The Water’s Edge Blessed By the Gifts of God October Message Series

The Water’s Edge
October 2014
Minnetonka Lutheran Church
October Message Series
Blessed By the Gifts of God
16023 Minnetonka Blvd | Minnetonka, MN 55345 | 952.935.3419
Prayer Requests
Call the church office at
952.935.3419 or email
with your prayer requests. If
you want a pastoral visit or
would like to be included in
pastoral prayers during
worship, please call the
church office.
Address, Phone
and Email
MLC maintains a database of
all its members. If you have
had any changes to your
address, phone number,
marital status, etc. please
contact the church office with
your name, phone number
and the changes that need to
be made.
If You Are Ill
Hospitals no longer notify
churches when their
members are admitted for
care. Call 952-935-3419 and
let us know so we can
support you with prayer and
with presence.
Sunday Worship Times
9:00am Traditional Worship
10:05am Friendship and Education Hour
10:00am Adult Forum (meets occasionally, watch bulletins for details)
10:45am Contemporary Worship
Communion Sundays
First and Third Sunday of the month at 9:00am Worship
Second and Fourth Sunday of the month at 10:45am Worship
We practice an “Open Table” at MLC. All baptized Christians who recognize the Presence
of Christ in the bread and wine are welcome to celebrate regardless of church
membership. Grape juice is available from the final server. Welcome to the Lord’s Table.
Contact Us
Office Hours
Church Office
Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
MLC Staff
Bob Rusert
Sue Lungstrom
Rachel Coen-Tuff
Tim James
Senior Pastor /x201/
Office Administrator/x200/
Intern Director CYF /x202/
Chancel Choir Director/Edgy Waters leader
x 206/
MLC Organist / x 204
Property Manager
Weekend Custodian
Diane Tuseth
Norm Gehrke
Thomas Whisler
MLC Council
Sue Hlavac
Matt Haakenstad
Stu Deuring
Joanna Koenig
Rae Vanek
Pastor Bob Rusert
Pam Grossmann
Jean Schlemmer
Vice President
Publication Deadlines
Weekly Bulletin:
Thursday at Noon
November Newsletter:
October 10
Grow in Faith, Share the Good News, Serve in Love
All in Jesus’ name.
The Water’s Edge
October 2014
“A Culture of Hospitality…”
Tips for Sunday Morning Hospitality to Visitors
Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good; 10love one another with
mutual affection; outdo one another in showing honor. 11Do not lag in zeal, be ardent in
spirit, serve the Lord. 12Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.
Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers.
Romans 12:9-13
“We’re a friendly congregation!” Would you say with confidence that is true? How
about this statement, “We’re friendly to strangers!”? That one is perhaps not quite as
solidly founded as the first. Being friendly to and with each other, those we know and
share a history and comfort zone with--- is different and comes more easily than being
friendly with those who have just arrived for the first time. We might not “dream of
passing by” in the hallway those we know without a delightful greeting, but is our first
instinct when encountering a visitor/stranger… to look away… or is it to make eye contact
along with a friendly smile, extend the hand of welcome and cheerfully say, “Good morning. Delighted to see you
here. I’m ____________, do you live in the area?”
Kindness to “strangers” --- we call them guests or visitors --- is critical to the pursuit of making them
“friends!” Studies show that people “make up their minds about a person or a church based on first impressions within
the first few minutes of arriving.” They’re asking themselves, even before arriving, “Will I be welcome?” --- “Will I be
safe?” --- “Will there be energy and room for me here?” --- “Will I be judged?” --- “Is this a community of grace…
joy… hope?”
The right balance between hospitality and hovering will allow the guest to feel welcome, at ease, and to consider
whether taking the risk of returning is a reasonable possibility. Being friendly, not desperate means being attentive, not
attacking like a sweet-lover devouring a piece of fudge.
Asking interrogative questions like; “Are you looking for a church?” “Have you signed our Friendship Pad?” “Are
you Lutheran?” “Would you like to lead the Stewardship Drive or Coordinate the Nursery?” “What is your Social Security
#?” --- these will only “put them off” and desperately looking for the Exit.
