The Child Care Connection Newsletter/Training Calendar Check us out on Facebook: www. 4CsCommunityCoordinatedChildcare 4Cs Community Coordinated Child Care 1500 Sycamore Street Iowa City, IA 52240 Phone: 319-338-7684 Fax: 319-338-9139 4Cs Staff Directory Susan Gray 4Cs Director/Provider Services Coordinator Ext. 102 Debra Eckhoff 4Cs Provider Services Coordinator Ext. 103 Traci Miller 4Cs CACFP Coordinator Ext. 109 Elisha Hamm 4Cs CACFP Assistant Ext. 104 Nikki Tvedt 4Cs Administrative Assistant Ext 101 The Gifts YOU Bring... Jan Koch 4Cs Home Ties Program Coordinator Phone: 341-0050 Amanda Nelson 4Cs Home Ties On-Site Supervisor MaryAnn Lock-Herreweyers 4Cs Home Ties Toddler Lead Teacher Omaima Elobeid 4Cs Home Ties Infant Lead Teacher Earlier this year Susan & I discussed what makes workshops successful. The curriculum and presenter certainly are important but ultimately its you. Its about not just warming the chairs! It’s the questions you bring and the sharing of new ideas and solutions that occurs between peers. Its reflective & authentic listening It’s when together we determine ways to apply what we learn when we are “back on the job”. To summarize—Its your professionalism and practical hands-on expertise that will help children in our communities. —Deb Eckhoff 4Cs Provider Services Coordinator In this Issue 4Cs Receives Funding from: Johnson County Empowerment, ECI-A Henry-Washington Counties Johnson County Social Services, United Way of Johnson County, University of Iowa, Cities of Iowa City and Coralville, and friends like you. Local & Regional Resources .......................................................................... 2 DHS Regulations & Information about Online/Other Trainings ................. 4 Johnson County Workshops ...................................................................... 5-9 Washington County Workshops ............................................................. 10-11 Iowa Children’s Museum ICM for Everyone Program Application ..... 12-13 First Aid, UP & CPR Trainings from NSTS ................................................. 14 4Cs Class Registration Form ....................................................................... 15 Update on 2014 Fall Early Childhood Institute .......................................... 16 Important Numbers... Save the Dates! Child Abuse Reporting: 800-362-2178 4Cs Iowa Department of Human Services: 866-448-4605 Child Care Assistance (serving Johnson, Iowa & Linn County): Call Linn County DHS —866-534-3112 Early Childhood Institutes Washington County Child Care Assistance: 866-448-4605 Iowa Association for the Education of the Young Child & T.E.A.C.H. 800-469-2392 Johnson County Dept. of Human Services: 319-356-6050 October 18, 2014 & March 28, 2015 Johnson County Dept. of Public Health: 319-356-6040 Johnson County Child Care Nurse Consultant: —Paula Goetzinger: 319-356-6042 Johnson County WIC: 319-356-6042 Johnson County Licensing Consultant for Centers: Co-sponsored by the Iowa City Chapter of the Iowa AEYC Watch our website for more details! —Heidi Brown: 563-263-9302 Ext 125 Washington County Licensing Consultant for Centers: —Jill Seibert: 641-684-3949 DHS Child Development Home Registration Staff: Johnson County: —Lisa Wesbrook: 866-534-3112 —Dale Garlinghouse: 866-534-3112 Washington County: —641-673-3496 Poison Control: 800-222-1212 Iowa City Chapter of the Iowa AEYC Community Action of Eastern Iowa (CCR&R): 866-324-3236 Healthy Child Care Iowa (HCCI): 800-369-2229 Provider Networking Opportunities Hawkeye Area Child Care Providers Network (HACCPN) For information call: Denise Schwarting, 319-325-6153 Iowa City Chapter of the Iowa Association for the Education of Young Children (Iowa AEYC) If you would like to know more about the organization, call Gayle Dunlap, 319-321-8483 Email: Need an appointment for fingerprinting? Contact 4Cs to set up your appointment: 319-338-7684 Fee: $10 (payable by cash, check or money order) Remember to bring a photo ID and your fingerprinting card! Page 2 4Cs — The Child Care Connection July– December 2014 Child and Adult Care Food Program Interested? Homes-Johnson County Traci Miller or Elisha Hamm 319-338-7684 or Homes– Washington County 319-739-0600 or 1-800-329-5289 Contact– Centers Robin Holz 515-281-3484 The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federally funded program that provides meal reimbursement to child care centers, before and after school programs, and child development homes for serving nutritious meals. The objectives of CACFP are to: Provide a subsidy to eligible child and adult care institutions for serving nutritious meals Serve nutritious meals and snacks to children in care Foster lifelong healthy eating and physical activity habits This Program serves: Children age 0 through 12 