D N A G N I D S BUIL L A I R E T A M G N I D L I BU IN A I N E V SLO FLANDERS INVESTMENT & TRADE MARKET SURVEY BUILDING AND BUILDING MATERIALS IN SLOVENIA Flanders Investment & Trade – Ljubljana Barbara Čeč – Acting head of office Embassy of Belgium - Trg Republike 3/VIII - SI-1000 Ljubljana - Slovenia T: +386 1 426 75 94 – E-mail: ljubljana@fitagency.com Building and building materials in Slovenia | January 2015 1 Table of contents 1. 2. 3. 4. General information on Slovenia’s economy _________________________________________________ 3 1.1. Member of Euro-zone since 1/1/2007________________________________________________ 3 1.2. Gross Domestic Product growth in recent years ________________________________________ 3 1.3. Stable labour market and low inflation _______________________________________________ 3 1.4. Foreign trade ___________________________________________________________________ 3 The building sector in Slovenia ____________________________________________________________ 4 2.1. Overview and main categories ______________________________________________________ 4 2.2. Slovenia’s construction during economic recession _____________________________________ 4 2.3. Value of construction put in place during the economic crisis _____________________________ 5 2.4. Residential housing price indices ____________________________________________________ 9 Building materials branches _____________________________________________________________ 10 3.1. General introductory note as to foundations, floorings and wall building __________________ 10 3.2. Floor coverings _________________________________________________________________ 11 3.3. Building materials for walls (external and internal) ____________________________________ 22 3.4. Roofings ______________________________________________________________________ 26 3.5. Windows and doors _____________________________________________________________ 29 3.6. Energy installations______________________________________________________________ 33 3.7. Thermal insulation materials ______________________________________________________ 37 3.8. Air conditioning systems _________________________________________________________ 40 3.9. Building chemistry ______________________________________________________________ 42 Civil engineering _______________________________________________________________________ 45 4.1. Road infrastructure______________________________________________________________ 45 4.2. Tunnels _______________________________________________________________________ 45 4.3. Road viaducts and bridges ________________________________________________________ 45 4.4. Some important players in infrastructure ____________________________________________ 45 4.5. Railway network construction _____________________________________________________ 47 5. Building industry associations and useful links ______________________________________________ 47 6. Contracting companies _________________________________________________________________ 49 7. Fairs for the construction industry ________________________________________________________ 53 2 1. General information on Slovenia’s economy 1.1. Member of Euro-zone since 1/1/2007 Slovenia was one of the Central-European countries joining the European Union in May 2004 and was the first of the new member states to join the Euro-zone on 1 January 2007. This joining of the Euro-zone, which went quite smoothly, highlights that the country’s economy was and still is the most advanced in Central-Europe. As a matter of fact, Slovenia’s wealth is quite well up to EU-averages: GDP per capita, which is commonly used to measure a nation’s wealth, has reached around 80% of the EU-28 average in 2013. (source: Eurostat Information – http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statisticsexplained/index.php/GDP_per_capita,_consumption_per_capita_and_price_level_indices ). 1.2. Gross Domestic Product growth in recent years After exiting recession in 2013, the Slovenian economy grew by 2,5% year-over-year in the first half of 2014. Slovenia has been increasing its export market shares, particularly for goods, since 2013 and net exports have remained the largest contributor to economic growth in the first half of 2014. Investment was another significant contributor to growth, driven by EU-funded infrastructure projects, while investment in equipment fell further. (source: The European Economic http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/eu/countries/slovenia_en.htm) 1.3. Forecast Autumn 2014: Stable labour market and low inflation Unemployment peaked at 10,2% in February 2014 and is expected to continue declining over the forecast horizon. Private sector wages are expected to continue rising moderately but the continued containment of public sector wages in 2014 and 2015 will help restrain overall wage dynamics. This, combined with a recovery in productivity this year, implies that overall unit labour costs are set to fall by 1,2% in 2014 and then remain stable, supporting external competitiveness. Given the downward trend in prices for raw materials and energy, the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) is forecast to decline to historically low levels in 2014 and increase only marginally in 2015 and 2016, mainly due to slowly rising oil prices and the expected recovery of domestic demand. (source: The European Economic Forecast Autumn 2014) 1.4. Foreign Trade Most of Slovenia’s foreign trade occurs with the EU. In November 2014 more than three quarters of Slovenia’s trade in goods was generated in trade with EU Member States; 78.0% of total exports and 78.3% of total imports. The growth of exports in November 2014 compared to November 2013 was caused by higher exports to EU Member States (by 10.3%), while exports to EU non-member countries were almost the same (0.1% lower). Exports to EU Member States amounted to EUR 1,567.1 million and exports to EU non-member countries to EUR 443.2 million. In the January-November 2014 period Slovenia exported most products from the group of medicaments and imported most products from the group of oils obtained from bituminous minerals. (source: Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia) 3 2. The building sector in Slovenia 2.1. Overview and main categories In Slovenia, the building sector is divided into two broad categories: construction (both residential and nonresidential) and civil engineering works. For ease of use, the sector can be subdivided into three segments: residential buildings, non-residential buildings (for offices as well as for commercial use) and civil engineering (construction of roads, tunnels etc.). Are there better times ahead for construction activity in Slovenia? Economic recession delivered a serious blow to construction activity, which was in decline since 2008. However, it has been slowly growing again since April 2013. 2.2. Slovenia’s construction during economic recession In 2012, 18,392 enterprises with predominantly market activities were registered in construction activity in Slovenia, which is 5.4% less than in 2008, when construction activity peaked, and 2.9% less than in 2011. In 2012, most construction enterprises performed specialised construction work (79.8%); they were followed by enterprises engaged in construction of buildings (17.2%) and those engaged in civil engineering (3.0%). In 2012, construction enterprises employed 62,357 people, 30.5% less than in 2008 and 9.6% less than in 2011. Compared to 2008, the number of employees in enterprises engaged in construction of buildings was almost cut in half (it dropped by 45.5%). The number of employees in enterprises engaged in civil engineering decreased by 38.7% and in enterprises performing specialised construction work by 17.8%. In 2012, construction enterprises generated just over EUR 1.2 billion of value added, which was 41.6% less than in 2008 and 5.2% less than in 2011. More than half of the value added (54.0%) was generated by enterprises performing specialised construction work, almost a quarter (24.8%) by enterprises engaged in construction of buildings and 21.2% by enterprises engaged in civil engineering. Earnings in the total amount of almost EUR 768 million were paid in construction activity in 2012, which is almost a third (31.0%) less than in 2008 and 11.3% less than in 2011. Compared to 2011, earnings declined the most in enterprises engaged in civil engineering (by 20.5%), and the least in enterprises performing specialised construction work (by 4.3%). In enterprises engaged in construction of buildings the amount decreased by 15.0%. In 2012, construction enterprises with at least 20 persons in employment generated EUR 75 million of gross fixed capital formation, which is 1.6% of total gross fixed capital formation in Slovenia or 22.5% more than in 2011. The largest share of gross fixed capital formation was generated in 2008, 4.0% of total gross fixed capital formation in Slovenia. According to Eco Fund data, in 2008-2013 more than 63,000 investments in residential buildings were implemented and just over EUR 88 million of subsidies were paid for this purpose. The Eco Fund started its activity in 2008, when the share of Eco Fund subsidies amounted to 0.6% of the value of construction put in place on residential buildings at current prices. In the following years the share of subsidies was growing and in 2013 it was 11.5% of the value of construction put in place in residential buildings. All investment for 2013 has not yet been made and the funds have not yet been paid. Based on the data we estimate that in 2013 the share could be close to 13.0% of the value of construction put in place in residential buildings. Most of the investment was made in one-dwelling buildings; in 2008 the share was 84.5%, but by 2013 it fell to 69.2% of all subsidies. In recent years the share of investment in two-dwelling buildings was around 5.0%, while the share of investment in three- and more dwelling buildings was rising; in 2013 it was 25.2%. 