Open and hospitable questions like; “Can I help you find the Worship Room {formerly known in insider’s language
as “the Sanctuary”}?” “Could I introduce you to our pastor/C, Y, & F director/SS leader?” “I live ____________, do you
live nearby?” “Are you familiar with our Contemporary/Traditional worship style?” “I’d be glad to share a cup of
refreshment in Friendship Hall if you have time…”
Those of us on the Council are making it a goal and a practice to be thoughtful of, sensitive to, and considerate
and committed to {along with our current members} “those who are new or not here yet!” We’re committed to God’s
vision for us to not only be in Minnetonka for each other and for the needy, but to be here deliberately for those not yet
a part of this church.
Make it a goal… even if you’re an introvert, each and every Sunday--- to seek out, watch for, approach, and welcome
someone new to you. Introduce yourself and make a new friend. If you’re an extrovert, make it a goal not to come on
too strong with a guest, leaving them with an anxious “flight or fight” feeling. Employ your gregarious personality and
your concern to grow God’s Kingdom through MLC by helping put the visitor “at ease”. In Friendship Hall, refuse to
force or let a visitor to sit at an empty table. If you’re in the Worship Room, pass a peace and a greeting that is sincere
and memorable. Build in them a confidence that they are welcome, safe, and in a friendly church that practices a
“culture of hospitality”.
Let mutual love continue. 2Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers,
for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:1-2
See you on Sunday… :}
Pastor Bob
The Water’s Edge
October 2014
MLC Mission Partners
Families Moving Forward
Families Moving Forward participants were guests of Minnetonka Lutheran Church for two weeks in September.
This is a commitment for the whole congregation in providing dinners, completing set-up and take-down of the rooms, evening and
overnight hosts, and overall coordination of the event. This year, 8 people were housed at MLC, with children adding to the
excitement. Thanks to all who contributed in any way.
Donate to Families Moving Forward
The FMF program is in need of socks for men, women and children. With winter coming,
there is also a need for warm winter coats. Donated items can be left in the collection box
near the entry door marked “Families Moving Forward” Donations will be accepted through
Sunday, Oct. 5. For more information or to find out how you might be involved in this
program, contact the church office or Co-Coordinator Bette Jo Hansen.
Lutheran Social Services
"LSS of Minnesota expresses the love of Christ for all people through services that inspire
hope, change lives, and build community", is the mission statement of this organization. One
of their earliest programs was providing prenatal care for unwed mothers and subsequent
adoptions services. Since 1864, partnering with Children's Home Society, they have placed
45,000 children from 30 countries in permanent loving homes. They continue to provide pregnancy counseling in a free, nonjudgmental and non-directive manner as well as adoption and post-adoption services to support both birth parents and adoptive
parents. One of their newer programs is called Abundant Aging that seeks to find a place for seniors in their congregations and
communities. Over the years, LSS has supported churches in sponsoring refugee families from many countries experiencing war or
other internal conflict. They continue to do as the need arises. Services in the area of financial and employment counseling are
available. There provide services for vulnerable children, foster care and mental health counseling.
Exciting News from Beacon
The Edina City Council has given the go-ahead to a disputed housing project for homeless youths in the southwest metro suburbs.
In a pair of unanimous votes, the council agreed to amend its comprehensive plan and rezone a property to allow the 66 West
project to move forward. The $9 million project would create 39 studio apartments in an existing TCF Bank building off W. 66th
Street in the Southdale area. It’s sponsored by St. Paul-based Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative, a group of 50 congregations
working to end homelessness in the Twin Cities.
“This council has recognized that we need to take some real action,” said Council Member Josh Sprague, calling the vote “a tangible
step forward as well as a symbolic step forward.
The show of support was organized by more than a half-dozen church congregations in Edina and Richfield, as well as the Beacon
Collaborative. This would be the first apartment complex dedicated to serving the southwest metro’s homeless youths, a group that
officials estimate at 250 in the Bloomington-Richfield-Edina area.
Anne Mavity, director of new projects for Beacon, said youth homelessness in the Hennepin County suburbs increased by 27 percent
between 2005 and 2011.
Project planners are hoping for a major grant from the Minnesota Housing Finance Authority. The state legislature this year
authorized more than $100 million in bonds for affordable housing projects.
The 39 studio apartments would range in size from 355 to 456 square feet. The site would also have offices, a community area for
residents, a fitness room, a computer lab and laundry. Supporters say the location also offers easy access to public transit, and
entry-level retail and medical jobs nearby.
