October 19, 2014 St. Thomas Aquinas Parish & School 955 Alton Road East Lansing, MI 48823 Office Phone: 517.351.7215 School Phone: 517.332.0813 St. John Church & Student Center 327 MAC Avenue East Lansing, MI 48823 Office Phone: 517.337.9778 www.elcatholics.org t Register a rg lood.o redcrossb in or walk ST. THOMAS AQUINAS Weekend Mass Times ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST Weekend Mass Times Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am Weekday Mass Times Monday – Friday 6:30 am Wednesday & Friday at 9:00 am Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, Noon, 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:00-4:00 pm & following the 4:30 pm Mass 1 Weekday Mass Times Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 12:15 pm Tuesday & Thursday at 9:15 pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Monday, Wednesday & Friday 11:00 am - Noon Tuesday at 8:00 pm Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19, 2014 Fr. Mark’s Remarks Our Faith & Fundamentals Celebration is less than a month away…Friday, November 14 starting at 6:00pm at the University Club of Michigan State University. The celebration benefits St. Thomas Aquinas Parish School. The golf ball drop will be held at 2:45pm here on the STA parish grounds (the soccer field). I am sure it was the highlight for Fr. Jerry Ploof when he was Administrator of the parish while I was on sabbatical last year! People purchase a numbered golf ball for $50 and only 500 golf balls are sold. I go up in a helicopter and drop all 500 to the ground (there are many things priests are called upon to do for God’s people that they never told us about in the seminary!) The closest golf ball to a flag wins $5,000 and the farthest away wins $500. The evening also features cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, silent and live auctions and the presentation of the SS. Joachim & Anne Award. RSVP to www.FaithFundamentals.info. Mark your calendars, buy a golf ball, and plan to attend for a whole lot of fun that does a whole lot of good! All Parishioners and Friends are invited to attend a financial lunch and learn workshop. Thursday, November 13 12:00 Noon, Fr. Mac Hall, STA Topics to be discussed: Long Term Care Impact on Retirement How are you affected by Companies underwriting philosophy Quality of Life/Longevity Issues Current Financial Costs of Care “Decreasing” role of Government Medicare & Medicaid What to look for in Long Term Care Insurance Policy I had the 11:00am Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas a couple of weeks ago and I am still thinking about the adult choir that lead us in song and inspired us with their prayerful music. Under the leadership of an MSU doctoral candidate in choral conducting, Elizabeth Hermanson, and the able accompaniment of Dr. Hae Won Jang, I was so proud to be the pastor of a parish with such fine music to worship and praise our God. At the 9:00am Mass preceding this, Matthew Eldred, our Director of Music for both St. Thomas and St. John Church & Student Center, lead the children’s choir. The music of angels! At St. John the students are back and so are the music majors with their voices and instruments. Along with our permanent community members they all continue the tradition and reputation that we have for good music that is known around the State of Michigan. How blessed we are in this parish! Estate Planning Which documents are right for you? What are my options? Avoiding Probate Maximizing gifts to loved ones without Estate tax or court interference Planned giving Introduction to St. Thomas and St. John Endowment Funds Complete Turkey Luncheon provided by St. Thomas Aquinas Parish/ St. John Church & Student Center Development Fund RSVP Requested to St. Thomas Aquinas Parish Office by November 6 517-351-7215 Have a blessed week! 1. Coffee & Donuts Sunday, October 19 at STA Join us after the 9:00am and 11:00am Masses Insurance Products offered through Hantz Agency. Securities offered through Hantz Financial Services. Member FINRA/SIPC 2 Offertory Actual Year to Date October 5 Budget Year To Date October 5 Deficit $554,443 $571,955 $17,512 Please Note: The fiscal year began 7/1/2014. 