Ventilation and Gas Exchange During Sleep and Exercise in Severe COPD* Eithne Mulloy, MR; and Walter T McNicholas, MD Ventilation and gas exchange were studied during sleep and incremental treadmill exercise in 19 patients with severe stable COPD with the primary aim of comparing the pathophysiology of oxygen desatura¬ tion in the two conditions. A secondary aim was to de¬ termine whether exercise studies could aid in the prediction of sleep desaturation. Full polysomnography was used, and ventilation, arterial oxygen satura¬ tion (SaC>2), and transcutaneous PCO2 (PtcC02) were monitored continuously during sleep. No patient had significant sleep apnea. Mean (SD) FEVi was 32 (9.1)% predicted, Pa02 was 71.2 (12.4) mm Hg, and PaC02 was 44.5 (4.6) mm Hg. SaC>2 fell twice as much during sleep as during maximum exercise: 13.1 (8.9) vs 6.0 (3.6)% (p<0.001). The mean sleep and exercise SaC>2? and minimum sleep and exercise SaC>2 were well cor¬ related on linear regression (r=0.81 and 0.78, respec¬ tively, p<0.001), but on multiple regression analysis, awake Pa02 was a better predictor of sleep desatura¬ tion than was exercise desaturation. The 12 major desaturators (minimum sleep SaC>2 <85%) had twice as great a fall in exercise Sa(>2 as the 7 minor desaturators (3.6±2.8 vs 7.4±3.3%, p<0.05). The major desat- "Datierits with COPD develop varying degrees of ox- ygen desaturation during sleep,1"4 which may con¬ tribute to the development of cor pulmonale5 and nocturnal death.6 Patients with COPD also frequently desaturate during exercise.7 Hemodynamic variables have been studied during sleep and exercise in COPD,89 but potential relationships between oxygen desaturation during sleep and exercise have not been in detail. A recent preliminary report from reported this department,10 in which simple overnight and ex¬ -*¦ ercise oximetry were performed in hopitalized patients from an acute exacerbation of COPD, convalescing demonstrated greater nocturnal than exercise desatu¬ ration. However, the lack of sleep staging or measure¬ ment of ventilation cast doubt on the significance of these findings. Furthermore, patients with interstitial have been shown to desaturate more lung disease during exercise than sleep,11 which indicates that sleep *From the Department of Respiratory Medicine and the Respira¬ tory Sleep Laboratory, University College Dublin, St. Vincent's Ireland. Hospital, Dublin, received Manuscript February 8, 1995; revision accepted SeptemReprint requests: Dr. McNicholas, St. Vincent's Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin 4, Ireland. urators also had a greater fall in estimated sleep Pa02: 19.8 (5.1) vs 6.4 (7.1) mm Hg (p<0.01), which suggests that their greater sleep desaturation is not simply due to their position on the steep portion of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. The rise in PtcC02 during sleep was similar among major and minor desaturators: 7.5 (2.9) vs 5.8 (3.7) mm Hg (p=NS), suggesting that all patients had a similar degree of hypoventilation during sleep, and that the greater fall in Sa(>2 and es¬ timated PaC>2 among some patients was secondary to other factors such as increased ventilation-perfusion (CHEST 1996; 109:387-94) mismatching. mass index; PtcC02=transcutaneous carbon BMI=body dioxide tension; Sa02=arterial oxygen saturation; Ve max=maximum minute ventilation during exercise; V02 max=maximum oxygen uptake during exercise; V/Q ven¬ tilation-perfusion Key words: COPD; exercise; gas exchange; sleep; ventila¬ tion and exercise may have different effects on gas ex¬ change in different forms of chronic lung disease. The primary aim of the present study was to com¬ pare ventilation and gas exchange during sleep and exercise in COPD, and to assess whether a detailed of ventilation and gas exchange during knowledge and in the same patient population exercise sleep would give insight into the pathophysiology of these The mechanisms that lead to oxygen desatu¬ changes. ration during sleep and exercise in COPD likely differ. During sleep, important mechanisms are decreased drive causing hypoventilation, and changes ventilatory in ventilation-perfusion (V/Q relationships caused by decreased functional residual capacity and increased airflow obstruction.12"14 During exercise, the normal increase in ventilation and in lung volumes physiologic is limited in COPD because of the effects of increased airflow resistance, inadequate ventilatory response, and lack of reduction in dead-space. These factors combine to cause relative hypoventilation and V/Q disturbances, leading to hypoxemia in some pa¬ tients.7'15'16 A secondary aim of the present study was to deter¬ mine whether exercise studies could aid in the preCHEST /109 / 2 / FEBRUARY, 1996 Downloaded From: on 10/21/2014 387 diction of nocturnal desaturation in COPD. While PaO£ correlates well with nocturnal