Author Guidelines for Full-length Papers (Initial capital letters to all main words; Center the paper title; 16-point bold type) Cheung Moe1, Chang C. C.1,* (one line) 1 Department of Civil Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong (two lines) ABSTRACT (11 pt bold uppercase, centered) (one line) Manuscripts should not exceed 8 single-sided A4 pages (16 pages for keynote Papers) and be submitted in Microsoft word files. All text—including footnotes and author information—and illustrations must appear within a 6.75x8.75 in. (17.1 x 22.2 cm) area. On the A4 page, set margins to 2.0 cm left and right, 3.1 cm top, and 4.4 cm bottom. Use Times New Roman or equivalent font for all text. Use boldface or italic for emphasis only. Single-space all text, allowing extra space between paragraphs. The proper fonts (all Times Roman) for various elements are: article title (16pt bold); author names and affiliations (12pt); section heading (11pt bold caps); subsection heading (10pt bold); body text (10pt); figure captions (9pt); footnote text (9pt). Keywords: life-cycle management, structure health monitoring, guideline. (two lines) 1. INTRODUCTION (11 pt bold cape, centered, single spced) (one line) This section describes how to lay out your manuscript. (one line) 1.1. Title (10 pt bold, initial capital letters to all main words, left justified, line spacing at 12 pt) Center the paper title at the top of the page in 16-point bold type. Only the first word, proper nouns, and acronyms are capitalized. Keep titles brief and descriptive. Avoid starting with articles or prepositions, e.g., "The study of … ," "On the …." Spell out acronyms unless they are widely known. (one line) 1.2. Authors and affiliations Use 12-point type, centered. Leave extra space between authors and affiliations/address. Omit titles or degrees such as Dr., Prof., Ph.D., etc. Avoid acronyms that are not internationally known. (one line) 1.3. Abstract Begin the abstract two lines below the address. Type "ABSTRACT" on a line by itself, all capitals, centered, 11-point type and boldfaced. Limit abstract to 200 words. (one line) 1.4. Keyword list Please insert a list of up to 5 keywords of your choice between the abstract and the body of the text. (one line) 1.5. Acronyms For the first occurrence (other than for commonly used acronyms such as IR, CCD, MTF, etc.), spell out each word followed by the acronym in parentheses, e.g., wavelet packet signature (WPS). (one line) 1.6. Principal headings Type on a separate line, 11-point type, centered, all capital letters, and boldfaced. Number sections sequentially (i.e., 1, 2, 3, ...). (one line) * Corresponding author. Tel: 2358 7201; Fax: 2358 1534. 1.7. Subheadings Type on a separate line flush with the left margin. Capitalize the first letter of the first word and proper names only, and boldface the heading. Number subsections according to the following example: Sec. 3.1 is the first subsection of Sec. 3; Sec. 3.2.1 is a subsection of Sec. 3.2. (one line) 1.8. Paragraphs Leave additional space between paragraphs. Indentation is optional. (one line) 1.9. Text All text, including abstract text, should be 10-point type. (one line) 1.10. Equations Type all equations. Punctuate as a sentence. Type display equation numbers in Arabic numerals in parentheses flush with the right margin. Number display equations consecutively. (one line) 1.11. Footnotes Additional author information, such as email addresses and web site location, should be given in a footnote. Footnotes must appear within the page image area. (one line) 1.12. Reference citations Type within the text as superscripts. (one line) 1.13. References Denote reference citations within the text by means of a superscript number. List references at the end of the paper in numerical order. Include the following information (as applicable). • For a book: author(s), book title (italicized), page or chapter numbers, publisher, city, year. • For a journal paper: author(s), "paper title" (in quotes), journal name, volume number (bold), page numbers (inclusive), year. • For a proceedings paper or chapter in an edited book: author(s), "paper or chapter title" (in quotes), volume title (italicized), editor(s), volume number (if applicable), page numbers (inclusive), publisher, city, year. (two lines) 2. FIGURES AND TABLES (11 pt bold uppercase, centered) (one line) 2.1. Figure and table captions (10 pt bold, initial capital letters to all main words, left justified) Type captions in 9-point type. Number figures sequentially, and begin caption with figure or table number. (one line) 2.2. Figures and tables Figures and tables should be clear and legible but sized to make economical use of space, and must fit entirely within the manuscript image area. Similar or related figures should be of uniform size with uniform lettering. All figures should be called out in the text as well as properly labeled and captioned. Number figures sequentially using Arabic numerals, and place a numbered caption near each figure or table. Figures may be positioned within the text or at the end of the manuscript. • Figures and tables positioned on the manuscript page will be reproduced full size. • Line art should be original artwork (pen-and-ink or computer-generated) and sized to scale. • Paste line drawings in position on the manuscript. • Make all lettering, symbols, lines, etc., black and legible. • Background fill and other shading should be 20% or darker. • Line thickness should be 1/2-pt. or greater. If photographs or other illustrations are submitted unattached, leave sufficient space for them in your manuscript and type the figure captions in position on the manuscript. Do not submit figure captions on a separate sheet of paper. Enclose original photographs or drawings, clearly labeling each one on the back with your paper number, figure number, manuscript page number, and correct orientation of the figure. (two lines) 3. CONCLUSIONS (11 pt bold uppercase, centered) (one line) Conclusions should state concisely the most important propositions of the paper, as well as the author’s views of the practical applications of the results. (two lines) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (11 pt bold uppercase, centered) (one line) All acknowledgments for technical and financial support and government contract or copyright information should go in this section, which follows the text but precedes the references. (three lines) REFERENCES (11 pt bold uppercase, centered) (one line) 1. 2. 3. Chang, C.C., Sun, Z. and Li, N. “Identification of structural dynamic properties using wavelet transform.” Proceedings of the First International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure, 1243-1248, edited by Z. Wu and M. Abe, Tokyo, Japan, 2003. Sun, Z., and Chang, C.C. “Structural degradation monitoring using covariance-based wavelet packet signature.” Structural Health Monitoring, 2(4), 309-326, 2003. Ang, A.H.S. and Tang, W.H. Probability Concepts in Engineering Planning and Design, Vol.1, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Newyork, 1975.
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