TECHNICAL AND FIELD RELATED PROBLEMS OF TRADITIONAL AND ELECTRONIC ARCHIVING Honorable patronage of the International Council on Archives April 15 - 17, 2015, Hotel Radin, Radenci 1 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015 Congress Hall Translation 8.30 – 9.30 Participant registration 9.30 Opening Ivan FRAS, director, Regional Archives Maribor Introduction speech of the organizer Ivan ŠIJANEC, M. Phil., Trevis d. o. o., director Greetings of the general sponsor for the field od traditional archiving Tadeja MATOS, Ph. D., Mateja ŠKAMPERLE, Institute for Microbiology and Immunology, Ljubljana, Slovenia Presence of Fungi in Libraries and Archives and Their Impact on People's Health 11.30 – 12.00 Coffee break 12.00 – 13.30 Preservation of Archives Boštjan GABERC, Mikrografija d. o. o., director Greetings of the general sponsor for the field of long-term preservation David LEITCH, Ph. D., Secretary General, International Council on Archives, Paris, France Multiple Challenges Facing Archivists in the Digital Age Julijana BIZJAK MLAKAR, M. Phil., Minister of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia Opening speech James LOWRY, International Records Management Fond, London, Great Britain Signals in Time: Data Longevity and the Kenya open portal 10.00 – 11.30 Preservation of Archives Ivan FRAS, Regional Archives Maribor, Slovenia Current State of Preservation and Storage of Archives at the Regional Archives Maribor Jonathan RHYS - LEWIS, Expert Groupt for Archival Buildings and Environemn at ICA, Colchester, Great Britain Communicing Preservation: what we say and what we mean 2 Adrien P. HOLL, City Archives Budapest, Hungary Preventive Preservation in the Archives Alexander RYCH, In-Vision: Digital Imaging Optics GmbH, Guntramsdorf, Austria PIQL Preservation Services – A Holistic Approach to Digital Long- Term Preservation Ivan ŠIJANEC, M. Phil., Trevis d. o. o. , Ljubljana, Slovenia Archiving in European Countries, EU Bodies, Institutions and Larger Companies WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015 Congress Hall Izet ŠABOTIĆ, Ph. D., Faculty of Arts Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina The Importance of Educated Archival Personnel in Extraordinary Circumstances 13.30 – 15.00 Lunch break 15.00 – 16.30 Preservation of Archives Sanja ANDROIĆ, Mariborski vodovod d. d., Maribor, Boštjan ŠPEHONJA, ethical hecker, Nova Gorica, Slovenia Electronic and Paper Records - Consequences of Negligent Handling Marko POTOKAR, M. Phil, Institute for Safety Culture, Ljubljana, Sanja ANDROIĆ, Mariborski vodovod d. d., Maribor, Slovenia Social Ingeneering - People as a Part of the Security System Jasna MALEŠIČ, Ph. D., Tereza POLIČNIK - ČERMELJ, Irena SEŠEK, National and University Library Ljubljana, Slovenia Mass Deacidification of Archival Copies at the National and University Library Svetlana PEROVIĆ IVOVIĆ, Archives of Yugoslavia, Belgrade, Serbia Damage of Architectonic Records as a Consequence of Inadequate Storage Ivan GALE, Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Commodity Reserves, Tadej VOZELJ, Mikrografija d. o. o. Novo mesto, Slovenia Arranging Archives and Records at The Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Commodity Reserves 16.30 – 17.00 Break »Mikrografija invites …« 3 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015 Congress Hall 17.00 – 18.30 Poster Presentations Poster presentations will be available for viewing the whole time of the conference Sejdalija GUŠIĆ, M. Phil., Milena GAŠIĆ, Historical Archives Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Can they still be Saved? Conservation and Restoration of Written Heritage in Bosnia and Herzegovina Siniša DOMAZET, Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo Archives of Bosnia And Herzegovina – Protection of Archives in Times of Recession Jovan P. POPOVIĆ, Belgrade, Serbia Legal Protection, Appraisal and Use of Archives Acquired as Gifts, Purchase and Legacy Danijela BRANKOVIĆ, Archives of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia APEx-Projekt: Archives Portal Europe network of excellence Stevan MAČKOVIĆ, Historical Archives Subotica, Serbia Experiences with E-research at the Historical Archives of Subotica Živana HEĐBELI, Ph. D., State Archives in Zagreb, Nikola MOKROVIĆ, Documenta – Center for Coping with the Past, Zagreb, Croatia Study of Croatian Administration from 1945 to 1990 Vladimir DROBNJAK, Regional Archives Koper, Slovenia Building a Knowledge Base in the Archives with the Use of Open Source Tools Mirjana GULIĆ, Damir VALIDŽIĆ, State Archives in Zagreb, Croatia Metodology of Creating a Registry (Bodies of Public Administration in Zagreb from 1945 to 1990 within the Jurisdiction of the State Archives in Zagreb) Branka MOLNAR, Zagreb, Croatia Data Archives - Services of the Scientific Research Community Marijana JUKIĆ, Croatian State Archives, Zagreb, Croatia 135 Years of the Croatian Fine