years Reimbursement: 2 meals and 1 snack or 2 snacks and 1 meal per day per child The funds provided for this Program are from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Program is operated in Iowa through the Bureau of Nutrition and Health in the Department of Education. Child and Adult Care Food Program Update CACFP-Center and Home Provider CLARIFICATION FROM USDA REGARDING INFANT SOLID FOODS-EFFECTIVE: Immediately. We recently received clarification from USDA that when infants are ready for solid foods, Centers and Home Providers must provide all other optional and/or solid foods in the infant meal pattern in order to receive reimbursement for the meal. If the parent provides any of the required or optional meal components (except for breast milk or iron fortified formula) the meal cannot be claimed for CACFP reimbursement. 4Cs — The Child Care Connection July-December 2014 Page 3 Department of Human Services Training Requirements Requirements for Registered Child Development Homes Mandatory Trainings During the first 3 months of registration, all providers must receive: 2 hours of Iowa’s training for mandatory reporting of child abuse. approved by the Iowa Department of Health. This must be repeated every five years. Certification in infant, child and adult CPR and First Aid. These certifications must be kept current. Professional Development During each year of registration the provider must receive a minimum of 12 hours of training. In the first year of registration this includes 2 hours training in the area of Health and Safety. During the second year of registration and each year after, the provider must receive training from the following categories: Planning a safe, healthy learning environment Advancing children’s physical and intellectual development Supporting children’s positive social and emotional development Establishing productive relationships with families Managing an effective program Maintaining a commitment to professionalism Observing and recording children’s behavior Principles of child growth & development Requirements for Child Care Centers/Preschools/BASPs Programs Within the first six months of employment: 2 hours of Iowa’s training for mandatory reporting of child abuse. approved by the Iowa Department of Health. This must be repeated every five years. One hour of Universal Precautions and Infections Disease Control. This must be repeated annually. Within the first year of employment – Center Directors and Supervisors: Certification in infant, child, and adult CPR & First Aid. 10 contact hours of training. After the first year, 8 contact hours annually. Within the first year of employment – Staff employed over 20 hours a week: Certification in infant, child and adult CPR & First Aid. 10 contact hours of training. After the first year, 6 contact hours annually. Within the first year of employment – Staff employed fewer than 20 hours per week: 5 contact hours of training. After the first year, 4 contact hours annually. Do not need to be CPR or First Aid certified. However, at least one staff member must be present at any given time that is certified in child, infant, and adult First Aid and CPR. Make Sure That Your Professional Development Trainings Count! DHS has also given training approval for some on-line trainings. A list of these trainings can be found on DHS’s website ( Follow the links for Child Care, Providing Child Care Services and Child Care Professional Development Opportunities. Or type this into your browser: and then select: Professional Development Opportunities DID YOU KNOW...? DHS will not grant training credit toward classes that you have previously taken within a five (5) year period of time. Civil rights statement The U.S. Department of Agriculture prohibits discrimination against its customers, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the Department. (Not all prohibited bases will apply to all programs and/or employment activities.) Page 4 4Cs — The Child Care Connection July– December 2014 Johnson County Trainings Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Training Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Training is valid for 5 years. Certification must be taken in the state of Iowa. CDA Category: #1 Planning a safe healthy, learning environment. Instructor: Deb Eckhoff Registration: $10 Date Time & Location Monday, July14 6:30-8:30 p.m. 4Cs Administration Building, 1500 Sycamore St., Iowa City Monday, August 25 6:30-8:30 p.m. 4Cs Administration Building, 1500 Sycamore St., Iowa City Monday, September 29 6:30-8:30 p.m. 4Cs Administration Building, 1500 Sycamore St., Iowa City Wednesday, Oct 22 6:30-8:30 p.m. 4Cs Administration Building, 1500 Sycamore St., Iowa City Monday, November 24 6:30-8:30 p.m. 4Cs Administration Building, 1500 