Simple Ways For Contractors To Protect Themselves

The Weekly Bulletin
Serving the Construction Industry and Bay Area Community since 1932
October 17, 2014
Simple Ways For Contractors To Protect
Nancy Brinkerhoff, President
Ironwood Commercial Builders, Inc.
Lydia Roze, Vice President
Vista Universal, Inc.
By Bruce D. Rudman, Abdulaziz, Grossbart & Rudman
Eric Kavert, Treasurer
Pacific Coast General Engineering,
As we approach the end of yet another year, we thought that it would be
important to highlight some of the simple things that contractor's should
do - but do not always do - in order to protect themselves.
Forrest Towe, Past President
Anvil Builders
John C. Roeber, Past President
J. Roeber & Associates
Greg Adams,
Shimmick Construction Co., Inc.
Joe Maltifano
London Construction
Thom Miles
TMA Construction Services.
John Parker
Janus Corporation
Ken Regevig
K. Regevig Roofing
Scott P Leary
Denice McDavid
The Weekly Bulletin (USP3 3633) is published
every Week by the BAY AREA BUILDERS
EXCHANGE, 3055 Alvarado Street, San
Leandro, CA 94577-5711. Subscription rate
for non-members is $525 per year.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
BAY AREA Builders Exchange , 3055
Alvarado Street, San Leandro, CA 945775711.. Tel.: 510.483.8880. Fax 510.352.1509.
First and foremost, is licensure. We have written numerous articles in the
past regarding licensure. It is of the utmost importance to make sure that
you are properly licensed or you may be considered
unlicensed. Remember that if you are considered unlicensed, many rights
are lost because you are technically operating illegally. Your customer
could have the right to collect any money that you have already received
on a job, even if the work was perfectly executed.
Even if you are licensed, it is imperative that you are properly licensed for
the correct type of license class for the specific work that you are
contracted to perform. In addition, if you have a change of business entity
(for example: sole proprietor to corporation), you need will need to obtain
a new license. We have seen many new corporations without a license
learn they are not able to collect even though its owners are individually
licensed. You also need to report any change of officers or qualifiers in
order to maintain licensure.
Maintain all paperwork and records properly! Starting with your
Preliminary Notice. You should make sure that you receive copies of the
Preliminary Notice from each subcontractor that you hire. If you are a
subcontractor make sure that you send the Preliminary Notice to all of the
proper parties so that you can protect your rights. Do not forget the
construction lender even a prime contractor must serve the construction
lender with a Preliminary Notice.
Make sure that any contract that you enter into is in writing, signed by all
parties, and complies with the current California License Law and other
laws - including using the correct names. You should keep a copy of each
signed contract because that is your best defense in the event of a dispute.
Continued on the next page ...
Continued from front page …
Change orders should also be in writing and signed by your customer. You know that changes
orders are a very common and important part of any job since they act as amendments to your
contract. Having your change orders or your subcontractors change orders is writing and signed by
the customer will help protect you if there are any disputes.
Other important record keeping is basically EVERYTHING that happens on the job! Keep a daily
job log that documents what is done and any conversations with the owners, suppliers, and other
contractors. Your payroll records need to be pristine as well. A digital camera is great for
documenting any concealed conditions of situations that could arise in a claim; these days, your
phone is a camera with enough clarity to document most conditions.
The reason any contractor takes the job is to get paid so make sure that any progress payments are
paid timely and that you give or get the appropriate waiver and/or release on that progress payment
or final payment so that there are not disputes. Never give an unconditional release before the
payment covered by the release clears your bank.
If it turns out that you do not get paid, you typically have 90 days after you last did work on the job
to record a Mechanic's Lien (or serve a Stop Payment Notice) in order to preserve your lien
rights. Remember that this can be shortened! Once the Mechanic's Lien is recorded you then have
another 90 days within which you will have to file your lawsuit. Make sure that you do not blow
your chances of collecting by not meeting the statutory deadlines.
Follow the above for a much better chance of protecting yourself.
Bruce Rudman has been practicing construction law for 18 years. He has garnered a great reputation
in the construction field not only as a litigator but on licensing issues with the CSLB, particularly
disciplinary proceedings. Abdulaziz, Grossbart & Rudman provides this information as a service to its
friends & clients and it does not establish an attorney-client relationship with the reader. This document
is of a general nature and is not a substitute for legal advice. Since laws change frequently, contact an
attorney before using this information. Bruce Rudman can be reached at Abdulaziz, Grossbart &
Rudman: (818) 760-2000 or by E-Mail at, or at
November - Workers Compensation Insurance Renewals:
“Workers Comp Insurance Quote”
State Fund + BAY AREA Builders Exchange
Bay Area Builders Exchange presents
Guiding Business Owners Through the Process of Exit Planning
Two Dates and Locations
Wednesday October 29th
Wednesday November 5th
8AM - 10AM
8AM - 10AM
3055 Alvarado St
2440 Stanwell Dr.
San Leandro, CA 94577
Concord, CA 94520
Q&A and Lunch provided following the presentation
Exiting your company is often your most significant financial event.
Exiting Your Business, Protecting Your Wealth is for owners who want
to understand their options and optimize their results. You’ll learn
about your Value Gap, the different Exit Routes, and how to
work to Protect Wealth in the process. Whether you want out
today, or years from now; whether you plan to sell, or want to hand
it to family – this planning process could be key.
Please RSVP by Friday October 24th
to Nicole Capra at 925.866.7800 or
Each attendee will receive a free copy of
“Exiting Your Business,
Protecting Your Wealth”
and have the opportunity to take the
BERI Survey
(Business Exit Readiness Index)
Separate from the financial plan and a Summit advisors' role as financial planner, an advisor may recommend the purchase of specific investment or insurance
products or accounts. These product recommendations are not part of the financial plan and clients are under no obligation to follow them. Summit Financial
Group LLC 2000 Crow Canyon Place Suite 450 San Ramon CA 94583 Securities and investment advisory services offered through Securian Financial Services,
Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. Securities dealer and registered investment advisor. Summit Financial Group LLC is independently owned and operated.
TR#950605 DOFU 06/2014
B.O.B. Construction Contractor Academy 2014
ACPWA is offering a FREE workshop series for small & local construction contractors interested in breaking into
public works contracting or growing their business in the public contracting sector.
Four Saturday morning sessions have been designed to deliver the maximum learning experience for all in
attendance. Breakfast & course materials will be provided FREE for all participants. Attendees can expect to gain
in-depth knowledge of public works contracting from experienced industry professionals.
Ed Duarte, CEO of Aztec Consultants, will lead the bulk of this series. He has over 30 years of experience in
construction management on over $250 million of public works contracts & various other projects.
Session topics will cover the following:
 Improving Bid Estimation Skills & Constructing Competitive Bids
 Utilizing Local Business Certifications
 Insider Tips on Public Works Contracting & Tools for Tracking Upcoming Projects
 Marketing Strategies for Connecting with Prime Contractors
 Panel Discussion with Prime Contractors Regularly Bidding Alameda County Contracts
 Information about upcoming Contracting Opportunities with Alameda County Agencies
Schedule for 2014 BOB Contractors Academy
Bid Estimating & Preparation
Constructing Competitive Bids
Pursuing Contracting Opportunities
Connecting with Primes for Smart Partnerships
Saturday, 9-27-14
Saturday, 10-04-14
Saturday, 10-11-14
Saturday, 10-18-14
Workshops will be from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at 3055 Alvarado St., San Leandro, CA 94577.
Attendees will receive coaching from PWA prime contractors. Successful subcontractors who have connected with
these primes & have worked on Public Works projects will also share their techniques.
Participants who attend all four sessions will receive a certificate of completion & a FREE 90 day trial membership
for the Bay Area Builders Exchange.
Enrollment is limited. To register for the series or find out more about ACPWA’s BOB program, please contact
Sheldon Jefferson at 510-670-6407 or at You must register by September 25th.
Breakfast will be provided by the following sponsors:
This workshop series is organized & facilitated by:
BAY AREA BUILDERS EXCHANGE - TELEPHONE (510) 483-8880. FAX (510) 352-1509
WEEKLY PLAN LIST - Friday, October 17, 2014
To view plans online go to:
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/17/2014 11:00 AM
Public Health Window Treatment Installation
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
MAND 10/13 @ 10AM at 20011 N Cedar Rd., Sonora
Fabrication & installation of six (6) vinyl vertical window blinds
Byron Johnson @ 209-533-5660
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Santa Rosa
Optional 10/15 @ 10AM at 15000 Arnold Dr., Eldridge
ontractor to furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment and transportation necessary to remove 12 trees, replace 5 of the removed Red Oak trees, haul, chip,
grind stumps, excavate, supply topsoil, chemical nutrients and replacement trees. In addition, prune, make structural augmentations, remove dead wood,
crossing, broken or hazardous branches, remove mistletoe and apply growth inhibitor to approximately 31 additional trees and 2 Oaks in the backyard of
Residence House 139.
Ford Lincoln Fairfield
10/14 @ 10AM
Div_02-selective structure demolition; Div_04-unit masonry; Div_06-rough carpentry, sheathing, finish carpentry, interior arch woodwork, plastic paneling;
Div_07-thermal insulation, vapor emission & alkalinity control, sheet metal flashing & trim, penetration firestopping, joint sealants; Div_08-hollow metal doors &
frames, aluminim window frames, flush wood doors, access doors & frames, aluminum-framed entrances & storefronts, finish hardware, glazing; Div_09-gypsum
board, tiling, acoustical panel ceilings, resilient flooring, carpeting, painting; Div_10-toilet compartments; Div_13-metal building systems; Div_22-plumbing;
Div_23-HVAC, testing, adjusting & balancing HJVAC; Div_26-lighting, electrical
Arnold Drive Tree Maintenance
NEW Sun Street Transfer Station Roofs and Gutters Repairs
Roofs & gutters repairs
San Francisco Roadway Bridges Replacement Project
9/4 @ 9AM at 1250 San Carlos Ave, San Carlos
Remove/replace existing two-span steel-through girder bridges due to deteriorated condition; remove/relocate/reconstruct existing utility lines; provide temporary
support as applicable at each bridge
Bertolini Student Center Restoration Project (Prequalified
MAND 10/3 @ 10AM
Contractors Only)
Installing protective barriers to prevent contamination on the third floorto furniture, computers, personal & work related items; Setting up contaminents &
extablishing a negative air containment to prevent the spread of dust to the other floors; placing crfitical barriers over the air supply vents & openings to the
HVAC systems; removing all ceiling tiles on the third floor; removing all sound insulation above the ceiling tiles; cleaning all surfaces in the attic; claning all
surfaces on the third floor; cleaning all HVAC systems, installation of new ceiling tiles; performing a final air washing & cleaning of both floors; final testing to
verify that cleaning has been accomplished
Page 1 of 40
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/17/2014 2:00 PM
Ventureland Cafe/Deli
9/30 @ 11AM
PROJECT AREA: 904SF *The specifications for the project are a sheet spec included in the project plans. Please see the A0 sheet in the plan set.
Diablo Homes 2014 Water Assembly Analysis and Site Repair
2:00 PM
Prebid Information
The Hosuing Authorityof the County of San Joaquin is seeking quotes for the licensed Civil Engineer to perform surveying, geotechnical engineering & civil site
engineering design services for the Diablo Homes Water Meter Replacement & Driveway Repairs
2:00 PM
Solano Credit Union (No GC Openings)
Tenant Improvements.
3:00 PM
Uninterruptible Power Supply for Randall Bold Water Treatment
The Contra Costa Water District is seeking bids from qualified firms to provide an Uniterruptible Power Supply system to be utilized at the CCWD's Randall Bold
Water Treatment Plant facility (electrical room)
4:00 PM
RFP-Design Engineering Services for the Walnut Grove Road Bridge
(29C-131) Replacement Project
San Joaquin County Department of Public Works will solicit qualified consultants to provide professional & technical engineering services for the design of the
proposed in-kind replacement Walnut Grove Road Bridge. The objective of the project, in general, is to construct a new in-kind brisge that will accommodate two12-foot travel lanes with shoulders to replace the existing single swing steel truss structure over the Mokelumne Rover
5:00 PM
RFP-2015-2020 Comprehensive Economic Development Plan
Prepare a comprehensive economic development plan with policies & implementation measures that will guide the Economic Development Division's vision &
work plan for the next five years
10/20/2014 1:00 PM
10:00 AM
2:00 PM
MAND 8/22 @ 10AM at 7900 Beryessa-Knoxville Rd., Napa $1429500
Cosntruction of an environmental education camp, including grading; paving of roadways; parking lots & trails; watr system, water treatment, tank & distribution
greywater system with subsurface drip disposal; camp host site; tent cabins; c ombination restroom shower building with composting toilets; covered activity
areas; boat boarding dock; electrical system with photovoltaic array & miscellaneous other site improvements/modification. Permits for this work shall be
secured by the District.
Interim Fire Alarm System
MAND 9/17 @ 10AM at 43600 Mission Blvd., Fremont
Fire alarm system & electrical work
Camp Berryessa Improvement Project
$9000 $12000
Elevator Maintenance Services
Elevator Maintenance Services to (4) Four County-owned elevators
Page 2 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/20/2014 2:00 PM
Laguna Treatment Plant Belt Press Building ReRoof and HVAC
Santa Rosa
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
MAND 10/14 @ 10AM at 4300 Llano Rd., Santa Rosa
Mobilization & demobilization, demolition & disposal of existing roofing syste, installation of roofing system, mechanical ductwork improvements
2:00 PM
RFP-Asebstos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Triennial
Inspection and Management Plan Development
Pajaro Valley Unified School District is seeking qualified firms to provide hazardous material surveying, testing and on-site observations at District facilities
10/21/2014 11:00 AM
2:00 PM
Well 8 Emergency Power Project
Installation of a 250 KW diesel engine generator with concrete pad, an automatic transfer switch, and a five (5) foot tall masonry retaining wall.
Refurbish Breakroom
09/16/14 @ 10:00 AM
$375000 $425000
The Contractor shall perform all of the work specified in Table -1, Section 01 11 00 page 4 of Summary of Work. The Contractor shall remove the tables, chairs
and appliances during construction. Furniture and appliances shall be cleaned and stored in a protected area and returned upon breakroom completion.
Contractor shall clean interior of breakroom, paint, install ceiling tiles, where applicable, provide and
install bulletin boards. The contractor is required to work a minimum of two breakrooms per week until completed. Each location shall be completed within 5
working days.
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Santa Cruz
2:00 PM
Portable Water Storage Tank Cleaning Services at Deuel Vocational
The contractor shall remove sediment & sand from the floor & walls of each tank.
Strongly Encouraged 10/8 @ 9AM at 920 Pacific Ave,
Santa Cruz
Carpet Replacement at Pacific Station
Carpet replacement
9/3 @ 2PM at 175 Beale St., San Francisco
TG07.8 Expansion Joints
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks Trade Subcontractors that have significant experience with expansion joints, miscellaneous metals and engineering on
complex projects. Also included are engineering, coordination, procurement and complete installation of the respective systems.
