CJHS Indian Letter

CJHS Indian Letter
24917 W. Sioux Drive, Channahon, IL 60410
Absence hotline: 815/521-3031
Fax: 815/467-2188
October 16, 2014
Important Dates
Sat., 10/18
Music Booster
Forte 5K
Wed., 10/22
Explore Test for
8th graders
Fri., 10/24
End of 1st Qtr.
Mon., 10/27
School Board
Meeting 7pm @
District Office
Red Ribbon Assembly
Fri., 10/31
School Improvement
Day - Early Dismiss
Report cards sent
Wed., 11/5
Picture Retakes
Thurs., 11/6
Early Dismissal
1:40pm; Parent/
Teacher conferences
4—8pm by appt.
Fri., 11/7
No School
By appt. only
Week of October 20
Theme: Open-Mindedness
Open-mindedness means being willing to listen to
and consider new and different ideas.
“Those who cannot change their minds
cannot change anything.”
― George Bernard Shaw
From the desk of the Principal:
All CJH 8th graders will be taking the Explore test on October 22, 2014. The
test takes approximately three hours and will be administered from 8:00 a.m.
until 11:00 a.m. EXPLORE helps students identify areas of academic strength
and weakness in four areas important for success in college and the workplace—English, math, reading, and science. Since EXPLORE is a curriculumbased test, EXPLORE scores show the knowledge and skills that students are
likely to have in each of these areas. EXPLORE also includes a career planning
component design to help students consider possible career options. EXPLORE
can provide your son/daughter with an early indicator of readiness for college,
provide important information for building a high school course plan, and help
him/her identify careers in which he/she might be interested. And finally, most
public and private high schools use EXPLORE results to assist in appropriate
student placement. It is strongly encouraged that the students get a good
night’s sleep before the test and arrive to school on time on the 22nd.
Chad Uphoff, Ed.D.
Channahon Junior High School
Sports Results
Congratulations to our
Cross Country team. Both
the boys and girls teams
will be heading to the state
meet on Saturday, 10/18.
The girls’ race starts at
11am; boys at 11:45am.
The meet takes place at
Normal Parkside.
Upcoming Events
The girls team won 1st
place in their sectional
meet, beating out Lockport
Oak Prairie. The teams
tied with 49 points each—
our 6th runner provided
the tie breaker.
Thursday, 10/15
7/8 g bkb @ Reed-Custer—
Saturday, 10/18
XC State Meet—Normal
The boys’ team finished in
3rd place in the sectionals
Monday, 10/20
7/8 g bkb v Humphrey—4:30
with 67 points.
Our 7th and 8th grade
girls’ basketball teams
continue their winning
ways. Both teams have
a 6-2 record and are 2-0
in conference, recording
wins this week against
Boys’ basketball sign-ups
are on the bulletin board
by the trophy cases. Tryouts will be on October
20, 21 and 22; 8th grade
boys your tryouts will be
from 6:30 – 8:30pm Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday. 7th grade
tryouts are from 3 – 5pm
on Monday and Tuesday,
and from 4:30 – 6:30pm
on Wednesday. You
must have a current
physical on file to try out.
Make sure that you
stop in the office on
Monday and pick up a
green participation slip.
Tuesday, 10/21
7/8 g bkb @ Bourbonnais—
Thursday, 10/23
7/8 g bkb v. AV Martinez—
Saturday, 10/25
7/8 g bkb v Minooka @
MCHS Central Campus—
There will be a pep rally
for our Cross Country
team on Friday, 10/17, at
2pm .
The next Athletic Booster
meeting will be on Monday, November 10, at 7pm
in the library.
Roster sheets and fees are due by 10/22
5th and 6th grade students will need to be driven to CJHS because
bus transportation will not be available.
If you would like to make a monetary donation or donate a raffle
prize you may do so by turning it in at the main office of CJHS or
Pumpkin Decorations, Music, Raffle Prizes, Concessions Stand, TRS
vs CJHS Staff Kickball Game, and More!
Student Council's goal is to raise $4,000
- ALL profits will be going to help fight cancer in our community.
If you have any questions please email Mr. Ted Martin
at tmartin@csd17.org
Parents are encouraged to sign up for an appointment with their child’s teachers using the instructions
below. Conferences will be held on Thursday, November 6th from 4:00 – 8:00 PM and Friday, November
7th from 8:30-11:00 AM.
Click on (or copy) http://tinyurl.com/cjhs2014conf
Scroll to find the first teacher you want to see and click on “Sign up” in the time slot available.
Enter your student’s name in the white box, fill in your name and email address and click on the
“sign up”. Choose to be a member so you can make changes if needed – it’s FREE
If you would like email confirmation, you must check the box “Send email confirmation” each
Then click on “Return to sign up” to add additional teachers.
Click on “My Account” on the top right hand corner to see your schedule and to make changes if
Please call the Jr. High Office if you need help with any concerns you might have at 815/467-4314.