arterial daytime saturation (Sa02) in COPD,31'"19 many pa¬ oxygen tients with mild daytime hypoxemia develop unex¬ nocturnal oxygen desaturation.4 pected We studied a group of outpatients with severe but stable COPD, in whom the principle inclusion crite¬ rion was FEVi less than 50% predicted. A specific of hypoxemia was purposely not included be¬ degree cause we wished to study patients with varying degrees of hypoxemia and hypercapnia. Some reports have suggested that patients with relatively normal arterial blood gas values despite severe airflow obstruction (so-called "pink puffers") may be more likely to desaturate during exercise,20 similar to patients with interstitial lung disease,11 whereas patients with more marked hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and cor pulmonale (so-called "blue bloaters") appear more likely to de- saturate during sleep.2"5'19 Materials and equations).22 Exercise Studies Methods Patient Selection Nineteen consecutive ambulatory patients (13 male, 6 female) attending the outpatient respiratory clinic who fulfilled the entry criteria were enrolled. All had severe, stable COPD, fulfilling the American Thoracic Society diagnostic criteria.21 Their FEVi was less than 50% predicted, and FEVi/FVC ratio was less than 60%. All were current or previous cigarette smokers, and none had sus¬ tained an exacerbation of their disease for at least 6 weeks prior to enrollment. Patients with a clinical history suggestive of sleep ap¬ nea, such as loud snoring or daytime sleepiness, were excluded, as were patients with ischemic heart disease. All patients had been regular attenders at our outpatient respiratory clinic for at least 1 year, and all patients who fulfilled the entry criteria were asked to participate. The patients gave informed consent to the study, which was approved by the Hospital Ethics Committee. Table The pulmonary function testing and exercise testing were performed in the early afternoon, after a light lunch. ^-Agonist therapy was omitted for at least 6 h and theophylline preparations were omitted during the entire study day. All but two patients were nonsmokers at the time of the study, and these subjects were asked to refrain from smoking for at least 4 h before exercise testing. The subjects were allowed to rest for 30 min after arrival, then arterial blood gas samples were drawn from the radial artery and analyzed immediately. Pulmonary Function Studies Pulmonary function tests were measured (with a P.K. Morgan computerized T.T. Autolink and Body Box system; P.K. Morgan Ltd; Rainham, England). Spirometry was performed before and 15 min after inhalation of 400 pg of salbutamol. Single-breath carbon monoxide gas transfer was performed and lung volumes were measured by both helium dilution and whole body plethysmography techniques. Three subjects were unable to perform the body plethysmographic measurements due to claustrophobia or dyspnea. The data were analyzed using both absolute values and percent of normal predicted values (European Coal and Steel Community Incremental treadmill exercise testing was performed immedi¬ ately following the pulmonary function testing, using a computer¬ ized exercise system (Morgan). Subjects wore a noseclip and breathed through a mouthpiece connected to a two-way valve, such that room air was inspired, and the exhaled gases were collected in a mixing chamber and analyzed at 10-s intervals by the computer¬ ized system. The gas analyzers were calibrated against gas mixtures of a known concentration (5% CO2, 12% O2) prior to each test. Maximum oxygen uptake (V02 max) and minute ventilation (Ve max) represent the highest values achieved for each of these parameters during exercise, and these were expressed both as ab¬ solute values and percentage of normal predicted values.23 The patients were encouraged to exercise to exhaustion, using the modified protocol of Naughton et al,24 which allows for a gradual increase in exercise intensity, suitable for patients with respiratory impairment. Exercise commenced with a zero gradient and tread- 1.Anthropometries Pulmonary Function, Sleep, and Exercise Data* All Patients Age,yr BMI, kg/m2 Pa02, mm Hg PaC02, mm Hg FEVi, % predicted TLC, % predicted RV, % predicted Deo, % predicted (n=19) 64.8 (5.2) 24.3 (3.4) 71.2 (12.4) 44.5 (4.6) 32.4 (9.1) 117(14.1) 200 (39.4) 51.3(10.4) 287 (71) 44 (25.6) 34.8 (10.1) 27.2 (6.6) 736 (201) 76 (41.1) 337(175) Minor Sleep Desaturators (n=7) 61.7 (5.3) 22.6 (2.6) 83.8 (4.0) 41.0(1.4) 30.7 (9.7) Major Sleep Desaturators (n=12) 66.6 (4.5)f 25.3 (3.5) 63.9 (9.3)* 46.6 (4.7)* 33.4 (9.0) 112 (10.5) 125(16.5) 193 (40.2) 213(38.1) 52.7 (7.7) 49.6(13.9) 290 (87) Total sleep time, min 285 (65) REM sleep, min 50 (35.7) 40 (18.2) 31.9 (6.2) V02 max, % predicted 36.7(11.8) Ve max, % predicted 27.1 (8.9) 27.2 (5.2) Vco2 max, mL/min 780(207) 709(207) Maximum W 67 (19.6) 81 (49.7) Exercise duration, s 325 (124) 345(204) *TLC=total lung capacity; RV=residual volume; Dco=diffusing capacity of carbon monoxide; Vco2 max=maximum carbon dioxide production. fp<0.05. \ p<0.001. ^p<0.01. The p values refer to differences between major and minor desaturators. 