Image analysis workshop - Turku Centre for Biotechnology

Image analysis workshop
Imaris software delivers all the necessary functionality for data management, visualization, analysis,
segmentation and interpretation of 3D and 4D microscopy datasets.
March 18th at the CBT -1st floor seminar room, BioCity A
10.00-11.00 Erik von Stedingk (Bitplane): Introduction to Imaris (webcast)
March 18th at the CBT 5th floor seminar room, BioCity B
13.00-13.40 Jouko Sandholm: Image analysis at the CIC, and basic use of Imaris
13.45-14.15 Tibor Veres: Confocal and 2P datasets. Cell counting in 3D volume. Image preparation and processing
14.20-14.50 Artemis Varidaki: Dendritic spine analysis, segmentation and space-filling
14.50-15.05 Akira Takeda: Tracking cell movement
15.05 Wrap-up and signing in the hands-on session
April 9th at 12-15 at the BioCity 3rd floor computer room (Åbo Akademi)
Hands-on / Erik von Stedingk (Bitplane): analysis workflows and analysis practises; Q&A
Organizer: Cell Imaging Core at the Turku Centre for Biotechnology
by March 16th:
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