The Rocky Mountain Carriage Club October 2014 Carriage Tracks A Message from the Board The September Second Sunday drive had absolutely wonderful weather for a drive and the meeting/potluck that followed. 22 plus people downed hot dogs, salads, chips and desserts galore and then got busy with the meeting. As evidenced by all the notices in this newsletter, lots of business and future club meetings were decided. (Be sure to read the entire newsletter. Do not get left out!) The notices in this newsletter contain information for the annual 2014 November meeting, the day, time and place for the 2015 club meetings, the nominees for elections in November and other important details that you, as a club member, need to be aware of. Please, take the time to read the newsletter all the way through. M A R K Y O UR C A LEN D A R S CANCELED - Oct 11~ Drive A Test. VS still a problem and not enough response • Oct 14 ~ Second Sunday Fun Drive at Kanstad’s • Oct 18 ~ Halloween Fun Day at Silver Whip. Contact Phil and Karla Porter for more information 970-9803410. • Nov 6 ~ RMCC Annual Meeting The second Sunday drives will continue in October and November as long as the weather is nice. If in doubt, be sure to call Roberta to confirm before leaving for Silver Whip Farm. The Fun Driving Competitions are over for this year. Last Saturday was the final one and the Silver Whip Trophy and final awards were given out. Please see the scores and final postings in this newsletter or on the Silver Whip Facebook page. A suggestion that came up in the meeting was for a club resource page to be published in the newsletter next year. Resources would include businesses and web links for driving equipment, driving instruction, trainers, mentors and anything else related to the equestrian/driving world. This would not be advertisements, but just a named resource with contact information. Please contact Nancy with any and all ideas for this page so it can be placed in the newsletter for next year. November Annual Meeting The club annual meeting will be held on Thursday, November 6, 2014, at 7:00PM at the Taipan Restaurant in Fort Collins. The restaurant has a meeting room that can accommodate us and Geir and Roberta have highly recommended the food served there. If you wish to eat before the meeting, come early between 6 and 6:30PM to eat. See below for the address and general location in Fort Collins. The agenda will be elections of Officers and Board members, a review of this year’s activities and hopefully, a start on the calendar for next year. Please join us for a great dinner and help elect next year’s Board. We also need your input on what you want to do next year for fun activities. Remember, this is your club! Taipan’s address: 144 N Mason St, suite #8, Fort Collins, CO 970-472-1167. (The general location is 1 block west of Hwy 287 (College Ave), between Mountain Ave (on the south) and LaPorte Ave (on the north). There is a parking garage with the restaurant entrance located inside for convenience.) Webmaster: Newsletter: 2015 Club Business Meeting The club business meeting week day and place have changed for 2015. At the September meeting, the club members present voted to change the place and week day. The new day will be the FIRST Tuesday of the odd numbered months (Jan, Mar, May & Nov). January’s meeting (Tuesday, Jan 6) will be at Chris Vehrs’s house in Longmont. It will be a Board/business meeting and the membership is welcome to attend. Time and address will be posted in upcoming newsletters. The meetings in March and May will be at the Taipan restaurant in Fort Collins at 7PM; come early to eat before the meetings. This year’s second Sunday drive meetings in July and September were such a big hit, the same routine will be done next year. More meeting information will be announced in future newsletters. Contact Nancy Bruckhauser for more details. (303-776-6246 or email: Nominating Committee The nominating committee’s hard work paid off because we have almost a full slate of Officers and Board members for the elections at the November 6th meeting. Our nominees are: President: Chris Vehrs Vice President: Nancy Bruckhauser Secretary: Diane Russell Treasurer: Gina Jones Board Members: Sharyl Tombs Dee Deyen, 1 more yet to be determined. Contact Jack or Dee if you would like to volunteer for the remaining Board member position. Thank you to Jack Bloss and Dee Deyen for all their efforts and telephone time. Halloween Drive & Fun Day Saturday, October 18, 2014, Silver Whip Farm, Ft Collins There has been a change to the Halloween drive day. The date has been changed to Saturday, October 18 and the place has been changed to Silver Whip Farm, Ft Collins. The schedule will be much like last year. The day will begin with lunch at 11:00AM. The club will provide the main course and there will be a potluck. Please, everyone, bring a dish or dessert to share. The costume parade and judging will be the first activity after lunch. Costumes are not required, but it is loads of fun to see all the different extraordinary ideas people come up with to decorate themselves, their horses and carriages with. There will be additional fun activities to participate in after the parade. Please contact Phil Porter for further information if needed. (970-980-3087) Mischka Calendars Nancy will be placing an order for Mischka driving horse calendars on October 10. Currently, due to the number of calendars on