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
TG16.9 Prefabricated Buildings
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks Trade Subcontractors that have significant experience with Prefabricated Buildings, including but not limited to, security
station/guard booths, transit bus driver operation booth(s) with restrooms and transit operations office with ramps on complex projects. Also included are
engineering, coordination, procurement and complete installation of the respective systems in the following trade:TG16.9 Prefabricated Buildings
Student Recreation Center South Window Remodel
10/10 @ 10AM
Remove & replace six (6) pairs of windows at the Recreation Center
9/9 @ 9AM at 2600 Pittsburg-Antioch Hwy. Pittsburg
Demolition, cutting & patching; excavation, bedding & backfill; concrete; reinforcement steel; metal fabrications; joint sealants; painting & protective coatings; preengineered structures
Maintenance and Emergency Equipment Storage Structure
Page 3 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
10/21/2014 2:00 PM
Repair Asphalt Concrete Paving at Hangar 510 at the Marina
Municipal Airport
10/8 @ 10AM at 3240 Imjin Rd., Marina
2:00 PM
Mobilization, sawcut, removal & disposal, earthwork, aggregate base, asphalt concrete pavement
Swing Space - Music Department
MAND 10/13 @ 1PM
Tile carpeting, acosutical wall panels
2:00 PM
2014 Pavement Rehabilitation Project
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
Remove asphalt roadway surfacing by grinding; install deep lift hot mix asphalt base repairs; seal cracks; replace traffic signal detector loops & related facilities;
place hot mix asphalt overlay on designated street segments; conctruct concrete curb ramps & passageways; construct curn, gutter & sidewalk & place traffic
stripes, pavement markings & reflective pavement markers
Edward Nakayama, Proj Mgr, @ 510-494-4775
MAND 10/14 @ 9AM
Furnishing all labor, materials, equipment & other services necessary for the complete maintenance of all the landscape areas, playgrounds, hardscapes &
irrigatrion in areas as described in these special provisions & as directed by the City of Engineer
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2014/15 Pavement Rehabilitation Project
Preparatory tree trimming; storm drain inlet relocation; removal & replacement of existing storm drain pipe; removal & replacement of existing Portland Cement
concrete curb, sidewalk, curb ramp & valley gutter; subdrain installation; removal & replacement of existing asphalt concrete pavement (digouts); pavement cold
planning; intsllation of paving mat; installation of asphalt concrete overlay; removal & replacement of asphalt concrete speed lumps; removal & replacement new
traffic loop detectors; adjusting to grade of survey monument castings; water valve castings; storm drain & sanitary sewer manhole covers & other utility lids;
removal & replacement of existing paving striping & markers; traffic control
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation - Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Fifth
10/15 @ 10:30 AM
Landscape Maintenance District No. 15 Goldridge
Complete documents will be posted once available
2:00 PM
Street, Cedar Street
2:00 PM
Bay Area
The work to be done consists, in general, of rehabilitation and construction of approximately 4036 linear feet of 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer, construction of
manholes, manhole rehabilitation, excavation, replacement of approximately 2025 linear feet of 4-inch and 6-inch diameter sewer laterals, and related work.
RFQ-Sustaining Construction Management Services
9/23 @ 1PM at 300 Lakeside Dr., 15th Fl, Oakland
Consultants shall assist & advice the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District in construction management & related issues associated with BART
construction projects
2:00 PM
2:30 PM
San Mateo
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation - Hearst Avenue from Bonita Avenue
to Shattuck Avenue
The work to be done consists of, but is not limited to, the rehabilitation and construction of 1001 linear feet of 8-inch diameter sanitary sewer pipe via
pipebursting (Method 'B'), manhole rehabilitation, excavation of approximately 821 linear feet of 4-inch and 6-inch diameter sanitary sewer laterals, and related
Coyote Point Maina Fuel Dock Improvements
10/15 @ 10AM at 1900 Coyote point Dr., San Mateo
Mobilization, water pollution control, maintaining traffic, erosion &sediment control, signs & markers, chain link fence, marina fuel piping & monitoring system
Page 4 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/21/2014 3:00 PM
RFP-Turf Convesions & On-Call General Site Construction Services
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
The City of Roseville (hereinafter “City”), is soliciting proposals for Turf Conversions & On-Call General Site Construction Services. This will be a competitive
negotiation process. Qualified individuals, firms, contractors, consultants or entities (hereinafter “Contractor(s)”), that meet the requirements set forth in this
Request for Proposals (hereinafter “RFP”), and are capable of providing the services requested are encouraged to participate.
Marine Mammal Pools Renovation Phase 1
MAND 9/30 @ 2PM at 1156 High St., Santa Cruz
Renovation of mammal tanks, relocation of fiberglass pool & shed, providing & installing new FRP metabolic tank, constructing new ramps, bridges, gates,
concrete curbs & associated work including utilities
3:00 PM
Santa Cruz
3:00 PM
El Dorado
RFP-El Dorado Hills WWTP Odor Control Design Professional
Palo Alto
Provide engineering services to modify the existing 24,000 cfm above ground biofilter, two rectangular primary clarifiers, two MG steel equalization tanks and grit
chamber to further enhance odor control at the El Dorado Wastewater Treatment Plant.
RFP-Boranda Lake Aquatic Vegetation Removal
10/6 @ 10:30AM
The City of Palo Alto is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide services to remove Aquatic Vegetation at Boranda Lake located at Foothills Park, Palo
Alto CA. The required services are described in the Scope of Services.
3:00 PM
10/22/2014 1:00 PM
Hazardous and Universal Waste Removal and Disposal Services
This is a Master Agreement in which the Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, travel, per diem and every other item of expense
necessary for the collection, removal, packaging, loading, transportation and disposal of all hazardous and universal waste from the designated locations to the
final disposition for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) and the California Prison Industry Authority (CAL-PIA) as indicated in
Exhibit E, List of Participating Institutions/Facilities.
10:00 AM
n Lorenzo
Exterior Handrailing Replacement Multiple School Sites
MAND 10/16 @ 10AM at 18250 Bengal Ave. Hayward
Replacing existing temporary wood railing with galvanized steel round tubing (klee kamp) had railing manufacturing system at existing exterior corridor locations
at multiple sites
Complete documents will be posted once available
10:00 AM
Sunrise Blvd Sidewalk Improvements
nstallation of new PCC sidewalk and sidewalk ramps on Sunrise Blvd from Gold Country Blvd to S. Bridge Street in the City of Rancho Cordova.
11:00 AM
Aluminum Chlorohydate Chemical Supply Contract 2015-2016
The work consists of supply and delivery of Aluminum Chlorohydrate to the City's Surface Water Treatment Facility. This chemical is used for the application of
drinking water to meet regulatory compliance and must be NSF certified.
11:00 AM
RFQ-District-Wide Security Safety Maintenance and Training Project
The project comprises of maintenance & training of previously installed cameras, servers, switches & associated infrastructure district-wide at seven (7) campus
locations. Also includes monitors & equipment in the PCCD Control Center, & maintenance of all previously installed electrical & data infrastructure
Page 5 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
10/22/2014 12:00 PM
RFP-As-Needed Electrical Testing and Engineering Services at
Oakland International Airport and Maritime Area
10/8 @ 9:30AM at 530 Water St., Oakland
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
The Port of Oakland (“Port”) is soliciting proposals from NETA-certified firms for electrical engineering testing, power distribution coordination, protection
engineering, design support, revenue/non-revenue utility meter calibration and technical consulting services to enhance the reliability of the electrical power
distribution system at the Oakland International Airport and the Port of Oakland, Seaport. The Port may enter into more than one contract for this work. The
aggregate compensation for all such contracts shall not exceed $900,000 over the three-year term of the contract.
Janitorial Services-Robert J. Cabral Agricultural Center
MAND 10/6 @ 1PM at 2101 E. Earhart Ave. Stockton
The County of San Joaquin is soliciting Request for Bids to contract with a qualified janitorial service company to provide the highest standards of professional
janitorial services.
Pete Miller Road Bridge at Delta Mendota Canal
Bridge seismic retrofit & barrier replacement
2:00 PM
Buchanan Park Apartments
Modifications & rehabiulitation to the existing four buildings, 68-unit residential low-income apartment units. Trades needed, but not limited to, site work,
concrete, metals, wood & plastics, thermal & moisture protection, doors & windows, finishes, specialties, equipment, special construction, plumbing, mechanical,
electrical & hazmat
Groundwater Well Rehabilitation Ph 3
MAND 10/14 @ 9AM at 3904 Rio Linda Blvd, Sacramento $3450000
The City of Sacramento seeks bids from qualified Contractors to rehabilitate Wells 94, 107, 120, 122, 126, 129, 133, and 138. The project consists of two major
components, well casing rehabilitation, and installation and construction of new site improvements. Site improvements include but are not limited to new
fencing, pumping, electrical, and chemical systems, paving, switchgear enclosures, piping fabrication, and wellhead demolition and construction. Contractors
are to provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to successfully complete the project
Megan Thomas, Associate Engr, @ 916-808-1729
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Furnishing Maintenance and On-Call Service for Various Elevators,
Escalators and Moving Walkways at Port of Oakland Facilities
10/8 @ 9AM at 530 Water St., Oakland
Maintenance of elevators, escalators, lifts, conveyors & moving walkways; hydraulic leveling & door controls upfrade
HVAC Duct Cleaning at the Corte Madera DMV Field Office-Rebid
MAND 10/1 @ 10:30AM at 75 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte
The Contractor agrees to provide to the Department of Motor Vehicles all labor, tools, materials and equipment necessary to provide HVAC Duct Cleaning
Kevin Childers @ 916-657-7822
Page 6 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/22/2014 2:00 PM
Fire Station Improvements
2:30 PM
2:30 PM
Prebid Information
MAND 10/9 @ 10AM at 2333 Powell St., Emeryville
The City of Emeryville Fire Station Improvements Project consists of but is not limited to:
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
1.Demolition of standing seam metal roofing, and built-up roofing and sloped plywood and 2x sleepers, flashing, thin brick veneer, interior finishes, furnishings,
equipment, mechanical, electrical and plumbing as shown on drawings
2.Replacement of thin brick veneer, glazing, standing seam metal and built-up roofing, flashing, gutters,
3.New Accessible parking space.
4.New interior finishes where designated.
5.New kitchens and toilet rooms & renovated toilet rooms.
6.Repair and refinishing of designated surfaces.
7.New casework for reception area.
8.New doors and hardware as indicated.
9.New mechanical (HVAC) equipment and distribution as indicated.
10.Extension of existing automatic fire sprinkler system.
11.New electrical distribution as indicated.
12.New lighting as indicated.
13.New fire alarm system detection and signal components as indicated.
Electronic Access Control System at Tenth Street Place
MAND 9/22 @ 1PM at 1010-10th St., Modesto
The County of Stanislaus (County) on behalf of the City-County Capital Improvements and Financing Agency, a Joint Powers Agency between the City of
Modesto and the County of Stanislaus (the “JPA”) is seeking proposals from qualified, experienced and licensed Contractors for the installation of electronic
access control systems at Tenth Street Place, located at 1010 10th Street in Modesto, California. The intent of this Bid is to select a vendor to remove the former
electronic access and CCTV system(s) and replace with a new Lenel Access Control System, (LACS), and, subject to the availability of adequate funding, a new
video surveillance system.
Various Locations Pavement Renovation No. 17 Sewer Replacement
and Watermain Installation
Pavement renovation, sewer replacement, watermain installation, traffic control
Ramon Kong, Proj Mgr, @ 415-554-8280
3:00 PM
3:00 PM
Handicap Ramp Improvements 2014
The work in general consists of constructing new handicap ramp returns at various locations in Ripon. Related work items shall be but are not limited to: asphalt
removal, concrete removal, tree removal, pavement striping, catch basin installation/adjustment, pot hole existing utilities
and sign relocation
$175000 Aldea Housing Gutter Replacement
MAND 10/8 @ 9AM at 155 Johnstone Dr., San Francisco
Div_07-asphalt shingles, sheet metal flashing & trim; Div_09-exterior painting
3:30 PM
MAND 10/10 @ 10AM
A General Contract for the Building F Reconstruction, a one-story classroom building, at Sonora Elementary School; including selective demolition, concrete,
architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and other work as necessary or indicated to construct The Project.
Sonora Elementary School Building F Reconstruction Increment 2
Page 7 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
10/22/2014 4:00 PM
4:00 PM
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
NEW RFP-Fairfield Transportation Center Expansion Design-Build Project MAND 10/2 @ 10AM
The City of Fairfield desires to hire a consultant to prepare the DB solicitation package & provide DB construction phase services necessary for the initial 600space structure (first phase) & potential 600-space addition (2nd phase).
RFP-Landscape Architecture Consultant Candlestick Point-Hunters
10/8 @ 2PM at One Sansome St., Ste 3200, San Francisco
Point Shipyard Phase 2
1) Streetscape design for all streets in Sub Phase 02 03 04 CP Street (Exhibit A, use PDF layers to view Sub Phase boundaries). 2)Community engagement
and streetscape design for Gilman Avenue between Arelious Walker Drive and Third Street. 3)Wedge Plaza park design. MBEs,WBEs,SBEs and LBEs are
encouraged to submit proposals.
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
10/23/2014 1:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
MAND 10/13 @ 10:30AM
Santa Rosa NEW Laguna Treatment Plant Pump Rental
The intent of this Request For Quotation is to establish a five (5) month term Purchase order with an estimated budget value not to exceed $55,000 to rent
pumping system equipment including set-up, mobilization and demobilization, in accordance with the terms, conditions and work specifications contained herein.
The estimated budget value is not guaranteed.
Relocate and Construct CSA Auxiliary Boiler System
MAND 10/1 @ 10AM at 5000-83rd St., Sacramento
Remove, transport, design/execute integration of, and commission a fully functional and complete Auxillary Boiler (#2) to SCA Cogeneration Plant using SMUDprovided boiler and appurtenances currently stored at off-site location. Scope includes modification to existing boiler storage site (e.g. sliding door area and roof)
as needed to safely remove the boiler equipment, transport of the equipment to new foundations, and restoration and clean-up of modified areas to preconstruction functional condition and cleanlines. Contractor has the option to use any or all SMUD-provided equipment and/or appurtenances, or to supply new
or refurbished replacement equipment/appurtenances.
USCGC Stratton (WMSL 752) Dockside Repairs FQ1 FY15
The Contractor shall furnish all the necessary labor, material services, equipment, supplies, power, accessories, facilities and such other things as are
necessary, except as otherwise specified, to perform dry docking repairs, and alterations to the vessel, in accordance with the solicitation and attached
specifications. Failure to read the specifications in their entirety will not relieve the offeror from the responsibility for properly estimating the difficulty or price of
successfully performing the work. Failure to do so will be at the offerors risk. All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation shall stand firm for 90
calendar days from the response date of this solicitation.
TG10.4 Electrical, Communications, Security & Integrated Networks 02/18/14 @ 2:00 pm
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks responses to a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and concurrent Invitation for Bids (IFB) from Trade Subcontractors
interested in bidding the TG10.4 Electrical, Communications, Security and Integrated Networks Construction Services on the contract for the Transbay Transit
Center (TTC) Project located in San Francisco, California. Bidders that have already pre-qualified do not need to respond to the RFQ.
10/16 @ 10AM at 229 Green Valley Rd., Watsonville
Watsonville NEW Green Valley Community School
A new 31,129 s.f. two story school campus at 229 Green Valley Rd. Watsonville, CA on 1.57 acres including related site work and equipment.
Blue Rock Springs Golf Course-Cart Barn Project
10/14 @ 2PM at 555 Santa Clara St., Vallejo
Design, plan review process, procurement, fabrication, and construction of a metal building system including all associated ventilation, electrical, signage, doors,
and hardware as specified in the plans and specifications
Roland Rojas, Proj Mgr, @ 707-648-4557
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Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/23/2014 2:00 PM
Whipple Road Pavement Rehabilitation Project
Union City
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
Road pavement
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
San Jose
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
MAND 10/8 @ 3:30PM & 10/13 @ 3:30PM
Sonora High School Measure J Improvements
The work is generally described as:
• New Track and Field Surfacing
• New Aquatics Facility and Support Buildings
• New Pedestrian Foot Bridge
• Modernization of Humanities Two-Story Classroom (Building D)
• Modernization and Addition to Cafeteria (Building F)
• Access, Compliance Ramps, Paving and Parking
• Fire Lanes, Hydrants, and Sprinkler Systems
• Related Underground Wet and Dry Utility Infrastructure
• Related Landscape and Irrigation Improvements
DVBE Contract Goal is 3%.
All prospective bidders must register with A&I Reprographics in order to receive notification of project addenda and/or other pertinent information. WLC
Construction Services, Inc. cannot be responsible for missing documents for plan holders not registered with A&I Reprographics.
Jamestown Sidewalks Project
MAND 10/1 @ 10AM
Prevailing rate of wages (State & Davis Bacon - higher of the two) project consisting of, in general, of demolition and removal of existing sidewalks, sawcutting
and removal of asphalt concrete and base, construction of new sidewalk, curb and gutter, minor concrete, installation of sidewalk plaques, patch paving with hot
mix asphalt, construction of bus turnouts with shelters, lighted crosswalks, striping, remove and replace fence, and drainage improvements. Work is anticipated
to take place in the spring of 2015. The County has designated both onsite and nearby disposal sites for excess earthwork and broken concrete (without rebar).
