No. 31 16th October 2014 from Anny What is the process for grade placement? The opportunities to build relationships and the sense of belonging underpin the process of allocating students to classes. The process has been developed collaboratively with staff and is reviewed annually. The process of class placement begins with this newsletter. The first step is to invite parents to write to me with any educational concerns or needs in regard to their child/ren’s class placement for 2015. This information must be in writing, addressed to the principal and received by Friday October 31, 2014. In late October, early November each child nominates five students when they are asked: Who are five students you think you can or want to work well with and you would like us to consider being with you in your new class next year? Students write their choices on a proforma and they are photocopied. The original is placed in the student file and teachers check the file for previous parent requests. Then, teachers work individually and in year levels to form classes using the following criteria: each student has one student listed in his or her hand and if that can’t be done the parents are contacted and the situation is explained to them there are groups of like-minded students (ie students working at the same level academically) students’ social and emotional needs are taken into account special needs students are placed with a supportive group students with behavioural needs (ie. those who require extra support to access the curriculum) are carefully placed a balance of gender a good mix of students from previous classes. Following this step, the parent letters are given to team leaders so they can inform the process, then each letter placed on the individual student’s file. Next, the specialist teachers look at class lists and identify any issues they have encountered with students or groups of students and pass a copy to year level teams. Finally, teachers review the lists a number of times to ensure all criteria are met before finalising classes. The final class lists along with the parent information are passed to leadership for input and to deal with confidential issues. On Orientation day, Tuesday December 9, students will meet their classes and teachers for the next year. National Bandanna Day Friday 31st October. MONDAY MORNING ASSEMBLY 20th October Mr. Kolivas has a limited number of Parents are welcome to attend our Monday morning assemblies on the Junior Oval at 9.00am. bandannas for sale to help the CanTeen organization raise funds to support young people living with cancer. Congratulations to next Monday’s PYP Attitudes award recipients: The bandannas cost $4 each. He also has pens available at $3 each. PF Tamia Jung-Phelan PC Tom Gallus These can be bought from him in Room 33, before school, during recess, at lunch time or after school. PM Ollie Lewis PP Jasper Williams PK Lily Cecala PD Ruby Anastasiadis 1P Charlie Moulang 1O Thomas Dunne 1C Ryan Pappin 1K Leo Dickinson 2Wi Theodore Barbounis 2T Finn Pelgrim 2C 2B JJ Cunningham Leni Severin 2W Lola Grosso 3S Diana Gonzalez Lesseur 3Bi Emily Bowles 3J Nickolas Skocic 3Br Michelle La Grange 4M Charlie Rumble 4P Flynn Bongiorno 4F Tiana Hatzipetrou 4N Sam Severin 5F Olivia Vargiu 5L Kai Seeto Grossi 5H George Weitemeyer 5SD Kosta Mellas 6S Kevin Dinesh 6H Jayden Rowan 6W Katy Butler colourful Students may wear the bandannas at school on Friday 31st October only. Bill Kolivas, Manager, Social Service Program CHANGES TO OUR NEWSLETTER As most of the information contained in our weekly newsletter can now be found on our website, our newsletter will comprise Anny’s page and just one or two additional pages plus advertising. Foundation What does it mean in a primary school? This week, families received notification of Parent Payments for 2015. It detailed payments for students in Foundation to Grade four. With the introduction of the Australian National Curriculum, the first year of school is now called Foundation instead of Prep. This change is Australia wide. CANTEEN ROSTER Times: 9.30am - 11.30am (1) & 11.30am - 1.30pm (2) Fri 17th Jane Simpson 9.00 Laura Marchese 9.00 Natalie Livings Wish Hill Mon 20th Natasha Scott SUNSMART - REMINDER .Just a friendly reminder to all families that all students must wear their hats when in the playground. In accordance with our school Sun Smart Policy (accessed on our website) students must wear a hat from September 1st to May 1st. This includes recess, lunch and outdoor learning activities such as PE lessons. Students who do not have a hat will be asked to move into a shaded area. We also remind parents to provide sunscreen for their child – we advise sunscreen be applied during the day before children go outdoors. If your child has their own sunscreen in their bag it helps protect them during the warmer weather. Let’s promote SunSmart practices! 2 2 1 2 Tues 21st Abi Hookway 1 2 Wed 22nd Sophie Weitemeyer Rowena Collins 1 2 Thurs 23rd Fiona Carney Mila Lakic 1 2 Fri 24th Genie Yeatman 9.00 June Pennacchia 9.00 Jo Poole Melissa Brown 2 2 Many thanks, Lou, Marie and Jenny 9539 7131 Thank you. Nurse Cecile UNIFORM SHOP NEWS The Uniform Shop trading hours are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 3.00-4.00pm. The price list is on the website. Bronwen Peterson Dr Seuss 6 weeks until the Brighton Primary School Election Day Community Fair! Come along – Vote; browse the market stalls; scavenge for bargains in the car boot sale; recharge with yummy cakes and our gourmet sausage sizzle PLUS entertain the kids at the bouncy castle and entertainment zone. This page will provide you with a weekly update on planning and organization for our last major fundraiser for 2014. It lets you know how you can help, ways you can get involved and what you can do to make the Community Fair exciting, fun and memorable. We’ll need everyone’s help to make this event a success, and look forward to everyone’s participation on what will be a great day. contact: Rosters Every family will need to help in at least one roster time slot. Your stall co-ordinators will be in touch shortly with the details of the online roster so please pick a time that suits your family. If you are interested or know anyone who may be interested in having a stall please contact for