EKO/HARDEN Matjärvi Project Final Report 4 December 2012 EKO/GRID TM System for Cleaner Environment MESOCOSM EKO/GRID STUDY AT EUTROPHICATED MATJÄRVI LAKE IN FINLAND 1. Background Since 2008 the EKO/GRID technology has been tested and used in soil and ground water remediation projects in Finland and Sweden. Those projects prove that the system can be used ‘in situ’ to remove organic pollutants, such as aliphatic hydrocarbons, BTEX compounds and PAH compounds. EKO/GRID is a patented technology based on utilising electricity, or more precisely electrokinetic and electrochemical reactions in the electric field created between electrodes placed typically 5m apart in the ground. Remediation is strongly based on enhanced natural oxidation process, and the letter combination EKO in fact means ElectroKinetic Oxidation. The Matjärvi trial was started in order to study the effect of the EKO/GRID in remediation of eutrophicated waters. The main working hypothesis was to validate, if the EKO/GRID reactions could reduce the amount of nutrients (phosphorous and nitrogen) in water thus reducing the growth of blue-green algae. This study was sponsored by Vesijärvisäätiö, Pyhäniemen Kartano and Uponor, and the people from the neighbourhood of the test site helped greatly with the installation works. 2. Installation Two plastic tubes, each 3m long and 1m in diameter, were pushed deep in the lake bottom through the bottom sediment and clay. So we could ensure that water inside the tubes could not be in contact with the exterior lake water. Water depth inside the tubes was approximately 1.3m after the installation. The EKO/GRID tube was fitted with steel electrodes (5m long) connected to the control unit, and the other one was left without, in order to provide us a reference – a non-active test tube (later called as the Control Tube). The system was commissioned on 12th July 2012. The output voltage was set to 16V and the unit gave out approximately 450-400mA. Due to the pulsing voltage patterns the output current is not stable. Eko Harden Technologies Oy Kimmeltie 3, FI- 02110, Espoo, Finland www.ekohardentechnologies.fi EKO/HARDEN Matjärvi Project Final Report 4 December 2012 EKO/GRID TM System for Cleaner Environment 3. Visual Observations On the installation and commissioning day 12th July 2012 water inside the test tubes was very cloudy due to the mechanical mixing with the sediment and clay. The lake water did show noticeable marks of blue-green algae bloom, which however cannot be seen in this photo on the right. On 15.8.2012 – 37 days after commissioning the water inside the control tube and in the lake was all green, because of heavily blooming algae. Inside the EKO/GRID tube water was dark in colour had some algae on the edges, but did not hold any visible signs of blue-green algae! On 4.9.2012 – 57 days after commissioning the difference was even much stronger. Water in the EKO/GRID tube was very clear and a large number of small creatures were living in there. On 23.10.2012 – 87 days after commissioning the test was stopped before the winter to come. Colder water (6oC) reduced the chlorophyll content and made the water clearer also outside the EKO/GRID test tube. Eko Harden Technologies Oy Kimmeltie 3, FI- 02110, Espoo, Finland www.ekohardentechnologies.fi EKO/HARDEN Matjärvi Project Final Report 4 December 2012 EKO/GRID TM System for Cleaner Environment 4. Laboratory analyses and other measurements The client took water samples in the beginning of the study 12th July and three times during the treatment – 15th August, 19th September and 24th October 2012. All water samples for the laboratory analyses were taken at 0.9m depth. The water samples were taken to analyse following variables: Total Phosphorous content (µg/l) Dissolved Phosphorous content (µg/l) Total Nitrogen content (µg/l) Dissolved Nitrogen content (µg/l) Oxygen content (mg/l) Temperature (oC) pH Chlorophyll-a (µ/l) Turbidity (NTU) Colour of the Water (mg Pt/l) Conductivity (mS/m) Alkalinity (mmol/l) Chemical Oxygen Demand –CODMn (mg/l) Iron Content (mg/l) Dissolved Iron Content (mg/l) Manganese Content (mg/l) On the same occasion, when the water samples were taken, the analysing team measured temperature and oxygen concentration with a hand held instrument from the surface to the bottom of the tubes. Eko Harden Technologies Oy Kimmeltie 3, FI- 02110, Espoo, Finland www.ekohardentechnologies.fi EKO/HARDEN Matjärvi Project Final Report 4 December 2012 EKO/GRID TM System for Cleaner Environment 4.1 Effect of EKO/GRID on the Phosphorous and Nitrogen contents Main target of the study was to prevent the algae growth by reducing P and N content in the treatment (EKO/GRID) tube. This really happened; the graphs below show clearly the results. Case Matjärvi Phosphorous Content 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 20.6.2012 10.7.2012 30.7.2012 19.8.2012 8.9.2012 28.9.2012 18.10.2012 Total P Lake, µg/l Total P Control Tube, µg/l Total P EKO/GRID Tube, µg/l Dissolved P Lake, µg/l Dissolved P Control Tube, µg/l Dissolved P EKO/GRID Tube, µg/l 7.11.2012 Total Phosphorous content started immediately to decrease towards very low values. It is very interesting to note that the phosphorous compounds formed in the EKO/GRID tube appear to have a low solubility to the water! Case Matjärvi Nitrogen Content 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 20.6.2012 10.7.2012 30.7.2012 19.8.2012 8.9.2012 28.9.2012 18.10.2012 7.11.2012 Total N Lake, µg/l Total N Control Tube, µg/l Total N EKO/GRID Tube, µg/l Dissolved N Lake, µg/l Dissolved N Control Tube, µg/l Dissolved N EKO/GRID,µg/l Eko Harden Technologies Oy Kimmeltie 3, FI- 02110, Espoo, Finland www.ekohardentechnologies.fi EKO/HARDEN Matjärvi Project Final Report 4 December 2012 EKO/GRID TM System for Cleaner Environment The behaviour of nitrogen is very similar to phosphorous. EKO/GRID has evidently reduced the nitrogen content as well. In September all nitrogen was in dissolved form, when there were no algae or other vegetation left in the water. The positive effect of the reduced P and N content is clearly shown with the chlorophyll-a measurements (following graph), and was clearly visible by eye. Unfortunately the chlorophyll content at the first treatment day is not known, so we used an estimate 80µm/l. Case Matjärvi Chlorophyll-a 160 140 Chlorophyll-a , µg/l 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 20.6.2012 10.7.2012 30.7.2012 19.8.2012 Chlorophyll-a Lake, µg/l 8.9.2012 28.9.2012 18.10.2012 7.11.2012 Chlorophyll-a Control Tube, µg/l Chlorophyll-a EKO/GRID Tube, µg/l The target level 20µg/l (ie no algae) could be reached very quickly in the EKO/GRID test tube. Eko Harden Technologies Oy Kimmeltie 3, FI- 02110, Espoo, Finland www.ekohardentechnologies.fi EKO/HARDEN Matjärvi Project Final Report 4 December 2012 EKO/GRID TM System for Cleaner Environment 4.2 Oxygen content and pH Case Matjärvi Oxygen content 12 10 O2, mg/l 8 6 4 2 0 20.6.2012 10.7.2012 30.7.2012 O2 Lake, mg/l 19.8.2012 8.9.2012 28.9.2012 O2 Control Tube, mg/l 18.10.2012 7.11.2012 O2 EKO/GRID Tube, mg/l Case Matjärvi pH 10 9,5 9 8,5 pH 8 7,5 7 6,5 6 5,5 5 20.6.2012 10.7.2012 30.7.2012 pH Lake Eko Harden Technologies Oy 19.8.2012 8.9.2012 pH Control Tube 28.9.2012 18.10.2012 7.11.2012 pH EKO/GRID Tube Kimmeltie 3, FI- 02110, Espoo, Finland www.ekohardentechnologies.fi EKO/HARDEN Matjärvi Project Final Report 4 December 2012 EKO/GRID TM System for Cleaner Environment Oversaturated oxygen content and very high pH in the lake and control tube are clear marks of heavily blooming algae during July and August months. Both values are very much lower ie within the normal range in the EKO/GRID test tube. Interestingly the oxygen content of the EKO/GRID tube started to increase in September, probably because there were nothing more to be oxidised inside the tube? In addition, it’s worth and important mentioning that the pH curve proves that the EKO/GRID system doesn’t effect on the pH value. Eko Harden Technologies Oy Kimmeltie 3, FI- 02110, Espoo, Finland www.ekohardentechnologies.fi