PARISH STAFF Pastor Fr. Angelo Te, x11 Parochial Vicar Sat 10/18: Fr. Moises Leal-González, x19 Administrative Assistant Veronica Aguilar, x13 Sun 10/19: Business Manager Care Ministry Melanie van der Veen, x14 Hispanic Ministry-Ministerio Hispano Maria Solis, Director, x17 Mon 10/20: Tues 10/21: Wed 10/22: Maintenance Supervisor Paulo Gomez, x20 Music Ministry Sr. Celeste Clavel, OSF, Music Director, x18 Pastoral Associate Sharon Grigar, x21 Thur 10/23: Fri 10/24: Youth Ministry Yessica Galvan, x16 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER: 971-275-5256 Only for emergencies requiring an anointing (for example is someone is near death and requires last rites.) OFFICE HOURS Closed Fridays 9:00am - 3:00pm – Monday through Thursday IMPORTANT CRISIS NUMBERS Alcohol and Drug Youth Line: 503-244-1611 Archdiocese Director of Child Protection (Cathy Shannon): 503-233-8302 Franciscan Province Pastoral Outreach Coordinator: (Angelica Jochim, MFT) 1-800-770-8013 Hispanic Hotline: 503-669-8350 Portland Women’s Crisis Line: 503-235-5333 SafeNet (clergy abuse survivor’s alliance): 650-588-2665Clergy Abuse Survivor Advocate, Elizabeth Goeke, M.ED,, 503-502-4792 Sat 10/25: Sun 10/26: *10:00am Town Hall Meeting *10:30am Youth Choir Practice-English *5:00pm Mass *5:30pm Spanish Youth Choir *7:00pm Spanish Mass *8:30am Mass *9:15am Sunday School & Parent Meeting *10:30am Mass – Pastoral Council Installation *11:00am Spanish Choir *12:30pm Spanish Mass *8:00am Mass *8:00am Mass *7:00pm Building & Maintenance Meeting *7:00pm 1st Communion Classes-Spanish *8:00am Mass *6:15pm Mass *7:00am Choir Rehearsal *7:00am Finance Council Meeting *7:00pm Couple’s Group *7:00pm RCIA *8:00am Mass *7:00pm Women’s Group *6:30pm Holy Hour Choir Practice Parish Office Closed *8:00am Mass *7:00pm Prayer Group *7:00pm High School Youth Group *5:00pm Mass *7:00pm Spanish Mass *8:30am Mass *9:15am Sunday School & Parent Meeting *10:30am Mass *11:00am Spanish Choir *12:30pm Spanish Mass PLEASE NOTE: Staff email addresses have changed. Please find the new changes on the left column of this page and on our website. Position Open: Afternoon Receptionist Ascension Parish is hiring a part-time receptionist. Hours: Monday – Thursday from 12pm to 3pm. Bilingual in Spanish and English is preferred. Skills/Qualifications: Telephone Skills, Verbal Communication, Microsoft Office Skills, Professionalism, Organization. If interested, please send your resume to: October 19th, 2014 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Reading I: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21 Welcome to Ascension Parish! If you would like information on becoming a member of this parish community, please visit the hospitality table this weekend. We Invite You to Read Next Sunday’s Readings: October 26th, 2014 Reading I: Exodus 22:20-26 Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 Gospel: Matthew 22:24-40 Welcome Sunday Wear Your Name Button or Name Tag Today; It is name tag Sunday! The 3rd weekend of every month, our Pastoral Council staffs our welcome table in the vestibule. Parishioners are invited to wear their name button, or stop by the welcome table to fill out a name tag. Please also make plans to join us for coffee and donuts after Mass, so we can get to know you! Thank you from the Pastoral Council. What is missing in Ch_ _ CH? U R! We have many volunteer ministry opportunities at Ascension. We are especially in need of parishioners to serve as: Sacristan Hospitality Minister Altar Server If you are interested, and would like more information, please contact Sharon Grigar at the Parish Office. Today is World Mission Sunday! We are invited today to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Your prayers and generous gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the collection today help the work of priests, religious and lay leaders in Mongolia and throughout the Missions who offer the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy. His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please be as generous as you can to today’s collection. For more information, please visit Sat. October 18 Sun. October 19 Town Hall Meeting Listening Session Thank you to the Pastoral Council and each parishioner who participated in this event Saturday, October 18. A summary will follow soon! Offertory Collection Received Annual Comparison : Second week in October 2014: $ 6,832.45 Second week in October 2013: $ 5,950.10 Mon. October 