however, that this fibrosis is often the S 67 result of either alveolar collapse or intra-alveolar fibrosis in which the proteinaceous edema and cellular debris of the exudative stage have been incorporated into the alveolar wall. Actual deposition of new collagen within the interstitial space appears to be relatively uncommon [40]. Eventually this healing of injured tissue may result in lung fibrosis, but the extent to which scarring develops is enormously variable. When parenchymal fibrosis does develop, intimal fibrosis and medial hypertrophy of pulmonary arterioles, along with complete obliteration of portions of the vascular bed, are also common. Clinical presentation Initial signs and symptoms When clinical manifestations of sepsis first appear, between 28 % and 33 % of patients meet the criteria for ARDS [41]. Few data exist regarding respiratory abnormalities prior to this time, although progression through a clinical spectrum of dysfunction is likely the case. Patients may experience severe dyspnea, tachypnea, and unremitting hypoxemia prior to meeting all the criteria for ALI/ARDS. Hypoxemia results from myriad causes, including cardiocirculatory dysfunction affecting global oxygen delivery and shifts in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. Respiratory dysfunction contributes to hypoxemia as well, with increased work of breathing. The multifaceted increase in work of breathing is easier to recognize than to quantify. Changes occur through increased dead space ventilation, related to ventilationperfusion mismatching, respiratory muscle dysfunction, decreased thoracic compliance and increased airway resistance (bronchoconstriction). Both increased physiological dead-space ventilation and intrapulmonary shunting are responsible for the tachypnea and elevated minute ventilation required to achieve effective CO2 excretion in patients with ARDS. Patients may also experience altered mental status or extrapulmonary organ failure confounding their respiratory dysfunction. These physiological changes in pulmonary and cardiocirculatory function are most often radiographically inapparent. In practice, the radiographic findings associated with sepsis vary widely [42]. During the course of sepsis pulmonary edema may develop as a combination of increased pulmonary vascular permeability as described earlier, increased hydrostatic pressures related to resuscitation efforts, and/or lowered oncotic pressure gradients from any cause. During this time bilateral infiltrates may appear on the chest radiograph without overt evidence of fluid overload (i.e., increased vascular pedicle width or cardiothoracic ratio). When combined with appropriate thresholds of hypoxemia, the diagnosis of ALI or ARDS is secured. Unfortunately, standard chest radiographs are poor predictors of the severity of oxy- genation defect or clinical outcome. Although the classic pulmonary parenchymal changes associated with ALI are diffuse, bilateral, peripheral, and interstitial in nature, they may be asymmetric or even patchy and focal. Clinical course The natural history of ALI/ARDS tends to be dominated by the inciting event rather than the lung injury itself. As such, treatment of the underlying cause and support of the respiratory system remains the standard of care. Death from refractory respiratory failure is unusual, with the most common cause of death being from the development of multiple organ failure or (recurrent) sepsis [5]. In patients who resolve ARDS relatively rapidly (over a period of 10±14 days), minute ventilation and dead-space ventilation both decrease in tandem with improvements in oxygenation. Given the substantial delay to peak incidence of pneumothorax, the lung appears to withstand exposure to somewhat higher forces in the earliest phase of human ARDS without radiographically evident barotrauma [43, 44]. After this time further improvements in oxygenation depend on whether the fibroproliferative response can restore the normal lung architecture for gas exchange. In patients with more severe ARDS, i.e., those in whom significant lung fibrosis eventually develops, minute ventilatory requirements stay high even as oxygenation improves. As fibrosis develops, progressive amounts of the vascular bed are obliterated, which contributes to the increase in dead-space ventilation even as alveolar edema and the intrapulmonary shunt resolve. Prognostication As discussed above, respiratory dysfunction related to sepsis exists on a continuum from subclinical aberrations to overt respiratory failure. Quantifying the severity of respiratory system involvement has been of keen interest for more than a decade. To streamline the ability to conduct research in this area, a clinical definition of lung injury was proposed and adopted in 1994 (Table 1). The Consensus Conference definition of ARDS emphasizes the spectrum of abnormalities present from ALI to ARDS, using readily available clinical criteria to make the necessary distinction. Although the exact role of respiratory failure in multiple organ failure is not clear, it has been demonstrated that potentially injurious modes of mechanical ventilation can produce cytokine release in humans and end-organ damage in animal models [45]. A number of detailed models have been created in an attempt to accurately predict the clinical outcomes in respiratory failure and/or sepsis (Acute Physiology and S 68 Chronic Health Evaluation, Multiple-Organ Dysfunction Syndrome, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment, Injury Severity Score). Unfortunately, the prospective ability to recognize those patients who will survive is much closer to being an art than a science. Survival in sepsis appears to be slowly improving over the past 30 or more years, with a coincident decrease in the mortality associated with ALI/ARDS [11]. For most of the first two decades since ARDS was first reported, mortality remained relatively constant at 60±70 %. More recent reports, however, suggest that mortality has declined to roughly 40 % [11]. The explanation for this apparent improvement in patient outcomes is not clear but could be due to differences in patient populations, changes in ventilator support strategies, greater attention to fluid management, improved hemodynamic and nutritional support, improved antibiotics for nosocomial infection, corticosteroid use later in ARDS, or the potential benefits of protocol-driven patient management systems now implemented in many ICUs. General scoring systems provide an estimate of the probability of mortality on admission to the ICU [46]. A specific scoring system for ARDS has been developed; however, its predictive accuracy is debated [47]. The number of acquired organ system failures is often the most important prognostic indicator for patients requiring intensive care, including patients with ARDS. Not surprisingly, patients developing fibrosis have a poorer outcome than do patients in whom fibrosis does not develop. In addition, liver failure in association with ARDS carries a particularly poor prognosis. More specific predictors of outcome for patients with ARDS have been sought from measurements of various serum and lung lavage factors. As discussed above, concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines are correlated with outcome. The concentrations of von Willebrand factor antigen in serum and neutrophil-activating factor type 1, IL-8, and procollagen peptide in airspace lavage fluid are correlated with outcomes or progressive disease in some but not all studies. Increases in unsaturated serum acyl chain ratios appear to discriminate severity of illness and may serve as a marker of those most at risk of developing ALI/ARDS [48]. The integrity of the epithelial barrier in relation to resolution of alveolar edema also appears to be a determinant of outcome in patients with ARDS [49]. Patients who can concentrate the protein in the edema fluid during the first 12 h of illness (indicating an intact epithelial barrier with the ability to actively transport fluid out of the alveoli) are more likely to recover than those who cannot do so. Similarly, the change in the PaO22/FIO2 ratio following initial treatment of ARDS can discriminate between survivors and nonsurvivors [50]. At the present time none of these markers has been validated as an accurate method for predicting outcome in individual patients with ARDS. The long-term functional outlook for survivors of ARDS is generally good [51]. Long-term abnormalities in pulmonary function are more common if lung function is impaired for more than a few days after the onset of ARDS. Most of the improvement in pulmonary function and perceived health occurs in the first 3 months following an episode of ARDS. Recently more complete data concerning long-term outcomes in patients suffering severe respiratory complications suggest a reduction in the quality of life relative to their premorbid level of function, often attributed to objective or subjective declines in pulmonary function [52]. Management options No therapeutic intervention has been proven effective in reducing the incidence of respiratory failure in sepsis or its attributable mortality. Prevention of complications is of utmost importance while general supportive measures (e.g., antimicrobial therapy, nutrition) are undertaken. Control of the upper airway and consideration of the need for ventilatory assistance is an important first step in the management of patients with respiratory dysfunction related to sepsis. Although limited data exist, which are somewhat conflicting, noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation has not clearly been shown to be effective in this clinical circumstance [53, 56]. In addition, it is critically important to not impede the timing of other appropriate respiratory interventions, such as institution of mechanical ventilation, regardless of the availability and/or seeming adequacy of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NIPPV). Given our knowledge of fluid flux in states of altered capillary permeability (i.e., complete equalization of oncotic forces with attendant magnification of effective hydrostatic forces predicted by Starling's equation), it seems prudent to advocate judicious fluid resuscitation and/or fluid restriction when possible in this condition [57]. Recently investigators have shown that improvements in physiology and outcome occur in patients who lose weight or whose microvascular pressures fall as a result of diuresis or fluid restriction [58, 59]. These improvements can be produced by strategies employing fluid restriction without any higher incidence of complications such as renal failure or hemodynamic compromise [60]. The intravenous solution of choice (i.e., crystalloid versus colloid) is still unclear despite years of detailed investigation. In hypo-oncotic patients with established lung injury, treatment with the combination of albumin and furosemide appears to improve physiology and may reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation, although evidence of improved outcomes requires further investigation [61]. If patients cannot adequately protect their airway, placement of an endotracheal tube is indicated. Based S 69 on increased rates of sinusitis, orotracheal intubation is the preferred route [62, 63]. Mounting evidence implicates nosocomial sinusitis in the development of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) ± an entity with a significant independent contribution to mortality [64, 65, 66]. Once endotracheal tube placement has occurred, institution of mechanical ventilation is almost universally indicated due to coincident respiratory failure (i.e., severe hypoxemia and increased work of breathing). For this reason one of the chief benefits of mechanical ventilatory support in ARDS is to reduce the patient's work of breathing so that blood flow may be redirected to other vital organs. Commonly accepted indications for institution of mechanical ventilation from other causes of respiratory failure apply equally to this patient population, including refractory hypoxemia (PaO2 < 60 despite high flow oxygen), respiratory rate of more than 35 breaths/ min, and vital capacity below 15 ml/kg, among others. Mechanical ventilation is not a therapeutic option in patients with respiratory failure, and thus the goal is to support the individual respiratory requirements until the indication(s) requiring mechanical ventilation have reversed. No mode of ventilation has been proven superior to others in terms of outcomes in patients with sepsis-related respiratory failure, although complete ventilatory support is appropriate immediately after institution of mechanical ventilation. For this reason, volumecycled ventilation using the ªassist-controlº mode (controlled mandatory ventilation) is an appropriate mode to choose at the outset. Similar degrees of respiratory support can probably be achieved with intermittent mandatory ventilation or pressure-regulated volumecontrolled ventilation. Inhaled oxygen requirements are dictated by the degree of hypoxemia, with arterial oximetric saturations of approx. 90 % (an approximate pO2 of 60 mmHg) being desirable. To ameliorate the changes in closing volume and lung derecruitment, application of PEEP is appropriate and may provide dramatic improvements in PaO2. Although some data suggest that levels of PEEP should be chosen based on respiratory system pressurevolume curves, to select the level of PEEP above the lower inflection point of the curve and thus prevent cyclic alveolar collapse, this is impractical in current clinical practice [68]. Prone positioning has been shown to be safe and to result in improvements in oxygenation in approximately 65 % of patients with ALI/ARDS, although no data exist to predict which patients will respond in this manner [68, 69] Those who do respond (defined as an improvement in PaO2 > 10 % from baseline) often maintain higher oxygenation levels for up to 18 h after resuming supine positioning and are more likely to respond to subsequent attempts at prone positioning [70]. Tidal volume should be chosen based on ideal body weight [men = 50+2.3 (height, in.)±60; women = 45.5 +2.3 (height, in.)±60)], and should be targeted to prevent end-inspiratory plateau pressures from exceeding 30 cmH2O whenever possible. Permissive hypercapnia, the method of allowing pCO2 to rise while reducing tidal volume and minute ventilation to prevent alveolar overdistension or propagation of lung injury, has been shown to be safe and effective at reducing mortality without adverse consequences (noted increases in QS/QT and mean pulmonary artery pressure) in small nonrandomized series [71, 72, 73]. In this era of reduced tidal volumes based on the recent National Institutes of Health sponsored ARDS network trial, permissive hypercapnia has become accepted as a secondary phenomenon associated with the primary goal of avoiding dangerous airway pressures [73, 74, 75]. Gradual increases in pCO2 are generally well-tolerated, particularly if significant acidosis does not occur, although the reduction in mean airway pressure may adversely affect indices of oxygenation [77]. In cases of severe acidosis, intravenous bicarbonate or extracorporeal removal of CO2 may be employed. No trials have been conducted to specifically define the most effective method of liberating septic patients from mechanical ventilation, although it is reasonable to presume that the literature addressing discontinuation of mechanical ventilation in other patient populations would apply equally. In patients with significant hemodynamic instability or altered mental status, attempts at discontinuing mechanical ventilation are not recommended. Thus a two-step method of identifying patients ready to discontinue mechanical ventilation is required. A daily screening test (consisting of a brief evaluation of the resolution of the primary indication for mechanical ventilation and adequate oxygenation and ventilation) is the most efficient way to identify those patients potentially capable of breathing spontaneously [78]. This screening tool is intended to identify patients in whom the primary indication for mechanical ventilation has reverted, using data such as frequencyto-tidal volume ratio, oxygenation (PaO2/FIO2 ratio), maximal inspiratory pressure, maximal expiratory pressure, airway occlusion pressure, and vital capacity [79, 80]. Patients with adequate respiratory recovery according to the screening information should progress to a simple spontaneous breathing trial to assess the true ability of an individual patient to be liberated from mechanical ventilation. To that end, daily attempts at spontaneous breathing (through a T-piece connection or with minimal ventilatory support such as flow-by with PEEP of 5 cmH2O) should be offered to all hemodynamically stable patients with adequate mental status who pass the daily respiratory screening instrument. This simple assessment may be as short as 30 min, although roughly half of patients may fail such a trial after that time, suggesting 60±120 min as the appropriate duration [81]. In some circumstances pressure support S 70 may help ªbridgeº patients in the weaning process, by slow reductions in the applied level of support to determine the ability of the patient to effectively breath spontaneously before a trial with minimal support as described above. Experimental options It is a well-known fact that numerous agents have challenged the unyielding morbidity and mortality of ALI/ ARDS associated with sepsis in well-designed clinical trials, only to be added to the growing list of failed therapies. Use of systemic corticosteroids has been thoroughly tested for both prevention of lung injury as well as treatment of early phase ALI/ARDS and found to not be efficacious in either setting with possible increased mortality in patients with established ALI/ ARDS [82, 83, 84]. Uncontrolled or small randomized trials have suggested benefit to intravenous corticosteroid therapy in patients with prolonged (fibroproliferative phase) ALI/ARDS (Late Steroids Rescue Study., with a large scale trial underway to definitively answer this important question [85]. Ketoconazole, having demonstrated potential benefit in the prevention of sepsis-induced lung injury [86] was intensely evaluated in a multicenter trial supported by the National Institutes of Health sponsored ARDS network in the United States and found to lack efficacy in treating established ARDS [87] Intravenous prostaglandin E1 [88, 89, 90, 91] and aerosolized prostagladin I2 (prostacyclin) [92, 93] have been shown to improve pulmonary physiology without improving outcome. Also completely tested has been intravenous lisofylline and strategies to achieve supranormal oxygen delivery DO2 [94, 95]. Incompletely tested strategies include antioxidants such as N-acetyl cysteine [98], blocking of tumor necrosis factor, IL-10 therapy [97], and platelet-activating factor antagonists. There are a few experimental options worthy of discussion based on promising clinical or preclinical data. Newer modes of ventilation such as pressure-controlled ventilation or airway pressure release ventilation [98] may play a role in select patients requiring high levels of ventilatory support, although no data support improved outcomes at this time. In addition, some newer modes of ventilation are potentially confusing to unfamiliar physicians, thus making it less than desirable to recommend. High frequency or oscillatory ventilation has been tested in adults with ARDS and not shown to be of any significant benefit, although trials are ongoing to determine whether certain patient subgroups may benefit from such modes [99, 100, 101, 102, 103]. In addition, liquid ventilation has been shown to result in physiological improvements in small series and animal mod- els, and phase III trials in humans are underway to evaluate the efficacy of this agent in humans with ALI/ ARDS. Nitric oxide (either alone, or in combination with the selective pulmonary vasoconstrictor almitrine) has been shown to improve oxygenation without any reduction in duration of mechanical ventilation or mortality [104, 105, 106, 107]. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation [108] or extracorporeal removal of CO2 [109, 110, 111] have been shown to result in significant physiological improvements in severely ill patients with ARDS, without clear beneficial effects on the development of organ failure or survival. Liquid ventilation has been shown to improve pulmonary physiology and reduce inflammation, and is currently in phase III trials to evaluate its ability to improve outcomes [112, 113, 114]. Similarly, surfactant therapy has been shown to improve gas exchange without directly affecting days of mechanical ventilation or mortality [115]. Phase III investigations are currently in progress in North America and Europe to determine the efficacy of variations in protocolized surfactant therapy. A number of experimental therapies exist on the horizon for patients with sepsis-induced lung injury, including gene therapy [116, 117]. Modulation of cytokines continues to be a difficult but promising area of intervention, with a preliminary randomized trial administering the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in ALI/ ARDS patients demonstrating a trend towards reduced organ failure. Other relevant respiratory issues Despite the enormous potential of future therapies we should not ignore the simple and readily available potentially beneficial therapies. This includes the use of inhaled beta-agonists, which have been shown to reduce inspiratory pressure and increase lung compliance by reducing airway resistance without significant benefits in dead-space ventilation, oxygenation, or overall outcome [118]. Elevating the head of the bed at least 30 degrees at all times has been shown to reduce the incidence of gastric material migrating to the trachea [119]. Hospital beds capable of patient rotation and/or distribution of pressure points to prevent decubitus ulceration [120]. Finally, specific enteral nutritional formulae with antioxidants and amino acid compositions designed to reduce inflammatory lipid mediators have recently been demonstrated to improve gas exchange and reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation and intensive care stay in patients with ARDS [121]. S 71 Postextubation period Recommendation After removal of the endotracheal tube patients should be monitored closely for signs of respiratory compromise for a period of 6±24 h depending on the cause and severity of respiratory failure. Endotracheal intubation may cause upper airway injuries that result in immediate or delayed airway compromise. Insertion of an endotracheal tube with an internal stylet may tear the pyriform recesses beside the larynx and result in bleeding and hematoma formation [122]. Use of a tube that is too large can result in vocal cord injury, edema, and hematoma and overinflation or malpositioning of the endotracheal tube cuff can cause periglottic injury and stenosis. Prolonged intubation, coughing, or repeated endotracheal tube placements can cause the formation of obstructive arytenoid granulation tissue [123]. Stridor, related to upper airway injury or inflammation, occurs in 25±75 % of pediatric extubations but is rare in adults, occurring in a small fraction of endotracheally intubated patients [124]. Although in some circumstances this may be managed expectantly, a low level of tolerance should exist before replacement of an adequate airway to prevent respiratory compromise. Flexible fiber-optic examination of the larynx before extubation is often prudent in such patients. Typically, within a few hours, patients tolerate reintroduction of oral nutrition, although this should progress through stages demonstrating adequate swallowing and airway protective reflexes. For patients with significant respiratory secretions, assistance with ªpulmonary toiletº may be required either through airway suctioning (nasotracheal or orotracheal) or chest percussion with postural drainage. A subset of patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation demonstrate significant respiratory muscle weakness, in which case assisted coughing and/or hyperinflation therapy (e.g., intermittent positive pressure breathing) may be of benefit. Provide adequate supplemental oxygen to maintain an oximetric saturation of approximately 90 % through use of simple oxygen delivery systems (i.e., nasal cannula or face mask) if possible. For endotracheally intubated patients, use of PEEP to increase mean airway pressure may be employed to reduce concentrations of inspired oxygen below potentially toxic thresholds (FIO2 < 0.60). Discussion: literature-based recommendations To answer each of the following important clinical questions, a review of the literature was performed as previously described. Do manipulations of airway pressure improve (a) oxygenation or (b) outcome in patients with sepsis? Answer: (a) yes, grade C; (b) uncertain, grade B. Rationale The following specific subject heading keywords were used to answer this question: oxygen, oxygen inhalation therapy, anoxia, anoxemia, partial pressure, and pulmonary gas exchange. The broad spectrum of respiratory dysfunction encountered in sepsis only allows for answers in specific clinical circumstances. For instance, a significant proportion of the 60 % of septic patients who never develop ALI/ARDS have normal chest radiographs, and this patient population has not been intensely studied. Although the relationship between radiographic manifestations of pulmonary dysfunction and gas exchange is poor, it is reasonable to presume that hypoxemic patients with sepsis but without radiographic pulmonary infiltrates would respond similarly to patients with visible interstitial edema (i.e., patients with ALI/ARDS). It is clear that hypoxemia is modestly correlated with prognosis in ALI/ARDS related to sepsis, and that simple methods of oxygen supplementation raise PaO2. Raising mean airway pressure results in recruitment of additional lung units to participate in gas exchange while maintaining the patency of units once recruited and thus increases PaO2 [125, 126, 127]. It is equally clear that application of PEEP, either with an endotracheal tube in place or through a tight-fitting face mask, has been shown to improve oxygenation in hypoxemic patients through increases in airway pressure [128, 129, 130]. The underlying goal in providing such therapy is to ensure adequate oxygen delivery to critical tissue beds in states of altered microvascular flow. Unfortunately, there is no data on which to assess outcomes through manipulations of airway pressure. Studies of mechanically ventilated patients with ALI/ ARDS treated with different methods of ventilation designed to achieve different inspiratory pressures have shown differences in outcome, but attributing these improvements to the manipulation of airway pressure directly is impossible [67, 74]. Determinations made by the most routine measure of oxygenation, pulse oximetry, are correlated well with arterial oxygen saturation but may misrepresent arterial saturation by 7 % in patients with extremes of heart rate, cardiac index, or pulmonary arterial wedge pressure [131]. Despite this the S 72 use of this device is recommended to monitor arterial oxygenation in this patient population, with supplemental oxygen and PEEP administered to maintain saturation of approximately 88±90 % (approximating a PaO2 of 60 mmHg) with nontoxic concentrations of oxygen (ideally FIO2 2 < 0.60). Can noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation be safely and effectively used in ALI/ARDS related to sepsis? Answer: no, grade B. Recommendation Avoid the use of NIPPV in sepsis-related ALI/ARDS patients. Rationale The following specific subject heading keywords were used to answer this question: positive pressure respiration, artificial respiration, intermittent positive pressure ventilation, adult respiratory distress syndrome. There has been a surge of interest in applying noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation to all patients with respiratory failure, although it appears that patients with ALI/ ARDS are more likely to fail this therapy [53]. It is clear that NIPPV is most effective in selected patients (normal or near normal mental status without significant respiratory system secretions) with expected resolution of respiratory failure within 72 h ± a rare situation in ALI/ ARDS [55]. Although NIPPV may avoid the use of mechanical ventilation (and its attendant risks) in a small population of ALI/ARDS patients [54], the delay in institution of mechanical ventilation may be equally likely to result in untoward complications in the majority of patients. Does (a) placement of an endotracheal tube or (b) institution of mechanical ventilation improve outcome in respiratory failure related to sepsis? Answer: (a) no, grade E; (b) yes, grade E. Recommendation Early placement of an endotracheal tube and institution of mechanical ventilation in patients with sepsis is appropriate based upon standard clinical criteria heralding the onset of respiratory failure to avoid the recognized complications associated with respiratory failure and/or acute respiratory arrest. Indications for institution of mechanical ventilation include severe tachypnea (respiratory rate > 40 breaths/min), muscular respiratory failure (use of accessory muscles), altered mental status, and/or severe hypoxemia despite supplemental oxygen. Rationale The following specific subject heading keywords were used to answer this question: intubation, intratracheal intubation, respiratory insufficiency, artificial respiration, positive-pressure respiration, and