EKO/HARDEN Matjärvi Project Final Report 4 December 2012 EKO/GRID TM System for Cleaner Environment 4.4 In situ oxygen analyses Relative Oxygen Content% 60 80 100 120 Oxygen Content mg/l 140 6 0,5 1,0 1,5 9 10 11 12 13 14 0,5 1,0 Control Lake EKO/GRID 60 80 100 120 6 140 syvyys (m) 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 EKO/GRID Control 80 100 120 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Control Lake Oxygen Content mg/l 140 6 syvyys (m) Control 7 EKO/GRID Lake 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 EKO/GRID Lake 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 Relative Oxygen Content % 60 Control Oxygen Content mg/l Relative Oxygen Content % syvyys (m) 8 1,5 EKO/GRID syvyys (m) 7 0,0 syvyys (m) syvyys (m) 0,0 Lake 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 1,2 EKO/GRID Control Lake Very high oxygen concentrations in the lake and control tube are indications of vigorous algae blooming. This effect is strongest near the surface. Oxygen content in the EKO/GRID tube is quite good. Lower values near the bottom may be an indication of fast oxidation reactions. In the future we should consider installing a sampling tube within the test area that would allow us to take water samples from the depth of sediment and clay layers. Eko Harden Technologies Oy Kimmeltie 3, FI- 02110, Espoo, Finland www.ekohardentechnologies.fi EKO/HARDEN Matjärvi Project Final Report 4 December 2012 EKO/GRID TM System for Cleaner Environment 4.3 Turbidity and the Colour of the water – Content of Humus Turbidity is the cloudiness of the water, and is caused by suspended solids consisting of particles of many different sizes. In addition turbidity is partly caused by the growth of phytoplankton. The graph below shows clearly how EKO/GRID has a great effect in the turbidity figure, especially in relation to the open water (lake) conditions (blue line). Humic substances, humus, are the brown substances leached out of the soil by water. The yellow to brown color is caused by large and complex organic substances which are mainly derived from decomposing plants and animals. Humus is an important factor for the transport and bioavailability of inorganic and organic nutrients. It affects the toxicity of heavy metals and organic pollutants in the environment, since it forms complexes with many toxic substances. Humus is also very important for surface water acidity due to its acid-base properties. Many surface waters are naturally acidic (pH<6) due to humic acids. Case Matjärvi Turbidity 40 35 Turbidity, NTU 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 20.6.2012 10.7.2012 Turbidity Lake Eko Harden Technologies Oy 30.7.2012 19.8.2012 8.9.2012 Turbidity Control Tube Kimmeltie 3, FI- 02110, Espoo, Finland 28.9.2012 18.10.2012 7.11.2012 Turbidity EKO/GRID Tube www.ekohardentechnologies.fi EKO/HARDEN Matjärvi Project Final Report 4 December 2012 EKO/GRID TM System for Cleaner Environment Case Matjärvi Water Colour - Content of Humus 160 140 Colour, mg PT/l 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 20.6.2012 10.7.2012 30.7.2012 Water Colour Lake 19.8.2012 8.9.2012 Water Colour Control Tube 28.9.2012 18.10.2012 7.11.2012 Water Colour EKO/GRID Case Matjärvi Chemical Oxygen Demand 30 25 mg/l 20 15 10 5 0 20.6.2012 10.7.2012 30.7.2012 COD Mn järvi, mg/l 19.8.2012 8.9.2012 COD Mn kontrolli, mg/l 28.9.2012 18.10.2012 7.11.2012 COD Mn EKO/GRID, mg/l Rapid increase of the turbidity and COD values in the lake are probably caused by heavy rains flushing topsoil into the lake. Eko Harden Technologies Oy Kimmeltie 3, FI- 02110, Espoo, Finland www.ekohardentechnologies.fi EKO/HARDEN Matjärvi Project Final Report 4 December 2012 EKO/GRID TM System for Cleaner Environment 4.5 Iron and Manganese contents Case Matjärvi Iron Content 1,8 1,6 1,4 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 20.6.2012 10.7.2012 30.7.2012 19.8.2012 8.9.2012 28.9.2012 18.10.2012 Fe lake, mg/l Fe Control Tube, mg/l Fe EKO/GRID Tube, mg/l Dissolved Fe Lake, mg/l Dissolved