20 Tues. October 21 Wed. October 22 Thurs. October 23 Fri. October 24 Sat. October 25 Sun. October 26 +Lena Lecce +Maria Prado +Sr. Elizabeth +Robert Mariani Miguel Angel Martinez & Leticia Rocha All Parishioners All Parishioners All Parishioners All Parishioners All Parishioners All Parishioners +Dick Kennedy +Maria Prado +Sr. Elizabeth +Pat LaMarte All Parishioners 5:00pm 7:00pm 8:30am 10:30am 12:30pm 8:00am 8:00am 8:00am 6:15pm 8:00am 8:00am 5:00pm 7:00pm 8:30am 10:30am 12:30pm Melanie van der Veen & Peggy Farrell x14 CARE MINISTRY CALENDAR Contact Person: Sharon Grigar x21 Tuesday, October 21 Mass at Courtyard Plaza - 10:00am Communion Service at Cherrywood - 10:00am Praise and Prayer - 1:30pm Scripture Study Would you like to learn more about the Sunday Scripture Readings, deepen your faith and get to know other parishioners? We are providing an opportunity for you! Join facilitators Don Gainer and Natalie Ettlin in a 6-week study and discussion of the Sunday Scripture readings. Sign up today in the vestibule. $5 fee. November 6, 13, 20 and December 4, 11 and 18. Thursday, October 23 Communion Service at Russellville - 1:30pm Friday, October 24 Mass at St. Andrew - 2:00pm PLEASE PRAY FOR: In hospice care: Irene Fink Ill parishioners and family members: Allan Acker, Janet Adolf, Ana Angel, Delfina Arenas Galindo, Baby Sophie, Carl Beers, Ellie Mae Blackmon, June Burke, Sr. Carol Carter, Vi Costanzo, Kim Cox, Sarah DeCarlo, Lexie delos Reyes, Ron Dove, Margaret Dupree, Sara Flores, Victoria George, Madelyn Goucher, Rueben Guerrera, Paul Guerrero, Linda Heller, Alfredo Fuerte Hernandez, William Highfield, Ken Hobson, Zita Howell, Linda Johnson, Jim Kennedy, Larry Laws, Patti Lind, Maureen Lundquist, Mary Marino, Bernie McDonnell, Jessenia Mendoza, Dorothy Neelan, Antonio Nerio, Shelly Oglesby, Hector Olave, Helen Orico, Patricia Pierie, Kathleen Pierie, Ricardo Portillo, Helen Quirino, Nizha Rask, Ron Richard, Jose Salazar, Atanacia Salto Sanchez, Sherry Santor, George Schall, June Schmeer, Nancy Scuderi, Chiara Severino, Tim Smith, Dave Smith, Donald Southard, Dean Suminski, Kathy Suter, Beth Traxler, Celia Valle, Pete Viviano, Sr. Katie Wagner, and Margaret Zywicki. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you know of someone in our community in need of our presence or prayers, please give us a call. Baptism for Infants and Children The next baptism preparation class for parents and Godparents will be Sunday, October 26 at 11:45am. Please contact Sharon at the Parish Office to register by noon Tuesday, October 21. Congratulations Jonathan Weiss, who will be graduating from the Oregon Culinary Institute on October, 25, 2014. Your family and the whole community are proud of this big accomplishment. Women’s Group Join us on Thursday, October 23rd at 7pm as we continue to deepen and share our faith through prayer, conversation, discussion and a video series by Fr. Robert Barron/Word on Fire: The New Evangelization Men’s Group Our next gathering will be Saturday, November 1 at 8am. We will begin in the Conference Room and conclude with the First Saturday Mass at 9:30am. Children’s Program Contact Person: Sharon Grigar x21 Thank you to all of the parents who attended the Children’s Safe Environment Class last week. This weekend we begin preparation for First Reconciliation. Sunday Program Pre-school Sunday-School: During the 10:30am Mass K-8 Sunday- School, First Reconciliation & First Communion Preparation 9:15am to 10:15am Children’s Liturgy of the Word: During the 10:30am Mass Parent Class: 9:15am to 10:15am in the Conference Room. Ascension Youth Ministry Yessica Galvan 503-256-3897 x16 High School Youth Group Friday, October 24th 7pm to 9pm in the Youth room Archdiocesan Youth Conference November 21-23, 2014 Seaside, OR Sign up to go with Yessica! Limited spaces available. Middle School Youth Group Sunday, November 2nd 11:30am to 12:30pm in the Youth room Social Concerns Ministry October is Respect Life Month “Even the weakest and most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of the utmost reverence and respect.” Pope Francis’ Day for Life Greeting Social Concerns Ministry Retreat Thank you to each person who participated in the retreat last Saturday at Menucha Retreat Center. Thank you also to Fr. Angelo for spending the entire morning with us! The day was made holy by the presence of each one of you. May God continue to bless you in your ministry and on your spiritual journey. Thank you to those