2nd International Conference on the American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA) October 17-19, 2014 REGISTRATION opens Friday, October 17, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Friday, October 17 9:009:10 9:10– 10:10 10:1510:45 Opening Remarks & Welcome: UCLA Dean of Social Sciences Alessandro Duranti AMPRA President István Kecskés PLENARY 1: Deirdre Wilson, University of London & CSMN, Oslo Irony, Hyperbole, Jokes and Banter Room: Palisades C+D+E+F Venice A Venice B Hermosa A Hermosa B Palisades A DISCOURSE EVIDENTIALITY INTERFACES: COMPUTER-‐MEDIATED PRAGMATICS & MARKERS & SEMANTICS/PRAG COMMUNICATION IN L2 SOCIETY STANCE SYNTAX/PRAG Combinations of Discourse Markers BRUCE FRASER BOSTON UNIVERSITY 10:4511:15 Or, Surprisingly MIRA ARIEL TEL AVIV UNIVERSITY “Loose Talk” in Spoken Levantine Arabic: A Relevance Theoretic Analysis ANKE AL-BATAINEH Pragmatic Templates and Pragmatic Traces FRANK LIEDTKE UNIVERSITY OF LIEPZIG SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES (LONDON), INALCO & SEDYL LABORATORY (PARIS) Grammaticalization and Stance-marking Functions of Korean Nominalizers JUNGHYE BAIK SAHMYOOK UNIVERSITY, DIVISION OF ENGLISH STUDIES Re-Envisioning Assessment of Interlanguage Pragmatics (ILP) through Computer Mediated Communicative IFTIKHAR HAIDER UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN The Conversational Role of Metalinguistic Negation ANDY ROGERS ARMADILLO RESEARCH INSTITUTE E-mail Requests from Nonnative Speakers of English: A Comparative Study of M.A. Students and Asian Professors DINGDING JIA PENN STATE UNIVERSITY Sociolinguistic Scales Revisited: Accounting for Solidarity and Community-building in a Group of Favelas in Rio de Janeiro DANIEL S. SILVA UNIVERSITY OF RIO DE JANIERO & STATE UNIVERSITY OF CAMPINAS, BRAZIL Palisades B PANEL 1: Multicultural Spaces at Work: Exploring a Kaleidoscope of Identities in (Daily) Interaction Organizers: Monika Kopytowska & Svetlana Kurtes Discussant: Piotr Cap (In)forming Discourse Communities: Identity and Ideology in Mediated Interaction in the Scope of Science & Technology ALCINA SOUSA The Forgery of Brazilian Neopentecostal Identities within Prosperity Theology ERIK FERNANDO MARTINS UNIVERSITY OF MADIERA, POURTUGAL, ENIEDA NETWORK Identity in Cyberspace: Discursive Construction of (Dis)unity MONIKA KOPYTOWSKA STATE UNIVERSITY OF CAMPINAS, UNICAMP, BRAZIL UNIVERSITY OF LODZ, POLAND, ENIEDA NETWORK Palisades C-F PANEL 2: Pragmatics of Metaphor Organizer: Zhuo Jing-Schmidt Discussant: Zhuo Jing-Schmidt And Never The Twain Shall Meet”: East and West as Conceptual Metaphors in the Study of Chinese Literature CHRISTOPHER ELFORD UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Anti-graft Metaphors in Chinese Political Discourse XINJIA PENG & ZHUO JINGSCHMIDT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON 11:1511:45 On the Discourse Strategy of Simile Markers in Korean SUNHEE YAE Modal Complementizers in Japanese SAEKO OGIHARA Trivial Pursuits: On Being Orderly, From Rhetoric to Pragmatics LARRY HORN DANKOOK UNIVERSITY YALE UNIVERSITY CHUNG-ANG UNIVERSITY 11:4512:15 12:151:30 UNIVERSITE DU QUEBEC A MONTREAL The Passiveaggressive Disagreement Marker hm NEAL NORRICK The Contextdependent Meaning of Modals: A Reassessment ILSE DEPRAETERE SAARLAND UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF LILLE 3, UMR 8163 STL LUNCH Will My Professor Respond? Efficacy and the Perception of Politeness in Academic E-mails VERONIQUE BEDARD Implicature/ Explicature Drawn: What People Take to Be Implied by a Prior Utterance HIROAKI TANAKA KYOTO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Developing a Web-based Module for the Instruction of Routine Formulae in Russian EDIE FURNISS PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Heart-ill Patients Educational Program: When Presuppositions May Affect Patients’ Acceptance of Health Recommendations DANIELA ANDRADE UNIVERSIDADE DO VALE DO RIO DOS SINOS Pronominal Reference and Evasion in Political Discourse BRIAN LAP-MING WAI & FOONG HA YAP HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Personal Pronouns as an Engagement Tool in