388 Downloaded From: on 10/21/2014 Clinical Investigations Table 2.SaC>2, PtcC02, and Estimated Pa02 During Sleep and Exercise Presleep Sa02, % Mean sleep Sa02> % Minimum sleep SaC>2, % Fall in sleep Sa02, % Presleep PtcCC>2, mm Hg Mean sleep PtcC02 Maximum sleep PtcC02 Rise in sleep PtcC02 Presleep Pa02, mm Hg Minimum sleep PaC>2 Fall in sleep PaC>2 Preexercise SaC>2, % Minimum exercise Sa02, % Fall in exercise SaC>2, % All Patients Minor Sleep Desaturators (n=19) 92.1 (4.0) 88.6 (7.5) 79(11.9) 13.1 (8.9) 54.1 (6.3) 57 (6.4) 61.2 (8.0) 7.1 (3.2) 67.3 (9.1) 51.4 (13.0) 15.9 (9.2) 91.2 (4.4) 85.2 (7.0) 6.0 (3.6) (n=7) 94.3(1.4) 93.9 (0.9) 89.3 (2.5) 5.0 (3.2) 50.3 (3.3) 52.2 (3.8) 56.1 (6.4) 5.8 (3.7) 71.8 (5.7) 65.4 (4.2) 6.4 (7.1) 93.5 (1.6) 89.9 (2.4) 3.6 (2.8) Major Sleep Desaturators (n=12) 90.9 (4.5) 85.6 (8.0)* 73(11.1)* 17.9 (7.5)f 56.2(7.1) 59.4 (6.3)* 63.7 (7.6) 7.5 (2.9) 64.1 (10.0) 44.3(10.1)* 19.8(5.1)f 89.9 (5.0)* 82.5 (7.5)* 7.4 (3.3)* *p<0.001. fp<0.01. *p<0.05. The p values refer to differences between major and minor desaturators. (mph) for 2 min, the workload 15° elevation over 20 min. All subjects terminated the exercise be¬ cause of dyspnea. SaC>2 was measured continuously by a pulse oximeter (Ohmeda Biox 3700) with ear electrode (Ohmeda Inc; Boulder, Colo),25 and connected on-line to the computer. The preexercise SaC>2 was taken as the stable, standing, SaC>2 for at least 30 s immediately prior to commencing exercise. The mean SaC>2 was mill speed of 1 mile per hour increasing at 2-min intervals to a potential maximum of 3 mph at taken as the mean of all the measurements taken from the onset of exercise to termination of exercise. The lowest SaC>2 reached dur¬ ing exercise was noted, and the fall in exercise SaC>2 was taken as the difference between this value and the preexercise SaC>2. This is given as a minus value in patients whose SaC>2 rose during exercise. Sleep Studies These were performed on the night immediately following exercise testing. All patients had spent a previous acclimatization usual bedtime med¬ night in the sleep laboratory. They took their 11 pm as ication (except lights-out was as close tomaximum and the patients were allowed to sleep until a theophylline); of 8 Standard polysomnographic techniques were used,26 and the ECG was recorded from a single precordial lead. Respiration was measured using a respiratory inductance plethysmograph (Respitrace; Ambulatory Monitoring Inc; Ardsley, NY) that was calibrated using the isovolume technique.27 The above variables were recorded continuously on a polygraph recorder (model 78D; Grass Instruments Inc; Quincy, Mass), and sleep was staged man¬ criteria.26 The number ually in 30-s epochs accordingofto standard for of apneas (complete cessation breathing more than 10 s) and to less than 50% of preced¬ hypopneas (abrupt fall in tidal volume in of at least 4%) were re¬ a fall SaC>2 levels, by accompanied ing corded. SaC>2 was recorded continuously using the same oximeter as for the exercise studies, with an ear electrode. Transcutaneous CO2 (PtcC02) was measured continuously during sleep by a tran¬ with a heated possible, am. capnometer (Hewlett-Packard 47210A) to the skin of the forearm (Hewlett Packard Inc; Waltham, Mass). This device gives an accurate indication of grad¬ ual changes in arterial PCO2, but the PtcCC>2 has been reported to scutaneous sensor affixed be approximately 4 mm Hg higher than the arterial PCO2,28 a find¬ ing confirmed with our capnometer. There is also a delay in equil¬ ibration between the PtcC02 and the PaC0228 However, we found that episodes of hypoventilation lasting as little as 30 s were suffi¬ cient to show a rise in PtcCC>2 a few minutes later, the delay reflecting the time lag between change in PaCC>2 and subsequent change in PteCC>2. Thus, we believed that this capnometer was sufficiently accurate for monitoring changes in PaCC>2 during sleep-related episodes of oxygen desaturation, but was not suitable for exercise studies. Satisfactory readings of PtcCC>2 were obtained in 15 patients. Both the SaC>2 and PtcC02 were continuously recorded on an ink-writing paper recorder that was synchronized with the recorder (Grass). The data were analyzed by averaging the and low SaC>2 and PtcCC>2 for each 2-min period. The first 5 high min after entering each sleep stage were omitted from the analysis of PtcC02 because of the delay in equilibration of PtcCC>2 and PaC0228 Presleep SaC>2 was defined as the mean of the stable, recumbent Sa02 for 20 min prior to sleep onset. Mean SaC>2 was taken as