S OUTH O AKLAND V ICARIATE Christ Our Light, Troy Church of the Transfiguration, Southfield Divine Providence (Lithuanian), Southfield Guardian Angels, Clawson Holy Name, Birmingham Nat’l Shrine of the Little Flower, Royal Oak Our Lady of Albanians, Southfield Our Lady of La Salette, Berkley Our Lady of Sorrows, Farmington Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, Beverly Hills Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Oak Park Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Ferndale St. Alexander, Farmington Hills St. Anastasia, Troy St. Andrew Kim Catholic Community, Farmington Hills St. Clare of Assisi, Farmington Hills St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Troy St. Fabian, Farmington Hills St. Gerald, Farmington St. Hugo of the Hills, Bloomfield Hills St. Justin, Hazel Park St. Lucy (Croatian-American), Troy St. Mary, Royal Oak St. Mary Magdalen, Hazel Park St. Owen, Bloomfield Hills St. Regis, Bloomfield Hills St. Thomas More, Troy St. Vincent Ferrer, Madison Heights OCTOBER 2014 Rev. Mark S. Brauer, Vicar South Oakland Vicariate South Oakland Vicariate Spiritual Formation Committee presents: a 2-part series ~ “MARY OUR MOTHER” The first presentation is scheduled for Friday, October 17, 2014 7:30 PM at National Shrine of the Little Flower (in Church), Woodward & 12 Mile, Royal Oak. Fr. Ben Luedtke will speak on “Star of the New Evangelization”. The New Evangelization is a term that has become very familiar in the Church today. Saint John Paul II began, more than three decades ago, to speak of the need for a new period of evangelization. He described it as announcement of the Good News about Jesus that is “new in ardor, method and expression” (Address to the Latin American Episcopal Conference (CELAM), March 9, 1983). WHITE MASS AT OUR LADY OF LA SALETTE YOUNG ADULT SERVICE PROJECT Come and join us on Saturday, November 22 9am-3pm We will be assisting St. Benedict's Parish in Highland Park, cleaning out worship space and taking it to storage, or the curb. This will be a great opportunity to meet other young adults from the area and to help a great cause! All young adults ages 18-35 are welcome. 16111 John R. Road Highland Park (Wear closed-toed shoes; bring work gloves) Please RSVP by Saturday, November 15 to Marilyn Trumper-Samra: (248) 536-1188 Feast of Saint Luke, Divine Physician October 18 at 10:30 a.m. You are cordially invited to celebrate a White Mass, a special opportunity of blessing, praying for, and remembering all health care workers, along with their friends and families throughout south east Oakland County. The White Mass takes its name from the white lab coats which are so often worn by medical professionals. The Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, October 18th, the Feast of St. Luke at 10:30 a.m. Tradition tells us that Saint Luke was also a physician; therefore he is considered the patron saint of physicians and health care workers. The White mass will also include the Anointing of the Sick for anyone desiring this sacrament. A reception will follow the Mass in the gathering area of the church and all are welcome. Our Lady of La Salette Church is located at 2600 Harvard Road at Coolidge Highway, ½ mile north of 11 Mile Road in Berkley. Call the parish office at (248) 541-3762, extension 17 for further details. Our Blessed Mother exemplifies and has been called the Star of the New Evangelization by St. John Paul 2 as well as Popes Benedict XVI and Francis. Mary's life was a total giving over to God for the purpose of bringing Jesus alive for us. We too are called to incarnate Jesus in all we do. Lunch - Free - hot dog roast with fabulous homemade side dishes will be provided. Come join us as Fr. Ben Luedtke reflects on how Mary is our role model for evangelization. INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CELEBRATION OF THE 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEDICATION OF ST. MARY CHURCH IN ROYAL OAK. The second presentation is scheduled for Friday, May 8, 2015 – 7:30 PM (Location to be announced) Msgr. Ronald Browne will discuss “Things My Mother Taught Me” On Sunday, December 7th, the 11AM Mass will be concelebrated in recognition of 60 years of service to many families in our area. Please join us for this Mass and the gathering afterwards in our Fellowship Center. St Mary Parish (Royal Oak) 730 S. Lafayette Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48067-2596 248-547-1818 Page 2 South Oakland Vicariate MASS FOR THE UNBORN Monday, October 6, 2014 Church of the Transfiguration 25225 Code Rd., Southfield, MI 48034 248.356.8787 Holy Hour Holy Mass 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Collection for Mother & Unborn Baby Care, Inc. Any baby items received will be donated to Mother & Unborn Baby Care Fellowship & refreshments to follow in church hall Sponsored by Church of the Transfiguration Project Life Committee Income Inequality: Class Warfare or a Moral Issue? Explore this issue with Gilda Jacobs Retired, Michigan Representative/Senator Executive Director, Michigan League for Public Policy Income Inequality: How Are We Doing in Michigan? And Fr. Victor Clore Pastor, Christ the King Parish Professor of Theology, Marygrove College Income Inequality and Pope Francis’ Joy of the Gospel Oct. 28, 2014, 7pm Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish (Our Lady of Fatima Campus) 13500 Oak Park Blvd at Coolidge Sponsored by Michigan Catholics for the Common Good Fr. Dolan K of C # 3170 Road Rally October 25th 2:00 pm Start Time Starting: St. Mary Magdalen Church 50 E. Annabelle Hazel Park Parking lot Conclusion: Bishop William F. Murphy Council #3257 22040 Ryan Road Warren, MI $15 single person $20 per car Bring one non-perishable food item Per person per team Children prizes - Adult prizes Food and Beverages at conclusion of rally Contact: Grand Knight Mark Roe (248)808-9098 Please join St. Hugo of the Hills Parish as they show the "40" movie on Sunday, October 26, 2014 after the noon mass in the parish hall. The "40" film presents abortion as the most important human rights issue of our time! The movie features over 40 national pro-life leaders. Also featured are inspiring stories and deeply personal interviews addressing some of the strongest arguments for the pro-choice/abortion position countered by pro-life answers. The movie is directed by John Morales, producer of the award winning film "Champions of Faith: Baseball Edition." John is also a former Fox News Detroit sportscaster. The movie is free of charge. St. Hugo of the Hills is located at 2215 Opdyke Rd. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304. Please contact Doris Brandt 248.644.5460 with questions. CHARITY CASINO BUS TOUR A Stewardship Reflection There’s something wonderfully renewing about autumn. It’s all about new beginnings. Maybe it has something to do with new classrooms, the great smell of brand new shoes and the smooth touch of that new backpack. We remember those feelings of starting again even if it’s been years since we walked through the school house door. We still get that feeling of new possibilities in the crisp autumn air. This is the perfect time to bring a sense of spiritual renewal to your life and to your family. Autumn can truly bring out a new resolve to improve our lives as summer’s freedom gives way to the structure of fall. For adults, faith formation classes and prayer groups are forming. Check out the opportunities. With summer ending, many organizations are gearing up for new volunteers. Contact your local Catholic Charities or Habitat for Humanity to see how you might help out. Think of the autumn season as a way to discover a new rhythm for your prayer life. If new activities can be scheduled into your daily life, start scheduling in more quality time for prayer. For the children in your house, early to bed and early to rise means there may be more opportunities to be together for short prayer. Say a blessing at breakfast or a brief morning offering as kids head out. Try to bring a more regular prayer schedule to your home. Pray with your children as you tuck them in, making the prayer personal and about the day’s events. Make a resolve this fall to bring Christ more prominently into your family’s daily routine. Make the stewardship of your faith and family a commitment as autumn brings a sense of renewal. Vicariate Stewardship Commission South Oakland Council of Catholic Women invites you to: DISCIPLESHIP AND THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL Wednesday, November 5, 2014 Firekeepers Casino in Battle Creek Tour bus leaves St. Geralds Parish 21300 Farmington Rd. Farmington at 9 am and returns at 6 pm For information call: Richard Smith 248/747-6817 or Bruce Roberts 248/756-9257 or Richard Rosowski 248/477-2511 Thursday, October 16, 2014 Manresa Retreat Center 1390 Quarton Road @ Woodward $25 includes talk, lunch, liturgy, rosary, private meditation, and opportunity for Confession 9:30 a.m. gathering, 10 a.m. program begins end time 3:00 p.m. (No tickets sold at door) Sponsored by St. Geralds Knights of Columbus Call your Parish CCW Rep or Marge @ 248-544-2660 by Monday, October 13, 2014 Page 3 South Oakland Vicariate South Oakland Vicariate Parishes REVIVE: One Heart One Life at a Time! Saturday, November 8th, youth- 8th grade through College -throughout the metro area will be gathering for an extraordinary day to celebrate LIFE. Our conference, planned and run by the youth for the youth, promises to be a great opportunity to meet other young people while tackling tough issues with compassion and truth. Advance