According to Livy October , 2014 VOLUME XXXXIV ISSUE II

October , 2014
Dear Members,
According to Livy
The Garden Club has been very busy this Summer. Many of us have been working hard to get ready for the
Garden Club year that begins to gear up this month. Many thanks to Jane Lawrence for the wonderful job on
the yearbook. We had our first Hort Meeting of the year last Wednesday with a Pot Luck Luncheon to say
goodbye to long time member Vivian Kappel, who is moving to Tennessee. There were more than 40
people, a tribute to Kay Weber and Judy Herman for their award winning Hort program.
Since our Garden Club Year officially gets underway in October, I thought it would be appropriate to to
share my goals as President of the Sarasota Garden Club. It will take the support of all of you to meet these goals but I know,
My goals are:
*Increase applications for awards
*Enhance programming (already implemented by Judith Hydeman, Program Chair)
*Improve communication within the club
*Expand the use of our gardens for therapy
*Be politically aware and active to protect our building and grounds
*Work with other groups on community projects relevant to our mission
*Motivate and energize our membership for greater participation
*Keep accurate records of volunteer hours as well as Executive Board and Board of Directors Meeting
I have been working on the Profile for the Community Foundation Giving Partners and I am learning many things. One thing I
noticed was that even though we didn't we didn't discriminate, and the Board was very careful to put the club first, we did not have
a written Anti-Discrimination Policy , a Conflict of Interest Policy or a Document Retention Policy. The Executive Board worked
on putting these together and the Board of Directors voted to include these policies in our Policies and Practices.
The Anti-Discrimination Policy states:
In accordance with the state, federal, and municipal laws, the Sarasota Garden Club complies with these laws which preclude negative discrimination because of race, disability, color, creed, religion, gender, age, sexual
orientation, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, military status, or any other protected classification.
The Conflict of Interest Policy states:
The Officers and the Board of Directors have the responsibility of administering the affairs of the Sarasota Garden Club honestly
and prudently, and of exercising their best care, skill, and judgment for the sole benefit of the Club. Those persons shall not use
their position with the Sarasota Garden Club or knowledge gained from there for their personal benefit. The interest of the organization must be the first priority in all decisions and actions. If there is a conflict of interest, the Officer or the Board Member shall
disclose the conflict and then recuse one's self from voting on the issue.
The Document Retention Policy states:
The Sarasota Garden Club complies with all local, state, and federal regulations regarding record detention. A copy of the table of
information is on file in the Treasurer's office.
I look forward to working with you all to make this Garden Club year both special
and memorable. I am very proud to be your President.
SGC Hosts
Chamber of Commerce
Several SGC members carpooled to the Winter
Park Florida Headquarters of the Florida Federation
of Garden Clubs on September 11. They joined more
than 400 members from around the state in celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Federation. Many ladies attending were clad in gorgeous vintage clothing
and accessories, adding to the festive air.
President Livy Haynes is shown at left below greeting members of the Sarasota Chamber of Commerce on Sept. 17.
Since joining the Chamber, SGC has increased involvement
in the local community and enjoyed expanding our network
further into the business and organizational groups of the
Livy covered who we are, what we do
and how we do it. John C made a short
presentation about the Lantern Project.
Dorothy made beautiful centerpieces.
Ginger displayed a club video-recording and helped with many set up details. Kay answered questions about the
trees and plants, and got more vendors
for our events. Carol handed out flyers
and talked to people about the garden
tour in March. Vikki, Lynn, Audra and
Judith handed out flyers and talked to people about upcoming events .
-CJ Danna
left to right
Dianne Beaver, Judith Hydeman, Bonnie Zipf, Gloria Lowe, Livy Haynes, Claire
Milligan, Margaret Gillis, Wilda Meier, Dick Lowe.
After registration, time was available to tour the
FFGC headquarters building and see their beautiful
gardens, offices, library, garden gift shop, historic
photos of the 90 years, donation opportunities for projects and scholarships, a silent auction, and a wonderful array of baskets for an opportunity drawing. Livy
Haynes donated a basket called “Everything Butterflies” for our club. Jan Johannesen was lucky to win a
basket called “A Beautiful Day for Gardening.”