4 2.3. Value of construction put in place during the economic crisis The value of construction put in place in Slovenia in 2013 was 2.6% lower than in 2012. In the same comparison the decrease in the EU was slightly lower, i.e. by 2.2%. In Slovenia the value of construction put in place in buildings was 20.4% lower and in civil engineering 6.2% higher. In the EU the value of construction put in place in buildings was 1.8% lower and in civil engineering 3.6% lower. Compared to 2008, the value of construction put in place in Slovenia in 2013 was 60.1% lower (in the EU 18.7% lower). As regards buildings, it was 73.5% lower in Slovenia and 19.7% lower in the EU. As regards civil engineering, it was 51.3% lower in Slovenia and 14.1% lower in the EU. In 2013, construction activity was lower than in Slovenia only in Greece and Cyprus. Compared to the EU average, construction activity in Slovenia was 31.1% lower in 2013; the highest values were recorded in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Chart 1: Value of construction put in place, EU and Slovenia, 2013, (Ø2010=100) Source: Eurostat (http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu), 16. 6. 2014 Are better times ahead for construction activity? In the first four months of 2014 the value of construction put in place in Slovenian was 40% higher than in the first four months of 2013. In this comparison the growth in the EU was much lower; only by 2.6%. As regards buildings, the growth was higher in the EU (by 7.8%) than in Slovenia (by 6.2%), while as regards civil engineering, the growth was higher in Slovenia (by 57.4%) than in the EU (by only 2.7%). The value of construction put in place in Slovenia in April 2014 was 6.7% higher than a month before, while in the EU it was higher by only 0.6%. As regards buildings, the value was 0.5% higher in Slovenia and 0.9% higher in the EU, while as regards civil engineering, the value was 5.2% higher in Slovenia and 0.8% lower in the EU. The highest growth over the previous month was recorded in Slovenia, Spain and Portugal and the greatest drop in Poland, Romania and Slovakia. 5 Chart 2: Trends in the value of construction put in place, selected EU Member States and Slovenia, 1 st quarter 2006 – 1st quarter 2014, (Ø2010=100) Source: Eurostat (http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu), 17.7.2014 The data indicate that the situation Slovenia’s construction activity is slowly improving, particularly as regards civil engineering, which is the result of increased investment in public infrastructure with the help of European funds. The increase in civil engineering at the beginning of this year was also the result of disaster recovery (ice storm). The shares of the value of construction put in place by type of construction have changed significantly over the past few years. In 2006, 54.5% of work was done in buildings and 45.6% in civil engineering. From 2011 on, much more has been done in civil engineering. In 2013, only 36.4% of work was done in buildings and as much as 63.6% in civil engineering. 6 Chart 3: Shares of the value of construction put in place by type of construction, Slovenia, 2006–2013 Source: Statistical Office of the republic of Slovenia Trends in construction costs in Slovenia differ from EU trends Trends in construction costs for new residential buildings were slightly different in Slovenia than in the EU as a whole. In 2006 and 2007, i.e. before 2008 when construction activity in Slovenia peaked, construction costs in Slovenia were on average higher than in the EU. The situation was the same in 2008; however, the costs in Slovenia already slightly declined, while in the EU they went slightly up. In 2008, when Slovenia recorded the highest volume of construction put in place in the observed period (2006 to 2013), construction costs were on average 1.9% higher than in the EU. After that Slovenia recorded a large drop in construction costs (by 9.6%), while in the EU they declined on average by 3.9%. On average, in the observed period construction costs were the lowest both in Slovenia and in the EU in 2009. In 2010 and 2011, construction costs in Slovenia were again higher than the EU average. In the last two years, i.e. 2012 and 2013, construction costs in Slovenia were, the same as in 2009 after the peak in 2008, again lower than the EU average. In 2013, Slovenia recorded a 0.1% rise in construction costs over the previous year, while in the same comparison construction costs in the EU overall declined by 1.0%. In 2013, construction costs in Slovenia were 1.9% lower than the EU average. 7 Chart 4: Trends in construction costs for new residential buildings, Slovenia and the EU, 2006–2013 Source: Eurostat (http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu), 27. 6. 2014 After six years of decline the number of building permits up again After six years of decline between 2007 and 2012, in 2013 the number of issued building permits increased again. Compared to 2012 it went up by 7.4%. The floor area of buildings for which building permits were issued increased by 3.9%; the area of residential buildings went up by 5.5% and the area of non-residential buildings by 2.2%. Construction confidence indicator above the long-term average In June 2014, the construction confidence indicator was 4% lower than in the previous month and 14% higher than in June 2013. Compared to the 2008 average it was 8.5% lower. The long-term average value (from 2002 to 2013) was -18. In all months of 2014 the construction confidence indicator was above the long-term average; in June 2014 by 11%. With further gradual economic upturn, in the euro area too in the first quarter of 2014 the consumer confidence and the economic climate improved, which has a favorable impact on current trends in construction activity. 8 Chart 5: Construction confidence indicator, Slovenia and the EU, January 2006–June 2014 Source: Statistical Office of the republic of Slovenia 2.4. Residential housing price indices In the first quarter of 2014 dwelling prices in Slovenia were on average 1.7% lower than in the fourth quarter of 2013. Prices of new dwellings slightly up again For the second consecutive quarter the prices of new dwellings – i.e. newly built flats and family houses together – went slightly up. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2013 they were on average 2.0% higher. Both the prices of newly built flats and of newly built family houses increased by the same percent. After the record drop in the third quarter of 2013 (by 15.1%), which was the result of the sale of a large number of flats from the bankruptcy estate of bankrupt enterprises, in the first quarter of 2014 the prices of newly built flats went further up, this time by 2.0%. Nevertheless, the price level of newly built flats remained very low. Prices of existing dwellings continue to fall; the number of transactions is stagnating Compared to the previous quarter, in the first quarter of 2014 the prices of existing flats in Slovenia decreased on average by 3.7%. The prices of existing flats in Ljubljana decreased for the seventh consecutive quarter, this time by 1.8%. They fell to the level of the first quarter of 2006. Existing flats in Ljubljana are the real estate category that lost the greatest value compared to the 2010 average prices, particularly in 2013. On the other hand, the prices of existing flats outside Ljubljana were not falling as rapidly as the prices in Ljubljana; a larger drop happened in the first quarter of 2014, i.e. by 4.9%. The number of transactions of existing flats (1,073) was very close to the quarterly average of 2013. 