20% of the Actual offering comes from electronic giving from Parishioner checking accounts and credit cards. Today is World Mission Sunday! We are invited today to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches through the Missions in the most remote areas across our world. Your prayers and generous gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the collection today help the work of priests, religious and lay leaders in Mongolia and throughout the Missions who offer the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love, mercy, His hope, and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please be as generous as you can for today's collection. For more information, please visit www.IAmAMissionary.org Christian Service - Matthew 25 Oct. 5: Bridges to Healing, will receive $2,165 to provide health care for hundreds of sick, disabled, and chronically ill children living in orphanages in Mexico and Bolivia. Oct. 19: Sisters of Holy Cross, in support of Kyenbogo Holy Cross Health Centre in Kirinda, Uganda. They provide outpatient, maternity, and postnatal care. Oct. 26: Sisters of Charity of Nazareth provide emergency food and medicine to desperately poor people in Belize, Central America. Their ministry includes outreach to those infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS. Bereavement Support Group meets Wednesday evening, October 22, 6:00-8:00pm, in the Dining Room of the former rectory. For more information, please call the parish offices. Thank you for your generosity! 3 St. John Student Center - Home of the Sr. Dorothy - srdorothy@elcatholics.org Director of Campus Ministry Katie Diller - kdiller@elcatholics.org Director of Student Outreach Catholic Spartans UPCOMING EVENTS Sr. Dorothy’s Spiritual Nourishment Priesthood Discernment Group Monday, October 20, 7:30-9:00pm Student Lounge, downstairs SJSC Please email Fr. Dan Westermann (frdan@elcatholics.org) for more information, or RSVP on Facebook. New men ages 18-28 are welcome. Guest Author: Kayla Keyser Freshman Being Catholic is a beautiful thing. Being young and Catholic is a challenge. As college students, we are constantly faced with the pressures of fitting in along with an increasingly secular society. Our Catholic beliefs are not exactly popular and can be hard to defend when it feels like you’re against the world. Least of My Brothers & Sisters Wednesday, October 22 6:45pm Pizza 7:00pm Presentation All students are invited to learn about economic inequality and our Christian responsibility toward poverty in the world. In college, we’re at a crossroads in our life where we are transitioning from our parent’s faith to our own. We can no longer ride on the coattails of our Catholic cribs and we must begin to forge our own paths to God’s grace. It’s so easy nowadays to be swallowed up by peer pressure and the human need of acceptance. However, we, as Catholics, are called to be bold—to be courageous leaders in a world full of fearful followers. We need to rise above fear. We can’t be crippled by shame. It is essential to face our shortcomings and accept that we’re not perfect. That’s the beauty of being human: we don’t have to be! In the end, God’s judgment is the only one that matters so never let anyone else’s opinions determine your self-worth. I, myself, tend to struggle comparing myself to others which at times can make me feel unworthy. But you are more than the decisions and the mistakes that you have made. Who you are starts right now, today. Who you are depends on where you go with the lessons you’ve learned from your past. Alternative Spring Break Program Applications for ASB trips are now open online! This year's sites include: Jonestown, MS (construction) Kentucky (construction) Camden DeSales Works (social work) Camden Romero Center (social work) Habitat for Humanity: Huntsville, AL Habitat for Humanity: Philly Area Cincinnati, OH (social work) Flint, MI (social work) Trips are assigned on a first come, first serve basis with the $125 down payment. We can try to place you on a trip with a friend! Apply online at stjohnmsu.org or email korneff3@msu.edu for more information. Red Cross Blood Drive Friday, October 24 Noon- 5:00pm McDevitt Hall, downstairs SJSC We are part of a dwindling generation. We must stand up and defend our God even when it’s not easy, knowing that a life full of faith and hope provides much more happiness and fulfillment than a life full of momentary satisfaction. We have to be living proof if we stand a chance at showing our society how rewarding a relationship with God can be. Not everyone’s call is the same and each person’s relationship with God is different, but we are all Catholic and we are all in this together. Kayla 4 Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. More than 41,000 blood donations are needed every day. More than 1.6 million people were diagnosed with cancer last year. Many of them will need blood, sometimes daily, during their chemotherapy treatment. A single car accident victim can require as many as 100 pints of blood. MSU Faculty & Staff Appreciation Reception STA