96 GRANT Design Katrin Soans ǀ ǯǣǮǦǼ GRANT ǠdzǬǢǽǰ ǭǮǬǯǰǹǣ ǤDZǮǫǞǩǺǫǹǣ ǯǰǬǩǦǨǦ ǭǮǽǪǬDZǡǬǩǺǫǬǧ DzǬǮǪǹ ǯ ǮǞǥǩǦǵǫǹǪǦ ǮǞǥǪǣǮǞǪǦ. ǏǰǬǩǣǶǫǦǴǹ ǬǨǩǣǣǫǹ ǢDZǟǬǠǹǪ ǶǭǬǫǬǪ Ǧ ǬǟǮǞǟǬǰǞǫǹ ǪǬǮǦǩǨǬǧ. DŽDZǮǫǞǩǺǫǹǣ ǯǰǬǩǦǨǦ Grant ǪǬǤǫǬ ǥǞǨǞǥǞǰǺ ǯǬ ǶǭǬǫǦǮǬǠǞǫǫǹǪǦ ǫǬǤǨǞǪǦ ǦǩǦ ǯ ǬǨǮǞǶǣǫǫǹǪǦ ǭǬǮǬǶǨǬǪ GRANT is the serie of sofa tables with simple rectangular shapes and different dimensions. Table tops are with oak veneer and stained. It is possible to order Grant sofa tables with stained table bases or powder coated metallic table bases. There is an option to combine a “vessel” with the tables, which have GRANT seeriasse kuuluvad erimõõdulised, lihtsad kandilised diivanilauad. Lauaplaadid on tammespooniga ja peitsitud. Grant diivanilaudu saab tellida spoonitud jalgadega ja pulbervärvitud metalljalgadega. Metalljalaga laudade juurde kuulub variandina “vann” mis annab fantaasiat mitmesuguste esemete paigutamiseks. ǪǣǰǞǩǩǦǵǣǯǨǦǪǦ ǫǬǤǨǞǪǦ. ǀ ǨǬǪǭǩǣǨǰ ǯǰǬǩǬǠ ǯ ǪǣǰǞǩǩǦǵǣǯǨǦǪǦ ǫǬǤǨǞǪǦ, ǨǞǨ ǬǢǦǫ Ǧǥ ǠǞǮǦǞǫǰǬǠ, ǠdzǬǢǦǰ “ǠǞǫǫǬǵǨǞ” Ǣǩǽ dzǮǞǫǣǫǦǽ metallic table bases. The vessel encourages one’s imagination how to place various things. ǯǞǪǹdz ǮǞǥǫǬǬǟǮǞǥǫǹdz ǠǣǷǣǧ. ',,9$1,/$8$'62)$7$%/(6ɋɌɈɅɕɀɍɊɇȺɅɖɇɕȿ DLGR1000 DLGR1200 1000x1000x380mm 1000/1200 1000/1200 DLGR1000V DLGR1200V 1000x1000x380mm DLGR1400 380 200 1000x1000x380mm 1000/1200 DLGR1400P 1400x700x380mm 1000/1200 1400 700 DLGR450 350x450x550mm 1000/1200 380 550 1200x1200x380mm 380 DLGR1000P DLGR1200P DLGR1400V 1400x700x380mm 1200x1200x380mm 380 1200x1200x380mm 1400 700 350 450 200 1400 1400x700x380mm 97
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