THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF SAINT MARTHA October 19, 2014 — 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Mass: Saturday Vigil Sunday 5:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 noon 4:00 pm Daily Mass: Monday thru Saturday 8:00 am First Friday Mass: 8:00 am 10:00 am SACRAMENTS Confessions: Saturday, 3:00-4:00 pm or by Appointment Marriages: Please call the parish office to make arrangements one year in advance. Baptisms: 1st & 3rd Sundays at 1:15 pm. Please call the parish office to make arrangements. Parents’ Preparation Session is on the last Friday of the month at 7:00 pm. Anointing of the Sick: Please call the parish office to make arrangements. DEVOTIONS Rosary: Monday-Saturday 7:35 am & following 8:00 am Mass; Sunday 7:05 am Divine Mercy Chaplet: Friday, 3:00 pm Exposition & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament: 1st Fridays, 8:30 am - 9:30am First Saturday Devotion: Follows 8:00 am Mass Novenas: Follows 8:00 am Masses – Miraculous Medal (Wednesday) & St. Jude (Friday) CLERGY & PASTORAL STAFF Administrator: Rev. David Swantek Assisting Priests: Rev. Bill Bausch Rev. Dominic Fuccile Rev. Gerry Marchand Rev. John Spino Deacons: Fran Groff Ted Kotz Staff: Director of Religious Education: Georgina Kotz Coordinator of Youth Ministry: Bob Morris Director of Liturgical Music: Lou Letizia Business Manager/Accountant: Nancy Dormanski Parish Secretary: Mary Nelson OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Tuesday Wednesday Saturday 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm 9:00 am – 12:00 noon SPECIAL HOLIDAY SCHEDULES & INCLEMENT WEATHER CLOSING: Please telephone the Parish Office 3800 Herbertsville Road Point Pleasant, NJ 08742-5499 Phone: 732-295-3630 Fax: 732-295-9315 St. Martha welcomed Jesus into her home; we welcome all who seek to grow in faith and love. If you’d like to join our parish please call 732-295-3630. 1 St. Martha Church - 522 THIS WEEKEND – OCTOBER 18-19 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Reg. Collection: Support of St. Martha Church 2nd Collection: Mission Sunday MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, October 18 5:00 pm Sr. Mary Xavier Casey, Casey Family, Sr. Maureen & Sr. Celeste Florence Calandriello Sunday, October 19 7:30 am People of the Parish Ann Marie Luders 9:00 am Joseph & Joey Williams Raymond Schrader 10:30 am Louis Letizia, Sr. Laura Sturtecky NOON Kathy, Robert & Robert, Jr. Breslin Richard Mannix 4:00 pm Anthony Sofia Richard Dempsey Monday, October 20 8:00 am Princiotta Family Tuesday, October 21 8:00 am Michael Akins Wednesday, October 22 8:00 am Michael Burke Helen Tylecki Thursday, October 23 8:00 am Renee Griffin In Thanksgiving for Janet Peterson Friday, October 24 8:00 am Joseph Nazzaro John Andrew Vogel Saturday, October 25 8:00 am Grace Fox READINGS FOR THIS WEEK 1st Reading 2nd Reading Gospel Mon: 1st Reading Gospel Tue: 1st Reading Gospel Wed: 1st Reading Gospel Thur: 1st Reading Gospel Fri: 1st Reading Gospel Sat: 1st Reading Gospel Sun: Isaiah 45:1,4-6 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b Matthew 22:15-21 Ephesians 2:1-10 Luke 12:13-21 Ephesians 2:12-22 Luke 12:35-38 Ephesians 3:2-12 Luke 12:39-48 Ephesians 3:14-21 Luke 12:49-53 Ephesians 4:1-6 Luke 12:54-59 Ephesians 4:7-16 Luke 13:1-9 Need Help? Call St. Vincent de Paul at 732295-3630 ext 33. Our parish is here to help. ST. GREGORY’S PANTRY NEEDS: OCTOBER Cranberry sauce, gravy, potatoes, yams, stuffing VOLUNTEER TRAINING The VIRTUS program assists the Church in being a safe haven for children and a messenger for preventing child sexual abuse within the Church and society in general through a child sexual abuse prevention program: Protecting God’s Children. If you are a member of an organization or ministry that sponsors and/or works directly with children, YOU ARE REQUIRED to attend a training session according to the diocese policy. Please visit for the listings of upcoming sessions and to register. PARISH ROSARY MEMORIAL GIFTS: OCTOBER 18-OCTOBER 24 Blessed Mother Flowers: Jack Colberg Altar Bread & Wine: Paul