School News Playground Aide Needed All MSU Faculty and Staff are invited to join us for a special reception in your honor on Thursday, October 30, 5:30-7:00pm, in McDevitt Hall at St. John. St. Thomas Aquinas school is looking for a playground aide to work with students from kindergarten through eighth grades during school recess. Must be able to talk with students comfortably and redirect negative behaviors as necessary. Responsible for the safety and programming of students while at recess. The hours for this position are from 11:45am - 1:00 pm., Monday - Friday. Please contact Frank Sander at the school at 517-332-0813 or by e-mail at fsander@elcatholics.org. This will be an opportunity for you to get to know one another, and for us to show our gratitude for all that you do for MSU and our campus ministry community! Spouses welcome! We hope you can join us for an evening of hors d’oeuvres and beverages, as well as great fellowship . . . please RSVP to either sjsecretary@elcatholics.org or call Denise Z. at 337-9778. “Protecting God’s Children” Virtus Training for Adults takes place at STA this Wednesday, October 22, 6:30-9:00pm, in Fr. Mac Hall. This program strives to prevent child sexual abuse by raising awareness of behaviors and situations that put children at risk, as well as offering simple steps to keep our children safe. Graduate Student and Young Professional Group Faith Sharing on Thursday, 10/23 Join us from 7:30pm-8:30pm in the Purple Room at SJSC. Hope to see you there! While required for parish employees and volunteers, a special invitation is extended to parents of the parish to join us in learning the warning signs of potential child sexual abuse and appropriate ways to respond. Please pre-register for this free program by going to the website at www.virtusonline.org. Questions or more information, please contact Al Weilbaecher at 351-5460 or al@elcatholics.org. Confirmation Preparation For MSU Students & Adults If you are out of high school, baptized and have celebrated your First Communion, but have not received the sacrament of Confirmation, and would like to do so, this is for you! Preparation sessions for Confirmation will take place on six Sunday afternoons, 3:00-4:30pm, beginning in late January, with the celebration of the sacrament taking place sometime after Easter. Confirmation registration forms and more information are available by contacting Al Weilbaecher at 351-5460 or al@elcatholics.org. Could You Help? Cristo Rey Community Center is in need of a toner (not ink) based fax machine for office use. Ideally this would hold an entire ream of paper. Please contact Aaron Jenkins at 630-484-6423 or email ajenkins@cristo-rey.com with any donations. St. Vincent DePaul In the Gospel today Jesus says: “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” When God is the center of our lives there is no problem with giving others their due. Through your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you are helping your neighbor who is hungry, hopeless and frightened to know that they belong to God. Rosary Altar Society For Women of All Ages Who Wish to Serve the Church 5 Altar Society Thank You The ladies of the Altar Society of STA and SJSC want to thank everyone for their kind and generous donations. They are appreciated and will enable us to carry on the ministries and services we provide. Thank you! Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Update This past Sunday the catechumens, candidates, and their sponsors gathered to consider the topic, "The Third Commandment: Keep Holy the Lord's Day". Like the rest of the commandments, God gave us the Third Commandment out of love. It helps us give God a top place in our lives because deep within us God has placed a yearning and longing that will never be satisfied until we do. The basic value behind this commandment is this: regular, reflective, communal opportunities to open ourselves to God's presence are essential to maintaining a healthy relationship with God. As human beings, we need a regular pattern for taking time for ourselves and for God. We need to celebrate the Sabbath as a community, for that is where we come to faith and grow in our faith. Look to Chapter 27 in The United States Catholic Catechism for Adults for more information about the Third Commandment. This past Tuesday and Sunday the inquirers and their sponsors learned what Catholics believe about Mary and the saints. They were able to ask their questions and clear up some misconceptions about Catholic beliefs. Mary is a model of a disciple's total response to God. She was given to us by Jesus on the cross to be the mother of each one