Port of Plymouth Canoeing Association Port of Plymouth Canoeing Association Canoeing and kayaking are assumed risk water contact sports that may carry attendant risks. Participants should be aware of and understand these risks. I agree to comply with the Port of Plymouth Canoeing Association (PPCA) club operating policy and will not hold the PPCA or its coaches or any PPCA members liable for any missed sessions, personal injury, loss or damage to clothing or equipment. Fancy joining us on the water? Adults aged over 18 please sign below: Name: .................................................................................................................................... Signed: ............................................................................. Date: ........................................... For young people and children under 18 years of age, the following must be completed by their parent or guardian: Name of child: ........................................................................................................ Name of Parent/Guardian: .................................................................................... Designed by Andy Nicholls, PPCA Publicity Officer I agree to my son/daughter/child in my legal care taking part in the activities of the Port of Plymouth Canoeing Association (PPCA) and will not hold the PPCA or its coaches or any PPCA members liable for any missed sessions, personal injury, loss or damage to clothing or equipment. PPCA offers a wide range of activities throughout the year. or Canoeing on a local estuary, F O R M Signed: ............................................................................. Date: ........................................... WATERSPORTS: It goes without saying (but we have to say it), that kayaking and canoeing are by their nature wet sports. Hopefully, you’ll love playing about in the water like we do, but you are going to get wet. If you’re an experienced paddler, you’ll know this already but if you are new to the sport, then this is a reminder that you should bring a change of (warm and dry) clothes with you to every session. Specialist water sports clothing is ideal but can be expensive. Wool and synthetic clothes are a good alternative because they keep you warm e v e n when they are wet. Cotton is poor at keeping you warm. Tracksuit bottoms, a thin woolly jumper, thermal underwear and a pair of trainers or canvas shoes are fine. Many thin layers are better than one thick layer. Please wear a cagoule or nylon waterproof top to keep the wind off and keep you warm. Also: remember to have fun Note sessions may be subject to cancelations due to weather or conflicting activities in the area or other events outside of the control of the PPCA. Please send completed forms with a cheque (payable to PPCA) to Tracy Jones, Membership Secretary, 173 Eggbuckland Road, Plymouth, PL3 6QB (Tel 01752 510653) e-mail: ppcamembership@yahoo.co.uk Other Payment options are available upon request. Fees stated are correct at the time of printing PPCA will review fees in October 2014, MB reserve the right to change their fees M E M B E R S H I P A British Canoe Union affiliated Top Club www.ppca-canoe-club.org.uk 2 0 1 4 Port of Plymouth Canoeing Association Port of Plymouth Canoeing Association Membership Application Form 2013 We welcome people of all backgrounds to the Port of Plymouth Canoeing Association. All applicants for membership should hold a British Canoe Union 1 star or equivalent skills. (Not got a BCU 1 Star? Don’t worry, simply apply for a introductory course via a separate form or see website for details) All members must abide by the PPCA’s club operating policy, Including the club rules and constitution. (Full details of these are available from the club website.) Full membership entitles the holder to take part in a fantastic range of PPCA activities including: Come along to our Tuesday evening training nights. Learn with other paddlers led by experienced BCU qualified coaches keen to pass on their skills and knowledge, to work towards your BCU 2 and 3 star (April—September) Participate with club trips and paddles—including Saturday recreational paddles and monthly sea kayaking trips to explore the Westcountry coast. During the winter months experience white water on our local rivers. Join us on various PPCA social events and activities. Receive monthly newsletters, packed with updates on club news and our busy club calendar. You can also apply for boat storage in our members shed at Mount Batten (additional charges apply). Our membership subscription is made up of 2 parts. The first is club membership entitling you to the above. The second is Mount Batten Centre affiliation (at a highly discounted affiliated club rate). This includes the following :- Free car parking*, free use of the pontoon, free use of changing rooms, showers and toilet facilities. 10% discount at the bar, on food, accommodation, courses and merchandise provided by Mount Batten Centre. Also affiliation to the RYA. Membership fees (fees correct at time of printing) Adult (18 years and over) includes use of equipment, training for upto 3 star, recreational paddles plus much more (must hold BCU 1Star) £52 Youth (10—17 Years) as above but for younger paddlers holding BCU 1 star £26 Family (Max 2 adults and 2 youths) as above. Offering great value for money for families wishing to join. Please note all must be at a single address & all must hold a BCU 1 Star £100 Mount Batten Centre Affiliation Fees (fees correct at time of printing) Adult Youth /Senior Family 18 - 59 years 10 - 17 years / 60 years and over Up to 2 adults 2 youths £60 £36 £160 Please tick the box and sign below reference the Mount Batten affiliation. I agree to Mount Batten Centre affiliation and will add that to my membership price. I do NOT wish to affiliate myself to The Mount Batten Centre and I understand I will not be able to use any of the benefits listed. Signed Name Name (Block Capitals Please) Date of BCU Star Award Membership Birth or Coaching Qualifications PPCA MB Adult, Youth Membership Affiliation or Family Total Fee 1) 2) 3) 4) Total Fee Enclosed (cheques payable to 'PPCA' please): Address: If you choose not to affiliate yourself, then you are not entitled to use any facilities at Mount Batten nor the pontoon. You must launch from the public slipways even on club sessions unless you pay the Mount Batten Centre day membership of £5. * Vehicle registration required Data protection: By signing the Port of Plymouth Canoeing Association (PPCA) application form I agree to information being held by the PPCA and used for PPCA administration and to keep me informed of PPCA activities. The PPCA will not share your details with third parties without your permission. Photography: Any Photos taken on club trips may be used for PPCA publicity including on the website or posters. If you do not agree to any images of either yourself or your child being used please let the club chairman know in writing. Post Code: Telephone Number: Email Address: Vehicle Registrations: (required for affiliated members free parking only) Please note the club rules state you must provide details of any medical conditions that you may have (epilepsy, fainting, diabetes, etc) to the lead coach on each session you attend. www.ppca-canoe-club.org.uk
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