adult respiratory distress syndrome. For ethical reasons there are no randomized trials evaluating the use of endotracheal intubation in critically ill patients. It is important to recognize that placement of an endotracheal tube is not a therapeutic maneuver. This step carries the attendant risks of anesthesia for the procedure and subsequent morbid events such as VAP and thus by itself does not improve outcome in this clinical circumstance. In addition, mechanical ventilation (independently of airway protection, etc.) has not been shown to improve outcome in patients with sepsis and respiratory failure, although this has not been studied in depth. In comparison with historical controls (i.e., the polio epidemic), mechanical ventilation does indeed provide significant tangible clinical benefits [132]. Alternatively, discontinuation of mechanical ventilation by removing an endotracheal tube in terminally ill patients results in more rapid expiration than simply withholding therapy, thus providing indirect evidence of clinical benefit from endotracheal intubation with mechanical ventilation [133]. The greatest morbidity associated with endotracheal tube placement relates to risk of VAP, which is increased in patients with burns, trauma, central nervous system disease, respiratory disease, cardiac disease, and witnessed aspiration [134]. Potentially VAP may be decreased by use of orotracheal intubation, subglottic secretion drainage, kinetic hospital beds, and increased by heated respiratory circuit humidifiers and histamine-2 receptor antagonists [135, 136]. It is well recognized that mechanical ventilation possesses the potential to initiate or propagate lung injury, and thus can be considered an independent source of patient morbidity. Is normalization of (a) pH or (b) pCO2 necessary in ALI/ARDS? Answer: (a) no, grade D; (b) no, grade D. S 73 Recommendation Implement permissive hypercapnia through reduced tidal volume ventilation in mechanically ventilated ALI/ARDS patients with high inspiratory pressures or otherwise at risk for barotrauma/volutrauma. Rationale The following specific subject keyword headings were used to answer this question: hypercapnia, artificial respiration, positive pressure respiration, adult respiratory distress syndrome. Permissive hypercapnia, the method of allowing pCO2 to rise while reducing tidal volume and minute ventilation to prevent alveolar overdistension or perpetuation of lung injury has been shown to be safe and effective at reducing mortality without adverse consequences in small nonrandomized series [75, 76, 77]. The upper limit for pCO2 has not been established, although arterial pH should be maintained at a level higher than 7.20. Based on these data, normalization of arterial blood gas values is not considered a valuable therapeutic maneuver. Does the use of (a) small tidal volume ventilation or (b) pressure limited ventilation strategies affect outcome in ALI related to sepsis? Answer: (a) yes, grade A; (b) uncertain, grade A. Recommendation Mechanical ventilation of patients with ALI should be conducted with small tidal volumes (approximately 6 ml/kg ideal body weight) with the goal to maintain end-inspiratory plateau pressures at levels less than 30 cmH2O. Rationale The following specific subject heading keywords were used to answer this question: tidal volume, lung compliance, positive pressure respiration, intrinsic positive pressure respiration, mechanical ventilator, adult respiratory distress syndrome. Well-designed large scale randomized trials designed to alter inspiratory pressure through variations in tidal volume have been conducted, with varying results [137, 138, 139, 140]. It is not completely understood why the results of these well-designed trials conflict, although the intergroup differential in airway pressure is a likely contributor. In a recent trial in the United States, absolute all-cause mortality was reduced by 10 % in ALI patients receiving mechanical ventilation with tidal volumes of 6 ml/kg ideal body weight [74]. This topic has also been recently reviewed by an international expert consensus conference [141]. Does prone positioning affect (a) gas exchange or (b) outcome in sepsis-related ALI? Answer: (a) yes, grade C; (b) uncertain, grade C. Recommendation Prone positioning may be considered in patients requiring high levels of inspired oxygen (FIO2 > 0.60) in whom positional changes are not contraindicated, and who are cared for at facilities experienced in the management of critically ill mechanically ventilated patients. Rationale The following specific subject heading keywords were used to answer this question: prone position and supine position. Although the evidence for prone positioning must be graded C because of the small size of randomized trials, strong data exists to confirm the physiological benefits of this intervention. Recent studies have made it clear that prone positioning of patients with ALI/ARDS results in improvements in oxygenation in approximately 65 % of patients (ªrespondersº) [68, 69, 70]. In addition, the improvements in gas exchange may persist up to 18 h, even after returning to the supine position, and such changes in position may be accomplished safely in intensive care units accustomed to managing critically ill mechanically ventilated patients. Because of the limited size of trials to date, no definitive comments can be made on the general applicability of these maneuvers to all patient care centers or their effect on overall mortality. Does inhaled nitric oxide affect (a) oxygenation or (b) outcome in ALI/ARDS? Answer: (a) yes, grade A; (b) no, grade A. Recommendation Restrict nitric oxide as an option for salvage therapy in patients with life-threatening hypoxemia not responding to traditional mechanical ventilation strategies or for evaluation in controlled clinical trials. S 74 Rationale The following specific subject heading keywords were used to answer this question: oxygen, nitric oxide, inhalation administration, and pulmonary gas exchange. Inhaled nitric oxide has been studied extensively in both preclinical models of lung injury and clinical trials of patients with ALI/ARDS. It has been shown to lower pulmonary artery pressures and improve right ventricular function in patients with pulmonary hypertension. Inhaled nitric oxide improves oxygenation and may reduce edema formation in patients with ALI/ARDS through effects on hydrostatic pressure. Unfortunately, it has not been found to significantly affect mortality [104, 105, 106]. These data support the observation that inhaled nitric oxide consistently improves pulmonary physiology in a large proportion of these patients, but fails to affect outcome. Is there a defined fluid management strategy in sepsisrelated ALI/ARDS? Answer: uncertain, grade C. Recommendation Judicious use of crystalloid fluid administration should be practiced in patients with ALI/ARDS, with colloid solutions considered in hypo-oncotic patients with established ALI/ARDS. It is not clear if volume restriction improves outcome. Rationale The following specific subject heading keywords were used to answer this question: fluid therapy, resuscitation, diuresis, intravenous infusions, hypertonic saline solution, sodium chloride, colloids, plasma substitutes, hetastarch, dextrans. Optimal fluid management has been considered a critical question in patients with sepsis and ALI/ARDS since these syndromes were first described. Conflicting data exist regarding the relative benefits of crystalloid and colloid administration in these patient populations despite years of research. Use of colloids in this patient population has been advocated and debated for decades, with evidence for potential benefit appearing only recently. Similarly, only recently has fluid balance been evaluated independently with respect to its contribution to overall morbidity and mortality [59]. Prospective, randomized trials have been conducted which support improved clinical outcomes based on direct manipulation of fluid balance variables in this critically ill patient population [60]. The details of the most appropriate intravenous solution and volume of administration requires large-scale investigation. Are corticosteroids indicated in the (a) prevention, (b) early treatment (exudative phase), or (c) late treatment (fibroproliferative phase) of ARDS? Answer: (a) no, grade A; (b) no, grade A; (c) uncertain, grade C. Recommendation Do not routinely administer corticosteroids to patients at risk for, or meeting current criteria for, ALI/ARDS. Consider intravenous methylprednisolone in patients with persistent or refractory ARDS after actively excluding infection, pending the results of ongoing trials. Rationale The following specific subject heading keywords were used to answer this question: steroids, adrenal cortex hormones, prednisone, methylprednisolone, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone. Corticosteroids have long been considered part of an appropriate treatment plan for patients with lung injury. There have been well-designed trials that fail to demonstrate any significant benefit for corticosteroids in the prevention or early treatment of ARDS [82, 83, 84]. A recent resurgence of interest has been generated by small trials suggesting benefit in the subpopulation of patients failing to progress in the late phase of ARDS (Late Steroids Rescue Study, http:// In an attempt to answer this pressing question, the National Institutes of Health have sponsored a large-scale trial in the United States randomizing patients with ARDS for more than 7 days to methylprednisolone therapy [85]. In conducting all of these trials, close attention was paid to excluding infection before or during corticosteroid therapy. Until definitive trials have been completed, a clear recommendation cannot be made regarding corticosteroid administration in patients with persistent ALI/ARDS. Do daily spontaneous breathing trials or weaning protocols reduce the duration of mechanical ventilation? Answer: yes, grade A. S 75 Recommendation It is recommended that all patients requiring acceptable levels of ventilatory support who are not overtly unstable should receive a spontaneous breathing trial on a daily basis to determine ability to breathe unassisted. Rationale The following specific subject heading keywords were used to answer this question: weaning, ventilator weaning, artificial respiration, and mechanical ventilator. The last 10 years has seen a surge in interest in determining the optimum method of discontinuing mechanical ventilation [142, 143, 144]. Recent large-scale trials have been conducted to demonstrate the benefits of daily trials of spontaneous breathing in reducing the duration of mechanical ventilation [78, 145, 146]. Identifying patients capable of breathing spontaneously requires a two-step process: a brief screen and a trial of spontaneous breathing. The screening procedure is designed to exclude patients requiring excessive levels of mechanical ventilatory support. Thus the following criteria may be employed to identify patients ready to accept a trial of spontaneous breathing: FIO2 < 0.50, PEEP 5 cmH2O, intact airway reflexes, hemodynamic stability and adequate mental status. The definition of spontaneous breathing trial is still a subject of debate, with both ªT-pieceº breathing and flow-triggered ventilation with continuous positive airway pressure of 5 cmH2O currently being acceptable methods of achieving ªspontaneous breathing.º Patients who tolerate such a breathing trial for 2 h have an approximately 85 % success rate with complete discontinuation of mechanical ventilation. Conclusion Despite significant advances in both the knowledge of sepsis-related respiratory failure and the care of critically ill patients, ALI/ARDS continues to be a complex problem with high mortality. The recommendations above represent the current state of knowledge for this condition, but equally serve to highlight the vast deficiencies of knowledge that remain. To provide our patients with the best possible outcome, a continued focus on physiological, therapeutic, and outcomes research is necessary. 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Am J Respir Crit Care Med 159: 512±518 Intensive Care Med (2001) 27: S 80±S 92 Jean-Louis Vincent Hemodynamic support in septic shock ) J.-L. Vincent ( ) Department of Intensive Care, Erasme University Hospital, Brussels, Belgium E-mail: Phone: +32-2-5 55 33 80 Fax: +32-2-5 55 45 55 Introduction Shock, defined as an imbalance between oxygen demand and oxygen supply, results in alterations in tissue perfusion, with reduction in delivery of oxygen and other nutrients to tissues, causing cellular, and then organ, dysfunction. The ultimate goals of hemodynamic therapy in shock are to restore effective tissue perfusion and to normalize cellular metabolism. In hypovolemic, cardiogenic, and obstructive shock, hypotension occurs as the result of a decrease in cardiac output, with consequent anaerobic tissue metabolism. Septic shock, however, typically results from distributive alterations, so that alterations in tissue perfusion result from abnormal control of the microvasculature with abnormal distribution of a normal or increased cardiac output. Cellular alterations in sepsis also result from the important inflammatory response, with the involvement of many mediators, including nitric oxide. Hence the endpoints of therapy are much more difficult to define with certainty than in other forms of shock in which a reduction in blood flow is the dominant problem. The complex nature of the pathophysiology of sepsis has led to considerable confusion and controversy regarding optimal patient management. Nevertheless, it is possible to develop a basic approach to the hemodynamic support of sepsis, which will almost certainly change as our understanding of sepsis improves further. Methods This review of the literature enables recommendations to be established and graded according to the strength of the available evidence. Altered tissue perfusion in septic shock Septic shock is characterized by hypotension, which in adults generally refers to a mean arterial pressure below 65±70 mmHg. Hypotension is usually accompanied by signs of altered tissue perfusion, for example, oliguria, reduced capillary refill, and altered sensorium. Some caution is necessary in interpreting these signs in septic patients, however, since signs of peripheral vasoconstriction may be remarkably absent; even oliguria is not always present. The adequacy of regional perfusion is usually assessed clinically by evaluating indices of organ function, although none of these parameters alone has been validated as a reliable indicator of adequate resuscitation. These parameters include: coagulation abnormalities (disseminated intravascular coagulation); altered renal function with increased blood urea nitrogen and creatinine; central nervous system dysfunction indicated by a clouded sensorium; altered liver parenchymal function with increased serum levels of transaminases, lactic dehydrogenase, and bilirubin; and altered gut perfusion, manifest by ileus and malabsorption. Mixed venous oxygen saturation Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) can be measured in patients with a Swan-Ganz catheter in place. SvO2 is dependent on cardiac output, oxygen demand, hemoglobin, and arterial oxygen saturation. The normal SvO2 value is 70±75 % in critically ill patients but can be elevated in septic patients due to maldistribution of S 81 blood flow. Nevertheless, it is useful to measure SvO2 because if cardiac output becomes inadequate, SvO2 decreases. Ronco and colleagues [1] studied terminally ill patients in whom treatment was withdrawn; SvO2 decreased dramatically before oxygen consumption started to fall, indicating that oxygen extraction capabilities are not necessarily profoundly altered even in patients with terminal stages of the disease process. Hence SvO2, if normal or high does not necessarily indicate that everything is alright, while a low SvO2 should prompt rapid intervention to increase oxygen delivery to the tissues. Blood lactate levels Hyperlactatemia (> 2 mEq/l) is typically present and may be secondary to anaerobic metabolism due to hypoperfusion. However, the interpretation of blood lactate levels in septic patients is not always straightforward. Experimental studies have not always been able to show a reduction in high-energy phosphate levels in animal models of sepsis [2]. The differences between studies may be related to the severity of the septic model, with more severe sepsis being associated with depletion of ATP despite maintenance of systemic oxygen delivery and tissue oxygenation. Also, measurements of tissue PO2 in septic patients have not demonstrated tissue hypoxia in the presence of lactic acidosis [3]. However, if inhomogeneity in blood flow distribution is a real phenomenon, it is likely that cell hypoperfusion also exists with ischemia/reperfusion. A number of studies have suggested that elevated lactate levels may result from cellular metabolic failure rather than from global hypoperfusion in sepsis. Some organs may produce more lactate than others, in particular, the lungs in acute lung injury or acute respiratory distress syndrome [4, 5]. Elevated lactate levels can also result from decreased clearance by the liver. Nonetheless, the prognostic value of raised blood lactate levels has been well established in septic shock patients [6], particularly if the high levels persist [7, 8]. It is also of interest to note that blood lactate levels are of greater prognostic value than oxygenderived variables [9]. the serosa and muscularis [10], resulting in mucosal hypoxia. Any further reduction in splanchnic flow has a correspondingly greater effect on gut hypoxia. Second, the gut may have a higher critical oxygen delivery threshold than other organs [11]. Third, the tip of the villus is supplied by a central arteriole and drained by venules passing away from the tip. A countercurrent exchange mechanism operates in the villus, whereby a base to tip PO2 gradient exists, making the tip particularly sensitive to changes in regional flow and oxygenation. Fourth, constriction of the villus arteriole occurs during sepsis [12], rendering the villus even more sensitive to reductions in blood flow. Fifth, the capillary density at the villus tip is reduced during sepsis [13], impeding the transfer of oxygen. Finally, gut ischemia increases intestinal permeability, which may increase bacterial translocation, a suggested trigger or ªmotorº of the sepsis response and multiple organ failure. Gastric tonometry has been proposed as a method to assess regional perfusion in the gut by measuring DPCO2. Calculations of gastric intramucosal pH (pHi) have become obsolete as bicarbonate is global, nonspecific, and measured only intermittently. For these reasons gastric mucosal PCO2 may be more accurate than pHi because this measure is not confounded by arterial bicarbonate. Gastric mucosal PCO2 is influenced directly by systemic arterial PCO2, and some clinicians have proposed using the gastric-arterial PCO2 difference as the primary tonometric variable of interest [14]. Even this measure is not a simple measure of gastric mucosal hypoxia because either anaerobic metabolism decreased gastric blood flow in the absence of anaerobic metabolism, or a combination of the two can increase gastric mucosal PCO2 [14]. An early trial suggested that tonometry derived parameters may be useful in guiding therapy [15], but these findings were not confirmed recently [16], and many investigators have emphasized the limited sensitivity, and especially specificity, of these measurements. Various vasoactive agents have been shown to have divergent effects on PgCO2 and pHi that are neither consistent nor predictable [17]. In summary, each endpoint parameter should be considered in the appropriate context, and the combination of clinical parameters (mean arterial pressure, urine flow, skin perfusion, level of consciousness) with blood lactate levels is most useful. Gut tonometry The measurement of regional perfusion as a means of detecting inadequate tissue oxygenation has focused on the splanchnic circulation, as the hepatosplanchnic circulation is particularly sensitive to changes in blood flow and oxygenation for several reasons. First, under normal conditions the gut mucosa receives the majority of total intestinal blood flow. However, in sepsis there is a redistribution of flow away from the mucosa toward Fluid resuscitation in septic shock What is the endpoint of fluid resuscitation in septic shock? Answer: (a) adequate tissue perfusion, grade E. S 82 Recommendation The goal of fluid resuscitation in septic shock is restoration of tissue perfusion and normalization of cellular metabolism. Does fluid resuscitation increase cardiac output in septic shock patients? Can the use of pulmonary artery catheter guided therapy improve outcome from septic shock? Answer: uncertain, grade D. Recommendation Answer: yes, grade C. When central venous pressure increases, a pulmonary artery catheter is probably required, although its role has recently been questioned [24]. Recommendation Rationale Volume repletion in patients with septic shock produces significant increases in cardiac output and systemic oxygen delivery [18, 19], and fluids alone are sometimes sufficient to reverse hypotension and restore hemodynamic stability [20]. When pulmonary artery catheter measurements of cardiac output and SvO2 are available, filling pressures should be increased to a level associated with maximal cardiac output. In most patients with septic shock quite high pulmonary artery occluded pressures are required, despite the risk of pulmonary edema. Should fluid infusion be the initial step in the cardiovascular support of septic shock patients? Answer: yes, grade D. Recommendation Requirements for fluid infusion are not easily determined, and therefore the fluid challenge should be titrated to the clinical endpoints of blood pressure, heart rate, and urine output. Central venous pressure is initially required to evaluate the complex relationship between intravascular blood volume and cardiac function. It is difficult to give optimal values for cardiac filling pressures. Rationale Septic shock can be associated with either absolute or relative hypovolemia. Large fluid deficits can exist, as a consequence of external (e.g., diarrhea, sweating) or internal (e.g., peritonitis) losses. Relative hypovolemia is related to the maldistributive defect with vasodilation and peripheral blood pooling. The initial phases of experimental and clinical septic shock present as a low cardiac output syndrome with low filling pressures. Failure to appreciate the degree of underlying hypovolemia may result in a low cardiac output. The hyperdynamic state is apparent only after volume repletion [21, 22]. Increased blood and plasma volumes are associated with increased cardiac output and enhanced survival from septic shock [23]. Choice of fluid Patients with septic shock can be successfully resuscitated with crystalloid or colloid, although the choice of fluid continues to be a matter of debate, with colloids usually preferred in Europe, and crystalloids more widely used in North America. There are many different colloid solutions available including natural solutions (albumin, plasma protein fraction) and artificial solutions (gelatins, dextrans and hydroxyethyl starch). The most commonly used solutions are albumin and hetastarch. Is resuscitation with colloids or crystalloids associated with similar outcomes in septic shock? Answer: uncertain, grade C. Recommendation Increases in cardiac output and systemic oxygen delivery are proportional to the degree of intravascular volume expansion achieved. Rationale When crystalloids and colloids are titrated to the same level of filling pressure, they restore tissue perfusion to the same degree [25], but for the same effect, two to four times more volume of crystalloid is required than colloid, and slightly longer infusion periods may be nec- S 83 essary to achieve desired hemodynamic endpoints. Colloid solutions are, however, much more expensive than crystalloid solutions. Should albumin be avoided in resuscitation from septic shock? Answer: uncertain, grade C. Albumin is a naturally occurring plasma protein accounting for approximately 80 % of the plasma colloid osmotic pressure in normal subjects. In the presence of peripheral edema, mobilization of extravascular volume can be achieved by using hyperoncotic (20 or 25 %) albumin. Hydroxyethyl starch (HES, hetastarch) is a synthetic colloid available in a 6 % solution of normal saline. HES molecules may also affect endothelial cell function and reduce endothelial cell activation and injury [26], which could account in part for the preservation of microvascular structures with reduced leakage seen with HES in experimental sepsis models [27]. HES solutions can decrease factor VIII activity and prolong prothrombin time, so that the total amount of starch infused should be limited. The possibility that the long-term deposition of higher molecular weight hetastarch particles in the reticuloendothelial system could have immunosuppressive effects has caused some concern. However, in experimental studies, macrophage function and reticuloendothelial function were not altered by HES [28]. Gelatin solutions are cheaper but also less efficacious. They are not currently available in the United States, although they may soon become available there. Blood transfusion Can one recommend a minimum hemoglobin concentration in severe sepsis? Answer: yes, 7±8 g/dl, grade B. Can one recommend a minimum hemoglobin concentration in septic shock? Answer: uncertain, grade E. Recommendation The optimal hemoglobin and hematocrit for patients with septic shock is unclear. Most experts recommend hemoglobin levels of 9±10 gm/dl in patients with septic shock. This degree of anemia is usually well tolerated in most patients, even with cardiac impairment. Rationale Excessive tachycardia, very low SvO2, or electrocardiographic signs of myocardial ischemia may suggest the need for higher hemoglobin levels to be maintained. A large study by Hebert et al. [29] in a mixed group of ICU patients showed no benefit of transfusion to a hemoglobin level of 10 vs. 7 g/dl. Indeed, this trial found that use of the lower hemoglobin level trigger for transfusion, 7 g/dl, resulted in improved survival. When considering blood transfusion to improve oxygenation in critically ill patients, stored blood may be less effective than fresh blood [30]. Vasopressor therapy in septic shock Does adrenergic support improve outcome from septic shock? Answer: yes, grade E. Recommendation When fluid challenge fails to restore an adequate arterial pressure and organ perfusion, therapy with vasopressor agents should be started. Vasopressor therapy may also be required transiently to sustain life and maintain perfusion in the face of life-threatening hypotension, even when cardiac filling pressures are not elevated. Rationale In shock states the measurement of blood pressure using a cuff is often unreliable and inaccurate, and patients should have an arterial catheter in place for continuous blood pressure monitoring. This is even more the case in patients receiving vasopressor therapy for shock, as restoration of an adequate blood pressure is the required endpoint and measure of effectiveness. The precise level of mean arterial pressure to aim for is, however, not entirely certain and is likely to vary among patients. In animal studies a mean arterial pressure of less than 60 mmHg is associated with compromised autoregulation in the coronary, renal, and central nervous system vascular beds, and blood flow may be reduced. Some patients, however, especially the elderly, may require higher blood pressures to maintain adequate perfusion. Assessment of regional and global perfusion by a combination of the methods outlined previously is advisable. S 84 Effects of vasopressors on renal perfusion Although no prospective randomized studies have demonstrated a significant improvement in renal function with vasopressors, a number of open-label clinical series support an increase in renal perfusion pressure [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]. Excessive doses of vasopressors may shift the renal autoregulation curve to the right, necessitating a greater perfusion pressure for a specified renal blood flow. The precise target mean blood pressure level depends on the premorbid blood pressure but can be as high as 75 mmHg [31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39]. However, individual levels should be kept at the minimum needed to reestablish urine flow, and in some patients this can be achieved with a mean arterial pressure of 60 or 65 mmHg. Certain patients may remain oliguric despite normalization of systemic hemodynamic variables [32, 33, 34, 37, 39]. This may be due to the absence of an increase in renal blood flow, a decrease in glomerular perfusion pressure, or irreversible ischemic renal lesions. Although in nonseptic conditions combination therapy with the use of low-dose dopamine (1±4 mg kg±1 min±1) in addition to norepinephrine in an anesthetized dog model and healthy volunteers resulted in significantly higher renal blood flow and lower renal vascular resistance [40, 41], such effects have not been conclusively demonstrated in septic shock, and there is no information available on the effects of such therapy on patient survival. blood flow, increases PgCO2 production, and decreases pHi, suggesting that the drug alters oxygen supply in the splanchnic circulation [42]. At low doses dopamine increases splanchnic oxygen delivery by 65 % but splanchnic oxygen consumption by only 16 %. Despite this, dopamine may decrease pHi, perhaps by a direct effect on the gastric mucosal cell. The effects of dopamine on cellular oxygen supply in the gut remain incompletely defined. The effects of norepinephrine on splanchnic circulation are hardly predictable. The combination of norepinephrine and dobutamine appears to be more predictable and more appropriate to the goals of septic shock therapy than the effects of epinephrine alone. Individual vasopressor agents Among adrenergic agents, are dopamine or norepinephrine the first line agents to correct hypotension in septic shock? Answer: yes, grade E. Should low-dose dopamine be routinely administered for renal protection? Answer: no, grade D. Dopamine Effects of vasopressors on the splanchnic circulation Is the combination of norepinephrine and dobutamine superior to dopamine in the treatment of septic shock? Answer: uncertain, grade C. Recommendation The effects of dopamine on cellular oxygen supply in the gut remain incompletely defined. The effects of norepinephrine on splanchnic circulation are hardly predictable. The combination of norepinephrine and dobutamine appears to be more predictable and more appropriate to the goals of septic shock therapy than the effects of epinephrine alone. Rationale Splanchnic perfusion and the integrity of the gut mucosa may play an important role in the pathogenesis of multiple organ failure. Epinephrine decreases splanchnic Recommendation The hemodynamic effects of dopamine in patients with septic shock are well established. Dopamine increases mean arterial pressure primarily by increasing cardiac index with minimal effects on systemic vascular resistance. The increase in cardiac index is due to an increase in stroke volume, and to a lesser extent, to increased heart rate [43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54]. Patients receiving dopamine at rates greater than 20 mg kg±1 min±1 show increases in right heart pressures as well as in heart rate, and therefore doses should not usually exceed 20 mg kg±1 min±1, at least not without adequate hemodynamic monitoring. Rationale Dopamine is the natural precursor of norepinephrine and epinephrine, and possesses several dose-dependent pharmacological effects. Generally, at doses less than 5 mg kg±1 min±1 dopamine stimulates dopaminergic DA1 receptors in the renal, mesenteric, and coronary beds, S 85 resulting in vasodilation. Infusion of low doses of dopamine causes an increase in glomerular filtration rate, renal blood flow, and sodium excretion. At doses of 5±10 mg kg±1 min±1, ª1-adrenergic effects become predominant, resulting in an increase in cardiac contractility and heart rate. Dopamine also causes the release of norepinephrine from nerve terminals, contributing to its cardiac effects. At higher doses (above 10 mg kg±1 min±1), ª1-adrenergic effects predominate, leading to arterial vasoconstriction and an increase in blood pressure. Dopamine's effect on gastric tonometric parameters has been evaluated with mixed results. Roukonen et al. [51] and Meier-Hellmann et al. [54] have documented that dopamine increases splanchnic blood flow. Neviere and colleagues [55] reported that dopamine is associated with a reduction in gastric mucosal blood flow; there were changes in gastric PCO2, gastric-arterial PCO2 difference, and calculated intramucosal pH. They [55] concluded that they could not determine whether the reduction in gastric mucosal blood flow was critical because there were no changes in the acid-base parameters of the patients. Recent studies have shown that dopamine may alter the inflammatory response in septic shock by decreasing the release of a number of hormones, including prolactin [56]. Norepinephrine Recommendation Summarizing the results of studies of norepinephrine, it can be concluded that norepinephrine markedly improves mean arterial pressure and glomerular filtration. This is particularly true in the high output-low resistance state of many septic shock patients. After restoration of systemic hemodynamics, urine flow reappears in most patients and renal function improves without the use of low-dose dopamine or furosemide. This fact supports the hypothesis that renal ischemia observed during hyperdynamic septic shock is not worsened by norepinephrine infusion and even suggests that this drug may effectively optimize renal blood flow and renal vascular resistance. Rationale Norepinephrine is a potent ª-adrenergic agonist with some ª-adrenergic agonist effects. The effects of norepinephrine have been studied in a number of studies on patients with septic shock. In open label trials norepinephrine has been shown to increase mean arterial pressure in patients with hypotension resistant to fluid resus- citation and dopamine. The potential that norepinephrine may have negative vasoconstrictive effects on regional vascular beds such as the liver and the kidney, with resultant regional ischemia, has meant that norepinephrine has commonly been reserved for use as a last resort, with predictably poor results. However, recent experience with the use of norepinephrine in patients with septic shock suggests that it can successfully increase blood pressure without causing the feared deterioration in organ function. Most studies have given septic patients fluid to correct hypovolemia before dopamine, with or without dobutamine, titrated to doses of 7±25 mg kg±1 min±1 to achieve the target blood pressure. Only if this regime failed was norepinephrine added [31, 32, 35, 39, 42, 51, 57, 58]. In older studies norepinephrine was added after the use of metaraminol, methoxamine, or isoproterenol [43, 59]. A few studies have used norepinephrine as the only adrenergic agent to correct sepsis-induced hemodynamic abnormalities [34, 37, 50, 51, 53]. In most studies the mean dose of norepinephrine was 0.2±1.3 mg kg±1 min±1, although the initial dose can be as low as 0.01 mg kg±1 min±1 [32], and the highest reported norepinephrine dose was 3.3 mg kg±1 min±1 [58]. Thus, large doses of the drug can be required in some patients with septic shock, which may be due to ª-receptor down-regulation in sepsis [60]. Norepinephrine therapy usually causes a statistically and clinically significant increase in mean arterial pressure due to its vasoconstrictive effects, with little change in heart rate or cardiac output, leading to increased systemic vascular resistance. Several studies have demonstrated increases in cardiac output ranging from 10 % to 20 % and increases in stroke volume index of 10±15 % [39, 43, 53]; other studies, however, have observed no significant changes in either cardiac output or stroke volume index after the use of norepinephrine in the presence of a significant increase in vascular resistance, suggesting that norepinephrine is exerting ª1receptor agonist effects [31, 32, 33, 35, 58, 61]. Obviously, since cardiac index is either increased or unchanged, and mean arterial pressure is consistently increased, left ventricular stroke work index is always statistically increased with norepinephrine. With regards to pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, no clinically significant changes are reported. Norepinephrine should be used only to restore normal values (or values in the lower part of the normal range) of mean arterial blood pressure and systemic vascular resistance. Higher values should be avoided during norepinephrine therapy, since elevated cardiac afterload could be deleterious in cases of severe underlying cardiac dysfunction. Due to methodological problems with the use of systemic vascular resistance as the sole measurement of peripheral resistance, the use of mean arterial pressure is more advisable, although, as men- S 86 tioned above, the optimal target mean arterial pressure is not known, and depends on many factors including age and premorbid condition. Norepinephrine is probably more effective than dopamine at reversing hypotension in septic shock patients. Martin et al. [50] carried out a study with the most striking findings. They prospectively randomized 32 volume-resuscitated patients with hyperdynamic sepsis syndrome to receive either dopamine (2.5±25 mg kg±1 min±1) or norepinephrine (0.5±5.0 mg kg±1 min±1) to achieve and maintain normal hemodynamic and oxygen transport parameters for at least 6 h. If the goals were not achieved with one agent, the other was added. The groups were similar at baseline. Dopamine administration (10±25 mg kg±1 min±1) was successful in only 31 % (5 of 16) of patients whereas norepinephrine (1.5 1.2 mg kg±1 min±1) resulted in success in 93 % (15 of 16) of patients (p < 0.001). Of the 11 patients who did not respond to dopamine 10 responded when norepinephrine was added. In contrast, the one patient who did not respond to norepinephrine failed to respond to dopamine. The survival rate differed between the two groups (59 % norepinephrine vs. 17 % dopamine) although the study was not statistically designed to examine this issue. In patients with hypotension and hypovolemia, for example, during hemorrhagic shock, norepinephrine and other vasoconstrictor agents have severe detrimental effects on renal hemodynamics. Despite the constant improvement in blood pressure, renal blood flow does not increase, and renal vascular resistance continues to rise [62]. Renal tissue oxygen tension can decrease markedly, worsening renal ischemia [63]. Indeed, norepinephrine has been demonstrated to cause ischemia-induced acute renal failure in rats [64]. In nonseptic shock patients norepinephrine has a marked vasoconstrictive effect in most vascular beds, reducing blood flow to the liver, skeletal muscle, and kidneys [65]. When used in normotensive and hypertensive patients, norepinephrine can decrease renal blood flow and increase renal vascular resistance [66]. However, in hyperdynamic septic shock, during which urine flow is believed to decrease mainly as a result of lowered renal glomerular perfusion pressure, the situation is different. Since norepinephrine has a greater effect on efferent arteriolar resistance and increases the filtration fraction, normalization of renal vascular resistance could effectively reestablish urine flow. The importance of this during norepinephrine infusion was shown by Schaer et al. [40], who demonstrated that while renal vascular resistance increased during norepinephrine infusion; renal blood flow remained stable or even slightly increased because the drug enhanced cardiac output and renal perfusion pressure. The effects of norepinephrine on renal function in sepsis have been evaluated in four studies. Desjars et al. [33] studied 22 septic shock patients treated with norepinephrine (0.5±1.5 mg kg±1 min±1) and dopamine (2±3 mg kg±1 min±1). Serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, free water clearance, and fractional excretion of sodium decreased significantly, while urine output, creatinine clearance, and osmolar clearance increased significantly. In this study [33] six of seven patients considered at risk for developing acute renal failure had improved renal function during norepinephrine treatment, and only one developed nonoliguric acute renal failure requiring dialysis. Martin et al. [37] studied 24 septic shock patients (treated with norepinephrine (1.1 mg kg±1 min±1 + dobutamine at 8±14 mg kg±1 min±1 + dopamine at 6±17 mg kg±1 min±1). No patient received low-dose dopamine or furosemide. Normalization of systemic hemodynamics was followed by reestablishment of urine flow, decrease in serum creatinine, and increase in creatinine clearance. Fukuoka et al. [34] studied 15 patients with septic shock treated with norepinephrine (0.05±0.24 mg kg±1 min±1), dopamine (9 mg kg±1 min±1) and dobutamine (5 mg kg±1 min±1). Only patients with a normal serum lactate concentration had an increase in systemic vascular resistance, and an increase in urine flow. Creatinine clearance was not affected (18.8+5.5 ml/min before and 20.1+6.6 ml/min after norepinephrine). Patients with elevated serum lactate concentrations had no change in vascular resistance, a decrease in creatinine clearance (32.6 6.4 to 11.9 4.9 ml/min), and required higher doses of furosemide. The authors concluded that the serum lactate concentration may predict which patients will experience potentially adverse renal effects with norepinephrine. However, this study included only a very limited number of patients and is at variance with the findings of other studies [39, 43, 50, 53, 57] in which vascular resistance and urine flow were increased in patients with elevated lactate concentrations (as high as 4.8 1.6 mmol/l [50]). Redl-Wenzel et al. [39] studied 56 patients with septic shock treated with norepinephrine (0.1±2.0 mg kg±1 min±1) and dopamine (2.5 mg kg±1 min±1). During norepinephrine infusion creatinine clearance increased significantly from 75 37 to 102 43 ml/ min after 48 h of treatment. The authors concluded that mean arterial pressure could be increased by norepinephrine with a positive effect on organ perfusion and oxygenation. The effects of norepinephrine on serum lactate concentrations have been assessed in five studies. Four studies assessed changes in serum lactate concentrations over a relatively short period of time, i.e., 1±3 h. Hesselvik et al. [35] reported unchanged lactate levels during norepinephrine therapy, but the actual values were not given. In the other three studies [51, 53, 57] mean values of serum lactate concentrations did not change over the 1- to 3-h study period. It should be noted that initial values were not very high (1.8±2.3 mmol/l). Since blood S 87 flow tended to significantly improve and lactic acid concentrations decreased (but not significantly) in one study, it is unclear whether sufficient time elapsed between measurements to see a significant norepinephrine-induced change in serum lactate concentrations. In the last study [50] initial lactate concentrations were elevated (4.8 1.6 mmol/l), and a statistically and clinically significant decrease in lactate levels was observed at the end of the 6-h study period. Norepinephrine thus does not worsen, and may even improve, tissue oxygenation, as assessed by serum lactate levels, in patients with septic shock. Ruokonen et al. [51] measured splanchnic blood flow and splanchnic oxygen consumption in septic shock patients receiving either norepinephrine (0.07±0.23 mg kg±1 min±1) or dopamine (7.6±33.8 mg kg±1 min±1) to correct hypotension. With norepinephrine no overall changes in splanchnic blood flow and splanchnic oxygen consumption or extraction were noted, and in individual patients its effects on splanchnic blood flow were unpredictable (increased in three patients, decreased in two). Dopamine caused a consistent and statistically significant increase in splanchnic blood flow. Meier-Hellman et al. [54] studied patients changed from dobutamine to norepinephrine. They observed a significant decrease in hepatic venous oxygen saturation. In another group of patients, they studied the effects of switching from dobutamine plus norepinephrine to the latter drug alone. They observed the previously reported changes in hepatic venous oxygen saturation together with a decrease in splanchnic blood flow (green dye dilution technique) and in cardiac output. Splanchnic oxygen consumption remained unchanged due to a regional increase in oxygen extraction. The decrease in splanchnic blood flow paralleled the decrease in cardiac output. The authors concluded that as long as cardiac output is maintained treatment with norepinephrine alone has no negative effects on splanchnic tissue oxygenation. This finding was confirmed by Marik and Mohedin [53] who observed a significant increase in pHi (from 7.16 0.07 to 7.23 0.07) over 3 h of norepinephrine treatment. During treatment with dopamine pHi decreased significantly (7.24 0.04 to 7.18 0.05). Reinelt et al. [67] tested the hypothesis that when dobutamine is added to norepinephrine to obtain a 20 % increase in cardiac index in septic shock patients, splanchnic blood flow and oxygen consumption increases and hepatic metabolic activity (hepatic glucose production) improves. Splanchnic blood flow and cardiac index increased in parallel, but there was no effect on splanchnic oxygen consumption and hepatic glucose production decreased. The conclusion of the authors was that splanchnic oxygen consumption was not dependent on delivery in septic shock patients well resuscitated with norepinephrine. Levy et al. [42] studied the effects of the combination of norepinephrine and dob- utamine on gastric tonometric variables in 30 septic shock patients. pHi and gastric PCO2 gap were normalized within 6 h, while in epinephrine-treated patients pHi decreased and gastric PCO2 gap increased. Changes in the epinephrine group were only transient and were corrected within 24 h but could potentially have caused splanchnic ischemia. The authors concluded that the combination of norepinephrine with dobutamine was more predictable than epinephrine. Clinical experience with norepinephrine in septic shock patients suggests that this drug can successfully increase blood pressure without causing deterioration in cardiac index or organ function. Norepinephrine (at doses of 0.01±3 mg kg±1 min±1), consistently improves hemodynamic variables in the large majority of patients with septic shock. The effects of norepinephrine on oxygen transport variables remain undefined from the available data, but most studies find other clinical parameters of peripheral perfusion to be significantly improved. Unfortunately only one published study was controlled [50] and a prospective, randomized clinical trial is still required to assess whether the use of norepinephrine in septic shock patients affects mortality compared to other vasopressors. The data are sufficiently strong to suggest that when contemplated in the treatment of septic shock patients, norepinephrine should be used early and not merely as a last resort. Epinephrine In patients who fail to respond to fluid administration or other vasopressors epinephrine can increase arterial pressure primarily by increasing cardiac index and stroke volume [38, 68, 69, 70]. Moran et al. [70] reported a linear relationship between epinephrine dose and heart rate, mean arterial pressure, cardiac index, left ventricular stroke work index, and oxygen delivery, and consumption. Epinephrine, however, has detrimental effects on splanchnic blood flow and causes transient decreases in pHi and increases in the PCO2 gap [42, 71]. Epinephrine administration has been associated with increases in systemic and regional lactate concentrations [42, 69, 72], although the cause of these increases is unclear. As the monitoring periods in all these studies were short, it is unclear whether these increases are a transient phenomenon. Other adverse effects of epinephrine include tachyarrhythmias. In summary, epinephrine clearly increases blood pressure in patients unresponsive to other agents. However, because of its negative effects on gastric blood flow and blood lactate concentrations its use should be limited. S 88 Other vasoconstricting agents Dobutamine Phenylephrine, a selective-1-adrenergic agonist, has been used in septic shock patients, although there are concerns about its potential to reduce cardiac output and lower heart rate in these patients. Doses of phenylephrine start at 0.5 mg kg±1 min±1 and reach a maximum dose of 5±8 mg kg±1 min±1. A few studies have evaluated the clinical use of phenylephrine in septic shock [73, 74, 75]. Reinelt et al. [75] reported reduced splanchnic blood flow and oxygen delivery in six septic shock patients treated with phenylephrine compared to norepinephrine. Dobutamine is an adrenergic agonist that stimulates b1-, b2-, and b1-adrenergic receptors. A number of studies have investigated the effect of dobutamine on cardiac function during sepsis or septic shock [82, 83, 84, 85, 86]. The doses utilized ranged from 2 to 28 mg kg±1 min±1. The majority of these studies found increases in cardiac index combined with increases in stroke volume and heart rate. Epinephrine See individual vasopressor agents, above. Inotropic therapy in septic shock Although the cardiac index is usually maintained in the volume resuscitated septic shock patient, cardiac function is impaired [76]. Characterized by ventricular dilatation, a decreased ejection fraction an impaired contractile response to volume loading, and a low peak systolic pressure/end-systolic volume [77, 78], the mechanism of the myocardial dysfunction is complex. Coronary blood flow is usually normal and there is no net lactate production across the coronary vascular bed, so myocardial ischemia is not implicated. Alterations in intracellular calcium homeostasis and in - -adrenergic signal transduction may be contributory factors. Several inflammatory mediators have been shown to cause myocardial depression in various animal models, including cytokines [79], platelet-activating factor, and nitric oxide [80]. Inotropic therapy in septic shock is thus not straightforward. Cardiac output is usually not decreased, and multiple factors may be involved in the depressed cardiac function. In patients with decreased cardiac output the goals of therapy are relatively clear and are aimed at restoring normal physiology. Because of the complexity of assessment of clinical parameters in septic patients, direct measurement of cardiac output by invasive hemodynamic monitoring is advisable, but other endpoints of global perfusion should be followed as well. When global hypoperfusion is manifest by a decreased SvO2, monitoring of SvO2 can be helpful to guide response to therapy. Similarly, although lactate production in sepsis is complex, a fall in blood lactate levels during inotropic therapy is a good prognostic sign [81]. Individual inotropic agents Is dobutamine the pharmacological agent of choice to increase cardiac output in the treatment of septic shock? Answer: yes, grade D. Dopexamine Dopexamine is a dopamine analog that stimulates b2adrenergic and dopamine 1 and 2 receptors. It is not approved for use in the United States. Several studies have evaluated short-term infusions of dopexamine in sepsis or septic shock and demonstrated significant improvements in cardiac index and left ventricular stroke work index [87, 88, 89]. In addition, mesenteric perfusion, as assessed by gastric tonometry, were improved compared to baseline values in initial studies [88], but this has not been confirmed in subsequent studies [90]. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors Phosphodiesterase inhibitors alone, such as amrinone and milrinone, have little place in the treatment of septic shock. They may be considered in combination with adrenergic agents. One study evaluating milrinone in pediatric patients with sepsis observed that cardiac index and right and left ventricular stroke work indices improved significantly, with little change in heart rate [91]. Other agents Calcium supplementation has been proposed in the management of myocardial dysfunction in septic shock. However, no consistent beneficial hemodynamic effect of calcium administration in septic patients has been reported [92], and increased mortality has been reported in animal models [93, 94]. Digoxin has been reported significantly to improve cardiac performance in hypodynamic septic patients [95]. S 89 The ¹supranormalª approach Are hyperkinetic patterns associated with better outcome in septic shock patients? Answer: yes, grade C. Systemic alterations occurring in sepsis including an increased oxygen demand, altered oxygen extraction, and myocardial depression, can explain how circulatory failure may persist despite a normal or high cardiac output (see alterations in distribution above). Hence, it may be valuable to further increase cardiac index (to 'supranormal' values) despite the fact that it is not typically decreased. This remains a controversial issue. Initial studies by Shoemaker et al. [96] seemed to support this approach, but in order to correlate with improved survival, the cardiac index needed to be greater than 4.5 l m±2 min±1, oxygen delivery greater than 600 ml m±2 min±1, and oxygen consumption greater than 170 ml m±2 min±1. Randomized studies [97, 98] to test this hypothesis in all critically ill patients have produced rather negative results, with increased mortality rates in the study by Hayes et al. [97] which sometimes involved the administration of very high doses of dobutamine. Moreover, it is possible that increases in cardiac index and oxygen delivery may simply reflect higher underlying physiological reserve of the patients, associated with an increased chance of survival. The main problem with studying this approach in a typical ICU population is the heterogeneity of the patients included. What may be beneficial in certain groups of patients could potentially be harmful in others, thus giving an overall negative result. Tuchschmidt et al. [99] included only patients with septic shock and obtained more positive results. However, the strategy of increasing oxygen delivery to predetermined elevated endpoints of cardiac index and oxygen delivery cannot be recommended routinely. Different interventions to increase oxygen delivery, such as fluid resuscitation, blood transfusion, or infusion of vasoactive agents, can have different effects on regional perfusion. This is an area of controversy and ongoing research; randomized controlled trials, with clear, reproducible treatment algorithms and use of defined measures of regional perfusion are necessary. In the meanwhile, one should define the goals and desired endpoints of inotropic therapy in septic patients and use these endpoints to monitor and titrate therapy. References 1. 