Kaniuka Tabernacle Lamp: John D’Ambrosio October 26th Immediately following the 12:00 noon mass Light reception following ALL SAINTS DAY OUR DEARLY DEPARTED Please remember in your prayers the recently deceased members of our parish, especially Ralph Corvino. (NOT A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION THIS YEAR BECAUSE IT FALLS ON A S ATURDAY) November 1st 8:00 am ALL SOULS DAY LOW-GLUTEN HOST Available upon request before Mass in the sacristy November 2nd 4:00 pm Mass of Remembrance 2 St. Martha Church - 522 DON’T LET ME EVER THINK, DEAR GOD, THAT I WAS ANYTHING BUT THE INSTRUMENT FOR YOUR STORY – JUST AS THE TYPEWRITER WAS MINE. This past summer I drove down to Georgia for a wedding – two of my former students from Princeton were getting married. I was eager to celebrate the sacrament with them because Rick and Lydia were amazing students – yes they were brilliant in their academics, and popular on the track team, but they both were unabashedly Catholic; I was quite proud to be their priest. Full disclosure lest you think me too saintly– I enjoyed their company. They were fun students – ready with a smile and strong in faith. You’d probably like them too. Now, I also enjoy camping, long drives with a good cup of coffee, and audio books. It was thus, and the end of the school year, triply equipped with coffee, audio books, and camping equipment, that I set off to Atlanta to marry my students and visit the Shenandoah’s on the return. I was listening to The Life You Save May Be Your Own: an American Pilgrimage by Paul Elie. It’s a story about four famous American Catholic writers: Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton, Walker Percy, and Flannery O’Connor - author of the quote above this column. One of the many things these writers – Flannery and Walker in particular- wrestled with was living a life of integrity. God doesn’t violate a rock and demand a rock to behave like a plant. . .he makes it a rock. Yet the same laws of physics inside “rockdom” also are those inside “plantdom” and plants and rocks respected each other whenever they came into contact. Could the same be true for someone called to be a Catho- lic writer? Surely, there were rules and truths and laws pertaining to the art and craft writing that all good writing had to follow. For Catholic writing to be “good writing” it would require more than simply mentioning “faith” or “God” or writing about “Catholic things”. . .it should respect the order and loftly ideals and hard task of writing. This, Flannery saw, was what Catholicism concluded for her as a writer. Now this is nothing new. Every Catholic scientist from the priest who proposed the theory of the Big Bang, Monsignor Lemaitre, to the renowned evolutionary biologist Kenneth Miller, of Brown University (whom we was blessed to host at Princeton), knows that to be a good in a discipline requires one to be good in that discipline. How could followers of Jesus who said – I am the truth- violate the truths of their research, of their reason, or of aesthetics. It doesn’t work. I guess this is why so much of “Christian music” still lags behind “secular music” (in my opinion). “secular music” . ..frankly. . .is good (see CCR, John Denver, Rolling Stones, Jim Croce, or Richard Shindell for proof). Simply strumming C chords and singing “God we love you” doesn’t make a good song. But imagine a person who passionately loves Christ, follows him in his Church and also is an award winning scientist, novelist, songwriter or athlete. . .some of the folks above have done that. Flannery did it and she was rewarded with a new vision of the world. I guess that’s why I was really proud of Rick and Lydia. The action of grace was upon them and they were willing to support it– in giving of themselves to their studies, their crazy races and practices on the track team, to their friendships, to the homeless, and to each other. Today’s psalm says, “give the Lord Glory and honor”. One way to do that is by fully entering into life. (p.s. Go Vikings!) PRAYER: Dear God, make me more a person of integrity. For where there is a