Welcome to Jalasjärvi! Jalasjärvi is the first municipality of Southern Ostrobothnia when you drive along the Route 3 to the north, and it has thus got a nickname the Gate of Ostrobothnia. The area of Jalasjärvi has been populated since the prehistoric time. Independent Jalasjärvi was founded in 1867 at the time of the municipal reformation. Today there are almost 8,300 inhabitants in the municipality (2010). This true rural municipality lives its lively present by exploiting its roots. Whether you come to visit or stay here, you will find the services you need. 2 Did you know that... Jalasjärvi is lo- ...the symbol of Jalasjärvi is a cated on the windmill? These windmills can border of two be seen in the municipality provinces. Here both in traditional and moyou will find both dern appearances. They the plains typical of can be seen at the bus stops and in the logo of Ostrobothnia and the the municipality.Jalashilly landscape typical of järvi has got its name northern Häme. from the lake (’järJalasjärvi is the fourth biggest vi’ in Finnish) on agricultural municipality in Fin- whose shores land, which can also been seen used to grow in the landscape. Spacious fields good wood sleigh and numerous dairy cattle are tell- for ing their own story about the Finnish r u n n e r s (’jalas’ in spirit Finnish). of enterprise. Entrepreneurship is common in Jalasjärvi also in other branches.There operate a myriad of companieshere many of which have managed to make their brands well-known in the whole country. Enjoy Culture Jalasjärvi is traditionally famous for its skilful folk musicians, and music has got a strong status in the municipality at present, too. Besides music, people like acting in Jalasjärvi. There are two summer theatres in the villages of Jalasjärvi and moreover during the Aukusti even there is always a play carried one totally by the young of Jalasjärvi themselves. A new generation of players and singers are taught at the local music school. Different kinds of concerts are also often arranged in the municipality. One of the experiences in Jalasjärvi is a museum whose collection is the biggest in the Nordic countries.Visiting a farmhouse, a shop, a church and a school of the old days is an unforgettable experience. The past wars will become familiar in the house of traditions of the War Veterans.The museum is maintained by the Jalasjärvi society. The musical tradition is passed on in its own way in ‘Aukusti’, an annual cultural event for the young and grown-ups, too. The main church is located in the centre of Jalasjärvi. The church was completed in 1800.There are seats for 1,000 people in the church. The altarpiece painted by Alexandra Frosterus-Såltin is from the year 1906.The older altarpiece painted by Mikael Toppelius was then Places of interest and happenings for culture vultures JALASJÄRVI MUSEUM, Vanhankirkontie 2. Tel +358 6 457 3079 or +358 40 544 4614/ Jalasjärvi Society, www.jalasjarvi.fi/museo THE CHURCH OF JALASJÄRVI AND THE KOSKUE VILLAGE CHURCH, Jalasjärvi congregation, Keskustie 14. Tel. +358 6 45 9000, www. seurakunta.jalasjarvi.fi moved to the then freshly completed village church of Koskue.The ceiling painting of Toppelius is still in the main church.The church of Jalasjärvi is open for visitors in the summer. AUKUSTI FESTIVAL in August, for further information see www.aukusti. fi Did you know that... ...…Ensemble Rehupiikles, Kirsi Ranto the tango queen, master folk musician Teppo Välimäki and Kalevi Kiviniemi, the world-famous organist are all from Jalasjärvi? Enjoy Shopping There are many factory shops and other places for shopping in Jalasjärvi. In the factory shop of Jokipiin Pellava there can be found all kinds of good-quality linen products and Juustoportti is widely known for its award-winning dairy milk products. In addition to cheeses, products of Pentik, Topman and Marimekko can be bought at Juustoportti. In the centre of the municipality a versatile selection of textiles can be explored in the factory shop of Lennol. There are also many shops in the centre that sell gifts