Sycamore St., Iowa City Thursday, December 18 6:30-8:30 p.m. 4Cs Administration Building, 1500 Sycamore St., Iowa City Center Directors Workshop: Accountability Without Confrontation This interactive session for Center Directors will cover Accountability for Staff, Delivering the Tough Talks, Documentation and Action Plans. We will also discuss the Open Door Policy. As Directors, are we really open and what does that mean? Please bring copies of your staff job descriptions, your policy guidelines and your center Employee Handbook. CDA Category #5: Managing an effective program operation. Presenters: Wendy Moorhead Date 1:00-3:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 9 Registration: Free Location First Mennonite Church, 405 Myrtle Ave, Iowa City —— please enter door that is under large portico in the back of the church —workshop will be held in Fellowship Hall 4Cs — The Child Care Connection July-December 2014 Page 5 The Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care® Series Participants must be registered child development home providers from Washington County or Johnson County. The Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care is the premier research-based, comprehensive curriculum that addresses the unique strengths and challenges of family child care. The Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care is a comprehensive system that includes curriculum, assessment, implementation, evaluation, and professional development. Participants will receive the Creative Curriculum for Family Child Care materials/kit and learn how to incorporate strategies for building a comprehensive education plan in the family child care home/child development home. Participants must attend entire series to receive the free materials (one per program). 1. Laying the Groundwork—CDA Category 6 2. The Role of the Curriculum—CDA Category 6 3. How Children Develop & Learn—CDA Category 8 4. Organizing Your Home—CDA Category 1 5. Organizing Your Day—CDA Category 5 6. What Children are Learning—CDA Category 2 7. Caring and Teaching—CDA Category 3 8. Building Relationships with Families—CDA Category 4 9. Routines & Experiences/What We've Learned—CDA Category 1 Dates: Saturdays: November 8, November 22 & December 6 Time: 9:00 a.m.– 3:45 p.m. (a total of 18 hours professional development!) Location: Kirkwood Community College, 1816 Lower Muscatine, Iowa City Rm 215. Instructor: Brenda OHalloran Registration Fee: $20 ** Please bring a sack lunch or plan to purchase a quick lunch at a nearby restaurant. QUESTIONS ? ? ? Please contact Deb Eckhoff/4Cs at 319-338-7684 ext. 103 or This series is sponsored by the Washington County Riverboat Foundation Participants must be registered child development home providers from Washington County or Johnson County. Page 6 4Cs — The Child Care Connection July– December 2014 Its More Than Just Numbers! It is possible that mathematics was not your favorite subject at school. Teaching mathematics to young children is something totally different! This workshop looks at ways to support children’s learning of basic mathematical concepts through daily routines and play activities. Its not too late – find out how fun this can be and develop greater confidence that you are providing a strong foundation for children to develop a love for mathematics. CDA Category #2: Advancing children’s physical & intellectual development. Instructor: Susan Gray Registration: $10 Date Time & Location Wednesday, July 16 6:30-8:30 p.m. 4Cs Administration Building, 1500 Sycamore St., Iowa City Iowa’s Program for Infant & Toddler Care Series (PITC) * Sponsored by Community Action of Eastern Iowa The Iowa Program for Infant and Toddler Care strives to “raise the quality of care for infants and toddlers”. IA PITC consists of a 50hour training plan program. This training plan program is broken down into 5 training modules. Each module consists of 5 two-hour lessons. Caregivers are encouraged, but not required, to complete all 50-hours of IA PITC training. IA PITC lessons are intended for anyone caring for and about infants and toddlers, including `parents, childcare providers, and childcare center directors. Presented by: Susan Gray Cost: FREE —> You must register using the DHS Training Registry at: Questions about registration? Please call Community Action of Eastern Iowa and ask for Barbara or Kristin at: 866-324-3236. Module I: Social & Emotional Growth & Socialization Saturday, September 6 (8.00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.) Module 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Saturday, September 13 (8.00 a.m.—12:15 p.m.) Module 1.4, 1.5 Module II: Group Care Saturday, October 25 (8.00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.) Module 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 Saturday, November 1 (8.00 a.m.