Chilean Political Discourse ANNA IVANOVA UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE CHILE, CHILE, ENIEDA NETWORK Cinema and the Discourse of Identity in Shyam Benegal’s Selected Films VIVEK SACHDEVA GGSIP UNIVERSITY, NEW DELHI, INDIA Metaphors about the Sunflower Movement in Taiwanese Online Media CLAY YUCHIH CHOU UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Metaphor in Sociopolitical Narratives: Creation and Entrenchment ZHUO JINGSCHMIDT UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Friday, October 17 Venice A DEIXIS Venice B EVIDENTIALITY Hermosa A PRAGMATICS AND COGNITION Hermosa B PRAGMATICS AND ONLINE DISCOURSE Palisades A PANEL 3 (Part I) The Chinese Perspective on Pragmatics Palisades B PANEL 1 (Con’t) Organizer: Wangqi Jiang Discussant: Wangqui Jiang & Xiong Xueliang 1:302:00 Deixis as a Style Marker NEHA MAURYA BANARAS HINDU UNIVERSITY, VARANASI & GAYETRI THAKUR DECCAN COLLEGE, PUNE 2:002:30 Pragmatics of Korean Expressions of Psychological Distance AHBI KOH Linguistic Evidentiality and Epistemic Modality between English and Japanese KRISTJAN BONDESSON Temporal Dynamics of Metonymic Processing SIMONA DI PAOLA MARTA GHIO VALENTINA BAMBINI SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY LABORATORIO DI LINGUISTICA “G. NENCIONI”, SCUOLA NORMALE SUPERIORE, PISA, ITALY A Usage-based Study of the Korean Adverb wancenhi DON LEE The Embodied Pragmatics of Allegorical Understanding RAYMOND GIBBS UCLA UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA CRUZ KOBE COLLEGE Complimenting on Facebook: Iranian vs. American Facebook Users ZOHREH ESLAMI & NASSER JABBARI A PragmaticSyntactic Approach to the Chinese Resultative Construction XIONG XUELIANG TEXAS A&M FUDAN UNIVERSITY, SHANGHAI, CHINA Complimenting Behaviour on Facebook: Responding to Compliments in American English MARIA ELENA PLACENCIA & AMANDA LOWER A Holistic Perspective on Classic Gricean Pragmatics: Cooperation, Rationality and Value UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, BIRKBECK 2:303:00 A Speculation on the Origin of Honorifics in Korean: Since When Koreans Have Spoken Them? Evidentiality, Epistemicity and Politeness: Pragmatic Functions of Korean Hearsay Evidential Marker MIKYUNG AHN HEESOOK KIM HANKUK UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES CHEONGJU UNIVERSITY, SOUTH KOREA 3:003:30 The Organization of Attention: A Korean Deictic Expression Ilehkye during Embodied Activities JUNG YUN CHOI UCLA & FOONG HA YAP Prime, Reproduce, Resonate: The Resonance Cycle in Cognition and Interaction JOHN W. DUBOIS Discursive Leadership and Conceptual Fluency in Multiparty Online Dialogues: A Comparative Study UMIT BOZ UC SANTA BARBARA STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT ALBANY Keep Calm and Study Memes ASHLEY DAINAS Saying it with a Smile on Facebook: The Evolving Acceptance Practices of Students Abroad SONYA SAFFIDINE HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Demonstratives as Sentence-final Particles in Vietnamese MAYUMI ADACHI UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY, COGNITIVE SCIENCE DEPARTMENT UNIVERSITY OF BONN XIAODONG YAO BEIJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, BEIJING, CHINA Making Sense of Hypothetical Sentences in Mandarin Chinese XIAOMING JIANG PEKING UNIVERSITY & MCGILL UNIVERSITY, MONTREAL, CANADA Self-Presentation in Competitive Context YONGPING RAN GUANGDONG UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES, GUANGZHOU, CHINA Displaying an Identity Category of Both: Young Multiethnic Adults of Japan JACK BARROW OSAKA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, JAPAN, ENIEDA NETWORK Who Do You Think You Are? The Educational Context of (Re)defining and (Re)locating Identities SVETLANA KURTES UNIVERSITY OF PORTSMOUTH, UK ENIEDA NETWORK Agency and Identity in Second Language Learning and Learners’ Pragmatic Performance ZOHREH ESLAMI Palisades C-F PANEL 4: Pragmatic Uses of Wh-‐ Expressions Organizer: Foong Ha Yap Discussant: Hongyin Tao & Foong Ha Yap A Crosslinguistic Study of Some Extended Uses of 'What'-Based Interrogative Express ions in Chinese, English, and Korean HEEJU LEE, DANJIE