of us. Mary is close to us, and has a mother's concern for each of us. The saints are people who have followed the will of God by doing ordinary things in an extraordinary way. They come from every age group, occupation, era, and vocation in life. They are models for us and intercede for us with God in heaven. The inquirers also explored the Catholic understanding of heaven, hell, and purgatory. They learned that Catholics regard death as a comma, not a period. Death is a moment of transformation when a person begins a whole new way of life. God's love for us is total and unconditional but the choices we make to be giving or selfish determine how we will spend eternity. This session was summed up by a quote from St. Francis de Sales: "Life is for seeking God. Death is the moment when we find God. Eternity is the possession of God." If you have been thinking about exploring your interest in the Catholic Church, or if you know someone who has mentioned this possibility, call Pete Ries at 517-351-5460, ext. 1328 or e-mail him at pries@elcatholics.org. Six part DVD Series by Fr. Robert Barron The better we understand Jesus, the better we understand ourselves. But who was Jesus, this itinerant preacher, whom many called the Messiah? Using biblical insights and engaging stories, Father Barron affirms that we must see Jesus most clearly through the lens of the Old Testament. Through this presentation and discussion of Priest, Prophet, King, you will better understand Jesus, become more familiar with Scripture, and realize your own priestly, prophetic and kingly mission. This 6-part DVD Series will take place on Mondays, 7:00-8:30pm, October 27-December 1, in Fr. Mac Hall. Questions? Contact Al Weilbaecher at 351-5460 or al@elcatholics.org. Alpha for Catholics Coming to STA Church in January! Alpha for Catholics is an introduction to the Christian faith that gives guests a relaxed and low-key opportunity to explore the meaning of life. Each of the ten weekly sessions begins with a simple meal, followed by a short talk looking at a different aspect of the Christian faith. After that, there is time for discussion in a friendly small group. Alpha is intended for those wanting to grow in understanding and faith, for those who are new to the Christian faith, for those wanting to investigate the Christian faith, and for those who have given up on church. Know someone who might benefit from Alpha? For more information or details, contact Al at 351-5460 or al@elcatholics.org Alpha will be held on Mondays, beginning January 12, in Fr. Mac Hall. Prayers for the Sick & Deceased Please pray for all those who are ill, especially, Bea Hughes, Patricia Winnie, and those listed in our Book of Prayer. May the Lord who will one day destroy death bring our faithful departed to the feast of Life. We remember Kathleen McElheron, and Helen Lothamer. 6 CALLED. YOUTH GROUP - As in most parishes the words "Youth Group" are used to describe a combination of study, spiritual development and social activities aimed at teens. At STA, our regular "Youth Group Meetings" are focused on spiritual growth. These groups meet on Sunday morning, 10:15 - 11:30am or Sunday evening 4:30 - 6:00pm. Following the evening session, we also have "Hang Out" which will involve a variety of activities - primarily social. All HS students of the parish are welcome and will benefit, including those who attend LCHS. Guest Columnist This week, we turn our Youth Ministry space over to one of our High School leaders, Sydney Schneider. Sydney is a senior at Laingsburg High School. She is a volunteer catechist and a member of our Youth Leadership Team. Sydney reflects on the theme of our first Youth Group meeting of the year: In our first youth group meeting, we asked ourselves “why are we here?” That reflection, and its many layers, really struck me. Of course, on a surface level, we ask ourselves “why have I come to youth group?” However, if we delve deeper into reflection the question becomes “why was I created?” DIOCESAN HIGH SCHOOL JAMBOREE registration forms are due this week! Drop them by one of the parish offices, or bring them to youth group. The parish will be registering as a group. CONFIRMATION PREPARATION - The first meeting of the year is next week. There will be two identical sessions that candidates can attend: Saturday, October 25 or Wednesday, October 19. Pick the session that best fits your schedule. All sessions are 7-8:30pm in Fr. Mac Hall, downstairs at STA. If you had asked me those questions during my freshman year, I probably would have supplied two answers drastically different than what I would reply now. To the first, I may have