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Carlet Immunological therapy in sepsis: currently available ) J. Carlet ( ) Intensive Care Unit, Fondation-Hôpital Saint-Joseph, Paris, France E-mail: Phone: +33-1 44-12 37 83 Fax: +33-1 44-12 34 15 Should corticosteroids be used during septic shock at low doses and for a prolonged period of time? Answer: yes, grade C. Recommendations Introduction Many therapies used in our daily practice are known to have significant effects on inflammation. These drugs influence the activation of the inflammatory network that occurs during severe sepsis and related syndromes as disseminated intravascular coagulation and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Many of these compounds (Table 1) have already been used during experimental models of sepsis and/or human studies. Corticosteroids should not be used in severe sepsis or septic shock at high doses (30 mg/kg) and for a short course (1±2 days). On the other hand, corticosteroids may be used during ªrefractoryº septic shock but not during severe sepsis without shock or mild shock. It should then be used at low doses (100 mg hydrocortisone three times a day) for 5 days or more and then with subsequent tapering of the dose according to the hemodynamic status and the need for vasopressors. Rationale Methods This contribution reviews those drugs that are available in the daily management of severe sepsis and septic shock. A computer-based review of the literature was undertaken using Medline from 1990 to September 1999 as the primary database. The subject heading keywords defined for each of the compounds listed in Table 1 were combined with the following general sepsis-related subject heading keywords: sepsis, severe sepsis, septic shock, and ARDS. Anti-inflammatory agents Should corticosteroids be used in the treatment of severe sepsis or septic shock at high doses (30 mg/kg) for a short course (one or 2 days)? Answer: no, grade A. An extensive literature is available for corticosteroids. Steroids have been used for many years, and their efficacy is controversial. Numerous animal studies performed during experimental septic (endotoxic) shock or acute lung injuries showed a very significant reduction in both intensity of shock, acute respiratory failure and mortality [1, 2]. They have been used at very high doses (30 mg/kg per dose for a maximum of 24±48 h). The ability of these high doses of corticosteroids to reduce complement activation and to inhibit leukocyte aggregability and adherence was at that time a very logical rationale for their efficacy [3]. Very promising initial findings have been published regarding humans [12]. However, two well designed, prospective, multicenter, randomized, double-blind studies demonstrated very clearly their inability to decrease mortality [5, 8]. Some studies mention positive trends when looking at subgroups of infections due to Gram-negative rods [5, 8, 13]. S 94 Table 1 List of therapies currently available for eventually treating severe sepsis Therapy References Anti-inflammatory agents Corticosteroids (high or low doses) Ibuprofen Prostaglandin E1 Pentoxifylline Oxygen scavengers N-Acetylcysteine Selenium Drugs modifying coagulation Antithrombin III Drugs enhancing host defenses Immunoglobulins Interferon-g Granulocytes stimulating factors Immunonutrition 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 25a 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 32, 33, 34, 35 36, 37, 38 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 46, 47 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 ±a Other drugs Growth hormone Antibiotics Including ketoconazole Including polymyxin B Taurolidine Fresh frozen plasma Anesthetic sedative and analgesic agents Catecholamines 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85 71 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 73, 74 72 78 79 80 81, 82, 83, 84, 85 Hemofiltration, plasma filtration, plasma exchange 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91 a See PØrez and Dellinger, ªOther supportive therapies in sepsisº Two recent meta-analyses [13, 14] reviewing the studies confirm that corticosteroids at the dose of 30 mg/kg (one or two doses) are ineffective [13] or even harmful [14]. The design and the results of the nine randomized studies are summarized in Tables 2 and 3. Similar negative results have been obtained during ARDS [15]. Pooling the results only from those patients with Gram-negative infections, as in the meta-analysis by Lefering et al. [13], yields a rate difference of ±5.6 % [confidence interval (CI): ±21.4 to 10.1) in favor of steroids, based on 413 patients. Those patients with Gram-positive infections (n = 306) had an overall effect of +1.8 % (CI: ±15.8 to 18.6). Most persons stopped using steroids when these large trials were published. Several studies performed over the years, however, have maintained interest in the use of corticosteroids. Mortality was reduced using steroids during severe typhoid fever [16], and neurological sequelae were reduced during meningitis [17]. Two large double-blind case control studies demonstrated that prolonged treatment (10±15 days) of relatively low doses of steroids (120±240 mg hydrocortisone) dramatically reduced mortality during severe Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in AIDS patients [18, 19]. In addition, Meduri et al. [20] showed that the course of late, fibrotic ARDS was improved by steroid use which was confirmed in a re- cent randomized double-blind study showing a significant reduction in mortality [21]. Two small, randomized, double-blind studies of steroids in patients with severe and refractory septic shock recently demonstrated positive results [22, 23]. Corticosteroids were used at small doses (100 mg hydrocortisone three times per day in one [22] and 100 mg followed by a continuous infusion of 0.18 mg/kg per hour in the other [23], for longer periods of time than in past studies: 5 days in one [22] and 5±10 days in the other, with tapering of the doses according to hemodynamic status and need for vasopressors. Both studies showed a significant reversal of shock and organ failures and a trend in reduction in mortality. Additional studies are necessary, and a French multicenter randomized, controlled, double-blind study reported that low dose steroids decrease mortality in patients with septic shock [25 a]. Several factors may explain the recent positive effects of corticosteroids during sepsis [24]. These include the treatment of ªrelativeº adrenal insufficiency [25] and the potentiation of adrenergic receptivity [26] in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect. The lower immunosuppressive doses and a more prolonged duration of therapy than in the initial studies could also explain discrepancies. S 95 Table 2 Design of the nine randomized studies used in the meta-analysis (from Cronin et al. [14]) (DB double blind, M methylprednisolone, B betamethasone, D dexamethasone, H hydrocortisone) Reference n Type of study Product Dose Duration Endpoints Cooperative Study Group [6] Klastersky et al. [10] Schumer et al. [12] 194 Open H 6d 85 Open B 300 mg then 50 mg/d 1 mg/kg 172 DB M 30 mg/kg 1 dose or 2 Thompson et al. [11] Lucas and Ledgerwood [9] Sprung et al. [4] 60 DB M 30 mg/kg 48 Open D 2 mg/kg Max. 6 doses in 24 h 2d 59 Open M 30 mg/kg 1 dose (or 2) Mortality, complications Mortality (20 d), complications Mortality (28 d), complications Mortality, complications Mortality (14 d), complications Hospital mortality, complications 3d Bone et al. [5] 381 DB M 30 mg/kg 1d Mortality (14 d), complications Veteran Administration [8] 223 DB M 30 mg/kg 9d Mortality (14 d), complications 75 DB M 30 mg/kg”4 1d Hospital mortality, ARDS complications Luce et al. [7] Table 3 Results of the nine randomized studies used in the metaanalysis (from Cronin et al. [14]) Cooperative study group [6] Klastersky et al. [10] Schumer et al. [12] Thompson et al. [11] Lucas et al. [9] Sprung et al. [4] Bone et al. [5] Veteran Administration [8] Luce et al. [7] n Risk ratio 95 % CI 194 85 172 60 48 59 381 223 75 1.72 0.97 0.30 1.01 1.09 1.11 1.35 0.95 1.07 1.23±2.41 0.65±1.45 0.13±0.72 0.77±1.31 0.36±3.27 0.74±1.67 0.98±1.84 0.57±1.58 0.72±1.60 Should ibuprofen be used in the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock? Answer: no, grade B. Recommendations Ibuprofen should not be used during severe sepsis or septic shock. Additional studies are needed to determine whether some patients, for example, those with hypothermia, could benefit from the drug. Rationale Ibuprofen is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, acting on the prostaglandin metabolism as a cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor. It has been used with controversial effects in animals during both experimental sepsis and ARDS [27, 28]. Two small randomized, double-blind studies in patients showed some hemodynamic effect and a normalization of pH without any significant effect upon mortality [29, 30]. Mortality was decreased significantly in a post hoc analysis of hypothermic patients [30]. A large multicenter randomized, controlled, double blind study, however, failed to demonstrate any effect upon mortality, reversal of shock or acute respiratory failure [31]. Ibuprofen was able to reduce the levels of prostacyclin and thromboxane and to decrease fever, tachycardia and oxygen consumption [31]. The drug was not associated with adverse affects. Should prostaglandins be used in the treatment of ARDS due to severe infections and sepsis? Answer: no, grade B. Recommendations Prostaglandins, in particular prostaglandin E1 or liposomal prostaglandin E1 should not be used during ARDS due to sepsis. There are no specific data allowing recommendations in severe sepsis. S 96 Rationale Oxygen scavengers Several prostaglandins which have both an anti-inflammatory and a vasoactive effect have been studied including prostaglandin I2 and particularly prostaglandin E1 [32, 33, 34, 35] during ARDS. The vast majority of these patients had ARDS due to severe infections or sepsis. An early, small, randomized study showed promising results [32]. However, a large multicenter, randomized, controlled, double blind study failed to show any difference in survival [33]. An increase in oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption was noted in treated patients who survived [34]. A recent, multicenter randomized, controlled, double-blind study with liposomal prostaglandin E1 (TLC C-53) showed that indices of oxygenation of treated ARDS patients were improved compared with controls, but without any effect upon duration of mechanical ventilation or 28 days mortality [35]. Again, most ARDS was due to sepsis in these two large studies. No data are really available concerning an overall group of patients with severe sepsis. Several oxygen scavengers are currently available, including N-acetylcysteine (NAC), vitamin E, vitamin C, and selenium. Vitamins E and C have been only poorly studied in humans, and we focus on N-acetylcysteine and selenium. Should pentoxifylline be used in the treatment of severe sepsis in (a) adults, (b) infants? Answer: (a) no, grade B; (b) no, grade C. Recommendations Pentoxifylline should not be used in adults with severe sepsis unless new studies show a significant effect. The positive effect of a small study in infants should be confirmed before clinical use. Rationale Pentoxifylline, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect including a strong inhibition of tumor necrosis factor secretion, has been used successfully in many animal studies with the prevention of the transition from a hyperdynamic to hypodynamic state, although no effect upon mortality has been shown [36]. Human studies are more scarce. A multicenter, randomized, controlled, double-blind study during sepsis showed an increase in PaO2/FIO2 ratio but no effect upon cytokines levels or mortality [37]. A recent double-blind study performed in premature infants with sepsis showed a decrease in cytokines levels and a significant decrease in mortality (1/40 vs. 6/38 p = 0.046) [38]. However, the size of this study was rather small, and additional large studies are mandatory. Should N-acetylcysteine be used in the treatment of severe sepsis? Answer: no, grade C. Recommendations NAC should not be used in severe sepsis until new data are available, focusing in particular on very early therapy. Rationale During acute lung injury an improvement in oxygenation and reduction in the required length of mechanical ventilation was found in patients treated with NAC compared to controls [39]. However, several randomized studies have shown no difference in mortality, gas exchange, and development of respiratory failure in patients treated with NAC [39, 40]. Several studies have also been performed during severe sepsis, with heterogeneous results [41, 42, 43, 44]. Depressed cardiac performance has been described in septic patients treated with NAC [42]. A very recent multicenter, randomized, controlled, double-blind study showed that a prolonged infusion of NAC is unable to prevent multiple organ failure in consecutively admitted critically ill patients [43]. In this study treatment used more than 24 h after the initial insult worsened the prognosis compared to controls. Better results were obtained when the drug was use before the insult, as during cardiac surgery [44]. These results suggest that this compound could be helpful when started before (or perhaps shortly after) the insult, but possibly harmful when started too late. Combinations of several antioxidants have also been published, but data are too limited to allow recommendations [45]. Should selenium be used in the treatment of severe sepsis? Answer: no, grade C. S 97 Fig. 1 Effect of proinflammatory cytokines. Upon coagulation cascade during sepsis leading to an activation of tissue factor, a depletion in protein C (via a decrease in thrombomodulin levels) antithrombin III and C1 inhibitor, and a decrease in fibrinolysis (via the effect of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1) Recommendations Selenium should not be used for severe sepsis. Additional studies are warranted to confirm initial positive data. Rationale A profound depletion in selenium levels has been demonstrated in many severe septic patients [46]. Mortality and morbidity are far higher in patients with a very low selenium level [46]. A recent prospective, randomized, but nonblinded study performed in septic patients showed that selenium replacement is able to reduce severity indexes at day 3 and reduce the need for hemodialysis but has no significant effect upon mortality (52 % in controls and 33, 5 % in treated patients, p = 0.13) [47]. Additional large studies are needed to confirm initial promising results. Drugs modifying coagulation There are complex interactions between the inflammation and coagulation systems (Fig. 1). Proinflammatory cytokines activate coagulation cascades, in particular via an effect upon tissue factor which is a key player in the coagulation cascade. They can also reduce fibrinolysis and profoundly reduce the levels of protein C and of antithrombin III which are important anticoagulant agents. Antithrombin III inhibits several coagulation factors of the extrinsic pathway such as factors IXa, XIa, XIIa in addition to factors Xa, IIa, and plasmin. Activated protein C inhibits factors Va, Vlla, and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1. The overall effect during sepsis is a marked procoagulant balance. Conversely, coagulation products can activate the inflammation network which creates numerous amplification loops. For example, thrombin can induce an up-regulation of Pand E-selectin, and contact factor activation can induce the production of bradykinin, worsening hypotension and tissue hypoperfusion. In humans studies, both anti- S 98 thrombin III and protein C levels are sharply decreased [48], and mortality of septic patients is inversely correlated with the levels of those two products. This makes the rationale for studying those types of compounds, such as antithrombin III, protein C, and tissue factor protein inhibitor very strong. Only antithrombin III is currently available. Should antithrombin III be used in the treatment of severe sepsis? Answer: no, grade B. Recommendations Antithrombin III should not be used during severe sepsis. Countries which allow the free use of this drug in this setting should reconsider their position. Rationale Antithrombin III is a drug which is widely used for septic patients in several countries. Three randomized, small, double-blind studies were published [49, 50, 51]. Duration of disseminated intravascular coagulation was reduced [49] as well as the number of organ failures [51], but mortality was not different although a positive trend was clearly noted. A meta-analysis was also performed [51] showing a 22.9 % reduction in mortality but which did not reach statistical significance. Unfortunately a large multicenter, prospective, double-blind study has recently been completed which showed no significant improvement in survival [52]. The complete data have not yet been published. Other drugs such as activated protein C and tissue factor inhibitors are not currently available and are discussed elsewhere (see Arndt and Abraham, ªImmunological therapy of sepsis: experimental therapiesº). Drugs enhancing host defenses After the initial activation of the proinflammatory network, a profound immunodepression can occur in septic patients [53]. This could influence outcome increasing the risk of nosocomial infections. Several strategies have been used to increase host defenses, including polyvalent immunoglobulins, interferon-g, stimulating factors for granulocytes [including granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF)], and immunonutrition. The latter is discussed elsewhere (see PØrez and Dellinger, ªOther supportive therapy in sepsisº). Should intravenous immunoglobulins be used in the treatment of severe sepsis in (a) adults or (b) neonates? Answer: (a) no, grade C; (b) no, grade C. Recommendations Immunoglobulins should not be used either in adult patients or in neonates with sepsis, unless additional large studies confirm some positive data in small-sized metaanalyses. Countries which allow a wide use of these compounds should reconsider their position and encourage these studies. Rationale Intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) are widely used in both infants and adults in the treatment of severe sepsis, at least in certain countries. Reports which support their empirical use, however, are still rather weak. The rationale is to restore immunoglobulins levels, which may be depressed in sepsis, and to provide patients with specific antibodies against micro-organisms. No individual well designed clinical study has been performed in adults with severe sepsis. A recent study was performed in patients with streptococcal toxic shock syndrome [54]. This was a comparative nonblinded study performed in 21 patients which demonstrated a significantly reduced mortality (67 % vs. 34 %, p = 0.02). Both Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II scores and IVIG were prognostic factors in the multivariate analysis. The odds ratio associated with IVIG was 8.1 (95 % CI: 1.6±45). A recent meta-analysis by the Cochrane group [55] looking at 23 studies (some of them unpublished) on immunoglobulins, antiendotoxins, and anticytokines, extracted from the small size studies already published, evaluated a population of 413 patients receiving polyclonal immunoglobulins. Mortality was significantly reduced (relative risk: 0.6; 95 % CI: 0.47±0.76). Results were even more positive when only sepsis related deaths were considered. A large, well designed, multicenter, randomized, doubleblind study is, however, warranted before making firm conclusions. Two prophylactic studies have been published recently [56, 57]. A study performed in cardiac surgery patients showed no difference in the occurrence of sepsis between polyvalent IVIG and IgM-enriched immunoglobulin [56]. A prospective comparative study showed that IVIG and not placebo is able to prevent nosocomial infections after major surgery [57]. Such prophylactic studies are needed in this field in nonsurgical critically ill patients. In neonatal sepsis, a recent meta-analysis of 110 newborns in three studies showed that IVIG is able to re- S 99 duce mortality significantly (odds ratio: 0.173; 95 % CI: 0.031±0.735; p = 0.007) [58]. However, the size of the overall population was very small, and large studies are urgently warranted. In the same meta-analysis the effect of IVIG in the prevention of sepsis in 4933 evaluable newborns was significant (p = 0.0193, two-tailed), although heterogeneity of the studies precluded estimation of an overall odds ratio. Other Drugs Interferon-g Growth hormone should not be used in patients with sepsis because it increases mortality. Interferon-g has been used successfully in animals models of Gram-negative sepsis [59, 60]. Few data are available in human sepsis. The drug has been used with positive results to prevent infection during chronic granulomatous disease [61] and trauma [62, 63]. The drug, however, was unable to prevent infections in burn patients [64]. Data are insufficient for therapy of severe sepsis to allow recommendations. Should growth hormone be used in the treatment of severe sepsis? Answer: no, grade A. Recommendations Rationale Answer: no, grade C. The administration of growth hormone could in theory attenuate the catabolic response to injury, surgery or sepsis. Two prospective double-blind studies with more than 200 patients each were recently reported in critically ill patients with cardiac or abdominal surgery, multiple trauma or acute respiratory failure [71]. Mortality was increased significantly in treated patients. The relative risk in these two pooled studies was 1.9 (95 % CI: 1.3±2.9). Length of stay and duration of mechanical ventilation were longer in treated survivors than in controls. Recommendations Antimicrobial compounds G-CSF should not be used in nonneutropenic patients with severe sepsis. Polymixin B. Polymixin B is able to neutralize endotoxin via strong antilipid A activity [72]. Since it is very toxic, it is difficult to use intravenously in humans, although some derivates are less toxic. Extracorporeal techniques, in which polymyxin is coated on membranes, are under investigation. Should granulocyte colony stimulating factor be used in the treatment of severe infections? Rationale G-CSF is very efficient and reduces mortality in animal models of abdominal sepsis [65, 66]. During pneumonia models in rats the drug has been shown to exert different effects according to the micro-organisms involved [67]. Preliminary studies have been performed in community or hospital acquired pneumonia with controversial results [68, 69]. In patients with head trauma and receiving mechanical ventilation G-CSF prophylaxis did not improve outcome nor lower the risk of nosocomial pneumonia [70]. Ketoconazole. Ketaconazole, one of the new imidazoles, has a strong effect upon thromboxane synthase inhibition and has been shown to prevent ARDS in septic patients in a small double-blind randomized study [73]. A recent study performed in 234 patients, however, failed to demonstrate any effect upon mortality and duration of mechanical ventilation in ARDS patients [74]. No data are available in patients with sepsis. Other antibiotics Immunonutrition See PØrez and Dellinger, ªOther supportive therapies in sepsis.º Some antibiotics have anti-inflammatory effects, in particular in decreasing cytokine release. Effects have been shown for vancomycin [75] trovafloxacin [76] and ciprofloxacin [77]. S 100 Taurolidine Hemofiltration and plasma filtration Taurolidine is an anti-infective agent (nonantibiotic), used either locally, or intravenously, which has some antibacterial effect associated with an antiendotoxin effect. A randomized placebo-controlled study failed to demonstrate any effect on outcome in sepsis [78]. Should hemofiltration be used in the treatment of patients with severe sepsis, without renal indications? Answer: no, grade C. Recommendations Other drugs currently used Many other drugs that we use daily could have important effects upon inflammation, including heparin, fresh frozen plasma [79], and anesthetic, sedative, and analgesic agents [80]. A recent review [80] describes the potential effects of these agents upon immunomodulation. Catecholamines and inflammation. It is well known that inotropic agents such as catecholamines have a significant impact upon inflammation [81]. Epinephrine inhibits tumor necrosis factor and potentiates interleukin10 leading to a significant anti-inflammatory effect [82], via an effect upon macrophages [83]. Dopamine increases interleukin-6 release but decreases tumor necrosis factor [84]. Recent data support the concept that the anti-inflammatory effect of catecholamines explains the possible beneficial effects of supranormal oxygen delivery in critically ill surgical patients [85]. These data do not enable clinicians to take into account the effect of catecholamines upon inflammation in deciding which is the best to use. Hemofiltration should not be used in patients with sepsis without renal indications unless ongoing studies provide positive results. Rationale Hemofiltration has been shown to decrease cytokines levels significantly, although temporarily during severe sepsis in humans. The technique is widely used in Europe and many authors have strong opinions [86] regarding its use, although the data are weak. A randomized, still unpublished study found no effect upon mortality [87]. Another randomized controlled study [88] reported a 15 % (nonsignificant) increase in survival for filtrated patients. Favorable results have been described for cardiac surgery patients [89]. Large multicenter studies are currently under way. Plasma filtration induced a significant attenuation of acute-phase response in a randomized, prospective study recently performed in 22 adults with sepsis [90]. However, no difference in mortality and only a trend toward fewer organ failures were noted. Plasma exchange has also been used in severe meningococcemia in children [91] with varying results. References 1. Hinshaw LB, Archer LT, Beller Todd BK, et al (1981) Survival in primates in lethal septic shock following delayed treatment with steroid. Circ Shock 8: 291±300 2. Hinshaw LB, Beller Todd BK, Archer LT, et al (1979) Recovery from lethal Escherichia coli shock in dogs. Surg Gynecol Obstet 149: 545±553 3. 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Carlet ( ) Intensive Care Unit, Fondation-Hôpital Saint-Joseph, Paris, France E-mail: Phone: +33-1 44-12 37 83 Fax: +33-1 44-12 34 15 Should corticosteroids be used during septic shock at low doses and for a prolonged period of time? Answer: yes, grade C. Recommendations Introduction Many therapies used in our daily practice are known to have significant effects on inflammation. These drugs influence the activation of the inflammatory network that occurs during severe sepsis and related syndromes as disseminated intravascular coagulation and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Many of these compounds (Table 1) have already been used during experimental models of sepsis and/or human studies. Corticosteroids should not be used in severe sepsis or septic shock at high doses (30 mg/kg) and for a short course (1±2 days). On the other hand, corticosteroids may be used during ªrefractoryº septic shock but not during severe sepsis without shock or mild shock. It should then be used at low doses (100 mg hydrocortisone three times a day) for 5 days or more and then with subsequent tapering of the dose according to the hemodynamic status and the need for vasopressors. Rationale Methods This contribution reviews those drugs that are available in the daily management of severe sepsis and septic shock. A computer-based review of the literature was undertaken using Medline from 1990 to September 1999 as the primary database. The subject heading keywords defined for each of the compounds listed in Table 1 were combined with the following general sepsis-related subject heading keywords: sepsis, severe sepsis, septic shock, and ARDS. Anti-inflammatory agents Should corticosteroids be used in the treatment of severe sepsis or septic shock at high doses (30 mg/kg) for a short course (one or 2 days)? Answer: no, grade A. An extensive literature is available for corticosteroids. Steroids have been used for many years, and their efficacy is controversial. Numerous animal studies performed during experimental septic (endotoxic) shock or acute lung injuries showed a very significant reduction in both intensity of shock, acute respiratory failure and mortality [1, 2]. They have been used at very high doses (30 mg/kg per dose for a maximum of 24±48 h). The ability of these high doses of corticosteroids to reduce complement activation and to inhibit leukocyte aggregability and adherence was at that time a very logical rationale for their efficacy [3]. Very promising initial findings have been published regarding humans [12]. However, two well designed, prospective, multicenter, randomized, double-blind studies demonstrated very clearly their inability to decrease mortality [5, 8]. Some studies mention positive trends when looking at subgroups of infections due to Gram-negative rods [5, 8, 13]. S 94 Table 1 List of therapies currently available for eventually treating severe sepsis Therapy References Anti-inflammatory agents Corticosteroids (high or low doses) Ibuprofen Prostaglandin E1 Pentoxifylline Oxygen scavengers N-Acetylcysteine Selenium Drugs modifying coagulation Antithrombin III Drugs enhancing host defenses Immunoglobulins Interferon-g Granulocytes stimulating factors Immunonutrition 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 25a 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 32, 33, 34, 35 36, 37, 38 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 46, 47 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 48, 49, 50, 51, 52 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70 ±a Other drugs Growth hormone Antibiotics Including ketoconazole Including polymyxin B Taurolidine Fresh frozen plasma Anesthetic sedative and analgesic agents Catecholamines 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85 71 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 73, 74 72 78 79 80 81, 82, 83, 84, 85 Hemofiltration, plasma filtration, plasma exchange 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91 a See PØrez and Dellinger, ªOther supportive therapies in sepsisº Two recent meta-analyses [13, 14] reviewing the studies confirm that corticosteroids at the dose of 30 mg/kg (one or two doses) are ineffective [13] or even harmful [14]. The design and the results of the nine randomized studies are summarized in Tables 2 and 3. Similar negative results have been obtained during ARDS [15]. Pooling the results only from those patients with Gram-negative infections, as in the meta-analysis by Lefering et al. [13], yields a rate difference of ±5.6 % [confidence interval (CI): ±21.4 to 10.1) in favor of steroids, based on 413 patients. Those patients with Gram-positive infections (n = 306) had an overall effect of +1.8 % (CI: ±15.8 to 18.6). Most persons stopped using steroids when these large trials were published. Several studies performed over the years, however, have maintained interest in the use of corticosteroids. Mortality was reduced using steroids during severe typhoid fever [16], and neurological sequelae were reduced during meningitis [17]. Two large double-blind case control studies demonstrated that prolonged treatment (10±15 days) of relatively low doses of steroids (120±240 mg hydrocortisone) dramatically reduced mortality during severe Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in AIDS patients [18, 19]. In addition, Meduri et al. [20] showed that the course of late, fibrotic ARDS was improved by steroid use which was confirmed in a re- cent randomized double-blind study showing a significant reduction in mortality [21]. Two small, randomized, double-blind studies of steroids in patients with severe and refractory septic shock recently demonstrated positive results [22, 23]. Corticosteroids were used at small doses (100 mg hydrocortisone three times per day in one [22] and 100 mg followed by a continuous infusion of 0.18 mg/kg per hour in the other [23], for longer periods of time than in past studies: 5 days in one [22] and 5±10 days in the other, with tapering of the doses according to hemodynamic status and need for vasopressors. Both studies showed a significant reversal of shock and organ failures and a trend in reduction in mortality. Additional studies are necessary, and a French multicenter randomized, controlled, double-blind study reported that low dose steroids decrease mortality in patients with septic shock [25 a]. Several factors may explain the recent positive effects of corticosteroids during sepsis [24]. These include the treatment of ªrelativeº adrenal insufficiency [25] and the potentiation of adrenergic receptivity [26] in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect. The lower immunosuppressive doses and a more prolonged duration of therapy than in the initial studies could also explain discrepancies. S 95 Table 2 Design of the nine randomized studies used in the meta-analysis (from Cronin et al. [14]) (DB double blind, M methylprednisolone, B betamethasone, D dexamethasone, H hydrocortisone) Reference n Type of study Product Dose Duration Endpoints Cooperative Study Group [6] Klastersky et al. [10] Schumer et al. [12] 194 Open H 6d 85 Open B 300 mg then 50 mg/d 1 mg/kg 172 DB M 30 