tendency to compartmentalize the spiritual life, and make it reside in a part of my life only, my soul is gradually lost. Help me to see the world, my work, and others as your Son saw them – all connected, full of grace, and charged with your Spirit. Amen 3 St. Martha Church - 522 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY Organizations ANNULMENT MINISTRY: please contact the office to learn more. 732-295-3630. BEREAVEMENT GROUP: meets the 1st Sunday of the month at 10:00 am. Please call the office to sign up. 732-295-3630 INTERCESSORY PRAYER GROUP 1st Monday (11:00 am) Contact Annette Richards 732-674-6935. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS meets 2nd Tuesday of the month. MOM’S BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays, (9:30 am -11:00 am) downstairs. Information: Sue Byington (732-8992904); or Paddy Morris (732-295-1103). PARISH BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays, 7:30 pm–9:00 pm. Studying Israel’s story using Liturgical Press Commentary & Little Rock Scripture Study Guide. Info: Michael Tuohy, 908-902-1725. PRECANA CONFERENCE AT ST. MARTHA CHURCH For info call AnnMarie Gimblett, 732-206-0053. R.C.I.A. A process of prayer, study and spiritual formation prepares adults for entrance into community with the Church. Any adult interested in learning about our Catholic faith is invited to call the Parish office. meets November 11 RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE (Tuesday) in the Conference Room. ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY meets 1st Monday at noon. For information call Sharon Hettenbach, 732892-6490 ROSARY MAKERS meets every other Friday at 10:00 am. Call Sharon Hettenbach, 732-8926490. SENIOR BEEHIVE MINISTRY meets Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 am-3:00 pm; Monday 10:00 am12:00 noon for Line Dancing. Info: Marge 732899-6140 or John 732-674-6934. SEPARATED AND DIVORCED meet 2nd & 4th Tuesdays (7:30 pm – 9:00 pm) Contact Arlene, 732-7141747. ST. MARTHA’S LEARNING CENTER for God’s special needs children. Stephanie: 732-279-6406 WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Thursdays, at 9:00 am. We are using Scott Hahn’s study “He Must Reign,” the Kingdom of God in Scripture. Call Janet, 732-836-0303 to reserve material. WOMEN’S CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Any woman needing support for problems arising from cancer call Joan Perucich 732-295-9526 or Ema Aiello 732-714-2282, to arrange a meeting. Inspired by Gospel values, this lay organization leads all to join to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are in need and suffering. 732-295-3630 x33 “BIRTH OF JESUS” PLAY BY FR. SPINO The cast has been set and rehearsals have begun. The cast is very excited and hopes all parishioners come out to see this wonderful play! December 19, 20, 21 at 7:00 pm December 20 matinee at 1:00 pm K OF C BREAKFAST October 19. $5 adults; $3 children; ($15 family maximum). Follows 7:30 am, 9:00 am, and 10:30 am Masses. We would like to thank all the members of the Knights of Columbus for their work at the Italian Fest. A good time was had by all. Youth Ministry with Bob Morris All High School Youth Are Welcome!! 732-295-3630 ext. 31 “But for the grace of God go I” This quote from St. Paul has been in my head since I was hired here. When this year started, I had no idea this was the direction my life would turn, but looking back now, it is clear that God set in motion a series of events that led to getting me where He wants me. By keeping our trust in Him through uncertain times, my family and I could feel his graces being poured on us. Speaking of God’s grace, it was truly abundant at St. Martha’s last Thursday night when almost 100 of our Confirmandi attended our Reconciliation service with 7 priests present to hear their confessions. It was wonderful to see the joy on their faces after they received the sacrament. By the time you read this, I will be in the process of contacting our youth leaders to begin planning this year’s programs. Stay tuned to this space for more information. 