Valmentajapäivät Helsinki 10.-11.10.2014 Hannu Tihinen SPL pelaajakehityspäällikkö Football Association of Finland Values: • • • • Positivity Trustworthiness Communality Success Player Development • Football Association of Finland: Strategy Document for 2013-16 : ”5 Choices” • 1)Good Governance • 2)Player Development • • • 3)Club Development 4)Members and Customers 5)Knowledge Development Player Development, FAF • Individual coaching philosophy • Knowledge development • Domestic competitions • Infrastructure development • International activities FAF PLAYER DEVELOPMENT A U21 U19 & U18 District, regional and national team departments U17 & U16 Centers of excellence National team coaches Regional coaches Clubs Talent coaches Schools Regional teams U15 UEFA Pro UEFA A UEFA B District teams U13 ‐ U14 Talentschools U12‐U13 Skillschools and SPL 10‐11 ‐camps UEFA C E & D C OAC H E D U CATI O N O F C H I LD R E N COACHING PHILOSOPHY Coach education FAF PLAYER DEVELOPMENT A U21 U19 & U18 District, regional and national team departments U17 & U16 Centers of excellence National team coaches Regional coaches Clubs Talent coaches Schools Regional teams U15 UEFA Pro UEFA A UEFA B Coach education District teams U13 ‐ U14 Talentschools U12‐U13 Skillschools and SPL 10‐11 ‐camps UEFA C E & D COACH EDUCATION OF CHILDREN COACHING PHILOSOPHY FAF PLAYER DEVELOPMENT A U21 Centers of excellence National team coaches Regional coaches Clubs U19 & U18 District, regional and national team departments U17 & U16 Talent coaches Regional teams U15 Schools UEFA Pro UEFA A UEFA B District teams U13 ‐ U14 Kykykoulut U12‐U13 Taitokoulut ja SPL 10‐11 ‐leirit UEFA C E & D C OAC H E D U CATI O N O F C H I LD R E N COACHING PHILOSOPHY Coach education TALENT COACHES Reipas Joni Kallioinen TPS Leo Tommila Ilves Toni Kallio HJK Jyrki Ahola KuPS JP Niskanen Jaro Pasi Hyyhö Inter Marko Johansson SJK Christian Sund Jaro, Pietarsaari SJK, Seinäjoki VJS (girls) Stefan Wikström FC Jazz Marko Honkanen ONS (girls) Kari Koivikko JJK Jarkko Jokiranta ONS, Oulu FC Jazz, Pori Ilves, Tampere JJK, Jyväskylä KuPS, Kuopio FC Reipas, FC Kuusysi Lahti TPS, Turku Inter, Turku HJK, Helsinki VJS, Vantaa TALENT COACHES (part-time) MyPa KäPa VPS IFK Mariehamn Pallo-Kissat (girls) Jippo-j FC Viikingit GBK ÅIFK PK KU FC Espoo RoPS Honka Pallo-Iirot OLS JäPS SalPa JyPK (girls) TiPS (girls) Jukka Kuusonen Abdi Abdirahman Mohammed Kim Ilonen Steve Beeks Jukka Salo & Jouni Antikainen Tero Tahvanainen Mika Sandberg Marko Takala Jukka-Pekka Perälä Mauricio Soto Mikko Isokangas Jari Alamäki & Vesa Tauriainen Niko Laiho Aleksi Tanner Oskari Partonen David Moore Nuno Antures & Sami Jylhä Jonne Kunnas MIFK, Mariehamn GBK, Kokkola VPS, Vaasa P-Iirot, Rauma OLS, Oulu JyPK, Jyväskylä RoPS, Rovaniemi Pallokissat, Kuopio Jippo, Joensuu JäPS, Järvenpää ÅIFK, Turku SalPa, Salo MyPa, Myllykoski KäPa, FC Viikingit - Helsinki TiPS Vantaa FC Espoo, Honka, Espoo PKKU, Keski-Uusimaa FAF PLAYER DEVELOPMENT A U21 U19 & U18 Centers of excellence National team coaches Regional coaches District, regional and national team departments U17 & U16 Regional teams U15 Clubs Talent coaches Schools UEFA Pro UEFA A UEFA B District teams U13 ‐ U14 Talentschools U12‐U13 Skillschools and SPL 10‐11 ‐camps UEFA C E & D C OAC H E D U CATI O N O F C H I LD R E N COACHING PHILOSOPHY Coach education Regional Coaches (boys) Mika Nurmela, north Stephen Ward, ostrobothnia Kai Nyyssönen, east & central Finland Matti Kuitunen, south-east Teemu Eskola, west Erkka V. Lehtola, south FAF PLAYER DEVELOPMENT A U21 Centers of excellence U19 & U18 District, regional and national team departments U17 & U16 Regional teams U15 National team coaches Regional coaches Clubs Talent coaches Schools UEFA Pro UEFA A UEFA B District teams U13 ‐ U14 Talentschools U12‐U13 Skillschools and SPL 10‐11 ‐camps UEFA C E & D C OAC H E D U CATI O N O F C H I LD R E N COACHING PHILOSOPHY Coach education Centers of Excellence and Development Oulu, Northern Finland Jyväskylä, Central Finland (spring 2015) Eerikkilä, Southern Finland Pelaajakehityksen tavoitteet Joachim Löw: ”Discipline, tolerance and attitude” Roy Hodgson: ”Sacrifice yourself” Jim Collins: ”Big things happen if you do small things right.”
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