mg/kg 1 dose or 2 Thompson et al. [11] Lucas and Ledgerwood [9] Sprung et al. [4] 60 DB M 30 mg/kg 48 Open D 2 mg/kg Max. 6 doses in 24 h 2d 59 Open M 30 mg/kg 1 dose (or 2) Mortality, complications Mortality (20 d), complications Mortality (28 d), complications Mortality, complications Mortality (14 d), complications Hospital mortality, complications 3d Bone et al. [5] 381 DB M 30 mg/kg 1d Mortality (14 d), complications Veteran Administration [8] 223 DB M 30 mg/kg 9d Mortality (14 d), complications 75 DB M 30 mg/kg”4 1d Hospital mortality, ARDS complications Luce et al. [7] Table 3 Results of the nine randomized studies used in the metaanalysis (from Cronin et al. [14]) Cooperative study group [6] Klastersky et al. [10] Schumer et al. [12] Thompson et al. [11] Lucas et al. [9] Sprung et al. [4] Bone et al. [5] Veteran Administration [8] Luce et al. [7] n Risk ratio 95 % CI 194 85 172 60 48 59 381 223 75 1.72 0.97 0.30 1.01 1.09 1.11 1.35 0.95 1.07 1.23±2.41 0.65±1.45 0.13±0.72 0.77±1.31 0.36±3.27 0.74±1.67 0.98±1.84 0.57±1.58 0.72±1.60 Should ibuprofen be used in the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock? Answer: no, grade B. Recommendations Ibuprofen should not be used during severe sepsis or septic shock. Additional studies are needed to determine whether some patients, for example, those with hypothermia, could benefit from the drug. Rationale Ibuprofen is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, acting on the prostaglandin metabolism as a cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor. It has been used with controversial effects in animals during both experimental sepsis and ARDS [27, 28]. Two small randomized, double-blind studies in patients showed some hemodynamic effect and a normalization of pH without any significant effect upon mortality [29, 30]. Mortality was decreased significantly in a post hoc analysis of hypothermic patients [30]. A large multicenter randomized, controlled, double blind study, however, failed to demonstrate any effect upon mortality, reversal of shock or acute respiratory failure [31]. Ibuprofen was able to reduce the levels of prostacyclin and thromboxane and to decrease fever, tachycardia and oxygen consumption [31]. The drug was not associated with adverse affects. Should prostaglandins be used in the treatment of ARDS due to severe infections and sepsis? Answer: no, grade B. Recommendations Prostaglandins, in particular prostaglandin E1 or liposomal prostaglandin E1 should not be used during ARDS due to sepsis. There are no specific data allowing recommendations in severe sepsis. S 96 Rationale Oxygen scavengers Several prostaglandins which have both an anti-inflammatory and a vasoactive effect have been studied including prostaglandin I2 and particularly prostaglandin E1 [32, 33, 34, 35] during ARDS. The vast majority of these patients had ARDS due to severe infections or sepsis. An early, small, randomized study showed promising results [32]. However, a large multicenter, randomized, controlled, double blind study failed to show any difference in survival [33]. An increase in oxygen delivery and oxygen consumption was noted in treated patients who survived [34]. A recent, multicenter randomized, controlled, double-blind study with liposomal prostaglandin E1 (TLC C-53) showed that indices of oxygenation of treated ARDS patients were improved compared with controls, but without any effect upon duration of mechanical ventilation or 28 days mortality [35]. Again, most ARDS was due to sepsis in these two large studies. No data are really available concerning an overall group of patients with severe sepsis. Several oxygen scavengers are currently available, including N-acetylcysteine (NAC), vitamin E, vitamin C, and selenium. Vitamins E and C have been only poorly studied in humans, and we focus on N-acetylcysteine and selenium. Should pentoxifylline be used in the treatment of severe sepsis in (a) adults, (b) infants? Answer: (a) no, grade B; (b) no, grade C. Recommendations Pentoxifylline should not be used in adults with severe sepsis unless new studies show a significant effect. The positive effect of a small study in infants should be confirmed before clinical use. Rationale Pentoxifylline, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect including a strong inhibition of tumor necrosis factor secretion, has been used successfully in many animal studies with the prevention of the transition from a hyperdynamic to hypodynamic state, although no effect upon mortality has been shown [36]. Human studies are more scarce. A multicenter, randomized, controlled, double-blind study during sepsis showed an increase in PaO2/FIO2 ratio but no effect upon cytokines levels or mortality [37]. A recent double-blind study performed in premature infants with sepsis showed a decrease in cytokines levels and a significant decrease in mortality (1/40 vs. 6/38 p = 0.046) [38]. However, the size of this study was rather small, and additional large studies are mandatory. Should N-acetylcysteine be used in the treatment of severe sepsis? Answer: no, grade C. Recommendations NAC should not be used in severe sepsis until new data are available, focusing in particular on very early therapy. Rationale During acute lung injury an improvement in oxygenation and reduction in the required length of mechanical ventilation was found in patients treated with NAC compared to controls [39]. However, several randomized studies have shown no difference in mortality, gas exchange, and development of respiratory failure in patients treated with NAC [39, 40]. Several studies have also been performed during severe sepsis, with heterogeneous results [41, 42, 43, 44]. Depressed cardiac performance has been described in septic patients treated with NAC [42]. A very recent multicenter, randomized, controlled, double-blind study showed that a prolonged infusion of NAC is unable to prevent multiple organ failure in consecutively admitted critically ill patients [43]. In this study treatment used more than 24 h after the initial insult worsened the prognosis compared to controls. Better results were obtained when the drug was use before the insult, as during cardiac surgery [44]. These results suggest that this compound could be helpful when started before (or perhaps shortly after) the insult, but possibly harmful when started too late. Combinations of several antioxidants have also been published, but data are too limited to allow recommendations [45]. Should selenium be used in the treatment of severe sepsis? Answer: no, grade C. S 97 Fig. 1 Effect of proinflammatory cytokines. Upon coagulation cascade during sepsis leading to an activation of tissue factor, a depletion in protein C (via a decrease in thrombomodulin levels) antithrombin III and C1 inhibitor, and a decrease in fibrinolysis (via the effect of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1) Recommendations Selenium should not be used for severe sepsis. Additional studies are warranted to confirm initial positive data. Rationale A profound depletion in selenium levels has been demonstrated in many severe septic patients [46]. Mortality and morbidity are far higher in patients with a very low selenium level [46]. A recent prospective, randomized, but nonblinded study performed in septic patients showed that selenium replacement is able to reduce severity indexes at day 3 and reduce the need for hemodialysis but has no significant effect upon mortality (52 % in controls and 33, 5 % in treated patients, p = 0.13) [47]. Additional large studies are needed to confirm initial promising results. Drugs modifying coagulation There are complex interactions between the inflammation and coagulation systems (Fig. 1). Proinflammatory cytokines activate coagulation cascades, in particular via an effect upon tissue factor which is a key player in the coagulation cascade. They can also reduce fibrinolysis and profoundly reduce the levels of protein C and of antithrombin III which are important anticoagulant agents. Antithrombin III inhibits several coagulation factors of the extrinsic pathway such as factors IXa, XIa, XIIa in addition to factors Xa, IIa, and plasmin. Activated protein C inhibits factors Va, Vlla, and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1. The overall effect during sepsis is a marked procoagulant balance. Conversely, coagulation products can activate the inflammation network which creates numerous amplification loops. For example, thrombin can induce an up-regulation of Pand E-selectin, and contact factor activation can induce the production of bradykinin, worsening hypotension and tissue hypoperfusion. In humans studies, both anti- S 98 thrombin III and protein C levels are sharply decreased [48], and mortality of septic patients is inversely correlated with the levels of those two products. This makes the rationale for studying those types of compounds, such as antithrombin III, protein C, and tissue factor protein inhibitor very strong. Only antithrombin III is currently available. Should antithrombin III be used in the treatment of severe sepsis? Answer: no, grade B. Recommendations Antithrombin III should not be used during severe sepsis. Countries which allow the free use of this drug in this setting should reconsider their position. Rationale Antithrombin III is a drug which is widely used for septic patients in several countries. Three randomized, small, double-blind studies were published [49, 50, 51]. Duration of disseminated intravascular coagulation was reduced [49] as well as the number of organ failures [51], but mortality was not different although a positive trend was clearly noted. A meta-analysis was also performed [51] showing a 22.9 % reduction in mortality but which did not reach statistical significance. Unfortunately a large multicenter, prospective, double-blind study has recently been completed which showed no significant improvement in survival [52]. The complete data have not yet been published. Other drugs such as activated protein C and tissue factor inhibitors are not currently available and are discussed elsewhere (see Arndt and Abraham, ªImmunological therapy of sepsis: experimental therapiesº). Drugs enhancing host defenses After the initial activation of the proinflammatory network, a profound immunodepression can occur in septic patients [53]. This could influence outcome increasing the risk of nosocomial infections. Several strategies have been used to increase host defenses, including polyvalent immunoglobulins, interferon-g, stimulating factors for granulocytes [including granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF)], and immunonutrition. The latter is discussed elsewhere (see PØrez and Dellinger, ªOther supportive therapy in sepsisº). Should intravenous immunoglobulins be used in the treatment of severe sepsis in (a) adults or (b) neonates? Answer: (a) no, grade C; (b) no, grade C. Recommendations Immunoglobulins should not be used either in adult patients or in neonates with sepsis, unless additional large studies confirm some positive data in small-sized metaanalyses. Countries which allow a wide use of these compounds should reconsider their position and encourage these studies. Rationale Intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) are widely used in both infants and adults in the treatment of severe sepsis, at least in certain countries. Reports which support their empirical use, however, are still rather weak. The rationale is to restore immunoglobulins levels, which may be depressed in sepsis, and to provide patients with specific antibodies against micro-organisms. No individual well designed clinical study has been performed in adults with severe sepsis. A recent study was performed in patients with streptococcal toxic shock syndrome [54]. This was a comparative nonblinded study performed in 21 patients which demonstrated a significantly reduced mortality (67 % vs. 34 %, p = 0.02). Both Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II scores and IVIG were prognostic factors in the multivariate analysis. The odds ratio associated with IVIG was 8.1 (95 % CI: 1.6±45). A recent meta-analysis by the Cochrane group [55] looking at 23 studies (some of them unpublished) on immunoglobulins, antiendotoxins, and anticytokines, extracted from the small size studies already published, evaluated a population of 413 patients receiving polyclonal immunoglobulins. Mortality was significantly reduced (relative risk: 0.6; 95 % CI: 0.47±0.76). Results were even more positive when only sepsis related deaths were considered. A large, well designed, multicenter, randomized, doubleblind study is, however, warranted before making firm conclusions. Two prophylactic studies have been published recently [56, 57]. A study performed in cardiac surgery patients showed no difference in the occurrence of sepsis between polyvalent IVIG and IgM-enriched immunoglobulin [56]. A prospective comparative study showed that IVIG and not placebo is able to prevent nosocomial infections after major surgery [57]. Such prophylactic studies are needed in this field in nonsurgical critically ill patients. In neonatal sepsis, a recent meta-analysis of 110 newborns in three studies showed that IVIG is able to re- S 99 duce mortality significantly (odds ratio: 0.173; 95 % CI: 0.031±0.735; p = 0.007) [58]. However, the size of the overall population was very small, and large studies are urgently warranted. In the same meta-analysis the effect of IVIG in the prevention of sepsis in 4933 evaluable newborns was significant (p = 0.0193, two-tailed), although heterogeneity of the studies precluded estimation of an overall odds ratio. Other Drugs Interferon-g Growth hormone should not be used in patients with sepsis because it increases mortality. Interferon-g has been used successfully in animals models of Gram-negative sepsis [59, 60]. Few data are available in human sepsis. The drug has been used with positive results to prevent infection during chronic granulomatous disease [61] and trauma [62, 63]. The drug, however, was unable to prevent infections in burn patients [64]. Data are insufficient for therapy of severe sepsis to allow recommendations. Should growth hormone be used in the treatment of severe sepsis? Answer: no, grade A. Recommendations Rationale Answer: no, grade C. The administration of growth hormone could in theory attenuate the catabolic response to injury, surgery or sepsis. Two prospective double-blind studies with more than 200 patients each were recently reported in critically ill patients with cardiac or abdominal surgery, multiple trauma or acute respiratory failure [71]. Mortality was increased significantly in treated patients. The relative risk in these two pooled studies was 1.9 (95 % CI: 1.3±2.9). Length of stay and duration of mechanical ventilation were longer in treated survivors than in controls. Recommendations Antimicrobial compounds G-CSF should not be used in nonneutropenic patients with severe sepsis. Polymixin B. Polymixin B is able to neutralize endotoxin via strong antilipid A activity [72]. Since it is very toxic, it is difficult to use intravenously in humans, although some derivates are less toxic. Extracorporeal techniques, in which polymyxin is coated on membranes, are under investigation. Should granulocyte colony stimulating factor be used in the treatment of severe infections? Rationale G-CSF is very efficient and reduces mortality in animal models of abdominal sepsis [65, 66]. During pneumonia models in rats the drug has been shown to exert different effects according to the micro-organisms involved [67]. Preliminary studies have been performed in community or hospital acquired pneumonia with controversial results [68, 69]. In patients with head trauma and receiving mechanical ventilation G-CSF prophylaxis did not improve outcome nor lower the risk of nosocomial pneumonia [70]. Ketoconazole. Ketaconazole, one of the new imidazoles, has a strong effect upon thromboxane synthase inhibition and has been shown to prevent ARDS in septic patients in a small double-blind randomized study [73]. A recent study performed in 234 patients, however, failed to demonstrate any effect upon mortality and duration of mechanical ventilation in ARDS patients [74]. No data are available in patients with sepsis. Other antibiotics Immunonutrition See PØrez and Dellinger, ªOther supportive therapies in sepsis.º Some antibiotics have anti-inflammatory effects, in particular in decreasing cytokine release. Effects have been shown for vancomycin [75] trovafloxacin [76] and ciprofloxacin [77]. S 100 Taurolidine Hemofiltration and plasma filtration Taurolidine is an anti-infective agent (nonantibiotic), used either locally, or intravenously, which has some antibacterial effect associated with an antiendotoxin effect. A randomized placebo-controlled study failed to demonstrate any effect on outcome in sepsis [78]. Should hemofiltration be used in the treatment of patients with severe sepsis, without renal indications? Answer: no, grade C. Recommendations Other drugs currently used Many other drugs that we use daily could have important effects upon inflammation, including heparin, fresh frozen plasma [79], and anesthetic, sedative, and analgesic agents [80]. A recent review [80] describes the potential effects of these agents upon immunomodulation. Catecholamines and inflammation. It is well known that inotropic agents such as catecholamines have a significant impact upon inflammation [81]. Epinephrine inhibits tumor necrosis factor and potentiates interleukin10 leading to a significant anti-inflammatory effect [82], via an effect upon macrophages [83]. Dopamine increases interleukin-6 release but decreases tumor necrosis factor [84]. Recent data support the concept that the anti-inflammatory effect of catecholamines explains the possible beneficial effects of supranormal oxygen delivery in critically ill surgical patients [85]. These data do not enable clinicians to take into account the effect of catecholamines upon inflammation in deciding which is the best to use. Hemofiltration should not be used in patients with sepsis without renal indications unless ongoing studies provide positive results. Rationale Hemofiltration has been shown to decrease cytokines levels significantly, although temporarily during severe sepsis in humans. The technique is widely used in Europe and many authors have strong opinions [86] regarding its use, although the data are weak. A randomized, still unpublished study found no effect upon mortality [87]. Another randomized controlled study [88] reported a 15 % (nonsignificant) increase in survival for filtrated patients. Favorable results have been described for cardiac surgery patients [89]. Large multicenter studies are currently under way. Plasma filtration induced a significant attenuation of acute-phase response in a randomized, prospective study recently performed in 22 adults with sepsis [90]. However, no difference in mortality and only a trend toward fewer organ failures were noted. Plasma exchange has also been used in severe meningococcemia in children [91] with varying results. References 1. Hinshaw LB, Archer LT, Beller Todd BK, et al (1981) Survival in primates in lethal septic shock following delayed treatment with steroid. Circ Shock 8: 291±300 2. Hinshaw LB, Beller Todd BK, Archer LT, et al (1979) Recovery from lethal Escherichia coli shock in dogs. Surg Gynecol Obstet 149: 545±553 3. 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Ninth Avenue, Denver, CO 80262, USA E-mail: Phone: +1-3 03-3 15 70 47 Fax: +1-3 03-3 15 56 32 Introduction An excessive inflammatory response accompanies the initial stages of severe infection and appears to contribute to associated organ system failure and death [1, 2, 3]. A number of immunomodulatory therapies aimed at decreasing the dysregulated inflammatory response have been examined in patients with sepsis (Table 1). The published literature from 1985 to 2000 was reviewed in preparing this summary of the major approaches to modifying immunological pathways that have been examined in clinical trials, using the key words of sepsis, septic shock, endotoxemia, cytokines, immunology, coagulation, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) a, interleukin (IL) 1, and human. Pathophysiology Although microbial products, such as endotoxins, have been targets for therapy in sepsis, a fundamental concept is that the constellation of abnormalities in these patients is not due to the direct effect of the infectious agent or its products but rather results from the patient's own inflammatory response to infection. Initially, activation of complement was considered causal, particularly the fifth component of complement, which is a potent neutrophil activator and produces a capillary hyperpermeability syndrome [4, 5]. The release of platelet-activating factor (PAF) was also thought to be responsible for hypotension and organ system dysfunction in sepsis, particularly since PAF is a potent hypotensive agent [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. Using specific inhibitors of PAF, animals given lethal bacterial toxins survive [8, 9]. Similar results were obtained when cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors were administered to animals lethally challenged with endotoxin or bacteria, implicating cyclo-oxygenase products as a contributing cause to septic shock [11, 12, 13]. In the absence of infection, high doses of TNF administered to animals induced circulatory collapse and organ necrosis which were similar to those observed in humans with septic shock [13]. Similar results were observed with high doses of IL-1 [13]. Injecting a combination of low doses of IL-1 plus TNF revealed synergistic effects in inducing shock [13]. Neutralizing TNF activity with antibodies [14, 15, 16] or soluble receptor fusion constructs [17], or blocking IL-1 receptors [18, 19] was effective in preventing death in animal models of lethal bacteremia or endotoxemia. The findings in animal models were confirmed when humans were injected with either IL-1 or TNF as cancer chemotherapy [20, 21, 22], the most impressive physiological consequence of which was the fall in blood pressure. The hypotension was dose-dependent and, despite a short plasma halflife of less than 10 min, the biological consequences could be observed for days. The logical clinical conclusion from these data was that reducing the biological effects of systemic TNF or IL-1 would reduce the risk of dying from septic shock since these cytokines appeared to be essential for the manifestation of the disease. The biological basis for the development of a shocklike state after systemic IL-1 or TNF has been established at the molecular level. Both cytokines activate the transcription of genes that increase the production of small, potent, proinflammatory mediator molecules. For example, IL-1 and TNF increase gene expression and synthesis for phospholipase A2 (PLA2) leading to increased PAF synthesis [23]. Similarly, an increase in cyclo-oxygenase type II (COX-2) by IL-1 or TNF results S 105 Table 1 Immunomodulatory therapies examined in sepsis Agent Number of patients enrolled in each trial of the agent Antiendotoxin antibodies HA-1A E5 543 [58], 2199 [61] 488 [60], 847 [59], 1102 [118] Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist 99 [71], 893 [72], 696 [113] Bradykinin antagonist Anti-TNF-a monoclonal antibodies Murine anti-TNF Murine anti-TNF-a Fab2'fragments 251 [3], 504 [112] 971 [6], 564 [7], 1879 [10] 122 [76], 39 [3], 446 [3] TNF receptor fusion proteins p75 TNF receptor fusion protein p55 TNF receptor fusion protein 141 [78] 498 [8], 1340 [79] Platelet-activating factor antagonists Ibuprofen (cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor) 262 [114], 668 [115] 29 [116], 30 [113], 455 [117] in elevated levels of prostaglandin E2 [24, 25, 26] Nitric oxide (NO) is a potent vasodilator and thought to be primarily responsible for the hypotension and myocardial suppression in septic shock [27]. IL-1, TNF, and interferon-g, particularly the combination of the three, activate gene expression and synthesis of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) [13, 28, 29, 30, 31]. Compared to IL-1 and TNF, no other cytokine has been shown to reproduce the dramatic hypotension and pathophysiological parameters of septic shock in animals or in humans. This does not mean that other cytokines do not participate in the pathogenesis of the event. For example, animals treated with neutralizing antibodies to interferon-g are protected against lethal endotoxemia [29]. Neutralizing antibodies to IL-8 in models of inflammation reduce neutrophil infiltration in the lung, kidneys, and myocardium [32]. Other cytokines, both proinflammatory, such as IL-12 [33] and macrophage-inducing factor [34], and anti-inflammatory, such as IL-10 [35, 36, 37], as well as other mediators of inflammation such as adhesion molecules [38, 39, 40, 41], also appear to have a role in modulating cellular function in models of endotoxemia or bacteremia. Antiendotoxin therapies Antiendotoxin therapies, both nonspecific, such as intravenous immunoglobulins, and specific, such as human antiserum to heat killed Escherichia coli J5 and murine (E5) and humanized (HA1A) antibodies directed against the lipid A component of endotoxin, have been investigated in large populations of adult patients with presumed sepsis [42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51]. Although initial results were encouraging, particularly in patients with Gram-negative sepsis, larger clinical trials showed no benefit. In part, the lack of effect of the monoclonal E5 and HA1A antibodies may have been due to the inability of these antibodies to effectively block the effects of endotoxin. In particular, when cultured macrophages are first incubated with either E5 or HA1A, and endotoxin added, there is no decrease in the release of either IL-1 or TNF by these cells [52]. These findings indicate that neither of these antibodies is able to prevent endotoxin from activating cells to produce proinflammatory cytokines. Given these in vitro results, it is in retrospect not surprising that clinical trials with these antibodies were also negative. Bactericidal/permeability increasing (BPI) protein is a member of a group of naturally occurring proteins that bind to the lipid A portion of endotoxin [53]. BPI is produced in neutrophils and stored in their primary granules. In in vitro studies BPI effectively binds to lipopolysaccharide, prevents the LPS-induced inflammatory response from occurring (i.e., release of TNF-a and IL-6 from cells), and significantly reduces Gramnegative bacteria viability [54, 55]. In animal models of septic shock the administration of BPI significantly improved hemodynamics, lowered endotoxin levels, decreased markers of inflammation (serum levels of TNF-a and IL-6), and improved survival when given up to 30 min after an infusion of LPS or E. coli [56, 57]. In a small, phase I/II, open-labeled clinical trial in patients with severe meningococcal sepsis, BPI given by continuous infusion improved survival compared to that predicted by the Glasgow Meningococcal Prognostics Septicemia Score (96 % compared to < 70 %) [58]. Unfortunately, these results were unable to be confirmed in a larger, double-blind, randomized phase III study of BPI in the therapy of pediatric patients with severe meningococcal disease. There are several important issues that may limit the utility of any antiendotoxin therapy, no matter how potent. First, high levels of endotoxin are associated primarily with Gram-negative bacterial infections, and ideally patients with a high probability of such infections would therefore be targeted for antiendotoxin thera- S 106 pies. However, it is very difficult to identify such patients since the clinical presentation of Gram-negative infection is often not significantly different from that of Gram-positive, or culture-negative sepsis. Second, endotoxin often initiates inflammatory cascades leading to organ system dysfunction in septic patients. By the time these patients are first seen and antiendotoxin therapy considered, cellular dysfunction may be established and not amenable to correction by such therapy, unless endotoxin continues to be present and to drive such pathophysiological sequelae. Animal models investigating BPI and other antiendotoxin therapies have generally used pretreatment strategies. It is unclear whether benefit can be shown in preclinical models or in the clinical setting when such therapies are administered several hours to days after the onset of endotoxemia or Gram-negative sepsis. Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist The interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) is a naturally occurring inhibitor of IL-1 which competitively binds to the IL-1 receptor [18, 19]. In preclinical studies, involving primarily rabbits and mice, infusion of IL-1ra starting before or shortly after the onset of endotoxemia or bacteremia improve survival [18, 19]. Interestingly, in baboon studies [59, 60] IL-1ra therapy appears to have a minimal effect in blunting endotoxemia-induced increases in IL-6, TNF-a, or circulating levels of TNF receptors, suggesting that in primates IL-1 does not have a central role in the sepsis-induced inflammatory response. Although a small (n = 99) nonblinded phase II trial [61] suggested that IL-1ra can improve survival in septic patients, two large subsequent phase III studies [62, 63] were unable to demonstrate similar efficacy. In part, the inability of IL-1ra to provide benefit to septic patients may be because IL-1 does not occupy a central, pivotal role in perpetuating the inflammatory response and producing organ system dysfunction in human sepsis, as was suggested by the baboon endotoxemia studies [59, 60] reviewed above. Additionally, the failure of IL1ra to reduce mortality may reflect a timing issue, generic in sepsis studies. In particular, even if IL-1 is important in initiating a proinflammatory response, its role may be minimal by the time the patients are recognized and entered into a clinical trial. Indeed, very few septic patients have elevated plasma levels of IL-1, and therefore the number of patients who truly had increased IL-1 tissue expression at the time of enrollment into the IL-1ra studies is unknown. Such information is of obvious importance because therapies inhibiting IL-1 would be expected to have a beneficial effect only in patients with increased expression of this cytokine. Anti-tumor necrosis factor therapies The two major approaches taken to neutralizing TNF have involved either monoclonal anti-TNF antibodies or fusion protein constructs in which the extramembrane portion of the p55 (type I) or p75 (type II) TNF receptor is joined to the Fc fragment of a human IgG1 antibody. Pretreatment of endotoxemic or bacteremic animals with anti-TNF-a antibodies or TNF receptor fusion protein constructs results in clear improvements in survival and amelioration of organ system dysfunction [14, 15, 16, 17]. In some models of Gram-negative or Gram-positive bacteremia, administration of anti-TNFa antibodies at the time of initiation of the bacteremic insult or even shortly thereafter (i.e., within the first hour) is still associated with a significant survival benefit [64]. However, the use of such antibodies at later time points in endotoxemic or bacteremic models does not appear to be associated with any clear benefits. Although several small studies [65, 66] have suggested that anti-TNF-a antibody therapy improved certain physiological parameters, such as cardiac output, in septic patients, they were too small to detect any survival benefit. The initial study powered to examine day 28 survival with such therapy was the North American Sepsis Trial (NORASEPT I), which examined a murine IgG1 monoclonal antibody in the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock [67]. A total of 994 patients were enrolled, of whom approximately one-half were in shock at the time of randomization. Overall, there was no statistically significant benefit associated with anti-TNF therapy. However, in the prospectively defined subgroup of patients with septic shock a statistically significant reduction in mortality was present during the first 2 weeks after administration of monoclonal anti-TNF-a antibody compared to placebo. At day 28 after anti-TNF-a therapy the reduction in mortality among septic shock patients was 17 % compared to those receiving placebo. By contrast, no benefit was found with anti-TNF-a therapy in patients not in shock at study entry. In the NORASEPT I shock patients the beneficial effect of anti-TNF-a antibodies on survival appeared within the first 24 h after enrollment; the greatest separation between the survival curves for placebo and anti-TNF antibody-treated patients occurred during this time [67]. Approximately 60 % of the placebo deaths occurred within the first 3 days of the study. Treatment with 7.5 mg/kg monoclonal anti-TNF-a antibodies was associated with a 49 % reduction in mortality versus placebo at day 3 after study enrollment. A second study, the International Sepsis Trial (INTERSEPT), using the same murine monoclonal antiTNF-a antibody as NORASEPT I, was undertaken in 14 primarily European countries [68]. Although the INTERSEPT study initially enrolled septic patients with S 107 and without shock, after the results of NORASEPT I were available, only shock patients were entered into INTERSEPT. A total of 564 patients, of whom 420 were in septic shock, were enrolled. Day 28 mortality was reduced by 14.5 % in patients who received 3 mg/ kg monoclonal anti-TNF-a antibody, with no reduction in mortality found in those receiving 15 mg/kg. There was no evidence of early survival benefit (i.e., within the first 3 days after anti-TNF antibody infusion), a similar finding to that seen in NORASEPT I. Additionally, whereas 60 % of the placebo deaths among patients in shock occurred within the first 3 study days in NORASEPT I, fewer than 45 % of placebo deaths occurred within this period in the INTERSEPT study. A recently completed study (NORASEPT II) enrolled 1900 patients with septic shock and examined the potential utility of 7.5 mg/kg the murine monoclonal anti-TNF-a antibody [69]. No improvement in survival was found in the actively treated group, all-cause mortality at day 28 being 40.3 % in monoclonal anti-TNF-a antibody treated patients compared to 42.8 % in those receiving placebo. Although the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II scores, day 28 mortality rates, sex ratio, and percentage of patients with one or more organ failures present at baseline were similar in NORASEPT I and NORASEPT II, there did appear to be substantial differences in patient survival patterns. Whereas more than 60 % of the deaths in the placebo arm of NORASEPT I occurred in the first 3 days after study entry, the mean time to death in the placebo group of NORASEPT II was delayed, averaging 6.8 days. These differences in survival may reflect improvements between the two studies in the supportive care provided to patients with septic shock, resulting in better survival from the initial hypotensive episode and associated immediate complications, a period in which proinflammatory cytokine release, including that for TNF-a, may be greatest. If advances in management have permitted critically ill septic patients to better survive the initial state of accelerated cytokine expression, this would diminish the efficacy of therapies aimed at modulating the early proinflammatory response. An additional concern in interpreting the NORASEPT II data revolves about the efficacy of the antiTNF antibody used. Even though only a minority of patients had detectable levels of circulating TNF-a at baseline and posttreatment time points, review of posttreatment plasma TNF-a levels showed continued presence of circulating TNF-a in the antibody treated group. Therefore a question remains as to the ability of the anti-TNF antibody employed in the doses used in NORASEPT I, INTERSEPT, and NORASEPT II, to actually block cytokine activity. The utility of administering F(ab')2 fragments of a murine IgG3 monoclonal antibody to TNF-a has been examined in patients with severe sepsis or septic shock [70, 71]. There were 122 patients entered in the initial clinical trial, and no increase in survival from sepsis for the patients receiving anti-TNF treatment was detected overall [70]. However, a retrospective stratification of patients according to their plasma interleukin-6 (IL-6) concentrations suggested beneficial effects for the drug in patients (n = 37) with baseline levels greater than 1000 pg/ml. In patients with IL-6 levels greater than 1000 pg/ml, mortality decreased from 80 % in the placebo group to 35 % in patients who received the highest dose (1 mg/kg) of the anti-TNF-a therapy. Two larger unpublished studies in Europe and North America have shown an aggregate reduction in mortality of approximately 3.5 % for patients receiving anti-TNF-a antibody fragments. These results were consistent with those found in NORASEPT II [69], INTERSEPT [68], and the p55 TNF receptor fusion protein [72] studies which found no relationship between IL-6 levels and response to anti-TNF therapy. Three clinical studies have reported results using soluble TNF receptor constructs as anti-TNF agents. In the first of these clinical trials [73] the molecule used consisted of the extramembrane components of the human type II (p75) receptor joined to the Fc portion of a human IgG1 antibody molecule [17]. Patients (n = 141) with septic shock, with or without associated organ system dysfunction, were entered into the study. A significant dose-dependent increase in mortality was found in patients treated with this p75 soluble TNF receptor construct, with mortality rising from 30 % in the placebo group to 53 % in the patients treated with the highest dose (1.5 mg/kg) of the anti-TNF compound. The enhanced mortality associated with treatment with the p75 TNF receptor molecule may be related to the extremely high doses used in the study. Although potency estimates are difficult to quantitate, soluble TNF receptor fusion proteins appear to inactivate TNF-a more than 50 times as effectively as the monoclonal antibodies [72], and therefore therapy with a dose of 1.5 mg/kg of the p75 TNF receptor fusion protein would be expected to completely neutralize TNF-a for a prolonged period, especially given the long halflife of the compound (> 60 h). TNF-a is an essential component of normal inflammatory responses, and prolonged neutralization of its activity may have potent immunosuppressive effects leading to increased mortality. Two clinical trials have examined the role of a p55 TNF receptor fusion protein construct in septic patients. In the initial 498 patient study, separate randomization lists were used for patients with severe sepsis with or without early shock, shock and for those with refractory septic shock [72]. The doses of the p55 TNF receptor complex used in this study (0.008, 0.042, and 0.08 mg/ kg) were substantially lower than those administered in the p75 TNF receptor complex clinical trial [73]. Therapy with 0.08 mg/kg of the p55 TNF receptor fusion pro- S 108 tein complex, but not other doses, was associated with a 36 % reduction (p = 0.07) in day 28 mortality in the prospectively defined patient group with severe sepsis with or without early septic shock. By contrast, no beneficial effects were apparent with any dose of the p55 receptor complex in patients with refractory septic shock. Because of the apparent benefit of the p55 TNF receptor fusion protein in severe sepsis with or without early septic shock, a 1340 patient, phase III study was undertaken in this patient population [74]. No improvement in day 28 all cause mortality or in surrogate endpoints, such as organ failure scores, was found in patients treated with the p55 TNF receptor construct compared to placebo. Notably, the p55 TNF receptor fusion protein used in this phase III study was from a different batch than that in the phase II study, with differences in glycosylation, and had slightly lower TNF neutralizing ability, and therefore higher doses (approximately 0.125 mg/kg) were used. It is unknown what role if any these alterations in molecular structure or binding potency played in the different outcomes between the phase II and phase III clinical trials. Phospholipase A2 inhibition Nonpancreatic PLA2 (sPLA2) is released into the systemic circulation after endotoxin exposure and reproduces the hemodynamic profile of severe sepsis when administered intravenously to animals [75]. sPLA2 catalyzes the hydrolysis of membrane phospholipids resulting in the production of PAF as well as other lysophospholipids [75]. PLA2 levels are increased in the serum of humans with severe sepsis, without significant increases in patients hospitalized with other diagnoses or trauma patients. Levels are correlated with hypotensive episodes and survival in patients with severe sepsis [75, 77, 78, 79, 80]. These results suggest that inhibition of sPLA2 would be of benefit in patients with severe sepsis. Inhibitors of sPLA2 activity decrease PAF and leukotriene levels and improve survival in murine models of septic shock [76]. A human phase II trial of the use of a sPLA2 inhibitor in severe sepsis has recently been completed and demonstrated no benefit in all enrolled patients. Results of subgroup analyses should be available in the near future. Nitric oxide inhibition NO, previously called endothelium-derived relaxing factor, is synthesized by endothelial cells by way of NOS, can be released into the systemic circulation, and then can function to regulate blood flow to tissues [81]. Exposure to endotoxin increases endothelial secretion of NO [82, 83], predominately by upregulating the in- ducible form of NOS (iNOS) [84, 85]. Specific inhibitors of iNOS, in particular NG-methyl-L-arginine (LNAME), have reduced the hypotensive response in animals infused with endotoxin, but have not improved their survival [85, 86]. The adverse effects of iNOS inhibitors, including a decrease in cardiac output and an increase in pulmonary artery pressure, have resulted in questions regarding their potential benefit in humans with severe sepsis [81, 87]. Additionally, continuous infusion of L-NAME resulted in an increase in mortality in an animal model of septic shock [87]. Two small, open-label studies of L-NAME infusion have reported reproducible and sustained increases in mean arterial pressure in humans with severe sepsis [81, 88]. However, both studies were associated with increases in pulmonary artery pressures and a fall in cardiac output requiring an increase in dobutamine infusion in one study [81, 88]. The fall in cardiac output was greatest in the high-dose group (20 mg/kg per hour) and was associated with electrocardiographic evidence of cardiac ischemia in 27 % of the patients in this group [88]. A recent phase III clinical trial utilizing continuous L-NAME infusion in patients with severe sepsis was discontinued due to an increase in adverse effects, including statistically significantly increased mortality in the L-NAME group [89]. Anticoagulation The coagulation system is activated in animal models and in humans with severe sepsis as evidenced by the presence of intravascular thrombi in vessels on tissue specimens and the frequent occurrence of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) [90, 91]. The activation of the coagulation system is associated with decreased levels of fibrinogen, increased levels of activated factor X, and increased levels of tissue factor and its inhibitor, tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) [90]. Additionally, activation of coagulation in the setting of severe infection appears to potentiate proinflammatory responses, primarily through the activation of endothelial cells, which then produce inflammatory mediators, including cytokines such as TNF-a. Several studies have investigated modulation of the coagulation system including the administration of TFPI, anti-Xa, and activated protein C (APC). TFPI is a naturally occurring, circulating protein which can inhibit the procoagulant effects of tissue factor by binding to factor Xa and then to the tissue factor±VIIa complex [90, 92]. Circulating levels of TFPI increase after exposure to endotoxin [90, 92]. A phase II study investigating the infusion of TFPI in patients with severe sepsis was recently completed with a trend toward clinical benefit [93]. A large international phase III study of TFPI in severe sepsis is presently underway. S 109 Blockade of factor Xa in the extrinsic coagulation pathway has been investigated in animal models of severe sepsis. In animals administered endotoxin, dansyl glutamyl-glycyl-arginyl chloromethyl ketone-treatedXa, a factor Xa inhibitor, prevented endotoxemia induced DIC but did not affect survival [94]. Early human trials are underway investigating the potential benefit of factor Xa inhibition in severe sepsis. APC is an anticoagulant formed when protein C is cleaved by thrombin [95, 96]. In children and adults with severe meningococcemia and/or purpura fulminans, serum APC levels are depressed and are correlated with clinical outcome [97, 98]. Several small nonrandomized trials utilizing infusions of protein C (50±100 IU/kg every 6 h) have been performed in adults and children with severe meningococcal disease and purpura fulminans [96, 99, 100, 101]. Although these studies were not powered to detect a difference in mortality, protein C infusion normalized sera protein C levels, increased fibrinogen levels and was accompanied by resolution of DIC [96, 99, 100, 101]. A phase II trial of APC in sepsis showed a nonsignificant trend towards improved survival in APC-treated patients [95]. A large phase III study of APC in sepsis was recently stopped after approximately 1500 patients were enrolled because of efficacy associated with APC therapy [101 a]. Such positive results with APC suggest that infusions of APC will become part of the standard therapy in severely ill septic patients. Definitions and entry criteria Entry criteria for sepsis trials have been designed primarily to include patients with clinical evidence of infection associated with the recent development of organ system dysfunction believed to be due to this infectious process [102, 103]. Because of the perceived need to enroll patients early in their clinical course, positive microbiological cultures have not been required. Indeed, in a number of recent studies only a minority of patients had positive blood cultures, with bacteremia present in about 30 % [63, 67, 68, 69]. The definitions of sepsis and septic shock used in most clinical trials did not include consideration of the length of time that the infective process had been present, nor of its anatomic site. Such a classification may be particularly important since animal studies have shown differing patterns of response to anticytokine therapies, such as anti-TNF-a monoclonal antibodies, for intra-abdominal infections compared to bacteremias, and for rapidly initiated infectious processes, such as acute bacteremia, compared to more slowly developing infections, such as peritonitis [104]. No microbiological classifications were used prospectively in clinical trials of immunomodulatory agents even though re- sponses to anti-inflammatory therapies may differ between Gram-positive and Gram-negative infections, and also may be more effective in patients with documented infections [73]. Even though recent clinical trials have targeted specific mediators, including endotoxin, IL-1, or TNF-a, which were postulated to have a pivotal role in the inflammatory cascade leading to organ system failure and death in sepsis, the actual presence of excessive levels of these mediators was not required for entry into the study. Rather, clinical criteria, such as the presence of one or more organ system failures, with or without shock, were used. Although elevation in the mediator of interest was postulated to accompany organ system dysfunction in septic patients, data gathered from the IL-1ra and anti-TNF clinical trials suggested that such a correlation was present in only a minority of cases. For example, in the North American Sepsis Trial (NORASEPT II) of a murine monoclonal antibody for septic shock only 40 % of patients had detectable circulating TNF-a levels at the time of enrollment [69]. In contrast, decreased levels of protein C were present in approximately 90 % of patients with signs of severe infection with associated organ failures, indicating that the Consensus Conference criteria were highly useful in identifying patients with deficiency of protein C, who would be an appropriate target population for APC therapy. The lack of a requirement to recruit demonstrably infected patients with elevated plasma levels of endotoxin or of the cytokine of interest may therefore have adversely affected outcome in trials examining immunomodulatory agents in sepsis. For example, improved efficacy of therapies, such as monoclonal anti-TNF-a antibodies, was found when blinded data safety monitoring committees eliminated patients without clear evidence of infection [105]. In the NORASEPT II trial of murine monoclonal anti-TNF-a antibodies there was an 18 % relative reduction in day 28 mortality compared to placebo in patients with detectable circulating TNF-a levels at the time of enrollment. By contrast, no effect of such anti-TNF therapy was seen in patients without elevated circulating TNF-a concentrations. Future directions Although a meta-analysis combining most of the clinical trials using anti-inflammatory agents has suggested that benefit in survival could be achieved with such therapies, the magnitude of such an effect was small [3]. By contrast, therapies directed against specific proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-a and IL-1 have produced remarkable clinical response in diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease [106, 107, 108]. S 110 The failure of immunomodulatory therapies to improve outcome in sepsis raises several questions about drug development strategies and the design of clinical trials in this area. First, there are reasons to believe that some of the agents tested were insufficiently potent to block the mediator of interest, or had properties directed at mediators which were not of central importance in determining clinical outcome. It is therefore not surprising that clinical studies with these agents were negative. Second, most of the immunomodulatory therapies used in the treatment of patients with sepsis showed impressive efficacy in animal models. Their subsequent failure in clinical trials raises concerns about the relevance of preclinical experimental models. Specifically, differences between the biochemical and immunological responses of patients with a clinical diagnosis of sepsis and animals with known bacterial infections or endotoxemia may explain the divergence of results between experimental and clinical studies. Third, the fact that agents such as anti-TNF-a antibodies are clinically effective in the setting of rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease raises questions about the heterogeneous nature of patients with sepsis. Overly broad definitions for sepsis may have diluted out any effect that such therapies could have in more clinically limited patient populations. Thus, whereas rheumatoid arthritis or Crohn's disease are well described entities with specific immunological, radiological, and pathophysiological diagnostic criteria, the defining features of sepsis are based mainly on organ system dysfunction developing in the appropriate clinical setting. Almost all clinical trials of immunomodulatory therapies have enrolled patients on the basis of clinical evidence of infection with associated organ system dysfunction, rather than requiring evidence that the immunological abnormality of interest is present. Such inclusion criteria may permit the entry of excessively heterogeneous patient populations and thereby prevent detection of beneficial effects that might be apparent in more homogeneous subgroups. Positive results associated with anti-TNF therapy in preventing Jarisch-Herxheimer reactions [109] suggest that there are specific groups of infected patients who do respond to immunomodulatory agents. Classification of infected patients based on demonstrable abnormalities in immunological or biochemical pathways may permit inclusion into therapeutic studies at earlier points in their clinical course, before organ dysfunction develops and becomes irreversible. In this case, patients with clinical evidence of infection and alteration in plasma levels of the mediator of interest, such as TNF-a, would be eligible for study enrollment. Such a classification scheme, in addition to allowing appropriate targeting of patient populations who may benefit from a specific therapeutic agent, would also mean that the development of clinically relevant organ system dysfunction can be used as an endpoint, rather than as entry criteria for clinical trials. There are substantial differences in the intracellular signaling cascades initiated by Gram-negative and Gram-positive infections [110], as well as by the site of infection. It would therefore appear reasonable to limit the nature and site of the infection in patients enrolled in future trials of immunomodulatory agents. For example, an immunomodulatory therapy would initially be investigated only in patients with evidence of meningococcemia or pneumococcal pneumonia. The use of mechanistic definitions to define patient populations who are at risk for infection-initiated organ system dysfunction lacks the reductionist simplicity of the Consensus Conference definitions of sepsis [101, 102], which generate large numbers of patients presenting with similar constellations of clinical findings. However, mechanistic definitions should provide more homogeneous groups of patients with activation of similar immunological or biochemical pathways, at earlier stages in their clinical course and who should respond to interruption of immunological or other cascades. 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Dellinger ( ) Division of Cardiovascular and Critical Care Medicine, Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, Chicago, Ill., USA E-mail: Phone: +1-3 12-9 42 33 30 Fax: +1-3 12-9 42 63 59 Introduction Because sepsis is associated with multisystem organ failure, there are many other supportive therapies used to treat these patients that do not directly relate to the sepsis process. Although most of these have been studied in randomized controlled clinical trials in hospitalized patients, few have been tested specifically in sepsis. Thus research and the literature support some, while others are extrapolations from other ill populations. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis, nutritional support, and stress ulcer prophylaxis (SUP) are important adjunctive considerations in the management of sepsis. Consumption coagulopathy makes the septic patient at risk for development of venous clots. Nutritional support, especially enteral, is recognized as important in supporting the critically ill septic patient who is unable to eat. In addition, sepsis and the associated organ dysfunction put the patient at increased risk for development of stress ulcers. Methods We performed a comprehensive Medline literature search from January 1966 to February 2000. The following terms were independently searched: DVT, deep vein thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, venous thrombosis, thromboembolic disease, pulmonary embolism, anticoagulation, warfarin, heparin, low-molecular weigh heparin, DVT prophylaxis, mechanical compression devices, external pneumatic compression, nutritional support, parenteral nutrition, total parenteral nutrition, enteral nutrition, immunoenhancing diets, immunomodulating diets, stress ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, SUP, gastrointestinal bleeding prophylaxis, gastrointestinal bleeding prevention, antacids, histamine antagonists, sucralfate, antiulcer agents, omeprazole, and proton-pump inhibitors. Each one of those terms was searched and crossed with the following: critical care, intensive care, infection, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, sepsis, severe sepsis, sepsis syndrome, septic shock, and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis in sepsis The use of DVT prophylaxis in higher risk postoperative patients has been universally accepted since the early 1970s when it was found to reduce the risk of thromboembolic phenomena in this group [1]. Many subsequent trials have continued to emphasize the value of DVT prophylaxis in most postoperative patients [2, 3, 4, 5]. In addition to postoperative patients, subcutaneous heparin has also proven efficacious in reducing the risk of thromboembolism among myocardial infarction [6, 7, 8, 9] and ischemic stroke patients [10, 11, 12]. Only a few studies of venous thromboembolism prophylaxis have been carried out on general medical wards, and medical intensive care units. In those studies, patients treated with subcutaneous heparin [13, 14, 15, 16, 17] or with low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) [18, 19] reduced the risk of thromboembolic events. Does DVT prophylaxis improve clinical outcome in patients with sepsis? Answer: yes, grade A. Recommendations Considering the frequent occurrence of independent risk factors for DVT in septic patients and the high per- S 117 Table 1 DVT prophylaxis studies performed in general populations of the acutely ill: percentage of sepsis/infected patients Reference Design, methods Setting n Infection, sepsis n % Pingleton et al. [13] Prospective/historical controls, V/Q angio, autopsy Respiratory care unit 188 53 28 Reduction in incidence of pulmonary embolism Cade [14] Prospective, double-blind placebo-control, I-fibrinogen scan ICU/medical ward 119/131 ND ± Reduction in incidence of DVT (29 % vs. 13 %) Halkin et al. [15] Randomized prospective control, no data Medical ward 1358 138 10 Reduction in mortality (10.9 % vs. 7.8 %) Belch et al. [16] Prospective randomized, control, I-fibrinogen scan ICU 100 52 52 Reduction in incidence of DVT (26 % vs. 4 %) Gardlund et al. [17] Prospective randomized, no data Medical ward 11693 1610 14 Minor thromboembolic events reduced Samana et al. [18] Placebo-control, doubleblind, randomized, venography, ultrasound, V/Q angio, CAT, autopsy Medical ward/ ICU 1102 584 53 Reduction in incidence of DVT (14.9 % vs. 5.5 %) Dahan et al. [19] Placebo-control randomized, I-fibrinogen Medical ward 270 11 4 Reduction in incidence of DVT (9 % to 3 %) centage of sepsis/infected patients included in studies that have demonstrated efficacy of DVT prophylaxis in general, septic patients should be treated with DVT prophylaxis. Even though there is not a randomized study that establishes the impact of DVT prophylaxis on morbidity and mortality specifically in septic patients, the significant number of septic patients included in the populations of patients enrolled in other prospective randomized trials supports that the use of DVT prophylaxis reduces morbidity and mortality in septic patients. Moreover, septic patients, especially those with severe sepsis and multiple organ failure, have less cardiopulmonary reserve, and the impact of a minor thromboembolic event in this group of patients could be very compromising. Rationale Patients in the intensive care unit are at high risk of development of thromboembolic phenomena [14, 20, 21]. Septic patients as described above are expected to be in the intensive care unit (ICU) and to be part of the population at risk. No definitive study restricted to the incidence of DVT in septic patients has been carried out. The significance of DVT prophylaxis on morbidity and mortality in septic patients needs to be implied based on the analysis of proportion of the septic patients included in the studies of the acutely ill patient in general (Table 1). Pingleton et al. [13], observed a reduction in the incidence of pulmonary embolism in patients admitted to the respiratory intensive care unit. Cade [14] Results found a reduction in the risk of thromboembolic events from 29 % to 13 % among patients admitted to ICU and treated with subcutaneous heparin. In the latter study, using a control group consisting of patients admitted to the medical ward and coronary care unit, a significantly higher incidence of thromboembolic events was found among patients admitted to the ICU. Halkin and coworkers [15], in a randomized prospective study of patients admitted to medical wards, compared treatment with low-dose unfractionated heparin to patients who did not receive any treatment. They found a significant reduction in mortality in heparin-treated patients (7.8 % vs. 10.9 %). Belch et al. [16], in a study carried out in medical patients admitted to the intensive care unit, found a significantly reduced incidence of thromboembolic events (4 % vs. 26 %) in the group treated with unfractionated heparin. Mortality was not addressed in the study. Gardlund et al. [17], found a significant reduction in minor embolic events in patients admitted to the hospital with infectious disease diagnoses who were treated with subcutaneous heparin versus those not treated, although there was no difference in mortality or major thromboembolic events. In a recently published trial [18] 1102 patients received either LMWH (in two different doses) or placebo. Although the patients included in this trial were not admitted to the ICU, many of them suffered from complicated conditions. Patients receiving 40 mg enoxaparin had a significant reduction in the incidence of thromboembolic phenomena (5.5 % vs. 14.9 %). No significant difference was found in mortality among any of the groups, but a trend toward decreased mortality in S 118 patients receiving 40 mg enoxaparin was reported. Dahan et al. [19] compared medical patients using treatment with LMWH versus placebo in a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized trial. LMWH reduced the incidence of thromboembolic phenomena (9.1 % vs. 3 %). Hirsch and colleagues [20] studied 100 patients admitted to ICU and found the incidence of DVT to be 33 %. There was an association with increased mortality in patients suffering DVT (although it is not possible to determine whether death was caused by DVT or was a consequence of the deteriorated state of those patients). Although it is difficult to demonstrate mortality benefit from DVT prophylaxis unless either a very large study or patients at very high risk are studied, many argue that demonstrating a decrease in DVT without increase in bleeding complications implies that mortality benefit could be demonstrated if higher powered studies were performed. Septic patients, especially those admitted to the ICU, frequently have one or more risk factors for thromboembolic phenomena. These have been widely described in postoperative, medical and critically ill patients [14, 22, 23, 24.]