and handicraft products. The market place is full of life especially on Tuesdays. Those who are looking for treasures are also recommended to visit the vivid flea markets. Not all companies in Jalasjärvi have their own factory shops.The products of Pramia, however, can be bought in Alko, the shoes of Jalas in K-Rauta and Agrimarket and products of Taivalkosken Mylly in groceries. When on the road it is essential to have good food and sufficient rest. There are many different styled diners in Jalasjärvi, out of which Neste Jalastuuli and ABC Jalasjärviare open 24h.You can find lodging in a hotel as well as in a cottage. The contact information for food and accommodation suitable for groups as well as for individual travellers can be found on page 11. Visit these if you are into shopping KÄSITYÖTAVARATALO (Handicraft store), Keskustie 22, Jalasjärvi, tel. +358 6 456 1485 ASKEMA, Keskustie 18, tel. +358 400 164 442, www.askema.com LENNOL OY, Rantatie 22, tel. +358 20 775 6135, www.lennol.fi HALPA-HALLI, Oikotie 2A, tel. +358 20 7183 960, www.HHnet.fi LUTUNA, Keskustie 24, tel. +358 6 456 1720 JUUSTOPORTTI, Keisarintie 145, Pentinmäki (Jalasjärvi), tel. +358 6 456 6900, www.juustoportti. fi (Marimekko, Pentik,TopMan) JOKIPIIN PELLAVA, Pellavatehtaantie 35, Jokipii (Jalasjärvi), tel. +358 10 839 4516, www.jokipiinpellava.fi ...…Jalasjärvi is located in excellent place on the crossing of Routes 3 and 19 and via it drives 15,000 cars per day. LYKKY-LUTTI, Keskustie 21, tel. +358 6 457 5170 Did you know that... Enjoy Nature The nature and landscape of Jalasjärvi provides many surprises: plains, mounds, rivers, bogs, lakes… The most exceptional sight of the district’s nature is the deepest weathering in Europe, also called a giant kettle Pirunpesä (the devil’s nest) in the village of Ylivalli (guiding from the Route 3). Shaped in the crag of Isovuori by nature, this abyss which is 14 meters wide and 23 meters deep fascinates imagination. If you dare, go down the stairs to the bottom of the abyss – and on your way back keep on climbing up to the 21-meter-high lookout tower nearby. In summertime there is a café and souvenirs in the area. From there start out also nature paths to the terrain of Isovuori. In the Saarijärvi recreation area, which is by the Route 3, you can swim and fish and enjoy the services of a café which is open at summer time. The fishing board of Jalasjärvi sell fishing licenses and takes care of the abundance of fish in the lake by sufficient planting. The pier which is over 200 meters long is also suitable for disabled fishermen. At the southern end of the pier there is a sheltered summer kitchen, and at the northern end of the pier you can skin your fish. If you travel by bike or car, drive along the village roads and admire their idyll – or let your mind relax in the plains of Luopajärvi. By the way, the cycle ways are extremely good in Jalasjärvi. Places of interest for nature lovers HIRVIJÄRVI is a lake known for its birds. www.sll.fi/pohjanmaa/jalasjarvi PIRUNPESÄ (the Devil’s nest), Pirunpesäntie 100, Ylivalli (Jalasjärvi), guiding from Route 3. tel. +358 50 544 5921, www.jalasjarvi.fi/pirunpesa LAMMINJÄRVI area for recreation in the centre of municipality, Did www.jalasjarvi.fi/lamminjarvi SAARIJÄRVi, area for recreation, Tampereentie 2525, Koskue (Jalasjärvi), tel. +358 45 114 0725 / restaurant Karhunpesä, www.jalasjarvi.fi/saarijarvi KIUASKALLIO SPORT CENTRE, www.jalasjarvi.fi/kiuaskallio you know that... …entertainer Follow the signs to Pertti “Spede” VILLAGES and you Pasanen worked will find surprising actively to develop views! www.jaPirunpesä. There is a lasjarvi.fi/kylat/ statue in the memory of map.htm FISHING LICENCES are sold by the fishing board of Jalasjärvi, tel. +358 400 268 037 THE PLAINS OF LUOPAJÄRVI can be admired via Route 19 him in the area which was designed by sculptor Heikki Räsänen from Viitasaari. Enjoy Sports Jalasjärvi provides excellent possibilities for sports around the whole year.There are several beaches, inter alia, in the recreational area Saarijärvi (read more