the mean Sa02 from the first onset of sleep (lasting at least three ep¬ ochs) until final awakening in the morning, including intervening periods of wakefulness. The mean SaC>2 for each stage of sleep was also calculated. The minimum or lowest Sa02 reached for at least 30 s during sleep was noted, and the fall in SaC>2 was calculated as the difference between this value and presleep SaC>2. Similar methods were used to analyze the Ptcco2 data. The patients were divided into major and minor nocturnal desaturators based on the criteria that major desaturators had an SaC>2 during sleep of less than 90% for at least 5 min, reaching a minimum Sa02 of at least 85%, while all the other patients were classified as minor desaturators (Tables 1 and 2). This definition was chosen to facilitate comparison with other studies of nocturnal ox¬ ygen desaturation in COPD4,8 that used similar criteria. Statistical Analysis The data are presented as mean values ±1 SD. A p value of 0.05 or less is taken as significant. Statistical methods used included simple regression, multiple linear, and forward stepwise regression as appropriate. Means of continuous variables were compared by the Student's t test or Wilcoxon signed rank test, and categorical data were analyzed using the x2 test. A computerized statistics software package (Statistica TM) was used for analysis of the data. Results All 19 patients completed the study, and all achieved least 10 min of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Their anthropometric, blood gas, pulmonary function, sleep, and exercise data are given in Tables 1 and 2. at CHEST /109 / 2 / FEBRUARY, 1996 Downloaded From: on 10/21/2014 389 without invasive measurements of gas exchange during variable nature of respiration during REM sleep. The with possible variations in the respiratory quo¬ sleep, tient during and the larger body stores of CO2 also make calculations based on the alveolar air equation difficult to interpret. Despite these difficulties, we hoped that the present study would provide some useful data on this subject, as we obtained an indirect measurement of PaC02 by con¬ tinuous monitoring of PtcC02, unlike previous studies that relied on intermittent blood gas sampling.1'213,14 The continuous monitoring of PtcC02 helped us to estimate Pa02 during sleep from the Sa02 trace, since we could make an allowance for the effect of a chang¬ ing PaC02 on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. These measurements represent an estimate only, as there are delays between the equilibration of PtcC02 and PaC02, as discussed above. Using this indirect method, we found a somewhat larger fall in Pa02 and rise in PtcC02 during sleep than some other studies of COPD patients in whom arterial blood gases were sampled intermittently,1314 but our findings are simi¬ lar to those of Koo et al.1 The maximum rise in PaC02 was 45% of the fall in Pa02 (Table 2), which is similar to other reports.114 The continuous monitoring of PtcC02 showed that, nature, the falls in Sa02 were despite their transient in a rise PtcC02 a few minutes later, accompanied by the delay reflecting the time lag between change in PaC02 and subsequent change in PtcC02.28 The greater body storage capacity for CO2 did not seem to prevent these transient rises in PtcC02. REM sleep, in particular, was frequently characterized by irregular, low tidal volume respiration on the record (Respitrace), and a high PtcC02 (Table 3). These observa¬ tions support hypoventilation as one of the major causes of nocturnal desaturation in COPD, particularly the similar rise in during REM sleep. inHowever, PtcC02 during sleep the major and minor desatu¬ rators suggests that both groups had a similar degree of hypoventilation, and that factors such as lower po¬ sition on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve and/or greater degrees of V/Q mismatching were responsible for the greater degree of desaturation among major desaturators. As in other studies,317"19 we found that daytime Pa02 correlates well with mean nocturnal Sa02, which initially suggests that nocturnalofdesaturation may be related to the presleep position hypoxemic patients on the steeper portion of the oxyhemoglobin curve. However, the patients who were major nocturnal de¬ saturators had a threefold greater fall in estimated sleep Pa02 than the minor desaturators. We recognize that the estimated Pa02 is not a precise measurement, but the magnitude of difference in estimated Pa02 between major and minor desaturators strongly sup¬ hypoventilation,3'13 ports a real difference in this variable. This finding suggests that the presleep position on the oxyhemo¬ globin dissociation curve was not the major determi¬ nant of the extent of O2 desaturation during sleep in these subjects, since if this were the case, the fall in calculated Pa02 should have been the