Applications welcome for the MAPS / MSSL Showcase Series! EDP CUP 2014 FALL Is now part of the MSSL College Showcase Series All governing body passes accepted: USYSA - USCS - AYSO - Others When: U15 – U19 BOYS: Saturday & Sunday, November 29 & 30, 2014 Where: The EDP CUP / MSSL 2014 WINTER COLLEGE SHOWCASE will be conducted at Tuckahoe Turf Farms in Hammonton NJ, five minutes from US Highway 206. Format: Standard formats will have teams play two 60-minute games on both Saturday and Sunday. While U15, U16, U17, U18 & U19 Showcase teams are normally scheduled to play two days, a limited number of older teams may also be able to participate for a single day. U18 and U19 teams form a single age group for scheduling purposes. Super Groups: Highly competitive teams may be invited to compete in a special Super Group bracket in various age groups. Super Group brackets may have unique formats designed to create interesting matchups and maximize interest to evaluators attending the event. Who: Applications are invited from Boys teams ages U15 to U19 duly registered with their State Youth Soccer Association, with US Club Soccer, with AYSO, with SAY or with any other valid national governing body. Foreign teams accepted. Guest Players: The Committee has authorized a maximum of five guest players for teams playing with Youth Soccer rosters and passes; US Club rosters may include an unlimited amount of loan players; other rostered teams should check with Acceptance Committee. Teams may not “mix” passes: the submitted roster and all player passes on a single team must be from the same governing body. Only rostered and approved players with a player pass shall be allowed to play. Rosters may not exceed 20 players on any day of the tournament, or 24 players for the weekend. Teams are responsible for knowing the regulations of the governing bodies from which they are submitting rosters. To Enter: Complete the online application entry form accessed from the Tournament Homepage. Teams must pay online by credit card or eCheck. Entry Fee: $1,075 for U15-U19 EDP Cup / Showcase teams participating two days Mailing Address: EDP Cup / MSSL Winter Showcase 8 Cornwall Court East Brunswick, NJ 08816 Questions: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: 732-432-7200 732-432-7207 Deadline: Entry Application with payment should be received by October 15, 2014. Late applications may be placed on the waiting list. Timely-applying EDP, MAPS and MSSL teams are guaranteed acceptance at the EDP Cup / Showcase. Note that clearly qualified teams will be accepted on a rolling basis, so early application is recommended. Player Profiles: Upon acceptance, Showcase teams must complete online Player Profiles by no later than November 5, 2014. See the INFO LETTER FOR PARTICIPATING BOYS TEAMS accessed from the Tournament Homepage. Permission To Travel: Permission To Travel forms must be presented upon registration from all teams whose governing bodies require their use. Teams are responsible for knowing the regulations of the governing bodies from which they are submitting rosters. Lodging: Teams participating in the EDP Cup / Showcase that are not “daytripping” must book lodging through the Showcase. Please contact MSSL-approved Titan Lodging Travel. Titan Lodging has reserved a block of rooms to meet our showcase needs throughout the year, even at times that rooms are scarce in the area. However, in order to maintain relationships with cooperating hotels, Titan Lodging does need to ensure that reserved room blocks are utilized. We appreciate your cooperation with our booking policies. At this time, contact Travel Coordinator Laura with your needs at or at 732-658-0331. Payment: No application is complete until payment has been received. Payment is normally due upon application, by online eCheck or credit card. In the event that a payment plan is authorized, or an online payment has to be re-processed, a $50 processing fee will be applied for any payments received less than 30 days before the event. In addition, the applicant will forfeit any discounted rate or any credits applied if payment is not completed until after the event. Acceptance: Timely applying teams participating in EDP and MAPS Flights are assured of acceptance to the Tournament. Competitive teams, both regional and national, that would benefit from showcase exposure will be selectively accepted to complete the field. NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE TO TEAMS WITHDRAWING AFTER ACCEPTANCE. Competitive Brackets: The decisions of the Competition and Scheduling Committee in creating brackets is final. Weather and other uncontrollable conditions: In the event of modifications or cancellations, the Committee’s determination on format change and the amount of refund, if any, is final. *************************** IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBER ABOUT THE SELECTION PROCESS Provide as much meaningful information about your team as possible, including recent records, participation in State Cup and Regional competition, records in recent major tournaments, etc. Please advise us of highly competitive leagues in which the team participates. The tournament reserves the right to contact State Associations, league officials and club officials to obtain additional information about applicants. The Player Profile information must be submitted. Tentative team acceptances are contingent upon player profile information being supplied online. Space will be provided at the tournament for teams to display more detailed player profile information that teams print and bring with them. Nonetheless, experience shows that coaches reference the tournament-supplied Player Profile books first and foremost during games as they incorporate primary information in an organized manner that coaches have come to rely upon.
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