9 Table 1: House price indices and number of transactions by type of dwellings, Slovenia, 1st quarter 2014 I-III 14 X-XII 13 I-III 14 I-III 13 I-III 14 Ø 10 Number of transactions House price indices - TOTAL 98.3 93.4 86.61 1,530 1. Newly built dwellings 102.0 95.4 89.72 160 1.1. Newly built flats 102.0 93.6 90.43 128 1.2. Newly built family houses 101.9 101.9 90.39 32 2. Existing dwellings 96.9 92.6 84.77 1,370 2.1. Existing flats 96.3 90.6 83.81 1,073 2.1.1. Existing flats, Ljubljana 98.2 88.6 80.01 304 2.1.2. Existing flats, rest of Slovenia 95.1 91.8 86.64 769 2.2. Existing family houses 98.1 97.1 86.67 297 Source: Statistical Office of the republic of Slovenia, June 19, 2014, First Release 3. Building materials branches This part of the market study focuses on some specific niche segments of Slovenia’s construction industry by providing: a) Some concise general information; b) A list of the main Slovenian players (manufacturing and/or distributing) in each niche segment; c) 3.1. Market opportunities for Flemish construction (materials) companies, if appropriate. General introductory note as to foundations, floorings and wall building It is important to note that Slovenia is situated in a geological area that is prone to earthquakes; an area that stretches south-east to Macedonia. In 1963 there was e.g. a serious earthquake in Skopje. After that 1963 earthquake, more stringent regulations have been introduced not only with regard to foundations, but also with regard to wall buildings and floorings. Before the 1963 Skopje earthquake, floor structures of buildings were made of cast-in-place concrete over clay brick blocks or sometimes even simply of wood. External walls (sometimes called “envelope walls”) were built of clay brick masonry or cast-in-place concrete, whilst internal walls were constructed in clay brick masonry mostly as non-load bearing partition walls (with only some load bearing ones). After the 1963 earthquake, all this changed. First, floor constructions were made mostly of castin-place reinforced concrete. Also, the number of internal load bearing walls increased, so as to give higher earthquake resistance to buildings, whilst many of these internal load bearing walls are nowadays of reinforced concrete (clay brick masonry is used only for a few non load bearing partition walls). Wood is almost never used anymore for floor structures nor for external walls (except for some areas in the mountains and for small cottage houses). As a result, nowadays a lot of reinforced concrete is used in constructions not only for the foundations and ceilings, but also for external as well as internal (load bearing) walls. 10 3.2. Floor coverings Whilst reinforced concrete is most often used for foundations and floor constructions, a variety of building materials can be used for floor coverings, with tiles or wood being used most of the time. Typically in Slovenia, tiles are used in places like kitchen or bathroom, whereas wood is used elsewhere either in the form of parquet or laminate. Both tiles and wood are used in a variety of forms, going from very basic forms to more sophisticated and/or design ones (tiles: design mosaics; wood: multi-layer parquet). Fixed carpet is also used e.g. typically in sleeping rooms, be it much less than in Flanders. Please find below a list of Slovenian manufacturers or (wholesale) distributors of the main floor covering products (tiles, parquet/laminate, fixed carpets). Although Slovenian manufacturers have quite a tradition in parquets, there is a wide offer of imported parquet on the market. As for floor covering tiles and fixed carpet, foreign (i.e. imported) products dominate the Slovenian market, as the country does not have such a long tradition. Slovenian companies manufacturing or distributing tiles (floor covering): Producers - tiles: MARTEX d.o.o. Volčja Draga 43/b SI-5293 Volčja Draga Contact: Mr Janez Tinta Tel: +386 5 33 03 550 Fax: +386 5 33 03 567 E-mail: info@martex.si Web: www.martex.si Distributors - tiles: ARTG3 d.o.o. Mežanova ulica 2A 2250 Ptuj Contact: Mrs Nataša Gašparič Tel: +386 8 205 36 40 Fax: +386 8 205 36 42 E-mail: art.salonkeramike@siol.net Web: http://www.art-salonkeramike.si DOLNOV d.o.o. Šuceva 23 4000 Kranj Contact: Mrs Lidija Žibert Tel: +386 4 201 30 14 Fax: +386 4 201 30 27 E-mail: dolnov@dolnov.si Web: www.dolnov.si DR KONEKT d.o.o. Pod Gabri 23 PC Žeje pri Komendi 11 1218 Komenda Contact: Mr Dare Jolić Tel: +386 1 832 32 32 Fax: +386 1 832 35 30 E-mail: info@dr-konekt.si Web: www.dr-konekt.si GRAMAT GRIL d.o.o. Rožna dolina 9 SI-1290 Grosuplje Contact: Mr August Gril Tel: +386 1 78 63 363 E-mail: info@gramat-gril.si Web: www.gramat-gril.si IKA Žiri d.o.o. Industrijska 11 SI-4226 Žiri Contact: Mrs Mojca Mrak Tel: +386 4 518 44 44 Fax: +386 4 518 44 40 E-mail. info@ika.si Web: www.ika.si INIRE d.o.o. Obrtniška 12 SI-6240 Kozina Contact: Mrs Breda Filipovič Tel: +386 5 680 00 50 Fax: +386 5 680 00 51 E-mail: inire@siol.net Web: www.inire.si KEOR d.o.o. Zrkovska cesta 87 2000 Maribor Contact: Mr Marjan Pivec Tel: +386 2 480 54 14 Fax: +386 2 480 54 21 E-mail: marjan.pivec@keor.si - nabava@keor.si Web: www.keor.si KERAMTRADE d.o.o. Šlandrova 4 1231 Ljubljana–Črnuče Contact: Mr Aleš Kolin Tel: +386 1 561 26 16 Fax: +386 1 561 24 67 E-mail: keram.trade@siol.net 12 Web: www.keramtrade.si KER-ING d.o.o. Ledina 12 1360 Vrhnika Contact: Mr Andrej Dobrovoljc Fax: +386 1 755 48 30 Gsm: +386 41 68 82 04 E-mail: info@kering.si Web: www.kering.si KERSAN d.o.o. Ljubljanska 13a 1236 Trzin Contact: Mrs Ana Vodopivec Tel: +386 1 564 14 99 Fax: +386 1 564 14 98 E-mail: kersan@siol.net Web: www.kersan.si KRISMA d.o.o. Kajuhova 32T SI-1000 Ljubljana Conatact: Mrs Polonca Šubic Tel: +386 1 583 97 77 Fax: +386 1 518 17 77 E-mail: ljubljana@krisma.si Web: www.krisma.si MAVI d.o.o. Novakova 8 SI-2000 Maribor Contact: Mr Drago Krajnc Tel: +386 2 23 50 300 Fax: +386 2 23 50 312 E-mail: info@mavi.si Web: www.mavi.si NORBIT Kojsko 39 5211 Kojsko Contact: Mr Peter Furlan Tel: +386 5 366 49 40 Fax: +386 5 366 49 44 E-mail: info@norbit.si Web: www.norbit.si PILREMAG d.o.o. Brezje pri Grosupljem 34 SI-1290 Grosuplje 13 Tel: +386 1 78 62 090 Fax: +386 1 78 63 984 E-mail: komerciala@pilremag.si Web: www.pilremag.si ROMET d.o.o. Mariborska c. 1 2352 Selnica ob Dravi Contact: Mr Robert Strmšnik Tel: +386 2 673 50 30 Fax: +386 2 673 50 32 E-mail: info@romet.si Web: www.romet.si SANIKER d.o.o. Opekarska cesta 18 1360 Vrhnika Contact: Mrs Neža Oblak Tel: +386 1 750 24 89 Fax: +386 1 750 24 90 E-mail: saniker@siol.net Web: www.saniker.si SCARBO d.o.o. Arnold 1A, Bartok SI-6000 Koper Contact: Mrs Majda Božič Tel: +386 5 611 90 00 Fax: +386 5 611 90 20 E-mail: info@scarbo.si Web: www.scarbo.si TAPRO Trgovina d.o.o. Celovška cesta 280 SI-1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Alojz Šimc Tel: +386 1 583 77 00 Fax: +386 1 583 77 20 E-mail: komerciala@tapro-trgovina.si Web: www.tapro-trgovina.si VISTRA d.o.o. Groblje 3 A 1230 Domžale Contact: Mr Gregor Strajnar Tel: +386 1 724 43 42 Fax: +386 1 724 43 43 E-mail. info@vistra.si Web: www.vistra.si 14 VODOTERM RADOMLJE d.o.o. Škrjančevo 8 1235 Radomlje Contact: Mr Luka Cerar Tel: +386 41 659 592 E-mail: l.cerar@vodoterm.si Web: www.vodoterm.si Slovenian companies manufacturing or distributing parquet or laminate Producers - parquet: Adles d.o.o. Ob železnici 18 SI-1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Bojan Adamič Tel: +386 1 781 00 60 Fax: +386 1 781 00 66 E-mail: info@adles.si Website: www.adles.si Alpod d.o.o. Podskrajnik 19 SI-1380 Cerknica Contact: Mr Matjaž Žnidaršič Tel: +386 1 707 14 03 Fax: +386 1 707 14 20 E-mail: info@alpod.si Website: www.alpod.si Anton Manfreda s.p. Pod Lazami 132, Vrtojba SI-5290 Šempeter Contact: Mr Anton Manfreda Tel: +386 41 47 39 00 E-mail: anton.manfreda@parketarstvo.si Website: www.parketarstvo.si Jugovic Valentina s.p. Trata 18 SI-4220 Škofja Loka Tel: +386 4 51 31 684 Fax: +386 4 51 39 710 Contact: Mrs Valentina Jugovic E-mail: jugovicv@siol.net Web: www.parketarstvo-jugovic.si Lega d.o.o. Ulica Ivana Minattija 6 SI-3210 Slovenske Konjice 15 Tel: +386 3 759 31 86 Fax: +386 3 759 31 87 E-mail: povprasevanje@lega.si Web: www.lega.si Parketarna Jager Proseniško 14 SI-3230 Šentjur Contact: Mrs Štefanija Jager Tel: +386 3 749 01 80 Fax: +386 3 749 01 81 E-mail: info@parketarna-jager.si Web: www.parketarna-jager.si Pod-les&nik d.o.o. Ljubljana Trinkova ul. 96 1125 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Sandi Podlesnik Tel: +386 1 25 73 426 Gsm: +386 31 696 573 E-mail: parketarstvo@podlesnik.com Web: www.podlesnik.com ŠILES d.o.o. Tomačevica 22 SI-6223 Komen Contact: Mr Stanko Šibelja Tel: +386 5 708 00 00 Fax: +386 5 708 00 14 E-mail: info@siles.si Web: www.siles.si Distributors - parquet: ABC – NET d.o.o. Istrska 9 SI- 6240 Kozina Contact: Mr Peter Cergolj Tel: +386 5 680 00 30 Fax: +386 5 680 00 31 E-mail: info@abc-net.si Web: www.abc-net.si Aktual d.o.o. Ul. Pohorskega bataljona 27 SI-2000 Maribor Contact: Mr Žiga Zarič Tel: +386 2 429 56 20 Fax: +386 2 429 56 21 E-mail: ziga.zaric@siol.net 16 Web: www.aktual.si AL-PA Alojz Paluc s.p. Dvorjane 25 SI-2241 Sp.Duplek