who volunteered to help with welcoming guests to our shelter. A big thank you especially to MariCarmen and the Escuela San Andres for hosting each night and coordinating the dinners. To Josh Taylor, Marylee Stahl, Florence Dezeix, Kris and Michael Sonnleitner, TK Adams and Kathy McDonnell, Ed Cooke, Paulo Gomez, Sharon Grigar, Heidi Moses, Julia Mack, Dona VanGorder, Jean and Dick Halton, and to those who just jumped in to help in any way, you are much appreciated. We will again welcome guests to our shelter the week of November 30th. OPPORTUNITIES ELSEWHERE… • Come and join Brother Didacus as he presents the virtual pilgrimage: Travel the path of the Franciscan Missions of California Learn about the men who founded the missions, the struggles of the Mission Indian communities and see what remains of these beautiful places and the restoration projects that have been undertaken through private funding and the State of California. This offering will include an historical timeline of mission construction, and an opportunity to learn about the daily lives of the people who lived and worked at the missions. Presenters: Brother Didacus, along with Mary Erickson. Date: Saturday, November 1st Time: 9:00am—12:00pm Cost: $35 per person Place: Franciscan Spiritual Center 2512 SE Monroe St, Milwaukie, OR 97222 Contact: 503-794-8542 • 40 Days for Life is a peaceful, prayerful – and proven effective – pro-life campaign against legalized abortion. It’s not too late! This fall’s campaign continues until November 2. Join us as we pray and witness every day from 7am to 7pm at the Portland Planned Parenthood, 3727 NE MLK Jr. Boulevard. Sign up (for 15 minutes, an hour or even longer) at or call Therese 503-997-1884. • Open House/Open Sanctuary at Saint Philip Neri Catholic Church. 5:30pm - 7:30pm Sunday's October 26th, November 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd. Church designed by celebrated architect Pietro Belluschi. Icons written by contemporary iconographer Mary Katsilometes. All are welcome! Docent-led tours, adoration and praise, refreshments, and live music. Join us! SE Division Street & Tamarack (@ 17th Ave). Plenty of parking. TriMet Bus #4. More information: Fr. Bill Edens at, or 510-851-2782 • Red Doors Retreat at St. André Bessette Catholic Church Wednesday, October 22nd, 8:15 a. m to 4:00 pm. Pope Francis said, “Let us act so that our brothers and sisters never feel alone.” Spend a day with people living in poverty or on the margins of society in Old Town Portland. Experience the Gospel call to serve those in need. Serve guests of St. André Bessette’s Hospitality Center, and visit other service providers in the neighborhood. Spend time in discussion, prayer and reflection. For more information or to register, call 503-228-0746 x110, email, or go to the website: • Franciscan Hermitage Experience follows a regular rhythm of eating, prayer and reflection with a special emphasis upon sharing your experience with those who journey with you for the weekend. Within this framework, the spirituality of Francis and Clare of Assisi will be presented through song, scripture, reflections, readings and poetry. Dates: November 21-24, 2014 Time: 5:00pm, Friday thru Monday at 4:00pm Cost: $400 per participant Facilitators: Sr. Mary Jo Chaves, OSF, Connie Isgro and Michelle Kroll Location: Alton Collins Retreat Center, Eagle Creek, OR Contact: Franciscan Spiritual Center 2512 SE Monroe St. Milwaukie, OR 97222 • 503-794-8542 • 19 DE OCTUBRE Domingo No. 29 en el Tiempo Ordinario NOTA IMPORTANTE: Las direcciones electrónicas del personal han cambiado. Las nuevas direcciones de email se encuentran en el directorio localizado en la columna de la izquierda en la primera página de este boletín. Misa en Español Sábado - 7:00pm Domingo - 12:30pm Misa Bilingüe Miércoles - 6:15pm Horario de Oficina De lunes a jueves de 9am a 3pm (503) 256 3897 Confesiones: Sábados 3:30-4:30pm y con previa cita Al-Anon: Lunes y Miércoles - 5pm Escuela San Andrés-Clases de Evangelización: Jueves - 7pm. Hora Santa: Primer viernes del mes- 7pm. Misa de Sanación: Tercer viernes del mes - 7pm. Asamblea de Oración: Segundo y cuarto viernes - 7pm. Gracias todas las personas que donaron su tiempo para darle la bienvenida a los huéspedes del refugio de aquí de la Ascensión. Un agradecimiento especial a Mari Carmen Ramos y la Escuela San Andrés por ser anfitriones las noches y por coordinar la cenas. Gracia a Josh Taylor, Marylee Stahl, Florence Dezeix, Kris