—12:15 p.m.) Module 2.4, 2.5 Module III: Learning & Development Saturday, January 10 (8.00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.) Module 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 Saturday, January 17 (8.00 a.m.—12:15 p.m.) Module 3.4, 3.5 Module IV: Culture, Family, and Providers Saturday, January 24 (8.00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.) Module 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 Saturday, January 31 (8.00 a.m.—12:15 p.m.) Module 4.4, 4.5 Module V: Beginning Together: Caring for Infants & Toddlers with Special Needs Saturday, Feb 21 (8.00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.) Module 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Saturday, Feb 28 (8.00 a.m.—12:15 p.m.) Module 5.4, 5.5 LOCATION: Kirkwood Community College, 1816 Lower Muscatine Rd., Iowa City Room 262. Please bring a sack lunch or plan to purchase a quick lunch nearby. Starting Small: Teaching Tolerance Early childhood professionals must understand that no one culture, race or ethnic group represents the norm. Given this, the Early Childhood challenge is how do we create inclusive, welcoming classrooms that are equitable? Experiences in the early childhood classroom can color children’s ideas and expectations about equity, cooperation and citizenship for a lifetime. This workshop is based on curriculum from Teaching Tolerance project from the Southern Poverty Law Center and includes insightful videos from preschool and early grade school classrooms. 1 hour in CDA Category #3 and 1 hours in CDA Category #4. Instructor: Deb Eckhoff Registration: $10 Date Monday, September 15 Time & Location 6:30-8:30 p.m. Room 109 ANNEX BUlLDING, Kirkwood Community College,1814 Lower Muscatine Rd., Iowa City 4Cs — The Child Care Connection July-December 2014 Page 7 Addressing Challenging Behaviors: Strategies for Group Settings This workshop will offer strategies and techniques to childcare providers that will allow you to create an environment where all children can be successful and safe. Strategies will focus on children displaying challenging behavior that ranges from developmentally typical to atypical. This presentation will offer practical interventions that providers can easily implement in a group setting. Content focuses on positive reinforcements, creating consistency and setting and maintaining developmentally appropriate expectations and limits. CDA Category #3: Supporting positive social and emotional development. Instructor: Gayle Dunlap Registration: $10 Date Time & Location Monday, September 22 6:30-8:30 p.m. Room 109 ANNEX BUlLDING, Kirkwood Community College, 1814 Lower Muscatine Rd., Iowa City Nurturing Our Professional Lives Quote: "If we don't model what we teach, we are teaching something else." -John Maxwell A Team means to work together as a group. Whether you have been teaching for 15 years or are the newest member of the team, you can help nurture the professional lives of your co-workers. During this interactive training session, we will cover Team Builders and Team Busters, Respectful Interactions with children, families and co-workers, Co-worker Relationships, Gossip and Professionalism. Come prepared to participate! Come prepared to share! CDA Category #6: Maintaining a commitment to professionalism. Instructor: Wendy Moorhead Registration: $10 Date Time & Location Thursday, October 2 6:30-8:30 pm Kirkwood Community College, 1816 Lower Muscatine Rd., Iowa City. Room 216 Ages & Stages Questionnaires for Early Childhood Professionals Concerned about a child’s development? Looking for an easy, objective tool to establish whether your concern is valid? Learn how to use the Ages and Stages Questionnaires as a tool to help identify children in need of referral for evaluation. The tool can also be used by the parents in your program, to open the conversation about the need for a referral. This is not a required training—but is highly recommended for all child care providers. Participants will receive instruction in administration, scoring, and interpretation of the ASQ3 and ASQ: Social-Emotional. There will be discussion and suggestions for sharing child development information with parents and working with other providers. CDA Category #7: Observing & recording children’s behavior Instructor: Laurie Nash, Co-sponsored with Johnson County Empowerment. Date Tuesday, October 14 Registration: $10 Time & Location 6:30-9:00 p.m. Johnson County Health & Human Services Bldg., 855 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City (Room 203 B/C) Be Stressed-Less! We all have work stress and home stress and it will often come together as life stress. During this training, we will focus on YOU! What causes you stress