Bloom Elementary School 8310 East Pima Street Tucson, Arizona 85715

Home of the Eagles
Tucson Unified School District
Bloom Elementary School
8310 East Pima Street
Tucson, Arizona 85715
(520) 731-3700 phone
(520) 731-3702 attendance
(520) 731-3701 fax
Mrs. Norma Flores, M.Ed., Principal
October E-News 2014
Principal News…
Mrs. Norma Flores, M.Ed.
Bloom Families,
I hope everyone had a relaxing fall break with your children and you have had the opportunity to
spend some quality time with a little less of a hectic schedule. It’s hard to believe that the first
quarter is behind us. It was sure a busy start!
By now you have had the opportunity to conference with the teachers of each of your children. I
encourage you to maintain that important communication in order to assist your students in
reaching and exceeding their goals of improving by at least one year’s growth.
Upon your return from fall break students in grades K-5 will take home their progress reports for
the 1st quarter. Think of the progress report as a conversation starter; a way for your child to talk
about how they are doing in each area, what is easy or hard and how you can help them do
better. Here are some helpful tips for talking about progress reports with your child:
Ask your child how they think they performed the first quarter. This will set the tone for
parents to listen.
Offer specific praise and encouragement.
Focus on a way to do better. Come up with a plan for improvement together and put it in
writing. Make sure to share the plan with the teacher so you are all on the same page.
If the teacher is commenting on your child’s chattiness or inability to listen, don’t set
yourself for an argument. Ask your child, “Why do you think the teacher feels you have
trouble listening?” Getting your child to think and talk about their actions and behaviors will
result in self reflection and lead to change in behavior. Together come up with a plan to
change the behavior for second quarter.
If your child consistently brings home amazing progress reports, express to your child how
hard they worked to earn those grades and to continue outstanding effort.
Call, click or visit us at (520) 731-3700,, 8310 East Pima Street
Remember not to just focus on the negative but to shed light on the positive. Please use
kind words and use the progress report as a tool for encouragement to success in school.
You want to know what your child is learning and how he is doing in school. Arizona’s academic
standards tell you what your child will learn each year. The progress report tells you how well he
has mastered the standards. With a TUSDStats Parental Access Account, you can view your
child’s progress reports online. To create a parental access account, find the information you
were given at your parent/teacher conference using the TUSDStats Parental Access Information
4-Exceeds the Standard
Demonstrates superior academic performance on content standards.
3-Meets the Standard
Demonstrates solid academic performance on content standards.
2-Approaches the Standard
Demonstrates partial understanding of the knowledge and skills required to meet the standard.
1-Falls Far Below the Standard
Demonstrates insufficient evidence of the knowledge and required skills to approach content
As the first quarter comes to a close, we can reflect and celebrate our success. Teachers are
engaged in teaching the new common core standard and students are busy learning each day.
I’m sure you are hearing more and more about common core standards from your teachers and
the media.
In keeping you informed, the goal of the common core initiative is to develop internationally
benchmarked standards that ensure all students are held to consistent expectations that will
prepare them for college and a career. For more in depth information regarding common core
standards visit
We have seen an increase in issues regarding students and their personal play items; play
equipment and toys. We know it is distressing to students when they bring a personal ball or toy
to school and something happens such as damage or loss. In addition we have had issues on the
bus with personal equipment and toys being used inappropriately. There is no need for students
to bring their own balls or toys to school. We have an ample supply of sports balls that are
available for students to use during all recess times. We are asking parents to have their children
leave personal sports equipment and toys at home. This will prevent future issues.
Instructional time is very important to us and we work hard to protect this time. When students
arrive late or leave early it not only interrupts their learning, it also interrupts the learning of others
around them. We need your support! Please plan your schedules in such a way that the school
day is a top priority. The school day starts at 7:45 AM and dismissal is at 1:55 PM. If we notice a
pattern of students arriving late or leaving early you will be notified by the principal and an
explanation will be expected. Thank you to all of you who support our efforts to get all children to
school on time and keep them in class until the end of the day.
