REGULAR MEETING th Wednesday, October 15 , 2014 Rabobank Community Room 1070 Main St., Cambria, 6:30 PM Agenda I. Roll Call, Establishment of Quorum II. Consent Agenda a. Agenda Approval: b. Minutes Approval:— September 17th 2014 (Attachment A) III. Public/Council Comment: Limited to items NOT on the agenda (3 min per person). IV. Regular Public Agency Reports a. Public Safety: Commander Nix / Sargent MacDonald / Odom b. Cambria Community Services District: Director Bahringer c. County Supervisor: Supervisor Gibson d. County Planning & Building: Airlin Singewald V. Regular Business: a. Land Use Committee: Laurel Stewart, Chair (Attachment B) 1. DRC2013-00039 Gibbs, Proposed Minor Use Permit for new construction of a two story 3335sf Single Family Residence at 2090 Sherwood Dr. Cambria. APN 023-083015. Water meter will be transferred from 2194 Andover. VI. NCAC Reports a. Transportation Committee: Tony Church (Attachment C) b. Website Committee Report: Roland Soucie c. Treasurer’s Report: Heide Santos d. Environmental Report: Mary Webb e. Corresponding Secretary's Report: Linda Haskins f. Farmer's Market Community Outreach Report: VII. Old Business: Cambria Pines Christmas Market VIII. New Business: Adjourn : Attachment A NORTH COUNTY ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING- September 17, 2014 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: 6:30 PM PRESENT: Heide Santos, Roland Soucie, Bambie Fields, Laurel Stewart, Claudia Harmon Worthen, Jason Anderson, Bruce Fosdike, Cesilia Lomeli, Tony Church, Ted Siegler, Mac Van Duzer, Clive Finchamp, Vari MacNeil, Mike McLaughlin. A Quorum is presentEXCUSED: Marjoree Sewell, Dawn Dunlap, Debbie Mix, Jim Webb, Mary Webb, Marty Main, and Linda Haskins. Agenda approval with corrections – Chair Bruce Fosdike requested addition of a recorder purchase be added to New Business. Motion to approve as amended Mac Van Duzer/Seconded Tony Church, unanimous. Council vote Motion to approve minutes as amended Ted Siegler/Seconded Roland Soucie, Council vote unanimous. PUBLIC /COUNCIL COMMENT: Laurel Stewart commented on the mailed notification of an opportunity by rate-payers to vote on a proposed garbage rate increase that was not published in Sanish. Because this notice is of an election, all citizens should be clearly aware of the opportunity to vote Jim Crescani commented on the definition of “Brackish water” and presented the council with his findings. Tina Dickson commented on her concern of the water issue for the Cambria Community and addressed an article in the Cambrian Newspaper. Randy MacDowell commented about traffic safety at Weymouth and Hwy 1 intersection. Former Traffic Chair Bruce Fosdike stated that this issue has been addressed in the recent past by the NCAC Traffic committee, and per Caltrans- there was no statistical findings to warrant improvement or changes to this intersection and therefore no realignment will be done. Any future concerns can be addressed to Tony Church (Traffic Committee Chair). Bruce Fosdike commented that the NCAC council members need to do “due diligence when requesting to add items to the agenda, and to review and address any concerns for the general minutes prior to the next board meeting. REGULAR PUBLIC AGENCY REPORTS: PUBLIC SAFETY- No report CAMBRIA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT - Director Bahringer. The emergency project is moving forward and that the “tracer test” is progressing on schedule. An update on the refuse removal issue that there is a new citizens committee to help develop a program for the new trash containers for Cambria. NCAC member Heide Santos is a representative on the committee. COUNTY SUPERVISOR – Bruce Gibson. The County would like to give recognition to Bob McLaughlin for the many years of volunteer service to the NCAC Board. The violations at The Hamlet and Red Mountain Road sites are being investigated and appropriate actions will be taken. COUNTY PLANNING AND BUILDING- Airlin Singewald. The Board of Supervisors will review the Hamlet Project on 11/04/2014. The project is available on-line or contact Rob Fitzroy at 7815179. The CCSD fee waiver will be addressed at the next Board of Supervisors. The school house property next to the old Library’s land use will remain unchanged as requested by the Land Use Committee. REGULAR BUISNESS: LAND USE COMMITTEE- Laurel Stewart- Chair (Attachment B) 1. DRC2013-0012 Cambria CSD- Proposed follow-up development plan /CDP for 250 AFY capacity emergency back-up water treatment supply project on San Simeon Creek. (Emergency permit issued 5/15/14) APN 013-015-024/008. This item was postponed from the August meeting. Recommendation - The water project remains incomplete and insufficient for review. CCSD Engineer Bob Greshen commented that Water trucks were on site for the dust control. The State Park Rangers were informed and were satisfied with the work happening at the site and no violations occurred. There is ongoing monitoring on site with independent archeological and geo-tech personnel. The project is going well and the construction is on scheduled and should be completed on time. The CCSD will respond to emails questions and concerns about the project and are willing to come back at a later date to address additional concerns and keep everyone informed about it. CCSD PIO Tom Gray commented about clarifying the misconceptions regarding the projects funding sources. And explained who and why the CCSD requested funding from. Ted Siegler commented on his concern that the needs of the community be met and that the “voice of the community” be heard. Motion to approve the project following recommendations: 1. The project, when permitted, be consistent with the North Coast Area Plan, Coastal Zone Land Use Ordinance, and County Planning requirements. 