For students who
were absent and
students who want their
pictures retaken:
People who have
“Respect is
a two-way
street, if you
want to get
it, you've
got to give
― R. G. Risch
Lifetouch will be her on Wednesday, November 5th after noon.
Absent students will be called down
for pictures. If you want your picture retaken, you must bring in
your picture packet to the main office no later than Tuesday, November 5th. Mrs. Fishburn will put a
schedule together and call you
down from class. Please turn the
packets in as soon as
Developed by the student
The “caught you reading” contest,
developed by the book fair crew,
The teachers and staff at CJHS would like
to “catch” students reading. To get ready
for the It’s a Crime Not to Read book fair
(Nov. 3-Nov.7), the staff at CJHS are looking for students reading in their down time.
Students earn raffle tickets. They turn
them into the library for daily prizes.
The book fair will be open to students
during the school day November 3 through
November 6 and to the public November
6, 4-8 pm and November 7, 8:30-11:00 am
*Beta's who are helping this weekend at
the Forte K Race be certain to take a
service hour slip to be signed. You many
count that time as School OR Service
The 24th is the end of the 1st 9
weeks. We will be doing a review of GPA
and service hours and you will get a report
the following week. These reports are
just for your information.
The next Beta Meeting will be Tuesday,
October 21st. You many attend either in
the morning at 7:30 in the gym or after
school until 3:00 in room 204. If for any
reason you cannot make either meeting
please see Ms. Ronald or Mrs. Boynton to
get your updates!
Channahon Music Boosters News
Hurry, hurry, hurry! There is still time to sign up for our fabulous fundraiser. The 3 rd annual Forte 5k Run/
Walk takes place this Saturday, October 18th at 9:00 a.m. Join us, the choir and the pep band for a great
community event. We hope to see you there!
Our meeting dates for both November and December have changed. Please mark your calendars for November 4th and December 2nd and join us at Three Rivers School Art room for the 7:00 p.m. meetings. All music
parents are more than welcome! We would love to have you attend.
Spirit Wear forms will be coming home very soon. Please look over the great items we have to offer this
Upcoming Dates:
10/18: Forte 5k Run/Walk, Channahon State Park, 9:00 a.m.
10/23: Pep band for Girls basketball, 5:15 p.m.
11/4: CMB meeting, 7:00 p.m., TRS Art room
Misconceptions and a controversial subject matter
The Bullies 2 Buddies program can be misinterpreted at first glance. Bullying can be a controversial
subject matter. As research indicates, many anti-bullying efforts are not working. Punishing the bully and emphasizing the role of the bystander are both common in the media. What about the person being teased?
Bullies 2 Buddies is a program that works with the child who is being teased by giving him/her tips and skills on
what to say back to de-escalate the situation by fostering assertiveness and self-confidence.
The problem is not going to go away by being passive, letting it happen and hoping the problem will
go away. It will most likely not go away with aggressive tactics either since the aggression may cycle. By
teaching the child how and when to apply assertive skills, it empowers them to be able to quickly solve a
conflict before the problem continues to persist thus, escalating into bullying.
Whether your child is being bullied or not, this is a great program that helps teach our children how
to develop confidence and nurture interactive, assertive social skills. Unfortunately, there are mean people
all throughout life, so teaching our children preventative, de-escalation tactics and assertive skills will help
them to become more independent and self-confident individuals.
Because this program works with the student being teased, does this mean the bully is dismissed or
goes unpunished?
By no means do we dismiss the bully type behaviors. Teachers and staff are trained to intervene when
necessary. Bullies 2 Buddies teaches when it is appropriate to tell an adult and when/how they can
appropriately apply assertive social skills instead to solve a conflict.
By working with the child who is considered the victim, does this mean Bullies 2 Buddies is blaming him/her?
By working with the victim as well, this does not imply that this is the victim’s fault. These are simply preventative tips and measures on how to apply assertive skills to keep a conflict from escalating, since
teachers and parents will not always be there to protect the child from hurtful words being said.
Does this mean Bullies 2 Buddies is implying that it is okay to ignore our feelings when they are hurt?
By no means does this dismiss the child’s feelings being hurt either. It is healthy for the child to talk their
feelings out and gain advice on how to be assertive and handle the situation next time from an adult
or trusted friend. Bullies 2 Buddies states that if someone hurts you, show you are hurt, not angry. Many
times it is programmed into us to get angry when someone hurts you. Assertiveness is a matter of control. If you are angry, you are not in control.
Learning these skills do not appear overnight, it is a long term plan your child can practice and use for the
rest of their lives in order to handle conflict effectively.
