COLCHESTER DECORATIVE & FINE ARTS SOCIETY A Member Society of the National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies STUDY COURSE GREECE, ROME AND THE CLASSICAL REVIVAL Part I Roman and Greek Art and Architecture by Dr Paul Roberts, Senior Curator of Roman Archaeology in the Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the British Museum Week 1 – Monday 12 January 2015 i. Rome: Art and Emperors - the Golden Age of Roman Art ii. Leptis Magna and Cyrene: Cities of the Sands Week 2 – Monday 19 January 2015 iii. Mirrors of Stone: The Mosaics of Greece and Rome iv. Pompeii and Herculaneum Part II Palladio and Palladianism: An Architectural Heritage by Charles Hind Chief Curator and H.J. Heinz Curator of Drawings at the Royal Institute of British Architects Week 3 – Monday 26 January 2015 v. The Life and Career of Andrea Palladio (1508-1580) vi. Anglo-Palladianism For more detailed information on this course look at our poster or under Study Days This study course will be held on three consecutive Mondays as above at Marks Tey Parish Hall, London Road, Marks Tey CO6 1EN Each meeting will start at 2.00 pm and end approximately at 4.30 pm. The cost will be £35 per person which includes tea. To book this course please complete the form below and send with a cheque made payable to Colchester DFAS to BIRTE KELLY, STOUR, EAST BERGHOLT, COLCHESTER, CO7 6TF - TEL 01206 298954 -E-mail: PLEASE NOTE: Refunds can only be made up to 7 days before the first lecture, and will not be given for part of the course. RECEIPT – please leave this section blank for the organisers This is to acknowledge your cheque for £...............and confirm your booking for the Study Course Greece, Rome and the Classical Revival on Mondays 12, 19 and 26 January 2015 Signed: ………………………….. Date: …………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Please reserve ....... place(s) for Greece, Rome and the Classical Revival on Mondays 12. 19 and 26 January 2015 I enclose a cheque for £........ (£35 per person) made payable to COLCHESTER DFAS If you require a receipt and are applying by post, please cut above the receipt slip and enclose SAE We are happy to send a receipt by e-mail if you prefer and provide an e-mail address. Name/s ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Address ............................................................................................................................. .............................................................. ............................................................................ Tel:..................................................................................................................... Email address:............................................................................................................................. ....................................................
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