Board & C-Suite Driven / Objective Centric Assurance:

The Winnipeg Chapter of the InsƟtute of Internal Auditors is proud to present
Board & C-Suite Driven / Objective Centric Assurance:
Internal Audit Transformation Strategies To Meet New Expectations
Facilitated by Tim Leech, FCPA FCA CIA CRMA CCSA CFE
Designed for CAE’s, internal auditors and ERM specialists, also ideal for Board/Audit Commi ee
members and others involved in risk management/assessment.
Choose: Two exci ng training choices to meet your learning needs.
OpƟon 1:
OpƟon 2:
Half-day ExecuƟve Briefing
Board & C-Suite Driven/Objec ve Centric
Assurance: IA Transforma on Strategies
to Meet New Expecta ons
Full Seminar
Board & C-Suite Driven/Objec ve Centric Assurance: IA Transforma on Strategies to Meet
New Expecta ons
Includes ExecuƟve Briefing session plus addiƟonal 1.5 days of “how-to” training
CPE: 3.5 credits
CPE: 14 credits
Monday, October 20, 2014
Monday, October 20 AND
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
8:30 am – 12:00 noon
Cost: (including GST)
Members: $250.00
Non-Members: $300.00
(includes breakfast and coffee break)
RegistraƟon deadline:
Delta Winnipeg
350 St Mary Ave, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3J2
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Register online:
h ps://
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Cost: (including GST)
Members: $795.00
Non-Members: $895.00
(includes breakfast, lunch & breaks for 2 Days)
For informaƟon:
Kerri Elyk
IIA – Winnipeg Chapter
a proud and acƟve chapter of the IIA
Surveys conducted by the IIA, PwC, KPMG, Pro vi and others in the first six months of 2014
indicate growing customer dissa sfac on with tradi onal “direct report internal audit methods
and service” (NOTE: Direct report means an approach where internal audit acts as primary risk
and control analysts and reporters as opposed to management). The July 2014 Global IIA update
“The Pulse of the Profession: Enhancing Value through Collabora on: A Call to Ac on” calls on
the profession to make radical and rapid changes to the way internal audit services and assurance is delivered to address growing customer dissa sfac on. (See: (h ps:// on/Member%20Documents/Global%20Pulse%20of%20the%20Profession%20-%20
Enhancing%20Value%20Through%20Collabora on%20-%20A%20Call%20to%20Ac on.pdf)
At the July Interna onal Conference in London UK and through ar cles, blogs and other presenta ons IIA leaders globally are working hard to communicate to members around the world the
need for urgent and significant changes to the tradi onal internal audit methods and services.
The new emerging customer expecta ons linked to significantly heightened risk oversight expecta ons have profound implica ons for internal auditors, ERM teams, senior management,
and boards of directors. This training has been designed to provide a fast paced half-day workshop for those that want a concise execu ve briefing on what’s driving the dissa sfac on; with
the op on of taking an addi onal 1.5 days of more granular “how to” training designed to help
those that want more in-depth understanding and possibly implement significant changes to tradi onal direct report internal audit methods. Coverage in the fast paced introduc on/overview
module will include:
What’s wrong with the status quo approaches to internal audit and ERM?
What solu ons has the July 2014 IIA PULSE ON THE PROFESSION report proposed to
address the growing customer dissa sfac on?
The business case for BOARD & C-SUITE DRIVEN/OBJECTIVE CENTRIC assurance
Impact of BOARD & C-SUITE DRIVEN/OBJECTIVE CENTRIC approach on internal audit
planning, work plan and skills/knowledge training
Implemen ng BOARD & C-SUITE DRIVEN/OBJECTIVE CENTRIC Assurance – step-by-step
Why are “RISK REGISTERS” and risk-centric approaches to ERM and IA not doing the job
Overview of the core elements of a “Board & C-Suite Driven/Objec ve Centric approach
to IA and ERM
a proud and acƟve chapter of the IIA
For those that want granular “how to training” coverage will include:
Building, priori zing and assigning an organiza on’s OBJECTIVE REGISTER, including the
role of internal audit and ERM specialists
Deciding on an appropriate level of RISK ASSESSMENT RIGOUR for each objec ve
Deciding on an appropriate INDEPENDENT ASSURANCE LEVEL for each objec ve
Prac cal methods to reliably iden fy and assess risks to key value crea on/value erosion
objec ves that go well beyond simple brain storming workshops. Group exercises will
be included.