tickets of $15 covers speakers, original T-Shirt, vendors, dinner and concert. Registration opens at Shrine Catholic High School at 12:15. Come hear engaging testimonies, including Michelle Schmidt (Mother and Unborn Baby Care), Monsignor Timothy Hogan (Rachel’s Vineyard), Vicki Thorn (Founder of Project Rachel), Meagan Weber (From the Ashes), Michigan Students for Life, and singer/ songwriter Tori Harris. Walk through a new Mobil Ultra-sound Unit to capture a baby’s heartbeat. End your jam packed afternoon with a Concert at 7 pm, featuring Tori Harris and Attaboy. Adoration and Confession throughout the day. Praise and Worship at 5 pm followed by Sunday Vigil Mass with Father Patrick Gonyeau at 5:30. Info and Preregistration at: www.prolifeyouth.com or call 248 321-1883. SAVE THE DATE - TORI HARRIS Sunday, Nov. 9, 2014 Contemporary Christian Concert for the whole family. Tori will be performing at St. Owens Catholic Church 3:00-4:30 followed by a light reception in Parish Center put on by local youth groups. 6869 Franklin Rd. Bloomfield Hills 48301 Free will offering at the door. For more information please contact Marguerite Lampertius at mlampertius@comcast.net We Pray For Our Brothers and Sisters in Christ Sunday, October 12, 2014 Exposition will begin immediately following the 12:00 PM Mass Benediction and Closing at 5:00 PM St. Regis School Gym 3691 Lincoln Dr. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301 248-646-2686 Please join the St. Regis Parish Community in an afternoon of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament as we pray for Christians and those being persecuted in the Middle East. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN/ADULTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS (mental and/or physical) CHRIST, OUR LIGHT! 3077 GLOUCHESTER TROY 248.649.5510 christourlight@comcast.net Individualized lesson plans Small class size Sacramental preparation Excellent, caring catechists Parent participation Parish involvement Nurturing environment Social skills Music therapy Saturdays 10:00 ~ 11:30 AM October ~ May Christ Our Light, Troy…...….(248) 649-5510 Church of the Transfiguration, Southfield ...........................(248) 356-8787 Divine Providence (Lithuanian), Southfield ...........................(248) 354-3429 Guardian Angels, Clawson ...(248) 588-1222 Holy Name, Birmingham.......(248) 646-2244 National Shrine of the Little Flower, Royal Oak ..........................(248) 541-4122 Our Lady of Albanians, Southfield ...........................(248) 353-3410 Our Lady of La Salette, Berkley ...............................(248) 541-3762 Our Lady of Sorrows, Farmington .........................(248) 474-5720 Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, Beverly Hills .......................(248) 644-8620 Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Our Lady of Fatima, Oak Park ..........................(248) 545-2310 St. James, Ferndale ..........(248) 542-8835 St. Alexander, Farmington Hills .................(248) 474-5748 St. Anastasia, Troy ...............(248) 689-8380 St. Andrew Kim Catholic Community, Farmington Hills .................(248) 442-9026 St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Troy....................................(248) 879-1310 St. Fabian, Farmington Hills .................(248) 553-4610 St. Gerald, Farmington .........(248) 477-7470 St. Hugo of the Hills, Bloomfield Hills...................(248) 644-5460 St. Justin, Hazel Park ...........(248) 542-2129 St. Lucy (Croatian), Troy ......(248) 619-9910 St. Mary, Royal Oak .............(248) 547-1818 St. Mary Magdalen, Hazel Park .............................................(248) 542-8060 St. Owen, Bloomfield Hills ....(248) 626-0840 St. Regis, Bloomfield Hills.....(248) 646-2686 St. Thomas More, Troy.........(248) 647-2222 St. Vincent Ferrer, Madison Heights..............(248) 542-8720 *** South Oakland Vicariate Office 23815 Power Rd, Farmington, MI 48336 (248) 474-5720 Rev. Mark S. Brauer, Vicar www.southoaklandvicariate.org Under the direction of Mrs. Pam La Grassa Director of Special Needs Articles for the (NOVEMBER) Issue are due by NOON (OCTOBER 24th) Concert at Manresa. E-mail your articles to: cindyjvicariate@hotmail.com Manresa Jesuit Retreat House in Bloomfield Hills invites you to its concert season opener on Sunday, October 5, "Autumn Leaves," featuring mezzo soprano Dorothy Duensing, bass baritone Carl Clendenning and pianist Joe Balistreri, starting at 3:00 PM and followed by an afterglow. Tickets $18 in advance, $20 at the door. For tickets or info, visit www.manresa-sj.org or phone (248) 644-4933. Or, Fax to: (877) 763-5035 Indicate on the subject line SOV Cindy Jaeger Vicariate Bulletin Editor (248) 557-2465
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