Construction and equipment staging will be allowed within the County right-of-way on Willow Street, Fifth Avenue, Seco Street and Ninth Street. Willow Street
and Ninth Street may be restricted to one-way traffic control during working hours with an approved traffic control plan. Curb, gutter and sidewalk may be poured
monolithically. The Engineer’s Estimate for this project is: $728,600 The DBE contract goal for this project is: 4.86%
Capitol Expressway Pavement Repair Between Seven Trees Blvd
and Hwy 101
Roadway excavation, pavement repair, crack sealing, removal & replacement of curb & gutter, removal of concrete sidewalk & pedestrian ramps, construction of
ADA curb ramps, retrofit ADA curb ramps, replace & modify drainage inlets & other details of work not mentioned above that are required by the project plans
HVAC Infrastructure Renovation @ Cosumnes River College
10/8 @ 11AM
Procure and install HVAC equipment and infrastructure
American High School Modular Site Work-Informal Bid
MAND 10/9 @ 4PM at 36300 Fremont Blvd., Fremont
Modular site work.
10/7 @ 10am
As-Needed Spot Sewer Replacement
$8000000 -
The objective of the project is to provide contingency-based as-needed replacement of sections of existing sewer pipelines on short notice at locations to be
determined within the City and County of San Francisco. The work is to be performed in San Francisco, California. The Engineer's estimate is $8,000,000. The
Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder.
Page 9 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/23/2014 2:00 PM
Cafe and Freight Office at Centerville Train Depot
2:00 PM
Los Banos
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
10/7 @ 10AM at 37260 Fremont Blvd, Fremont
The City has prepared a scope for prospective operators in RFP #15-003 which generally includes: lease and operation of the Cafe/Restaurant space, and/or
lease and operation of the Freight Office Building space. The City has set forth on RFP Exhibit “A,” requirements for a business plan, background information
and description of the areas for lease (Café and Freight Office), the City’s general expectations for use of the spaces and an outline of proposed lease terms and
conditions. The description of proposed lease terms and conditions set forth on RFP Exhibit “A” and the standard sample lease attached to this RFP are
presented for the primary purpose of allowing the City to compare proposals. The final terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement will be based upon RFP
Exhibit “A” as well as Proposal Exhibit “A” to be submitted by the Proposer as a part of the proposal and may be the subject of negotiations between the City and
the successful Proposer
New Middle School (Lease-leaseback Project)
10/16 @ 2PM
The Work includes consists of a new middle school campus of four steel frame buildings with on-site and off-site improvements.
10/9 @ 1PM at 18863 Highway 1, Shoreline Hwy, Marshall $810000
This project involves the construction of on-lot septic tank and effluent pumping systems, approximately one mile of collection force main, a secondary treatment
system at the existing Marshall Community Wastewater site, and addition of 600 lineal feet of standard gravity leaching trench to the existing leach field system
serving the community of Marshall, California.
Marshall Phase 2 Community Wastewater Project
Documents will be posted once available
2:00 PM
2012-2013 Miscellaneous Water and Sewer Main Replacements
Encouraged 10/16 @ 11AM
$2800000 $3000000
The work to be performed under this contract includes the replacement of water and sanitary sewer mains. Contract work includes abandonment or removal of
existing facilities, replacement of new pipelines by both open trench and pipe bursting methods, replacement of water service line and sewer lateral,
reconnection to existing pipelines, sidewalk replacement, and doing all other incidental work necessary to complete the projects.
NEW Glorietta Elementary School Safety Surfacing at Upper Play
MAND 10/9 @ 10AM at 15 Martha Rd., Orinda
Structure Area
Paving & surfacing & synthetic poured-in-place play surfacing
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
s Valley
10/8 @ 10AM
Regional Water System Interties No. 2, 3 and 4
Demolition, site preparation, earyhwork for pipeline & structures, water system piping & accessories, drainage, paving & resurfacing, concrete curbs, gutters,
sidewalks & bus stops, concrete forms & accessories, concrete joint b& acessories, reinforcing steel, cast-in-place concrete, hot-weather concreting, cold
weather concreting, concrete curing, concrete finishes, grouts, repair of defective concrete, basic masonry materials & methods, concrete masonry units,
structural steel fasteners, metal fabrications (miscellaneous metal), rough carpentry, metal plate connected wood trusses, modified bituminous sheet membrane
waterproofing, water repellent sealer, insulation, lightweight concrete shingle roofing, fiber cement siding, flashing & sheet metal, roof accessories, joint
sealants, hollow metal work, finish hardware, louvers, painting, building specialties, general equipment, electric motor drives, vertical centrifugal water pumps,
lighting, electrical
CRC HVAC Infrastructure Renovation
10/8 @ 11am
Procurement and installation of HVAC equipment and infrastructure.
Page 10 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/23/2014 3:00 PM
7744-Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport Building
Trades Contract 14-15
San Jose
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
Under this contract, Task Orders shall be issued for project work, which may include, but not limited to performing the repair, remodeling, addition to and/or
renovation of an existing building, new building work, moving, maintenance, rough & finish carpentry, millwork, architectural finishes, glazing, signage, door &
window installation & hardware & other building miscellaneous components
4:00 PM
Union City
Ravi Parimanam, Preoj Mgr, @ 408-392-1168
NEW RFP-Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Master Plan 10/9 @ 9AM
and SCADA Standards
The objective of the SCADA Master Plan is to provide a roadmap for our SCADA system
evolution over the next 5-7 years achieved through strategic projects sequenced to realize our planned vision and goals. The objective of the SCADA Standards
project is to develop a comprehensive set of standards in a way that guides the uniform design, implementation, and management of the District’s SCADA
system; to optimize its operational value; to enhance its maintainability, and to lower its delivery cost and risk
Roslyn Fuller @ 510-477-7526
5:00 PM
NEW RFP-Professional Engineering Services for the 2015 Sanitary Sewer
Through this Request for Proposals (RFP), The City of Albany, CA (City) Public Works Department invites qualified professional engineering firms or teams of
firms (hereafter Consultant (s)) to demonstrate qualifications, experience, and submit a proposal to provide professional services for the design, engineering and
limited construction services for the City’s 2015 Sanitary Sewer Project (the Project).
Ana Bernardes @ 510-524-3751
5:00 PM
As Needed Lead-Based Paint, Mold and Asbestos Contractor
This Solicitation will award two (2) contracts to Contractors that specialize in asbestos and lead based paint stabilization, encapsulation and/or removal in
compliance with HUD, Cal OSHA and local ordinances on an emergency standby and a task assignment basis, in an amount not to exceed $50,000 each.
Solomon Gebala @ 415-715-3152
The Contractors are required to provide a detailed cost estimate proposal within 3 calendar days after request using unit prices and provide fast abatement
services after Notice to Proceed (NTP) is faxed to their office.
Scope includes notifying residents, CalOSHA, SFDPH, signage and safety equipment per attached requirements as provided in Detailed Scope of Work,
Exhibits A, B and C.
10/24/2014 12:00 PM
Site General Building Contractor, Mountain View Revitalization Pilot
Program, Conway Homes and Sierra Vista Homes
10/14 @ 10AM at 741 Flint Ave, Stockton
The Housing Authority of the County of San Joaquin (HACSJ) is seeking bids from licensed and bonded General Contractors (“Contractor”) to provide
construction services for the Site General Building Contractor, Mountain View Revitalization Pilot Program, Conway Homes and Sierra Vista Homes. Bid
packages & specifications may be downloaded from the HACSJ website at under the “Vendors & Contractors” tab.
Page 11 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/24/2014 2:00 PM
RFP-Eden Township Exterior Repainting
San Leandro
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
This is a subcontracting opportunity under Alameda County's Job Order Contract (JOC) program to work for MTM Construction. For more details regarding this
specific job order please contact General Contractor Joshua Lee at (626) 934-1112 or via email at
Repaint the Exterior of the Eden Township building located at 15001 Foothill Drive San Leandro
General: The scope will include the prepping and painting existing surfaces “as is” and GSA JOC program will repair/replace with like materials as necessary for
paint. The preparation will require the necessary safety measures to contain flaking chips of paint during the preparation phase as based on the environmental
report. - Assess the need to provide exterior scaffolding for any
David Barba, Proj Mgr, @ 510-208-9586
2:00 PM
San Jose
River Oaks Complex Building B Lobby Reconfiguration
10/9 @ 10AM at 3331 N. First St., San Jose
MAND 10/8/14 @ 10am
Online O
Selective demolition, tenant improvements, CCTV & security improvements
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
RFQ-Mechanical and Electrical Consulting Firms for Future Projects
The County of Sacramento, Architectural Services Division, is requesting qualifications statements from local mechanical & electrical consultants for the purpose
of establishing a hiring list for future architectural services division projects, including jails, youth detention facilities, administration buildings, airport facilities,
medical facilities & parks & recreation facilities
$5500000 AC Transit Advanced Utility Relocations
10/3 @ 10AM @ 1600 Franklin St., Oakland
Demolition of Single Family Residence (440 Clayton Avenue,
San Joaquin County is seeking a qualified vendor for the demolition of an abated single family resoidence and the destruction of the property's septic tank.
2:00 PM
Relocation of sewer lines, manholes & other appurtenances as required, to clear the project area of any conflict with the future construction of bus lanes &
platforms of the East Bay Rapid Transit Project. The work involves the removal of & abandonement of sections of existing sewer main & service laterlas & the
installation of new sewer mains & service laterals & the installation and/or removal of existing sewer manholes & cleanouts, including sawcutting of pavement &
concrete curb, gutter & sidewalk, excavation, backfill, shoring for deep excavation, pavement restoration & concrete curb, gutter & sidewalk replacement.
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
NEW Wingstop - Porterville
Tenant improvements, including demolition, flooring, framing, interior elevations, plumbing, mechanical, fire sprinkler, lighting, electrical
NEW RFQ-2330 Post Street Pediatric Primary Care Clinic Expansion
The University of California at San Francisco Medical Center, Design & Construction, is seeking responses to the RFQ for architectural/engineering (A/E) to
provide A/E services for the expansion of the Pediatric Primary care Clinic located on the 2nd & 23rd floors of UCSFMC's medical office bldg on Mt Zion
3:00 PM
3:00 PM
NEW South Napa Earthquake-Water Leak Excavation Paving Project
The work generally consists of trench paving at various locations within the City of Napa due to earthquake related water main breaks, including mobilization,
temporary traffic control, construction area signs, temporary pavement delineation, dust control, hot mix asphalt
NEW Underground Electrical for Gate Installation
Install electrical power to the motor for a new security gate, clean up & haul off debris
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Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/24/2014 3:00 PM
RFP-Design Build Services 123 Rico Street-HVAC Modernization,
Roof Replacement and Solar
3:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
10/27/2014 10:00 AM
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
The Housing Authority of the County of Monterey proposes to modernize the HVAC/Mechanical system for the headquarters office building in Salinas. In
addition, the HACM is requesting replacement costs of roofing & a roof top or carport solar installation
NEW RFQ-Seamless Epoxy Flooring System
10/17/14 @ 9:00 AM AT 950 N. San Pedrp Street, San Jose
San Jose
The Facilities and Fleet Department at the County of Santa Clara is seeking quotations relating to furnishing and installation of seamless epoxy flooring in the
Mechanical Room at 70 West Hedding, San Jose, CA 95131. Work includes the furnishing of any and all labor, materials, and all the work required to construct
and to complete the work in accordance with the terms and conditions herein. Price quotation shall include any and all applicable labor, material, equipment,
supplies, taxes, permits, fees, and licenses necessary to perform the work required by this RFQ package
RFQ-Sidewalk and Gutter Replacement/Repair
MAND 10/15 @ 9AM
Santa Clara
The County of Santa Clara is requesting quotes for replacing and repairing sidewalks, curbs, and gutters as per the attached scope of work and site map. All
work and detailing shall conform to City of San Jose Department of Public Works curb, gutter and sidewalk standards. Contractor shall block gutter off from
water and concrete sediment run-off prior to and during construction. Contractor shall obtain all applicable permits, including parking meter removal permit, from
the City of San Jose, and work shall be compliant with City of San Jose regulations.
RFQ Chemistry Seismic and Life Corrections
The Project consists of the following work for the Chemistry and Chemistry Annex buildings:
1.Structural corrections to address seismic deficiencies.
2.New site fire service and full fire suppression system.
3.Renovations as required to incorporate the work scope above.
San Rafael
RFP-Essential Facilities Project Management and Pre-Construction
The City of San Rafael wishes to retain the services of a project management/construction management firm to manage the essential facilities strategic plan
process to guide improvements to its essential facilities . The strategic plan process will consider all of the City's public safety facilities which will include seven
fire stattions & a police station
RFP - Franchise Tax Board - Butterfield Complex
MAND 08/19/14 @ 10:00 am at site
All Qualified Pool members are invited to review and respond to this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the installation and operation of solar photovoltaic (PV)
energy generation systems under a third party ownership power purchase agreement business model. In submitting your response you must comply with all
instructions as provided in this RFP.
Warning Lights School Crosswalk Project
Installation of crosswalk illumination devices, thermoplastic striping & related signage for five schools in the City of Pacifica
10:00 AM
San Rafael
Citywide Traffic Signal LED Relamping Project
Relamping all vehicle indications (including indivations of programmable visibility heads) with new LED in incandescent look & all pedestrian indicatyions with
new countdown LED in incandescent look
12:00 PM
NEW Audi Dealership Remodel
26,259 sf Audi dealership remodel. Trades to include demolition, millwork, D/F/H, storefront, drywall, tile, flooring, epoxy flooring, sealed concrete, painting, toilet
accessories, fire protection, plumbing, and electrical.
Page 13 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
10/27/2014 2:00 PM
3:00 PM
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
NEW Fortuna Parking Lot Slurry Seal Project #2
MAND 10/17 @ 9AM
Provide all labor, tools, equipment, materials, licensing, permits and taxes necessary to Type I slurry seal of center’s parking lot areas and re-stripe of all parking
areas including ADA stalls. Slurry Seal shall consist of mixing asphalt emulsion, aggregate, and water and spreading the mixture on a surfacing or pavement
where shown on the plans, as specified in these specifications and the special provisions Fortuna Center 1500 Alamar Way, Fortuna, CA 95540.
NEW Buffalo Wild Wings-Chico
D.A. Bentley Construction, LLC has negotiated the contract for General Contracting Services for the construction of a brand new Buffalo Wild Wings Grill and
Bar in Chico, CA.
More specifically, the proposed project entails the ground up construction of the restaurant facility including new shell construction, limited site improvements*,
and full interior build-out per the bid documents.
*Please see site plans (civil and architectural) for clear delineation of landlord-direct scope that is NOT part of this contract. We are responsible for all work
within five feet of building envelope (including curb and sidewalks directly surrounding the building) on a pad provided by the Landlord. The trash enclosure and
grease interceptor shall be part of our contract.
Any and all questions or RFI’s shall be directed to the Project Manager, Larry Brooks, via email at or at (360) 695-9234 Ext. 103.
NOTE: DA Bentley "“Ask that anyone interested in bidding please specifically review our Insurance Requirements (included with the Bid Docs) and consider the
fact that awarded contractors will be required to abide by the requirements set forth”.
10/28/2014 2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Replace Glass Panels at Coliseum, San Leandro, Bay Fair and South 10/02/14 @ 10:00 AM at 300 Lakeside Drive, conference
Hayward Stations Platforms
room 1700, Oakland
The work in general consists of placing and/or replacing drain culverts, placing new
curb, gutter, and sidewalk, placing hot mix asphalt, and placing thermoplastic striping along Powerline Road from 15th. Avenue to north of 9th. Avenue. Other
such items or details not mentioned above that are required by the standard specifications or these special provisions shall be performed, placed, constructed or
Flooring Replacement
MAND 10/16 @ 10AM
Replace the existing flooring in the kitchen area of the CCC Fortuna site, located at 1500 Alamar Way in Fortuna and/or the CCC Ukiah site, located at 2600 Old
River Rd, Ukiah
Administrative Department Operations Center Video Wall and
10/7 @ 1:30PM
Headquarters Digital Signage System for New Police Headquarters
on the Public Safety Campus
Video wall solution at the SAdmin DOC in police headquarters; digital signage solution at the Admin DOC in Police headquarters; service to maintain the new
Tree Removal and Pruning Services
10/15 @ 11AM 2180 Milvia St., 1st fl, Berkeley
Tree removal & pruning services at various locations in City of Berkeley
Arden Middle School Restroom Upgrades
MAND 10/9 @ 2PM at 1640 Watt Ave, Sacramento
Restroom upgrades
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Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/28/2014 2:00 PM
Camino Pablo Pavement Rehabilitation
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Daly City
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
Recommended 10/20 @ 10AM
Pavement rehabilitation, including base repairs, cold planing, asphalt pavement, HMA overlay, concrete improvements, traffic signal modifications & striping
AC Transit Streets and Parking Lots Improvement Project
10/6 @ 10AM at 1600 Franklin St., Oakland
This is a public works project and will require payment of prevailing wages. A Project Labor Agreement (PLA) is also included in the project. In order to perform
the work, bidders at the time of the bid opening and for the duration of the project shall possess a valid California Class “A” Contractor’s License in order to
qualify to perform the work. The work in the project, involves in general, of furnishing all permits, materials, labor, tools, and equipment, and for doing all the
work involved in reconstructing a section of Derby Avenue, E 10th Street, and San Leandro Street, as shown on the plans, Pavement overlay will be constructed
at Derby Avenue at its intersections with E 12th Street (NB & SB) and at the intersection of Fruitvale Avenue and E10th Street/San Leandro Street. New
pavement sections will be constructed at Derby Avenue and E 10th Street. Concrete curb ramps, driveways, curb and gutter and sidewalk will be constructed.