said “Because I love God” or “Because I want to learn about my faith.” To the second, I would have said “to teach,” as the Holy Spirit has gifted me with the ability to counsel others. However, in three years I have grown slightly wiser. I now know that my purpose, the answer to my “why?”, is to love Jesus both directly and through those He sends in my path. Yes, learning about my faith is loving Jesus, and yes, so is teaching others. But the sole purpose of my entire life can be summarized in two words: Love Him. Readings for the Week of October 19, 2014 Sunday Twenty-Ninth Sunday in OrdinaryTime Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 Monday Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100; Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85; Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday Eph 3:2-12; Is 12; Lk 12:39-48 Thursday Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33; Lk 12:49-53 Friday Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24; Lk 12:54-59 Saturday Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122; Lk 13:1-9 Sunday Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 Living the Faith is not simply attending a weekly youth group event; it is truly a lifestyle. If we allow ourselves to truly listen, absorb the teachings we learn in our hearts, and use these teachings to call upon Christ, He transforms our entire lives. In many ways, that is a terrifying notion. As humans, we are resistant to change, so the idea of a complete transformation makes us more than a little uneasy. However, if we allow ourselves to be altered, to be molded by Christ Himself, something beautiful happens: we are set free. After all, aren’t we all slaves to something? For some of us, it’s work or academics. For others, sports or popularity. There are countless distractions in our daily lives that can take hold of us. But when we devote our lives to Him, we rid ourselves of frivolous burdens. When we devote our lives to Him, we become the person we were created to be. Faith Sharing Questions on the Gospel We invite you to prepare for the liturgy next Sunday, October 26, by reflecting on the Gospel, Matthew 22:34–40. Jesus names the two greatest commandments: to love the Lord with your whole self and to love your neighbor as yourself. Questions: “In what ways do my actions prove or disclaim my faith in Christ? What do I need to improve my relationship with God?” Sydney 7 For further reflections on the Sunday readings, see the link to “Bringing Home the Word” on the Adult Faith Formation page of our parish website, www.elcatholics.org. Small Things Sunday, October 19 1:30-3:00pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION classes are underway for the year, but we welcome new students all the time. An easy way to register is to go to the parish website; under ministries drop down to "Religious Education". On the Religious Education page you can print out all the forms you need, or even register and pay online. Baraga Room, STA Now Showing: GOD’S NOT DEAD Religion, Spirituality and Health HOMESTUDY AND ONLINE CLASSES Parents who registered their children for online classes should have received information via email regarding the process for getting started. Those doing home study should call and arrange a time for picking up materials. 351-5460 All are invited to attend this important and informative presentation on Thursday evening, November 6, at 7:00pm in McDevitt Hall at SJSC featuring Cindy Bergeman, PhD. Some people pray for a healthy recovery when faced with a grave illness. In fact, faith can give people the strength to cope with sickness. But can it boost your chances of getting well? COMMUNICATION - All families should be receiving a weekly email newsletter. If you are not receiving it, we must either not have an email address for you, or we misread it. Please let us know! Also, East-Lansing Religious Education has a Facebook Page. We encourage you to "like" us and get regular updates. This lecture focuses on the pathways through which spiritual and religious practices and beliefs may affect health outcomes, and the research issues that can limit our understanding of this important resilience resource. This special presentation is part of Notre Dame’s “Hesburgh Lecture Series” and is being sponsored by the Notre Dame Club of Lansing. On the first Sunday of every month, the local African community is celebrating Mass together at STA with Fr. Tucker Cordani, parochial vicar at St. Thomas. The first two readings, the songs, psalm response, Gloria, Creed, and the Our Father are said in one of the dialects that they have in common, or in