Glenthorne Primary School Whole School Overview 2014/2015 Year 5 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Literacy Grammar Poetry‐ Poets’ Voices (2 weeks) Fiction‐ Friend or Foe (4 weeks) Revision 1, 2 and 3. Standard and non‐standard English Word Classes ‐compare and order 5‐digit numbers ‐use < > symbols ‐add and subtract multiples of 10, 100, 1000 from 5‐ digit numbers ‐place value for decimal numbers ‐multiply and divide decimals by 10 and 100 ‐doubling and halving ‐12‐hour and 24‐hour clock ‐calculate time intervals ‐measure and convert units of length mm/cm ‐perimeter ‐subtraction of 4‐digit numbers ‐find change from money Non‐Fiction‐ Animals On The Move (2 weeks) Live Unit‐ Ultimate Rap ( 2 weeks) Relative Clauses Relative Pronouns Punctuation 1 and 2 Poetry‐ Tell Me A Story (2 weeks) Fiction‐ Oranges in No Man’s Land Word Detectives Year 5 Non‐fiction‐ The Museum of Fun (3 weeks) Commas for clarity ‐divisibility ‐factors ‐equivalent fractions ‐simplify fractions ‐multiply 3 and 4‐d‐ gt numbers ‐divide 3‐digit number with remainders as fractions ‐measure and draw angles ‐classify angles ‐name parts of a circle ‐draw circles with given radius ‐inverse operations ‐6‐digit numbers ‐multiply by 10/100/1000 ‐add and subtract 6‐ digit numbers ‐round two decimal place numbers to nearest tenth and whole number ‐missing number sentences ‐divisibility rules ‐prime numbers ‐factors of numbers ‐squares and square roots ‐types of triangles ‐angles in a triangle ‐convert weight and lengths ‐conversion graphs Maths Summer 1 Poetry‐ Compare and Perform Apostrophes for Contraction and Possession Using prefixes (dis‐, de‐, mis‐, over‐) ‐multiply 2‐digit ‐round amounts of numbers money ‐divide 3 digit ‐adding and numbers with subtracting money remainders ‐multiplying fractions ‐polygons ‐convert improper ‐angles fractions ‐parallel and ‐multiplying 3 and 4‐ perpendicular sides digit numbers by 2‐ ‐metric units of digits weight and length ‐compare decimals ‐mixed numbers ‐3 place decimal ‐improper fractions numbers‐ multiply ‐column addition and and divide by 10/100/1000 subtraction ‐negative numbers ‐coordinates ‐translate polygons ‐reflect shapes ‐draw regular and irregular shapes Summer 2 Fiction‐ Greek Myths Punctuation Text Cohesion ‐factors and multiples ‐compare and order fractions ‐add fractions ‐convert mixed numbers ‐multiply fractions by whole numbers ‐division of 3 and 4‐ digit numbers ‐multiply 3 and 4‐digit numbers by teens ‐area and perimeter of squares and rectangles and irregular shapes ‐volume Glenthorne Primary School Whole School Overview 2014/2015 ‐nets ‐add and subtract 5‐ digit numbers Science New Curriculum units Earth and Space ‐earth, moon and sun, ‐Eclipses and seasons ‐day and night ‐moon phases ‐stars ‐planets ‐solar system Forces ‐gravity ‐opposing forces ‐friction ‐air resistance ‐water resistance ‐mechanical devices ‐design and make Topic Meet The Greeks ‐Believers and Thinkers ‐ Children and Families History Focus Thrills and Spills ‐Extreme Sports ‐Fun at the Fair D+T/Science Focus ‐column method to add and subtract decimals including money Living Things and Their Habitats ‐differences in the life cycles of a mammal, an amphibian, an insect and a bird ‐ life process of reproduction in some plants and animals. Water World ‐Rivers and People ‐Wild Rivers Geography Focus RE Life’s Big Questions Marriage Islam Justice PSHE Right and Wrong Rights and Responsibilities Rules and Laws The Global Community Citizenship Difference & Diversity Unit ICT Creating and Publishing Digital Media Using Data PE Gymnastics Football Entry day‐ dressing up as Greeks Fabulous finish‐ Greek feast/entertainment Wolves player visit Communicating and Collaborating Online Gymnastics Football Think Tank‐ visit in Gymnastics Football Cannock Chase‐ habitat study Gymnastics Football Shugborough Hall BIG BANG fair Programming and Control Gymnastics Football Inspiration day‐ America theme PARENT WORKSHOP Modelling and Situations Gymnastics Football Trips/Visits Animals Including Humans ‐how human develop into old age ‐describe changes Properties and Changes of Materials ‐comparing materials ‐materials which dissolve ‐recovering substances from solutions ‐separating mixtures (filtering, sieving, evaporating) The Victorians ‐My Life is Hard ‐Turn Back the Clock History Focus The Americas ‐Mayas and Aztecs ‐Native Americans Geography/History Focus Poverty and Wealth Whole School Topic ‘Glenthorne Goes Global’ Geography Focus Christianity Glenthorne Primary School Whole School Overview 2014/2015
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