Signal and lighting will be installed or modified at two (2) intersections. Pavement delineation and signs will be installed, drainage system will be modified, and
roadway lighting will be installed.
$450000 New Generator at 2530 Arnold Drive
10/7 @ 2pm
Work includes the installation of a new emergency power generator and associated work at an existing office building that will be occupied during construction.
Hesperian Landscaping, Chabot College - Rebid
MAND 10/15 @ 10AM at 25555 Hesperian Blvd, Bldg 3000,
Landscaping work
RFQ Design-Build Services for Technology Infrastructure at Several
MAND 10/7 @ 10AM & 10/9 @ 10AM
The Fremont Unified School District is requesting qualified persons, firms, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations to provide full
design-build services for the technology infrastructure at Ardenwood Elem School, Brookvale Elem School, Kennedy High School & Vallejo Mill Elem School
Repair of Damaged and Displaced Sections of Curbs, Gutters and
MAND 10/7 @ 10:30AM at 951 Turner Ct., Rm 230A,
Sidewalks Unit No. 17
Removing & replacing damaged curbs, gutters, driveways, sidewalks, removal of tree roots & installation of root barrier control system
NEW Sam's Club #4799
General Remodel. Trades to include: demolition, earthwork, AC paving, erosion control, striping/signage, concrete, rebar, precast bollards, polished concrete,
structural steel, roughcarpentry, architectural woodwork, FRP, insulation, EIFS/plaster, metal roofing, membrane roofing, sheetmetal,
caulking,doors/frames/hardware, traffic doors,storefront/glazing, drywall/metal framing, ceramic tile, acoustical ceilings, resilient flooring, painting, toilet
accessories, vehicle service equipment, food service equipment, seismic protection, vertical barrier net system, EMS, fire sprinklers, plumbing, refrigeration,
HVAC ,electrical, rack anchoring.
Janitorial Services for Daly City DMV
Optional 10/7 @ 10AM
Contractor agrees to provide the Dept of Motor Vehicles all labor, tools, materials, equipment & travel necessary to perform janitorial services at the Daly City
Melanie Pilliard @ 916-657-6975
Page 15 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/28/2014 2:00 PM
LED Streetlight Retrofit Phase III
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
$1000000 $1200000
The work to be done includes, but is not limited to, the following: Replacing all remaining streetlights in the City with LED lighting fixtures.
3:00 PM
Palo Alto
Mitchell Park Parking Lot Project
Asphalt base repairs, replacement of damaged concrete structures, removal of existing asphalt, placement of asphalt, placement of asphalt concrete paving &
replacing of tsriping
Holly Boyd, Proj Mgr, @ 650-329-2612
10/1 @ 10AM
The City of Palo Alto is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide services to provide data center and computer cloud backup implementation services
3:00 PM
Palo Alto
3:00 PM
Santa Cruz NEW RFQ- Student Life Seismic Corrections Phase 2A-Cardiff House
The Student Life Seismic Corrections Phase 2A – Cardiff House project to address and correct seismic, life, and safety deficiencies. In addition, the project will
bring the building into access compliance with the State of California Building Code and Title 24 Accessibility Standards. The Cardiff House is a contributing
element to the Cowell Lime Works Historic District and listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The building's date of construction is c. 1850's. As such
all work done on the Cardiff House must be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards of Rehabilitation. The Historic Cardiff House (home to the
Women's Center program) is a farmhouse near the campus main entrance. It is a one-story wood framed building with a small cellar and roughly 2,000 square
feet in area.
Santa Cruz NEW RFQ-Student Life Seismic Correction Ph 2A Redwood Bldg &
3:00 PM
RFP-Data Center and Computer Cloud Backup Implementation
Student Union
4:00 PM
he Student Life Seismic Corrections Phase 2A – Student Union and Redwood Building projects to address and correct seismic, life, and safety deficiencies. In
addition, the project will bring the building into access compliance with the State of California Building Code and Title 24 Accessibility Standards. The Redwood
and Student Union buildings are situated adjacent to each other and located across the quad from the Baytree Bookstore on Quarry Plaza off Steinhart Way.
The Redwood Building is roughly 2,500 square feet and is a two-story wood frame building situated atop a timber pole foundation. The Student Union Building is
a two-story timber pole structure situated on a steep east-west sloping grade with roughly 7,000 square feet in area.
RFP-Hazardous Material Abatement Design and Construction
MAND 10/8 @ 2PM at 955 High St., Oakland
Services for Various School Sites
Oakland School District is requesting the submission of proposals for a hazardous material abatement consultant firm to provide hazardous material abatement
design & construction monitoring associated with the various sites within district.
5:00 PM
NEW San Francisco Walgreens # 887
Interior remodel, including demolition, flooring, doors & hardware, interior finishes, interior elevations, plumbing, HVAC, electrical
5:00 PM
Request for Information, POC HVAC Evaluation and Replacement
Delta Diablo ("District") issues this Request for Information (RFI) via BidSync for planning and information gathering purposes. The District is in the planning
phase for replacing the existing Building Management System (BMS) in operation at its Plant Operations Center building in Antioch, CA. The BMS system
currently operates and monitors the heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment.
Page 16 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
10/28/2014 5:00 PM
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
NEW San Francisco Walgreens # 1327
Interior remodel of Walgreens, including selective dmolition, cast-in-place concrete, structural metal framing, carpentry, thermal insulation, modified bituminous
membrane roofing, flashing, sheet metal, specialties & accessories, joint protection, metal doors & frames, wood doors, folding grilles, hardware, gypsum board,
acoustical ceilings, resilient flooring, special wall surfacing, painting & wallcovering, toilet partitions & accessories, fire protection specialties, floor mats &
frames, plumbing, hvac, testing/adjusting/balancing, ligting, special systems, fire detection & alarm
10/29/2014 1:00 PM
1:30 PM
1:30 PM
1:30 PM
10:30 AM
10/15 @ 10AM
The Contractor shall furnish all supervision, labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to install new fencing, install new gates, and make fence
additions, repairs or changes to various SMUD fences. The work generally consists of: Constructing 4’, 6’, and 8’ high chain link fence with 1”x 1” fabric; repair of
existing chain link fences; furnishing temporary chain link fence, either stand alone or with imbedded posts; gate construction and repairs; installation of fence
toppings on new or existing fences, including “V” arms with 4 strands of barbed wire and razor ribbon; construction of isolation panels; construction of 6’ redwood
fences; fabrication and installation of 2’ wall topping; installation of security panels; and various other adjustments, repairs or replacements that may arise during
the contract period
NEW RFQ-Stockton Field Operations Center Fuel Dispenser Replacement MAND 10/22 @ 11:30AM at 1804 W Main St., Stockton
Replacement of the existing gasoline & diesel fuel dispensers, pumps, hoses & related appurtenances & installation of new fuel dispensers, pumps, hoses & all
related appurtenances required to complete the work, start-up & calibration of new dispensers & performe required testing
NEW RFQ-Pardee Center Fuel Dispenser Replacement
MAND 10/22 @ 9AM at 3535 Sandretto Rd., Valley Springs
Fence Construction and Repairs As Needed Through 2016
Replacement of the existing gasoline & diesel fuel dispensers, pumps, hoses & related appurtenances & installation of new fuel dispensers, pumps, hoses & all
related appurtenances required to complete the work, start-up & calibration of new dispensers & performe required testing
NEW RFQ-Bixler Maintenance Center Fuel Dispenser Replacement Project MAND 10/22 @ 1:30 PM
Replacement of the existing gasoline & diesel fuel dispensers, pumps, hoses & related appurtenances & installation of new fuel dispensers, pumps, hoses & all
related appurtenances required to complete the work, start-up & calibration of new dispensers & performe required testing
Port Security Fences Phase 4
10/15 @ 10:30AM
Environemantl management of excavated materials, fences, electronic gate operators.
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
Division 02170 & Division 02826 were not posted in the port of san francisco website
Beltline Building Project - Phase 1
MAND 10/16 @ 10:30AM
Installation of public men's & women's restrooms in historic Beltline Buildings 1944 addition, including selective demolition & hazardous material removal,
installation of walls, doors, tile, flooring, toilet partitions, installation & repairs of plumbing, mechanical & electrical fixture and systems
NEW Little League Park Lighting
10/22 @ 10:30AM
Installing new sports lighting & other electrical items at the existing Little League Park
Page 17 of 40
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/29/2014 2:00 PM
Santa Rosa
Water Pump Station 3 Modifications
2:00 PM
Bodega Bay
Water pollution control, traffic control, clearing & grubbing, earthwork, roadway excavation (F), subgrade stabilization, stabilization fabric, class 2 aggregate
base, slurry seal, asphalt concrete surface, concrete curb, pump station addition concrete slab foundation, concrete apron, median curb, chain link fence, gates,
removal of existing fence & gate, asphalt concrete dike, generator bldg concrete slab foundation, precast drainage structures, storm drain, pump station water
pipe & sppurtenances, 100 HP booster pump, pump station building addition & roof, generator building, miscellaneous electrical work, motor control center,
PG&E meter & main switchboard, antenna mast assembly. 230kw generator set
Bodega Bay Aquaculture Reroof
MAND 10/15/14 @ 10:30 am
Provide all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation, insurance and
services to remove the top layer existing Hypalon roofing material and prepare the existing built-up roofing substrate to receive the new roofing application.
Patch and repair with like materials any dry-rotted existing roof decking encountered. Install sloping underlayment on low flat roof section, sloping to existing roof
drains. Reroof with a new fleece backed TPO roofing system, approximately 15,825 square
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Prebid Information
MAND 10/15 @ 10AM at 69 Stony Circle, Santa Rosa
$1200000 $1300000
NEW Telecommunication System Repair Services
The California Department of Education is soliciting bids from potential bidders to provide telecommunication system repair services located at the California
School for the Deaf (CSD), 39350 Gallaudet Drive, Fremont, CA 94536 and Diagnostic Center North (DCN), 39100 Gallaudet Drive, Fremont, CA 94536The
contractor shall provide services in accordance with the specification contained herein the IFB. The contract period is from December 1, 2014 through November
30, 2015 and includes a one-year option to renew.
Utility Infrastructure Upgrade Project Phase II
Selective demolition, electrical, communcations, clearing & grubbing, excavation & fill, utility trenching & backfilling, portland cement concrete, aggregate base
course, asphalt paving, water distribution center, sanitary sewerage system
Notice to Bidders pages are garbled
2:00 PM
Removal of Rubber Deposits and Painted Ground Markings from
Airport Pavements
10/15 @ 99:30AM at 8500 Earhart Rd., Oakland
The work of this annual contract consists generally of removing approximately 1,000,000 square feet per year of rubber deposits and approximately 10,000
square feet per year of painted ground markings from airport pavements using high-pressure water.
2:00 PM
North Natomas Regional Park Phase 5B Rebid-Farmer's Market &
Parking Lot
The work to be performed consists of developing the North Natomas Regional Park, Phase 5B-Farmer’s Market and Additional Parking in Sacramento. The
improvements will consist of finish grading, drainage, concrete walkway, curbs, asphalt paving, installation of metal shade structures, automatic irrigation
system, electrical, drinking fountain, landscaping, parking lot, signage, and site furniture.
Dennis Day @ 916-808-7633
2:00 PM
Optional 8/26 @ 2PM at 175 Beale St. San Francisco
TG15.1-Dock Levelers & Bumpers
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks Trade Subcontractors that have significant experience with with furnishing and installing dock levelers, bumpers, truck
restraints and bin lifters on complex projects. Also included are engineering, coordination, procurement and complete installation of the respective systems.
Page 18 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/29/2014 2:30 PM
Davis Park Play Area Renovation
San Pablo
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
Replacement & installation of new play structure & resurfacing of Davis Park.
2:30 PM
3:00 PM
Santa Clara
MAND 10/9/14 @ 11am
Asbestos Abatement for DMV Headquarters.
Online O
Asbestos Abatement for DMV Headquarters.
Winter 2014/15 Preparation Work for the Phase Shifting Transformer Strongly Recommended 10/7 @ 10:30AM at 1500
Warburton Ave, Santa Clara
Site demolition; asphalt concrete demolition; earthwork; utility trenching & backfill; storm water pollution prevention; caissons; asphalt concrete paving; cast-inplace concrete, concrete reinforcement; cast-in-place concrete; concrete curing; structural steel; metal fabrications; concrete waterproofing; yard lighting;
Voula Margelos Brown @ 408-261-5036
3:00 PM
3:00 PM
MAND 10/7 @ 10AM at 390 Morris St., Sebastapol
Div_03-cast-in-place concrete; Div_06-interior architectural woodwork; Div_07-joint sealants; Div_08-aluminum windows, door hardware, glazing; Div_09ceramic tile, painting; Div_10-sheet vinyl, door mat, microflex structures, toilet accessories, drinking fountain, lighting, electrical
Sebastopol Community Cultural Center Office Remodel
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS:In order to be eligible to submit a bid for this project, contractors must be included on the plan holders list maintained by the
Sebastopol Engineering Department. Buds must be submitted on forms provided by the City as described in the Notice to Bidders included in this document
Curb Ramps Installation CDBG 2015
Optional 10/22 # 2:30PM at 456 W. Olive Ave, Sunnyvale
Construction of ADA ramps & remove & reconstruct certain curbs, gutters & sidewalks, adjust to grade, existing traffic boxes, meters & others city-owned
facilities within the limits of the new ADA curb ramps.
Chucky Lambert @ 408-730-7406
3:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:30 PM
Concrete Sidewalk, Curb, Gutter and Driveway Approaches CGBG
Optional 10/22 @ 2:30PM at 456 W. Olive Ave, Sunnyvale
Concrete sidewalks, gutter, driveway approaches & curb ramps
NEW The Orchards at Walnut Creek Bid Package 5
Project consists of 195,000 sf with ten (10) individual buildings. Grocery, restaurant, and other retail. A multi level fitness center. Parking structure. Structural
work for Building A & B consists of Tilt up Concrete walls, Precast concrete columns, precast parking deck planks, Multi layered topping slab over Parking deck,
structural steel. Buildings C-K traditional Footing/Fnd package.Extensive site work (24.7 acres), paving, concrete, landscaping packages. Walking paths will
provide multi-point access from Ygnacio Valley, Oak Grove and shadelands drive.
2605 Alexia Way
MAND 10/16 @ 2PM at 2605 Alexia Way, Modesto
Reroof, replace some doors, replaced HVAC system and new flooring and painting the exterior of house
Gregory Williams @ 209-577-5392
Page 19 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
10/29/2014 5:00 PM
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
NEW RFQ-U.S. EPA Brownfield Grant Application and Implementation
The City of Lodi, CA (the City) through this Request for Qualifications (RFQ), is seeking a qualified environmental consulting and/or planning firm to provide
assistance with: (a) securing United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) and potentially other federal or state grants for the assessment,
cleanup, or redevelopment of brownfields properties and (b) implementation of environmental assessment, remedial planning, community outreach, and other
environmental or planning components of grants for which funding is secured. The focus for the contract will be for securing one or more U.S. EPA assessment
grants as part of the U.S. EPA’s annual Brownfields Grant Competition for FY2015. This solicitation is being issued in part to comply with Federal procurement
standards outlined in CFR §31.36 that are applicable to the hiring of consulting firms to assist communities with grants awarded by U.S. EPA.