4 St. Martha Church - 522 KIDS BOX Religious Education Information E F X U K J T M Y E C M F O R 732-295-3630 x 50 The Religious Education Office is located within the main office complex. “There is nothing the devil fears so much, or so tries to hinder, as prayer.” – St. Philip Neri Grade 3: The third grade will be having a Rosary Prayer Service on Wednesday, Oct 22nd at 5:00pm in the Church. They invite their parents, grandparents, and the parish community to join them. This is also the kick-off of this year’s “Traveling Mary” activity, in which a statue of our Blessed Mother moves week-to-week to the homes of our third grade families. The family is asked to place Mary in a place of honor, and to pray to her each day. Hail Mary! Grade 7: Parents and students are asked to come to the 5:00pm Mass on Saturday, November 8, with a meeting following immediately after Mass in the All-Purpose Room. First Session for 7th grade: Nov 13. Z H L V H H V I K I N G S C V R S T A J Z J O J A Q M L O E B F E A N Y Q Z Q N D O C N P B J B Z J N F K W D R O O N V G N N S L T E L I D Y E J O P D U B X C F N R B P P O X R P D L X X K H V I Y R O N O H A N Y C R U G U W A V U M Z C J S M D G I T U H Q S E D X F E X J L V X U S U D O H Q C O Y C R E F D I T X O X W B T P D K I F K P D X M C Q O A D Z P F C S T A D F K P Z G B W Y N Grade 8: Next Session for 8th grade: Nov 20, 6:30 to 8:00pm M A R T H A G L O R Y X I J X 9th Grade Confirmation Candidates: Rehearsal/Robe Pick-Up for Group B: Thursday, Oct 23, 6:30pm – 8:00 pm Words to find: “Give the Lord glory and honor” ps. 96 Flannery O’Connor, Vikings, Saint Martha IS GOD CALLING YOU? If you are a faithful, single, Roman Catholic man, between the ages of 18 and 40, and are asking yourself whether God is calling you to be a priest, you are encouraged to attend the discernment meeting which will be held on Oct. 26, from 4:00 pm-6:00 pm at St Gregory the Great Parish, 4620 Nottingham Way, Hamilton Square, NJ. Join Rev. Michael McClane and Rev. Tom Vala, as they share their experiences of the priesthood, followed by prayer and concluding with a great meal and conversation. Register with the Diocese of Trenton Vocation Office at or by calling 609-406-7449. Join us at this exciting time as you discover and respond to His invitation! OPEN HOUSE Donovan Catholic: 711 Hooper Avenue, Toms River Monday, October 20, 7:00 pm. For more information, call 732-349-8801 x 2426 or visit . HEALING MASSES: St Dominic’s Church with Fr. Pio Mandato Monday, October 20 at 7:00 pm 250 Old Squan Rd, Brick Sacred Heart Church Saturday, October 25 at 8:30 am 751 Main Ave, Bay Head 5 St. Martha Church - 522 TRIBUTE TO THE MAN IN BLACK – JOHNNY CASH The St Vincent de Paul Conference of St Martha and St Peter cordially invite you to join us for a fun-filled evening of music, singing and optional dancing presented by Michael Patrick’s Ring of Fire Band. The evening will include snacks, soft drinks (BYOB) and wonderful desserts and coffee. All ticket contributions will support the St. Vincent de Paul Society, which helps our needy neighbors in the Point Pleasant area. Join us for a fun night on Friday, November 14th at 7:00 pm in St. Martha’s All Purpose Room. The cost is $20. Tickets are available by calling the St. Vincent de Paul hotline at 732-295-3630 ext. 33. Music Notes from Lou’s Desk 732-295-3630 3630 Extt 36 For those of you who prefer a Mass with a choir, or perhaps a specific style of music, please note when our choirs sing at the weekend liturgies. 5:00 pm Saturday Vigil Mass - Traditional Choir 7:30 am Sunday Mass - NO MUSIC 9:00 am Mass every other Sunday - Youth Choir 10:30 am Mass - Harvest Folk Choir CLOTHING DRIVE – CHURCH OF EPIPHANY SVdP Sunday, October 26 from 8:30 am – 1:30 pm Bedding, Coats, Linens, Purses, Clothing, Drapes, Plush Toys, and Shoes are thankfully accepted. Please drop off at the Parish Hall – White Church at the intersection of Herbertsville Rd and Thiele Rd. RETREATS Stella Maris Retreat Center, Long Branch “On Carrying Sunday into Monday: How to Build a Functioning Workplace Spirituality” Nov. 5th, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Free