Iden fying and assessing the current “RISK TREATMENTS” in place – including risk mi ga on, risk transfer, risk share, and risk finance strategies – much more than tradi onal
internal controls.
Why internal auditors need to fully understand insurance coverages in place, including
key coverage exclusions and the role legal contracts play in sharing/transferring/financing/ mi ga ng risks will receive specific a en on.
Methods to iden fy and document the current residual risk status and assessing whether it is within your organiza on’s RISK APPETITE/TOLERANCE – a key element of the new
expecta ons for senior management and boards of listed public companies and public
sector departments and agencies
How to assess whether current risk treatment strategies are op mized – i.e. the lowest
possible cost capable of producing an acceptable residual risk status
Integra ng ERM, INTERNAL AUDIT and your organiza on’s strategic planning and budge ng processes
Quality assuring risk assessments done by management and objec ve OWNER/SPONSORS
This workshop a racted high numbers and glowing reviews as a pre-conference workshop
at the IIA Interna onal Conference in London in July 2014 and a massive, unprecedented
response at the August IIA/ISACA GRC conference in Florida.
It will be featured at the IIA Canada Na onal Conference and the IIA All Star Conference in
Las Vegas.
The IIA is developing plans to roll-out training on the BOARD & C-SUITE DRIVEN/OBJECTIVE
CENTRIC approach globally star ng in late fall/winter.
Find out what you need to know to ensure your customers are ge ng the services they
need to meet rapidly escala ng expecta ons.
a proud and acƟve chapter of the IIA
About Your Workshop Leader:
Tim Leech FCPA FCA CIA CRMA CCSA CFE is recognized globally as one of the world’s top risk governance and internal audit experts. His accomplishments include:
Recognized in 1997 by the Ontario CA Ins tute with the FCA designa on for his contribuons to the profession in the area of risk and control governance.
Recognized in 2009 by IIA Canada with the first ever Contribu on to the Profession award
for his contribu ons in the field of internal audit and risk management.
Authored a blog for the IIA called Leech Talks Risk (h p://
Has developed and presented training on internal audit and ERM for internal auditors and
risk specialists in countries around the world including Canada, the U.S., U.K. Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Middle East, Africa and South America.
Recognized by OCEG for contribu ons to the governance, risk and compliance field with a
fellow designa on.
Author of scores of publica ons on leading-edge approaches to risk and control management and oversight including his white paper THE HIGH COST OF ERM HERD MENTALITY
and the Conference Board Director Notes papers BOARD OVERSIGHT OF MANAGEMENT’S
Has provided risk and control management and oversight training and consul ng services to major public and private sector organiza ons around the world. A small sample
of clients he has provided training for includes SVG Capital, Mobil, Shell, Arco, Canadian
Occidental, Bri sh Gas, Gulf Canada, RBC, TD Financial, Na onal Bank, Desjardin, SVG Capital, Tucson Electric, BellSouth, Telstra, Alberta provincial government, Ontario provincial
government, Western University, numerous Canadian federal government departments,
Australian Tax Authority and many others.
Serves on the advisory board of a project currently underway by the Canadian and US
actuary socie es to develop globally accepted risk management taxonomy.
Retained by IIA Canada and IIA Global to present training for internal auditors on how to
comply with sec on 2120 of the Interna onal Professional Prac ces Framework – assessing and repor ng on the effec veness of risk management processes and helping improve
risk governance processes.
Retained by IIA Canada and IIA Global to present training on the impact on internal audit
of evolving board risk oversight expecta ons.
Licensed his BOARD & C-SUITE DRIVEN/OBJECTIVE CENTRIC approach in summer 2014 to
IIA Global for deployment to internal auditors and ERM specialists around the world.
Author of RISKSTATUSNET™ so ware offered by RESOLVER for companies that want to
implement fully integrated risk governance technology. This so ware is currently in beta
tes ng.
a proud and acƟve chapter of the IIA