Contact: Mr Alojz Paluc Tel: +386 2 684 02 13 Fax: +386 2 684 02 14 E-mail: alpa@alpa-sp.si Web: www.alpa-sp.si Alpod d.o.o. Podskrajnik 112 1380 Cerknica Contact: Mr Matjaž Štefan Tel: +386 1 7071 400 Fax: +386 1 7071 420 E-mail: info@alpod.si Web: www.alpod.si BALOH International d.o.o. Brodišče 12 1236 Trzin Tel: +386 1 563 47 50 Fax: +386 1 563 47 59 E-mail: info@baloh.si Web: www.baloh.si BOOGIE Askerceva 3 SI-2000 Maribor Contact: Mr Gregor Medvar Tel: +386 41 36 59 59 Fax: +386 2 25 23 044 E-mail: info@boogie-parket.si Web: www.boogie-parket.si Elkoplast d.o.o. Bevško 2 1420 Trbovlje Contact: Mr Bojan Redenšek Tel: +386 3 563 28 60 Fax: +386 3 563 28 61 E-mail: info@elkoplast.si Web: www.elkoplast.si Hotenjka d.o.o. Tržaška 513b SI-1351 Brezovica pri Ljubljani Contact: Mr Milan Mavsar 17 Tel: +386 1 365 76 56 Fax: +386 1 365 76 57 E-mail: info@hotenjka.si Web: www.hotenjka.si Kemoplast d.o.o. Drofenikova 7 SI-3230 Šentjur Contact: Mr Peter Lapornik Tel: +386 3 746 42 00 Fax: +386 3 746 42 15 E-mail: info@kemoplast.si Web: www.kemoplast.si LES 3 d.o.o. Ulica padlih borcev 34 6258 Prestranek Contact: Mrs Nataša Škapin Može Tel: +386 5 754 20 64 Fax: +386 5 754 20 72 E-mail: info@les3.si Web: www.les3.si Lescom d.o.o. Barletova 4 SI-1215 Medvode Contact: Mrs Stanislava Martincic Tel: +386 1 361 74 40 Fax: +386 1 361 74 45 E-mail: lescom@lescom.si Web: www.lescom.si MaderaLes d.o.o. Na brežini 15 SI-1231 Črnuče Contact: Mr Jakob Valant Tel: +386 59 115 655 Fax: +386 59 115 654 E-mail: maderales@telemach.net Web: http://www.maderales.si/ Maramo – svet parketa d.o.o. Dolenjska cesta 242 c SI-1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mrs Mojca Perigoj Tel: +386 1 241 65 22 Fax: +386 1 425 12 33 E-mail: info@svet-parketa.si Web: www.maramo.si 18 Onis d.o.o. Dunajska 116 SI-1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Rajko Posavec Tel: +386 1 566 22 97 Fax: +386 1 566 22 98 E-mail: onis@siol.net Web: www.onis.si Parketarstvo Pavlič d.o.o. Zupanova 7 SI-4208 Šenčur pri Kranju Contact: Mr Slavko Pavlič Tel/Fax: +386 4 251 52 15 E-mail: parketarstvo_pavlic@t-2.net Web: www.parketarstvo-pavlic.com ParkettCo Slovenija Britof 327 4000 Kranj Contact: Mrs Darja Ažman, Mr Marjan Saje Tel: +386 41 747 112 E-mail: darja.azman@parkettco-si.com E-mail: marjan.saje@parkettco-si.com Web: http://www.parkettco-si.com/kontakt R. Tris d.o.o. Trubarjeva 12 SI-1310 Ribnica Tel: +386 1 836 90 70 Fax: +386 1 836 90 71 E-mail: info@parketar.si Web: www.parketar.si SLOVENIJALES trgovina d.o.o. Plemljeva 8 1210 Ljubljana-Šentvid Contact: Mr Franc Brezovar Tel: +386 59 093 007 Fax: +386 59 093 006 E-mail: franc.brezovar@slovenijales-trgovina.si Web: http://www.slovenijales-trgovina.si Štajerles Trade d.o.o. Osluševci 49 2273 Podgorci Tel: +386 2 713 00 01 Fax: +386 2 713 00 05 Contact: Mr Zlatko Korpar E-mail: info@stajerles-trade.si 19 Web: www.stajerles-trade.si Topdom d.o.o. Dol pri Ljubljani 28 B SI-1262 Dol pri Ljubljani Contact: Mr Miran Ključevšek Tel: +386 1 589 07 00 Fax: +386 1 589 07 01 E-mail: info@topdom.si Web: www.topdom.si Trgo Jovan d.o.o. Arja vas 59 3301 Petrovče Gsm: +386 41 637 208 Fax: +386 1 72495 57 E-mail: parketi.jovan@siol.net Web: http://www.parketi-jovan.si Vogart parketi d.o.o. Cesta v Log 20 SI-1351 Brezovica pri Ljubljani Contact: Mr Stane Voglar Tel: +386 1 365 79 70 Fax: +386 1 363 72 60 E-mail: info@vogart.si Web: www.vogart.si Slovenian companies manufacturing or distributing fixed carpet (floor covering): Distributors – fixed carpet: ARTECO Gregorčičeva 10 SI-3310 Žalec Contact: Mr Rastislav Tratnik Tel: +386 3 710 32 23 Fax: +386 3 571 69 03 E-mail: arteco@arteco.si Web: www.arteco.si CREATINA d.d. Šmartinska 152 SI-1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Roman Pipan Tel: +386 1 541 68 48 Fax: +386 1 541 68 00 E-mail: creatina@siol.net Web: www.creatina.si 20 EFCOM d.o.o. Loška cesta 13 SI-1351 Brezovica pri Ljubljani Contact: Mr Oto Erman Tel: +386 1 75 06 811 Fax: +386 1 75 06 812 E-mail: brigita.efcom@siol.net Web: www.efcom.si EKO STIL d.o.o. Šmartinska 152 SI-1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Arnel Dugič Tel: +386 1 524 79 60 Fax: +386 1 585 27 39 E-mail: ekostil@ekostil.si Web: http://www.ekostil.si ELKOPLAST d.o.o. Bevška 2 SI-1420 Trbovlje Contact: Mr Bojan Redenšek Tel: +386 3 56 27 539 Fax: +386 3 56 26 466 E-mail: info@elkoplast.si Web: www.elkoplast.si INCOM GROUP d.o.o. Cesta na Bokalce 3 SI-1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mrs Ana Vrhovec Tel: +386 1 514 16 17 Fax: +386 1 514 16 19 E-mail: interier@incom-group.si Web: www.incom-talne-obloge.com INTERFLOORING d.o.o. Zaloška 69 SI-1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Ivan Grilj Tel: +386 1 520 05 00 Fax: +386 1 540 50 18 E-mail: info@interflooring.si Web: www.interflooring.si 21 3.3. Building materials for walls (external and internal) As mentioned before, the most commonly used material used for external walls and for internal load-bearing walls is concrete, which is very often reinforced, so as to enhance earthquake resistance. For the rest, i.e. the construction of (non-load bearing) internal walls or exceptionally some external walls (e.g. in case of cottage houses), a wide variety of building materials is used for wall building, such as: simple and/or special (e.g. hollow) bricks, ceramic materials, decorative stone strips, silicates and, last but not least, wood. Like everywhere else, there is quite some interest in Slovenia in using natural stones, such as granite or marble, in the construction. Some of these natural stones are produced locally, whilst others are imported, such as marble from nearby Italy. Below is a list of the main Slovenian importers and (wholesale) distributors of natural stones. A well-known but albeit unique example is the Slovenian company Marmor Hotavlje. It produces stone blocks which are won from its own quarries, such as the famous Karnian limestone from their Hotavlje quarry (hence sometimes called Hotavlje marble). The company also imports and distributes a variety of other natural stones (such as granite, sandstone, quartzite etc.). Website: http://www.marmor-hotavlje.si/?jezik=ang Slovenian companies manufacturing or distributing bricks and natural stones: APIA d.o.o. Gojače 5B 5262 Črniče Contact: Mrs Anamarija Černic Tel: +386 536 43 895 Fax: +386 536 43 894 E-mail: info@apia.si Web: www.apia.si BREZAVŠČEK d.o.o. Toma Brejca 16 5000 Kromberk Contact: Mr Marko Brezavšček Tel: +386 5 335 20 00 Fax: +386 5 335 20 21 E-mail: info@brezavscek.si Web: www.brezavscek.com GORIŠKE OPEKARNE d.d. Merljaki 7 5292 Renče Contact: Mrs Alijana Jovanovič Tel: +386 5 398 52 48 Fax: +386 5 398 52 62 E-mail: info@go-opekarne.si Web: http://www.go-opekarne.si INOVATIM d.o.o. Vodnikova 272 1000 Ljubljana 22 Contact: Mr Andrej Makarovič Tel: +386 1 518 27 35 Fax: +386 1 518 72 29 GSM: +386 31 390 079 E-mail: info@dekorativni-kamen.eu Web: www.dekorativni-kamen.eu KAMNOSEŠKI CENTER d.o.o. Alpska cesta 43 SI-4248 Lesce Contact: Mr Darjo Muznik Tel: +386 4 53 53 760 Fax: +386 4 53 53 763 E-mail: info@kamnoseski-center.si Web: www.kamnoseski-center.si MARMOR KOSI Radovanova 8 2000 Maribor Contact: Mr Stanko Kosi Tel/fax: +386 2 420 38 28 E-mail: info@marmor-kosi.si Web: www.marmor-kosi.si MARNIT d.o.o. Miklavška cesta 53 B 2311 Hoče Contact: Mr Vojko Rozman Tel: +386 2 62 95 102 Fax: +386 2 62 95 101 E-mail: komerciala@marnit.si Web: www.marnit.si MARVINGRAD d.o.o. Vodovodna pot 17 Kromberk 5000 Nova gorica Tel: +386 5 330 90 50 E-mail: info@marvingrad.si Web: www.marvingrad.si MINERAL d.d. Podpeč 46 1352 Preserje Contact: Mr Tomaž Urlep Tel: +386 1 363 32 58 Fax: +386 1 363 14 64 E-mail: mineral@mineral.si Web: www.mineral.si 23 MRAVLJA d.o.o. Hotavlje 65 SI-4224 Gorenja Vas Contact: Mr Janez Mravlja Tel: +386 4 510 76 00 Fax: +386 4 510 76 01 E-mail: info@mravlja.si Web: www.mravlja.si PINTAR d.o.o. Dolenjska cesta 109 1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Vito Pintar Tel: +386 1 42 77 555 Fax: +386 1 42 77 550 E-mail: info@porfido.si Web: www.porfido.si POHIŠTVO IL AMBIENTI d.o.o. Obrtna ulica 11 SI-9000 Murska Sobota Contact: Mr Matej Sukič Tel: +386 2 53 48 840 Fax: + 386 2 53 48 841 E-mail: info@finander.si Web: www.dekorativni-kamen.si WIENERBERGER OPEKARNA ORMOŽ d.o.o. Opekarniška cesta 5 SI-2270 Ormož Contact: Mr Vlado Janiček Tel: +386 2 74 10 520 Fax: +386 2 74 10 524 E-mail: vlado.janicek@wienerberger.com Web: www.wienerberger.si Slovenian companies manufacturing/distributing wooden (pre-fabricated) houses: CIPROŠ d.o.o. Lobnica 18 2342 Ruše Contact: Mr Ferdinand Kolar Tel: +386 2 661 38 21 Fax: +386 2 661 90 01 E-mail: info@cipros.si Web: www.cipros.si FELIKSBAU d.o.o. Celovška cesta 317 24 1210 Ljubljana Šentvid Tel: +386 1 421 61 80 Fax: +386 7 814 70 23 E-mail: info@honka.si Web: www.honka.si GLIN NAZARJE d.o.o. Lesarska cesta 10 3331 Nazarje Contact: Mr Fortunat Krivec Tel: +386 3 83 98 600 Fax: +386 3 83 98 644 