-Best Wishes to VivianShown are Vivian Kappel and
her son Bruce as we gave fond
farewells at the potluck luncheon following the Hort Study
meeting on Sept. 10.
Story on P. 6.
Outside, a large tent provided shade, while retro
music filled the air. Next door at Mead Botanic Gardens, District VII presented a flower show called “A
Stroll Down Memory Lane”. What a treat to enjoy the
wonderful talents and exhibits there!
The conclusion of the day and the highlight for us
was a short speech by our own Sue Angle, President
of FFGC. Members attending were: Livy Haynes, CJ
Danna, Jan Johannesen, Judith Hydeman, Wilda Meier, Margaret Gillis, Pat Bonarek, Kathleen Ellis,
Adrienne Wagner, Jennifer Walker, Claire Milligan,
Dianne Beaver, Bonnie Zipf, and Gloria and Dick
Lowe. We thank Wilda Meier, CJ Danna, Pat Bonarek, and Dick Lowe for driving.
---Jan Johannesen
What’s Happening: Meetings and Events
1 Floralia 9:30 am
Library Committee 9:30 am
Flower show design program 1-3 pm. See right
3 Executive Committee 11 am
Rented 6-9 pm
4 Rented
6 Bd. Of Directors 10 am
7 Succulent Society 7 pm
8 Flower show design program 1 pm. See right
9 Sierra Club 6 pm
11 Rented
13 CONA 6 pm
15 Appalachian Trail Club 6 pm
16 Therapy Tea (Assisted Living) 1:30 pm
18 Rented
20 General Membership Meeting 10 am
21 Membership Committee 10 am
23 Butterfly Club 9:30 am
25 Rented
28 Civic Beautification 10 am
29 Flower show design workshop 1 pm. See right
30 Mable’s Vines and Finds Plant/Garage Sale setup
31 Executive Committee 11 am
Mable’s Vines and Finds Plant / Garage Sale setup
1 Mable’s Vines and Finds Plant/Garage Sale 9-4
3 Board of Directors 10 am
4 Succulent Society 7 pm
5 Library Committee 9:30 am
Floralia 9:30 am
10 C.O.N.A. 6 pm
11 Rented
12 Hort Study 9:30 am
13 Sierra Club 6 pm
15 Rented
17 General membership 10 am
18 Civic Beautification 10 am
Membership Committee 10 am
19 Design Study 1 pm
Appalachian Trail Club 6 pm
20 Butterfly Club 9:30 am
22 Rented
1 Sarasota Orchid Club
“ Executive Board 8:30 am
“ Board of Directors 10 am
3 Library Committee 9:30 am
“ Flower Show and Holiday Boutique set up
How to Prepare Horticulture For Our
Flower Show
Our October 20th Monday General Membership
meeting will be the once a year program that Horticulture Study Group does for the whole membership . Judy Herman & Kay Weber will do a "Show
Tell " program titled “How to
Enter Horticulture in a Small
Standard Petite Show. “ (which
we are hosting Dec. 4-6)
Bring any questions you may
need answered.
Flower Show Design Programs,
"Not Even a Mouse"
December 4-Entries and Preview Party
December 5 & 6: 10-4 Open to the Public
The Committee is presenting workshops, hands on
programs and demonstrations for the Petite Small
Standard Flower Show...
Dates of Programs, FREE, CALL OFFICE TO
OCT. 1, 1-3pm. Learn how size is determined by
seeing proportion, scale and choices of containers that can be used to create an award winning
entry for the show. (Emily Yaffe)
OCT 8, 1-3. See how a small design is created by
using tweezers, small scissors and other little tools
while adhering to the principals of and elements of
design. (Clare Milligan)
OCT 29, 1-3.Hands-On program using creative
containers made by Carol Mayer
( most are for sale at reasonable prices). Time for
and evaluation of designs provided...go home with
a finished product. (committee)
ALL are free and open to members. Come to all the
classes to feel very confident about entering.
Schedule will be available. Contact for more information.