5:00 PM
San Jose
RFQ-Master Agreement for Landscape Architectural Services
The Department of Public Works, City Facilities Architectural Services Division, is seeking firms or individuals (“Consultant”) to provide a full compliment of
architectural consultant design services. The Consultant will be required to provide multi-discipline architectural services for the projects identified and for
various citywide projects. The City of San José- is seeking to provide.
Based on this RFQ, the City will enter into one (1) or more consultant agreement(s) with the highest ranked Consultant(s). The agreement(s) will have a
maximum compensation limit of $270,000 and shall expire approximately five (5) years from the date of execution, unless the compensation level is reached
10/30/2014 1:30 PM
San Rafael
10/9 @ 11AM at 1301 Andersen Dr., San Rafael
The Project consists of removing and replacing the sludge thickening system, as described in the Contract Documents. The work includes demolition of the two
(2) existing dissolved air flotation thickeners and associated equipment and piping, furnish and installation of two (2) rotary drum thickeners and associated
equipment to provide a complete, functional installation, control integration of new equipment into the existing treatment plant process control system and testing
of the completed system to ensure proper operation
Sludge Thickening System Replacement
Brian Thomas @ 415-459-1455, extension 121
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
South San
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
McCarthy Blvd. Lighting and Landscape Improvements Phase 1
MAND 10/2 @ 10AM
Demolition, lighting, refurbish existing fence/sign, paving, planting, irrigation, water pollution control & traffic control.
NEW Turbo Blower #2 at Water Quality Control Plant
$275000 $325000
Fabricating, assembling, testing & delivering of a 300 to 335 horsepower high speed motor driven turbo blower system, including specified spare pats &
providing field testing & start-up services
10/23 @ 10AM at 69 Stony Circle, Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa NEW King St Sewer and Water Improvements - Phase 2
Dust control, traffic control, earthwork, landscaping, aggregate base, asphalt concrete, asphalt concrete trench paving, signs, soil & groundwater disposal,
sanitary sewer system, concrete curb & sidewalks, traffic stripes & pavement markings, raised pavement markers, portland cement & sand slurry, water system,
material recycling
MAND 10/22 @ 10AM
Santa Cruz NEW Moran Pump Station Upgrade
The Moran Pump Station Upgrade project will provide for removal of the existing shaft driven pumps and installation of new 3 new pumps, concrete bases,
valves and associated piping, etc.
Marcella Bailey @ 831-454-2803
Page 20 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
10/30/2014 2:00 PM
TG07.9 Bollards & Barriers
8/27 @ 2PM at 175 Beale St., San Francisco
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks Trade Subcontractors that have significant experience with designing, furnishing and installing bollards, wedge barriers,
impact attenuators, hydraulic power units, controls and piping, and integration with safety and security systems on complex projects. Also included are
engineering, coordination, procurement and complete installation of the respective systems.
2:00 PM
RFP-Hilltop and Marina Landscape Maintenance Assessment
Districts Annual Engineer's Report
The purpose of this invitation is to identify a company that will, as a result of passage of Proposition 218, prepare a new Engineer's report for the Hilltop &
Marina Landscape Maintenance Assessment Districts
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Yader Bermudez @ 510-774-6300
NEW Coloma Rd Traffic Signal Interconnect Project and Aramon
MAND 10/21 @ 10AM at 2729 Prospect Park Dr., Rancho $1050000
Traffic Signal Interconnect Project - The work to be performed under this contract includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment for the installation
and testing of new signal interconnect conduit and cable, for furnishing and placement of new interconnect cable in existing conduit, for the furnishing and
installation of interconnect pull boxes and splice vaults (alternate bid item) for removal of existing controller cabinets and for the installation of City furnished
controller cabinets, for furnishing and placement of CCTV video cameras and camera cables, for the installation of conduit for CCTV cables, for minor curb,
gutter, sidewalk and pavement removal and replacement and for replacement of thermoplastic pavement striping and marking along Coloma Road from Malaga
Way to Sunrise Boulevard in the City of Rancho Cordova as well as other items and details not mentioned above but described in the Special Provisions or
shown on the Plans or as designated by the Engineer.
Dr./Studarus Dr. and Coloma Rd. Traffic Signal Project
Traffic Signal Project - The work to be performed under this contract includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment for the installation and testing
of a new vehicle and pedestrian traffic signal and LED street light improvements, for the furnishing and placement of slurry seal and for the placement of
thermoplastic pavement striping and pavement markings all within the limits of work at the intersection of Coloma Road and Aramon Drive / Studarus Drive in
the City of Rancho Cordova as well as other items and details not mentioned above but described in the Special Provisions or shown on the Plans or as
designated by the Engineer.
NEW Old Student Union Flooring
MAND 10/17 @ 2PM at 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd, Hayward
Remove existing carpet & resurfacing existing concrete floor with acid stain & seal
CNPRC Cage Wash Facility
MAND 10/16/14 @ 1:00 pm
Provide all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation, insurance, and services required to install approximately 100 feet of roof mounted steam and
condensate piping, 400 feet of underground steam and condensate piping, and general tenant improvements to an unimproved bay of the CNPRC Shop
Building for the purpose of serving a future cage wash machine. Site work shall include excavation, installation of underground piping, poured in place
insulation and patching of asphalt roadway. Tenant improvements to the 2,200 sq. foot open bay shall include concrete slab, concrete flatwork, plumbing, steam
fitting, electrical, HVAC and architectural sheet metal improvements. Work will be performed within the California National Primate Center and shall require
health screenings for all workers.
Page 21 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/30/2014 2:00 PM
UC Davis International Complex-Subcontractor Bids for Select Bid
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
Construct a new 60,000 SF office and classroom building which will include a Commons area, Multi-purpose room, offices, meeting rooms, Media Resource
room, classrooms, misc. support rooms and all associated site improvements; bid packages include 1) pavement markings and site signage, 2) precast unit
pavers, 3) decomposed granite, 4) landscaping, 5) CMU masonry, 6) aluminum column covers, 7) architectural millwork and wood paneling, 8) fireproofing, 9)
joint sealants, 10) tile, 11) acoustical ceilings and wood ceilings, 12) flooring, 13) concrete sealer and stain, 14) architectural sheetmetal, 15) paint, 16) toilet
accessories and partitions, 17) visual display surfaces, 18) signage, 19) operable partitions, 20) fire protections specialties, 21) lockers, 22) projection screens,
23) entrance floor mats, 24) window coverings, 25) elevator smoke curtains and 26) sun shades.
**MEP trades, steel, concrete, glazing, doors and hardware, metal framing and drywall, stucco, elevator, metal decking, rebar, roofing, stone veneer, fire
suppression, and sitework are EXCLUDED and have been selected through the Design-Build process.
2:00 PM
MAND Pre-Bid Conference 10/13 @ 3:30PM and Site Visit $180000
10/16 @ 3:30PM
The Project consists of providing all material, labor, equipment, and apparatus, whether specifically mentioned or not, necessary to relocate storage sheds and
fence post & fabric, provide and install a new transformer & distribution panel, install all low voltage wiring for Power, Fire Alarm, Clock\Bell Paging, Intercom
Phone, Data, install new fence posts & fabric for the New Interim Housing Portables at Hyde Middle School.
Hyde Middle School Interim Housing Portables
Mark Casini @ 408-483-7599
Complete documents will be posted once available
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
09/29/14 @ 10:00 am at 2477 Arnold Industrial Way
SCOPE OF WORK. It is the intent of County Connection to have the contractor furnish and install the necessary labor and materials to upgrade and replace the
existing security gates per the technical specifications of this bid package and the Contractor’s bid.
NEW Diablo Vista Elementary School Roof Coating Project
MAND 10/22 @ 1PM at 4791 Prewett Ranch Dr., Antioch
Remove all walk pads & debris from roof; inspect roof for open seams; punctures & seal to make water-tight as recommended by coating manufacturer; wash &
clean roof as recommended by coating manufacturer; reinforce all seams on horizontal roof & curb flashings
CHP Enhanced Radio System Replace Towers and Vaults
MAND 10/7 @ 10AM
Pine Grove
Div_02-site preparation, chain link fence, gravel surfacing, demolition, blasting, concrete mat & pad foundation, groundwork for structures, rock removal; Div_03concrete; Div_04-concrete unit masonry; Div_05-metal decking, metal fabrications, welding, structural steel, ladders; Div_06-rough carpentry; Div_07-cold fluid
applied waterproofing, metal roof panels, metal wall panels, roof hatches, sealants; Div_08-hollow metal frames, hollow metal doors, door hardware; Div-09painting, elastomeric coating; Div_13-self-supporting steel communication tower; Div_22-plumbing; Div_23-HVAC; Siv_26-stand-by generator, automatic
transfer switches, electrical work
Janitorial Services for the Pleasanton DMV Field Office
10/9/14 @ 10am
Janitorial Services
Upgrade and Installation of Security Gates
Page 22 of 40
Online O
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
10/30/2014 2:30 PM
Tennis Courts Resurfacing Project
3:00 PM
San Jose
3:00 PM
San Jose
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
The Project includes, but is not limited to, performing the following Work:
•Courts preparation
•Clean out the cracks and crack seal
•Clean surface
•Leveling for only two (2) courts at Larkey Park, as determined in the field by the engineer
•Apply special surface coating
•Apply color coat
•Provide line painting, including pickleball lines for two courts at Rudgear Park
•Restore pipe netting, netting, and perimeter courts fencing
7585-Demolition of Kelley House
10/20 @ 10AM at 1300 Senter Rd., San Jose
Materials disposal, hazmat protection procedures, back fill, demolition
Raj Verma, Proj Mgr, @ 408-535-8443
7458-Police Administration and Communication Buildings (PAB/C)
Chiller Replacements Project
MAND 10/16 @ 10AM at 201 W. Mission St., San Jose
Div-15-plumbing, HVAC, testing, adjusting & balancing; Div-16-electrical work
Jim Wilson, proj Mgr, @ 408-535-8441
3:00 PM
3:00 PM
4:00 PM
MAND Pre-Bid Conference 10/14 @ 3:30PM & Site Visit
10/17 @ 3:30 PM
The Project consists of providing all material, labor, equipment, and apparatus, whether specifically mentioned or not, necessary to relocate storage sheds and
fence post & fabric, install new fire suppression line & hydrant, provide and install a new transformer & distribution panel, install all low voltage wiring for Power,
Fire Alarm, Clock/Bell Paging, Intercom Phone, Data, install new fence posts & fabric for the New Interim Housing Portables at Miller Middle School.
NEW RFQ-Construction and Modernization of Napa Technology Center
MAND 10/16 @ 1PM at 1610 Lincoln Ave, Napa
Napa Valley Unified School District invites responses from qualified firms, partnerships, corporations, associations, persons or professional organizations to
enter into an agreement wth the District to construction improvements to the the Napa Technology Center pursuant to the lease leaseback structure & to
leaseback a "turn key" project to the District.
Miller Middle School Interim Housing Portables
2015 Pre-Selected Consultants RFQ
This Request for Qualifications (RFQ) solicits qualified firms to provide an array of Pre-Selected professional services to the Department of Public Works
(DPW).Respondents to this RFQ must demonstrate experience and capacity to deliver the services offered, as well as sufficient understanding of Public Works
needs and to tailor its services to successfully address them.
Page 23 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
10/30/2014 4:00 PM
RFQ-As-Needed Design, Engineering, & Professional Consulting
Services Treasure Island Project
10/14 @ 2:30PM
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
TICD is soliciting Statements of Interest and Qualifications from qualified design, engineering and professional consulting firms to provide As-Needed
Professional Services for components of the development of the Treasure Island Project ("Project”).
The selected consulting firms will be added to a Qualified Vendor List, and, subsequent to a future fee proposal submittal process, may contract directly with a
joint venture managed by TICD, the Master Developer of the Project, who will provide direct oversight and management of the scope of work.
10/31/2014 11:00 AM
NEW Lincoln CA Stake Meetinghouse New Construction (Select Bidders) 10/10 no time provided
Construct a new 21,043 SF church meetinghouse with associated parking lot, landscaping, recreational pavilion / storage building and offsite roadway and utility
**Many of the major trades require a pre-qualification process for subcontractors, which will be announced by addendum prior to bidding.
11:00 AM
San Rafael NEW East Sir Francis Drake Boulevard Highway Safety Improvements
2:00 PM
Los Altos
Installing 600 LF of metal beam guardrail, installing two (2) radar feedback signs & improving existing shoulder conditions
RFQ-Lease-Leaseback Services for New District Offices
MAND 10/7 @ 10AM at 12345 El Monte Rd., Los Altos Hill
The Foothill-DeAnza Community College Dist is issuing the RFQ requesting statements of qualifications from contractors qualified to provide the District with
services deescribed in this document for construction of the New District Offices at the Foothill College campus in Los Altos Hills
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
RFP-Transportation Engineering Services for Federal Project CML
5059 State Route 132 (D Street-14th Street) Intersection
The City of Modesto is soliciting requests for proposals for Transportation Engineering Services, which consists of a traffic study that will include a technical
analysis report.
Janitorial Services for Employment and Economic Development
MAND 10/07 @ 10AM at 56 S. Lincoln St., Stockton
Department Building
Janitorial services
4:00 PM
RFQ Holloway Avenue Development Opportunity
MAND 10/1 @ 11AM
SF State and UCorp are requesting qualifications from interested entities as a first step toward identifying qualified developers to plan, finance, construct and
derive income from the operation of a development project on property located at the campus of San Francisco State University in San Francisco, California.
5:00 PM
San Rafael
Essential Facilities Strategic Plan
The scope of work for the first RFP (“Essential Facilities Strategic Plan”) is to update the 2003 facility condition assessments, develop space needs of essential
facilities, feasibility studies of improving existing or new public safety facilities, developing project budgets and funding plan, prioritizing projects, and developing
a phasing and implementation schedule. The second scope of work (“Essential Facilities Project Management and Pre-Construction Services”) is for project
management and pre-construction services related to the Strategic Plan process.
Jim Shultz @ 415-485-3475
Page 24 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
10/31/2014 5:00 PM
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
NEW RFP-Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Services for Central
Sonoma Valley Trail
The County of Sonoma, Regional Parks Dept, is soliciting proposals from experienced professionals to design & engineer an 8 feet wide Class I bike path &
brisge abutments/piers for a prefabricated pedestrian/bicycle brisge. The scope of work includes the preparation of construction plans, technical specifications &
cost estimate for public bidding in late Winter 2015 & construction in Spring/Summer 2015.
11/3/2014 2:00 PM
3:00 PM
Elk Grove
MAND 10/24 @ 1:30PM
Replace the roof & exterior siding of the California Dept of Food & Agriculture's Greenhouse offices & storage facility
NEW Sims Road Gate Modification
10/22 @ 9AM at 8521 Laguna Station Rd, Elk Grove
Div_02-site preparation, earthwork, cold plane AC pavement, high visibility fencing, stationaty bollard, base material, hot mix asphalt concrete, portland cement
concrete, traffic stripes & pavement markings, signs; Div_03-concrete structures; Div-05-reinforcement; Div_13-prefabricated security building; Div_16-electrical
Roof Replacement Project Greenhouse Offices and Storage Facility
Tamblynn Stewart @ 916-875-9014
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
RFP-Pilot Parklet for Temporary Sidewalk Extensions
This Request for Proposals (RFP) solicits qualified applicants “Sponsors” to install a Parklet in the public right of way. Parklets are a new type of public space
that serve as a “mini parks” and are intended to provide space for people to sit, relax and enjoy the city around them, especially where narrow sidewalks would
otherwise preclude such activities. They are intended to be seen as pieces of street furniture, providing aesthetic enhancements to the overall streetscape.
Parklets secure this space by repurposing on street parking spots. In the place of car parking, a platform is built to bring the grade of the sidewalk out into the
street. Once the platform is installed, benches, café tables and chairs, landscaping, and bike parking can all be placed on top in order to provide a welcoming
public space along the street. Parklets are sponsored by a private partner (merchant, resident, insti¬tution, etc.) but all amenities on a Parklet must remain free
and open for any member of the public to use.