Arts Artists Association 21.00 Social Evening in Mezzanin 4 THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2015 Session for Record's Creators Izvir Hall 9.00 – 12.30 Internal Rules - Instrument for Guaranteeing Authenticity and Use of Records in Digital Form (Number of participants is limited) Vesna GOTOVINA, Tadej CANKAR, Alenka STARMAN Managing Procedures of Internal Rules Confirmation - administrative procedure of confirming internal rules - statistics - legal novelties - role of the archivist - experiences and problems (concrete cases) - eventual solutions Jože ŠKOFLJANEC, Ph. D., Aleksandra MRDAVŠIČ, Tatjana HAJTNIK, M. Phil. Internal Ruled - What we need to know - preparation for capture and storage of documents in digital form as a precondition for the preparation of internal rules - connecting internal rules to the services of the e-ARH system: OP PR - procedures of capture and storage - hardware and software - information security - relations with providers 14.00 Professional excursion - Gornja Radgona This year we will visit the municipality of Gornja Radgona near Radenci, which offers various sight worth visiting. Since we will not be able to see them all, we will make a short degustation and let you decide about comming back. Our journey will begin at the old hospital with a visit to the museum of archeological, ethnological, art and other cultural and historical objects and documents. We will continue with a visit to the wine cellar of the first Slovene sparkling wine and find out how it is made. Our journey will end at the world known Pomurje fair where we will enjoy some old footage of the events of the fair in the past and see how a new fair is being prepared. Dinner will be served at Hotel Radin at 8.00 pm. 5 THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2015 Session for archival professionals Congress hall 09.00 – 11.30 Current professional topics Josef RIEGLER, Ph. D., Styrian Provincial Archives, Graz, Austria Mold on Archives Alenka ŠAUPERL, Ph. D., P. VILAR, Ph. D., M. ŽUMER, Ph. D., Z. SEMLIČ RAJH, M. Phil., I. ŠABOTIĆ, Ph. D., S. ISIĆ, O. ZULIĆ, M. Phil., Slovenia - Bosnia and Herzegovina Archivists about Archives' Users Zdenka SEMLIČ RAJH, M. Phil., Regional Archives Maribor, Slovenia Copyrights, Archives and the Internet Aida ŠKORO BABIĆ, M. Phil., Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia Access to Archives from the Period of the Second World War Some Approaches in Implementing Provisions of the New Archival Law Lenka PAVLÍKOVÁ, Juraj VALENT, State Archives in Bratislava, Slovakia Archives vs. Creators. Cooperation in the Creation, Protection and Acquisition of Archives Peter Pavel KLASINC, Ph. D., IIAS, Slovenia - Italy Problems of Archival Professional Supervision in Slovenia and some Technical Issues 6 Translation 10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break 11.00 – 12.30 scopeArchiv and Archival Description Three advanced functionalities of the scopeArchiv software will be presented in the workshop. The first applies to different forms of integrating archival databases to external authority controls. The second applies to the advanced functionalities of the support system for various arrangements of archives and the third to the procedures of migration into other archival information systems with an emphasis on the import to the European Archives Portal Manuel KEHRLI, scope ag, Basel, Switzerland ScopeArchiv in Authority Control Databases Bogdan FLORIN POPOVICI, Ph. D., Romanian State Archives, Brasov, Romania Physical or Intellectual Arrangement of Archives. A Case for scopeArchiv. Boris DOMAJNKO, M. Phil., Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Miroslav NOVAK, Ph. D., Regional Archives Maribor, Slovenia Data Export from the scopeArchiv System and their Import to the European Archives Portal 14.00 Professional Excursion - Gornja Radgona FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2015 Session for Record's Creators Congress hall 9.00 – 10.30 Slovene E-Archives Tatjana HAJTNIK, M. Phil., Boris DOMAJNKO, M. Phil., Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, Jure Podgornik, Avtenta d.o.o. , Ljubljana, Slovenia Implementation of the Slovene E-Archives - current situation Jože ŠKOFLJANEC, Ph. D., Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia E-ARK: European project of implementing e-archiving services Record's Creators Jelka MELIK, Ph. D., Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia Judicial Branch of Power and Archives Bojan HIMMELREICH, Ph. D., Historical Archives Celje, Slovenia Protection of Archives Created by Theatres Kept in Public Archives and Elsewhere in Slovenia Žarko ŠTRUMBL, Gašper ŠMID, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia Accessibility and Inaccessibility of Medical Records 11.00 – 12.30 Acquisition of Archives Miroslav NOVAK, Ph. D., Regional Archives Maribor, Slovenia Long-term Preservation, Appraisal and use