OUR LADY OF GOOD VOYAGE Catholic Elementary School OCTOBER 2014 5850 River Grove Ave., Mississauga ON L5M 4W2 Phone (905) 567-8422 Fax (905) 567-7832 OFFICE STAFF PRINCIPAL: C. Klein SECRETARY: J. Galloway SUPERINTENDENT OF MISSISSAUGA SOUTH D. Amaral 905-890-1221 TRUSTEE, Former Chair of the Board P. Ferreira (Wards 6&11) 416-805-7110 SCHOOL ADVISORY CHAIR A. Pavan 905-567-8422 PRAYER Father in Heaven, Creator of all and source of all goodness and love, please look kindly upon us and receive our heartfelt gratitude in this time of giving thanks. Thank you for all the graces and blessings You have bestowed upon us, spiritual and temporal: our faith and religious heritage. Our food and shelter, our health, the love we have for one another, our family and friends. Amen VIRTUE: Empathy Empathy helps us to connect and live together in safe, caring, inclusive communities. We understand empathy to mean the ability to identify with and feel other people’s concerns. We believe that in a faith community we are nothing without relationships. Relationships that grow in a spirit of communion-an understanding that we share an identity based on being created in the image and likeness of God and being imbued with one Spirit. We are many parts of one body. An empathetic person believes that we all share one Spirit; that we are many parts of one body because we are all created in the image and likeness of God. DATES TO REMEMBER Parish St. Joseph Catholic Church 5440 Durie Road Streetsville, Ontario L5M 2J5 Tel: 905-826-2766 Fax: 905-542-7052 Pastor: Fr. Marc-André Campbell Associate Pastor: Fr. Russell Asch Email: office@stjosephsstreetsville.com Website: www.stjosephsstreetsville.com Sat Oct. 4 Sun Oct. 5 Mon Oct. 6 Tues Oct. 7 Tues Oct. 7 Thurs Oct. 9 Fri Oct. 10 Mon Oct. 13 Oct. 15 – 17 Wed Oct. 15 Tues Oct. 21 Wed Oct. 22 Fri Oct. 24 Tues Oct. 28 Tues Oct. 28 Fri Oct. 31 Tues Nov. 11 Thurs Nov.13 Info. & Registration for 1st Holy Communion World Teacher’s Day Co-ed Flag Football Tournament Mass @ 9:45 a.m. at St. Joseph Church Council meeting at 7 p.m. in the Library HPV/HEP B clinic for grade 7s & 8 - girls Last day to donate non-perishable food items Happy Thanksgiving – school holiday CCAT testing for grade 4s NED Show @ 10:45 a.m. in gym Cross-Country Meet @ Erindale Pk. School Photo Day ROCK OUT anti-bullying concert Virtue Assembly Rosary Apostolate visiting all classes Halloween School Dance Fundraiser Progress Reports go home Interview night – for students, by request ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH 5440 Durie Road Streetsville, Ontario L5M 2J5 Tel: 905-826-2766 Fax: 905-542-7052 Pastor: Fr. Marc-André Campbell Associate Pastor: Fr. Russell Asch Sunday Mass Times: Saturday Vigil @ 5: 30 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m.; 9:30 a.m.; 11 a.m.; 12:30 & 6 p.m. Email: office@stjosephsstreetsville.com Website: www.stjosephsstreetsville.com Please note that the parish is your first source for obtaining information for sacramental preparation. Sacraments are parish, not school events. Initial preparation is done by the schools through the Religion program. Immediate preparation is the responsibility of the parents and the Parish. OLGV’s THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE The Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be collecting non-perishable food drive items until Friday, October 10th. Items are being collected on the table near the front entrance of the school. Thank you, in advance, for your generosity! ROSARY APOSTOLATE The Rosary Apostolate volunteers will be supporting our students’ faith, by praying the rosary with our students in all grades on a monthly basis. Their main focus is to teach the children about Jesus and Mary, our Catholic faith and to teach them how to pray. We encourage you to support your child in their faith journey by praying the rosary along with them and talking to them about their faith. Each child will receive a FREE ROSARY on their first visit this month. Blessings and many thanks for your support! GRADE 2 - FIRST RECONCILIATION AND FIRST COMMUNION PARENT MEETINGS Mandatory information and registration meetings for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion were recently held at St. Joseph Parish for parents on the following days. Thursday, October 2nd, 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. Saturday, October 4th, 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK THEME: GRADE 8 CONFIRMATION An information meeting for students wishing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation was held on Thursday, September 25th and Saturday, September 27th. The five sub-themes are: Walking Together and Sharing our Story Opening the Scriptures Welcoming Others to the Table Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread Proclaiming the Good News HAPPY THANKSGIVING! The staff of Our Lady of Good Voyage School wishes you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving. May God bless you and your