Move on with reading policy: Beginning the 2013-2014 school year students in the 3rd grade who
score at “Falls Far Below” on the AIMS reading test will be retained in the 3 rd grade in order to
have more opportunities to meet the rigorous reading requirements. During conferences all
Call, click or visit us at (520) 731-3700,, 8310 East Pima Street
students at risk received a yellow letter informing you of your child’s academic concerns. Please
take a personal interest in your child’s education and read with them at home to improve fluency
and comprehensions. If your child is still at risk you will be asked to have a second conference in
February. Please understand this is a state initiative not a TUSD rule.
Calling all basketball players! It is time for basketball try-outs. We will be holding basketball tryouts next week after school. A flyer will be sent home on Friday. Last year, we had a late start,
so this year we want to get a jump on the season. If you are interested in coaching, please let me
know. I would like to have a girls and a boy’s team, but if we are unable to do so, we will have
one co-ed team of 12 players. The students had a blast last year and we are hoping for another
great season this year!
Halloween is almost here! Friday, October 31st is our annual Character parade. Friends and
family are invited to watch or participate in this fun event but please don’t be tardy for school!
 The parade will begin at 8:30 AM.
 Students may wear their costumes to school and wear them all day or change after the
 If the costume becomes a distraction, the students will be asked to change.
 We will have our parade on the basketball court.
 No weapons are allowed please (masks, make-up, temporary hair color are okay).
Collecting Box Tops is an easy way to earn cash for Bloom through everyday activities such as
buying groceries, shopping online and purchasing books. Clip Box Top coupons from hundreds of
participating products and send them to school. Box Top coupons are worth 10 cents each when
our school redeems them through Box Tops for Education. You can also shop at your favorite
online stores through the Box Tops Marketplace or purchase books online at Barnes & Noble
through the Box Tops Reading Room to earn additional Box Top credits for our school.
We are accepting tax credit donations here at Bloom. Your donation is credited directly to your
state taxes, so you get your money back when you file your taxes. You don’t need to wait until the
end of the year to donate. Some people like to do a little each month until they have given as
much as they want to donate. In the past, we have used the money for craft club, art supplies,
technology club, PE supplies and field trips. This year we are working hard to add the Lego
Robotics program and Lead Guitar. Please consider Bloom Elementary when you are making
your Arizona Tax Credit donation.
Every Friday is Fan Shirt Day! Show your spirit by wearing your favorite sports shirt. Students
may wear any sports team, including high school teams.
Every Wednesday is Bloom Shirt Day! Show your school spirit by wearing your Bloom Shirt. If
you do not have a Bloom shirt you can wear our school colors which are purple and blue.
Thank you for your continued support!
Norma Flores, M.Ed., Principal
Call, click or visit us at (520) 731-3700,, 8310 East Pima Street
Contact information:
From Bloom's Learning Support Coordinator:
What are Restorative Practices?
Restorative practices work together with Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to
teach students expected behaviors and accountability for one’s actions.
The fundamental premise of restorative practices is that people are happier, more cooperative and
productive, and more likely to make positive changes when those in authority do things with them,
rather than to them. Common Restorative Practices used at Bloom are classroom circles and
small group or individual conferences.
A Restorative Circle is practice that can be used proactively, to develop relationships and build
community or to respond to wrongdoing, conflicts and problems. Circles give people an
opportunity to speak and listen to one another in an atmosphere of safety, decorum and equality.
The Circle process allows people to tell their stories and offer their own perspectives. The Circle
has a wide variety of purposes: conflict resolution, healing, support, decision making, information
exchange and relationship development.
Common questions used to develop thinking are:
•What happened?
•What were you thinking of at the time?
•What have you thought about since?
•Who has been affected by what you have done?
•In what way have they been affected?
•What do you think you need to do to make things right?
Really good things can happen when school and home share common language and ways of
helping students develop into responsible citizens. It’s all about high expectations and teaching
students how to reach them.