Will Offering For more information or to register, call 732-2290602 or visit Maris Stella Retreat Center, Harvey Cedars – Advent Retreat Day – “Why Did Jesus Come? An Introduction to Franciscan Incarnational Theology and Why It Matters!” Dec. 13th, 10:00 am – 3:30 pm, $50 includes lunch For more information or to register, call Sr. Pat Dotzauer at 609-494-2917 or email BULLETIN SUBMISSION PROCEDURES Submit typed articles to the Parish Office or email to no later than the Friday nine days before the Bulletin's date of publication. Include one contact name with e-mail address and phone number. Articles may be edited, rewritten or combined with related articles. 12:00 noon Mass - Organ & Cantor 4:00 pm Mass - Organ & Cantor They who sing pray twice ! (Saint Augustine) SHARING OUR TREASURE Weekly Offerings Religious Education # of Families Using Envelopes $15,913.67 $ 850.00 533 “Give and gifts will be given to you … For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you.” Luke 6:38 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL – STATUS Our parish goal for the Annual Catholic Appeal, formerly known as the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, has remained the same as past years at $83,000. As of October 7, 2014 we have received pledges of $67,000 from 397 parishioners. We are currently at 81% of our goal. If we reach 100% of our goal, our parish will get 15% back to help us. That is $12,450. Imagine how that could help or parish. Thank you to the 397 families who have helped us so far. If you wish to make a donation, log onto al/ and make a donation on line, by phone, or by mail, or you can drop off your donation at the parish office. Please make your check payable to Annual Catholic Appeal. 6 St. Martha Church - 522 ORENDER FAMILY HOME For FUNERALS Pable Evertz Funeral Home FUNERALS ◆ ADVANCED PLANNING ◆ CREMATION 901 Beaver Dam Rd. POINT PLEASANT 732.899.3300 Family Owned & Operated • We Serve Every Family As Our Own Large comfortable rooms • 100% handicap accessible • No stairs Children’s activity room • On site parking for 90 cars Richard A. Pable, NJ Lic. No. 2571 Robert H. Evertz, 1945-2013 Eric T. McDonough, Manager, NJ. Lic. No. 4051 Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 Kevin P. Orender, Manager NJ Lic. # 4390 Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 2643 Old Bridge Rd., Manasquan 732-528-5500 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: DENNIS FUGEDY, DMD JAMES MCLEES, DDS GENERAL DENTISTRY 2408 Hwy 88, Pt. 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Lic 00677A (732) 899-7900 John Patrick Publishing Co. 1.800.333.3166 • BRICK: 2170 HIGHWAY 88 732-899-9090 JOHN A. CUTAIO, MGR. N.J. LIC. NO. 2763 COLONIAL FUNERAL HOMES Family owned and operated since 1966 HERBERTSVILLE: 1045 SALLY IKE ROAD 732-458-4900 JOHN A. CUTAIO, MGR. N.J. LIC. NO. 2763 UMBRINO CONSTRUCTION H R -N C -T D OUSE AISING EW ONSTRUCTION EAR OWNS Serving Monmouth & Ocean Counties For Over 30 Years 732.892.8211 LIC. #13VH03755300 LIC. #015493 Brick Foot & Ankle Center Bassem M. Demian, DPM PODIATRIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 292 HERBERTSVILLE ROAD EMERGENCY CARE AVAILABLE BRICK 732-840-8989 DANIEL SAVINI, DDS COSMETIC & FAMILY DENTISTRY Office Hours: Mon-Sat & Eves By Appt. 912 Arnold Ave., Pt. Pleasant • 892-4233 SURVIVAL DRIVING SCHOOL Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards L.N. 000020 35 Years H.S. Driver Ed. Experience 6 hour Permit Course • Driver Road Test Service Charlie Russell • Owner / Operator Log Onto 732-920-0256 conveniently from your home or office. ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! POINT LOBSTER CO. OPEN 7 DAYS 10AM TO CLOSE 1 SAINT LOUIS AVENUE POINT PLEASANT BEACH • 892-1729 Lee Richards FINE JEWELRY Handmade Custom Jewelry All Repairs Done on Premises While You Wait and Watch 2243 Bridge Ave. 295-8875 522 Church of St. Martha, Point Pleasant, NJ (b) Rt.S Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 FUNERAL HOME Kevin C. O’Brien, Manager - NJ Lic. 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