loved ones with good health and happiness. Exploring Paths of Joy This year’s celebration entitled, “Catholic Education: Exploring Paths of Joy” is scheduled for the week of May 3 – 8, 2015. The scriptural passage that guides our theme is: “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking to us on the road.” (Luke 24: 32) Catholic Education Week begins on a Sunday to highlight the partnership that remains the foundation of Catholic education between our Catholic schools and local Catholic parishes. We ask you to reflect on the significance of Catholic education’s presence and contribution in our Church, and in our society. STAFF SPECIAL SERVICES Special Services staff provides resource to the school for a variety of services. We are pleased to have available the following personnel: Speech Language P. Patterson Social Work S. Yalta Psychology Dr. G. MacPherson CYW M. Lapp S.A.T. M. Riverso (Special Assignment Teacher – supports teachers and students with literacy and numeracy.) CATHOLIC SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL The first C.S.A.C. meeting is being held on Tuesday, October 7th. We invite you to join us to be a part of the elections. NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER GOES GREEN We are continuing our effort to enhance communication and ensure delivery of important school information. Parents/Guardians who signed the CASL form in September will begin receiving electronic mail of school and Council information in November. This initiative ensures that you receive school information without relying on the “backpack”. Environmentally, we will save paper, energy, and staff time. Should you NOT be willing, or not be able to participate, we will make hard copies of school information available at the office. Please feel free to call the school, should you have questions or concerns. The newsletter will also be posted on our website at http://www.dpcdsb.org/OLGDV . BUS INFORMATION Please check the Region of Peel’s Transportation Department’s websites (www.stopr.ca and https://businfo.stopr.ca/) to check for delays and cancellations. All concerns and complaints regarding bus transportation are to be made directly to the S.T.O.P.R. at 905-890-0614. All students requesting a Courtesy Rider seat were given bus passes on Monday, September 29th and began taking the bus on Tuesday September 30th. A letter was sent home to parents that explains the “Courtesy Seat Policy” along with a bus pass for their child. OUR LADY OF GOOD VOYAGE STAFF: FDK Teacher A. Swierczynski FDK DECE G. Gerges Grade 1 S. Johnson Grade 2 J. Jeffery Grade 3 L. Lencz Grade 4 M. Tassone Grade 5 /6 A. Mendonca Grade 7 J. Burke Grade 8 M. Falcioni SERC/SERT/P.T. N. Mattarollo ESL/SERT/P.T. L. Servedio Librarian L. Servedio FSL/P.T. C. Chataway Planning Time A. Pellarin ERW N. Traynor ERW J. Pilling PRINCIPAL C. Klein SECRETARY J. Galloway CUSTODIANS T. Macchione, J. Bautista, M. Henriques CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs. Galloway who was offered the position of secretary to our school on Monday, September 29th! WELCOME BACK to Mrs. Pilling who will return to our school on Thursday, October 9th. We thank Mrs. Gluszczyk for all of her work with our students. WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY October 5th is the day designated to recognize the contribution of teachers. More than 100 countries currently celebrate World Teachers’ Day. We thank all of our dedicated teachers at Our Lady of Good Voyage for their work with our children! EQAO SCHOOL RESULTS Detailed results of student achievement on EQAO can be viewed at www.eqao.com. We are very proud of our students and of our teachers who have worked very diligently. The following percentages represent students at or above the provincial standard (Level 3 and 4): Grade 3: Reading 92%, Writing 92%, Mathematics 80%. Grade 6: Reading 93%, Writing 81%, Mathematics 52%. Our grade 3 and 6 students continue to demonstrate strength in the area of literacy. The area of mathematics will continue be a focus of professional development this school year. VALUABLES Personal electronic devices such as cell phones and iPods, along with expensive jewelry and other valuable items, should NOT be brought to school. Responsibility for the care and safe keeping of valuable items belongs with the home, not the school. CRIMINAL REFERENCE CHECK & DECLARATION FORMS FOR VOLUNTEERS In accordance with school board policies, all volunteers having direct and regular contact with students are required to provide a Criminal Reference Check. There is no fee for volunteers wishing to have a Criminal Reference Check. If there are any community members wishing to volunteer in the school and/or on class trips, please visit the school office to pick up a volunteer and Criminal Reference Check form and letter. Please note: Criminal Offence Declarations (available in office) are required to be signed every year for returning volunteers. MEDICAL CONCERNS AND FORMS For any students