CURRICULUM VITAE PAULA D. TURKON Ithaca College Office 117 Administrative Annex (607)274-3280 Mail Department of Anthropology Gannett Center, Ithaca College Ithaca, NY 14850 Education 2002 (December) Ph.D., Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University. Dissertation thesis, Social Identity and Food in the Malpaso Valley, Zacatecas, Mexico, Dr. Ben A. Nelson, chair. 1993 (Spring semester) Visiting Graduate Student, University of Minnesota. Course and lab work in paleoethnobotany, seed identification, and maize studies with Dr. Christine A. Hastorf, Dr. Robert Bright, and Dr. John Doebley. 1992 M.A., Department of Anthropology, State University of New York at Buffalo. Masters thesis, The Use of Wild and Cultivated Foods in Zacatecas, Mexico, Dr. Ben A. Nelson, chair. 1986 B.A., Department of Languages and Literature, University of Pennsylvania. 1984 A.A., French and Spanish, Simon's Rock of Bard College. Teaching Positions Fall 2009-Present ASISTANT PROFESSOR. Departments of Anthropology and Environmental Studies and Sciences. Ithaca College. Fall 2007-Spring 2008 VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Department of Anthropology. Ithaca College. Spring 2006 ADJUNCT FACULTY, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, State University of New York at Cortland. Fall 2005-Spring 2009 LECTURER, Department of Anthropology. Ithaca College. 2003-2005 FACULTY ASSOCIATE and ADJUNCT FACULTY, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University. 2004-2005 ADJUNCT FACULTY, Mesa Community College, Mesa, Arizona. 2003-2005 ETHNOBOTANY WORKSHOP INSTRUCTOR, Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix, Arizona. Turkon 2 Courses Taught Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Buried Cities and Lost Tribes: New World Buried Cities and Lost Tribes: Old World World Prehistory Human Evolution and Survival Workshops in Ethnobotany Human Environmental Impact Mesoamerican Prehistory Southwest U.S. Archaeology and Ethnography Archaeology of Food Independent studies on the Anthropology of Waste Reduction Sustainability: Principles and Practices Environmental Studies Seminar Selected Professional Positions 2009 MACROBOTANIST, Proyecto El Coporo, Guanajuato, Mexico. Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia. 2008 SUPERVISOR, Archaeological field school-Ithaca College and Tompkins County Community College. 1990-ongoing FIELD and LABORATORY SUPERVISOR and PALEOETHNOBOTANIST, La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico. 1999-2000 MACROBOTANIST, Archaeological Consulting Services, Tempe, Arizona. 1996 FIELD SUPERVISOR, Pinyon Canyon Maneuver Site for the Army Corps of Engineers, Trinidad, Colorado. 1991 ARCHAEOLOGIST, Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Directed by Dr. Margaret Nelson, University at Buffalo. 1990 RESEARCHER, New York State Museum. 1989 ARCHAEOLOGIST, U.S. Forest Service. Michael's Land Exchange, Ramah, New Mexico. Teaching Assistantships Spring 1999 Fall 1998 Fall 1997 Spring 1994 Fall 1993 Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, Arizona State University. Archaeological Field Methods. Arizona State University. Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology. Arizona State University. Human Population Genetics. State University of New York at Buffalo. Great Sites: Archaeology in the Romantic Tradition. State University of New York at Buffalo. Turkon 3 Research Assistantships 1999-2002 1996-8 1995-6 1994-5 1992 La Quemada-Malpaso Valley Archaeological Project. Arizona State University. Archaeological Research Institute. Arizona State University. La Quemada-Malpaso Valley Archaeological Project. Arizona State University. Marion E. White Anthropology Museum. State University of New York at Buffalo. La Quemada-Malpaso Valley Archaeological Project. State University of New York at Buffalo. Grants and Awards 2009 Faculty Summer Research Funds. Macrobotanical Studies and Environmental Change in Prehispanic Northwestern Mexico. Field research at El Coporo, Guanajuato, Mexico. $2400. 2009 Ithaca Educational Grants Initiative Fund. Garbology. $550. 2009 Ithaca Educational Grants Initiative Fund. Archaeology of Food. $375 2007 Ithaca Educational Grants Initiative Fund. Wixarika Culture and Art. $400. 2007 Incorporating Sustainability into the Curriculum Summer Mini-Grant. Ithaca College. $1000. 