Feb. 28, 1939. ‘ R. |_. STIF‘FLER 2,148,658 VEHICLE WHEEL Filed Nov. 18, 1937 I AW wrimM"Em." U \ -\”’ By ‘ I INVENTOR: ZZZ WW W r’ A TTORNEYS. Patented Feb. 2a, 1939 M I . 2,148,658 UNITED STATES PATENT“ oFFlci: _ I i Ralph I L. Stif?er, Lansdowne, Pa. Application 202$: fell) 0. _ , ' _ My invention relates generally to wheel structures and more particularly to wheel structures having demountable rims on which tires are ing rings l1 and it which are in turn supported by a pressed fit within element II as shown. The‘ disc portion 2 has strengthening ribs 2. mounted. formed therein and radiating, from the hub I in " a ' ‘ 5 My invention is directed toward the problem - of simple and easy replacement of worn tires on a manner suggesting the spokes of a wheel. The | circumierential edge of the disc portion I is bent the rubber-tired trucks which are in use about railway stations and in other industrial uses. It is important that the change. of tires be ac- v10 complished quickly and" without extensive and heavy apparatus. The pressed-0n type of tire which is frequently met with in industry limits over and formed into an annular ?ange 22 which is duplicated on the other side .0! the disc 901' tion 3 by an annular ?ange 22 formed on a re movable ring 2i. The ring 24 is secured to the 10 disc portion 3 by a fastening means composed of bolts 26 and nuts 21 with lock washers of a usual ~ tire changing to stations having the necessary tus which cannot be widely dismbuted type. 16 due to cost factors, ° " My invention wgrvides a rugged wheel structure which permits The ?anges 22 and 22 incline downward toward each'other so, that the outside edges of the ?anges 22 and 23 are higher than the inner ll, edges of the flanges 22 and 23- The ansle which " quick and eiiicient tire change without special apparatim and this is it; mam object. other objects 0! my invention are 51111.. a so Ducity of assembly and of manufacture. Still these ?anges n and. 23 make with ‘The mngmuu' rial axis of the wheel is comparatively small in order to provide full support for the rim member 4 which. is correspondingly formed to at the so other advantages will appear from the following ?anges 22 and 23. In the illustrated embodiment ' detailed description of a preferred embodiment of j of my invention, the angle of the ?anges 22 and my invention, reference being had t0 the accom. ' 23 with the wheel axis is about 9". The size of 'panying drawing. ' ' as Fig. 1 or the drawing shows a partial side e1eva_ the rim member 4 is such that the removable ring 24 cannot be drawn up to a contacting relation 5 . tion of a wheel constructed according to my in- with the disc Portion 3-‘ This insures 8 tight re vention. 'taining lit for the rim member I as the bolts 26 Fig. 11 is a section‘ taken as indicated by the and nuts. 21' are taken up- The 11m member 4 mow; 11.41 of F1; 1 ‘30 - - has a tire 5 of rubber or similar substance. Inthe drawing thereis Shown awheel equipped rubber is the material chosen. the tire I is vul- 30 with a roller bearing of 9, conventional type which need not be described in detail, The wheel com slabs of a, hub >l mounted rigidly on an axle 2’ a canized to the rim member 4. Of course any other means well known in the art for attaching’ the tire 5 to the rim member ti could be used instead disc portion 2 mounted on the hub I, and a rim of vulcanizmg- as member l having a tire 5 attached thereto. The hub _l consists of two circular elements ID ' - The operation of my invention iollows clearly as from the above descriptiim but a kw further com ' rigidly attached to and spaced longitudinally . ments may further clarify the advantages thereof. along the axle 2. These elements lg Support gimp lar elements II by means of rollers n positioned 40 between the elements [0 and H. The elements H If‘ are rigidly attached to the inside of the cylin- drlcal element‘ II which is the ‘hub proper.‘ It will be noted that a circular’ area is' formed‘ around the axle 2 and con?ned within the ‘cylin- m We a by we w H the ends of the hub I. This spaceis for lubrica“new and the mbricalms substarise is forced mm’ it through a‘ valve ?tting It ‘50 In order to prevent the lubricating substance when it is desired ‘to change a'tire, one of the spare. rim members l_ having a tire i is taken to. the truck for the tire change. Then the nuts 21 40 and boltsand 2‘the of removable the wheel ring in question aretaken un screwed 2| is easily off. Any slight binding is relieved by inserting a screw driver or similar tool into the space between . ~ 1.1 u $855.2?“ii2t‘t2. ‘5m .22: a...“ . ‘i ?'m member s which is‘ then removed_ The new tire is positioned on the ?ange z: and tapped ' ' into a‘shug fit. The ring 24 is then replaced and the nuts. :1 and bolts 26 tightened up. from running 011i; from the rollers l2 over the change is then‘ com 19133, The 50 No special tools are ' wheel surface, a retaining ring ii of felt or of a required and the change occupies but a few min similar substance is provided. This ring it is utes.v The importance oi'the small inclination .- in easy contact with the surface of the element of the ?anges 22 and 22 must not be overlooked. u ll and. is held in place between two metal retain- If a deep pronounced V-surfa'ce were provided by . ' 2 2,148,658 the ?anges 22 and 23, the'advantages of a pressed ?t would be from‘ their respective circumferential edges to n provide the the like a' pressed ?t assembly hut/without the of said ?anges with the wheel axis being com dl?iculties in changing tires paratively slight, a tire supporting rim mounted Which/are inhei‘en/t , on said ?anges and having its inner contacting surface conforming substantially in shape to said shallow . , 8‘ {said parts 10 2. A vehicle wheel as de?ned in claim 1 wherein . the annular ?ange formed around the edge of _ the wheel disc portion is inclined approximately of nine degrees with respect to the 15 ' dished radial strength emng ribs surrounding said hub and simulating ?ange formed around the of said disc portion, a re movable ring attached to said disc portion having .an opposinglydirected ?ange to said ?rst men tioned ?ange, 20 ?anges each inclining inward RALPH L. s.
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