and how does that impact you? You will learn about the "Take Care of Me Approach" as well as a range of management techniques to help you neutralize stress and become "Stressed-Less". Come prepared to share! CDA Category #6: Maintaining a commitment to professionalism. Please note: This session does include some aromatherapy items. Instructor: Wendy Moorhead Registration: $10 Date Thursday, November 13 Page 8 Time & Location 6:30-8:30 pm 4Cs — The Child Care Connection Kirkwood Community College, 1816 Lower Muscatine Rd., Iowa City. Room 216 July– December 2014 Ages and Stages: I’ve Got My RESULTS: What Else Can the ASQ Do for Me? The Ages and Stages Questionnaires can be a powerful snapshot of individual development. It can also be used to evaluate and guide our daily activities with the children in our care. This workshop will demonstrate how to use the information on the Ages and Stages to improve the quality of childcare programs at home and at centers. 1 hour each in CDA Category #2: & Category #7. Instructor: Mary Lukas Registration: $10 Date Monday, November 17 Time & Location 6:30-8:30 p.m. Kirkwood Community College, 1816 Lower Muscatine Rd., Iowa City. Room 347 Healthy in a Hurry Processed foods are commonly used and consumed because of their convenience. Healthy in a Hurry demonstrates appropriate infant and child nutrition focusing on MyPyramid. Quick and easy snacks and menu planning are discussed, demonstrated, and sampled. An Iowa State University Extension program. CDA Category #8: Principles of child growth and development. Instructor: Rachel Wall, ISU Extension Date Wednesday, November 19 Registration: $10 Time & Location 6:30-8:30 p.m. Iowa State Extension & Outreach, 3109 Old Highway 218 S, Iowa City, Iowa 52246 Room A&B TALK! TALK! TALK! ....... What’s the message? In this workshop we will explore together what is meant by “nurturing relationships” and how they are achieved. What is the overarching message, or feeling a child gets when he/she enters our classroom or home? How are these messages conveyed? What can we do to meet the individual needs of each child, while also running a well-organized program? Bring your ideas and experience to an interactive workshop on how to develop meaningful communication and relationships with the children in your care. 1 hour in CDA Category #2 and 1 hour in CDA Category #3. Instructor: Susan Gray Thursday, December 11 Registration: $10 6:30-8:30 p.m. Kirkwood Community College, 1816 Lower Muscatine Rd., Iowa City. Room 216 4Cs — The Child Care Connection July-December 2014 Page 9 Washington County Trainings * IMPORTANT Information about scholarships for Washington County Child Care Providers * ECI-A Henry-Washington has provided funds for a limited number of scholarships for providers who are providing child care in Washington County for children birth to 5 years old. 1. FIRST AID, UP & CPR: Once you have received your certification cards (e.g., from NSTS, American Red Cross, American Heart Assoc.) , mail photocopies (front & back) along with a photocopy of your receipt or canceled check to the 4Cs. Include: your name, address, daytime phone number and where you work (e.g., registered home, name of center or preschool). 4Cs will reimburse you up to $45 for the classes until the scholarship funds are depleted. Scholarships will be issued in the order we receive them. Centers and preschools may receive up to a maximum of 5 scholarships within this fiscal year. YOU MUST SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION BY May 15, 2015. 2. A limited number of scholarships are also available for the 4Cs Fall & Spring Early Childhood Institutes. Two Great Workshops on Saturday, September 27!!! Earn 4 hours of professional development! ($5/Workshop, $10 to attend both!) Presented by: Wendy Moorhead Location: ISU Extension Office, 2223 250th St., Washington, IA Providers are welcome to attend one or both workshops!!! Nurturing Our Professional Lives Saturday, Sept. 27 8:30 a.m.—10:30 a.m. Registration Fee: $5 Quote: "If we don't model what we teach, we are teaching something else." -John Maxwell A Team means to work together as a group. Whether you have been teaching for 15 years or are the newest member of the team, you can help nurture the professional lives of your co-workers. During this interactive training session, we will cover Team Builders and Team Busters, Respectful Interactions with children, families and co-workers, Co-worker Relationships, Gossip and Professionalism. Come prepared to participate! Come prepared to share! CDA Category #6: Maintaining a commitment to professionalism. Be Stressed-Less! Saturday, Sept. 27 10:45 a.m.