who have medical issues requiring medication to be administered and stored at the school (e.g. epi-pens and puffers), please ensure the school has all the necessary forms and medication. Please contact Mrs. Galloway or Ms. Klein if you have any questions. TERRY FOX WALK On Monday, September 15th, Krista from the Terry Fox Foundation shared a multi-media presentation with students and staff. She told the students about Terry Fox and his wonderful example of leadership and love for one’s neighbour. Then, on Friday September 19th, students, staff and visitors participated in the annual Terry Fox Walk. Students ran, walked, skipped, hoola-hooped their way to raising about $400!! Congratulations to our students and staff for their generous donation to cancer research. PROGRESS REPORTS As per Ministry of Education guidelines, students in Grades 1-8 will receive progress reports on Tuesday November 11th. Interviews for students requiring them, will take place Thursday November 13th. INDOOR / OUTDOOR SHOES The students should have a pair of indoor shoes to wear at school in class and for gym. Outdoor shoes/ boots will be kept for outdoor use only and out of the classrooms in order to reduce the amount of dirt and mud brought indoors. This will assist our custodial staff in keeping the school clean and safe. Thank you for your co-operation. PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION Morning supervision begins at 8:15 a.m. Parents should not drop off their children prior to 8:15 a.m. For your child’s safety, we request that he/she not be on school property until scheduled supervised times. As well, parents are reminded that they should not be on the playground with students. NO DOGS ALLOWED ON SCHOOL PROPERTY From 8:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., dogs are not allowed on school property. This includes small dogs being carried. Please be respectful of the fact that some of our students have a fear of dogs. FIRE DRILLS/LOCKDOWN/HOLD and SECURE As a precautionary measure, we will practice fire drills and lockdown procedures throughout the year. We are required to hold 6 fire drills each year as well as 2 lock down drills and 1 shelter in place. Discussing these procedures with your child will help reassure the importance of these safety procedures. In the unforeseen event that we should have an emergency in our school, we will evacuate to River Grove Community Centre, Hazel McCallion or Willow Way School. OCTOBER 22nd is PICTURE DAY! All students will have their photographs taken on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 Girls & Boys Junior VOLLEYBALL Teams The girls’ and boys’ began their season on September 30th and are demonstrating great skill and sportsmanship on the court. Their next game is at Raymond school on Monday October 6th beginning at 3:30 p.m. The girls play first. Many thanks to their coaches, Ms. Falcioni, Mrs. Swierczynski and Mr. Mattarollo. Go Sharks Go! CROSS-COUNTRY RUNNING TEAM Students in grades 3 – 8 have been coming to school early each morning for practices beginning September 24th. We have a very committed and enthusiastic group of students. As only 5 students are allowed to run each grade level race, the coaches will have the challenging task of choosing the team members to compete in the cross-country tournament scheduled for: Tuesday, October 21st at Erindale Park, Mississauga. Ms. Klein, Mrs. Jeffery and Mrs. Lencz are proud of the students’ efforts! HALLOWEEN CELEBRATIONS On Friday October 31st, students are invited to wear Halloween costumes to school. Please make sure that costumes are appropriate for our Catholic school. No masks, weapons, or make-up, please. As shared in the September newsletter, we remind parents to not send any food items as gifts intended for the entire class, given the number of students with life-threatening food allergies. For safety reasons, non-edible items such as pencils or erasers are appropriate substitutes. School Council will be sending home an ORANGE flyer with information about this fundraising event. OLGV CHOIR The School Choir, led by Mrs. Traynor and Madame Chataway, began in September, and meets once a weekly during recess. The club runs all year long giving students from Grades 2 through 8 the opportunity to prepare songs for liturgies, masses, celebrations, and to sing songs just for enjoyment. The members of the OLGV Choir learn what is involved when combining piano and voices; as well, they learn to follow musical direction and appreciate the complexity of musicality. THE NED SHOW CO-ED FLAG FOOTBALL TEAM Our school co-ed flag football team, led by Coach Mr. Burke will be competing in the invitational tournament on Monday, October 6th or Friday, October 9th, weather-pending. The students have been practicing over the lunch hour. Go Sharks Go! INTERNATIONAL WALK TO SCHOOL DAY As a means of promoting a healthy lifestyle, we encourage all students to walk to school on Wednesday, October 8th, International walk-toschool