On-Call and Pre-Qualified Shortlist for Transportation Engineering
10/16 @ 2PM at 255 Glacier Dr., Martinez
Services (2015 - 2018)
The Contra Costa County Public Works Department is requesting Statements of
Qualifications (SOQ) from transportation engineering consultants to:
1. Select firms for “on-call” transportation engineering services; and,
2. Establish a shortlist of transportation engineering firms that the County may contract with for future projects.
Each firm should indicate in the cover letter for the SOQ if they would like to be considered for the “on-call” contract, the pre-qualified shortlist for future project
specific contracts, or both categorie
5:00 PM
RFP-Design Engineering and Landscape Architecture Services for
Highway 101 at Airport Blvd Interchange
The County of Sonoma, Dept of Transportation & Public Works, is seeking a licensed firm for design engineering & landscape architecture services for the
Highway 101 at Airport Blvd Interchange. The scope of services will include all work necessary to produce final plans, specifications & estimates. bid documents
for land scaping improvements acceptable to Caltrans and the County & provide design support services during construction.
Page 25 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
11/4/2014 10:00 AM
Daly City
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
NEW Jefferson Elementary School District-Structured Cabling
Project shall be implemented in two (2) phases
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
MAND 10/14 @ 9AM at 101 Lincoln Ave, San Mateo
Phase 1: This work shall include the District Office, Fernando Rivera Intermediate School & Benjamin Franklin Middle School.
Phase 2: This work shall include Susan B. Anthony Elementary School, Daniel Webster Elementary School, Woodrow Wilson School, M.P Brown School,
General Pershing School, West Lake School, M.H. Tobias Elementary, Thomas R. Pollicita School, John F. Kennedy School, Franklin D. Roosevelt School,
Thomas Edison School, George Washington School, Garden Village School, Jefferson Elementary and Maintenance and Operations/Central Kitchen.
10:00 AM
10:00 AM
Palo Alto
10:00 AM
Daly City
NEW MMWD South Pipeline Replacement Project
Div_02-earthwork, asphaltic concrete paving & resurfacing, cathodic protection magnesium anodes, distribution piping system; Div_03-concrete; Div_09-field
applied tape coating systems; Div_18-environmental protection
Gunn Signal and Sidewalk Replacement
MAND 10/14 @ 10AM at 780 Arastradero Rd. Palo Alto
Removal and installation of a street signal, sidewalk & striping. Associated work includes relocation & reinstallation of pull boxes, conduits, traffic detection loops
& signal light related appurtenances
Complete documents will be posted once available.
NEW Jefferson Elementary School Dist Wireless Network Upgrade
Project will be implemented in two (2) phases.
MAND 10/14 @ 9AM at 101 Lincoln Ave, Daly City
Phase 1:Work shall include the District Office, Fernado Rivera Intermediate School & Franklin Middle School
12:00 PM
Phase 2: This work shall include Susan B. Anthony Elementary School, Daniel Webster Elementary School, Woodrow Wilson School, M.P Brown School,
General Pershing School, West Lake School, M.H. Tobias Elementary, Thomas R. Pollicita School, John F. Kennedy School, Franklin D. Roosevelt School,
Thomas Edison School, George Washington School, Garden Village School, Jefferson Elementary and Maintenance and Operations/Central Kitchen.
RFP-Repainting and Recarpeting of Court Facilities
MAND 10/21 @ 9AM at 725 Court St., Martinez
Repainting & recarpeting of court facilities
2:00 PM
Christensen Lane and Lake Chabot Road Sidewalk Improvements in
Castro Valley
10/14 @ 10AM
Earthwork & concrete removal; installing minor concrete standard curbs & gutters, sidewalks, driveways, pedestrian ramps & a valley gutter; installing class V
reinforced concrete pipe, drop inlet with box & manhole with frame & cover; performing pavement milling & asphalt concrete base failure repair; installing
pavement reinforcing fabric & asphalt concrete, type A, roadway pavement, adjust utility structures & adjustment of existing manholes; installing thermoplastic
traffic stripes, thermoplastic pavement marklings & roadside signs & survey monument preservation
Page 26 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
11/4/2014 2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
NEW Elevator Alterations Project
MAND 10/21 @ 1PM at 5151 Pacific Ave, Stockton
The project was reviewed and approved by the Division of State Architect (DSA) and it consists of: Repair and Renovation of 10 elevators including HVAC, fire
alarm and hardware upgrades; maintenance of all elevators included in this project during the construction phase and as more specifically defined in the
elevator specifications. There is also an additive alternate for an extended (5 year) maintenance contract after the completion of this project but this will not be a
part of the basis of award.
San Joaquin Delta Community College
Regional Specialty Job Order Contract Roofing, Paving, Painting
MAND 9/29 @ 1PM, 9/30 @ 1PM & 10/1 @ 1PM Various
The California State University, Office of the Chancellor is seeking qualified contractors for the furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment to implement and
administer a Regional Job Order Contract (JOC) for roofing work, qualified contractors for the furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment to implement and
administer a Regional Job Order Contract (JOC) for paving work and qualified contractors for the furnishing of all labor, materials, and equipment to implement
and administer a Regional Job Order Contract (JOC) for painting work to be used by campuses within the CSU system.
MAND 10/16 @ 3PM
Unit J Modernization at Prospect High School
• Modernization of existing 'Unit J' to serve as Fine Arts Center
• Band, Choir, 2D Art, 3D Art, Stagecraft
• Complete demolition and abatement of all interior finishes
• Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing components
• Data, Fire Alarm and other low voltage components
• Complete Fire Sprinkler System
• Outdoor Art Courtyard — with masonry kiln shed
Complete documents will be posted once available
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Fort Bragg
2:00 PM
Williamson Ranch Plaza Water Main Replacement
Mobilization, lines & grades, watering, temporary pavement markers, trench excavation & backfill, sheeting & shoring, water mains, blow-off assemblies,
cathodic protection system, miscellaneous iron & steel, traffic stripes & pavement markings
Avila Center Carpet Replacement
MAND 10/21 @ 10AM at 790 S. Franklin St., Fort Bragg
Remove the existing carpet & install new carpeting
TG12-.2 Overhead Contact System (OCS) Upgrade
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks Trade Subcontractors that have significant experience with Overhead Contact Systems including but not limited to, OCS
attachments, structures and integration with the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, and connection to existing Traction Power system, routing and
splicing through existing feeder duct banks on complex projects. Also included are engineering, coordination, procurement and complete installation of the
respective systems in the following trade:TG12.2 Overhead Contact System (OCS) Upgrade
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Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
11/4/2014 3:00 PM
Sacramento River Watershed Sanitary Survey 2015 Update
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
10/16 @ 10AM at 1391-35th Ave, Sacramento
The California Code of Regulations, Title 22, Chapter 17 establishes the California Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) which requires that all surface water
suppliers conduct a sanitary survey of their watershed(s) at least once every five years. The first of these studies was required to be completed prior to January
1, 1996 or prior to issuance of a Department of Public Health (DPH) permit for a new or expanded surface water treatment facility, whichever comes first. In
December 1995, the City and West Sacramento submitted a sanitary survey of the Sacramento River watershed to DPH; in December 2000, the City and West
Sacramento submitted the required first update of the sanitary survey to DPH, in April 2006 the City, West Sacramento, EBMUD, and SCWA submitted the
required second update of the sanitary survey to DPH, and in December 2010 the City, Roseville, West Sacramento, EBMUD, PCWA, SCWA, and WDCWA
submitted the third update of the sanitary survey to DPH. The next update to the sanitary survey is due to the State Water Resources Control Board Division of
Drinking Water (State Division of Drinking Water, previously known as DPH), by December 2015.
Elissa Callman @ 916-808-1424
11/5/2014 10:00 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
Santa Cruz
NEW Elda Drive Tank Coating Project
MAND 10/23 @ 10AM
This contract is for preparing surfaces and applying protective coatings to all interior and exterior surfaces of Elda Drive Tank.
NEW RFP-As-Needed Construction Management Services
10/10 @ 10AM
The SFPUC, a department of the City & County of San Francisco, seeks to retain the services of up to four (4) qualified Proposers to provide the SFPUC with AsNeeded Construction Management (CM) Services. The programs/projects that may be served fall under, but are not limited to, the Sewer System Improvement
Program (SSIP), Water System Improvement Program (WSIP), Hetchy System Improvement Program (HSIP), Emergency Firefighting Water System (EFWS),
Water and Wastewater Repair and Replacement (R&R) Programs and other water, power, and wastewater capital projects. These services may include, but not
be limited to, Construction Contract Management, Quality Control Inspection, Quality Assurance Inspection, Green Infrastructure Construction Inspection,
Project Controls, Environmental Inspection, Supplier Quality Surveillance, Special Laboratory Testing, Start-Up & Testing Assistance, Surveying, Construction
Safety Inspection and Document Control.
Alterations to Room 301B JBEB BME Lab
MAND 10/23 @ 11:30AM at 1156 Hight St., Barn G, Santa $510000
Construction of Biomolecular Engineering Instructional Lab in the Baskiin Engineering Building on the UCSC campus
Documents will be posted after 10/21
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Mitchell Road Sewer Trunk Line and Lift Station
Furnishing and Installing 12" thru 30" Sanitary Sewer Pipe, 48" and 60" manholes, connecting to existing sanitary sewer, furnishing and installing lift station
pumps and piping and installing a city supplied control panel.
MAND 10/16 @ 9AM at 4300 Llano Rd., Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa NEW RFQ-Renewable Energy Cleaning and Maintenance
The City of Santa Rosa desires to contract for solar photovoltaic system maintenance and cleaning in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications
MAND 10/15 @ 1PM at 965 Sonoma Ave, Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa NEW RFP-Police Interview Room Video/Audio Equipment and Software
The City of Santa Rosa is seeking proposals from qualified Contractors for the purchase, of video and audio equipment and required software for the Police
Department interview rooms as per the specifications listed herein. The contract will be for a five year period, with one five year renewal option, not exceed a
total ten year contract.
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Bid Date Bid Time Location
11/5/2014 2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
NEW Playground Asphalt Replacement at Meyerholtz Elementary School MAND 10/24 @ 10:30AM at 6990 Melvin Dr., San jose
The project consists of all materials, labor, equipment, and apparatus, whether specifically mentioned or not, necessary to remove old asphalt and complete
grading, paving, and INSTALLATION of 18,520 s.f. of new asphalt at Meyerholz Elementary SCHOOL'S playground.
Sacramento NEW Supply Shade Structures for North Natomas Regional Park Farmer's
San Jose
The work to be performed consists of: Supply and deliver three (3) metal shade structures for the Farmer’s Market at the North Natomas Regional Park in
Sacramento at 2501 New Market Drive.
Tim Hopper - 916-808-8173
2:00 PM
Utility Infrastructure Upgrade (Energy) HVAC/EMS Efficiency Project MAND 10/16 @ 2PM at 4000 Suisun Valley Rd, Bldg 100,
Asbestos Abatement
The work under this contract will be in 2 phases. First phase (Buildings 800 & 1500) will be performed during Winter break of 2014 and second phase (Buildings
100, 500, 700, 1400, 1600 & 1700) will be performed during Summer of 2015 which includes, but not limited to, the removal of existing HVAC unit at Building
1600, Dry Wall, TSI/Duct Seam Tape, Lead, Gypsum Board Ceiling, and 2’x4’ false ceiling panels. Demolition, removal, and disposal of all asbestos containing
materials detailed in the Asbestos Abatement Specifications for Solano Community College, and as indicated on HMS front end documents, HMS and
Kleinfelder reports. All work to be performed is under a single prime contract.
2:00 PM
NEW RFQ-Technical Design Services for Zinfandel Complex Project
Rancho Cordova Public Works is soliciting Statement of Qualification (SOQs) from qualified firms for Technical Design Services for the Zinfandel Complex
Project. The City intends to significantly improve the operations of the existing Zinfandel Drive/Route 50 interchange, alleviate congestion on the surrounding
roadway network, and provide a safer route for vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians. Improvements include the following:
• Eastbound Off-Ramp/Zinfandel Drive Improvements- Providing an additional through lane on northbound Zinfandel Drive, modifying the eastbound US50
entrance ramp, modifying the eastbound exit ramp to provide two dedicated right turn lanes, and squaring up the two eastbound entrance ramps to make it
bicycle and pedestrian friendly. Consider a two-phase signal and implied geometric improvements.
• Zinfandel Drive Overcrossing Improvements – Providing an additional through lane for southbound Zinfandel Drive by widening the existing overcrossing.
• Westbound Entrance Ramp – Squaring up the westbound loop entrance ramp to make it bicycle and pedestrian friendly.
• Zinfandel Drive/White Rock Road Intersection – Providing an additional northbound through lane, pedestrian improvements, and updated bus turnout.
2:30 PM
The project will require a full service consultant with the ability to deliver a wide range of services including, but not limited to: project scoping, cost analysis,
technical design, environmental clearances, equipment procurement, preparation of plans, specifications and estimates for construction documents, construction
bid assistance and construction assistance.
NEW Various Locations Pavement Preservation FY 2014-2015 No. 2
10/22 @ 1PM at 1680 Mission St, 4th Fl, San Francisco
Pavement preservation using type 2 & type 3 micro-surfacing, traffic routing, temporary pavement markings & all associated work.
Ramon Kong, Proj Mgr, @ 415-554-8280
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Bid Date Bid Time Location
11/5/2014 2:30 PM
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
NEW Proposition K Curb Ramps Fiscal Year 2013-2014
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
10/20 @ 1PM at 1680 Mission St., 3rd Fl, San Francisco
Curb ramp construction, sewer replacement, traffic routing & striping
Amay lam, Proj Mgr, @ 415-437-7048
3:00 PM
3:00 PM
San Jose
Traffic Loop Replacement Services
The City of San José hereinafter “City") is soliciting bids from qualified Contractors (hereinafter “Bidder") to provide Traffic Loop Replacement Services including
all labor, material, and equipment necessary to perform such services as specified in the bid document scope of work/services. The replacement will be of 37
existing loops at 25 locations with three locatioons being Caltrans off ramps maintained bu the City of San Jose
NEW Landscape Maintenance for Landscape Assessment District and
10/21 @ 10AM at 202 N. McDowell Blvd, Petaluma
City of Petaluma Landscape Areas
Landscape maintenance
4:00 PM
MAND 10/15 @ 10AM at 777 W. 22nd St., Merced
NEW Replacement of Tennis Courts at Mt. Eden Park
MAND 10/23 @ 9AM at 2451 W. Tennyson Rd., Hayward
Removal and replacement of tennis courts. Existing asphalt surface and base rock be removed and 8” of new compacted base rock, 4” of asphalt and new
surfacing material be installed.
MAND 10/23 @ 9AM at 2415 First Ave, Sacramento
Sacramento NEW Inspection, Maintenance and Repair Services for Automatic
Entrance Doors Retrofit at Trident Center
Provide & install replacement entrance doors
11/6/2014 1:30 PM
1:30 PM
Sliding/Swinging Doors at DMV Headquarters Complex
Inspection, maintenance & non-scheduled repair services for sliding/swinging doors at the DMV Headquarters Complex in Sacramento
Julie Phang @ 916-651-2556
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Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
11/6/2014 2:00 PM
Foothill College Modernization Project 121-Library and Learning
Center Renovation (Lease-Leaseback Project)
Los Altos
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
MAND 9/16 @ 11AM and 9/25 @ 11AM
The project will be constructed utilizing multiple trade conctracvtors, each working under a separate contract with Kitchell CEM, who is the lease/lease back
contractor for the new library moderniation at Foothill College.
The Following is a list of varius Trade Bid packages:
Trade Bid Package 00 44 01:Demolition
Trade Bid Package 00 44 02:Misc Trades
Trade Bid Package 00 44 03:Roofing
Trade Bid Package 00 44 04:Doors & Hardware
Trade Bid Package 00 44 05:Glazing
Trade Bid Package 00 44 06:Painting
Trade Bid Package 00 44 07:Framing, Insulation & GWB
Trade Bid package 00 44 08: Flooring
Trade Bid Package 00 44 09:Acoustical
Trade Bid Package 00 44 10:Mechanical, Plumbing & Fire Sprinkler
Trade Bid Package 00 44 11:Electrical
Trade Bid Package 00 44 12:Landscaping
2:00 PM
NOTE: Bidders must be prequalified to submit a bid to Kitchell. The prequalification application must be submiited to Kitchell by no later than September 30,
Job Order Contract 52, Electrical (C-10 License), San Francisco,
10/9 @ 10AM
Peninsula and East Bay
A Job Order Contract is an indefinite quantity contract pursuant to which the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission may accomplish a series of projects with
a single, competitively bid contract awarded before the projects are identified. Contractors bid an adjustment factor to pre-set unit prices. Work is accomplished
by issuing task orders to the successful contractor during the two year term of the contract.
