If you are a non-profit organization or have a Community Announcement to be placed on Channel 2, contact: RingTel Communications: Ringsted - 712-866-8000 phone or Armstrong - 712-868-8000 phone 712-866-0002 fax 712-868-0002 fax or email – sbonnicksen@ringtelco.com Ringsted Legion Community Center will be open for walking starting November 3rd 2014 Farm Bill Meeting Monday, y November 24 2:30 pm p Iowa Lakes Community College Auditorium 300 S. 18th Street, Estherville IA This informative meeting will help farmers and landowners understand their options under the Agricultural Act of 2014 (commonly referred to as the Farm Bill). Price Loss Coverage, County Agricultural Risk Coverage, Coverage and Individual Agricultural Risk Coverage will be explained. Fall Fling! Spring Creek’s Creek s Vendor Show Wednesday, November 12th 2:00pm-6:00pm Vendor booths will include jewelry, kitchenware, handmade treats, health and beauty items, home goods, crafts, gifts, and more! For “Trick or Treaters” And d their h i Parents 5:30 – 6:30 pm Ringsted American Legion Sponsored by Ringsted American Legion Auxiliary Annual Election Night Soup Supper Tuesday Nov 4th Tuesday, 5:30 – 7:00 pm Ringsted American Legion Chili Chicken Noodle Soup Breads – Dessert – Beverage Free Will Donation Take Outs Available Sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary Children’s Author to visit Ringsted & present a story about our hometown! Author, Grandma Pam will read a Special Hometown Story & Personally Autograph “Tucker’s Travels” During a Visit to Ringsted. Her Dog, Tucker, will perform some tricks too. Ringsted g Libraryy Tuesday, October 28th 5:30 pm p Cookies & Juice following!! RINGSTED PROCLAMATION THE MAYOR OF RINGSTED HAS DECLARED THE 31ST DAY OF OCTOBER, 2014 AS THE OFFICIAL DATE TO OBSERVE HALLOWEEN BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 4:00 PM TO 7:00 PM Trick or Treat! Join us Friday, October 31st 4:00pm 5:00pm 4:00pm-5:00pm Come in the south door and trick or treat up the hallways. Stop by the north activity room afterward for hot dogs and punch! Please bring a non-perishable item to donate to the Food Pantry in Ringsted. Gett Your G Y Fresh F h Start! St t! High School Equivalency Diploma Eight-Week Session Starts Oct. 20 Algona g campus p of Iowa Lakes M-Th classes from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call 515-295-9455 515 295 9455 to Register Run in the Color-A-Thon A North At N hU Union i High Hi h School S h l FFootball b ll Field Fi ld Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014 4:00 pm $25 For a free f T-shirt, h register b before f 10-17 To register call 515-272-4361 Pasta Feed d after f the h run ($ ($5)) Support the NU Junior Class Emmet County American Legion Auxiliary Meeting Monday, October 20th At 5:30 Armstrong Senior Citizen Center Open House T Celebrate To C l b t the th marriage i off Nathan & Kathryn Madden Saturday, October 25th From 5 – 9 At the Pioneer Building, g Ringsted Fries Benefit Armstrong Community Center October 18th 5:00pm 5 00pm - ? Potato Bar with Toppings, Chili, Wings & Refreshments Bake Sale & Silent Auction Benefit to help Vernon Fries with continued p medical & travel expenses. For more information, contact Carla Strong 712-864-3327 or Val Vivens 712-209-7194 Supplemental funds provided by Thrivent Toast to the Holidays y Ringsted Legion/Community Center Sponsored by Ringsted Evening Out Club Wine Sampling Hors d’oevres Vendors Door Prizes Non- Alcoholic beverages available Come and enjoy an evening of fun before the holiday stress… and d get starting i on your shopping!! h i Trunk-Or-Treat United Lutheran Church is inviting Ringsted residents to join them in offering treats Halloween evening out of your car trunk or back end of your pick-up at the parking lot in Railroad R PPark. FFeel ffree to decorate d your y trunkk in a theme, h , dress d in costume, have