Thanks to all who contributed the thirty boxes of cereal to ICA in August. Fall is here, the weather's getting cooler and so the
October "Food of the Month" is SOUP. A hot bowl of soup not only warms the tummy but brings warmth to the spirit as well.
The Water’s Edge
October 2014
Wanted: Volunteers to Help with
Sanctuary Decorating for the Seasons
of the Church Year
Picture Directory Coming
Please put your creative hats on and let Beth Brusius,
Rachel Honken or Sue, in the office, know of your interest.
A meeting will be held during October to inform the
volunteers and assign partners. Help make the church glow
with color and design.
Feastival Rally Day a great success with cross-generational
participation. Servanthood is strong, with gifts to Lutheran Social
Plans are underway for
producing a new pictorial
directory of our church
A new scheme is being devised for decorating the
community. Look for details for
Sanctuary. We are hoping to get enough volunteers so that
photo session sign-up soon.
A new
two people can partner during each of the seasons during the Interested in helping?
church year. Or, find a partner and let us know what season
you would like. Photos of current banners are being taken so Contact Heidi and Mark Peterson
that partners know what is presently available. New ideas are at 952-936-9670.
in being
welcomed and encouraged.
The seasons are:
Advent—traditional color is blue
September 18
Christmas—color is white
Council Meeting
Epiphany—color is green
Lent—color is purple
Holy Week—color is rose red
Easter—color is white/gold
Pastor Bob’s Report – August 27 meeting with consultant
Pentecost—color is green
Dave Raymond for Refresh 2014 led to discussion of adapting
the rear of our sanctuary and the narthex for better welcoming
Special celebration days like Reformation may have a unique space, and question of achieving better “critical mass” by moving
to a single worship service, versus being more accessible to
color for just that day. The designs and colors are to
newcomers by offering more than one service time.
enhance worship.
Services and member representation at their fundraiser gala,
hosting Families Moving Forward for two weeks, possible
partnership with other congregations in our conference for
participation in LSS’s Refugee Resettlement initiative.
We continue to pray for Laraba Paul and schoolmates abducted
by terrorists in Nigeria.
Constructive Conversations on
Contentious Issues Continues
Adult Discipleship activities include “Examining the Holy Land”
By popular demand the three part series of monthly dinner
conversations on important issues will continue in October.
The first three dinner conversations were on The Political
Divide in America, Immigration, and Climate Change.
They have been very well attended with great participation
and wonderful food. There has been a healthy exchange of
ideas and information and in all three a summary of possible
actions for us to take. Look for details on date and topic
in Sunday announcements in coming weeks for the October
event. If you have questions or suggestions contact Gary
Schmidt at
Early November Deadline
series presented by Mary Ann Kempke, and possible series on
“Aging Abundantly” with curriculum from LSS. Worship includes
plans for special Sunday School program at a single service on
December 10 and special choral music at both services on
December 21.
Properties, thank you Gregg Happe and Properties Team for a
new Activity Room kitchen floor, attention to moisture in
foundation walls, preparation for installation of outdoor bench in
memory of Barry Van Wyk. Thank you to the Kangas family for
donating a refrigerator in time for use by Families Moving
Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer Jo Koenig reported revenue
and expenses in line with budget for August. We’re blessed with
a significant gift from the estate of recently deceased member
Earl Hurley.
Council Discussion – Council will work on developing a plan to
present to the congregation for creation of gathering space at
rear of sanctuary and narthex, and presentation of the LSS
“Aging Abundantly” program to members and guests from the
The Water’s Edge will have an early deadline for November.
Please have articles submitted by Friday, October 10.
The Water’s Edge
October 2014
Children, Youth and Family Ministries
Rachel Coen-Tuff—Intern Director CYF
It is hard to believe that October is already upon us. The past month has been filled with important
milestones for our young people at MLC. The new Sunday school year is in full force, and as a part
of Sunday school students also receive new Bibles. The Bibles that students receive are a reminder
that the Bible is an important book in the lives of children as they grow and mature in their lives as
followers of Christ.
Our Sunday school students receive these Bibles and they use them in their Christian Education and
in their homes. When children can take what they have learned at church and bring it home and
share it with their parents. Teaching children and youth to use their Bibles outside of church is an
important role the larger church community can play in the Christian development of our young
people. Devotions are a great way to start introducing the Bible into the homes of young people.