. These factors are: age (> 40 years), history of venous thromboembolism, malignancy, bed rest (> 5 days), major surgery, congestive heart failure, fracture (pelvic, hip or leg), estrogen replacement, stroke, myocardial infarction, multiple trauma, and hypercoagulable states. The concurrence of two or more factors increases the risk of thromboembolic events [23, 24]. Other risk factors frequently present in septic patients include use of central venous catheters [20, 25, 26, 27], use of neuromuscular blockade, use of deep sedation [28], and presence of coagulopathy [29]. Is there any pharmacological method for DVT prophylaxis preferred in septic patients? Answer: no, grade A. Recommendations Septic patients who do not have a contraindication to heparin use should receive prophylaxis with either lowdose unfractionated heparin (5,000 U either two or three times daily) or LMWH (at recommended doses; grade A). For those septic patients who have an absolute contraindication for heparin use (i.e., thrombocytopenia, severe coagulopathy, active bleeding, recent intracerebral hemorrhage), the use of a mechanical prophylactic device is advised since this method has proven to be effective in postsurgical patients and therefore would likely work in septic patients (grade E). Rationale Unfractionated subcutaneous heparin (UH) is widely used for the prevention of DVT among postoperative patients and in medical high-risk patients. UH is inexpensive and has been demonstrated in critically ill medical and surgical patients to be safe and to be associated with minor bleeding complications (bruising, hematoma at the site of injections) and rarely with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia [13, 14, 24, 30, 31]. Although smaller studies have suggested that LMWH may be either as effective as UH with less bleeding complications or more effective with the same bleeding complications [31, 32, 33] in the treatment of thromboembolic disease, larger studies have not demonstrated statistically significant differences between the drugs. However, LMWH has been demonstrated to be more effective than UH in several high-risk populations for prophylaxis of DVT [34]. Enoxaparin has been demonstrated to be safe and efficacious in treatment of thromboembolic disease in medical patients with minimal adverse events [18]. Two other randomized studies [35, 36, 37] in acutely ill medical patients compared LMWH and UH and showed equal effectiveness in the prevention of DVT. Each hospital should assess which form of heparin is most cost effective at that institution. Both are effective in presenting DVT in at-risk patients. Special considerations: patients with sepsis-induced coagulopathy Sepsis is frequently associated with hemostatic defects [29, 40]. The sepsis milieu may include consumptive coagulopathy and liver dysfunction leading to predisposition for both clotting and bleeding. Thrombocytopenia is frequently present in septic patients. In the setting of active hemorrhage or in septic patients with significant abnormality in clotting function we recommend the use of mechanical leg compression devices as a preferred alternative to heparin. Intermittent pneumatic compression devices applied to legs have been demonstrated to be efficacious in postoperative patients [38, 39], and the use of these devices is recommended in septic patients with contraindication to the use of heparin (grade E). Nutrition in sepsis Septic patients are characterized by having increased energy expenditure and enhanced catabolism [41, 42]. The need to provide adequate nutritional support to septic patients is thus generally accepted as part of standard care in the ICU. However, many issues regarding nutrition to septic patients remain controversial. This controversy is enhanced by the fact that most nutritional S 119 data available come from studies performed in trauma or postsurgical patients, as opposed to a population of septic patients alone. Does institution of nutritional support improve clinical outcome of patients with sepsis? body mass index and mortality in critically ill patients [55] whereas another placebo-controlled study demonstrated no difference in clinical outcome between patients receiving enteral nutrition and those receiving intravenous crystalloid [56]. Answer: yes, grade E Are there any nutritional routes or formulations preferred for patients with sepsis? Recommendations Answer: yes, grades C, E, B (based on different populations) Based on the assumption that sepsis produces a hypercatabolic state and leads to protein-energy malnutrition, and given that protein loss is associated with poor outcome, nutritional support in septic patients is recommended. The correlation of nutritional support with outcome in septic patients comes from data extrapolated from studies performed in perioperative patients and from expert opinion that allow us to establish this recommendation. Many important questions remain regarding what kind of nutrition and when in the course of sepsis should nutrition begin. Rationale Nutritional status has been closely related with outcome of critically ill patients. Malnutrition has been associated with increased morbidity and longer hospital stays [43]. Mullen et al. [44] in 1980 demonstrated a reduction in perioperative complications in surgical patients with the use of adequate nutritional support. Scientific evidence supports the important role of nutritional status in the outcome of septic and other critically ill patients [45, 46, 47]. Decreased gastrointestinal mucosal permeability [48], improved healing function [49], and lower infection rates [47] have been attributed to the use of enteral feeding in critically ill patients. The activation of the inflammatory cascade in sepsis alters the body's metabolism. Patients with sepsis have elevated energy requirements, net catabolism, and rapid loss of lean mass [50, 51]. For this reason the use of nutritional support has been axiomatically accepted. The ability of nutrition to alter the clinical outcome of critically ill patients, however, is controversial [52, 53]. Studies have identified enteral nutrition as a major factor in maintaining normal gut mucosal function [48, 54], both in humans and in animals. Thus the use of enteral formulas would be expected to maintain mucosal integrity in the critically ill septic patient. Most of the studies investigating metabolic changes and effects of nutrition have been carried out in postoperative patients and have provided conflicting conclusions. For example, one study demonstrated a direct relationship between Recommendations Enteral nutrition is the preferred method of nutritional support in the catabolic critically ill patient in general, inclusive of the septic patient (grade C). For those patients who cannot tolerate enteral nutrition for a prolonged time or when contraindications do not allow its use (mesenteric ischemia, mechanical bowel obstruction), parenteral nutritional support should be used (grade E). Immune-enhancing formulas may be better than other enteral formulations in critically ill patients, but effects on ultimate outcome (i.e., survival) remain to be demonstrated in large randomized trials (grade B). Rationale Although controversy exists, most authorities advocate the use of enteral nutrition in critically ill patients [57, 58]. Several studies have compared enteral and parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients, most of them perioperative. Cerra and coworkers [53] compared standard nutrition with total parenteral nutrition in septic patients. No difference was found in clinical outcome. However, enteral nutrition has proven superior to parenteral nutrition in reduction in stress ulcers [59], gut protection [48], and costs [52, 60]. In addition, catheter placement and indwelling catheters have been associated with increased complications [61, 62]. A recent meta-analysis [47] found an increased rate of complications and mortality in ICU medical patients receiving parenteral nutrition when compared with those receiving enteral feeding. The advantage of enteral nutrition versus total parenteral nutrition in some high-risk groups has been demonstrated [63, 64]. Recent studies have also examined the potential advantage of enriched mixtures of enteral feeding formulas compared with standard formulas [50, 65, 66, 67, 68]. Bower et al. [50], published a prospective randomized clinical trial in septic patients comparing standard enteral feeding versus an immunomodulatory formula that contained arginine, nucleotide, and fish oil. S 120 Although mortality was not modified, a significant reduction in length of stay and infections was noted in the immunomodulatory formula group. Galbµn and coworkers [67] concluded a benefit of immune-modulatory diets in septic patients from their study which revealed a decrease in mortality from 32 % to 19 %, and in infection from 20 % to 7 %. Atkinson and colleagues [68] published a controlled double-blind clinical trial involving medical and surgical ICU patients. They compared different formulations of enteral nutrition. The use of immunomodulatory formula reduced mechanical ventilation time, ICU stay, hospital length of stay and duration of systemic inflammatory response syndrome. A recent study by Gadek et al. [69] in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome, including a proportion of septic patients, resulted in significant differences in outcome in those patients who received an immunomodulatory diet. Are there any preferred range of calories and/or proportion of elements in nutritional support in sepsis? Answer: yes, grade E Recommendations The following are specific recommendations for septic patients, according to the guidelines established by the American College of Chest Physicians [58] and American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition [70] consensus conferences: · Daily caloric intake: 25±30 kcal/kg usual body weight · Protein: 1.3±2.0 g/kg per day · Glucose: 30±70 % of total nonprotein calories, to maintain serum glucose level below 225 mg/dl · Lipids: 15±30 % of total nonprotein calories. w6Polyunsaturated fatty acid should be reduced in septic patients, maintaining that level which avoids deficiency of essential fatty acids (7 % of total calories ± generally 1 g/kg per day). No specific recommendations are offered for use of medium-chain triglycerides, branched-chain amino acids, or specific microelements added to the nutritional formulas. The use of any of these strategies, although supported in concept, does not have enough investigational evidence to determine any clinical benefit in outcome of septic patients. Rationale No randomized clinical trial has addressed optimal total caloric requirements or the amount of fat and protein needed in the diet of septic patients. Much of our knowledge regarding these issues derives from studies carried out in patients with trauma, burns, and surgery, who, as in the case of septic patients, are frequently hypercatabolic. Despite a lack of clinical outcome evidence from randomized trials, expert panels have offered recommendations for general critically ill patients and for septic patients as well. In 1993 the American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition used an evidence-based approach to publish practice guidelines for nutritional support in the ICU [70]. Although the guidelines do not address specific recommendations for septic patients, they provide a grade B recommendation for total caloric requirements in critically ill patients. In presenting the results of a more recent conference the authors emphasize the use of branched-chain amino acids in the composition of enteral formulas although the existing data did not allow establishing specific recommendations [71] The American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) in 1997 published a consensus statement of nutrition guidelines in ICU patients [58]. Specific recommendations on caloric requirements in septic patients as well as proportion of nutrients in formulations were offered. Since then these recommendations have found agreement by most experts, but large gaps remain in our scientific basis for recommending enteral feeding in the short-term critically ill patient [72, 73, 74]. Stress ulcer prophylaxis in sepsis The use of SUP to prevent upper gastrointestinal bleeding in critically ill patients has become a routine in the ICU. However, there are controversial points in this practice: (a) SUP has not demonstrated a benefit in mortality [23]; (b) there are many definitions of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in critically ill patients that could be responsible for the heterogeneity in results in several controlled studies [75, 76]; (c) the use of SUP has been implicated in the development of ventilator-associated pneumonia although the impact of this complication on mortality and morbidity has not been established [77, 78]; (d) only specific subgroups of patients in the ICU are likely to benefit from SUP [79]. Comparing the various studies is made difficult by the varied criteria used for diagnosing stress ulcer bleeding. The use of microscopic bleeding (either orthotoluidine or guaiac in nasogastric aspirate or feces) as a marker of stress ulcer bleeding entails several problems that have already been identified: (a) guaiac is S 121 Table 2 Proportion of septic patients in different studies of SUP (R randomized trial, P placebo, C control, SU stress ulcer, MV mechanical ventilation) Study Trial n Septic patients (%) Sepsis definition Summary of results Cook et al. [79] Cohort 2252 1.6 Fever-hypothermia, leukocytosis/leukopenia, + blood culture Risk factors for SU bleeding: prolonged MV and coagulopathy Schuster et al. [82] Cohort 179 7.8 Not listed Risk factors for SU bleeding: coagulopathy, hypotension and MV Zandstra and Stoutenbeek [83] Cohort 167 40 Severe bacterial infection Pinilla et al. [84] R-C 259 3.8 2 criteria of: fever; WBC > 15,000, shift to the left, + culture Minimal SU bleeding episodes; prolonged MV identified as a risk factor No difference between patient treated with antacids and control Peura and Johnson [85] R/P-C 39 15 Not listed Cimetidine superior to placebo in preventing SU; fewer transfusions required in treated group Groll et al. [86] R/P-C 221 30±15a Not listed No significant differences between placebo and cimetidine Basso et al. [87] R/C 168 22 Foci of infection or septicemia and fever, leukocytosis, elevated sed rate and culture + Cimetidine and antacid decreased the risk of SU bleeding compared to placebo Ben-Menachem et al. [88] R/C 300 21 Not listed No differences between cimetidine and sucralfate vs. control Borrero et al. [89] R 155 30 Not listed No differences between sucralfate and antacids Bressalier et al. [90] R 74 23 Systemic infection with + cultures or hypotension Sucralfate advantages vs. antacids (both in safety and effectiveness) Cook et al. [91] R 1200 6.5 Not listed Ranitidine offers better protection than sucralfate; no differences in ventilator-associated pneumonia Poleski and Spanier [92] R 37 45 Blood culture with evidence of infection (fever, leukocytosis) Cimetidine and antacids equally effective Stothert et al. [93] R 123 28 Culture and clinical evidence; sepsis confirmed at autopsy or surgery Antacids and cimetidine equally effective a Referred to 30 % of septic patients in the placebo group and 5 % in the cimetidine group nonspecific [80]; (b) cimetidine may produce false-positive results in gastric aspirates [81]; (c) the clinical relevance of microscopic bleeding is usually minimal, and a minority of cases progress toward overt or clinically significant bleeding. The use of overt bleeding (hematemesis, gross blood, or coffee ground material in nasogastric aspirates, hematochezia, or melena) or clinically important bleeding (associated with a decrease in systolic blood pressure > 20 mmHg, orthostatic changes, decrease in hemoglobin > 2 g/dl, transfusion of at least 2 U blood in 24 h caused by the bleeding episode, or the need of surgical intervention) seems more reason- able when evaluating the impact of stress ulcers in morbidity and mortality and the efficacy of the prophylactic measures. Although there are no specific studies of SUP in septic patients, many randomized trials have been carried out in critically ill patients that include some number of septic patients. Unfortunately, only few studies do allow identification of the precise number of septic patients enrolled (Table 2 lists the proportion of septic patients in prospective studies). Furthermore, it is possible to compare the frequency of occurrence of stress ulcer bleeding in septic patients with that of patients at higher S 122 risks, because many of the risk factors for development of stress ulcer bleeding are common in septic patients. Does SUP improve clinical outcome in patients with sepsis? Answer: yes, grade C Recommendations No randomized trial has evaluated the effect of SUP on clinical outcome in septic patients. Examination of successful clinical trials of SUP does not allow precise identification of patients with diagnosis of sepsis. Therefore no definitive data exist in septic patients on the effectiveness of SUP in diminishing episodes of overt or clinically significant bleeding. The clinical utility of SUP as it affects clinical outcome in septic patients is therefore not clear. Septic patients have been assumed to have an increased risk for SUP since they have multiple risk factors known to increase the risk of stress ulcer bleeding. Since data do support SUP as being efficacious in preventing upper gastrointestinal bleeding in populations of critically ill patients, which would be expected to contain large proportions of septic patients, the use of SUP is recommended in this group (see below). Rationale The use of SUP has become accepted practice in the great majority of ICUs. Early studies associated sepsis with stress ulcer bleeding and with an increased risk of mortality in critically ill patients [94]. The initial study by Skillman et al. [94] retrospectively reported a mortality of 87 % in patients admitted to the ICU (medical and surgical) who developed stress ulcer related gastrointestinal bleeding. The use of SUP has become accepted practice in the great majority of ICUs. However, recent studies report significantly less mortality related to stress ulcer bleeding [79, 83, 91]. Schuster et al. [82] reported a 14 % incidence of bleeding in patients admitted to a respiratory intensive care unit. Although the mortality was significantly higher among patients who bled (64 % vs. 9 %), death was related to bleeding only in 3 of the 25 patients who bled. Other studies [85, 95] comparing histamine receptor antagonists or antacids versus placebo report similar results. Moreover, several authors believe that the modernization of anesthesia and ventilation techniques and, in general, the improvement in the management of critically ill patients have decreased the incidence of stress ulcers and therefore prophylaxis is not warranted [79, 80, 81, 82, 83]. Lacroix and colleagues [96] in a meta-analysis observed a range of overt bleeding from 1.6 % to 52.8 % of in control groups and from 0 to 23.1 % in antacids groups. The conclusion of the study was that cimetidine and antacids are effective in preventing stress ulcer bleeding (33 % and 43 % better than control, respectively). Collectively these studies support the assertion that patients who develop bleeding from stress ulcers require more transfusions. However, no difference in clinical outcome has been noted. Patients with stress ulcer bleeding who do not receive SUP often show two factors: coagulopathy and liver failure. A recent meta-analysis [97] reporting risk reduction for bleeding in critically ill patients with antacids, sucralfate, or histamine-2 receptor antagonists could not establish any impact on clinical outcome compared with control groups. BenMenachem et al. [88], in a randomized single-blind, control trial, reported that the incidence of bleeding did not differ among three groups of 100 patients (control, sucralfate, and cimetidine). The mortality and hospital length of stay did not vary with prophylaxis. Is there any specific subgroup of septic patients who should receive SUP? Answer: yes, grades A, C Recommendations Although no large randomized trial has addressed septic patients alone, abundant data exist regarding subgroups of septic patients with prolonged mechanical ventilation, hypotension, and coagulopathy. For these patients the use of SUP is recommended (grade A). For other septic patients in whom these factors are not present SUP is recommended based on several small randomized trials in which SUP has proven efficacious in preventing bleeding and therefore reducing morbidity in critically ill patients (grade C). Rationale Cook et al. [79] in a prospective study found an increased risk of stress ulcer bleeding in patients with prolonged mechanical ventilation (> 48 h) and those with coagulopathy. The low number of septic patients in this study does not allow the determination of the true impact of sepsis as an independent risk factor for the development of stress ulcer bleeding. Schuster et al. [82] found increased risk of bleeding associated with coagulopathy, prolonged mechanical ventilation, and sepsis. The authors of this study did not perform a multivariate analysis that would help to determine the true impact of sepsis as a single variable risk factor for stress ulcer S 123 bleeding. Coagulopathy, frequently found in severe sepsis, has been classically associated with increased incidence of bleeding [98]. Risk factors for stress ulcer bleeding have been demonstrated to be additive [95, 96, 97, 98, 99]. A score has been offered to predict the risk of SU bleeding [100]. Are some methods to be preferred over others in the prevention of stress ulcers in patients with sepsis? Answer: uncertain, grade B. Recommendations Several trials have confirmed the efficacy of antacids, sucralfate, or histamine-2 receptor antagonists in preventing stress ulcer bleeding. Since the data are conflicting, no single one can be determined as preferable. General recommendations should be based on the individual experience in the use of one or another, the availability, or cost-analysis in individual centers. In septic patients with risk factors the use of enteral nutrition following the preventive strategies currently available may be beneficial for preventing stress ulcer bleeding. less in patients treated with ranitidine, without increased associated pneumonia. These findings have been corroborated in other studies [105, 106]. A metaanalysis published in 1996 found sucralfate to be associated with a trend toward a lower incidence of pneumonia compared with both antacid and histamine-2 receptor antagonists. In this meta-analysis sucralfate was associated with less mortality. A recently published cost effectiveness analysis [107] pointed out the high costs involved in SUP. In 1999 a national survey in the United States [108] found a wide variation in the forms of SUP among intensivists. The costs of prophylaxis in low-risk patients were considered by these authors as prohibitive. In this survey the authors called for the creation of hospital-based algorithms, based on individualization of cost and care issues at the institution as it applies to patients with higher risks of bleeding. There are also data supporting the use of enteral nutrition as SUP [59]. The beneficial effect of enteral feeding has been demonstrated with distal enteral nutrition rather than gastric. Patient's position, type of tube (orogastric versus nasogastric, small-bore versus largebore), and continuous versus intermittent delivery, are factors implicated by the findings of various studies that could modify stress ulcer bleeding in patients receiving enteral nutrition [109]. Rationale Summary There are many studies comparing the efficacy of histamine-2 receptor antagonists, antacids, and sucralfate in the prevention of stress ulcer bleeding [85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 100, 101, 102]. Cook et al. [103] in a meta-analysis of SUP studies found histamine-2 receptor antagonists more effective than antacids in controlling overt bleeding. No data about nosocomial pneumonia were presented. There was no difference in mortality between the three methods, and no difference was found when compared with no prophylaxis. Similar results have been reported by two other meta-analysis [96, 97]. A controversy related to SUP stems from the ability of both antacids and histamine-2 receptor antagonists to raise the gastric pH, which may be associated with increase in gastric bacterial colonization. Increased bacterial presence in the gastrointestinal tract can lead to an increase in pneumonia if it is a route that leads to pharyngeal colonization. This area is controversial, and although some studies have demonstrated an increase in ventilator-associated pneumonia with the use of histamine-2 blockers and antacids, these data have not been validated in all clinical trials [77, 91, 103]. Furthermore, prospective studies suggest that gastric colonization is not a frequent route to pharyngeal colonization [104]. In a recently published Canadian trial [91] the risk of bleeding (in 1200 patients studied) was significantly Patients who survive the circulatory and organ deficits in sepsis may still fall victim to complications such as pulmonary embolism and stress ulcer bleeding. Although there is no clearcut evidence to quantitate the impact of such complications on mortality, the anticipated impact is grave when considering the compromised physiological reserve of these patients. For this reason it is important to institute effective prophylaxis to minimize the impact. In addition, catabolism associated with sepsis likely influences the recovery of patients with sepsis and moreover can compromise the response of the immune system against an infectious insult. Early and adequate nutritional support therefore appears important. 