same irrespec¬ tive of the Sa02. The much larger fall in estimated Pa02 among the major desaturators, in conjunction with the similar rise in PtcC02 in both patient groups, supports the presence of gas exchange abnormalities such as V/Q disturbances as a major cause ofthe excess oxygen desaturation during sleep in major desatura¬ tors. Numerous studies have found that patients with awake hypercapnia are more likely to have nocturnal oxygen desaturation,2"519 and we also found that all of our hypercapnic patients had major nocturnal desatu¬ ration, despite similar pulmonary function to the normocapnics. However, we found that awake PaC02 is not an independent predictor of nocturnal desatura¬ tion, which contrasts with the findings of some other reports.17,19 A possible explanation for this discrepancy is that, unlike these studies,17,19 we performed full and respiratory monitoring on all polysomnography our patients, and were thus able to exclude apneic events among all our patients, and to be confident of sleep status. MacKeon et al18 also found that daytime PaC02 was not an independent predictor of sleep Sa02- There was a significant relationship between PaC02 and the rise in sleep PtcC02 on sim¬ daytime linear regression analysis, but, as can be seen in ple the Figure 2, relationship was weak, with a wide scat¬ ter of the data. We found that there was no significant correlation on multiple regression analysis between variables and the rise in sleep PtcC02 and we daytime also found a similar rise in PtcC02 during sleep among both normocapnic and hypercapnic patients. These findings suggest that there inis a similar degree of hypoventilation during sleep all patients, regardless of PaC02, secondary to the withdrawal of the wakefulness drive to breathe,33 and that the greater fall in Sa02 during sleep among hypercapnic patients may be due to worsening gas exchange abnormalities in addi¬ tion to their more marked baseline hypoxemia. All except two of our patients desaturated during exercise, and 14 of the total 19 patients had a fall in exercise Sa02 greater than 5%. This represents a more incidence of oxygen desaturation during ex¬ frequent ercise in patients with COPD than reported in other studies,8' and may be due to either a different patient or to the fact that we use a treadmill rather population than cycle ergometer.35 Early studies of exercise in COPD proposed the theory that pathophysiology with normocapnic respiratory failure had patients greater impairment of exercise ability and were more likely to desaturate during exercise than patients with CHEST /109 / 2 / FEBRUARY, 1996 Downloaded From: on 10/21/2014 393 Table 4.Multiple Linear and Stepwise Regression Analysis of Sleep and Exercise Sa02* Independent Dependent variable: mean sleep SaC>2 Pa02 Constant SE of estimate=4.17, Regression Partial r2 Variable Age 0.69 0.045 37.7 2.7 Coefficient SE .00002 12 4.34 0.45 -18.89 1.62 0.26 40.18 0001 8.12 -0.36 0.53 1.05 -147.7 2.02 0.21 0.29 0.32 50.17 -6.07 0.31 -0.32 177.55 2.07 0.21 51.33 3.91 0.59 33.73 0.81 0.39 15.44 multiple correlation coefficient (r)=0.89, adjusted 1^=0.7 Dependent variable: minimum sleep Sa02 Pa02 0.662 FEVi Lowest E Sa02 Constant SE of estimate=5.21, 0.054 0.056 Age 0.067 Pa02 0.551 FEVi 0.057 0.057 multiple r=0.87, adjusted r^O.64 Dependent variable: lowest exercise SaC>2 Pa02 05 06 07 multiple r=0.93, adjusted r^O.81 Dependent variable: fall in sleep SaC>2 Lowest E Sa02 Constant SE of estimate=5.33, 33.27 4.74 4.14 3.94 0.568 BMI 0.053 0005 12 15 20.91 2.82 2.34 22.37 2.23 0002 15 Constant SE of estimate=4.60, 0.3 multiple r=0.79, adjusted r^O.57 *Based on the findings from simple linear regression; age, BMI, percent predicted FEVi, daytime PaC>2, and PaCC>2 were entered into the multiple regression analyses. Lowest exercise (E) SaC>2 was then entered into the regression analysis, with little change in the multiple correlation coefficients. For the sake of brevity, only variables with a p value of 0.15 or less are included in the table. puffer presentation of COPD with marked hyperin¬ Hg; p<0.001). flation and severe airflow obstruction (mean FEVi, There was only a weak correlation on simple linear 35% predicted), but relatively normal awake resting regression analysis between the daytime PaC02 and arterial blood gas values (mean Pa02, 83 mm Hg and the rise in sleep PtcC02 (r=0.5, p<0.05) (Fig 2). Fur¬ PaC02, 40 mm Hg). However, although the hyperthermore, there was no significant correlation between capnic patients (PaC02 >45 mm Hg) showed the the rise in PtcC02 and any daytime variable (including PaC02) on multiple regression analysis. A particularly greatest degree of desaturation during sleep, these patients were also the greatest desaturators during ex¬ interesting finding ofthe present study was that the rise ercise. in PtcC02 during sleep was similar in the 