1999 Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. (FAMSI). Macrobotanical study at MV206 excavated by Dr. Charles Trombold of Washington University in conjunction with the Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. $1,300. 1997/8 Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Dissertation research. Subsistence along the Arid Northern Frontier of Mesoamerica. $14,850. 1997 Arizona State University Department of Anthropology Research and Development Fund. Dissertation research. $1,000. 1997 Reynold Ruppé Prize in Archaeology, Department of Anthropology, Arizona State University. How Elite Ate: A Comparison of Elite and Non-elite Household Food Preparation at La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico. $300. 1997 Graduate Research Support Program Grant (Arizona State University). Dissertation research. Subsistence along the Arid Northern Frontier of Mesoamerica $1,960. 1991 Mark Diamond Research Grant. Masters research. The Use of Wild and Cultivated Plant Foods at the site of La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico. $675. Peer Review Publications Turkon, Paula 2007 2006 Food Preparation and Status in Mesoamerica. In The Archaeology of Food and Identity, edited by Katheryn C. Twiss. Center for Archaeological Investigations Occasional Paper No. 34. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Morphological Variation of Maize Cupules and Access to High Quality Maize in the Prehispanic Malpaso Valley, Zacatecas, Mexico. Journal of Ethnobiology 26(1):139164. Turkon 4 2004 Food and Status in the Prehispanic Malpaso Valley, Zacatecas, Mexico. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 23:225-251. 2002 Food and Status in the Malpaso Valley. Archaeology Southwest 16(1):9. Manuscripts in Preparation Nelson, Ben A., Vincent W. Schiavitti, and Paula Turkon n.d. Final Report of the La Quemada-Malpaso Valley Archaeological Project. Turkon, Paula n.d. Macrobotanical Remains. To be published in Final Report of the La Quemada-Malpaso Valley Archaeological Project, edited by Ben A. Nelson, Vincent W. Schiavitti, and Paula Turkon. Reports Nelson, Ben A., Loni Kantor, Ian Robertson, Vincent Schiavitti, Nicola Strazicich, and Paula Turkon 1995 Informe Parcial del Proyecto Valle de Malpaso-La Quemada, Temporada 1993. Research report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de Antopología y Historia. Nelson, Ben A., Paula Turkon, Loni Kantor, and Vincent Schiavitti 1997 Informe Parcial del Proyecto Valle de Malpaso-La Quemada, Temporada 1995. Research report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de Antopología y Historia. Nelson, Ben A., Paula Turkon, and John Millhauser 2002 Informe Tecnico Parcial del Proyecto La Quemada-Valle de Malpaso, Temporada 199798. Research report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de Antopología y Historia. Nelson, Ben A., Paula D. Weintraub (Turkon), and Vincent W. Schiavitti 1993 Informe Parcial del Proyecto Valle de Malpaso-La Quemada, Temporada 1992. Research report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de Antopología y Historia. Phillips, Bruce G. and Paula Turkon 2001 Chapter 11: Botanical Analyses. In Archaeological Investigations at AZ BB:13:16 (ASM)-Locus F, Tohono O’Odham Indian Reservation, San Xavier District, Pima County, Arizona, compiled by Margaret Glass. Prepared for the Bureau of Reclamation, Phoenix Area Office. Contract no. 1425-97-CS-32-02810. Cultural Resources Report no. 124. Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd., Tempe, Arizona. Turkon, Paula 2009 White Springs Botanical Remains. Analysis of flotation samples from an early historic Seneca site, Geneva, NY. Presented Papers Michelle Elliott, Paula Turkon, Julien Riel-Salvatore1 and Ben A. Nelson, 2006 Understanding the Social Organization of Maguey Processing in the Malpaso Valley, Zacatecas, Mexico, AD 500-900. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 2005 Tools of the Trade? New Perspectives on Agave Processing in the Malpaso Valley, AD 500-900. Poster presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Salt Lake City, Utah. Turkon 5 Turkon, Paula 2008 Social Identity and Food in the Epi-Classic Malpaso Valley, Zacatecas, Mexico. Presentation to the New York State Archaeology Association, Finger Lakes Chapter, Ithaca, NY. (November). 2005 Dietary Diversity and Status in Mesoamerica. Paper presented at the 70th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Salt Lake City, Utah. 2004 Variation in Food Preparation and Status in Mesoamerica. Paper presented at the 2004 Visiting Scholar Conference “We Are What We Eat: Archaeology, Food, and Identity,” Southern Illinois University Carbondale. 