Fe Control Tube, mg/l Dissolved Fe EKO/GRID TUbe, mg/l 7.11.2012 High iron content in the EKO/GRID tube is caused by the steel electrodes, which are slowly corroding. Interestingly iron content in the lake reached same level in October. Case Matjärvi Manganese Content 0,08 0,07 Mn, mg/l 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,02 0,01 0 20.6.2012 10.7.2012 30.7.2012 Mn Lake, mg/l 19.8.2012 8.9.2012 Mn Control Tube, mg/l 28.9.2012 18.10.2012 7.11.2012 Mn EKO/GRID Tube, mg/l The manganese contents are relatively low. Eko Harden Technologies Oy Kimmeltie 3, FI- 02110, Espoo, Finland www.ekohardentechnologies.fi EKO/HARDEN Matjärvi Project Final Report 4 December 2012 EKO/GRID TM System for Cleaner Environment 4.5 Conductivity and Alkalinity Case Matjärvi Conductivity 12 Conductivity, mS/m 10 8 6 4 2 0 20.6.2012 10.7.2012 Conductivity Lake 30.7.2012 19.8.2012 8.9.2012 Conductivity Control Tube 28.9.2012 18.10.2012 7.11.2012 Conductivity EKO/GRID Tube Conductivity is considerably lower in the EKO/GRID tube than in the Lake or the Control tube. This means that the water contains smaller number of ionic (water soluble) or colloidal compounds. Case Matjärvi Alkalinity Alkalinity, mmol/l 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 20.6.2012 10.7.2012 Alkalinity Lake 30.7.2012 19.8.2012 8.9.2012 Alkalinity Control Tube 28.9.2012 18.10.2012 7.11.2012 Alkalinity EKO/GRID Tube The alkalinity is lowest in the EKO/GRID tube, which could mean that there are a smaller number of reactive compounds that could provide a buffer capacity to the water. Eko Harden Technologies Oy Kimmeltie 3, FI- 02110, Espoo, Finland www.ekohardentechnologies.fi EKO/HARDEN Matjärvi Project Final Report 4 December 2012 EKO/GRID TM System for Cleaner Environment 5. Sediment sampling Vesijärvisäätiö provided to us these two photos, with some interesting observations. On the left we can see the sediment sample taken from the Control tube having a 50cm thick soft layer of sediment, but on the right one taken from the EKO/GRID tube has only 15cm of sediment on top of the clay. The client concluded that the situation seems to be as shown in the drawing below. This illustration shows the test conditions EKO/GRID tube on the right side. According to the sampling the sediment layer in that one is thinner. If this isn’t a coincidence, it is a very interesting observation that could help us to understand better the functioning of the EKO/GRID. The drawing also illustrates how the water level inside the test tubes was all the time on a higher level than on the lake. Eko Harden Technologies Oy Kimmeltie 3, FI- 02110, Espoo, Finland www.ekohardentechnologies.fi EKO/HARDEN Matjärvi Project Final Report 4 December 2012 EKO/GRID TM System for Cleaner Environment 6. Conclusions Obviously EKO/GRID is a very effective method to inhibit the growth of blue-green algae. The drastic decrease of the chlorophyll content is a strong evidence of the effect. From these results available our team concluded that EKO/GRID seems to activate reactions that will tie phosphorous and nitrogen with iron and manganese into compounds that are not very soluble in water. Future studies It will be very important to study the importance of using steel electrodes. They produce iron ions, which as said are taking part of the process. However, when used in certain other applications (eg enhanced settlement of particles) steel may corrode too fast and we have to consider using titanium instead. During the winter2012-13 we will carry out testing in controlled laboratory conditions (in climate rooms) using steel and titanium electrodes. These tests will be done in various conditions and to study the effect eg to fish and fish-egg. The EKO/GRID system is very accessible, but for larger projects the up-scaling will require some engineering and additional testing. Eko Harden Technologies Oy Erkki Lindberg Eko Harden Technologies Oy Kimmeltie 3, FI- 02110, Espoo, Finland www.ekohardentechnologies.fi
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