more details. As well as a number of market stalls, the following stalls are being organized by our fabulous Year Level Liaison/Class Reps BBQ/Cold Drinks PREP Tash Scott Cake Stall GRADE 1 Kylie Stewart Second Hand Books GRADE 2 Maureen Secatore Scones and Tea GRADE 3 Petra Okhuizen Lucky Jars GRADE 4 Trudi Shepard Kids Zone GRADE 5 Maureen Rodbard-Bean Lolly Bags/Quick Fire Raffle GRADE 6 Caly Price If you are able to help any of the teams outside of your Year Level please feel free to make contact! Car Boot Sale, Trash & Treasure Anyone interested in having a trash & treasure / second hand car boot sale, save this date. Limited spaces available so be quick & get in early! Running from 8am-midday Cost $15 For more information please contact Emily Higgins 0424428875 / Jane Haddow 0448366194 / Calling for Marquees If anyone owns or has access to a marquee that could be used on fete day, please let us know! Second Hand Book Stall If your shelves are overflowing here’s your chance to declutter – please place donations in the box outside the FOB kitchen or directly to 12 Baker St Brighton (leave on the porch). Occupational Health and Safety If you notice a potential OH&S issue around the school please report it to the office ASAP so that it can be addressed. Bill Kolivas Facilities Manager Pupil free day Monday November 24 Monday November 24 is a pupil free day. Teaching staff at Brighton Primary School will be participating in professional learning lead by Dr Eeqbal, who is an expert on intercultural education. A well-published author and sought after speaker, his influential work includes UNESCO recognition and has been profiled in the media both nationally and internationally. Eeqbal has worked as a university academic and as a consultant developing educational resources and professional learning for principals, teachers and teacher educators. Presently, he is Senior Manager for Research and Curriculum at the Asia Education Foundation. Eeqbal works closely with ACARA as member of its General Capabilities Advisory Group and Cross-Curriculum Priorities Advisory Group, and is also Council Member of the Asian Studies Association of Australia. Hi everyone Welcome back to the final term of the year. I hope you all enjoyed some family time over the holidays and feel ready to embrace another busy and fun filled term. Due to a technical glitch you didn’t hear from me last week (some could say that’s a good thing!) so there’s lots of information to share. I'm unsure if many of you are aware, but the fundraising element of FoB is actually a necessity for BPS. The first $25,000 of funds we raise each year goes directly to the school for their program budget. Anything additional is what we are able to use for funding projects such as new air conditioners for the classrooms, new external blinds for the classrooms, the new covered walkway leading into the gym - all of which has occurred in the past 12 months. The renovation of the “Wonder Garden”, the renovation to the performing arts centre, and any required maintenance to heating/cooling, new roofing, new landscaping ideas - all are funded with whatever is left over. With the focus this year having been more on re-engaging our community from a social perspective, our fundraising thus far for 2014 is at a lower level than previous years. I am waiting on figures but will share this info when I have it. As a result we need to maximise our opportunity to raise much needed funds by attracting non-BPS families to our huge Election Day Community Fair to boost our coffers! Hopefully by now you are all aware that the FoB team is planning a huge event to coincide with Election Day. BPS is holding a massive Community Fair on Saturday 29th November with kids activities and rides, food, great coffee, and lots more. Each year level has been nominated to run an area and the communication for this has been sent out already. We hope to attract a large participation on the day from the broader community, so please tell grandparents, neighbours and friends to come and vote at BPS on that day and spend some time at The Fair! Our event lead for this is Roxanne O’Brien who needs help from right now in order to organise the day. Please contact her directly on 0400 903 769 to become involved, we need your support. Additionally, the FoB team needs to organise our 2015 event calendar to maximise not only our 2015 fundraising efforts but also our social get togethers and community events such as Grandparents Day, and this decision is not my responsibility or the FoB committee’s to make alone - it's a team effort. We have an open FoB meeting on this Friday 17th October at 2pm outside the FoB kitchen, so I really encourage seeing as many of you as possible on Friday to contribute to what you’d like to see on the event calendar for 2015. Bring your ideas, or email them to me in the meantime. And as always, please contact me on the fob email should you have any suggestions or queries at Samm Brown President - Friends of Brighton Melbourne’s first Hair Colour Bar has opened in Hampton. Our innovative technology and skilled stylists allow us to colour your hair in less time than traditional salons, for a fraction of the price. All Brighton Primary parents receive a 10% discount and a complimentary mineral ampule treatment. Please refer to our website for pricing and services. or call 83953039 Parents of Catholic children in Grade 2 or 3 are notified that 5 required Pre-Sacramental Classes for their children are starting on 29th October. Enrolment forms are available in the Foyer of St Joan of Arc Church, 118 New Street, or by contacting for the form. Enrolments are due 24th October. th 150 Anniversary 2014 You are warmly invited to a Celebratory Morning Tea Sunday November 30, 2014 at 10am for the 150th anniversary of Cudgee Primary School Please RSVP to the school by November 15th Cudgee Primary School invites families to find out more about our school community, by calling to arrange a school tour or coming along to annual school events: Cudgee Primary School Night Market (Fri 28 November 5 – 8pm) Cudgee Primary School Concert (Tue 9 December 6pm). Fiona Selway (Principal) and Matt Dodson (Classroom Teacher) 3 Hallowells Rd, Cudgee 3265 p: 55676346 m: 0438659095 e:
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