Regina Du @ 415-554-4335
2:00 PM
Regional Groundwater Storage and Recovery-WILL NOT BE ONLINE
10/7 @ 10am
$47000000 $50000000
The objective of the project is to drill, install, and construct 13 groundwater well facilities, including site preparation; clearing/grubbing and grading; various work
on existing groundwater wells; building foundations, temporary shoring and retaining walls; new pumps, motors and related appurtenances; ventilation system;
trenching and pipeline and conduit construction; cathodic protection system; chemical treatment equipment, tanks and pumping systems; electrical power
distribution systems, SCADA and I&C control systems; perimeter security fence; security monitoring and control systems; final grading and drainage; landscape
and irrigation systems; sanitary and storm drain piping and connections to municipal systems; paving and various other site improvements; construct
approximately 7,100 feet of 8-inch and 12-inch diameter ductile iron water transmission pipeline. The work is to be performed in San Mateo, California. The
Engineer's estimate is approximately between $47 to $50 million. The Contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder.
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Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
11/6/2014 2:00 PM
Lobby and Staff Lounge Remodel
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
MAND 10/17 @ 10AM at 651 Commerce Dr., Roseville
Div_02-demolition; Div_03-concrete; Div_06-rough carpentry, wood veneer-faced cabinets; Div_07-built-up bituminous roofing, joint sealants; Div_08-hollow
metal doors & frames, wood doors, aluminum-framed entrances & storefronts, pass windows, door hardware, glazing; Div_09-gypsum board assemblies,
acoustical ceilings, resilient flooring, carpeting, painting & coating; Div_10-signage, fire protection specialties; Div_11-kitchen appliances; Div_12-window
shades; Div_15-automatic fire protection; Div_22-plumbing & utilities; Div_23-HVAC-Div_26-lighting, electrical
Knat Holben, Proj Mgr, @ 916-781-4208
2:00 PM
HVAC Replacement and Air Balancing Project for Placerville DMV
MAND 10/16 @ 10AM at 2919 Cold Springs Rd, Placerville
HVAC replacement & air balanxing & electrical work
Julie Phang @ 916-651-2556
2:00 PM
The Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewers at Lakeside Park Pump Station Voluntary 10/21 @ 11:00AM at 250 FRank Ogawa Plaza,
The proposed work consists, in general, of remove of the existing sanitary sewer pumps, excavation, dewatering, shoring and installation of a pre-engineered
and pre-fabricated complete pump station system with associated electrical and alarm systems, install precast holding tank, and other items of work state in the
Special Provisions and the project plans or as required for a fully functional sanitary sewer pump station.
Gunawan Santoso, Proj Mgr, @ 510-238-7260
2:00 PM
The Rehabilitation of Sanitary Sewers in the area bounded by Park
Boulevard, Hollywood Avenue, Sunnyhills Road, and Brighton
Voluntary 10/21 @ 11:00 AM at 250 Frank Ogawa Plaza,
The proposed work consists, in general, of rehabilitating approximately 2,953 linear feet of existing 6” diameter sewer pipes and approximately 13,774 linear feet
of existing 8” diameter sewer pipes by pipe-expanding method; rehabilitating sewer structures; reconnecting house connection sewers; rehabilitating house
connections sewers, and other related works as indicated on the plans and specifications.
David Ng, Proj Mgr, @ 510-238-7267
2:00 PM
NEW 55 Inch LCD Flat Monitor Signage for Oakland Airport Operations
The Port of Oakland is soilicting competitive bids to supply the Oakland International Airport with fourteen (14) units of 55 inch LCD flat panel monitor signage of
its airport operations center.
Kyle Mobley @ 510-563-6588
2:00 PM
NEW Pump Station Alarm Installation and Monitoring
The City of Stockton is seeking bids from qualified vendors to provide alarm installation & monitoring for pump stations for the Municipal Utiulities department.
At present, there are 27 sanitary pump stations & 72 storm-water pump stations. Additionally, one (1) is under construction. The selected vendor will be
responsible to install alarms & monitor as required i n strict accordance with the bid specifications
Diane Samples @ 209-937-7130
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Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
11/6/2014 2:00 PM
CIPP Corrosion Rehabilitation Project
2:00 PM
Los Altos
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
Line approximately 475 lf of existing 30" sewer main in Springer Road with cured-in-place pipe
NEW Pre-Construction Tree Removal, Floodwall Improvements along Line MAND 10/21 @ 10AM at 951 Turner Ct., Rm 301, Hayward
D Phase 2 Between Huntwood and Bart
2:00 PM
Implementing water pollution measures; providing traffic control; removing trees, chipping resulting tree material; stabilizing chipped material stockpile and all
miscellaneous work necessary to complete the project
Replacement of Embarcadero Bridge Over Lake Merritt ChannelMAND 10/6 @ 3:30PM & 10/9 @ 2:30PM at 250 Frank
Ogawa Plaza, Oakland
The proposed work consists, in general, of the bridge replacement. Said work consists of, but is not limited to, bridge removal, structural excavation and backfill,
grading, structural concrete, furnishing and driving cast-in-drilled hole concrete piles, reinforcement steel and miscellaneous metal work, new restroom building,
environmental protection, traffic control and other work specifically shown on the plans or included in the specifications and these special
Nader Rabahat, Proj Mgr, @ 510-238-6605
3:00 PM
San Jose
3:00 PM
San Jose
NEW 7753-On-Call CCTV Inspection FY 2014-2016
Mobilization, traffic control, drainage & sewer facilities, television inspection, cleaning pipelines, plugging & diversion of sewage flow
NEW 7405-Public Works General Engineering Contract for Sewer Repairs
2013-2015 (Contract III)
Clearing & grubbing, watering, aggregate subbases, aggregate bases, deep lift asphalt base, asphalt concrete, concrete curbs & sidewalks, monuments, traffic
stripes & pavement markings, signals, lighting & electrical systems, asphaltic emuslions, pipe & structures, trench excavation, bedding & backfill, pipe
installation, pipeline structures, acceptance tests for sanitary sewers, cleaning pipelines, sanitary sewer rehabilitation, manhole reheabilitation
11/7/2014 2:00 PM
Lorimer Ancheta, Proj Mgr, @ 408-975-7398
NEW Design Build Services for New Boarding Area B Reconstruction
10/20 @ 9:30AM
Project and Terminal 1 Center Renovation Project
Design Build Services for the programming, design and construction for the redevelopment of Terminal 1 Center Renovation Project and of New Boarding Area
B Reconstruction Project.
Reuben Hailii, Contracts Mgr, @ 650-821-7803
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:30 PM
2015 Prequalification for SFUSD Projects Eligible for State Funding
10/9 @ 3PM at 135 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco
The San Francisco Unified School Dist is prequalifying general contractors,, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection & underground pipeline
subcontractors to bid on state-funding eligible projects
Demolition of Partially Built Single Family Residence
10/24 @ 10AM at 1444 N. Chrocicle Ave, Stockton
San Joaquin County is seeking qualified vendors for the demoltion of a fire-damaged, partially built single family residence. The structure is being ordered
demolished as a public nuisance.
NEW RFB-14-15-36 Recreation Park Stadim Lighting Project, Phase 2
10/28/14 @ 9amMAND 10/30/14 @ 9am
Recreation Park Stadim Lighting Project, Phase 2...This project requires the Contractor to have a Class A or combination of Class C licenses to perform all
aspects of work.
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Online O
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
11/7/2014 4:00 PM
RFP-Design Engineering Consultant Services for Charcot Ave
Extension over I-880
San Jose
5:00 PM
11/10/2014 2:00 PM
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
The City of San Jose's Department of Transportation is seeking qualified consultant engineering firms or Partnering Organizations to provide transportation
planning and engineering services related to the preparation of scoping, environmental studies, project reports, plans, specifications and estimate for the
Charcot Avenue Extension Over I-880.
NEW RFP-Parking Garage Management at 1650 Mission Street
10/22 @ 10AM at 25 Van Ness Ave, Ste 70, San Francisco
Manage the complete Parking Lot Operation at 1650 Mission Street Parking Garage. The current lot has 105 parking stalls.
2:00 PM
11/11/2014 1:00 PM
Light Rail Efficiency Project:Mountain View Phase 2
9/24 @ 10AM at 3331 N. First St., Bldg A, San Jose
The project will add a second light rail track over a distance of approximately 3,000 feet, including closure & removal of the existing Evelyn Light Rail Station,
installation of light rail support systems & modeification to the municipal drain system
University Park-North Garden Apartment Building #1,3,4,5&10
MAND 10/13 @ 10AM at 1600 Holloway Ave, Room 200
Asbestos Aba
Capital Planning & Construction, San Francisco
Work consists of all labor and materials necessary to remove and dispose of asbestos-containing thermal system insulation from piping systems within the crawl
spaces of Apartment Buildings #1, 3, 4, 5 & 10 at University Park North on campus. Work also includes the removal & disposal of all asbestos debris, all foreign
matter, all insulation remnants existing on the surfaces of the “rat slab,” concrete footings and wood framing members throughout the crawl spaces in
accordance with plans and specifications prepared by WSR Architects
Compete bid documents will be posted once available
10/28 @ 3PM
Sacramento NEW Landscape and Engineering Services
The Contractor shall furnish all supervision, labor, materials, equipment and incidentals necessary to accomplish the work in accordance with the Contract. The
work generally consists of various landscape design and construction, road/area grading, walkway paving and repairs, retaining walls, and associated work to
support the tasks to be performed at SMUD’s various facilities during normal business hours.
10:00 AM
3:00 PM
Palo Alto
Phleacia Christopher @ 916-732-5262
NEW Magnolia Place Senior Apartments
Construction of a 32-unit, 26,220 SF building complete with architectural, civil, electrical, landscaping, plumbing, mechanical & structural trades.
RFP-Parking Wayfinding
Pre-proposal Teleconference 10/7 @ 1:30PM
The City of Palo Alto is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide services to launch integrated programs to reduce traffic and parking demand in the
Downtown core, and is also seeking to more effectively optimize and manage its existing parking supply. Important City goals include providing improved access
to information on parking and transportation within the Downtown, and helping motorists to find available parking quickly and efficiently.
Page 34 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
11/12/2014 1:30 PM
Eden Reservoir Replacement and Round Hill Reservoir
10/20 @ 9:30AM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
Los Altos
3:00 PM
3:00 PM
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
$3000000 $4000000
Work includes: 1) At Eden Reservoir: Perform earthwork; install District-furnished 0.28 million gallon bolted steel temporary tank, foundation, related piping, and
appurtenances; demolish existing 1.6-MG welded steel Eden Reservoir including the exterior wooden architectural screen; construct two, 0.45 million gallon
welded steel reservoirs with aluminum geodesic dome roofs, foundations, piping, valve structures, coatings, and appurtenances; disassemble and store 0.28
million gallon bolted steel temporary tank, restore temporary tank site, pave reservoir site, install irrigation and landscaping, install fencing and perform related
work as specified in the Contract Documents at Eden Reservoir, located near the intersection of Coolidge Court and Summerglen Place in Castro Valley
(Unincorporated Alameda County), California. 2) At Round Hill Reservoir: Construct radio communication towers and related cable and conduit; perform
earthwork; provide and install 0.16 million gallon bolted steel temporary tank, foundation, piping, and appurtenances; remove exterior wooden architectural
screen from existing Round Hill Reservoir; abrasive blast and recoat tank interior; low-pressure water clean, prime and top coat tank exterior; disassemble and
store 0.16 million gallon bolted steel temporary tank, pave reservoir site, install fencing; and perform related work as specified in the Contract Documents at
Round Hill Reservoir, located between 574 and 582 Oakshire Place in Alamo (Unincorporated Contra Costa County), California. 3) At Hink No. 2 Reservoir:
Disassemble 0.28-MG bolted steel temporary tank, deliver to Eden Reservoir, remove and replace fencing, restore site, and perform related work as specified in
the Contract Documents at Hink No. 2 Reservoir located at the end of Vista Bella Drive, Lafayette, California.
On-Call Utility Potholing at Various Locations
10/22 @ 9:30AM at 951 Turner Ct., Rm 230, Hayward
Prospecting & psoitively locating (both horizontally & vertically) various underground utility lines by "non-destructuve vacuum excavation," providing tarffic
control; restoration of disturbed roadway pavement; cleaning site & miscellnaeous work; furnishing all labor, material, tools, equipment, mechanical
workmanship, transportation & services necessary to be done in order to perform a complete job.
NEW Fire Alarm and Fire Pump Testing
MAND 10/31 @ 9AM at 2100 Napa Valley Hwy, Napa
The department is seeking bids for a contractor to perform Fire Alarm and Fire Pump Testing Services to the Department of State Hospitals—Napa (DSH-Napa)
TG13.3 Ground Level Landscaping
10/15 @ 2PM at 175 Beale St., San Francisco
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks Trade Subcontractors that have significant experience with ground level irrigation; ground level planting planters; area
trench drains; and installation of paving material, architectural concrete pavers, illuminated pavers and illuminated benches on complex projects which require
significant coordination with adjacent properties and traffic relocation located in an urban environment; including the engineering, coordination, procurement and
complete installation of their respective systems.
Smithwick Theater Hardware Improvements-Foothill College
MAND 10/22 @ 10AM at 12345 El Monte Rd., Bldg D160,
Los Altos Hill
Div_08-wood doors, FRP doors, door hardware; Div_09-painting
NEW BNSF/Port of Stockton Navy Drive BNSF Underpass Project
MAND 10/15 @ 10AM at 2201 W. Washington St., Stockton
Water pollution control, earthwork, erosion control, subbases & bases, hot mix asphalt, concrete pavement, piling, concrete structures, waterproofing, steel
structures, painting, pumping equipment & controls, miscellaneous metal, fences
NEW Victoria Lift Station Upgrades
MAND 11/04/14 @ 10:00 am
The WORK includes: Modifications to the existing pump station including but not limited to the following: forcemain tie-in, dry pit valve replacement, removal and
replacement of submersible pumps, wet well top replacements, electrical equipment, controls and instrumentation, bypass pumping during construction, site
work, and related work as shown in the Contract Documents. Work also includes electrical improvements at the La Cresta Water Tanks for SCADA upgrades ..
Page 35 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
11/13/2014 1:00 PM
Daly City
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Los Gatos
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
NEW Extension of Westlake Warehouse
10/30/14 @ site
Design and construction of a pre-fabricated warehouse as detailed in the plans and specifications; including but not limited to: Construct warehouse foundation
based on soils report recently completed; construct warehouse, coordinate with City's Inspector
to design and construct an extension of the fire sprinklers; installation of a ramp, installation of electrical equipment and acquire all necessary permits and any
other work required for acomplete and fully functional warehouse.
Highly Rncouraged 8/21 @ 2PM
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture issues this Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Skylights Package for the Transbay Transit Center Project from firms (Trade
Subcontractors) with expertise in Design, fabrication and installation of skylights. The successful Proposer must demonstrate experience in its respective field as
outlined within this RFP.
Janitorial Services for the Los Gatos DMV Field Office
Optional 10/22 $ 8AM at 600 N Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos
Contractor agrees to provide the Dept of Motor Vehicles all labor, tools, materials, equipment & travel necessary to perform janitorial services at the Los Gatos
Kary Ride @ 916-651-2555
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
NEW Zarah at Roseville Galleria
Shell work for proposed tenant improvemnt. Trades to include: demolition, concrete, rebar, masonry, structural steel, insulation, caulking, drywall/metal framing,
ceramic tile, painting and electrical.
NEW Replace Drinking Water Fountains Public Utilities Commission
MAND 10/29 @ 10:30AM at 505 Van Ness Ave, Rm 2012,
Building 418
San Francisco
The Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment and materials required to remove, dispose of and re-install new drinking water fountains and water chiller units
for the drinking fountains.
Job Order Contract 53, Electrical (C-10 License), San Francisco,
10/9 @ 10AM
Peninsula and East Bay
A Job Order Contract is an indefinite quantity contract pursuant to which the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission may accomplish a series of projects with
a single, competitively bid contract awarded before the projects are identified. Contractors bid an adjustment factor to pre-set unit prices. Work is accomplished
by issuing task orders to the successful contractor during the two year term of the contract.