SU & HONGYIN TAO, UCLA The extended functions of kyā: A discourse-pragmatic analysis of 'what'interrogative constructions in Hindi ABHISHEK KASHYAP & FOONG HA YAP HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Pragmatic Functions of Ano 'What' in Tagalog NAONORI NAGAYA TOKYO UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY, USA, ENIEDA NETWORK Teaching Across Borders: Implementing Intercultural Competence to Teach about Gender Roles in the 21st Century NOEMIE WALSHUBEL ETHOLOGIE IN SCHULE UND ERWACHSENENBILDUNG (ESE) E.V. C/O ANTHROPOLOGY INSTITUTE ENIEDA NETWORK The Pragmatic Functions of Unsa and Asa in Cebuano MICHAEL TANANGKINGSING NATIONAL TAIPEI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 3:303:45 3:454:15 COFFEE BREAK The Communicative Function of ‘Any’ and ‘Some’ NADAV SABAR CUNY GRADUATE CENTER Incomplete Conditionals: A Pragmatic Analysis CHI-HÉ ELDER UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE Critical Thinking Measurement Discerning a Novice to Expert Continuum in Argumentative Writing DAVID THOMSON BAYLOR Functions of Twitter Hashtags OKSANA ISSERS OMSKIY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITET IM. F.M. DOSTOEVSKOGO Pragmatics: The Chinese Perspective on Language Use WANGQI JIANG Discussion PEKING UNIVERSITY, BEIJING, CHINA FOONG HA YAP, HUILING XU, AND TAKSUM WONG UNIVERSITY, EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY 4:154:45 Indexicality and Choice of Japanese Address Terms in Cross-cultural Setting KIRI LEE LEHIGH UNIVERSITY HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY The Pragmatics of Existential-presentative Constructions in Chinese: A Discoursebased Study WENDAN LI Poetic Necessity Between the Syntax of a Sentence and the Syntax of a Text MANAL NAJJAR UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL UNIVERSITY OF TABUK The Internet-Chinglish Lexicon: An Online Byproduct of Interaction between Chinese and English JING CHEN Interdependence between Syntax and Pragmatics: A Minimalist Account XUHUI HU HANGZHOU NORMAL UNIVERSITY & YICHENG WU Discussion UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, CAMBRIDGE, UK ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY 4:455:15 Variation in the Argumentative Force of Discourse Markers SARAH SINNOTT, BENEDICTINE COLLEGE Epistemicity and Evidentiality in Cebuano and their Pragmatic Functions, MICHAEL TANANGKINGSING NATIONAL TAIPEI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 5:155:30 5:306:30 Pragmatic Uses of Mekai 'What (Thing)' Constructions in Chaozhou and Other Sinitic Languages There was... something new! Discourse-based Predictions During Language Comprehension. ANA ELISA PIANI BESSERMAN USC/ /SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY, LEW SHAPIRO & TRACY LOVE, SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY Pragmatic Transfer or Universality?: Opening Sequences in L2 Instant Messaging Interactions JULIA GALICHANINA Discussion NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Women's Refusal Behaviors in Chinese TV Dating Shows HSIANG TZU WEI NATIONAL CHUNG CHENG UNIVERSITY, TAIWAN BREAK PLENARY 2: Gregory Ward, Northwestern University A Pragmatic Analysis of a Focus-‐Indicating Modal: That would be ‘would’ Room: Palisades C+D+E+F Saturday, October 18 8:008:30 Venice A Venice B Hermosa A Hermosa B Palisades A Palisades B GENRE & DISCOURSE INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION PRAGMATIC THEORY SECOND LANGUAGE PRAGMATICS PANEL 3 (Part II) (Con’t) RELEVANCE/ DISCOURSE Agency, Habit, and Genre TAHIR WOOD Developing Intercultural Competence Through Service-Learning NETTA AVINERI Pragmatic Constraints on the Idiomatic Construction: The case of “TIME-away” Second Language Pragmatic Competence: Differences in ESL and EFL Environments LAUREN WYNER Multimodal Construction of Syntactically Incomplete Turns in Mandarin Conversation XIAOTING LI Semanticism, an Interface of SemanticsPragmatics as a Thematic Strategy in Two Nigerian Drama Texts T.O. ADESANMI UNIVERSITY OF THE WESTERN CAPE MONTEREY INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES SHU-ICHI KAWASAKI JAPANESE RED CROSS