How to Place Your Order 1) Enter the quantities for each species you want in the yellow box. - The subtotal for that line will appear to the right of the line. - The total before discount will appear in the blue TOTAL line at the top. - Discount value (the actual amount you will pay) appears in RED to the right of the discount descriptions. 2) Save a copy of this spreadsheet with your name inserted at the front of the file name) 3) Email a copy of the spreadsheet to Please include your shipping address if the order will be shipped to you. I will respond with shipping options. ***Any species sold with both sexes will be sent with even sex ratios IF I CAN ACCURATELY SEX THE FISH. I will do my best, but cannot guaratee pairs... this is especially true for young dwarf cichlids. TOTAL discounts $0.00 after discount $100 - $199 = -10% $200 - $299 = -20% > $300 = -30% code species descprition price Qty subtotal SIN1457 SIN2363 RATUCAN RAKRIEGI Anabantids Gouramies Trichopodus leerii Tetras & Similar SA Tetra Pristella maxillaris Tucanichthys tucano Serapinnus kreigi African Tetra RAARNOLD Arnoldichthys spilopterus RACAUDAL Hemigrammopetersius caudalis RAOCCIDEN Micralestes occidentalis RAACUTID Micarlestes cf. acutidens Pencilfish RAMARG Nannostomus marginata Barbs & similar TWM194B Barbus fasciolatus ESTGR Puntius tetrazona Danios & similar SIN1471 Danio choprae TWN125A Microdevario kubotai Killi, Rice Fish & similar TWN4146 Oryzias woworae Loaches IND4412 Chromobotia macracantha IND4415 Chromobotia macracantha BAN3023 Schistura mahnerti AT9126 Tuberschistura arakanensis BAN3415 Botia kubotai Sharks & similar priced per fish, sold in pairs if possible… no guarantee of pairs on species that are hard to sex 2"+ pearl gouramie pristella tetra 1" 1/2" AWESOME, RARE NANO 3/4"+ cool silver tetra with black caudal spot $4.99 $1.49 $18.99 $2.99 2"+ African red eye tetra 2" yellow tail Congo 2" red fin tetra 2" tetra w/interesting scale pattern $8.99 $8.99 $7.99 dwarf pencilfish WILD $2.99 African fire barb (barilloides) tiger barb 1" - local raised $2.49 $1.99 Glowlight danio 1" dwarf yellow neon danio $1.99 $2.49 Daisy's rice fish 1" $1.49 1.5" clown loach 2.5" clown loach redtail zebra loach 2"+ rosy loach - nano species 2.5"+ angelicus botia $3.99 $8.99 $3.99 $2.99 $8.99 $7.99 nano fish BAN2944 Epalzeorhynchos bicolor CATFISH Corydoras & similar uncommon cory RADAVID Corydoras davidsandsi RADUPLI Corydoras duplicareus RAIMITAT Corydoras cf. imitator C140 NACRAB Corydoras rabauti COL5283 Corydoras cf. melanistus RAADOLPH Corydoras cf. adolfoi CW121 common cory SIN2585 Corydoras aeneus 'albino' ESAENEUS Corydoras aeneus Other Catfish AT9048 Akysis vespa RAPARAILA Paraila pellucida RADECORUS Synodontis decorus RASCHOUT RAFRIYA MU1162 RALOBE RAMAKOUR MU1204 MU1174 Synodontis schoutedeni Cichlids West African Chromidotilapia guentheri guentheri 'Volta' Pelvicachromis humilia 'Friya' Pelvicachromis pulcher 'Super Red' Pelvicachromis kribensis 'Lobe' Pelvicachromis kribensis 'Makoure' Pelvicachromis kribensis 'Moliwe' Pelvicachromis kribensis 'Moliwe' Pelvicachromis taeniatus 'Nigeria Red' Pelvicachromis subocellatus 2" redtail shark 2" WILD - Brazil 2" WILD - Brazil 2-3" WILD - Brazil 2" WILD - Columbia 2" WILD - Columbia 1.5"+ WILD - Brazil $2.09 $16.99 $14.99 $18.99 $3.99 $4.99 $14.99 1" albino cory 1"+ bronze cory - local raised $1.99 $2.99 Asian wasp catfish 1"+ African glass catfish 2"+ 4" clown syno catfish WILD $4.99 $5.99 2"+ yellow form priced per fish - sold as pairs IF I CAN ACCURATELY SEX THE FISH $24.99 $14.99 1.5" juv - colorful, large mouthbrooder WILD - Guinea $4.99 $19.99 1"+ colorful 