Five Facts You Should Know About Gardens in Paradise
#1. Gardens In Paradise…presented by the Sarasota Garden Club is taking place on Saturday,
March 21, 2015. Advance Tickets: $30.; $35. day of event.
#2. Garden selection is in progress. Ginger Vance will be our Garden Liaison this year. Some
beautiful gardens are being considered, but we need our SGC members to contact us if they
know of a special garden that could be considered for the tour.
#3. Publicity for the tour is beginning. The public will learn about this tour from magazines, news
papers, our website, posters, flyers and events. SGC members will be expected to promote
this tour in their neighborhoods, their clubs, and to family and friends.
#4. Lots of SGC helpers are still needed. Kay Weber is working with vendors and the set up on the
lawn. We will need a group to set up the Great Room.
#5. During the day of the event we will need a small army of workers. Many volunteers will be
needed for Hospitality, check in, traffic control, and docents.
To help with this important event for our club please contact:
Emily Yaffe, Co-chair of Gardens In Paradise 2015 at
Carol Johnson, Co-chair of Gardens In Paradise 2015 at
Calling All SGC
Looking for high heel shoes
The new yearbooks
are now available in the office. Pick yours
up the next time you are at SGC.
—Jane Lawrence
(yes, stilettos!) Please check your closets, your neighbors’ closets etc. Any
size. The shoes will be spray painted
and used for the fashion show “Catwalk
on the Boulevard.” They will not be returned.
Please contact Dorothy Thompson or
Barbara Rao.
President Olivia Haynes called the meeting to order with a welcome to all and the introduction of a new member, Vikki Iovino.
Minutes of the last meeting were read by Secretary Jan Johannesen and approved as read. Assistant Secretary Kay Weber sent several cards and
other correspondence and announced that Shirley Cook is a patient at Manor Care , after a fall.
TREASURER’S REPORT - Jane Lawrence : All paperwork for 2014-2015 proposed budget is on file. 1. Asst. Treasurer Penny Thomas reported
that flood insurance coverage for the building only would cost $6800; there is no city requirement to carry this insurance. A motion was made by
Penny and seconded by Ginger Vance to take no action on at this time; carried unanimously. 2. Andy Papineau questioned the need for liability
coverage for all officers and board members as individuals. A committee will investigate and report. 3. Penny will check with FFGC for availability of short-term insurance for events.
The proposed budget was approved as submitted. Other financial topics: 1. Communications : online professional web site will be about $5000
total; it is being designed. 2. Custodian will receive a 7% pay raise, passed unanimously. 3. Rental Hostess will receive an increase to $11 per
event. 4. Air Conditioner improvements and repairs have resulted in a $700 savings in electricity.
Increase applications for awards; Enhance programming; Increase the number and dollar amount of scholarships; Improve communication within
the club; Expand the use of our gardens for therapy; Be politically aware and active to protect our building and grounds; Work with other groups on
community projects relevant to our mission; Motivate and energize our membership for greater participation; Keep accurate records of volunteer
hours as well as Executive Board and Board of Directors meeting attendance
1. Approval to close office Fri 12/26/14 and Fri. 1/2/15 ; Board meetings will be changed to correspond
2. FFGC - Contribution of $90 to Wishing Well for scholarships and projects for the 90th anniversary party. Donation of basket for
Opportunity Drawing, to be donated by President Livy.
3. Music in the Gardens - sometime during the holidays – Judith Hydeman will try to make arrangements.
4. Reminder to vote for Florida Amendment 1 for water and soil conservation.
5. Chamber of Commerce will hold a meeting here 9/17/14, CJ Danna is in charge.
6. There is a need for different rental contracts for events and meetings
7. District VIII meeting will be here April 30 ; Kathryn Johnson will chair this. It will honor Sue Angle, FFGC President.
BOTANICAL GARDENS Chair Jean Hansen: Jeannie Weyrich has been named Assistant to Jean; John C is nearing completion on the project of
reconstructing the historic granite lantern ; donation of $1400 from the Historic Alliance helps, other donations are being requested.