and Michael Sonnleitner, TK Adams and Kathy McDonnell, Ed Cooke, Paulo Gomez, Sharon Grigar, Heidi Moses, Julia Mack, Dona VanGorder, Jean and Dick Halton, y todos los demás que ayudaron de alguna u otra manera. Se les aprecia de verdad. Estaremos recibiendo huéspedes de nuevo la semana del 30 de noviembre. Voluntarios son siempre bien recibidos. CLASES DE CATECISMO Las clases continúan todos los martes a las 7pm. Se les recuerda que si los niños faltan 3 clases seguidas se les dará de baja. POSICION DISPONIBLE: Recepcionista para el turno de la tarde La parroquia de la Ascensión está contratando una recepcionista de medio tiempo. Horas: De Lunes a Jueves de 12pm to 3pm. De preferencia ser bilingüe en español e inglés. Habilidades y Experiencia Necesarias en: manejar y contestar los teléfonos, comunicación, computadora incluyendo Microsoft Office, profesionalismo, organización y buena presentación. Los interesados, favor de mandar su currículo a Sharon Grigar al: Bautizos Los próximos bautizos serán el 8 de noviembre, 2014 a las 10:30am. Si hay alguna persona interesada en bautizar sus niños pueden llamar a la parroquia durante las horas de oficina. Recuerden que el viernes está cerrado. Las pláticas serán el 5 de noviembre a las 7:00pm. Todos los papas y padrinos se les pide que tienen que asistir a las clases si no pueden venir aquí a esta parroquia pueden tomar las pláticas en otra iglesia nomas tienen que traer un comprobante donde consta que ya tomaron las pláticas. COMPARACIÓN DE LA COLECTA DOMINICAL Segunda semana de octubre del 2014: $ 6,832.45 Segunda semana de octubre del 2013: $ 5,950.10 Ministerio de Jóvenes Yessica Galvan 503-256-3897 x16 CUIDEMOS LA CASA DE DIOS Se les invita a que nos ayuden a mantener el templo, la casa de Dios, limpio y en orden. Se les pide que por favor no entren con chicle, ni comida o bebidas. Se les recuerda que es la casa de Dios, es nuestra casa de oración y hay que cuidarla como se merece. ¡LE INVITAMOS A RECIBIR UNA NUEVA VIDA! Ven y experimenta la salvación de Dios por medio de un encuentro personal con Cristo Jesús, nuestro Señor y Salvador. ¿Dónde? Aquí en tu Iglesia La Ascensión en el Tony Rinella Hall ¿Cuándo? NOVIEMBRE: Jueves 6 de Nov. de 6pm-9pm Viernes 7 de Nov. de 6pm-9pm Sábado 8 de Nov. de 8:30am-6:30pm Ya se puede registrar desde ahora (tendremos cupo limitado) a los siguientes teléfonos: Tere Carrasco (503)708-8078 Abel Perez (503)927-7514 Bertha McLain (971)400-6791 MariCarmen Ramos (503)757-8859 ¡Le esperamos será un fin de semana INOLVIDABLE! Cordialmente: Escuela de Evangelización San Andrés PROMOTORES DE SALUD Se les invita a las clases de “Tomando Control de su Salud” que empezaran el 1 de noviembre y es por seis semanas consecutivas de 9:30am a 11:30am. Estas clases cubren el cómo trabajar con enfermedades crónicas (diabetes, artritis, alta presión de la sangre, asma, depresión, enfermedades del corazón, dolor crónico, ansiedad y fibromialgia). También en el taller le ayudan a planificar sus comidas y alimentarse mejor. Estas clases están certificadas por la Universidad de Stanford. Para más información puede comunicarse con Rosa, Promotora de Salud, al 503-960-9144. Este taller es gratuito. Aproveche esta oportunidad. Los esperamos estas clases se llevaran a cabo aquí en la Iglesia de la Ascensión. Grupo de Jóvenes en la Preparatoria Viernes, 24 de octubre 7pm - 9pm en el Salón de Jóvenes Conferencia Diocesana de Jóvenes en la Preparatoria Noviembre 21-23, 2014 Seaside, OR Regístrate ya con Yessica! Espacio Limitado. Grupo de Jovenes en la Secundaria Domingo, 2 de noviembre 11:30am - 12:30pm en el salón de Jóvenes SEGUNDA COLECTA ESTE FIN DE SEMANA OCTUBRE 18-19 DOMINGO DEDICADO A LAS MISIONES MUNDIALES Hoy somos llamados a ayudar a construir la Iglesia en Mongolia, la iglesia más joven de la Iglesia Católica, así como también a las iglesias locales por todas las misiones en las áreas más remotas del mundo. Sus oraciones y donaciones generosas a la Sociedad por la Propagación de la Fe en la segunda colecta de este fin de semana ayudara a sacerdotes, religiosos y laicos en Mongolia y por todas las misiones quienes ofrecen ayuda practica a gente con pocos recursos y ayudan a experimentan el amor de Dios y su misericordia, así como Su paz y esperanza. Por favor mantengan las Misiones en sus oraciones diarias. Gracias por sus contribuciones generosas en la segunda colecta de hoy. Para más información, visite:
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