7 hypercap¬ nic (PaC02 >45 mm Hg) and 12 normocapnic (PaC02 Factors Predicting Changes in Sleep Gas Exchange <45 mm Hg) patients at 7.52 (3.7) and 6.3 (2.8) mm Using simple linear regression analysis, daytime Hg, respectively. Pa02 correlated significantly with the mean (r=0.83, The continuous measurement of PtcC02 p<0.001), minimum (r=0.81, p<0.001), and fall in sleep sleep allowed us to estimate the Pa02 from theduring Sa02 Sa02 (r=-0.74, p<0.001), similar to previous re¬ the standard oxyhemoglobin dissociation tracing using ports.3^"9 Daytime arterial Pco2 also correlated signif¬ curve, since we could correct for changes in PCO2. The icantly with the mean (r=-0.67, p<0.01), minimum (r=-0.6, p<0.01), and fall in sleep Sa02 (r=0.54, p<0.05). However, using multiple stepwise regression EE analysis, Pa02 was the only variable with significant with sleep Sa02 variables independentandcorrelations 8 (p<0.001), neither awake PaC02 nor exercise de- £E saturation were independent predictors of sleep Sa02 |r .S, p<CK05| a (Table 4). Daytime Pa02 accounted for 69% of the in mean sleep Sa02 as compared with only variability 1.5% for PaC02- Therefore, the significant correlation Rise in Sleep PtcC02 (mmHg) of PaC02 with sleep Sa02 on simple regression anal¬ Figure 2. Correlation PaC02 with the maximum rise ysis likely reflects the fact that the hypercapnic patients in sleep PtcCC>2. Despiteofthedaytime statistically significant correlation, the were more hypoxemie than the normocapnic patients extent of the rise in sleep PtcCC>2 cannot be inferred from the level (daytime Pa02, 58 mm Hg, as compared with 79 mm of the daytime PaCC>2. CN 9 = CHEST /109 / 2 / FEBRUARY, 1996 Downloaded From: on 10/21/2014 391 major O2 desaturators had a substantially greater fall in estimated Pa02 during sleep than the minor desatu¬ rators (Table 2), which suggests that the greater fall in Sa02 among major desaturators is not simply due to this group being on the steep portion of the oxyhemoaverage maximum fall in globin dissociation curve. Thewas more than twice the estimated Pa02 during sleep maximum rise in PtcC02 (Table 2). Predicting Exercise Desaturation The major sleep desaturators had twice as great a fall in exercise Sa02 as the minor sleep desaturators (Ta¬ ble 2), although the V02 max and Ve max were similar in both groups. The hypercapnic patients also had twice as large a fall in exercise Sa02 (8.9±2.5 vs 4.4±3.1%, p<0.01) despite similar exercise tolerance to the normocapnic patients. However, the hypercap¬ nic patients also had a lower starting Sa02 than the normocapnic patients (88±5.8 vs 93±1.7%, p<0.05). On multiple stepwise regression analysis, resting Pa02 was the only variable that significantly correlated with exercise desaturation, while PaC02, pulmonary func¬ BMI not to exercise desat¬ Factors tion, age, and uration were related (Table 4). Discussion The present study represents the first report (to our sleep knowledge) usinganddetailed measurements ofcontin¬ stage, ventilation, gas exchange, including uous PtcC02 monitoring, that compares gas exchange in patients with COPD. The during sleep and exercise major findings were as follows: (1) Sa02 fell twice as much during sleep as during maximal exercise; (2) but sleep and exercise Sa02 awere well correlated, resting awake Pa02 was better predictor of sleep desaturation than was exercise desaturation; and (3) awake PaC02 was not an independent predictor of nocturnal desaturation. The finding that Sa02 fell more than twice as much during sleep than during maximal exercise contrasts with the findings in patients with interstitial lung dis¬ ease.11 The greater O2 desaturation during sleep sup¬ ports the findings of Shepard and coworkers,9 who, in addition, found that in patients with COPD, sleep was associated with a greater physiologic stress on the cor¬ onary circulation to maintain myocardial oxygen de¬ was exercise. This impaired oxygen delivery livery than in the nocturnal arrhythmias29 and the a be factor may nocturnal among reported higher with death rate6 previouslysince the level of COPD, particularly patients exercise achieved was much greater than the patients would normally reach during daily activities. Nocturnal oxygen desaturation also appears to be important in the of pulmonary hypertension, even in the development absence of significant awake hypoxemia.30 The present findings of significant correlation be¬ 392 Downloaded From: on 10/21/2014 sleep and exercise Sa02 differ from those of Fletcher and coworkers,8 who failed to find a signifi¬ cant correlation between these variables. However, their study was principally directed at examining hemodynamic relationships during sleep and exercise in COPD, and only brief mention is made in their re¬ port of the relationship between sleep and exercise Sa02- However, they found that patients with noctur¬ nal desaturation also had evidence of deterioration in gas exchange during exercise, with a rise in PaC02 and lack of improvement in the physiologic dead-space ventilation (Vd/Vt) ratio. The mean Sa02 during sleep among patients in the present report was only 3.5% less than awake levels, although transient nonapneic desaturations to levels less than 85% were seen in more than half the study 50% of patients with daytime population, including Pa02 greater than 60 mm Hg. The relatively modest level of mean O2 desaturation among the overall group likely reflects the fact that our study population had a wide range of awake Pa02 levels, varying from 52 to 91 mm Hg, although all patients had severe airflow obstruction, with a mean FEVi of 32.4 (9.1)% pre¬ dicted (Table 1). This study population was purposely chosen according to pulmonary function test criteria of severity rather than an arbitrary Pa02 level since we wished to include a spectrum of COPD patients, ranging from the two extremes of those with severe airflow obstruction but relatively well-preserved blood gas values to those with severe hypercapnic respiratory failure and cor pulmonale. The terms pink-puffer and blue-bloater are used in the context of the present study simply as shorthand to indicate these two extremes. We wished to examine the possibility that patients at these two ends of the COPD spectrum might show different patterns of desaturation during While the present data provide sleep andforexercise. the view that pink puffer type COPD pa¬ support tients are likely to desaturate more during exercise than during sleep, the numbers are too small to draw any definitive conclusions in this regard. Furthermore, while the blue bloater patients with hypoxemia, hy¬ percapnia, and cor pulmonale had the most severe and prolonged degree of nocturnal desaturation, these pa¬ tients also had the most severe desaturation during tween exercise. Oxygen probably desaturation during sleep in COPD is caused by several mechanisms, one of hypoventilation,thereparticularly during ofREM is in¬ also evidence sleep.1213,31 However, creased V/Q mismatching1,14 during sleep in COPD, which contributes to gas exchange abnormalities. The extent of the fall in Sa02 during sleep in individual patients will also depend on the starting (presleep) position on the oxyhemoglobin curve. It is difficult to resolve the relative ofthese various factors which is importance Clinical Investigations without invasive measurements of gas exchange during variable nature of respiration during REM sleep. The with possible variations in the respiratory quo¬ sleep, tient during and the larger body stores of CO2 also make calculations based on the alveolar air equation difficult to interpret. Despite these difficulties, we hoped that the present study would provide some useful data on this subject, as we obtained an indirect measurement of PaC02 by con¬ tinuous monitoring of PtcC02, unlike previous studies that relied on intermittent blood gas sampling.1'213,14 The continuous monitoring of PtcC02 helped us to estimate Pa02 during sleep from the Sa02 trace, since we could make an allowance for the effect of a chang¬ ing PaC02 on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. These measurements represent an estimate only, as there are delays between the equilibration of PtcC02 and PaC02, as discussed above. Using this indirect method, we found a somewhat larger fall in Pa02 and rise in PtcC02 during sleep than some other studies of COPD patients in whom arterial blood gases were sampled intermittently,1314 but our findings are simi¬ lar to those of Koo et al.1 The maximum rise in PaC02 was 45% of the fall in Pa02 (Table 2), which is similar to other reports.114 The continuous monitoring of PtcC02 showed that, nature, the falls in Sa02 were despite their transient in a rise PtcC02 a few minutes later, accompanied by the delay reflecting the time lag between change in PaC02 and subsequent change in PtcC02.28 The greater body storage capacity for CO2 did not seem to prevent these transient rises in PtcC02. REM sleep, in particular, was frequently characterized by irregular, low tidal volume respiration on the record (Respitrace), and a high PtcC02 (Table 3). These observa¬ tions support hypoventilation as one of the major causes of nocturnal desaturation in COPD, particularly the similar rise in during REM sleep. inHowever, PtcC02 during sleep the major and minor desatu¬ rators suggests that both groups had a similar degree of hypoventilation, and that factors such as lower po¬ sition on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve and/or greater degrees of V/Q mismatching were responsible for the greater degree of desaturation among major desaturators. As in other studies,317"19 we found that daytime Pa02 correlates well with mean nocturnal Sa02, which initially suggests