Advent devotions are a time for families to use their Bibles and gather around the Advent wreath
and learn together about the season of Advent. By starting with a holiday such as Christmas students have the basis of
understanding of how devotions work and by participating in the faith of the student families are able to discuss and devote
time together. When we actively participate in Christian practices such as reading the Bible we participate in habits that will
be lifelong. We want to support and encourage our youth in receiving their Bibles! Enjoy the word of the Lord!
Rachel Coen-Tuff
2015 ELCA Youth Gathering
The ELCA Youth Gathering for high school-age youth takes place every three years and
is about faith formation, worship, study, fellowship, service and play. It is an
opportunity for youth to engage with peers from across the United States and the
world who share a common commitment and faith in Christ. The next Gathering will be
held July 15-19, 2015, in Detroit, MI.
On Wednesday, October 1, an informational meeting about the National Youth
Gathering is planned This meeting will be for parents and student of high school age
students. We will meet in Friendship Hall after confirmation at 8:00pm.
Mark your calendars! The Sunday School Christmas program will be Sunday, December 14th at
Messy Advent is December 21st during coffee hour in Friendship Hall.
Come and learn about Advent through crafts and fellowship together. This is an event
for all ages young and old!
Sunday School Singers will sing October 12th and the end of the 9:00 service and the
beginning of the 10:45. See you there!
The Water’s Edge
October 2014
Wednesday Night Family Dinners
Can Recycling
Our Wednesday Night supper
program is in full swing.
The can recycling program continues at MLC, Please save
your cans, and empty them into the trailer near the road.
Let’s make the job of our faithful volunteers associated
with this project a little easier by following a couple of
simple rules:
 No food cans (they are not aluminum)
 No tin foil
 no bags—please empty your bag directly into the trailer
Delicious, affordable meals will be
ready for your dining pleasure at
6:00pm on Wednesday evenings,
with a suggested donation of $3
per person, or $10 per family.
Confirmation students along with
their families are asked to serve
the meals, and clean up. NEW
this year, a ministry team will also
serve and clean up one meal per month.
This year’s offerings will be a rotation of 4 menus, to include:
Lasagna, Grown Up Mac & Cheese, Tacos and Chicken Wild
Rice Soup.
The supper program will run concurrently with the
confirmation program.
Who should come to Wednesday Night Family Dinner?
YOU! All are welcome and invited to come. Give it a try—you
might decide to make it a weekly tradition!
Miss a Sunday Message?
If you are unable to attend
worship, but don’t want to miss
one of Pastor Bob’s insightful
sermons… visit us online to
catch up.
Sunday sermons dating back to April 6, 2014 are now
available on our website.
Visit us at
Consider Electronic Giving
Many people enjoy the ease and convenience of fulfilling
their monthly financial obligations online—did you know
that you can set up your church offering the same way?
It is...
 Safe
 Secure
 Your Offering arrives faithfully, on time
Try it out for a couple of months, if it doesn’t work for you,
it is easy to cancel.
Talk with John Winberg for more details, or call the church
Book Group
The October Selection is “Their Eyes Were Watching God”
by Zora Neale Hurston. Book Group
will meet on Oct 20 at 7:00pm. Lisa
Haakenstad is the hostess. New
members welcome!
One of the most important works of
twentieth-century American
literature, Zora Neale Hurston's
beloved 1937 classic, Their Eyes
Were Watching God, is an
enduring Southern love story
sparkling with wit, beauty, and
heartfelt wisdom. Told in the captivating voice of a woman
who refuses to live in sorrow, bitterness, fear, or foolish
romantic dreams, it is the story of fair-skinned, fiercely
independent Janie Crawford, and her evolving selfhood
through three marriages and a life marked by poverty,
trials, and purpose. A true literary wonder, Hurston's
masterwork remains as relevant and affecting today as
when it was first published—perhaps the most widely read
and highly regarded novel in the entire canon of African
American literature.
Initially published in 1937, this novel about a proud,
independent black woman's quest for identity, a journey
that takes her through three marriages and back to her
roots, has been one of the most widely read and highly
acclaimed novels in the canon of African-American
7 literature.
The Water’s Edge
College Funding Strategies Workshop
Are you a parent or grandparent? Have you thought about how
your child or
grandchild will
afford college
when that
time comes?
Did you know
that tuition
and fees at
public four
year colleges
5.2% more
than the rate
of inflation over the last decade? Today families with college
bound youth need the facts and guidance on how best select
schools and how to cover the costs of higher education.