E-mail: montazne.hise@glin.si Web: www.glin.si JELOVICA HIŠE d.o.o. Hrib 1 4205 Preddvor Contact: Mr Iztok Ribnikar Tel: +386 4 275 03 12 Fax: +386 4 275 03 49 E-mail: info.hise@jelovica.si Web: www.jelovica.si KAGER HIŠA d.o.o. Ob Dravi 4a 2251 Ptuj Contact: Mr Friderik Kager Tel: +386 2 788 93 10 Fax: +386 2 788 93 20 E-mail: info@kager-hisa.si Web: www.kager-hisa.si LESOTEKA HIŠE, d.o.o. Ozare 19 2380 Slovenj Gradec Tel: + 386 2 88 39 502 Fax: + 386 2 88 42 684 Web: www.lesoteka-hise.si E-mail: info@lesoteka-hise.si LUMAR IG d.o.o. Limbuška 32A 2000 Maribor Contact: Mr Marko Lukić Tel: +386 2 421 67 50 Fax: +386 2 421 67 57 E-mail: info@lumar.si Web: www.lumar.si 25 RIHTER d.o.o. Loke 40 3333 Ljubno ob Savinji Tel: +386 3 839 04 30 Fax: +386 3 839 04 31 E-mail: info@rihter.si Web: www.rihter.si RIKO HIŠE d.o.o. Bizjanova 2 1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Janez Pucelj Tel: +386 1 837 26 13 Fax: +386 1 836 99 36 E-mail: info@riko-hise.si Web: www.riko-hise.si 3.4. Roofings The type of framing as well as of roofs depends not only on the building (i.e. the way it is built), but also on the area (i.e. where it is built). In residential housing, the framing still is very often done in wood, especially in the mountains (e.g. northern and north-western parts of the country, close to Austria), whereas metal framings are more used in non-residential building. In the main cities, recently built apartment blocks often have a flat roof, which is in concrete. The roof coverings can vary a lot, depending on the type of roof and building. For residential building, roofing tiles are still the most popular material used. Needless to say that these roofing tiles exist in a lot of varieties (ceramic or cement tiles) and colours. In Slovenia, also roofing tiles in metal have become quite popular, especially in areas that have been hit in the recent past by stormy weather (Slovenia’s north-eastern part for instance has been hit a couple of times by heavy hail storms). These roofing tiles look like traditional ones, usually in a classical colour (red), but are of metal. Other ways to cover roofs are: bituminous tiles or sheets, roofing paper (flat roofs), corrugated sheets (industrial buildings) or in cement, either as such or reinforced with fibers or metal. Below is a list of the main Slovenian producers and/or distributors of roofing materials: ARETTA d.o.o. Ločica 49e SI-3313 Polzela Tel: +386 3 710 18 50 Fax: +386 3 710 18 51 E-mail: info@aretta.si Web: www.aretta.si ARTIMEX d.o.o. Žagarska 31 1291 Škofljica Contact: Mr Rok Poropat Tel: +386 1 366 31 36 26 Fax: +386 1 366 31 37 E-mail: info@artimex.si Web: http://www.artimex.si BRAMAC d.o.o. Dobruška vas 45 8275 Škocjan Contact: Mr Milan Lemovec Tel: +386 7 384 62 02 Fax: +386 7 384 62 24 E-mail: marketing@bramac.si Web: http://www.bramac.si ESAL d.o.o. Vojkova 9 5210 Deskle Contact: Mr Klavdij Sgubin Tel: +386 5 392 15 79 Fax: +386 5 392 16 58 E-mail: esal@esal.si, klavdij.sgubin@esal.si Web: http://www.esal.si GORIŠKE OPEKARNE d.d. Merljaki 7 5292 Renče Contact: Mrs Alijana Jovanovič Tel: +386 5 398 52 48 Fax: +386 5 398 52 62 E-mail: komerciala@go-opekarne.si Web: http://www.go-opekarne.si HOSEKRA d.o.o. Kolodvorska c. 37e 2310 Slovenska Bistrica Contact: Mrs Betka Hostej Tel: +386 2 805 51 20 Fax: +386 2 805 51 22 E-mail: hosekra@siol.net Web: http://www.hosekra-sp.si LESPATEX d.o.o. Pot k sejmišču 30 1231 Ljubljana - Črnuče Tel: +386 1 256 54 86 Fax: +386 1 423 13 85 E-mail: info@lespatex.si Web: http://www.lespatex.si 27 MEBI d.o.o. Podlog 63 3311 Šempeter v Savinjski dolini Tel: +386 3 700 17 07 Fax: +386 3 700 17 06 E-mail: info@s-metal.si Web: www.s-metal.si MELTAL d.o.o. Gosposvetska c. 84 2000 Maribor Contact: Mr Sašo Novak Tel: +386 2 235 01 28 Fax: +386 2 2 35 01 21 E-mail: saso.novak@meltal.si Web: www.metrapan.si MIX d.o.o. Stegne 15 1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Tomaž Prhaj Tel: +386 1 513 13 40 Fax: +386 1 513 13 49 E-mail: info@mix.si Web: www.mix.si NORIK d.o.o. Cesta dveh cesarjev 393a 1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Boštjan Kavčič Tel: +386 1 423 11 28 Fax: +286 1 256 56 67 E-mail: info@norik.si Web: http://www.norik.si SLOVENIJALES TRGOVINA d.o.o. Plemljeva 86 1210 Lj – Šentvid Contact: Mr Igor Lipanović Tel: +386 59 093 007 Fax: +386 59 093 006 E-mail: igor.lipanovic@slovenijales-trgovina.si Web: http://www.slovenijales-trgovina.si TONDACH Slovenija d.o.o. Boreci 49 9242 Križevci pri Ljutomeru Contact: Mr Boštjan Kalamar Tel: +386 2 588 86 00 Fax: +386 2 588 86 13 28 E-mail: info@tondach.si Web: http://www.tondach.si 3.5. Windows and doors As to doors and windows, Slovenia does not differ much from other Western countries. Wood is preferred for doors (external as well as internal ones). The same goes for windows, although here other materials, such as PVC, are chosen more rapidly, because of lower prices or of construction (e.g. roof windows that can open electronically). Given Slovenia’s tradition in wood processing, there are also quite some local producers of (wooden) doors and windows. Below is a list of Slovenian manufacturers as well as importers and (wholesale) distributors of doors and windows. AJM d.o.o. Kozjak nad Pesnico 2A SI-2211 Pesnica pri Mariboru Contact: Mr Janez Ajlec Tel: +386 2 655 04 00 Fax: +386 2 656 16 11 E-mail: info@ajm.si Web: www.ajm.si ARCONT IP d.o.o. Ljutomerska 30 SI-9250 Gornja Radgona Contact: Mr Boris Sovič Tel: +386 2 564 43 01 Fax: +386 2 564 43 29 E-mail: info@arcont.si Web: www.aecont-ip.si DOMAL d.o.o. Potok pri Komendi 18 SI-1218 Komenda Contact: Mrs Mateja Razdevšek Tel: +386 1 834 34 88 E-mail: domal@siol.net, mateja.razdevsek@domal.si Web: www.domal.si DOORS d.o.o. Pot na Lisice 8 4260 Bled Contact: Mr Aleš Jerala Tel: +386 4 589 11 30 Fax: +386 4 589 11 08 E-mail: info@doors.si Web: www.doors.si 29 GAŠPER d.o.o. Dobrava 42 SI-2360 Radlje ob Dravi Contact: Mr Jurij Gašper Tel: +386 2 887 98 50 Fax: +386 2 887 98 70 E-mail: info@gasper.si Web: www.gasper.si GLIN NAZARJE d.o.o. Lesarska cesta 10 3331 Nazarje, Slovenija Contact: Mr Darko Bele Tel: +386 3 83 98 600 Fax: +386 3 83 98 644 E-mail: info@glin.si Web: www.glin.si GRADING KURENT d.o.o. Obrtniška ulica 25 SI-8210 Trebnje Contact: Mr Mirko Kurent Tel: +386 7 34 62 000 Fax: +386 7 34 62 010 E-mail: grading-tr@siol.net Web: www.grading-kurent.si GVT d.o.o. Tržaška 245 1000 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 256 23 51 Fax: +386 1 256 23 52 E-mail: gvt@gvt.si Web: www.gvt.si INLES d.d. Kolodvorska 22 SI-1310 Ribnica Contact: Mr Andrej Mate Tel: +386 1 837 71 00 Fax: +386 1 837 73 33 E-mail: info@inles.si Web: www.inles.si INT VRATA d.o.o. Todraž 11 SI-4224 Gorenja vas Contact: Mr Peter Banič Tel: +386 4 510 54 00 Fax: +386 4 510 54 01 30 E-mail: info@int-vrata.si Web: www.int-vrata.si JELOVICA OKNA d.o.o. Kidričeva 58 SI-4220 Škofja Loka Contact: Mr Matevž Kodela Tel: +386 4 511 30 00 Fax: +386 4 513 42 61 E-mail: info@jelovica.si Web: www.jelovica.si LESKO® Žiri d.o.o. Pot v Skale 10 SI - 4226 Žiri Contact: Mr Marjan Debenec Tel: +386 4 620 98 53 Fax: +386 4 510 50 51 E-mail: info@lesko.si Web: www.lesko.si LESNA TIP Otiški vrh d.d. Šentjanž pri Dravogradu 133 SI-2372 Šentjanž pri Dravogradu Contact: Mrs Nina Mauhler Tel: +386 2 87 87 588 Fax: +386 2 87 87 510 E-mail: info@lesna-tip.si, nina.mauhler@lesna-tip.si Web: www.lesna-tip.si LIP BLED d.d. Rečiška 61a SI-4260 Bled Contact: Mr Janko Cerkovnik Tel: +386 4 579 50 59 Fax: +386 4 579 52 21 E-mail: lipbl@lip-bled.si Web: www.lip-bled.si MIK d.o.o. Celjska cesta 55 3212 Vojnik Contact: Mrs Alenka Planinšek Tel: +386 3 428 28 50 Fax: +386 3 428 28 60 E-mail: mik@mik-ce.si, alenka.planinsek@mik-ce.si Web: www.mik-ce.si 31 M SORA d.d. Trg svobode 2 4226 Žiri Contact: Mr Aleš Dolenc Tel: +386 4 50 50 300 Fax: +386 4 51 91 372 E-mail: info@m-sora.si Web: www.m-sora.si OKNA KLI LOGATEC d.o.o. Tovarniška 36 SI-1370 Logatec Contact: Mr Vasja Bergant Tel: +386 1 755 85 36 Fax: +386 1 755 86 86 E-mail. okna.kli@oknakli.si, vasja.bergant@kli.si Web: www.oknakli.si P.S.T. d.o.o. Obrtna cona – Dobja vas SI-2390 Ravne na Koroškem Contact: Mr Boris Pešl Tel: +386 2 87 05 710 Fax: +386 2 87 05 720 E-mail: info@pst.si Web: www.pst.si PVC NAGODE d.o.o. Tržaška cesta 87a SI-6230 Postojna Contact: Mr Božo Nagode Tel: +386 5 720 35 55 Fax: +386 5 720 35 56 E-mail: info@pvcnagode.si Web: www.pvcnagode.si PVC OKNA IN VRATA HOHLER Blato 28 SI-3210 Slovenske Konjice Contact: Mrs Marta Hohler Tel: +386 3 759 33 30 Fax: +386 3 759 33 31 E-mail: info@okna-hohler.si Web: www.okna-hohler.si TIM TRADE d.o.o. Ponova vas 4b SI-1290 Grosuplje Contact: Mr Miro Škulj Tel: +386 1 78 18 030 32 Fax: +386 1 78 18 036 E-mail: info@tim-trade.si Web: www.tim-trade.si ZGONEC d.o.o. Mlaka 37A SI-1218 Komenda Contact: Mr Janez Zgonec Tel: +386 59 955 803 Fax: +386 59 960 092 E-mail: info@dorjan.info Web: www.dorjan.info 3.6. Energy installations In Europe, energy performance