COLLEGE OF NURSING TEACHERS COLLEGE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA, CANADA 8:309:00 Revisiting “The Bulge:” Social Distance and Speech Behavior Twenty-five Years Later DIANA BOXER & HEATHER KAISER Native English Speakers’ Use of Korean Prosody in Conveying Pragmatic Meaning HEEJU LEE Slurs and Truthconditional Content ROBERTO B. SILEO UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE UCLA Hedging in Portuguese as a Third Language: An Analysis of Academic Texts. CRISTINA LOPESPERNA & SUN YUQI PONTIFICAL CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL PATTRAWUT CHAROENROOP & JIRANTHARA SRIOUTAI On Conversational Space and Interculturality GANG HE EAST CHINA NORMAL UNIVERSITY, SHANGHAI, CHINA Cross-cultural, Crosslinguistic, and Crosssituational Comparisons of Chinese vs. English Expressions of Gratitude YUH-HUEY LIN NORTHERN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Pre'-semantic, Truthcontributing Conversational Implicature and Neo-Gricean Pragmatics YAN HUANG The Study of Lexical Relations in the Speech of Alzheimer Sufferers Compared with Ordinary Women JAFARZADEH FADAKI SEYYED UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND MORTEZA PSYCHIATRIST BIRJAND UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES The Development of Interlanguage Pragmatic Competence in an English-speaking Context HONG-HUI WANG SHANGHAI UNIVERSITY OF FINANCE AND ECONOMICS, SHANGHAI, CHINA PANEL 5: Computational and Experimental Approaches to Reference and Anaphoric Inference Organizers & Discussant: Patricia Amaral & E. Allyn Smith The Effect of Inferred Explanations on Pronoun Production and Interpretation ANDREW KEHLER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO DEPT OF ENGLISH ACE, ONDO, NIGERIA The Relevance of Fictive Discourse ESTHER ROMERO AND BELÉN SORIA UNIVERSITY OF GRENADA Modeling the Lifespan of Discourse Entities: Nature or Nurture? MARIE-CATHERINE DE MARNEFFE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 9:009:30 An Interlanguage Pragmatic Study of Disagreement by Thai EFL Learners Malibu Sarcasm Comprehension: The Effects of Literality, Familiarity, and Expectation Nuance Communications, Inferring the Antecedent SCOTT MARTIN ALEXANDRA TURCAN, NATURAL LANGUAGE UNDERSTANDING & ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE LABORATORY, NUANCE COMMUNICATIONS UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM 9:3010:00 From Conventional to New Woman: A Post-Feminist Discourse Analysis of Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion SHAHID ABBAS A Translation Style Sheet for Linguists M.K.C UWAJEH UNIVERSITY OF BENIN COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY Types of Shared Knowledge Required to Understand Jokes in the Sitcom How I Met Your Mother TATIANA SHULYATEVA UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY OF SARGODHA 10:0010:30 Definite/Schmefinite - 'the' as Guaranteed Sufficiency ANN REED COFFEE BREAK Discussion Accessibility and the Reader-Oriented Use of English Pronouns KOICHI NISHIDA SHIMONOSEKI CITY UNIVERSITY Richness of the Paradigm: Crosslinguistic Investigations of Reference Resolution ELSI KAISER UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Saturday, October 18 10:3011:00 Venice A Venice B Hermosa A Hermosa B Palisades A POLITICAL DISCOURSE COMMUNICATIVE BEHAVIOR IN INTERCULTURAL SETTINGS PRAGMATICS & RESEARCH METHODS TEACHING PRAGMATICS INFORMATION STRUCTURE Genre Theory and Political Discourse PIOTR CAP A New Window to Understanding Crosscultural Communication: Phatics in Compliment Responses of Chinese Speakers of English in China and Australia EEG Methods in Pragmatics Research OLGA YOKOYAMA & TREVOR KANN Cultural Sensitivity and Teaching ESL YOUSSIF OMAR Extracting Adjoined Causality Using Structural Information UNIVERSITY OF LODZ UCLA UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI, COLUMBIA XIUTAO LI MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY 11:0011:30 11:3012:00 Rhetorical Question and Audience Design in Political Discourse STEVEN MING-CHIU WONG & FOONG HA YAP Is “OK” Really Okay? Complimenting Behaviors of Taiwanese Teaching Assistants