music, etc. You should have your car ready d for f trick-or-treaters t i k t t bby 5 pm. Hope YOU CAN JOIN US FOR A FUN EVENING! : Registration 7:30 Start: 8:30 (Kids are encouraged to participate!) To register for the run contact brooke.nelsen@gmail.com Purchase $5 Raffle Tickets at Country Inn to win a Alumna Picnic Table Pre- Order T-shirts ($15) by October 9th Join the fun for drawings! See what exciting new products the various vendors have! Register for a chance to win an Extreme Make-Over! All profits go to Fight Like a Girl - Colors of Cancer. Monies shared among local Cancer treatment centers. centers Christmas Wreath Sales Wreath 25” - $17.00 Spray 14” x 28” - $14.00 Roping 25’ - $24.00 Delivery Before Thanksgiving Sponsors by Ringsted Evening Out Club Call Vicki or Sue @ NorthStar Bank 712-8680671 or Robin @ 712-866-1901 Orders d Due By Wednesday, d d October b 29th RINGSTED YARD WASTE PICK-UP DATES SET The City of Ringsted will be picking up yard waste starting Monday, October 6 through Friday November 14. Setout at the curb and the City will pickup randomly. Leaves and small twigs must be in bags or containers for pickup. Ringsted has a burning ban on yard waste. waste Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Graettinger, IA Annual Broasted Chicken Dinner Sunday, October 12th Serving: Serving from 4:00 – 7:00 pm broasted Come and Check out Chicken, our Vendors: Connie’s Craft Mart, mashed Soy Candles by Julie, potatoes and Amber’s Creations, Creations Kay’s gravy, Krafts, Kandi’s Flower Market, Longaberger, dressing, Tupperware & Several Central Catering – Hawarden, IA corn, More!! coleslaw, You’re You re Invited! Join us! 1st Wednesday of Each Month for Community Coffee 3rdd Friday id off Each h Month h for Community Dinner These events are free and open to the public. public Channel Guide for Ringsted customers is now on Channel 75 Card Security Alert Bank Midwest has received reports of a new phone callll scam. The h callers ll id identify if themselves h l as b being i from the “Armstrong bank” and ask for your card number, b expiration i i d date and d PIN. This hi iis NOT O a legitimate call. DO NOT p provide yyour card information to unknown callers. Bank Midwest will never ask you for this information. Thank you for your vigilance. United Lutheran Church is beginning the process to deliver Meals on Wheels to those interested in and around Ringsted! For those who would like to receive the meals should contact Pastor Lauri Boysen at 712712-866866-1210. Valley Vue Care Center in Armstrong will be providing the meal Monday – Saturday at $5 per meal. Volunteer drivers are need to drive to Armstrong and deliver meals around Ringsted. Contact Lauri at 712-- 866 712 866--1210 to volunteer your time to this reward project. This program is confidential. Noon Lunch will be served on Monday’s at the Ringsted Legion/ Community Center 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Free Will Ringsted L i /C Legion/Community it Center C t will be open for coffee 6:00am – 11:00 am Drop off your old glasses at: Ringsted Legion/ Community Center NorthStar Bank & Agency Sponsored by Ringsted Evening Out Club Estherville & Surrounding Area Parkinson’s Support pp Group p 10:30 am The first Monday of every month starting May 2014 E th ill Library Estherville Lib lower level conference room Questions, call Eric J Erickson 712-209-1159 Virginia g Erickson 712-867-4410 Estherville Area Cancer Support Group Meeting First and Third Monday’s of each month 7:00 pm – 8:30 Estherville United Methodist Church 102 S 8th Estherville, IA Meetings will be cancelled if school is cancelled on the meeting dates We invite you to join us!! Cancer Patients Cancer survivors Family members Friends For information call Angie @ 712.362.6284 USAgain Drop Box is located at Al Madden’s Crop Insurance Co. What Can I Drop Off? *Shoes/Boots *Clothing Items *Gloves/Hats *Linens *Towels *Blankets PLEASE DROP OFF ITEMS IN N CLOSED C OS BAGS GS Feel great knowing that your clothes are given a new life, instead of ending up in landfills. Continue to save pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. They may b Th be lleft ft att either church in Ringsted, Ringsted City Hall or Ringsted Legion Community Center. United Lutheran Church of Ringsted invites everyone to join them for Sunday services at 10:30 AM. Worship service will be shown on Channel 2 on Tuesday at 3:15 If you have worn out American flags that you need to dispose of, they may be left th Ringsted Ri t d Legion L i or give i them th t att the to Mark Larsen or Robin Hansen. They will make sure they are properly disposed of. Former Armstrong g and Ringsted School employees meet for coffee and conversation on the second y of each month at Tuesday Spring Creek. Coffee time is 10:00 am am. Nazareth’s Nazareth s Food Pantry Nazareth’s Food Pantry is open the second Thursday y From 4:30-5:30 p pm and the last Saturday from 9:30 -10:30AM each month Nazareth Lutheran Church 401 5th Street Armstrong, IA 50514 Armstrong Heritage Museum IIs open tto the th public bli every Wednesday from 1:00 pm until 3:00pm or longer if needed. Come tour the buildings! Enjoy a cup of coffee or cold drink with us! EVERYONE WELCOME! Don’t miss this upcoming computer class! Classes start at 6:00pm, last approximately 1 hour and are held in our Ringsted office. C t tU Contact Us tto Si Signup N Now!! 712-866-8000 ((Ringsted) g ) or 712-868-8000 (Armstrong) or email us at info@ringtelco.com Spring Creek Independent d d & Assisted d Living Will be hosting Coffee Hour the first Wednesday of each month 9:30 - 10:30 Come & enjoy free coffee & goodies and great company Questions? y Brown Call Lindsey 868-5567 The Ringsted Auxiliary is wanting names & addresses of all active military especially those serving overseas. overseas Names & addresses may be given to Robin Hansen or Anita Larsen Fairmont, Minnesota Shopko Delivery Service 1-800-543-9021 or 507-238-9488 Armstrong * Free in City limits on Thursday afternoons * Orders to be made 24 hours prior delivery date • Weather could affect times • Mail outs will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays Must be home at time of delivery Emmet County Kinship Mentoring Program, Inc. Connecting Kids with Positive, Adult Role Models One Friendship at a Time If interested, please call 712-362-2828 Valley Vue Care Center will provide blood pressure & blood sugar testing At Spring Creek Assisted Living in the Wellness Room on the 1st Wednesday of every month at 9:30 - 10:30 This is a FREE service ‐ Open to the Public The Worship Service from Nazareth L th Lutheran Ch Church h will be shown on Channel 2 Wednesday at 3:15 pm RINGSTED PUBLIC LIBRARY HOURS Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 9 00 a.m. – 12:00 9:00 12 00 Noon N Tuesday &Thursday 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Armstrong Public Library Hours Monday 12:00 – 6:00 Wednesday 10:00 – 6:00 Friday 12:00 – 6:00 S t d 99:00 Saturday 00 – 1:00 1 00 Children’s Hour – 1st Saturday each month 9-10 Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Wednesdays 8:00 pm Senior Citizens Center A Armstrong, IA Call Sarah at 712-209-2761 7 9 7 Emmet County Driver License Station Hours Tuesday 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Wednesday 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Thursday 8:30 a.m. a m – 3:30 p.m. pm Driving tests are only offered on W d d Wednesday DIG SAFELY!! Call Iowa One Call 48 hours BEFORE y you dig! g All you have to dial is 811. Your call will connect directly with Iowa One Call Narcotics Anonymous y Meeting g Every Friday night at 8 pm Fi t Christian First Ch i ti Church Ch h 205 N. N 7th Street Estherville Use the north door
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