—12:45 p.m. Registration Fee: $5 We all have work stress and home stress and it will often come together as life stress. During this training, we will focus on YOU! What causes you stress and how does that impact you? You will learn about the "Take Care of Me Approach" as well as a range of management techniques to help you neutralize stress and become "Stressed-Less". Come prepared to share! CDA Category #6: Maintaining a commitment to professionalism. Please note: This session does include some aromatherapy items. Page 10 4Cs — The Child Care Connection July– December 2014 Starting Small: Teaching Tolerance Early childhood professionals must understand that no one culture, race or ethnic group represents the norm. Given this, the early childhood challenge is how do we create inclusive, welcoming classrooms that are equitable? Experiences in the early childhood classroom can color children’s ideas and expectations about equity, cooperation and citizenship for a lifetime. This workshop is based on the Teaching Tolerance project from the Southern Poverty Law Center and includes insightful videos from preschool and early grade school classrooms. 1 hour in CDA Category #3 and 1 hours in CDA Category #4. Instructor: Deb Eckhoff Registration: $10 Date Thursday, October 30 Time & Location 6:30-8:30 p.m. ISU Extension Office 2223 250th St., Washington, IA Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Training Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter Training is valid for 5 years. Certification must be taken in the state of Iowa. CDA Category: #1 Planning a safe healthy, learning environment. Instructor: Deb Eckhoff Registration: $10 Date Thursday, November 20 Time & Location 6:30-8:30 p.m. ISU Extension Office 2223 250th St., Washington, IA TALK! TALK! TALK! ....... What’s the message? In this workshop we will explore together what is meant by “nurturing relationships” and how they are achieved. What is the overarching message, or feeling a child gets when he/she enters our classroom or home? How are these messages conveyed? What can we do to meet the individual needs of each child, while also running a well-organized program? Bring your ideas and experience to an interactive workshop on how to develop meaningful communication and relationships with the children in your care. 1 hour in CDA Category #2 and 1 hour in CDA Category #3. Instructor: Susan Gray Monday, December 1 Registration: $10 6:30-8:30 p.m. ISU Extension Office 2223 250th St., Washington, IA 4Cs — The Child Care Connection July-December 2014 Page 11 Working Together in Our Community: The Iowa Children’s Museum (ICM) & 4Cs Partner in the ICM for Everyone Program Dear Child Care Providers, The Iowa Children’s Museum and 4Cs would like to introduce (or reintroduce) you to the ICM for Everyone Program. It is our hope that this program will help reach economically disadvantaged families in our community. Please share the following information with the families in your program and please use for your family too! An ICM for Everyone membership is free for qualifying families and provides unlimited admission to The Iowa Children’s Museum for one year for two adults and all children under age 18 in one household (a $120 value). The expectation is that you visit a minimum of 10 times—year-long fun and learning for the entire family! It also provides free admission to over 175 children’s museums throughout the US and discounts for their museum toy store and special programs. A family can qualify a number of ways including being eligible for Medicaid, Food Stamps, or Iowa's Free and Reduced Lunch program. Please submit an application to 4Cs with proof of eligibility. The application will then be forwarded to the Iowa Children’s Museum who will notify the family of the status of their free membership application. You may request an electronic application form from 4Cs. The ICM for Everyone Program is supported by donations from community businesses and individuals, as well as grant awards. If ICM for Everyone funds are available the applicant family will be granted a membership right away. If program funds are not available at the time of application, the family will be placed on a waiting list and notified when funds become available. Once a family has been accepted into our ICM for Everyone program, they are eligible to renew their membership each year. The only requirement to renew is that we ask families to visit the museum at least 10 times within a year. Thank you for helping The Iowa Children's Museum to inspire every child to imagine, create, discover, and explore through the Power of Play! Questions: call the Children’s Museum: 319-625-6255 or 4Cs: 319-338-7684. 4Cs—ICM Program 1500 Sycamore Street Iowa City, IA 52240 Page 12 4Cs — The Child Care Connection July– December 2014 Please return to 4Cs with proof of eligibility. Your membership card and more information will be mailed to you by the Iowa Children’s Museum. 