'krib' WILD - Cameroon $11.99 $19.99 WILD - Cameroon 3/4"+ juveniles - sexable young adults $19.99 $6.99 $11.99 1.5"+ young adults 1"+ young adults $19.99 $22.99 MU1100 RAAPISTO MU1037 MU1037 MU1038 MU1038 MU1038 MU1173 MU1040 MU1079 MU1040 MU1042 MU1042 MU1042 MU1043 MU0243 MU0258 MU1044 MU1044 MU0252 MU1044 MU1044 MU0440 MU0447 RAFILAMEN MU1061 MU8048 MU9066 MU1089 Nannochromis transvestitus Apistogramma Apisto. Cf. pertensis Apisto.agassizii Apisto.agassizii 'Huser - Red Tail' Apisto.agassizii 'Super Red' Apisto.agassizii 'Alenquer - Red Tail' Apisto baenschi 'Inka' Apisto cacatuoides 'triple red' Apisto cacatuoides 'blue' Apisto cacatuoides 'lemon orange' Apisto cactuoides 'Orange' Apisto hongsloi 'Super Rostrich' Apisto macmasteri 'Blue Head' Apisto macmasteri 'Red Tail' Apisto nijsseni Apisto sp. 'Rio Mamore' Apisto steindachneri Apisto trifasciata 'Guapore Red' Apisto trifasciatia 'Maciliensis' Apisto tucurui Apisto viejita Apisto viejita 'Gold' Other SA/CA cichlids Cryptoheros sajica Cryptoheros spilurus Dicrossus filamentosus Laetacara dorsigera 'Bolivia' 1.5"+ young adults $19.99 1" wild - Brazil 1.25"+ young adults 1.5"+ young adults 1.5"+ young adults $7.99 $12.99 $19.99 $19.99 1.5"+ young adults 1"+ young adults 1" colored juv. 1.25" young adults $15.99 $24.99 $8.99 $11.99 1.25" young adults 1.25" young adults 1.25" young adults 1.25" young adults 1" young adults 1.25" young adults 1.25" young adults 1.25" young adults 1" young adults 1" young adults 1" young adults 1" young adults 1" young adults $12.99 $12.99 $24.99 $19.99 $19.99 $21.99 $24.99 $14.99 $19.99 $19.99 $22.99 $19.99 $22.99 1.5" tank raised 1.5" tank raised 1" WILD - Brazil 1" tank raised - very red when adult Laetacara dorsigera 'Brazil' 3" HUGE adults… awesome color Mikorgeophagus ramirezi 'Dutch' 1" colorful, small-body ram Nannacara anomola 1"+ young adults $9.99 $9.99 $7.99 $6.99 $19.99 $5.99 $9.99 MU3281 TWN087E TWN028C LWI202 RAGABON AT9202 BAN3992 WP748 WP504 WP022 WP025 WP030 WP507 WP077 Thorichthys meeki 'Rio Candelaria' Lake Malawi Aulonocara sp. 'Ruby Red' Aulonacara kandeensis Aulonacara sp. 'bicolor 500/blue neon' Cyrtocara moorei Labidochromis cearuleus Pseudo. Demasoni Lake Tanganyika Cypho. frontosa 'Burundi' Oddball Fish Knife Fish Shrimp Atya gabonensis Caridina rubropunctata Snails Clea helena Plants Stem Plants Bacopa carolinia 'variegated' Anubias Anubias barteri 'Broad Leaf' Aponogeton A. boivinianus A. capuroni A. henkelianus A. longipumulosus Cryptocoryne Cryptocoryne blassi 2" firemouth, dark colors $6.99 1"+ juvies 1" juvies - Kande Island peacock 1" juveniles - orange shoulder type 2.5" blue dolphin 1" yellow lab 1.5"+ local WI raised $2.99 $3.99 $2.99 $5.99 $2.49 $6.99 2" local WI raised $11.99 3" vampire shrimp - filter feeder armadilo/leopard shrimp 3/4" $12.99 $6.99 assassin snail $1.49 priced per 5 stems submerged $2.99 nice! Large w/lots of leaves priced per plant/bulb 6" plant sprouted bulb 8" lace plant 6-8" plant - bushy! priced per 3 plants tall petiole, paddle leaf, red with markings $9.99 $14.99 $11.99 $14.99 $17.99 $7.99 only 6 WP079 WP506 WP874 WP554 WP1522 WP186 WP184 WP220 Cryptocoryne ciliata Cryptocoryne tonkinensis Sword Plants Echinodorus 'ozelot' - green Echinodoras 'red rubin' Echinodoras 'Vesuvius' Nymphaea Nymphaea sp. 'green tiger lotus' Nymphaea rubra Grass Plants Vallisneria americana americana 'rubra' thick, arrow shape leaf hair-like leaves priced per plant submerged emerged submerged priced per plant/bulb plant (no bulb) sprouted bulb priced per 5 plants $2.99 $5.99 $11.99 $6.99 $5.99 $3.99 $1.99 $4.99
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