in buildings is regulated by the so-called Energy Performance Buildings Directive (‘EPBD’). In Slovenia, it is the responsibility of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning to transpose this European EPBD-legislation in Slovenia’s national legislation. The EPBD-legislation has been integrated in the following three acts: the Building Construction Act, an Environmental Protection Act and, last but not least, an amendment (mid November 2007) to the Energy Act. Heating systems: classical systems (gas, oil, coal) In most of the residential apartment blocks built in the period 1945 – 1980/90s, the most popular type of heating system is central heating, which uses water, steam or air to heat the apartments. Those heating systems have to provide for a boiler room (often quite big for the entire block), a system of pipes and then heaters in each of the apartments/rooms. The boilers are most often heated by gas (coal being rather the exception). Larger apartment blocks have even heat and power units (co-generation). In most modern residential buildings, radiators are still used to get the heating into the rooms, but floor heating has become quite popular to heat the whole apartment or house (not only the bathroom). In detached houses, the boiler is powered by gas or by oil, both being equally important. Below is a list of Slovenian manufacturers and/or distributors of heating systems: ARHEM d.o.o. Ulica talcev 5 1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Alen Mladinov Tel: +386 1 430 23 19 Fax: +386 1 431 81 76 E-mail: info@salontoplote.si - info@arhem.si Web: www.salontoplote.si EKOSEN d.o.o. Razvanjska cesta 85 2000 Maribor Tel: +386 2 620 81 99 E-mail: info@ekosen.si 33 Web: www.ekosen.si IKA d.o.o., Žiri Industrijska ul. 11 4226 Žiri Contact: Mrs Mojca Mrak Tel: +386 4 518 44 44 Fax: +386 4 518 44 00 Web: www.ika.si E-mail: info@ika.si KEOR Zrkovska 87 SI-2000 Maribor Contact: Mr Marjan Pivec Tel: +386 2 480 54 13 Fax: +386 2 480 54 21 E-mail: info@keor.si, nabava@keor.si Web: www.keor.si KOOP TRGOVINA d.o.o. Zg. Pohanca 6 8272 Zdole Contact: Mr Robi Zupančič Tel: +386 7 477 88 20 E-mail: robi@koop.si Web: www.koop.si MEGATERM d.o.o. Kolodvorska pot 10 5000 Nova gorica Contact: Mr Dorjan Birsa Tel: +386 5 333 40 77 Fax: +386 5 333 40 78 E-mail: info@megaterm.si, dorjan@megaterm.si Web: www.megaterm.si METALKA Zastopstva TORNA d.o.o. Pot k sejmišču 30 1231 Ljubljana-Črnuče Contact: Mr Miha Ivačič Tel: +386 1 563 40 50 Fax: +386 1 563 40 55 E-mail: info@torna.si Web: www.torna.si MKM NOVA d.o.o. Celovška 291 1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mrs Tatjana Martini 34 Tel: +386 1 583 79 40 Fax: +386 1 519 14 54 E-mail: mkmnova@siol.net Web: www.mkm-nova.si REMIH INŽENIRING d.o.o. Stegne 31 SI-1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Jure Remih Tel: +386 1 511 42 90 Fax: +386 1 511 13 84 E-mail: info@remih-i.si Web: www.remih-i.si SANITAR d.o.o. Vojkova 58 1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Vojko Križan Tel: +386 1 568 27 29 Fax: +386 1 236 24 78 E-mail: info@sanitar.si Web: www.sanitar.si TAPRO Trgovina d.o.o. Celovška cesta 280 1000 Ljubljana Contact: mr Alojz Šimc Tel: +386 1 583 77 00 Fax: +386 1 583 77 20 E-mail: komerciala@tapro-trgovina.si Web: http://www.tapro-trgovina.si TERMOCENTER d.o.o. Zaloška cesta 149 1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Bojan Jernejc Tel: +386 1 586 21 11 Fax: +386 1 540 04 08 E-mail: bojan.jernejc@termocenter.si Web: www.termocenter.si TERMO-TEHNIKA d.o.o. Orla vas 27 3314 Braslovče Contact: Mr Rudi Kronovšek Tel: +386 3 703 16 20 Fax: +386 3 703 16 33 E-mail: info@kronoterm.com Web: http://www.kronoterm.com 35 TERSUS d.o.o. Tržaška c.539 1351 Brezovica pri Ljubljani Contact: Mr Miha Matjašič Tel: +386 1 257 32 56 Fax: +386 1 257 42 10 E-mail: tersus@siol.net Web: www.tersus.si VAILLANT d.o.o. Dolenjska cesta 242/b 1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Tomaž Bizjak Tel: +386 1 280 93 40 Fax: +386 1 280 93 44 E-mail: info@vaillant.si Web: www.vaillant.si VETO VELETRGOVINA, d.o.o. Brnčičeva 25 1231 Ljubljana-Črnuče Contact: Mr Jernej Gortnar Tel: +386 1 580 91 00 Fax: +386 1 580 91 24 E-mail: info@veto.si, j.gortnar@veto.si Web: www.veto.si VODOTERM, d.o.o. Škrjančevo 8 1235 Radomlje Contact: Mr Miha Cerar Tel: +386 1 722 89 20 Fax: +386 1 722 89 19 E-mail: info@vodoterm.si Web: www.vodoterm.si Heating systems: renewables (biomass, hydro-energy and solar energy) Since many years, Slovenia has given priority to renewable energy, not only because of the country’s green focus, but also because of strategic reasons (Slovenia wants to become less dependent on the import of energy as ca. 70% of its total primary energy needs to be imported). The most popular renewable clearly is biomass, which is not surprising given the country’s wood industry. Below are two main Slovenian players in biomass: TISA d.o.o. Cesta v Prod 84 1000 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 520 93 80 Fax: +386 1 755 47 25 E-mail: tisa@tisa.si 36 Web: www.tisa.si KIV Vransko d.d. Vransko 66 3305 Vransko Contact: Mr Ivo Kreča Tel: +386 3 70 34 100 Fax: +386 3 70 34 150 E-mail: info@kiv.si Web: www.kiv.si Some more info on biomass development and research in Slovenia can be found here: http://www.zgs.si/eng/events/index.html http://www.aure.gov.si/ As said, biomass is the most popular source of renewable energy. Other renewables like solar or wind energy are far less developed in Slovenia, although some research is done: Energy Restructuring Agency (ApE): http://www.ape.si/ Energap - Institute for Sustainable Energy Use: http://www.energap.si/?viewPage=87 Last but not least, (energy) ‘installations’ is an area where there are opportunities for Flemish companies, as the country doesn’t have that much own production, not only of energy installations, but also more generally (electrical installations, wires etc.). As a result, many items (biomass kettles, wires a.o.) are imported from abroad (Austria, Germany or Italy). 3.7. Thermal insulation materials Below are some Slovenian companies operating in the (thermal) insulation segment: ALTEKS d.o.o. Zg. Brnik 157 4207 Cerklje na Gorenjskem Tel: +386 4 25 25 512 Fax: 04 25 25 511 E-mail: info@alteks.si Web: www.alteks.si AMBIENT d.o.o. Topilniška 8 SI-1270 Litija Contact: Mr Igor Štrus Tel: +386 1 89 83 507 Fax: +386 1 89 80 002 E-mail: info@ambient-litija.si Web: www.ambient-litija.si 37 EKO PRODUKT d.o.o. Trpinčeva 39 1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Mirko Škvorc Tel: +386 1 54 73 502 Fax: +386 1 54 73 512 E-mail: info@ekoprodukt.si Web: www.ekoprodukt.si EMSA d.o.o. Obrtna cona Logatec 17 SI-1370 Logatec Contact: Mr Emil Šfiligoj Tel: +386 1 759 00 10 Fax: +386 1 759 00 16 E-mail: emsa@siol.net Web: www.emsa.si EURO-BITUMINA d.o.o. Sedraž 19c 3270 Laško Contact: Mr Jožef Lapornik Tel: +386 31 314 717 E-mail: info@eurobitumina.si Web: www.eurobitumina.si FONATERM d.o.o. Koroška ulica 5 2380 Slovenj Gradec Contact: Mr Matjaž Aberšek Tel: +386 41 790 824 E-mail: info@fonaterm.com Web: www.fonaterm.com FRAGMAT Izolirka d.o.o. Cesta Majde Šilc 1 1317 Sodražica Contact: Mr Gregor Krajnik Tel: +386 1 835 02 80 Fax: +386 1 835 02 81 E-mail: gregor.krajnik@fragmat.si Web: www.fragmat.si IZOLACIJA KERN d.o.o. Hujska cesta 16, Hudo 1235 Radomlje Contact: Mr Matej Kern Tel: +386 1 729 57 30 Fax: +386 1 729 57 34 38 E-mail: info@izolacija-kern.si Web: www.izolacija-kern.si IZOLACIJA ZORMAN d.o.o. Gornji log 2 1240 Kamnik Contact: Mrs Irena Zorman Tel: +386 1 831 16 24 Fax: +386 1 831 50 31 E-mail: izolacija.zorman@siol.net Web: www.izolacija-zorman.si HANI d.o.o. Ljubljanska cesta 31 SI-3230 Šentjur Contact: Mr Dejan Pušnik Tel: +386 3 746 60 00 Fax: +386 3 746 60 20 E-mail: hani@hani.si Web: www.hani.si KNAUF Insulation d.o.o. Trata 32 SI-4220 Škofja Loka Contact: Mr Darko Bevk Tel: +386 4 511 40 40 Fax: +386 4 511 41 94 E-mail: darko.bevk@knaufinsulation.com Web: http://www.knaufinsulation.si/ K-TES d.o.o. Celovška cesta 144 1000 Ljubljana Fax: +386 590 91 411 Tel: +386 590 91 410 E-mail: info@k-tes.si Web: http://www.k-tes.si RAVAGO d.o.o. Ob Dragi 1 3220 Štore Contact: Mr Miloš Senica Tel: +386 1 780 31 64 Fax: +386 1 780 31 70 E-mail: milos.senica@ravago.si Web: www.ravago.si SIKA d.o.o. Prevale 13 1236 Trzin 39 Contact: Mr Tomo Žnidaršič Tel: +386 1 580 95 34 Fax: +386 1 580 95 33 E-mail: info@sika.si Web: www.sika.si TERMOTOM d.o.o. IOC Zapolje IV/6 SI-1370 Logatec Contact: Mr Tomislav Petelin Tel: +386 1 759 12 10 Fax: +386 1 759 12 15 E-mail: tomo.petelin@termotom.si Web: www.termotom.si URSA SLOVENIJA d.o.o. Povhova 2 8000 Novo mesto Contact: Mr Andrej Novak Tel: +386 7 391 83 00 Fax: +386 7 391 84 42 E-mail: ursa.southeast@uralita.com Web: www.ursa.si 3.8. Air conditioning systems Regular (at least once a year) inspection of air conditioning is part of the Energy Performance Buildings Directive (‘EPBD’, see also paragraph above: Energy