~Karen Paquette, 731-3700
Upcoming Events…
Please remember to let the office know of any e-mail address changes in order to continue receiving our e-mail publications!
Every Wednesday – Good News Club from 1-2:30 PM after school in the B building. Click
here for registration form!
Every Friday – Bowling after school program from 2 to between 5 and 5:30 PM. Please stop
by the office for more information and a registration form.
October 14 – Internet Safety classes for students
Call, click or visit us at (520) 731-3700,, 8310 East Pima Street
October 14 – PTA Multicultural Pot Luck – bring your heritage dish to share from 6-8 PM
October 14 – Star Gazing Night – Tucson Astronomy
October 15 – Student Council Speeches – 8:30 AM (Parents welcome)
October 21 – Internet Safety Classes for students
October 27 – TUSD Hearing re-screens
October 30 – PTA Monster Mash Dance – 6-8 PM
October 31 – Character Parade 8:30 AM (Costumes welcome but please see rules above)
November 4 – BMX Bike Show (for students) – 9:30 AM
November 4 – PTA Chili Cook-off Family Competition 6-8 PM
November 5 – PICTURE RETAKES (Inter-State Studios)
November 5 – Jump-A-Thon 10:30 – 12:15
November 11 Veteran’s Day – (No School)
November 18-25 – PTA Scholastic Book Fair
November 25 – PTA Camping Night (last day of Book Fair, evening hours)
November 27-28 –Thanksgiving Day/Black Friday (No School)
Printable Calendar
News from the Café…
For more information contact
Please make sure your student has lunch money on his account. The cafeteria accepts advance
pay at any time. Effective immediately, PB&J will be given to students who have a negative
balance on their account. Your child can enjoy breakfast as early as 7:15 AM to 7:40 AM. Please
allow plenty of time to eat breakfast so your child is not tardy to class.
Breakfast: $1.25 Free/Reduced: $.25
$2.10 Free/Reduced: $.40
Please remind your student that if they bring their lunch from home and want a milk to go with
lunch, they still need to wait in line to pay for the milk. We have a lot of milk walk away without
being paid for and it must be tracked by Food Services. Unfortunately, the cafeteria is not allowed
to give the students “seconds”. Please talk to your student about this as soon as possible.
Click for the latest lunch menu!
Call, click or visit us at (520) 731-3700,, 8310 East Pima Street
Lost & Found
Our Lost & Found is now located in the Café. Please make sure you retrieve your lost items. At
the end of each month, all items are donated.
Lines from the Library…
For more information contact
Yay! It's autumn! The weather may not feel like fall in Tucson, but the season is upon us. Encourage
your children to check out seasonal books, such as:
The Hallo-Wiener by Dav Pilkey
Porkenstein by Kathryn Lasky
One is a Feast for Mouse by Judy Cox
Squanto's Journey by Joseph Bruchac
In November by Cynthia Rylant
We also have lots of cookbooks with great seasonal recipes and LOTS of scary stories for those thrill
seekers. Feel free to stop in for your own library account and start checking out today!
As a reminder, if you receive a notice of a fine, payment should be made in the office. Once you
receive a receipt, you or your child can bring that to me so that I can remove the fine from his/her
account. If you would prefer to replace the book, please make sure that it is the same title and
author. Your child may bring that directly to the library, and I will remove the fine from his/her
account. You may also return or pay for lost books from other TUSD schools here at Bloom.
Thank you!
Takiya Saavedra
Library Assistant
Blessings in a Backpack…
For volunteer opportunities and more information, please contact Robin Brennan at 878-3807 or
BLESSINGS IN A BACKPACK is happy to announce that we won a Walmart grant for
$4,810.00. This will help us to feed 48 children for a whole school year. We will be spending that
Call, click or visit us at (520) 731-3700,, 8310 East Pima Street
money at ALBERTSON'S MARKET on Wilmot and 22nd, where we have been shopping for the
last three years. They sell us food at cost and LOVE OUR PROGRAM!! Go and say thank you.