Mindy Lee @ 415-554-3136
3:00 PM
11/14/2014 2:00 PM
NEW Lot Street Light System Repairs and Installation
MAND 10/28 @ 10AM at 231 N Whisman Rd., Mountain
Install ten (10) street light poles & street lights & ten (10) concrete footing in various locations throughout the City of Mountain View.
MAND 10/24 @ 1PM at 440 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond $300000
Removal and installation of 275 (200 Base Bid + 75 Alternate) newtraffic rated boxes and construction of reinforced concrete pads around the boxes in
accordanceto City Standards, removal of asphalt concrete and concrete sidewalk as required, and thecomplete re-wire of the traffic signal interconnect system
along the Richmond Parkway (BaseBid) from San Pablo Avenue to I-580 and Castro Street (Alternate Bid). (See Plans Attached),and for all other work, items or
details not mentioned above that are required by the Drawings,Standard Specifications, or these Special
Richmond Parkway Interconnect Wire and Pullbox Replacement
Page 36 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
11/14/2014 3:00 PM
RFP-Prefabricated Modular Data Center
11/17/2014 2:00 PM
Los Altos
2:00 PM
Prebid Information
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
10/17 @ 9AM
The Request for Proposal (RFP) is not an order. The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to purcahse a Prefrabricated Modular Data Center Container
as described in the attached detailed statement of work, equipment list, and technical requirements sections.
NEW Annual Concrete Repair
Performing concrete curb, gutter, driveway & sidewalk repairs; pruning existing tree roots; installing city-standard cast-iron truncated domes; installing root
barrier & replacing existing asphalt concrete patches & patching existinf AC after completion of the installation of new concrete gutters, curbs & sidewalks
alongside the concrete improvements
SFO-Design Build Services for Long Term Parking Garage No. 2
10/10 @ 10AM
The Long-Term Parking Garage No. 2 Project consists of the programming, design, and construction of one or more multi-level above-ground parking
structure(s) within the Airport's Lot DD in order to increase on-Airport long-term parking capacity by a net 3,000 parking spaces.
Tasso Mavroudis, Contracts Mgr, @ 650-821-7758
3:00 PM
RFP-State Route 84 Widening from Pigeon Pass ro Interstate 680
Project Approval and Envirnmental Documents (PA&ED) Phase
10/14 @ 1PM at 1111 Broadway, Stew 800, Oakland
The Alameda County of Transportation Commission is seekinmg proposals to provide professional engineering services for the project approval & environmental
document phase of the State Route 84 Widening from Pigeon Pass to Interstate 680
Joan Fisher @ 510-208-7466
4:00 PM
11/18/2014 2:00 PM
10/29 @ 2PM at 915 I st., Rm 2000, Sacramento
This Auburn Boulevard Bridge is located in North Sacramento where Auburn Boulevard crosses Arcade Creek just east of Winding Way and west of Park Road
and the I-80 ramps. The existing structure was constructed in 1927 and widened in 1965. In its current condition, the structure has spalling at the girders and
bents and insufficient deck width to provide the City with standard lane widths and bike lanes. The existing structure is located within 150’ of the Winding Way
intersection which does not have ADA compliant ramps or crossing facilities. This project will require work within the County of Sacramento. Close coordination,
input, and approval, from County reviewers will be required during preliminary engineering and design of project improvements.This project will seek to replace
the existing structurally deficient and functionally obsolete bridge. The new bridge will be a structure that provides a minimum of five 12’ lanes, two 6’ bike
lanes, a raised median, and two 6’ sidewalks. The proposed project has the potential to impact the current configuration of the Auburn Boulevard/Winding Way
signalized intersection. During the preliminary engineering and development of the Project Report, the necessity and alternatives for modifications to the
intersection must be investigated.
Auburn Boulevard at Arcade Creek Bridge Replacement Project
TG16.1 Drywall/Framing
10/2 @ 2PM at 175 Beale St., San Francisco
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks Trade Subcontractors that have significant experience with drywall, metal framing, building insulation, penetration
firestopping, toilet accessories, miscellaneous metals for own work, bird deterrent, ballistic resistant panels, acoustic ceiling tiles & acoustic wall treatments on
complex projects which require significant coordination with adjacent properties and traffic relocation located in an urban environment; including the engineering,
coordination, procurement and complete installation of their respective systems
Page 37 of 40
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
11/18/2014 2:00 PM
BART Earthquake Safety Programs Seismic Retrofit and Repairs at
Various Locations
10/3 @ 10AM at at 300 Lakeside Drive, Oakland
Daly City
Div_02-preservation & restoration, selective structure demolition; Div_03-concrete; Div_04-unit masonry restoration; Div-05-metal welding, metal fabrications;
Div_06-rough carpentry; Div_07-modified bituminous sheet waterproofing; Div_09-cutting & patching; Div_20-restoration of facility services, raceways for facility
services; Div_26-lighting, electrical; Div_32-pavement markings, plant irrigation, planting
$80000 Replace Glass Panels at Daly City Station Platform
10/23 @ 10AM at 300 Lakeside Dr., Oakland
2:00 PM
$1100000 $1500000
Contractor shall provide all labor, equipment, materials & services required for replacing non-tempered glass panels with tempered glass at the platform level at
the BART Daly City Station
Anita Maynar @ 510-464-6543
2:00 PM
2:00 PM
3:00 PM
11/19/2014 2:00 PM
2:00 PM
Complete documents will be posted once available
MAND 11/5/14 @ 11am
Santa Cruz NEW Wastewater Treatment Facility Digester # 4 Cleaning
Full service removal and disposal of all liquids and solids from Digester # 4 and wash down of interior. Digester # 4 is 95' inside diameter at a depth of 31 feet.
The City will reduce the amount of material to approximately 18.5' just above the upper draw off line. The Contractor shall break the seal. The amount of material
the Contractor shall remove is approximatley 994,000 gallons.
9/18 @ 2PM at 175 Beale St., San Francisco
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks Trade Subcontractors that have significant experience with PVC roofing, sheet waterproofing, and fluid applied
waterproofing on complex projects which require significant coordination with adjacent properties and traffic relocation located in an urban environment;
including the engineering, coordination, procurement and complete installation of their respective systems.
MAND 10/31 @ 8AM
Santa Clara NEW Integrated Pest Management Services for Structural Facilities
The County of Santa Clara will be requesting proposals from qualified contractors to provide structural & related pest control services for structural facilities
9/10 @2PM
TG07.3-Miscellaneous Metals
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks Trade Subcontractors that have significant experience with rails, metal covers, fences, metal plate and covers on walls
and columns, bike racks, site metal fabrications, enclosing profile, façade access track, and overhead catenary system on complex projects which require
significant coordination with adjacent properties and traffic relocation located in an urban environment; including the engineering, coordination, procurement and
complete installation of their respective systems.
TG07.4-Concrete Masonry Units
9/25 @ 2PM
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks Trade Subcontractors that have significant experience with furnishing and installing concrete masonry units,
miscellaneous metals to brace own work, associated membranes, and, other related accessories on complex projects which require significant coordination with
adjacent properties and traffic relocation located in an urban environment; including the engineering, coordination, procurement and complete installation of their
respective systems.
Page 38 of 40
Online O
Bid Date Bid Time Location
11/20/2014 2:00 PM
4:00 PM
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
NEW Schwerin Street Sewer System Improvement
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
Networking Confedrence 10/29 @ 10AM
Div_02-demolition, environmental management of excavated materials, jet grouting, premeation grouting, ground movement, vibration instrument & monitoring,
pavement cutting, trench excavation & support work, backfilling & compaction, dewatering & groundwater control, microtunneling, stormwater & erosion control,
asphalt concrete planing, asphaltic concrete paving, portland cement concrete paving, reinforced concrete pipe, glass fiber-reinforced thermosetting resin
jacking pipe, glass fiber reinforced thermosetting resin pipe sewerage systems; Div_03-concrete; Div_05-stainless steel; Div_09-cast-in-place detectable surface
RFQ-Architectural and Engineering Team Design Criteria Consulting 10/16 @ 1PM at 30 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco
fo San Francisco Sheriff's Dept Rehabilitation Detention Center
The design team will provide programming, architectural, engineering & all related services to plan & develop the perfformance & technical criteria package
necessary to assist the City with the solicitation & procurement of design build entity for the design & construction of a new Rehabilitation Detention Facility to
replace existing county jails bumber 3 & 4 cirrently located on the 65th & 7th floor of the Hall of Justice
11/21/2014 5:00 PM
RFP-Solar PV Energy California Department of Corrections and
MAND 9/4 @ 5PM
A qualified pool members are invited to review & respond to this Request for Proposal for the installation & operation of solar photovoltaic energy generation
systems under a third party ownership power purchase agreement business model
11/28/2014 2:00 PM
12/1/2014 3:00 PM
12/5/2014 5:00 PM
12/11/2014 2:00 PM
Novato Housing Maintenance & Repair Electrical System
8/15 @ 10AM at 227 South Oakwood Dr., Novato
$1000000 $5000000
Maintenance & repair electrical system
NEW Islais Creek Facility Phase II-Maintenance and Operations Building
Pre bid conference 11/6 @ 1:30 PM & Site Visit 11/6 @
Construction of a new maintenance & operations Building which will supplement the existing fuel/wash & annex buildings previously constructed.
Complere documents will be posted once available
Contractor Prequalification for Napa County South Campus
Improvement Project
South campus improvements project prequalification's
NEW TG08.9-Roll-Up Doors and Grilles
10/21 @ 2PM at 175 Beale St., San Francisco
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks responses to a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and concurrent Invitation for Bids (IFB) from Trade Subcontractors
interested in bidding the TG08.9 Roll-Up Doors and Grilles Construction Services on the contract for the Transbay Transit Center (TTC) Project located in San
Francisco, California. Bidders that have already pre-qualified do not need to respond to the RFQ.
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks Trade Subcontractors that have significant experience with installation of Roll-Up Doors, Grilles and Elevator Smoke
Curtains on complex projects which require significant coordination with adjacent properties and traffic relocation located in an urban environment; including the
engineering, coordination, procurement and complete installation of their respective systems
Page 39 of 40
Bid Date Bid Time Location
Plan Name / Scope of Work
Prebid Information
12/18/2014 2:00 PM
TG08.7 Glass Floor Construction Services Package
10/7/14 @ 2pm
2:00 PM
Engineers # of
Estimate Addenda #
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks responses to a Request for Proposals (RFP) from Trade Subcontractors interested in submitting a proposal for the
TG08.7 Glass Floors Construction Services trade package on the contract for the Transbay Transit Center (TTC) Project located in San Francisco, California.
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks Trade Subcontractors that have significant experience with design, fabrication and installation of structural glass floors
including but not limited to structural supports and expansion joints on complex projects which require significant coordination with adjacent properties and traffic
relocation located in an urban environment; including the engineering, coordination, procurement and complete installation of their respective systems in the
following trade: TG08.7 GLASS FLOORS
TG08.10 Glass Curtain Walls
9/23 @ 2PM at 175 Beale St., San Francisco
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks Trade Subcontractors that have significant experience with glass curtain wall assemblies, aluminum color covers &
aluminum extrusions on complex projects which require significant coordination with adjacent properties and traffic relocation located in an urban environment;
including the engineering, coordination, procurement and complete installation of their respective systems
12/31/2014 5:00 PM
Fremont Unified School District Qualified Bidders for the Year 2014
Contractors must provide the name and address to which a Notice to Contractors or proposal should be mailed, a phone number at which the contractor may be
reached, their business fax number, the type of work in which the contractor is interested and currently licensed to do (earthwork, pipelines, electrical, painting,
general building, etc.) together with the class of contractor’s license(s) held and contractor license number(s), proof of general liability insurance and maximum
project bonding capacity. Contractors that were previously included on the list will need to resubmit to be included on the list for the current calendar year.
1/20/2015 2:00 PM
NEW TG08.6-Metal Ceiling
10/29 @ 2PM
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks responses to a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and concurrent Invitation for Bids (IFB) from Trade Subcontractors
interested in bidding the TG08.6 Metal Ceiling Construction Services on the contract for the Transbay Transit Center (TTC) Project located in San Francisco,
California. Bidders that have already pre-qualified do not need to respond to the RFQ.
Webcor/Obayashi Joint Venture seeks Trade Subcontractors that have significant experience with aluminum ceilings on complex projects which require
significant coordination with adjacent properties and traffic relocation located in an urban environment; including the engineering, coordination, procurement and
complete installation of their respective systems.
6/30/2015 6:00 PM
Various Public Works Projects-Sonoma State University
Sonoma State University is seeking qualified contractors and service providers to perform various projects and services beginning July 1, 2014 through June 30,
2015. The University shall establish a shortlist of qualified contractors for possible future minor capital projects ranging in value from $5,000.00 up to
Carolyn Faulconer of the Sonoma State University says that from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 the university will be accepting contractors who wish to be
added to its list to perform various projects & services for the university. Right now there are no projects yet out to bid. The bid date, June 30, 2015, is the last
day the University will be accepting qualified contractors to its list.
Includes, but not limited to, demolition, miscellaneous site improvements, flooring, walls, doors,
windows, roofing, mechanical and plumbing systems; electrical and telecommunication systems, audio and video systems, radio and communications systems,
security and surveillance systems, fire alarm systems and signage; HVAC equipment; water heaters; automatic doors; ADA; pathways; wall coverings
Page 40 of 40
A Special Seminar
8:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
COST (due in advance): $150.00 per person
LOCATION: Bay Area Builders Exchange
3055 Alvarado Street, San Leandro, CA 94577 (510) 483-8880
Contact: Larry Levy at 415-892-1497 or FAX reservation to 415-8926596. Make check payable to Larry Levy. Mail to 458 San Marin Drive,
Novato, CA 94945
Thank you, Larry. We are planning to come. Enclosed is my check.
Names of participants:
From (Co. or Org.)
Overtime Requirements as of January 2014
Overtime Exemptions
Make-up Time is Available
Alternative Workweeks — New Law
Itemization of Wage Statements
When does the Work Week begin?
Minimum Wage Violations — New Law
Wage Theft — New Law
Misclassification of Independent Contractors vs. Employees — New Law
Commission Agreements — New Law
Meal and Rest Periods — New Laws
San Francisco Ordinances— New Laws
Compensable (“Comp.”) Time
On-Call Time
Waiting Time
The Company’s vs. the Employees’ Tools
Paid Vacation
Paid Sick Leave — New Law
Paid Holidays
Deductions from Paychecks
Final Paychecks
Frequency of Paying Employees
Travel Time — New Law; Heads Up, Contractors!
Determining the Difference between Exempt vs. Non-exempt Employees
Executive Office Space for Lease
Small Private Offices Available: TWO LOCATIONS
110 - 300 square feet
San Leandro
Ideal space for satellite office, estimators, sales &
service representatives
Amenities include:
Free WiFi
FAX / COPY Machines Available
San Leandro
3055 Alvarado Street
San Leandro, CA 94577
2440 Stanwell Drive
Concord, CA 94520
For more information call Scott Leary at 510.483.8880 (San Leandro)
or Denice McDavid at 925.685.8630 (Concord)
Misc.: Leases are month to month. 1st month and security deposit to start lease.
Credit Check. Telephone / upgraded cable internet service not included.
Advertising Rates
Weekly Bulletin
Our Bulletin runs weekly in 8 1/2 " X 11 " Size Format, Black & White
(Total cost)
(Total cost)
Full Page:
One or two weeks
Three or four weeks
1/2 PAGE:
One or two weeks
Three or four weeks
1/4 PAGE:
One or two weeks
Three or four weeks
Business Card &
Sub Bid Requests:
One or two weeks
Three or four weeks
Up to 7 lines
One or two weeks
Three or four weeks
(Each additional line)
Note: A line is 30 Character / spaces.
Please fax a typed written sample of your ad to 510-352-1509 or email copy text to and indicate the number of Weekly Bulletin issues the ad is to run.
Ad deadline is 12:00 P.M. Thursdays, the Weekly Bulletin is published every Friday.
**** Ads for Nonmembers must be paid in advance.
3055 Alvarado Street, San Leandro, CA 94577. Tel: 510-483-8880. Fax 510-352-1509.