installations). When discussing the integration of the EU’s EPBD into Slovenian legislation, a proviso was made with regard to the date from when yearly inspections of air conditioning systems would become obligatory in Slovenia. It was agreed that such inspections would become obligatory as from 1 January 2008 onwards. Slovenian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers: http://lab.fs.uni-lj.si/sithok/ Slovenian companies that are producing and/or distributing air conditioning systems: ATLAS TRADING d.o.o. Celjska 45 3212 Vojnik Contact: Mr Jodeh Mohamed Tel: +386 3 425 54 00 Fax: +386 3 425 54 15 E-mail: info@atlas-trading.si Web: http://www.atlas-trading.si CATENA d.o.o. Malečnik 155/a 2229 Malečnik Contact: Mr Burim Asani Tel: +386 2 473 23 20 40 Fax: +386 2 473 23 21 E-mail: catena@siol.net Web: www.catena.si DINES d.o.o. Cesta na Brdo 85 1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Gregor Deu Tel: +386 1 438 39 15 Fax: +386 1 433 72 38 E-mail: dines@dines.si Web: www.dines.si EXPERTO International d.o.o. Bohova 76 2311 Hoče Contact: Mr Bojan Klopčič Tel: +386 2 616 56 80 Fax: +386 2 616 56 81 E-mail: experto@siol.net Web: http://www.experto-int.si KLIMA CELJE d.d. Delavska ulica 5 SI-3000 Celje Contact: Mr Aleš Zupanc Tel: +386 3 427 92 00 Fax: +386 3 427 92 36 E-mail: info@klima-celje.si Web: www.klima-celje.si KOLEKTOR KOLING d.o.o. Arkova ulica 43 5280 Idrija Contact: Mr Tine Vadnal Tel: +386 1 373 41 60 Fax: +386 1 371 47 70 E-mail: koling@kolektor.com Web: http://www.koling.si OMEGA AIR INŽENIRING d.o.o. Cesta Dolomitskega odreda 10 1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Uroš Rebolj Tel: +386 1 200 68 25 Fax: +386 1 200 68 51 E-mail: uros.rebolj@omega-air.si Web: http://www.omega-air.si 41 REAM d.o.o. Špruha 19 1236 Trzin Contact: Mr Pavle Resnik Tel: +386 1 563 70 57 Fax: +386 1 562 24 14 E-mail: info@ream.si Web: http://www.ream.si TERSUS d.o.o. Tržaška cesta 286 d SI-1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Miha Matjašič Tel: +386 1 257 32 56 Fax: +386 1 257 42 10 E-mail: tersus@siol.net Web: www.tersus.si VITANEST d.o.o. Bevkov trg 6 5000 Nova Gorica Contact: Mr Primož Kompara Tel: +386 5 333 19 66 Fax: +386 5 333 19 67 E-mail: primoz.kompara@vitanest.si Web: http://www.vitanest.si 3.9. Building chemistry This topic comprises a wide variety of products that are made out of one or another chemical substance(s) and that are used in the building industry, such as coatings, paints, glue, silicones, impregnates, resins, solvents, jointing or sealing compounds and various agents (auxiliary, acid proof, anti-corrosive or fire-protection agents). A main player is Helios Group (based in Domzale, near Ljubljana), the leading manufacturer of coatings in South Eastern Europe with approximately 3,000 employees in more than thirty companies in fourteen countries: http://www.helios.si/eng. Other Slovenian companies producing or distributing chemical products for the building sector are: AMAL d.o.o. Koprska 72a 1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mrs Neža Kokalj Tel: +386 1 200 77 40 Fax: +386 1 200 77 41 E-mail: info@amal.si Web: www.amal.si 42 BELINKA BELLES d.o.o. Zasavska 95 1001 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Zdravko Krempl Tel: +386 1 588 62 99 Fax: +386 1 588 63 03 E-mail: belles@belinka.si Web: www.belinka.si, http://www.belmojster.net/ CHEMCOLOR Sevnica d.o.o. Dolnje Brezovo 35 8290 Sevnica Contact: Mr Aljaž Vilčnik Tel: +386 7 816 35 50 Fax: +386 7 816 35 64 E-mail: aljaz.vilcnik@chemcolor.si Web: www.chemcolor.si CINKARNA Celje d.d. Kidričeva 26 3000 Celje Contact: Mrs Nikolaja Podgoršek Selič Tel: +386 3 427 60 00 Fax: +386 3 427 62 96 E-mail: info@cinkarna.si Web: www.cinkarna.si HELIOS d.d. Količevo 2 1230 Domžale Contact: Mr Janez Jesenko Tel: +386 1 722 40 00 Fax: +386 1 722 41 10 E-mail: info@helios.si Web: www.helios.si INPOS d.o.o. Celje Opekarniška 2 3000 Celje Contact: Mr Tomaž Pevcin Tel: +386 3 42 72 286 E-mail: tomaz.pevcin@inpos.si Web: www.inpos.si JUB kemična industrija d.d. Dol pri Ljubljani 28 1262 Dol pri Ljubljani Tel: +386 1 588 41 00 Fax: +386 1 588 42 50 E-mail: info@jub.si 43 Web: www.jub.si KOOP TRGOVINA d.o.o. Zg. Pohanca 6 8272 Zdole Contact: Mr Marjan Klemenčič Tel: +386 7 477 88 20 Fax: +386 7 477 88 21 E-mail: info@koop.si Web: www.koop.si MITOL d.d. Sežana Partizanska cesta 78 6210 Sežana Contact: Mrs Martina Tavčar Tel: +386 5 731 23 00 Fax: +386 5 731 23 90 E-mail: mitol@mitol.si Web: www.mitol.si SAMSON KAMNIK d.o.o. Kovinarska cesta 28 1240 Kamnik Contact: Mr Aleksander Mikuš Tel: +386 1 831 72 55 Fax: +386 1 831 71 79 E-mail: samson@samson-kamnik.si Web: www.samson-kamnik.si TANIN Sevnica d.d. Hermanova 1 8290 Sevnica Contact: Mr Ivan Mirt Tel: +386 7 816 44 11 Fax: +386 7 816 44 45 E-mail: tajnistvo@tanin.si Web: www.tanin.si - www.lesni.net THORTEX VICOM d.o.o. Ulica Franca Saze 19 3240 Šmarje pri Jelšah Contact: Mr Vito Andrenšek Tel: +386 3 810 11 22 Fax: +386 3 582 10 39 E-mail: vicom@siol.net 44 4. Civil engineering 4.1. Road infrastructure In 1994, Slovenia started to implement their so-called National Programme for Motorway Construction (NPIA), which is conducted and implemented by DARS, a joint-stock company owned by the Slovenian State. In recent years, the National Programme focused on the expansion of the existing highway network, most notably on completing two important Pan-European transport corridors V and X, linking respectively Barcelona to Kiev and Salzburg to Thessalonica. Both transport corridors intersect on the ring around Ljubljana. Unfortunately, most of the companies involved in NPIA are Slovenian. Info: http://www.dars.si/Dokumenti/About_motorways/National_motorway_construction_programme_282.aspx. A part from the crucial highway corridors and road construction works take place on the following routes: Maribor – Zagreb; Slovenian coast – Rijeka (port in the North of Croatia); ring around Maribor; Ptuj (near Maribor) – border with Croatia. 4.2. Tunnels With regard to the existing or recently expanded highway network, the main tunnels have been constructed. The most recently completed tunnel is the well-known Sentvid-Koseze, which connects the highway corridor X (coming through Karavanke-tunnel) to the ring around Ljubljana. It is well-known for two reasons: a) there was a considerable overrun on both costs and time; b) in the beginning, it was plagued by technical deficiencies, to the extent that it had to be closed down twice for a short period. As a result, main works relating to the existing tunnels concern maintenance. There may be opportunities in the area regarding maintenance/upgrading of signalisation or lighting. Another area that needs constant checking and maintenance is fire ventilation systems. 4.3. Road viaducts and bridges For the time being, no major road viaducts and/or bridges are planned. If so in the future, they are subject to a tender procedure, which can be followed up on the following Website: http://www.cwctenders.com/construction_tenders_slovenia.htm 4.4. Some important players in infrastructure The market for infrastructure is dominated by a few players who are producing cement and concrete. The main companies producing concrete are: ECOBETON d.o.o. Latkova vas 81c 3312 Prebold Contact: Mrs Edita Gmajner Tel: +386 3 70 00 777 Fax: +386 3 70 00 776 E-mail: info@ecobeton.si Web: www.ecobeton.si GOKOP Ulica Anice Černejeve 6 2000 Maribor Contact: Mr Renato Hlade 45 Tel: +386 2 460 52 44 Fax: +386 2 460 52 42 E-mail: info@gokop.si Web: www.gokop.si KODEL d.o.o. Miklavška 59 SI-2311 Hoče Contact: Mr Zmago Perše Tel: +386 2 613 01 60 Fax: +386 2 613 01 63 E-mail: info@kodel.si Web: www.kodel.si RGP d.o.o. Rudarska 6 SI-3320 Velenje Contact: Mr Marjan Hudej Tel: +386 3 89 82 170 Fax: +386 3 58 69 152 E-mail: info@rgp.si Web: www.rgp.si STAVBAR IGM d.o.o. Miklavška cesta 40 SI-2311 Hoče Contact: Mr Gorazd Gert Tel: +386 2 613 07 20 Fax: +386 2 613 01 63 E-mail: gorazd.gert@stavbar-igm.si Web: www.stavbar-igm.si The two companies producing cement: LAFARGE CEMENT d.d. Kolodvorska cesta 5 1420 Trbovlje Contact: Mr Iztok Virant Tel: +386 3 56 52 300 Fax: +386 3 56 52 440 E-mail: info@lafarge.si Web: www.lafarge.si SALONIT ANHOVO d.o.o. Anhovo 1 SI-5210 Deskle Contact: Mr Sergej Gabrijelčič Tel: +386 5 39 21 000 46 Fax: +386 5 39 31 700 E-mail: info@salonit.si Web: www.salonit.si Last, it can be noted that the main items for infrastructure (concrete, cement a.o.) are also produced by the contracting companies (see the list below). 