2. That the project’s proposed safety, noise abatement, and environmental mitigations be upheld and monitored throughout the planning process and subsequent operation. 3. That all necessary conditions be met to the satisfaction of appropriate involved permitting and regulating agencies, such as the Coastal Commission, Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, and the Water Control Board, before final approval of a regular permit. relying on Subject matter experts to work out future statutory and regulatory adjustments and amendments. Ted Siegler/Seconded Mike McLaughlin. Secondary Motion to uphold the Land Use Committees original recommendation to postpone a decision due to insufficient and incomplete for review by Claudia Harmon Worthen /Seconded Jason Anderson, Council vote: 6 in favor, 4 opposed with 1 abstention. First motion fails. 2. DRC2014-00011 PERSINGER- MUP to remove an existing 944sf SFR at 628 Huntington Rd. and replace with a 1609sf with a 305 sf attached garage APN 022- 343-024. The new building is larger than allowed and they propose acquiring 191 sf transfer of development credits (TDC’s). Plans show a 2-bedroom, 2 bath replacement home, with addition of 7 new water using fixtures. The concerns by the Land Use Committee list 1. Tree removal and replacement 2. Water restrictions and 3. Use of a TDC program that is not currently in use. Recommendations- NCAC Land Use Committee cannot recommend the approval of this project on the basis of its previous water-related resolution of 3/19/2014. The excess GSA of the project precludes the NCAC making a recommendation for approval. The County should only approve a viable spacing of replacement plantings, and should verify and enforce planting off site when it is necessary, and verify planting of the correct species, Pinus radiata macrocarpa and d Quercus agrifolia, as specified in the NCAP. Motion for denial by the guidelines recommended from the Land Use Committee by Claudia Worthen Harmon/Seconded Jason Anderson Secondary Motion for approval with LUC recommendations by Ted Sigler / Seconded Heide Santos. Comment- Cesilia Lomeli- There will always be an issue regarding the resolution of water made by the NCAC Board in 3/19/2014. There will be other projects and this issue will be a concern in the future projects. Council Vote: 3 in favor, 7 opposed with 1 abstention Secondary Motion fails. Council vote on First Motion: 4 in favor, 6 opposed with 1 abstention. First Motion fails. Motion to neither deny nor approve the project with the recommendation that any trees (pines and oaks) removed be replaced with at least 2 on-site still adhering to the County standard of 6:1. Claudia Worthen Harmon/ Seconded Vari MacNeil. Council Vote: 7 in favor, 3 opposed with 1 abstention. Motion passes 3. Red Mtn. Road Grading complaint - review and letter request. (Attachment C) Jason Anderson requests the NCAC endorse and send a letter to Marie Cowan County Code Enforcement, Sharif Taylor Coastal Commission, and Bruce Gibson BOS, regarding concern over grading taking place on properties owned by Centrally Grown/Off The Grid on Red Mtn. Rd. Motion to send a letter County Code Enforcement requesting investigation of this issue by Bruce Fosdike/Seconded Tony Church. Council Vote: 10 in favor, 1 opposed. Motion passes. • Hamlet Project Review- the Committee recommends that the NCAC send a letter expressing concern regarding violations at 7432 Exotic Garden Drive. Construction exceeding the scope of work allowed under permit and unpermitted demolition of structures while it is still under appeal to the Board of Supervisors. Motion to send a letter to the Board of Supervisors regarding the above issues /Seconded Vari MacNeil Council Vote: 8 in favor, 3 opposed. Motion passes. The committee recommends that the NCAC combine the Traffic and Land Use Committee, at the request of Traffic. It was recommended by the Chair that this combining be done without the need of a bylaw change by running the meeting consecutively. Motion made to have the Traffic and Land Use Committee meetings run consecutively by Cesilia Lomeli/Seconded Bambi Fields. Council Vote: 9 in favor, 1 opposed. Motion passes. NCAC REPORTS: Transportation Committee- Tony Church- No Report Website Report-Roland Soucie- No report Treasurer’s Report- Heide Santos- Total amount $955.83 Environmental Report- Vari MacNeil -Address the issue with the County to approve a change in plans for a tree removal to be done outside of nesting season. Corresponding Secretary- Linda Haskins- No report Farmers Market- Community Outreach Report- No volunteers for the month of August. Will continue to be on the agenda for next month. OLD BUSINESS: Bruce Fosdike- A meeting with SLOCOG discussing the revisions to the Gateway Monument. SLOCOG will strive to make any changes possible but is