day! The International walk-to-school (IWALK) event is a global annual event promoting daily physical activity, enhancing the environment, and improving safety by reducing traffic congestion, pollution and speed near schools. The NED Show is coming to Our Lady of Good Voyage School on Wednesday, October 15th at 10:45 a.m. The Ned Show is “an innovative, character education assembly. Using humor, storytelling, audience participation and amazing object lessons including yo-yo and magic tricks, students learn through the adventures of NED.” NED is an acronym for: Never Give Up Encourage Others Do your Best ROCK OUT BULLING ASSEMBLY On Friday, October 24th, at 12:45 p.m., students will be entertained by young and talented musicians who have a powerful, easy to remember message on how to handle bullying when they are faced with it. Their message is: R – Respect Each Other; O – Open Up – Talk to Someone; C – Confidence – Show it! K – Keep Away From Bullying Situations. The musicians are certified Red Cross Bullying Prevention Educators and sure to help students overcome bullying situations. INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES PROGRAM ARAMAIC ARABIC CANTONESE CROATIAN GERMAN GREEK HEBREW HINDI HUNGARIAN IGBO ITALIAN KOREAN MALAYALAM MANDARIN POLISH PORTUGUESE PUNJABI RUSSIAN SLOVAK SPANISH TAGALOG TAMIL THELUNGA TURKISH UKRAINIAN URDU VIETNAMESE BOLTON St. John the Baptist BRAMPTON St. Kevin Pauline Vanier St. Francis Xavier St. Isaac Jogues MISSISSAUGA Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Divine Mercy Elementary International Language Classes are available to students in grades JK to 8. Please register at the IL sites (listed below) on Saturdays. Day schools do not accept registrations. Call 905-891-9263. There is continuous enrolment. For more information please visit www.dpcdsb.org/programs & services/languages/international languages MISSISSAUGA Father Daniel Zanon Mary Fix Metropolitan Andrei St. Bernadette St. Bernard of Clairvaux St. Clare St. Herbert (Sunday classes) St. Jude Sts. Peter & Paul St. Philip Sts. Martha & Mary Web Resources: Primary: En Garde Duel Game www.mathisfun.com Junior: Estimation Valley Golf www.mathfrog.ca Intermediate: How High? + www.wiredmath.ca (gr. 7) Estimation Estimating develops a sense of number and is consolidated through practice and reflection. This also develops risk-taking, problem solving, and the idea that there is a range of possible answers. Family Math Activity K-3 With your child, fill a jar with an item you can find around the house (buttons, macaroni, coins, jelly beans, etc.). Family members take turns estimating how many items there are in the jar. Take out a hand full and count them, then ask if anyone would like to change their estimate. Finally, count the items in the jar. Whose estimate was the closest? Grades 4-6 Estimate how many bags of milk your family will need for the week. At the end of the week, count up the number of bags you actually used. Estimate the time needed for a trip. If the trip is expected to take 25 minutes, when do you have to leave? Estimate the distance of a trip or a walk. How close were you? Did you use the best measure (metres, kilometres)? Need extra help in Grade 7 or 8 math? Visit the Homework Help website for free help from Ontario certified teachers. On this site, students have access to live chat rooms between the hours of 5:30-9:30 from Sunday to Thursday and 24/7 resources such as videotaped lessons and interactive tutorials. Homework Help is ideal for understanding homework, reviewing lessons, studying for tests, and searching math topics. Register today at https://homeworkhelp.ilc.org/. All you need to register is your student OEN number which is found on your report card. If you have additional questions, please contact your classroom teacher. “This is the best! Every time I get stuck the tutors are so patient that, well, it makes it easier to understand. I am going to tell everyone I know to use this site, it works!!! Grade 7 Student, April 2012 OCTOBER 2014 Sunday Monday 5 World Teacher Day! 6 Jr Volleyball Away game at St. Raymond. Girls play first. 12 13 Happy Thanksgiving! 19 20 26 27 Tuesday 7 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 Communion Registration at St. Joseph Church 10-11:30 a.m. 9 10 11 17 18 25 8 Opening Mass at St. Joseph Church Tentative date: 1st Parent Council meeting 7p.m library. 14 Jr. Volleyball Playoff games. Details to follow. Vaccinations for all gr. 7 HEP B and only gr. 8 girls HPV Jr Volleyball @OLGV. Boys play first. 15 NED Show at 10:45 a.m. 16 Family Jr Volleyball Tournament. Details to follow. 21 Cross-country Running meet at Erindale Park 22 School Photo Day. Bring your smiles. 23 24 Rock Out Concert at 12:45 p.m. 28 29 30 Board Crosscountry running meet at Centennial Park 31 Halloween Dance-a-thon Fundraiser Rosary Apostolate in the a.m. Virtue Assembly 1:15p.m. Dates to remember: Photo Retake Day November 7, 2014
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