2003 The Domestic Component of Status in Mesoamerica. Paper presented at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 2001 Social Differentiation and Food in the Malpaso Valley, Zacatecas, Mexico. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, Louisiana. 1999 What to do With Diversity: The Relationship between Diet and Status at La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico. Paper presented at the XXII Annual Conference of the Society for Ethnobiology, Jardín Etnobotánico, Oaxaca, Mexico. 1998 How Elite Eat: Patterns of Food Preparation at La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Seattle, Washington. 1996 Macrobotanical Patterning and Social Differentiation at La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico. Paper presented at the 61st Annual Meetings of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, Louisiana. 1995a Environmental Unpredictability and Subsistence at La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 1995b Sourcing Corn at La Quemada. Paper presented at the Workshops in Archaeometry, State University of New York at Buffalo, New York. 1994 Plant Use at La Quemada. Paper presented at the Roundtable for the Archaeology of North and West Mexico, State University of New York at Buffalo, New York. Turkon, Paula, Michelle Elliott, and Ben A. Nelson 2008 Food Production and the Development of Elite Control in the Malpaso Valley. Paper presented at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Vancouver, British Columbia. Turkon, Paula, Rebekah Parks, and Ben A. Nelson 2006 Completing the Meal: Integrating Macrobotanical and Faunal Data in the Prehistoric Malpaso Valley, Zacatecas, Mexico (A.D. 500-900). Paper presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Weintraub (Turkon), Paula D. 1994 The Use of Wild and Domesticated Plants at La Quemada, Zacatecas, Mexico. Paper presented at the Northeastern Anthropological Association meetings, Geneseo, New York. Turkon 6 Guest Lectures April 2009 (3 meetings) The Anthropology of Waste Reduction: Garbology Study South Seneca Elementary School, Interlaken, NY. February 2009 (3 meetings) The Anthropology of Waste Reduction: Garbology Study with the GREEN Team in the Russell I. Doig Middle School, Trumansburg, NY. January 2009 Stratigraphy and Archaeology. Presented to four sixth grade classes at Russell I. Doig Middle School, Trumansburg, NY. November 2008 Agave (Paleo)Ethnobotany. Dept. of Biology, Ithaca College. May 2008 Sustainability from an Archaeological/Anthropological Perspective. Faculty Institute, Ithaca College. April 2007 Cultural Approaches to Resource Management and Use in 8 th-14th c. Greenland. Ithaca College Seminar on Natural Resource Management. November 2005 Archaeology of Northwest Mexico. Ithaca College Seminar on Mesoamerican Archaeology. October 2005 Food and Status in the Prehistoric Malpaso Valley, Zacatecas, Mexico. Wells College Social Science colloquium. June 2004 Prehistoric Crops of the Sonoran Desert. Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden. January 2004 Agave Ethnobotany. Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden. March 2003 Paleoethnobotany in Northwestern Mexico. Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden. November 2001 Subsistence and Settlement. Arizona State University class in Principles of Archaeology, taught by Katherine Spielman. August 2000 Archaeology of Northwestern Mexico. Arizona State University class in Mesoamerican Archaeology, taught by Ian Robertson. October 1995 Subsistence at La Quemada. Arizona State University, Department of Anthropology Brown Bag. Professional Service 2009 2009 2008-present 2007-present 2006 2005 2003-2005 2004-2005 REVIEWER. Journal of Ethnobiology. REVIEWER. Journal of Field Archaeology. Environmental Studies Program Steering Committee, Ithaca College. GREEN Team, Russell I Doig Middle School, Trumansburg, NY. REVIEWER. Ancient Mesoamerica, Journal of Ethnobiology. REVIEWER. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. VOLUNTEER/DOCENT, Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden. LIFE-LONG LEARNING COMMITTEE, Phoenix Desert Botanical Garden. Professional Affiliations Society for American Archaeology Turkon 7 Society for Ethnobiology \ Languages Spanish French
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