On Tuesday night November 6th Gary Schmidt will introduce his
partner Matthew Scherer who is a certified college planning
specialist. Over an hour Matt will guide you through the
process and give you valuable information you need to know to
effectively plan your child’s higher education. There is no cost
and the workshop is informational only. No financial products
will be discussed.
If interested call or email the church office or Gary Schmidt to register.
October 2014
The horse rises from the ground on its two front legs first.
A cow rises from the ground with its two hind legs first.
How wise the Lord is in all His works of creation!
God's wisdom is revealed in His arrangement of sections and
segments, as well as in the number of grains.
Each watermelon has an even number of stripes
on the rind.
Each orange has an even number of segments.
Each ear of corn has an even number of rows.
Each stalk of wheat has an even number of grains.
Every bunch of bananas has on its lowest row an even
number of bananas, and each row decreases by one, so
that one row has an even number and the next row an
odd number.
All grains are found in even numbers on the stalks, and
the Lord specified thirty fold, sixty fold, and a hundred
fold all even numbers.
The waves of the sea roll in on shore twenty-six to the minute
in all kinds of weather.
God has caused the flowers to blossom at certain specified
times during the day. Linnaeus, the great botanist, once said
that if he had a conservatory containing the right kind of soil,
moisture and temperature, he could tell the time of day or
night by the flowers that were open and those that were
What’s a Christian to do with
How Great is Our God!
These days, children associate Halloween with trick-or-treating
and candy. But centuries ago, Christians named the night
before All Hallows’ Day (All Saints’ Day) “All Hallows’ Eve.” As
the faithful prepared to remember people who were entrusted
to resurrection life, they adopted various traditions to poke fun
at death.
God's accuracy may be observed in the hatching of eggs...
For example:
The eggs of the potato bug hatch in 7 days;
Those of the canary in 14 days;
Those of the barnyard hen in 21 days;
The eggs of ducks and geese hatch in 28 days;
Those of the mallard in 35 days;
The eggs of the parrot and the ostrich hatch in 42
Around the world, Christians observe Halloween differently: In
Poland, kids pray aloud while walking through forests to
comfort souls of the dead. In Spain, tolling church bells remind
people to remember the saints. In Finland, so many people
light candles in cemeteries that the observance is called “seas
(Notice, they are all divisible by seven, the number of days in a of light.” Although some Christians steer clear of Halloween,
others use it as an evangelism opportunity and provide
entertainment alternatives such as harvest parties.
God's wisdom is seen in the making of an elephant.
The four legs of this great beast all bend forward in the same
direction. No other quadruped is so made. God planned that
this animal would have a huge
body, too large to live on
two legs. For this reason He gave it four fulcrums so that it can
rise from the ground easily.
No matter your views, you can remind children that though it’s
fun to pretend, we can always be ourselves with God.
Whatever our features and flaws, we need not and cannot hide
from God behind masks. God made us in his holy image and
loves us as his holy — hallowed! — children.
The Water’s Edge
Smorgasbord is Right Around the
Corner...Save the Date!
October 2014
+Christian Symbol+
This central furnishing in a
Christian worship space is usually
fairly large, with a solid front that
may be decorated with symbols or
words. The flat surface, often
covered with a cloth, is where the
Communion elements are
prepared and placed, reminding us
of Jesus' sacrifice as the Lamb of
God. In some churches, the altar looks more like a table,
with open legwork. We remember that Jesus invites us into
fellowship with God now and to the heavenly banquet for
eternity. We place offerings on the altar to symbolize our
sacrificial response to God's redeeming love.
Smorgasbord 2014
has been set for
December 6,
Please save the date
and join us for this
annual event that
promises to bring
people together for
fellowship, fun and
great food!
We are excited to
have the talented
local duo of Tim
Lungstrom and Carol
Moore as this year's
special entertainment
for the evening. Tim plays acoustic and classical guitars and
Carol on vocals they work together to perform songs from
folk, jazz and light pop music, along with some Christmas
Pillars of Faith
Because Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses, or thoughts, to a
church door in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517,
many Christians remember that day and the major changes,
or Reformation, that resulted.
Luther's theses contained three main pillars, which have
stood for almost 500 years:
This is one of MLC’s biggest events of the year, and there
are MANY ways in which you can become involved and help
make this a successful evening.
1. Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone) - The Bible is the sole
authority in matters of faith, life and conduct. 'All scripture is
inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for
correction, and for training in righteousness' (2 Timothy
3:16, NRSV).
Keep your eyes open for the sign up posters in October and
November to see where you may fit in.
Time for "Rolling, Patting and Putting It In a Pan
(Actually, the Freezer)
2. Sola Fide (Faith Alone) - Christians are justified, or
declared righteous, only through believing in Jesus Christ as
Savior. Although morality and good works are important,
they alone cannot lead to salvation. 'A person is justified not
by the works of the law but through faith in Jesus
Christ' (Galatians 2:16, NRSV).
October 18th (Saturday
morning) we will gather to
prepare the lefse for the
Smorgasbord. Come at 9:00
a.m. in the church kitchen and
we will do our usual, mostly
skillful, rolling and cooking of
the lefse.
3. Sola Gratia (Grace Alone) - Grace is God's unmerited, or
undeserved, favor. Salvation is a free gift from our gracious
God. 'For by grace you have been saved through faith, and
this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God - not the
result of works, so that no one may boast' (Ephesians 2:8-9, NRSV).
After it is cooled, we'll freeze it and dream of buttered,
sugared, quartered and rolled manna (lefse). We invite
rollers, patters and cookers (with lefse griddles) to come for
the fun and frivolity. It is always a good time.
No experience is necessary. We'll find a job for you!
Sunday, October 26
Is Reformation Day
The Water’s Edge
October 2014
Refreshing Life-lessons from the Ancients: Narrative Lectionary --- October Worship
“Blessed by the Gifts of God!”
October 5 17 Pentecost 9:30 & 10:45am “Blessed by the Gift of Boundaries… God’s Law!”
Texts: Exodus 19:3-7, 20:1-17 & Matthew 5:17
October 12 18 Pentecost 9:30 & 10:45am
Texts: Joshua 24:1-15 & Matthew 4:8-10
October 19 19 Pentecost 9:30 & 10:45am
Texts: 2 Samuel 12:1-9 & Psalm 51:1-9
“Blessed by the Gift of Commitment… Joshua’s Exemplary Faith!”
“Blessed by the Gift of Convicting Truth… David’s Correction!”
October 26 20 Pentecost / Reformation 9:30 & 10:45am
Texts: 1 Kings 3:4-9, (10-15) 16-28 & Matthew 6:9-10
“Blessed by the Gift of Wisdom… Solomon’s Treasure!”
Hope for Healing!
Truly the eye of the LORD is on those who fear him,
on those who hope in his steadfast love,
to deliver their soul from death,
and to keep them alive in famine.
Our soul waits for the LORD;
he is our help and shield.
Our heart is glad in him,
because we trust in his holy name.
Let your steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us,
even as we hope in you.,
Psalm 33:18-22
Struggling alone in confusion and adversity like the Psalmist? Looking for a source of strength, hope, and encouragement? The Holy
Spirit is available to you and will advocate on your behalf. Prayer in the presence of sensitive and faithful prayer warriors could be the
source you are searching for. MLC prayer partners are eager to join you in imploring God’s saving help. We are committed to be your
advocates with the Almighty. Come to where you will find yourself among prayerful, caring friends willing to journey and battle
Sunday October 28th
Following 9:30 AM Worship
Minnetonka Lutheran Library
Come capture the hope and blessings of gathering and praying in the power of Jesus’ Name…
The Water’s Edge
October 2014
October 2014
Wednesday, October 1
9:30am Wednesday Morning Bible Study
2:00pm Staff Meeting
6:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner
6:30pm Confirmation
6:45pm Chancel Choir
7:00pm Rescue From Shipwreck AA
Sunday, October 12
9:00am Traditional Worship, SS Singers
10:15am Adult Ed “The Holy Land Revealed”
in FH