YI-AN CHEN HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Pragmatic Markers of Speaker Stance and Prosody in Korean Political Discourse SEUNGGON JEONG, EUN YOUNG BAE, SUNG-OCK SOHN Positioning in ELF Interactions BERAT BASER UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA, AUSTRIA Pragmatics of Constructions: a Corpus Approach VALENTINA APRESYAN NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY, HIGHER SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS 'Subsentential Speech: The Syntactic vs. The Pragmatic Approach' ELENI SAVVA UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, UK UCLA 12:0012:30 The Use of Negative Irony in Russian Political TV Debates JEKATERINA MAZARA UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH Cognitive Aspects of Chinese Paroemias Functioning in American Verbal Culture EKATERINA YAKOVLEVA FAR EASTERN FEDERAL UNIVERSITY & VLADIVOSTOK STATE UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS Towards a Framework for Assessing AFL Pragmatic Competence: A CorpusBased Approach SEHAM EL KAREH & SHERINE HASSAN ALEXANDRIA UNIVERSITY The Effects of Deductive and Inductive Instruction on Learners' Development of Pragmatic Competence XUEDAN QI UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG Pragmatic Teaching and Teachers' Perceptions at a Vietnamese University: Preliminary Findings NGOC VU SYDNEY UNIVERSITY, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA Introducing a 'Hybrid' Pragmatic-focused Pedagogical Model for Learners of English as a Lingua franca YAEKO HORI SOPHIA UNIVERSITY & WASEDA UNIVERSITY CHEN LI & ROXANA GIRJU UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, URBANACHAMPAIGN Comparative Functional Approaches to the Problem of Action Ascription LINDY COMSTOCK UCLA Palisades B Malibu PANEL 6: PANEL 5 (Con’t) Pragmatics in Second Language Learning and Teaching Organizer: César Félix-‐Brasdefer Discussant: Diana Boxer The Formulaicity of Pragmatic Routines in Acquisition, Teaching, and Assessment of Second Language Pragmatics KATHLEEN BARDOVI-HARLIG Domain Restriction for Definite Descriptions – An Experimental Perspective FLORIAN SCHWARZ INDIANA UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Incidental Focus on Form: Linguistics vs. Pragmatics-related Language Learning Episodes in NS-NNS & NNS-NNS Online Chat Discussion ZOHREH ESLAMI TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Negative más Constructions in Argentinian Spanish MARY JOHNSON OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE Researching and Teaching Impolite Behavior in a Second Language CESAR FELIXBRASDEFER INDIANA UNIVERSITY Unified vs. Dichotomous Accounts of Clausal Coordination MIYUKI NAGATSUJI Applications of Pragmatics in L2 Teaching and Learning ANDREW COHEN NARA WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Workshop (Elsevier) 12:30 1:00 How to Offend by Quotes in Russian Parliamentary Discourse DANIEL WEISS UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH, SLAVIC DEPARTMENT Russian, English and Swedish Particles: Semantic vs. Pragmatic Equivalence DMITRIJ DOBROVOLSKIJ RUSSIAN LANGUAGE INSTITUTE RAN, STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY & LUDMILA PÖPPEL STOCKHOLM UNIVERSITY 1:002:00 Husbands and Wives in English and Japanese: A Contrastive, Corpus-based Approach CAREY BENOM KYUSHU UNIVERSITY Pragmatic Calibration of Culture Shock Experience in Exchange Students’ Talk ULRIKE SCHRÖDER Preferences for Focus Particle Placement: Two Experiments JESSE HARRIS UCLA & KATY CARLSON UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE MINAS GERAIS, BRAZI MOOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSITY LUNCH Discussion Saturday, October 18 2:00-2:30 Venice A Venice A Hermosa A Hermosa B Palisades A Palisades B HUMOR, IRONY, AND SARCASM TEACHING PRAGMATICS CONVERSATION / INTERACTION IDENTITY & LANGUAGE BILINGUAL INTERACTIONS PRAGMATICS AT THE WORKPLACE Funny Fallacies and Self-defeating Deception: The Pragmatics of Manipulation in Humour DIDIER MAILLAT & STEVE OSWALD UNIVERSITY OF FRIBOURG 2:303:00 Forms and Functions of Teasing in English as a Southeast Asian Lingua Franca