order, the discounted quantity price is $12 ea (single regular price is $15.95 ea). If there is any shipping charge, it will be distributed equally in addition to cost of each calendar. (In the past, there have been no shipping charges.) If you are interested in ordering, but don’t know what is available, please see Mischka Farms web site: In addition to the driving horse calendar, they have draft, mule and donkey calendars as well as rural appointment books and standup desk calendars (these make great little Christmas gifts). They also have note cards and stationary with farm/rural theme designs. Please contact Nancy by OCTOBER 9 if you wish to place an order. After that date, too late, so sorry. Calendars will be available for pickup and payment is due (cash or check) at the November 6th meeting in Fort Collins. Contact information: phone: (303-776-6246) email: Drive-a-Test and Cones Practice Day, October 11: canceled Unfortunately, this event has been canceled due to lack of participants. Pam has only received a few entries and no calls. Maybe next year, earlier in the year will be more suitable for people to participate and show more interest. Page 2 webmaster: Newsletter: Rocky Mountain Carriage Club Items For Cart FOR SALE Beautiful well made KG carriage. Barn stored and covered. Cover was custom made. Used on Gus 14.2 Morgan and would fit up to 15.2 easily. Weighs 225 lbs and is easy to move around and load. Shafts are removable but I have never done so. Gus and I are retiring and the carriage needs to find a good home:-) $2,000 for carriage and cover. Penny Ramsey 970 356 7333. For Sale Leather horse size used harness for sale. Great working harness, not for dressage or cones, but did do marathon with it for years. Fits horse 15-16 hands, heavy duty. Asking $400 Ann Nightwinds Tack Shop Inc. Phone 970 532-2463 Fax 970 532-2463 Web: The buggy was originally built in 1905 in Lawrence , KS. It was fully restored 10-12 years ago by a master craftsman in the Kansas City area who restored & built buggies & carriages from scratch. I have owned it since it was restored. It’s a single seat, 2 passenger cut –under. The cut-under feature makes it very maneuverable and more than the typical Dr’s buggy. It has a fold down top, ball bearing axles, and rubber-rimmed wheels. It’s in good useable shape--I had it out on a drive with my old horse 2 days before he died. I also have a full set of Smuckers Deluxe Harness which is also in good repair and ready to be used. It’s black with brass hardware, patent leather accents on the saddle, breast collar, blind, brow band & tear drop; all russet lines, false martingale, rolled edge breeching, stainless steel tree. I bought the buggy and harness as a set, and would prefer to sale them that way. I’m asking $2,250 for the set; $1,800 for the buggy and $850 for the harness sold separately.Bob Off, Sant fe, 505-466-2523 For Sale: Deluxe pleasure cart by Serafin. Dark blue shafts, 26" wheels, chrome trim, with complete covers. Very well made and sturdy. Will make a very good price to someone who can use this very nice cart. Call Ev Munzel at 303-665-3257 or e-mail at Page 3 webmaster: Newsletter: Silver Whip Acres Driving Lessons By Geir Kanstad Driving lessons with a single horse, pairs or 4-in hand! Prices: $50 single $55 pair $80 for 4-in hand (driver will need experience driving pairs) Advertising Fees: Business Card 1/4 Page 1/2 Page $30 One Time 6 issues $60 1 year $10 $20 $30 $60 $20 $40 Contact Information: 970.203.5151 1113 NCR 3, Fort Collins, CO Visit our website Bird-in-Hand Carriages Bellcrown Carriages Frey Carriages Let Jack custom fit a new harness for your horse. He can also evaluate a new or used vehicle for a perfect fit! Check out Jack’s website at For the very finest Synthetic Harness & Accessories YOUR HARNESS AND CARRIAGE HEADQUARTERS Minis to Drafts All harness measured to fit Representing: Yonie's Harness Shop; Bird-in-Hand Carriages; Bellcrown Carriages; Frey Carriages (newly acquired) Over 1,000 items to choose from Browse our web site catalog Free consultation for evaluating your horse and equipment Custom sizing your horse to a vehicle Custom fitting harness to your horse Lessons and Clinics Contact Jack for… Lessons, Consultations and Clinics Business: 970-344-5096 Cell: 303-775-5258 Email: Page 4 webmaster: Newsletter: Page 5 webmaster: Newsletter: Rocky Mountain Carriage Club Membership Application The annual rate is $30 per year for family or individual membership ( January 1 thru December 31). The newsletter is email monthly to your email address. New _____ Renewal _____ Individual _____ Family ______ Youth _____ ADS Membership # ______________ Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone ________________________ Cell Phone _____________________ Business ____________________ Email ( please print) _______________________________________________________________________________ May we include your contact information on our member list? Yes ___________ No _________________________ Breed of horse (s) ___________________________________________ Vehicle Type _________________________ Driving preferences: Pleasure (show) _____ CDE _____ Dressage _____ Distance Driving _____ Recreation _____ Other ______________________________________ Send form and membership fee (payable to RMCC) to: Rocky Mountain Carriage Club, P.O. Box 771, Firestone, CO 80520
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