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Am J Respir Crit Care Med 153: 1711±1725 Intensive Care Med (2001) 27: S 128±S 134 Summary of recommendations Definition of sepsis (I. Matot, C. L. Sprung) · In the past many different definitions of sepsis were used interchangeably, which led to confusion. · Sepsis is the systemic inflammatory response to infection. · No single physiological or laboratory parameter can universally identify sepsis. · Not all patients with sepsis are equally ill. Sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock constitute different gradations in the continuum of a disease process manifested by a combination of changes in vital signs, laboratory parameters, hypoperfusion, and organ dysfunction. · The continuum of sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock is correlated with increasing organ dysfunction and mortality. · The source of infection and diagnosis of sepsis must be identified as early as possible to permit early intervention with antimicrobial therapy and surgical drainage to prevent disease progression, organ dysfunction, and mortality. Diagnosis of infection in sepsis (M. Llewelyn, J. Cohen) Bacteremia · Fever, chills, hypothermia, leukocytosis, left-shift of neutrophils, neutropenia, and when infection is suspected, hypoalbuminemia, development of renal failure or signs of hemodynamic compromise are specific indications for obtaining blood for culture. · Blood cultures should be taken as soon as possible after onset of fever or chills. · Blood should be obtained by fresh venipuncture. Sites associated with skin contamination (e.g., femoral site) or loss of skin integrity (e.g., burns or dermatological disease) should be avoided. · Skin should be swabbed twice with either 70 % isopropyl alcohol or with an iodine containing solution prior to venipuncture. The blood culture stopper should also be sterilized prior to inoculation. · An adequate volume (20±60 ml) of blood should be obtained per culture (10±30 ml per bottle) · If insufficient blood is available, only the aerobic bottle should be inoculated. · The needle used for venipuncture should be changed prior to inoculation of blood into culture bottles. · A minimum of two and a maximum of three sets of blood cultures should be obtained for each episode of suspected bacteremia. · In critically ill patients in whom it may not be possible to delay treatment, no interval is required between taking sets of blood cultures. Central venous catheter infections · When a central venous catheter (CVC) is suspected as a source of bacteremia, diagnosis of CVC infection may be made by blood culture based techniques if (a) the patients clinical condition permits a potentially infected line to be left in place, (b) treatment of CVC infection is to be attempted, or (c) other potential sources of bacteremia are apparent. · While the acridine orange leukocyte cytospin test offers the possibility of virtually immediate diagnosis, on the basis of currently available data, its use should remain experimental. · When a CVC is suspected as a source of sepsis in nonbacteremic patients, definitive diagnosis requires that the CVC should be removed and sent for culture. · If infection is suspected at the catheter site, swabs should be taken from the insertion site for culture. · The presence of purulence at the CVC site should prompt catheter replacement at a distant site irrespective of culture results. S 129 Ventilator-associated pneumonia Acute cholecystitis · Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) should be considered as a source of sepsis in any ventilated patient particularly in the first week following intubation, following aspiration, when a nasogastric/entral feeding tube is in place, or when drugs have been given to raise gastric pH. · Investigation of suspected VAP should include the taking of two sets of blood cultures and a chest radiograph. · Pleural effusions larger than 10 mm should be aspirated. Samples should be sent for immediate Gram and fungal stains, culture and biochemistry including protein, lactic dehydrogenase and glucose. Paired blood chemistry samples should also be sent for comparison. · Serology is not routinely indicated in the diagnosis of VAP. · A sample of secretions aspirated via the endotracheal tube should be sent for Gram stain and for bacterial and fungal culture. · Bronchoscopy should be performed unless contraindicated or unavailable. · No significant advantage of one invasive diagnostic approach over another has been consistently demonstrated. Choice of technique depends in practice primarily on available expertise and equipment. · Acute acalculous cholecystitis should be suspected in any sepsis patient, particularly postoperatively, when there are either signs relating to the right upper quadrant of the abdomen or obstructive liver function tests. · When acute acalculous cholecystitis is suspected, ultrasound should be ordered urgently. · If an initial ultrasound examination is not diagnostic, computed tomography should be ordered. · If computed tomography is unavailable, a repeat ultrasound should be performed after 24 h. Surgical site infection and intra-abdominal sepsis · Blood cultures should be sent when investigating suspected surgical site infection or deep abdominal infection. · The presence of purulence or spreading cellulitis are indications for taking wound swabs. · Infection should be suspected particularly at ºcontaminatedº or ªdirtyº surgical sites. · When contaminated or dirty abdominal wounds develop features of wound infection, a diagnosis of anaerobic coinfection should be assumed irrespective of whether anaerobes are identified by routine microbiology. · In most situations ultrasound is be the modality of first choice. When ultrasound is not diagnostic, computed tomography should be considered. · Collections identified by radiology should, where technically possible, be aspirated and drained under radiological control, samples being sent for Gramstaining and culture. Sinusitis · Acute sinusitis should be suspected in any sepsis patient who has either a nasotracheal tube or a finebore nasogastric feeding tube, or who has suffered a head injury. · When sinusitis is suspected, radiography of the maxillary sinuses should be performed to detect the presence of fluid. · When radiography does not demonstrate fluid in the maxillary sinuses, computed tomography should be performed. · If either radiography or computed tomography demonstrates the presence of fluid, antral puncture should be performed to allow definitive diagnosis and therapeutic drainage before antibiotic therapy is initiated. Invasive Candida infection · There are no data to support a policy of routine screening of hospitalized patients for Candida colonization. However, in sepsis patients, invasive fungal infection is more likely in patients who are heavily colonized. · When sepsis develops in patients colonized by Candida species at two or more sites, blood cultures should be sent and lysis centrifugation performed if available. · Isolates of Candida species from sterile sites should be sent for specificity and sensitivity testing. Antibiotics in sepsis (P.-Y. Bochud, M. P. Glauser, T. Calandra) · Retrospective studies have shown that early administration of appropriate antibiotics reduces the mortality in patients with bloodstream infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria. S 130 · By analogy with the observations made in patients with Gram-negative sepsis and despite the lack of substantial clinical data in the literature, it is likely that appropriate antibiotic therapy reduces the morbidity and the mortality of Gram-positive sepsis. · Antifungal therapy is recommended for patients with candidemia. Whether early treatment is associated with better outcome is unknown, and additional studies are needed to evaluate this question. · Monotherapy with carbapenem antibiotics is as effective as combination therapy with a b-lactam and an aminoglycoside for the empirical treatment of nonneutropenic patients with severe sepsis. · Monotherapy with third- or fourth-generation cephalosporins is as effective as combination therapy with a beta-lactam and an aminoglycoside for the empirical treatment of nonneutropenic patients with severe sepsis. · Extended-spectrum carboxypenicillins or ureidopenicillins combined with b-lactamase inhibitors have been shown to be effective for the treatment of suspected infections in febrile, neutropenic cancer patients, and in patients with peritonitis or nosocomial pneumonia. However, similar studies have not yet been carried out in patients with severe sepsis or shock. · Monotherapy with aztreonam appears to be as effective as combination of a b-lactam and an aminoglycoside for the treatment of patients with documented Gram-negative sepsis. The fact that aztreonam lacks any appreciable activity against Gram-positive or anaerobic bacteria precludes its use as empirical single-agent therapy in patients with severe sepsis. · Fluoroquinolones have been shown to be highly effective for the treatment of documented Gram-negative bloodstream infections. However, data are lacking to support their use as single-agent treatment of severe sepsis, especially as first-generation fluoroquinolones display suboptimal activities against Grampositive bacteria. · Third- and fourth-generation cephalosporins and carbapenem antibiotics are equally effective as empirical therapy in patients with severe sepsis. · The indiscriminate use of glycopeptide antibiotics (i.e., vancomycin or teicoplanin) for presumed Gram-positive infections in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock should be avoided. However, glycopeptides are appropriate in severely ill patients with catheter-related infections or in centers in which methicillin-resistant staphylococci predominate. The possible clinical benefit associated with the empirical use of glycopeptides should be weighed against the risks of selecting resistant organisms and of increased toxicity. Most cases require additional Gram-negative coverage, at least until microbiological results are available. · Antifungal agents, such as fluconazole, should not be used on a routine basis as empirical therapy in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. · Fluconazole is as effective as and less toxic than amphotericin B for the treatment of candidemia in nonneutropenic patients. However, if the patient is unstable or has been treated previously with fluconazole, it might be prudent to begin therapy with amphotericin B while waiting for the identification of the Candida species and for the results of susceptibility testing. Whether 5-fluorocytosine should be combined with amphotericin B in unstable patients is debatable. Hemodynamic support in septic shock (J.-L. Vincent) · The goal of fluid resuscitation in septic shock is restoration of tissue perfusion and normalization of cellular metabolism. · Volume repletion in patients with septic shock produces significant increases in cardiac output and systemic oxygen delivery, and fluids alone are sometimes sufficient to reverse hypotension and restore hemodynamic stability. · Requirements for fluid infusion are not easily determined, and therefore that the fluid challenge should be titrated to the clinical endpoints of blood pressure, heart rate, and urine output. Central venous pressure is initially required to evaluate the complex relationship between intravascular blood volume and cardiac function. It is difficult to give optimal values for cardiac filling pressures. · When central venous pressure increases, a pulmonary artery catheter is probably required, although its role has recently been questioned. · Increases in cardiac output and systemic oxygen delivery are proportional to the degree of intravascular volume expansion achieved. · The optimal hemoglobin and hematocrit for patients with septic shock is unclear. Most experts recommend hemoglobin levels of 9±10 gm/dl in patients with septic shock. This degree of anemia is usually well tolerated in most patients, even with cardiac impairment. · When fluid challenge fails to restore an adequate arterial pressure and organ perfusion, therapy with vasopressor agents should be started. Vasopressor therapy may also be required transiently to sustain life and maintain perfusion in the face of life-threatening hypotension, even when cardiac filling pressures are not elevated. · The effects of dopamine on cellular oxygen supply in the gut remain incompletely defined. The effects of norepinephrine on splanchnic circulation are hardly predictable. The combination of norepinephrine and S 131 dobutamine appears to be more predictable and more appropriate to the goals of septic shock therapy than the effects of epinephrine alone. · The hemodynamic effects of dopamine in patients with septic shock are well established. Dopamine increases mean arterial pressure primarily by increasing cardiac index with minimal effects on systemic vascular resistance. The increase in cardiac index is due to an increase in stroke volume, and to a lesser extent, to increased heart rate. Patients receiving dopamine at rates greater than 20 mg kg±1 min±1 show increases in right heart pressures as well as in heart rate, and therefore doses should not usually exceed 20 mg kg±1 min±1, at least not without adequate hemodynamic monitoring. · Norepinephrine markedly improves mean arterial pressure and glomerular filtration. This is particularly true in the high output-low resistance state of many septic shock patients. After restoration of systemic hemodynamics, urine flow reappears in most patients and renal function improves without the use of low-dose dopamine or furosemide. This fact supports the hypothesis that renal ischemia observed during hyperdynamic septic shock is not worsened by norepinephrine infusion and even suggests that this drug may effectively optimize renal blood flow and renal vascular resistance. · Dobutamine is an adrenergic agonist that stimulates b1, b2, and b1 adrenergic receptors. A number of studies have investigated the effect of dobutamine on cardiac function during sepsis or septic shock. The doses utilized ranged from 2 to 28 mg kg±1 min±1. The majority of these studies found increases in cardiac index combined with increases in stroke volume and heart rate. Source control in the management of sepsis (M. F. Jimenez, J. C. Marshall) · Surgical intervention in the form of dØbridement of infected, devitalized, or nonbleeding tissue should be undertaken rapidly following hemodynamic stabilization in patients with necrotizing soft tissue infections. This is a grade E recommendation supported by level IV and level V evidence. · The decision to intervene surgically in the patient with infected pancreatic necrosis must weigh the potential advantages of removing a source of ongoing bacterial proliferation against the inherent morbidity of early surgery. In general, surgery should be delayed in the stable patient to permit adequate demarcation of tissue planes. This is a grade C recommendation supported by a single randomized trial and expert opinion. · The diagnosis of intra-abdominal infection amenable to source control measures can generally be made by either ultrasound or computed tomography. Ultrasonography has the advantage of being portable and inexpensive, but is highly operator dependent; computed tomography is especially useful in the evaluation of the retroperitoneum. · The initial approach to well-defined and accessible intra-abdominal abscesses should be percutaneous drainage. Catheter drainage can also be used as a temporizing measure to optimize the physiological and hemodynamic condition of an acutely ill patient prior to surgical exploration. Laparotomy should be reserved for those circumstances in which there are no well-defined collections, dead tissue requires dØbridement, or residual collections cannot be treated percutaneously. Surgical intervention may also be indicated to control a source of ongoing peritoneal contamination. Rates of failure have increased as interventional radiologists have extended the indications for percutaneous drainage. If the clinical condition of the patient does not improve following the initial drainage, follow-up computed tomography should be performed to determine whether a residual or missed collection is present, and surgical intervention should be considered. · Current data support the concept that relaparotomy ªon demand,º as indicated by worsening of the clinical status, absence of improvement, or evolving organ dysfunction is as efficacious as a more aggressive approach. Planned relaparotomy is indicated for patients with ischemic bowel when intestinal viability is a concern (ªsecond lookº), for patients with necrotizing pancreatitis when demarcation of necrotic tissue demarcation is not distinct, or when bleeding precludes complete dØbridement. · Although tissue necrosis can often be detected by such characteristic radiographic findings as gas in the tissues, or nonenhancement of tissues following administration of intravenous contrast, there is no single test that can exclude the presence of tissue necrosis with certainty, and in circumstances in which necrosis may be life threatening (for example, intestinal ischemia), it is often necessary to establish the diagnosis operatively. · An infected central venous catheter can be safely changed over a guidewire, provided there is not significant local soft tissue infection at the exit site. This is a grade B recommendation supported by level II evidence. · There is no evidence that routine catheter replacement reduces the risk of catheter-related bacteremia. Venous catheters should be changed only as needed when evidence of infection is present (signs of inflammation, purulent discharge at the insertion site), or when the catheter is not working. This is a level C S 132 recommendation for central venous catheters, supported by level II evidence, and a level E recommendation for peripheral catheters, supported by level V evidence. · Definitive resection is preferable to proximal diversion and drainage for perforated diverticulitis, and likely for other causes of intestinal perforation, when the more demanding procedure of resection can be performed safely. Extension of this principle to other sites of gastrointestinal peroration such as the esophagus requires balancing the risks of resection with the potential benefits. This is a grade D recommendation based on level III evidence. · Primary anastomosis or colostomy are equally efficacious following colon resection for diverticulitis. The choice of procedure should be dictated by other factors such as severity of illness, presence of chronic disease, the degree or duration of peritoneal contamination, and the skill and experience of the surgical team. This is a grade D recommendation based on level III evidence. · Intra-abdominal infectious complications mandating source control are almost always evident using modern diagnostic imaging techniques. There is little if any role for empirical laparotomy to rule out undiagnosed infection in a critically ill patient in whom radiological examination has failed to demonstrate a surgically correctable problem. · Mechanical ventilation of patients with ALI should be conducted with small tidal volumes (approximately 6 ml/kg ideal body weight) with the goal to maintain end-inspiratory plateau pressures at levels less than 30 cmH2O. · Prone positioning may be considered in patients requiring high levels of inspired oxygen (FIO2 > 0.60) in whom positional changes are not contraindicated, and who are cared for at facilities experienced in the management of critically ill mechanically ventilated patients. · Restrict nitric oxide as an option for salvage therapy in patients with life-threatening hypoxemia not responding to traditional mechanical ventilation strategies. · Judicious use of crystalloid fluid administration should be practiced in patients with ALI/ARDS, with colloid solutions considered in hypo-oncotic patients with established ALI/ARDS. It is not clear whether or not volume restriction improves outcome. · Do not routinely administer corticosteroids to patients at risk for, or meeting criteria for, ALI/ARDS. Consider intravenous methylprednisolone in patients with persistent or refractory ARDS after actively excluding infection. · All patients requiring acceptable levels of ventilatory support who are not overtly unstable should receive a spontaneous breathing trial on a daily basis to ascertain their ability to breathe unassisted. Airway and lung in sepsis (G. S. Martin, G. R. Bernard) · Provide adequate supplemental oxygen to maintain an oximetric saturation of 90 % through use of simple oxygen delivery systems (i.e., nasal cannula or face mask), if possible. In endotracheally intubated patients, use of positive end-expiratory pressure to increase mean airway pressure may be employed to reduce concentrations of inspired oxygen below potentially toxic thresholds (FIO2 < 0.60). · Avoid the use of noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation in patients with sepsis-related acute lung injury (ALI)/acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). · Use early placement of an endotracheal tube and institution of mechanical ventilation in patients with sepsis. Indications for institution of mechanical ventilation include severe tachypnea (respiratory rate > 40 bpm), muscular respiratory failure (use of accessory muscles), altered mental status, and severe hypoxemia despite supplemental oxygen. · In mechanically ventilated ALI/ARDS patients with high inspiratory pressures or otherwise at risk for barotrauma or volutrauma, implement permissive hypercapnia through reduced tidal volume ventilation. Immunological therapy in sepsis: currently available (J. Carlet) · Corticosteroids should not be used in severe sepsis or septic shock at high doses (30 mg/kg), and for a short course (1±2 days). On the other hand, corticosteroids may be used during ªrefractoryº septic shock but not during severe sepsis without shock or mild shock. They should then be used at low doses (100 mg hydrocortisone three times a day) for 5 days or more (up to 10 days) and then with subsequent tapering of the dose according to the hemodynamic status. The results of a large trial will be available shortly and must be considered before definite recommendations can be made. · Ibuprofen should not be used during severe sepsis and septic shock. Additional studies are needed to determine whether some patients, for example, those with hypothermia, could benefit from the drug. · Prostaglandins, in particular prostaglandin E1 or liposomal prostaglandin E1 should not be used during acute respiratory distress syndrome due to sepsis. There are no specific data allowing recommendations in severe sepsis. S 133 · Pentoxifyilline should not be used in adults with severe sepsis unless new studies show a significant effect. The positive effect of a small study in infants should be confirmed before clinical use. · N-Acetylcysteine should not be used in severe sepsis until new data are available, focusing in particular on very early therapy. · Selenium should not be used for severe sepsis. Additional studies are warranted to confirm initial positive data. · Antithrombin III should not be used during severe sepsis. Countries which allow the free use of this drug in this setting should reconsider their position. · Immunoglobulins should not be used either in adult patients or in neonates with sepsis, unless additional large studies confirm some positive data in smallsized meta-analyses. Countries which allow a wide use of these compounds should reconsider their position and encourage these studies. · Granulocyte colony stimulating factor should not be used in nonneutropenic patients with severe sepsis. · Growth hormone should not be used in patients with sepsis because it increases mortality. · Hemofiltration should not be used in patients with sepsis, without renal indications unless ongoing studies provide positive data. Other supportive therapies in sepsis (J. PØrez, R. P. Dellinger) · Considering the frequent occurrence of independent risk factors for Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in septic patients and the high percentage of sepsis/infected patients included in studies that have demonstrated efficacy of DVT prophylaxis in general, septic patients should be treated with DVT prophylaxis. Even though there is not a randomized study that establishes the impact of DVT prophylaxis on morbidity and mortality specifically in septic patients, the significant number of septic patients included in the populations of patients enrolled in other prospective randomized trials supports that the use of DVT prophylaxis reduces morbidity and mortality in septic patients. Moreover, septic patients, especially those with severe sepsis and multiple organ failure, have less cardiopulmonary reserve, and the impact of a minor thromboembolic event in this group of patients could be very compromising. · Septic patients who do not have a contraindication to heparin use should receive prophylaxis with either low-dose unfractionated heparin (5,000 U either two or three times daily) or low molecular weight heparin (at recommended doses; grade A). · For those septic patients who have an absolute contraindication for heparin use (i.e., thrombocytopenia, severe coagulopathy, active bleeding, recent intracerebral hemorrhage), the use of a mechanical prophylactic device is advised since this method has proven to be effective in postsurgical patients and therefore would likely work in septic patients (grade E). · Based on the assumption that sepsis produces a hypercatabolic state and leads to protein-energy malnutrition, and given that protein loss is associated with poor outcome, nutritional support in septic patients is recommended. The correlation of nutritional support with outcome in septic patients comes from data extrapolated from studies performed in perioperative patients and from expert opinion that allow us to establish this recommendation. Many important questions remain regarding what kind of nutrition and when in the course of sepsis should nutrition begin. · Enteral nutrition is the preferred method of nutritional support in the catabolic critically ill patient in general, inclusive of the septic patient (grade C). For those patients who cannot tolerate enteral nutrition for a prolonged time or when contraindications do not allow its use (mesenteric ischemia, mechanical bowel obstruction), parenteral nutritional support should be used (grade E). Immune-enhancing formulas may be better than other enteral formulations in critically ill patients, but effects on ultimate outcome (i.e., survival) remain to be demonstrated in large randomized trials (grade B). · The following are specific recommendations for septic patients, according to the guidelines established by the American College of Chest Physicians and American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition consensus conferences: · Daily caloric intake: 25±30 kcal/kg usual body weight · Protein: 1.3±2.0 g/kg per day · Glucose: 30±70 % of total nonprotein calories, to maintain serum glucose level below 225 mg/dl · Lipids: 15±30 % of total nonprotein calories. w 6 Polyunsaturated fatty acid should be reduced in septic patients, maintaining that level which avoids deficiency of essential fatty acids (7 % of total calories ± generally 1 g/kg per day). · No specific recommendations are offered for use of medium-chain triglycerides, branched-chain amino acids, or specific microelements added to the nutritional formulas. The use of any of these strategies, although supported in concept, does not have enough investigational evidence to determine any clinical benefit in outcome of septic patients. · No randomized trial has evaluated the effect of stress ulcer prophylaxis (SUP) on clinical outcome in septic patients. Examination of successful clinical trials of S 134 SUP does not allow precise identification of patients with diagnosis of sepsis. Therefore no definitive data exist in septic patients on the effectiveness of SUP in diminishing episodes of overt or clinically significant bleeding. The clinical utility of SUP as it affects clinical outcome in septic patients is therefore not clear. Septic patients have been assumed to have an increased risk for SUP since they have multiple risk factors known to increase the risk of stress ulcer bleeding. Since data do support SUP as being efficacious in preventing upper gastrointestinal bleeding in populations of critically ill patients, which would be expected to contain large proportions of septic patients, the use of SUP is recommended in this group (see below). · Although no large randomized trial has addressed septic patients alone, abundant data exist regarding subgroups of septic patients with prolonged mechan- ical ventilation, hypotension, and coagulopathy. For these patients the use of SUP is recommended (grade A). For other septic patients in whom these factors are not present, SUP is recommended based on several small randomized trials in which SUP has proven efficacious in preventing bleeding and therefore reducing morbidity in critically ill patients (grade C). · Several trials have confirmed the efficacy of antacids, sucralfate or histamine-2 receptor antagonists in the prevention of stress ulcer bleeding. Since the data are conflicting, no single one can be determined as preferable. General recommendations should be based on the individual experience in the use of one or another, the availability, or cost-analysis in individual centers. In septic patients with risk factors, the use of enteral nutrition following the preventive strategies currently available may be beneficial for preventing stress ulcer bleeding.
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