IAN WALKINSHAW GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY 3:003:30 Does Irony Behave as a Metaphor? LUZ AMPARO FAJARDO NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF COLOMBIA, SOUTH AMERICA 3:304:00 Explicitness of Propositional Attitude and Its Implications on Teaching English as a Second Language MICHIKO TAKEUCHI Investigating Various Pragmatic Functions of ‘Mm’ in Talk-ininteraction in L2 classroom DAHYUN PARK UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII A Reflection of Anas's Identity and Ideology as an African Journalist AREJ BAGIES NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY L2 Influence on L1 in Directness: An Observation on Chinese-English Bilinguals LONGLU QIN STANFORD UNIVERSITY KANAGAWA UNIVERSITY BURLINGTON HIGH SCHOOL NANYANG Conceptual Salience in Chinese Situationbound Utterances ZHIQI GONG SUNY AT ALBANY TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, SINGAPORE Pre-emptive Utterances RENÉ LACROIX UNIVERSITY PARIS 3SORBONNE NOUVELLE AND FRENCH NATIONAL CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Teases and Barbs in Initial Interactions MICHAEL HAUGH GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY & DANIELLE PILLET-SHORE UNIVERSITY OF NEW UNIVERSITY OF MÜNSTER, GERMANY HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC U. Author Identity in L2 Academic Portuguese KARINA MOLSING PONTIFICIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL “Just for One Foreigner?”: The Objectification of English as a Hurdle at an English-only University ‘Proper Distance’ and Identity Construction of Media Foreign Correspondents ELISABETH LE A Comparative Analysis of NESTs and NNESTs’ Written FL Expressions Embedded and Implicit Language Policing in the Internationalized Workplace SPENCER HAZEL PINAR KOCABAŞ & ILKIM MERVE YILDIZ ROSKILDE UNIVERSITY, DENMARK UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA Pragmatic Variation and Local Identity in SW Nicaragua JEFF MICHNO UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN JINSOOK CHOI ULSAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (UNIST) Use of Metamessages and Threat to the Faces in the Interaction of Actors Theater Conversational EVANDRO REIS UNIVERSITY OF SÃO PAULO (USP) Sequential Structure of Discourse Segments Shaped by the Interplay of Recipient Design and Salience ISTVAN KECSKES STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, ALBANY Communicating in Joint Activities HERBER H. CLARK STANFORD UNIVERSITY BILKENT UNIVERSITY What Happens When the Will Withers: The Case of Hortative in Korean SEONGHA RHEE HANKUK UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES HAMPSHIRE 4:004:45 Wolfgang Teubert & Edda Weigand Dialogue: The key to pragmatics EDDA WEIGAND & HELEN WAN Control Discussion Direction with Proposal Sequence in Task-oriented Group Interaction SHUJING DONG UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PANEL 7 (Part I): Dialogue, Pragmatics and Culture Organizer: Edda Weigand Discussant: UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG The Role of the Accent in Multilingual International Pedagogy NIKHIL THAKKAR Integrative Perspective Of The Interactive Organization Of A Lesson HEE JU “How’s Your Old Friend Doing?”: An Analysis of Metaphor Comprehension in Healthcare Communication WINNIE CHENG Malibu AMPRA Meeting Room: Palisades C+D+E+F Power and Rapport Management in Iraqi Political Discourse on Mainstream and Social Media THULFIQAR AL-TAHMAZI UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER Languages as Mechanisms for Interaction RUTH KEMPSON KING’S COLLEGE LONDON Saturday, October 18 4:455:15 Venice A Venice A Hermosa A Hermosa B Palisades A Palisades B Malibu NEGATION DISCOURSE L2 PRAGMATICS TURN-‐TAKING CONTEXT & COMMUNICATION Panel 7 (Part II) (Con’t) Topic Maintenance as Pragmatic Motivation for the Emergence of Brazilian Portuguese Double Negative Do You Know Why I Stopped You?:' Knowledge, Rights & Responsibilities in Opening of Traffic Stops BRANDON MELLS What is the Pragmatic Competence of L2/Foreign Language Learners? YUANFANG DAI How are we ELFing: Unfilled pauses and speaker-turns in Ghanaian