2‐day Training Course on   Public Procurement Management  Engineering Staff College, Bangladesh (ESCB)

 Engineering Staff College, Bangladesh (ESCB)
2‐day Training Course on Public Procurement Management Bidding community is one of the main partners in Implementing GOB’s Annual Development Program. Public Procurement Act, 2006 and Public Procurement Rules, 2008 are the tools to ensure Proper Implementation and win‐win closeout for Public Purchasers and potential tenderers/ Bidders. The objective of this course is to provide the Bidders, Procuring Entities (PEs), Service Providers and aspirant individuals a better understanding on PPA, 2006 and PPR, 2008. Faculty of Procurement and Supply, ESCB, after successfully completing the PPRP‐II capacity development training program for the officials of large Procuring Entities of GoB, has now designed a Training course for Public Procurement Management Professionals. Course Objective: ™ To Improve Skill in Preparation and Submission of Tender in Public Sector. ™ Enabling in Strategic Planning, Administration and Management of Corporate Procurement Process. Course Duration: 2 days Date:30‐31 October,2014 Time: 9.30 am – 4.30 pm Venue: ESCB City Campus, IEB Headquarters, Ramna, Dhaka Course Contents: 1. Introduction of PPA 2006 and PPR 2008, Present Status 2. Professional Misconduct 3. Methods of Procurement for Goods, Works 4. Understanding Annual Procurement Plan 5. Enlistment, Pre‐qualification 6. Complaint & Appeal 7. Preparation and Submission of Tender 8. Specification/Alternatives 9. Tender opening and evaluation 10. Contract Award 11. Contract Implementation and management Course Fee: Tk. 6,000/‐ (excluding applicable VAT) per participant which includes training materials, PPR gazette, standard tender document, refreshment tea, lunch, certification per diem for the participants etc. Who can attend: Any person interested to have working knowledge on PPR For registration and further query please contact: Call : 01711227828,01911667890,880‐2‐9574144 E‐mail: esc‐bd@hotmail.com; mmrk90@yahoo.com Web: www.esc‐bd.org