that nocturnalofdesaturation may be related to the presleep position hypoxemic patients on the steeper portion of the oxyhemoglobin curve. However, the patients who were major nocturnal de¬ saturators had a threefold greater fall in estimated sleep Pa02 than the minor desaturators. We recognize that the estimated Pa02 is not a precise measurement, but the magnitude of difference in estimated Pa02 between major and minor desaturators strongly sup¬ hypoventilation,3'13 ports a real difference in this variable. This finding suggests that the presleep position on the oxyhemo¬ globin dissociation curve was not the major determi¬ nant of the extent of O2 desaturation during sleep in these subjects, since if this were the case, the fall in calculated Pa02 should have been the same irrespec¬ tive of the Sa02. The much larger fall in estimated Pa02 among the major desaturators, in conjunction with the similar rise in PtcC02 in both patient groups, supports the presence of gas exchange abnormalities such as V/Q disturbances as a major cause ofthe excess oxygen desaturation during sleep in major desatura¬ tors. Numerous studies have found that patients with awake hypercapnia are more likely to have nocturnal oxygen desaturation,2"519 and we also found that all of our hypercapnic patients had major nocturnal desatu¬ ration, despite similar pulmonary function to the normocapnics. However, we found that awake PaC02 is not an independent predictor of nocturnal desatura¬ tion, which contrasts with the findings of some other reports.17,19 A possible explanation for this discrepancy is that, unlike these studies,17,19 we performed full and respiratory monitoring on all polysomnography our patients, and were thus able to exclude apneic events among all our patients, and to be confident of sleep status. MacKeon et al18 also found that daytime PaC02 was not an independent predictor of sleep Sa02- There was a significant relationship between PaC02 and the rise in sleep PtcC02 on sim¬ daytime linear regression analysis, but, as can be seen in ple the Figure 2, relationship was weak, with a wide scat¬ ter of the data. We found that there was no significant correlation on multiple regression analysis between variables and the rise in sleep PtcC02 and we daytime also found a similar rise in PtcC02 during sleep among both normocapnic and hypercapnic patients. These findings suggest that there inis a similar degree of hypoventilation during sleep all patients, regardless of PaC02, secondary to the withdrawal of the wakefulness drive to breathe,33 and that the greater fall in Sa02 during sleep among hypercapnic patients may be due to worsening gas exchange abnormalities in addi¬ tion to their more marked baseline hypoxemia. All except two of our patients desaturated during exercise, and 14 of the total 19 patients had a fall in exercise Sa02 greater than 5%. This represents a more incidence of oxygen desaturation during ex¬ frequent ercise in patients with COPD than reported in other studies,8' and may be due to either a different patient or to the fact that we use a treadmill rather population than cycle ergometer.35 Early studies of exercise in COPD proposed the theory that pathophysiology with normocapnic respiratory failure had patients greater impairment of exercise ability and were more likely to desaturate during exercise than patients with CHEST /109 / 2 / FEBRUARY, 1996 Downloaded From: on 10/21/2014 393 failure.20 It was thought that hypercapnic respiratory who patients tend to have a predominance pink-puffer of emphysema were already hyperventilating at rest, and that they would be unable to increase their venti¬ lation further during exercise, while the blue bloater types of patients had a greater capacity to increase ventilation during exercise and were less incapacitated data support the view by dyspnea. While the present that pink puffer patients are more likely to desaturate during exercise than sleep, they do not support the view that blue bloater patients will do the converse, since the hypercapnic patients had twice as great a fall but had as the in exercise Sa02 normocapnic patients, similar Ve max, V02 max, and exercise duration. Other more recent studies have also found that patients with oxygen desaturation during exercise are more likely to be hypercapnic, with a further rise in PaC02 during exercise, and to have evidence of an inability to adequately decrease their dead-space during exer¬ cise. '15,16 As in other studies,34 there was poor corre¬ lation between exercise desaturation and pulmonary function test results. In conclusion, our findings indicate that COPD pa¬ tients desaturate significantly more during sleep than exercise, and that hypoventilation and V/Q mismatch¬ ing represent the principal determinants of desatura¬ tion during sleep. 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