COMMUNICATIONS - Chair Betty Call: Email distribution lists are constantly updated. Web design continues with several companies being
interviewed, with input from SGC officers. SGC and GIP websites continue in the meantime with updates by Don Call, at no extra expense. Photos
of events, for the sites, are requested before end of September.
COMMUNITY PROJECTS - Chair Andy Papineau: Civic Beautification will have theme of “Fifty Years of Civic Beautification”, past winners
will be guests. Garden Therapy Tea 10/19 needs volunteers, tea pots, cookies, centerpieces - Mary Fran Papineau is the Orange Blossom Community Garden liason. - Catherine LaBrie will coordinate with any other requests for youth activity programs. Arbor Day – will work with Habitat
for Humanity again, need volunteers. Scholarship names were voted to be simplified to “Sarasota Garden Club Scholarship” Memorial walk brick
sales are down; we need price adjustment and publicity
EDUCATION - Chair Barbara Rao: Horticulture Interest Group chaired by Kay Weber and Judy Herman took top honors at FFGC awards for last
year’s activities. Design Study Group workshop is Oct. 1,8,and 29.
FUNDRAISING - Chair Emily Yaffe: MABLE’S VINES AND FINDS. Co- chairs are Jeanne Renderer and Melanie Babineau, who have great
new plans . Plant sale – plants must be identified by name and description as needed. CATWALK ON THE BOULEVARD is the Fashion Show
this year; Judith Hydeman is chair. Date is Jan.9. GARDENS IN PARADISE plans are well in hand with Carol Johnson as co- chair. Summer
activities were varied and well attended. Dorothy Thompson has created “The Green Room” for the Ways and Means committee sales of gardenrelated items. It is a closet in the Great Room.
GARDEN CENTER - Chair Bob Haynes: Pavers completed. Routine maintenance continues. Vertical blinds a problem, as renters adjust and
misalign them; sliders or panels must be considered. 10 Year Plan distributed to all; First five years for Security system, Painting interior, Kitchen
appliances, Fencing. Second five years for replacement of rest rooms, Acoustics, and Sliders for the Great Room. A motion to accept the Ten Year
Plan as presented was made by Andy; discussion followed.t It was decided to approve the plan as presented, in two 5 year sections, with each item
being voted upon individually. Under consideration currently is a security system with 4 hi-def cameras with large memory that can be monitored
off site. This system will help in determining responsibility in case of damage. Interior painting will enhance rentals. Decision was to get three
estimates for each project before proceeding.
———continued on next page———5
BOD Sept. –continued form previous page.
HOSPITALITY - no report this month
MEMBERSHIP - Chair Catherine LaBrie: Membership team is busy meeting new members and prospects at appropriate activities. Need new
story board in future but old one and tri-fold are used to attract attention. Membership is currently 164, would like 200.
PROGRAMS - no report this month
PUBLIC IMAGE AND PUBLICITY - Chair Ginger Vance proposed a payment from vendors for events It was voted that if the booth is manned,
we receive 20%, and if the booth is un-manned (and we run it) , it is 331/3 %. At all Opportunity Drawings , such as at Paint and Petals, we get all
receipts and the benefactor group will always be identified.
RENTALS - Chair Aurora DeFex : Caterer rate fee structure and rental fees may be revised after interior painting is done. Rates for meetings
and parties are different. Rentals scheduled for the rest of this year and 2015 are very good, details in full report.
Kathryn Johnson encourages us to apply for awards in the district and state programs – and doing this helps President Livy to meet one of her
goals. She also will help with suggestions and aids.
Penny reminds us to sign up now for the District VIII meeting April 30.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Jan Johannesen, Recording Secretary
Complete minutes are on file
Horticulture Study Group
Monday October 20th -10:00a.m. at the General Membership Meeting
Once a year the Horticulture Study Group has a joint program with the General Membership Meeting. This
year Judy Herman & Kay Weber will present " Horticulture for the Small Standard Petite Show". This will be
helpful to anyone entering the December Flower Show and the program will be followed by the Welcome
Back Potluck Brunch.