10:45am Contemporary Worship with Holy
Communion, SS Singers
11:00am Great and Mighty Ministries in YR
Thursday, October 2
Monday, October 13
7:30am Men’s Bible Study
Friday, October 3
Tuesday, October 14
9:00am Al-Anon
6:30pm Tiger Cubs in Activity Room
9:00am Friday Boys
Saturday, October 4
10:00am Edgy Waters
Sunday, October 5
9:00am Traditional Worship with Holy
10:15am Adult Ed “The Holy Land Revealed”
in FH
10:45am Contemporary Worship
11:00am Great and Mighty Ministries in YR
Monday, October 6
Newsletter Deadline
7:30am Men’s Bible Study
Tuesday, October 7
9:00am Quilting Group
9:30am Al-Anon Meeting
6:00pm Scout Parent Meeting
6:30pm Forward XIX AA
6:30pm Handbell Rehearsal
7:00pm Scout Troop 426 in Activity Room
Wednesday, October 8
9:30am Wednesday Morning Bible Study
2:00pm Staff Meeting
6:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner
6:30pm Confirmation
6:45pm Chancel Choir
7:00pm Rescue From Shipwreck AA
Thursday, October 9
9:00am Al-Anon
10:00am Women’s Bible Study
with Lori Rusert
6:00pm Den 5 in Activity Room
6:00pm Worship Team Meeting
Friday, October 10
9:00am Friday Boys
Saturday, October 11
10:00am Edgy Water’s Rehearsal
9:30am Al-Anon Meeting
9:30am Hannah Circle in Library
5:30pm Witness Team Meeting
6:30pm Forward XIX AA
6:30pm Handbell Rehearsal
7:00pm Scout Troup 426 in Activity Room
Wednesday, October 15
9:30am Wednesday Morning Bible Study
2:00pm Staff Meeting
6:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner
6:30pm Confirmation
6:45pm Chancel Choir
7:00pm Rescue From Shipwreck AA
Thursday, October 16
9:00am Al-Anon
10:00am Women’s Bible Study
with Lori Rusert
6:00pm Den 5 in Activity Room
6:30pm Pack 426 in Activity Room
7:00pm Council Meeting
7:00pm Den 5 in Activity Room
Friday, October 17
9:00am Friday Boys
10:30pm Newsletter Assembly
Saturday, October 18
9:00am Lefse Making
9:00am Fantastic Prayer Shawl Ministry
10:00am Edgy Waters
Sunday, October 19
9:00am Traditional Worship with Holy Communion
10:15am Adult Ed “The Holy Land Revealed”
in FH
10:45am Contemporary Worship
11:00am Great and Mighty Ministries in YR
Monday, October 20
7:30am Men’s Bible Study
7:00pm Book Group
Tuesday, October 21
9:00am Quilting Group
9:30am Al-Anon Meeting
6:30pm Forward XIX AA
6:30pm Handbell Rehearsal
7:00pm Scout Troop 426 in Activity Room
Wednesday, October 22
9:30am Wednesday Morning Bible Study
2:00pm Staff Meeting
6:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner
6:30pm Confirmation
6:45pm Chancel Choir
7:00pm Rescue From Shipwreck AA
Thursday, October 23
9:00am Al-Anon
10:00am Women’s Bible Study
with Lori Rusert
6:00pm Den 5 in Activity Room
6:30pm Pack 426 in Activity Room
Friday, October 24
9:00am Friday Boys
Saturday, October 25
10:00am Edgy Waters
Sunday, October 26
Reformation Sunday
9:00am Traditional Worship 10:15am Adult
Ed “The Holy Land Revealed” in FH
10:45am Contemporary Worship with Holy
11:00am Great and Mighty Ministries in YR
11:45am Healing Service in MLC Library
Monday, October 27
7:30am Men’s Bible Study
Tuesday, October 28
9:30am Al-Anon Meeting
6:00pm Scout Parent Meeting
6:30pm Forward XIX AA
6:30pm Handbell Rehearsal
7:00pm Scout Troop 426 in Activity Room
Wednesday, October 29
9:30am Wednesday Morning Bible Study
2:00pm Staff Meeting
6:00pm Wednesday Night Dinner
6:30pm Confirmation
6:45pm Chancel Choir
7:00pm Rescue From Shipwreck AA
Thursday, October 30
9:00am Al-Anon
10:00am Women’s Bible Study
with Lori Rusert
Friday, October 31
9:00am Friday Boys
5:30pm Wedding rehearsal
Minnetonka Lutheran Church
16023 Minnetonka Boulevard
Minnetonka, MN 55345
October 2014
Return service requested
From the Pastor
page 3
MLC Mission Partners
page 4
Council Highlights
page 5
Decorators Needed
page 5
pages 6
Wednesday Night Supper
page 7
Smorgasboard 2014
page 9