about the possibilities for swimming and fishing on page 8). There are also beaches in the camping site in Koskue and also in the very centre, in Lamminjärvi, where there is also a lit footpath. The sport centre Kiuaskallio near the centre of the municipality serves you both in summer and winter. Sport hall and field, tennis courts, shooting range, jogging paths, ski centre, and ski tracks guarantee you healthy red cheeks to go back home with. 10 Eat Well and Rest in Jalasjärvi ABC JALASJÄRVI 24 h, Oikotie 1, tel. +358 107649380, www.abcasemat.fi/verkosto/liikennemyymalat/jalasjarvi AULIN ATERIAT (lunch restaurant), Jalasjärven hallitie 14, tel. +358 50 376 5645 HESBURGER, Seinäjoentie 7 (Neste Jalastuuli), tel. +358 6 456 9713 HOTEL VALTATIE 3, Rantatie 22, tel. +358 6 456 9900, +358 40 722 6667, www. hotellivaltatie3.net IMPIVAARAN PIHALOMAILU (cabins), Riskunperäntie 90, Koskue, tel. +358 50 590 5953, www.kalapaikka.net/impivaaranpihalomailu JAKK (accommodation), Kurssitie 2, tel. +358 201 45 800, www.jakk.fi JALASLEIRINTÄ (camping), Tampereentie 1560, Koskue, tel. +358 6 457 1632, +358 500 562 791 CAFE IN JOKIPIIN PELLAVA’S FACTORY SHOP, Pellavatehtaantie 35, Jokipii, tel. +358 10 839 4516, www.jokipiinpellava.fi JUUSTOPORTTI, Keisarintie 145, Pentinmäki, tel. +358 6) 456 6900, www.juustoportti.fi CAFE IN HANDICRAFT STORE, Keskustie 22, tel. +358 6 456 1485 KALLIOMAJAT (cabins), Fräntintie 20,Ylivalli, tel. +358 40 553 3401, www.kalliomajat. fi CAFE RESTAURANT KARHUNPESÄ, Tampereentie 2525, Saarijärvi recreation area, tel. +358 45 114 0725, www.jalasjarvi. fi/saarijarvi KUHAN KEIDAS (cabins), Kannontie 93, Jokipii, tel. +358 6 456 0286, +358 400 269 225, +358 500 269 225, www.travel.fi/etelapohjanmaa/lomanna MAJAN TALO (cabins), Tampereentie 1594, Koskue, tel. +358 6 457 1838, +358 50 512 6138 MIHINÄMOON (charter restaurant of Pramia Ltd), Ilvesjoentie 1060, Ilvesjoki, information and reservation tel. +358 40 830 3788, www.pramia.fi NAR KEBAB & PIZZERIA, Keskustie 22, tel. +358 6 456 0359 NESTE JALASTUULI 24h, Seinäjoentie 7, tel. +358 6 456 9700, www.jalastuuli.fi CAFE NONPARELLI, Keskustie 6, tel. +358 6 456 0221 PETÄYS CABINS, Kannontie 530, Jokipii, tel. +358 6 457 1180, +358 40 583 3362, www.travel.fi/etela-pohjanmaa/petays PIHLAJAN KEVARI (charter restaurant for groups), Koskimäentie 46, Pentimäki, tel. +358 6 457 2829, www.travel.fi/etela-pohjanmaa/pihlajankevari TAIVALTUPA, premises for festivities and accommodation in the former village school of Taivalmaa.Tokerotie 1144, tel. +358 50 581 8111 or +358 40 873 5178, www.harraste.jalasjarvi.fi/taivalmaannuorisoseura/taivalt.htm VENESNIEMI, Kangasniementie 200, Jokipii, tel. +358 6 453 3051, +358 400 166 065, www.venesniemi.fi YKKÖSGRILLI (grill food), Rantatie 22, tel. +358 6 456 0838 11 11 INFORMATION: Jalasjärvi municipality Kirkkotie 4, 61600 Jalasjärvi tel. +358 6 458 0111 www.jalasjarvi.fi Etelä-Pohjanmaan Matkailu Oy (South Ostrobothnia Tourist Service) Matkakeskus, 60100 Seinäjoki tel. +358 6 420 9090 www.epmatkailu.fi The map shows the centre of Jalasjärvi. Find the map of the whole municipality in www.karttatiimi.fi/jalasjarvi Outside the Centre: Saarijärvi recreational centre and Koskue village church in Koskue, weathering Pirunpesä in Ylivalli. SHOPPING In the centre 9. Market place and specialized shops, see p. 7. Outside the centre: Juustoportti Jokipiin Pellava. FOOD AND COFFEE ACCOMMODATION 5. Ykkösgrilli 10. Cafe in Handicraft store 11. ABC service station 24 h 12. Kebab-pizzeria 13. Cafe Nonparelli 14. Neste Jalastuuli service station 24 h 14. Hesburger 5. Hotel Valtatie 3 15. JAKK There are several places to have food or coffee outside the centre, see p. 11. Several places for accommodation outside the centre, see p. 11. © Jalasjärvi municipality 2011 SIGHTS, ACTIVITIES 1. Main Church of Jalasjärvi, congregation centre 2. Jalasjärvi Museum 3. Lamminjärvi Recreational Centre 4. Kiuaskallio Sport Centre 5. Night Club CinemaBar 6. Children’s Traffic Park 7. Library 8. Swimming Hall
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