We also have ALBERTSON'S community cards you can use at ANY store. The program gets 1
penny for every dollar you spend. We will have some available in the office. It's such an easy way
to help out.
Thank you.
Robin & Nina
Site Council News…
Your 2014-2015 Site Council Representatives:
Debbie Black, Amber Chipman (parent rep.), Norma Flores (Principal,
Rich Harkins (parent rep.), Wendy Hartje, Joan Etheredge (parent rep.),
Kristina Rustici (facilitator), Sandy Stiarwalt, Ricki Turak, & Kaye Wingfield
Our next Site Council Meeting will be (TBA) at 3 PM in the Library. If you are interested in being
involved in Site Council, please contact the school as soon as possible for details. Click here for a
link to the latest minutes from previous meetings.
Nurse Notes…
Your Bloom Elementary Healthcare providers: Rebecca Kaufman, RN, BSN and Jacque Blomquist, Health Assistant
Fall is arriving. May I suggest dressing your youngsters in layers to keep them warm in the
coolness of morning, but can be shed in the warmth of the afternoon. I’m starting to see little
shivering bodies in the early mornings waiting for the start bell to ring. Also, now is a good time to
be pro-active in getting the families flu shots. You can get flu shots almost anywhere these days.
Be well and enjoy the beautiful cooler weather.
Rebecca Kaufman RN, BSN and Jacque Blomquist, HA
Your 2014-2015 PTA Board Members:
President: Amy Abbott
Vice President: Your name here!
Treasurer: Your name here!
Secretary: Your name here!
Please contact Bloom PTA:
Dear Bloom Families,
Look for these exciting upcoming events!
October 14 (TONIGHT) – Multicultural Potluck – bring your heritage dish to share! 6-8 PM
October 30 – Monster Mash Dance – Volunteers needed! (Informational Flyer to come) SAVE THE DATE
Time: 6-8 PM
Stuff the Scarecrow (bring long sleeve shirt, panty hose, jeans (child or adult sizes)
Call, click or visit us at (520) 731-3700,, 8310 East Pima Street
Admission $2 per person
Parents must remain with children, no food will be provided
November 4 – BMX Bike Show – 9:30 AM
November 4 – Chili Cook-off Family Competition – 6-8 PM
November 18-25 – Scholastic Book Fair (Volunteers Needed)
November 25 – Camping Night (Reading in tents) (Not a sleepover)
Best regards,
Amy Abbott – PTA President
Student Council News
Welcome to the newest column of our school newsletter! This column will feature Student
Council news. Our 4th and 5th grades are giving speeches on October 15th at 8:30 AM and
will be subsequently holding elections. Stop by the office if you need to pick up another
permission slip.
Additional Information…
Check out TUSD’s Parent University Information!
Contact us!
Remember to notify your child’s teacher if your e-mail address changes to continue receiving updates!
Project Able
1 Grade
3 Grade
4 Grade
Mrs. Eisen
Mrs. Talbot
Ms. Goldstein
Ms. Kennedy
Ms. Procaccio
Mrs. Aldecoa
Mrs. Rustici
Mrs. Bohland
Ms. Garcia
Ms. Werner
Ms. Garcia
Ms. Peppeard
Mr. Schiavone
Mrs. Black
Call, click or visit us at (520) 731-3700,, 8310 East Pima Street
5 Grade
Office Manager
Bloom Website
Ms. Couch-Murphy
Mr. Hubble
Mrs. Miller
Mrs. Wingfield
Ms. Sandy Stiarwalt
Ms. Ricki Turak
Click to find the rest of our staff!
Ms. Saavedra
Mrs. Norma Flores
tusd governing board
Adelita Grijalva, President; Kristel Ann Foster, Clerk; Michael hicks;
cam Juárez; dr. mark stegeman
Tucson Unified School District | 1010 E. Tenth St. | Tucson, AZ 85719 | (520) 225-6000
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Call, click or visit us at (520) 731-3700,, 8310 East Pima Street