of Invoices, e-Invoices and other Hybrid Forms of Records Anna KRZEMIŃSKA, Ph. D., Polish Academy of Science, Krakow, Poland Acquiring Private Archives – Legal Construction of Agreements Aljoša NIKL, M. Phil., Sebastjan HOLCMAN, University of Maribor Library, Slovenia Process of Depositing E-Materials – Example of an Aapplication at the University of Maribor Library Miroslav DUČIĆ, Historical Archives Užice, Serbia Archives as Part of the Property of the Bankruptcy Debtor Azem KOŽAR, Ph. D., Societa of Archival Workers of the Tuzla Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina Problems with Acquisitions of Archives in Bosnia and Herzegovina 12.45 Conference Closings (Congress hall) 10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break 7 FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2015 Session for archival professionals Izvir Hall 09.00 – 10.30 Processing od Archives Lilijana URLEP, M. Phil., Archiepiscopal Archives, Slovenia Diocesan Office Records at the Archdiocesan Archives Maribor Luiz Antonio SANTANA DA SILVA, M. Phil., Faculty of Arts and Science, Malirila, Brazil Audivisual Document: What is it? A Brazilian Perspective Branka KEREC, M. Phil., Vlasta STAVBAR, Ph. D., University of Maribor Library, Slovenia The Zabeo legacy in the University of Maribor Library Petra ISKRA, Blanka KRIŽ, RTV Slovenija, Ljubljana, Slovenia From Analogue to Digital – Digitization of Photographic Material in the TV Archives of RTV Slovenia Jasna POŽGAN, Ph. D., State Archives for Medžimurje, Štrigova, Croatia Economy Fonds – Processing, Importance and Appraisal Sonja ANŽIČ - KEMPER, M. Phil., City Archives of Pforzheim, Germany Social Networks, Archives and Processing of Photographs in German Speaking Environment Zorica NETAJ, Archives of Yugoslavia, Belgrade, Serbia Experience Gained from Arranging, Processing and Digitization of the Photograph Collection Omer ZULIĆ, M. Phil, Selma ISIĆ, Archives of the Tuzla Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina Specifics of Acquiring and Processing Archives of Administrative Bodies 10.30 – 11.00 Coffee break 8 11.00 – 12.30 Digitalization of AV Archives Aleksander LAVRENČIČ, RTV Slovenija, Ljubljana, Slovenia Archive's Player - Filling Plan for RTV Slovenia Archives for the Future Jana BRUMEC, Rok OMAHEN, RTV Slovenija, Ljubljana, Slovenia From Eve to Adam – Archiving Digital Footage of TV Slovenija Katja ŠTURM, RTV Slovenija, Ljubljana, Slovenia The Future of the EUscreenXL Project – Possible Business Models for Managing Avdio-Vizual Content 12.45 Conference Closings (Congress hall) REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION Participation fee • 325 € for three of two days (22% VAT included) • 160 € for one day (22% VAT included) Additional information: The Participation fee includes e-conference proceedings, social evening on Wednesday, dinner on Thursday, coffee, non-alcoholic beverages and the cost of the professional excursion. gsm: +386 (0)41 835 189 Nina GOSTENČNIK, tel.: +386 (0)2 228 50 22, gsm: +386 (0)41 337 993 Participation fee must be payed before the conference starts. The last possible date for cancellation is April 8, 2015. In case of cancellation, the organizire will charge 30 € for manipulative costs. If the cancellation is not done before the mentioned date, the orginizer will charge you with half of the participation fee. Payment Information Pokrajinski arhiv Maribor, Glavni trg 7, SI - 2000 Maribor, Slovenija Transakcijski račun, odprt pri UJP Slovenska Bistrica. IBAN CODA: SI56011006030375282 SWIFT CODA: BSLJSI2X Namen plačila: plačilo kotizacije mag. Zdenka SEMLIČ RAJH, tel.: +386 (0)2 228 50 15, Hotel reservation We kindly invite you to book the hotel as soon as possible no later than March 31, 2015. Application deadline: April 10, 2015 Phone: +386 (0)2 520 27 20 ali +386 (0)2 520 27 22 Fax: +386 (0)2 548 16 07 e-mail:, Sava turizem d. d. Zdravilišče Radenci, Zdraviliško naselje 12, SI-9252 Radenci Filled in application forms can be sent to radenci2015@pokarh-mb. si. Application form is available also on-line: The form for hotel reservation is also available on-line: www. 9 GENERALNA SPONZORJA OSTALI SPONZORJI 10 11 Thursday Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Thursday Internal rules workshop (Thursday, Izvir Hall): Participation: Internal rules workshop (Thursday, Izvir Hall): Signature: Name and surname of the person in charge: Date: 3 Wednesday Work post Internal rules workshop (Thursday, Izvir Hall): Participation: 2 Participation: 1 Name Stamp YES Friday YES Friday YES Friday Telephone We enter the following participants: E-mail: Fax: Telephone: VAT ID number: City Postal code: Adress: Organization: NO Excursion: NO Excursion: NO Excursion: YES YES YES E-mail NO NO NO TECHNICAL AND FIELD RELATED PROBLEMS OF TRADITIONAL AND ELECTRONIC ARCHIVING RADENCI, APRIL 15 - 17, 2015 APPLICATION FORM 12
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