English Discourse Transcription as Entextualization (with Special Reference to Multilingual Interaction) HARTMUT HABERLAND & JANUS MORTENSEN PRAGMATICS OF CONSTRUCTIONS Why Is This Construction Used in the Way It Is Used? SHINYA HIRASAWA MARCOS GOLDNADEL LUANA SANTOS DE LIMA UCLA FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL 5:155:45 Back to Negative Particulars and Their Non-lexicalization: A Truth-conditional Pragmatics Proposal JACQUES MOESCHLER Smiling as a Discourse Marker of Humor ELISA GIRONZETTI & SHIGEHITO MENJO TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Flipping the Classroom Integrating Intercultural Communication Competence into a Chinese Foreign Language Course WEI HING IP HONG KONG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY Turn Taking and Wait Time in Chinese as a Foreign Language Classroom Interactions at the College Level HUANG LILING UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Pragmatics Under Pressure: Helping EFL Users Negotiate Difficult Situations GERRARD MUGFORD An Analysis of Tautology in Terms of Metarepresentation NAOKO YAMAMOTO UNIVERSIDAD DE GUADALAJARA, MEXICO NARA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN BREAK PLENARY 3: Agnes He, Stony Brook University 6:007:00 In Other Words: The Metamorphosis of Meaning Room: Palisades C+D+E+F CONFERENCE DINNER 7:159:00pm TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITYCOMMERCE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO UNIVERSITY OF BIRMIGHAM, UK ROSKILDE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITE DE GENEVE 5:456:00 NORTHEAST NORMAL UNIVERSITY CHARLOTTE FOFO LOMOTEY Dialogue and Discourse WOLFGANG TEUBERT A Metapragmatic Approach to Intercultural Awareness: Gaining a Dialogic Perspective DALE KOIKE & CARL BLYTH UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, AUSTIN Sunday, October 19 Venice A Venice B Hermosa A Hermosa B Palisades A Palisades B Palisades C-F INTERPERSONAL INTERACTION PRAGMATIC VARIATION PRAGMATIC THEORY FACE & POLITENESS PANEL 8: Empirical Studies in Mandarin Discourse Pragmatics PARTICLES, REFERENCE & INTERPRETATION PANEL 7 (Part II) (Con’t) Organizer: Hongyin Tao Discussant: Hongyin Tao 8:008:30 Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Variation Between Spanish and American Ways of Complaints SUSAN SALAZARKLEINER UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 8:309:00 9:009:30 Pragmatic Change and New Linguistic Taboo Strategies in a Conflict Zone: The Case of Kinyabwisha and Rutshuru Swahili (DR Congo) NICO NASSENSTEIN INSTITUTE FOR AFRICAN STUDIES/UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE LANCASTER UNIVERSITY Vistas of Cultural and Contextual Determination of Language Formulas [Speech Acts]: The Case of Apologies VLADAN SUTANOVAC Variational Pragmatics in Mandarin Chinese: A Comparative Study of Gossip in China and Taiwan Sitcoms UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA 9:3010:00 Variational Politeness in the Requests of American Northerners and Southerners MELISSA CRIMMINS Women's Responses to Compliments in Russian and Japanese Languages NATALIA KONSTANTINOVSKAIA UCLA Biscuit Conditionals as Indirect Offers JESSE HARRIS UCLA & DANIELLE HOLSTEIN POMONA COLLEGE Transiency - a Challenge to Pragmatic Theory? JANUS MORTENSEN & HARTMUT HABERLAND ROSKILDE UNIVERSITY A Multi-dimensional Analysis of Factors Affecting Explicit Face in Chinese LING ZHOU & SHAOJIE ZHANG Other-Formulated Immediate Repetitive Reported Speech HAIPING WU The Expressive Demonstrative 'ha' in Tunisian Arabic KHALFAOUI AMEL UCLA FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Discourse Functions of the Manner Demonstrative zheyang in Taiwan Mandarin YU-HUI (DAPHNE) LEE A Korean Deictic as a Resource for the Organization of Attention and Action JUNG YUN CHOI NORTHEAST NORMAL UNIVERSITY Can Face Concerns Override the Maxim of Quality? Experimental Investigations of the Banter Principle NIKOS VERGIS UCLA UCLA UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-C HAMPAIGN HUI CHIH HUANG UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, BALTIMORE COUNTY Terms of Address in Three Socio-economic