For more information on Bullies 2 Buddies by Izzy Kalman, please visit www.bullies2buddies.com
Additional information for parents that help teach your child assertive skills through the Bully Expert Toolkit, please visit
Password Safety
As our children progress through school, they will find themselves faced with situations where they are using login information for all sorts of accounts. Sometimes that login information is provided to the students, such as
student account login information used for the computers here at school. But sometimes students have to create their
own login information, and password management becomes an issue. It is common for students (and sometimes
adults, too!) to create easy-to-remember passwords or create passwords and then forget what they are. The link below
provides some good information about how to create and remember passwords so information stays safe and secure!
Click here to read more about password safety: http://www.gcflearnfree.org/internetsafety/2
Is the flu vaccine a good idea?
The flu vaccine is, indeed, a good idea for families. The
flu shot does not cause the flu and it keeps kids and parents from
getting sick. Getting the flu is worse than having a cold and can
make a person sick for a week or more.
Infants younger than 6 months can't get the vaccine, but if the
parents and older kids in the household get it, that will help protect the baby. This is important because infants are more at risk
for serious complications from the flu.
Who Should Be Immunized?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
now recommends a flu vaccine for everyone 6 months of age and
older (instead of just certain groups, as was recommended before). But it's especially important that those in higher-risk groups
get vaccinated. They include:
all kids 6 months through 4 years old
anyone 65 years and older
women who will be pregnant during flu season
anyone whose weakened immune system is weakened
from medications or illnesses (like HIV infection)
residents of long-term care facilities, such as nursing
any adult or child with chronic medical conditions, such as
kids or teens who take aspirin regularly and are at risk for
developing Reye syndrome if they get the flu
health care personnel who have direct contact with patients
caregivers or household contacts of anyone in a high-risk
group (like children younger than 6 months)
Native Americans and Alaskan Natives
Certain circumstances would prevent a person from getting the
vaccine. If your child falls into any of the groups below, talk to
your doctor to see if the vaccine is still recommended:
infants under 6 months old
anyone who's severely allergic to eggs and egg products.
(People with a mild egg allergy can receive the vaccine, but it should be given in a doctor's office so that
they can be monitored for side effects for 30 minutes
after the shot is given.)
anyone who's ever had a severe reaction to a flu vaccination
anyone with Guillain-Barré syndrome (a rare condition that
affects the immune system and nerves)
If your child is sick and has a fever, talk to your doctor about rescheduling the flu shot.
When Should Kids Get Vaccinated?
Flu season runs from October to May. It's best to get a flu
shot early in the season, as it gives the body a chance to build up
immunity to, or protection from, the flu. But getting a shot later in
the season is still better than not getting the vaccine at all.
Those who don't like shots might be able to get the vaccine in a
nasal spray. Your doctor can tell you if this is an option for you or
your kids.
Did you know we collect Kellogg's Rewards labels
along with Box Tops and Campbell's? Just send
them in with your child to school! We'll get them to
the right person
October events!
Market Day Pick Up Wednesday, 10-22 from
5:30-6:30pm Galloway School
8th grade step-up day @ Joliet Catholic Academy
Friday, 11/7/14—9:30am—1:30pm; contact JCA
Admissions Office at 815/741-0500 or admissions@jca-online.org
JCA Open House—11/23/14 10am—2pm and
12/3/14 from 6-8pm
JCA Placement Exam—Jan. 10, 2015 @ 8am
For more information—www.jca-online.org
The faculty and staff at CJHS are committed to promoting the
safety and well-being of our students through our ongoing
anti-drug efforts. We believe that we are blessed with some
great students and an outstanding community, however, the
impact of drug abuse can be felt in all areas. Students are
aware that the possession, distribution, or use of drugs at
school or any school related function is absolutely prohibited.
The school reserves the right to search school property and
equipment owned or controlled by the school (such as lockers, desks and parking lots). Although we believe that our
students make good choices in regards to drug usage, we
also believe in being diligent in the deterrence of any and all
drug abuse. We also intend to allow local law enforcement to
conduct drug-dog searches to help ensure a safe and drugfree environment at least once every school year.
Costume Safety:
Use make-up or face paint instead of mask, but if mask are used, make sure that they fit
properly and have hole large enough for mouth and eyes.
Wear brightly colored clothing/or put on glow-in-dark patched or strips on your costume
so vehicles can see you. Clothing should be short enough and shoes should fit properly to
prevent tripping.
Choose costumes that are marked flame retardant
Make props such as magic wands and swords out of cardboard rather than metal or wood
Trick-or-Treat Safety:
Give and accept wrapped or packaged candy only.
Children should bring home treats for adult inspection before they are eaten.
Accompany small and elementary school age children when they are trick-or-treating and
send older children in groups.
Go out in daylight and carry a flashlight in case of delay.
Stay within your neighborhood; only visit homes you know
Make sure you cross streets at corners
Have your parents check Illinois State Police Sex Offender registry website for addresses
of known child sex offenders in the neighborhood www.isp.state.il.us/sor/
4:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. (Channahon)
5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. (Shorewood)
3:00 P.M.- 6:00 P.M. (Joliet)