4Cs — The Child Care Connection July-December 2014 Page 13 First Aid, UP & CPR Classes National Safety Training Service (NSTS) 319-366-4769 Office 888-852-5717 Toll Free Register by mail or online: or on the DHS Training Registry: Make checks payable to: Kate White Mail to: NSTS, 225 25th St. Dr. SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 Name_________________________________________________ Work Phone (______)_____________________ Work Address_____________________________________________________ City_____________________________________ Zip_________________ I am (Check One): County where you work: ____________________ _____ Registered Home Child Care Provider ____ Non-Registered Home Provider ____ DHS contract/certificate _____ Center Staff at________________________________________ ___ Head Start ___ Other NO REFUNDS or RESCHEDULES WITHOUT 24 HOURS NOTICE TO NSTS! Registrations are NOT accepted over the phone! To Register: Fill out the registration form below and mail with the correct fee. Registration & payment MUST be received by NSTS ONE (1) WEEK PRIOR TO CLASS. NSTS will notify you only if the class is full or if there are any class changes. No refunds or reschedules will be allowed without 24 hour notice to NSTS. Questions, concerns, and needs for special accommodations should be directed NSTS. ——>>> YOU MUST BE ON TIME TO RECEIVE CREDIT!!! IOWA CITY classes are held @ Kirkwood Community College at 1816 LOWER MUSCATINE ROAD (Room 263) Iowa City, IA 52240. Parking is available in front and behind the college. Room 263 is located at the front of the building on the second floor. Please bring your lunch or plan on getting a quick sandwich nearby. Check the date: Check your classes: □ August 2, 2014 □ $70 - First Aid, CPR (AED), & UP □ September 6, 2014 □ $65 - First Aid & CPR(AED) □ October 4, 2014 □ $40 - CPR (AED) only (good for 2 yrs) □ November 1, 2014 □ $35 - First Aid only (good for 3 yrs) □ December 6, 2014 □ $5 - UP only CLASS TIMES: 8:00—11:00 A.M. First Aid 11:00 A.M.—12:00 P.M. Universal Precautions (UP) 12:30 —2:30 P.M. CPR For updates on 4Cs training opportunities please check the DHS Training Registry at: Remember if you are applying for a training that has a registration fee, your enrollment will NOT be accepted until 4Cs receives your payment. Workshops have limited seating so please register/ send in your payment early! Unless otherwise indicated 4Cs workshops are co-sponsored by Iowa AEYC through the Iowa City Chapter. Iowa City Chapter of the Iowa AEYC Page 14 4Cs — The Child Care Connection July– December 2014 Please complete and mail the registration form with a check or money order to: 4Cs Community Coordinated Child Care Attn: Education and Training 1500 Sycamore St., Iowa City, IA 52240 Please print clearly! Name : __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________________State: ______________ Zip: ___________________________ Telephone: ____________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________ County in which I provide child care: _______________________________ Check one: □ Registered Child Development Home □ Non-registered Child Development Home □ Center ___________________________________________ Training Date □ I am a Parent □ Other __________________________________________ Title of Training County Where Training will be Held Registration Fee Amount Enclosed * * REFUND POLICY * * * All registration fees are non-refundable or transferable. * * * INCLEMENT WEATHER STATEMENT * * * In the event of inclement weather, we will make every effort to notify you of a cancelation or postponement—please make sure your contact information is up-to-date. Decisions will be made as early in the day as possible. 4Cs — The Child Care Connection July-December 2014 Page 15 4Cs Early Childhood Institute Saturday, October 18, 2014 Watch our website or your mailbox for details coming in late August or early September. Please join us for this important event where, as an early childhood community, we begin to come to grips with what ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) is, and how it impacts our lives, and the children and families we serve. The institute format will be completely different to facilitate practical consideration of the many aspects of ACES from a greater number of local experts in this field. Our goal is not only to increase awareness of the scope of this issue, but together to strategize how, as a community, we can with greater intentionality embark on a shared journey to provide the best child care possible for children with high ACE scores. Here are websites for more information on ACES: Page 16 4Cs — The Child Care Connection July– December 2014
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