4.5. Railway network construction With regard to railway network construction, priority is given to the completion of Pan-European railway networks. In Slovenia, there are two main railway corridors. Corridor V starts in Northern Italy (i.e. from Venice over Trieste) and goes over Koper, Ljubljana and Maribor (Slovenia), and continues over Budapest direction Ukraine. As the Slovenian part between Divaca and Koper consists of only one single railway, the priority is to build a double railway, which is vital for transport from/to the port of Koper. The part connecting Ljubljana and Budapest is also being upgraded, as parts of this connection still consist of single-line tracks, as one can see on the picture in following link: http://www.slo-zeleznice.si/en/company/infrastructure/rail_network/types_of_railway_track The second main network is Corridor X, which connects Salzburg (Austria) to Istanbul (Turkey) and goes via Jesenice, Ljubljana (intersection with Corridor V) over Zidani Most, Zagreb (Croatia), Skopje (Macedonia) and Thessalonica (Greece) to Istanbul. The modernization of the railways is clearly the first priority of Slovenia’s Ministry of Transport. More details of the modernization plan (2007-2013) can be found here: http://www.mzi.gov.si/en/areas_of_work/investment_monitoring_and_finance_division/program_period_200 7_2013/ 5. Building Industry Associations and useful links CCIS – Chamber of Construction and Building Materials Industry Dimičeva ul. 13 SI-1504 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 5898 242 Fax: +386 1 5898 100 Contact: Mr Jože Renar E-mail: zgigm@gzs.si Web: www.gzs.si CCIS - Forestry Association Dimičeva 13 SI-1504 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 5898 302 Fax: +386 1 5898 200 Contact: Mr Jože Sterle E-mail: zg@gzs.si Web: www.gzs.si/eng/Article.asp?ID=148&IDpm=53 47 CCIS - Furniture and Wood Processing Association Dimičeva 13 SI-1504 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 58 98 284 Fax: +386 1 58 98 200 Contact: Mr Igor Milavec Web: www.gzs.si/eng/Article.asp?ID=193&IDpm=53 Slovenian Chamber of Engineers Jarška cesta 10b 1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Črtomir Remec Tel: +386 1 547 33 40 Fax: +386 1 547 33 20 E-mail: izs@izs.si Web: www.izs.si, http://www.izs.si/en/about-izs/ Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG) Dimičeva 12 SI-1000 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 2804 250 Fax: +386 1 2804 484 E-mail: info@zag.si Web: www.zag.si, http://old.zag.si/en/ Gradbeni inštitut ZRMK Dimičeva 12 SI-1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Igor Janežič Tel: +386 1 280 81 81 Fax: +386 1 280 81 91 E-mail: info@gi-zrmk.si Web: www.gi-zrmk.si Slovenian Forest Service (Zavod za gozdove) Večna pot 2, SI-1001 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 470 00 50 Fax: +386 1 423 53 61 E-mail: zgs.tajnistvo@zgs.si Web: www.zgs.si, http://www.zgs.si/eng/events/index.html Gozdarski Inštitut Slovenije (Slovenian Forestry Institute) Večna pot 2 SI-1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Primož Simončič (primoz.simoncic@gozdis.si) Tel: +386 1 20 07 800 Fax: +386 1 25 73 589 E-mail: info@gozdis.si Website: www.gozdis.si 48 APROS - Construction Laboratory and Services, d.o.o. Občinska cesta 10 SI-2000 Maribor Contact: Mr Marjan Tancer (marjan.tancer@apros.info) Tel: +386 2 42 956 10 E-mail: info@mbapros.si Web: www.apros.info Construction Cluster of Slovenia Dimičeva 12 1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Vladimir Gumilar Tel: +386 1 280 81 84 Fax: +386 1 280 81 87 E-mail: info@sgg.si Website: http://www.sgg.si/index.php Data bases and Websites for professionals: - Complete Building Solutions: http://www.cbs-institut.si/index.php?pg=4 - Building Materials Institute: http://www.igmat.si/en/home/info/ - Properties in Slovenia: SLONEP: http://www.realestateslovenia.net/subareas.html?lang=en&lev0=1&lev1=1&lev2=105 - Slovene Building magazines: Gradbenik: http://www.gradbenik.net/ Gradim: www.gradim.si - 6. Catalogue: Slovenia- Excellence in Construction, Engineering and Project Design: http://constructionindustry.gzs.si/slo/references_catalogue Contracting Companies Slovenian construction companies were renowned in South East Europe for constructing firm viaducts, bridges and buildings. But over the course of just one year the sector itself has fallen like a house of cards. Of the three leading construction companies in the country, one has gone bankrupt (Vegrad), one into receivership (SCT) and the third (Primorje) has recently been given a six month loan moratorium by the banks. Small companies, which were not contaminated with business with big companies, seem to flourish as do some international builders like Strabag from Austria. Cooperation of Slovenian construction companies with the foreign ones is becoming more and more important. CESTNO PODJETJE MURSKA SOBOTA d.d. Lipovci 256 B 9231 Beltinci Tel: +386 2 53 04 510 49 Fax: +386 2 52 11 337 E-mail: info@cp-ms.si Web: http://www.cp-ms.si/ Contact: Mr Jožef Dominko (E-mail. joze.dominko@cp-ms.si) Mrs Brigita Banfi (E-mail: brigita.banfi@cp-ms.si) Cestno podjetje Nova Gorica Industrijska cesta 2, Kromberk 5000 Nova Gorica Tel: +386 5 338 48 00 Fax: +386 5 338 48 00 E-mail: info@cpg.si Web: www.cpg.si Contact: Mr Tilen Mugerli (tilen.mugerli@cpg.si) CGP d.d. Ljubljanska cesta 36 8000 Novo mesto Tel: +386 7 39 42 700 E-mail: info@cgp.si Web: www.cgp.si Contact: Mr Aleksander Špiler, spiler.aleksander@cgp.si GIVO d.o.o. Dvorec selo, Zaloška 69 1000 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 520 05 50 Fax: +386 1 540 41 67 Contact: Mr Jože Vidrih E-mail: info@givo.si Web: www.givo.si GOMBOC d.o.o. Slovenska cesta 55 c 1000 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 431 93 98 Fax: +386 1 434 04 47 Contact: Mr Dušan Gomboc E-mail: dusan.gomboc@siol.net Web: www.gp-gomboc.si Gorenjska gradbena družba d.d. Jezerska cesta 20 4000 Kranj Tel: +386 4 280 60 00 Fax: +386 4 204 23 30 E-mail: info@ggd.si Web: http://www.ggd.si/ Contact: Mr Vido Jagodic (vido.jagodic@cpkranj.si) Mr Damijan Pestotnik (damijan.pestotnik@cpkranj.si) 50 Gradbeno podjetje Posočje d.o.o. Poljubinj 92 5220 Tolmin Tel: +386 53 88 11 00 Fax: +386 53 88 11 01 E-mail: info@gp-posocje.si Web: http://www.gp-posocje.si/ Contact: Mr Matjaž Pirc GRADIA Gradbeno podjetje d.o.o. Obrtna cesta 34a 3000 Celje Tel: +386 3 78 06 800 Fax: +386 3 78 06 805 E-mail: gradia@siol.net Web: www.gradia.si Contact: Mr Aleš Balek E-mail: ales.balek@gradia.si GRADIS Skupina G d.d. Šmartinska 134a 1000 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 547 77 10 Fax: +386 1 520 76 70 Contact: Mr Uroš Ogrin E-mail: info@gradis-skupinag.si Web: www.gradis-skupinag.si GRATING M TEAM d.o.o. Tržaška cesta 134 1000 Ljubljana Tel: +386 1 256 45 66 Fax: +386 1 256 45 67 Contact: Mr Jurij Schmit E-mail: jurij.schmit@gmteam.si Web: http://www.gmteam.si/ Kovinar - Gradnje ST d.o.o. Spodnji Plavž 26 4270 Jesenice Tel: +386 4 5810 700 Fax: +386 4 5810 702 E-mail: info@kogradnje.si Web: www.kovinar-gradnje-st.si Contact: Mr Mirko Krašovec LEGARTIS d.o.o. Trimlini 2i 9220 Lendava 51 Tel: +386 2 578 82 80 Fax: +386 2 570 16 22 Web: www.legartis.si E-mail: info@legartis.si Contact: Mr Matjaž Hozjan MAKRO 5 GRADNJE d.o.o. Obrtniška ulica 5 6000 Koper Tel: +386 56 63 56 00 Fax: +386 56 63 56 10 E-mail: gradnje@makro5.si Web: http://www.makro5.si Contact: Mr Rajko Žigante OBZORJE SGP d.o.o. Lenartova pot 24A 8250 Brežice Tel: +386 7 49 66 016 Fax: +386 7 496 34 42 Contact: Mr Darijan Štrucl E-mail: dominik@obzorje.eu Web: www.gradimozavas.com RAFAEL d.o.o. Savska cesta 24 SI-8290 Sevnica Tel: +386 7 81 60 730 Fax: +386 7 81 60 731 E-mail: info@rafael.si Web: www.rafael.si SGP Pomgrad d.d. Bakovska ulica 31 9000 Murska Sobota Contact: Mr Tadej Ružič Tel: +386 2 53 41 800 Fax: +386 2 53 41 825 E-mail: info@sgp-pomgrad.si, gradnje@sgp-pomgrad.si Web: www.sgp-pomgrad.si SLEMENŠEK d.o.o. Dobja vas 190 a 2390 Ravne na Koroškem Tel: +386 2 82 16 300 Fax: +386 2 82 16 305 E-mail: info@slemensek.si Web: http://www.slemensek.si Contact: Mrs Polonca Lačen 52 7. Fairs for the construction industry In Slovenia, there are two important trade fairs for the construction industry: MEGRA (in Gornja Radgona) and Dom (in Ljubljana). The two fairs focus on construction as well as on construction materials for both inside and outside. The DOM-fair is perhaps somewhat more international, as it takes place in the capital (Ljubljana), whilst at the MEGRA fair also a lot (heavy) machines and machinery used in the construction industry, is exhibited. MEGRA fair takes place together with the Energetics fair ENGRA and the fair of Municipal Services, Landscaping and Ecology KOGRA (together called the 'Spring Fair) 1/ Spring Fair for Construction, Energetics, Municipal Services an Trade: http://www.pomurski-sejem.si/index.php/en/pomladni-sejem/about-the-fair Organiser: Pomurski sejem d.d. Cesta na stadion 2 9250 Gornja Radgona Contact: Mr Robi Fišer Tel: +386 2 5642 113 E-mail: robi.fiser@pomurski-sejem.si 2/ SEJEM DOM (Home Fair) - http://www.home-fair.si Organiser: GR –Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre (www.gr-sejem.si) Dunajska cesta 18 SI-1000 Ljubljana Contact: Mr Stane Kavčič Tel: +386 1 300 26 13 E-mail: stane.kavcic@gr-sejem.si 53
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