French. Other parts of the Mass, including the Gospel, homily, and the Eucharistic Prayer, are in English. Baptismal Celebrations We joyfully welcome into our Catholic faith community the following infants and young children who were baptized during the month of September, and we warmly congratulate their parents! The Community is composed of Africans from several different countries: Burundi, Rwanda, Kenya, Cameroon, etc. The members are from different area churches, including IHM, St. Therese, and St. Thomas. They have found that their children are being enticed away from the Catholic Church by other area Christian denominations. In an effort to try to keep their children in the Catholic faith, they have begun to meet 3 times a month at St. Therese for Bible study and choir from 3:00pm to 5:00pm every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month. Everyone is welcome to join us Sunday, November 2 at 3:30pm for Mass. Charlotte Jay Aleena Ayakan Everly Rose Gia Irene Claire Marie Alexander Louis Mia Delaney Tenley Chris Vivian Leigh Amelia Jane Luke Patrick Gloria Jean 8 Paul & Samantha Dawson William Claude Biny & Justine Nanti David & Kelly Bruce Nick & Ellen Belloli Daniel & Ashley McKenna Dan & Stephanie Weeks Nate & Tonya Monroe Brian & Anna Bratta Blakley & Amanda Myler Curt & Janelle Trowhill Patrick & Allyson Dean Dane & Angela Sprecher God bless all of you!! Events In our Parish Mass Intentions Monday, October 20, 2014 4:30pm Religious Ed Classes (STA) 5:30pm Centering/Contemplative Prayer (SJSC) 6:00pm Evening Prayer (STA) 6:30pm JustFaith Engaging Spirituality (SJSC) Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:30pm Group Spiritual Direction (STA) 6:30pm Chinese Prayer Group (SJSC) 6:30pm 3rd Order Dominicans (STA) 7:00pm RCIA Inquiry (SJSC) 7:00pm Living in Love Follow up (STA) Wednesday, October 22, 2014 9:30am Bible Study (STA) 10:00am Rosary (STA) 3:15pm, 4:15pm Cherub Choir Rehearsal (STA) 6:00pm Evening Prayer (STA) 6:00pm Bereavement Support Group (STA) 6:30pm Virtus Session (STA) 7:00pm Korean Prayer Group (STA) 7:00pm Light Weigh (STA) Thursday, October 23, 2014 9:30am Mom’s Group (SJSC) 12:15pm Bible Study (SJSC) 3:15pm, 4:30pm Seraph Choir Rehearsal (STA) 4:30pm RCIA with Teens & Children (STA) 6:00pm Choir Rehearsal (STA) 6:30pm Choir Rehearsal (SJSC) 7:00pm GS/YP (SJSC) Friday, October 24, 2014 10:00am Red Cross Blood Drive (SJSC) Saturday, October 25, 2014 9:00am Food Cupboard Opens (SJSC) Sunday, October 26, 2014 8:30am, 10:20am Religious Ed Classes (STA) 9:45am Choir Rehearsal (STA) 10:00am RCIA Reception (STA) 11:00am RCIA (SJSC) 1:00pm Boy Scout Troop #293 (STA) 3:00pm Collegiate Ensemble Rehearsal (SJSC) 3:50pm Korean Community Mass (STA) 4:00pm Spaghetti Supper (SJSC) 4:30pm Youth Ministry (STA) 5:00pm A Biblical Walk (STA) 6:30pm JustFaith Meeting (STA) Monday, October 20, 2014 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Paula Skinner req. by Kay & Ron Daubenmier 12:15pm (St. John) Special Intention req. by Ignacio Tuesday, October 21, 2014 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) James Prince req. by Skip & Nell Wolcott 9:15pm (St. John) Wednesday, October 22, 2014 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Florence Foye req. by Sean Quinn 9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Jim Casper req. by Tony Fedewa 12:15pm (St. John) Elaine Lepkowski req. by Joan & Greg Wierzba Thursday, October 23, 2014 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Howard McCarthy req. by Bill & Carol Ann Wilkinson 9:15pm (St. John) Friday, October 24, 2014 6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas) George Merva req. by Knights of Columbus #7816 9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Frank DeRose req. by Darlene Robinson and Long Family 12:15pm (St. John) Int. of Rick Bryce req. by Peg Bergmann Saturday, October 25, 2014 4:30pm (St. Thomas Aquinas) Donald Cassady req. by the Cassady Family Sunday, October 26, 2014 8:00am (St. John) 9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Peg Murphy req. by Murphy Family 10:00am (St. John) Stefania Duch req. by the Sweeney Family 11:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas) Int. of George Guerre req. by Therese Edwards 12:00pm (St. John) Diane Levande req. by Patrick & Carla Barnes 5:00pm (St. John) 7:00pm (St. John) Int. of Gregory Rudawski req. by Rosanne Cottone Lansing Catholic High School has a Part Time Food Service position available. Hours are 2.5 per day on open school days. Please call Lansing Catholic Food Service at 267-2119 for more information. 9 10 11 12
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