The September 10th program was very well attended & many , many, plants were brought in by our members
to be shared by all attending. We had 3 full tables of plants. Many members described the plants they
brought to share. The Opportunity Drawing was a nice bonus for "Tuttle's Puddle" .Thanks to Melanie Babineau for helping with that. And many thanks to all who donated the 20+ items for the drawing.
Vivian Kappel & her son Bruce were so happy with the Pot Luck Luncheon that we had in her honor following the meeting. We all got to say our good-byes & she wanted me to share her new address: E. Vivian Kappel , 618 Haynes Drive, Murfreesboro, Tennessee. 37129. We all will miss her smiling face, gentle manner &
most of all her giggle. She was always so generous with donating her plants for our programs as well as sharing her gardening knowledge with us all. See photos on page 2.
Special thanks to Jeanne Renderer & Claire Rusen for being the co-hostesses for this busy meeting . And to
all who stayed to help with clean-up, a BIG SGC thank you. Any questions email me at
We-do-so-love-hands-on-gardening, Kay Weber & Judy Herman, Horticulture Study Co-Chairs
Our Legacy and Our Future…
The second part of my President’s Theme that begins –
“Through the Garden Gate…”
As the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs celebrates its 90th year as an organization of dedicated members who have tended gardens, shared floral design, educated members, youth and the public about environmental awareness, and beautified our communities – our own Sarasota Garden Club is now 87 Years young
and still growing— I continue to be “proud as a peacock” to say that I am a member of Sarasota Garden Club!
After you supported our 88th Annual FFGC Convention in St. Petersburg, several of you came to our
FFGC Headquarters in Winter Park to be a part of FFGC’s 90th Anniversary Garden Party, I thank you so
much! Thank you, too, for donating the beautiful ” From our Heart” Raffle Basket which along with other raffle baskets, silent auction items, poster boards depicting the decades of our history, and a delicious array of
food, all created a very exciting celebration.
I would now ask you to put the following dates on your calendar:
October 23 – District VIII Fall Meeting hosted by Manatee River Garden Club held at the Polo Grill in
Lakewood Ranch (right in our own back yard!). You can be sure this will be fun, so don’t miss it!
April 17-19, 2015 - plan a Field Trip with Garden Club friends to join us at our FFGC State Convention in Boca Raton. Enjoy the Embassy Suites with free breakfast and cocktail hour, convention with great
speakers, workshops, vendors and fun – I hope to see you there!
We can be so proud of our history. Together let’s be sure to dedicate ourselves to pass this on to our
youth. This is our Legacy and will be our Future!
Sue Angle, Member of SGC, President of FFGC
Shop the Green Room
On Monday, September 8, The Green Room opened its doors at the Board of Director’s meeting. The
Green Room is Sarasota Garden Club’s new Ways & Means “shop.” All the items the Club has for sale
have been gathered in one place for display and sale. A price list of items has been developed and is available. The shop will be open at all general meetings and other meetings on request.
The Green Room has SGC aprons, Atlas garden gloves (sizes small, medium, large,) oasis, and many other items. For your Sarasota/Florida friends and neighbors the “Combined Wisdom” book is a wonderful,
welcome, and useful birthday, holiday or creative hostess gift. The FFGC 2015 Calendar is available. Get
one for your own desk and others for stocking stuffers or small gifts under $10.
As always, the donation of items such as flower design containers, ornamental plant pots, garden related
items, and flower design items are welcome. Selling items on a consignment basis is being considered as
A big thank you goes to Bob and Olivia Haynes, Emily Yaffee, Carol Johnson, Judith Hydeman, Barbara
Rao, Penny Thomas and Jane Lawrence for their hard work and support to make The Green Room a reality.
Stop and take a look!
Dorothy Thompson
Chairman, Ways & MeansThe Green Room
Sarasota Garden Club Webpage:
The Deadline for the October issue of Blooming Chatter is October 20.
Please E-mail articles to
Blooming Chatter
is published 11 times yearly by the
Sarasota Garden Club, Inc.
Office Hours: 9 AM to 1 PM
Monday - Friday
Phone and Fax: (941) 955-0875
1131 Boulevard of the Arts
Sarasota, Florida 34236-4809