hampered by grant regulations and other issues. They will keep us posted on the progress of the project. NEW BUISNESS: Vari MacNeil needs to have the spelling of her name corrected. Motion to purchase a plaque for resigning member Bob McLaughlin for recognition of his service to the NCAC for not over $100.00 by Claudia Harmon Worthen/Seconded Roland Soucie. Council Vote: Unanimous. Motion to purchase a back-up recorder due to the present trouble with the current one. By Mike McLaughlin/Seconded Heide Santos. Council Vote: 10 in favor, 1 opposed. Motion passes. Motion to adjourn at 9:40pm by Claudia Harmon Worthen/Seconded Heide Santos. Attachment B LAND USE AND PROJECT REVIEW COMMITTEE PROJECT REPORT, OCTOBER 2014 In attendance at 3:00 pm, October 6, 2014 meeting: Marj Sewell, Steve Cole, Tony Church, Bob Sfarzo, Laurel Stewart and Jason Anderson DRC 2013-00039 GIBBS This proposed project has been scheduled for the Planning Dept. Hearing, Friday, Oct. 17th. The application was referred to us earlier this year, but had no water allocation at that time. While County staff has stated that we should have reviewed at that time and included in our recommendation that the County should verify valid water availability with CCSD before processing, staff has agreed to accept Council comments for consideration at Friday’s hearing. The proposed Minor Use Permit is for tear-down of a 588 sf, 1 bdrm/1 bath SFR at 2194 Andover Place, east Lodge Hill, and construction of a 3,335 sf, 4 bdrm/4.5 bath SFR and garage at 2090 Sherwood Drive, west Lodge Hill on Marine Terrace. The new building is classified by CCSD as a remodel/reconstruction, and will be served by a transfer of water meter from the Andover parcel. The proposed home, which will require purchase of 435 sf of transfer of development credits, is comparable in size and character to many in the Marine Terrace neighborhood CONCERNS expressed at committee meeting: 1 - The retention of water runoff from this project’s large roof surface and large driveway 2 - The partial blockage of neighbor’s view and light by the proposed south side wall 3 - The process by which the CCSD allows new, larger construction, leading to loss of affordable housing, possible greater water use, etc. The County considers CCSD to have sole authority regarding water availability, water usage and water policy, when County policy documents address their own responsibility to monitor this resource and effect long-term planning. RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the project, and recommendation of (1) use of permeable paving on the driveway, as well as (2) a drainage plan which promotes on-site storage or retention of stormwater runoff rather than conveyance to the ocean, perhaps utilizing and modifying that part of the existing basin fronting Sherwood which is on-site. NOTE: Unless this item is continued to a hearing date in November, as currently requested by Planning staff because of an error in reporting the project street address, notification of any action taken by the Council will have to reach the Planning Department prior to the 9 a.m. hearing on Oct. 17th. Attachment C Traffic Committee Report, 6th October 2014 The meeting was called to order at 3.05 p.m. Present : Tony Church and, joining as a new member, Laurel Stewart, NCAC rep. Guests : Jason Anderson, Marj Sewell, Steve Cole, Bob Sfarzo, Jeremy Ghent and Tina Dickason. I am submitting this report although technically there was not a quorum. In view of this fact, I wish to invite others, especially those that were in attendance, to join the Traffic Committee. Jeremy Ghent , Operations and Planning Manager for San Luis Obispo County, attended our meeting and presented the 2014 North Coast Circulation Study , a copy of which I have emailed to all NCAC members. There is very little change from 2013 as the road improvement fund, which acquires its main funding from development fees, has not significantly increased, resulting in insufficient money to press ahead with identified capital improvement projects. There was a lively discussion about several items of concern, principally the intersection at Weymouth at Highway 1, provisionally scheduled for implementation in the study for 2020, the lack of designated bicycle lanes and general traffic congestion on Main Street, both in the East and West Villages. In order to expedite any item it is necessary to highlight and prove necessity and by that means funding can then be applied for, such as federal funds. A proposed project is often ranked in priority by a score process, points given for things such as number of accidents at the site, congestion, traffic volume and safety concerns. Concerned citizens should take note and should collect data to justify the extent of any problems. Items that could possibly be completed by external funding could be the addition of sidewalks on Eton which may fall under a federal safe passage to school program. The model on which the circulation study is based has not been updated in many years but the cost would be approximately $40,000 to $50,000 and it does not appear to be on a high priority list. If a more detailed explanation is desired Mr. Ghent is more than willing to provide a full interpretation to the full council upon request.
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