Settings: A Variational Pragmatic Perspective LARSSYN RÜEGG UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH The Implicature of Silence in English and Japanese NAOKO KITO VIENNA UNIVERSITY A Study of Compensation for FaceThreatening Acts in Service Encounters in Japan and the U.S. MIKI MURAKAMI UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Implicature and Presupposition: dar + gerund Constructions in Highland Ecuadorian Spanish CHRISTINA GARCIA OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Politeness, Relevance and Scalar Inferences DIANA MAZZARELLA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Patient Interacting with Doctor on Antibiotic Treatment: the Empowered Chinese Patients NAN WANG The Use of I: Nayka and Nanun in Spoken Korean KYOUNGMI HA The Role of Deficient Dialogues in Human Linguistic Behavior ARTO MUSTAJOKI UCLA UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI, FINLAND Hermeneutical Vigilance MANEUL PADILLA CRUZ Disputing DOMA ─ A US Senate Hearing and Oral Argument in the US Supreme Court: The Usefulness of GPT for Studies of Institutional Dialogue KAREN TRACY & ROBERT T. CRAIG UCLA Genre and Grammaticalization: The Case of 'dehua' in Mandarin Chinese WEI (EFFIE) WANG UCLA UNIVERSIDAD DE SEVILLA UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, BOULDER 10:0010:15 COFFEE BREAK Sunday, October 19 10:1510:45 10:4511:15 Venice A Venice B Hermosa A Hermosa B Palisades A Palisades B Palisades C-F SECOND LANGUAGE PRAGMATICS CONVERSATION/ INTERACTION PRAGMATIC THEORY PRAGMATICS & SOCIOLINGUISTICS PANEL 8 (Con’t) METAPHORS PANEL 7 (Con’t) Effect of Visual Elucidation Technique on Comprehension of Figurative Language in ESL/EFL Learners DENIS SAMBURSKIY UNIVERSITY AT ALBANY, SUNY Pragmatic Functions of Gestures in Face-toFace Discourse ELISABETH WEHLING On the Reality of Common Ground MATTHEW HARVEY Intersentential CodeSwitching by the Manado Malay Multilinguals in Australia NIXON J. PANGALILA Rethinking Causative Constructions in Mandarin Chinese and Its Implications DANJIE SU An Empirical Study of Vision Conceptual Metaphor Usages in English and Chinese CHENXU FU UCLA NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY Artificial Agents as a Tool for Studying Dialogue, Pragmatics and Culture DAVID TRAUM Using F*#k Responsibly: Corpus Analysis and Implications for English Language Learners HANNA GRIFFING UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MANSADO UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Dialogic Rationality: The Hierarchy of Goals STEPHANIE DIAS PONTIFICAL CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF RIO GRANDE DO SUL The Pragmatics of Exceptive Constructions LOUISE VIGEANT UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI Pragmatic Aspects of Folk Sociolinguistics: Hobongan Language Status and Contexts MARLA PERKINS NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY 11:1511:45 Interlanguage Pragmatics of Hong Kong Chinese ESL Learners in the UK:A Case Study of Their L2 Requests JOYCE LOK UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 11:4512:00 12:001:00 Doing Generalizations in Mandarin Conversation: The Case of dou (都) Expressions HAIPING WU & HONGYIN TAO Recognition of Metaphoricity AKIKO YOSHIMURA NARA WOMEN’S UNIVERSITY UCLA Corpus-based Feature Analysis of Destiny and Fate and Their Semantic Prosodies KEIKO TSURUMI UCLA Rethinking “Pragmatic Competence” and its “Unteachability” SHAOJIE ZHANG & LING ZHOU NORTHEAST NORMAL UNIVERSITY, CHINA Reconstituted Kinshiprelational Harmony in Chinese Diasporas HSIN-FU CHIU MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE Multimodal Stancetaking and Speaker Alignment: Building Rapport with Reported Speech in Mandarin Conversation YING YANG The Interplay Between Verbal Language and Gestural Metaphors in a Discussion about Culture MARIANA CARNEIRO MENDES UCLA FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF MINAS GERAIS, BRAZIL (UFMG) BREAK PLENARY 4: Kent Bach, San Francisco State University Refried Grice Room: Palisades C+D+E+F Round Table Discussion Updated 9/30/2014
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