Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Koordinacijska kemija Coordination Chemistry Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Študijska smer Study field Vrsta predmeta / Course type Letnik Academic year 1. 1. Semester Semester zimski Autumn Obvezni / Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 30 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 105 5 Matjaž Kristl Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Znanje splošne in anorganske kemije Prerequisits: Knowledge of general and inorganic chemistry Vsebina: Uvod v koordinacijsko kemijo, ligandi, koordinacijska števila Content (Syllabus outline): Introduction into coordination chemistry, ligands, coordination numbers Isomerism of coordination compounds Kemijske vezi v koordinacijskih spojinah Barve in magnetne lastnosti koordinacijskih spojin Organokovinske spojine: karbonili, metaloceni. Colors and magnetic properties of coordination compounds Organometallic compounds: carbonyls, metallocenes Reactivity and stability of coordination compounds Applications of coordination compounds Izomerija koordinacijskih spojin Nomenklatura koordinacijskih spojin Reakcije in stabilnost koordinacijskih spojin Uporaba koordinacijskih spojin Nomenclature of coordination compounds Chemical bonding in coordination compounds Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: F. Lazarini in J. Brenčič, Splošna in anorganska kemija, pogl. 11: Koordinacijske spojine (str. 241 261), FKKT, Univerza v Ljubljani, 2004. D. F. Shriver, P. W. Atkins, Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford University Press 2010, str. 199 – 222, 473 533. Cilji in kompetence: Študenti se usmerjajo na področje koordinacijske kemije. Spoznajo metodiko dela, zastavitve problema in njegovega reševanja. Kritično ocenjujejo pristope in teorije. Objectives and competences: The students further develop basic knowledge on coordination chemistry. The student should be able to use factual knowledge and extrapolate from this to predict unknown facts and to solve the problems connected with coordination compounds. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študent pozna in razume osnovne pojme in teorije s področja koordinacijske kemije, opredeljene v vsebinah in jih zna uporabiti pri analizi in reševanju problemov. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: The student is familiar with basic concepts and theories of coordination chemistry and is able to use them to analyze and solve practical and theoretical problems connected with coordination compounds. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Študent se seznani s pristopi pri reševanju konkretnih problemov, razvija zmožnost uporabe informacijske tehnologije in sposobnost komuniciranja v strokovni javnosti. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: The students knows the methods to solve practical problems, develops his informational and professional communication skills. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Learning and teaching methods: Ustna predavanja z uporabo Power Point prezentacij Obravnava študijskih primerov Delo v laboratoriju z aktivnim skupinskim delom Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Načini ocenjevanja: Izpit je opravljen, če so opravljene vse obveznosti: Ustni izpit Aktivno delo na predavanjih Aktivno delo na vajah 70 10 20 Oral lectures using Power Point presentation Case studies Active laboratory work in small groups Assessment: The student passes the examination if s(he) successfully passed all the following obligations: Oral exam Active work during lectures Active laboratory work Reference nosilca / Lecturer’s references: HOJNIK, Nuša, KRISTL, Matjaž, GOLOBIČ, Amalija, JAGLIČIĆ, Zvonko, DROFENIK, Mihael. Hydrolytic synthesis of novel lanthanide(III) complexes with pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid. Journal of molecular structure, ISSN 0022-2860. [Print ed.], 5 Jan. 2015, vol. 1079, str. 54-60, ilustr., doi: 10.1016/j.molstruc.2014.09.029. [COBISS.SI-ID 18148118] KRISTL, Matjaž, DOJER, Brina, HOJNIK, Nuša, GOLOBIČ, Amalija. Synthesis and characterization of new hydroxylammonium fluoromanganates and fluoroscandates. Journal of fluorine chemistry, ISSN 0022-1139. [Print ed.], Sep. 2014, vol. 166, str. 15-21, doi: 10.1016/j.jfluchem.2014.07.006. [COBISS.SI-ID 18000662] DOJER, Brina, PEVEC, Andrej, JAGODIČ, Marko, KRISTL, Matjaž, DROFENIK, Mihael. Three new cobalt(II) carboxylates with 2-, 3- and 4-aminopyridine : syntheses, structures and magnetic properties. Inorganica Chimica Acta, ISSN 0020-1693. [Print ed.], 2012, vol. 383, str. 98-104, doi: 10.1016/j.ica.2011.10.056. [COBISS.SI-ID 15502614] KRISTL, Matjaž, GOLOBIČ, Amalija, DOJER, Brina, DROFENIK, Mihael. Synthesis and structure of hydroxylammonium fluoroaluminate. Monatshefte für Chemie, ISSN 0026-9247, 2011, vol. 142, no. 8, str. 755-762, doi: 10.1007/s00706-011-0508-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 15004182] KRISTL, Matjaž, DOJER, Brina, KASUNIČ, Marta, GOLOBIČ, Amalija, JAGLIČIĆ, Zvonko, DROFENIK, Mihael. Hydroxylammonium fluorometalates: synthesis and characterisation of a new fluorocuprate and fluorocobaltate. Journal of fluorine chemistry, ISSN 0022-1139. [Print ed.], Sep. 2010, vol. 131, iss. 9, str. 907-914, doi: 10.1016/j.jfluchem.2010.06.004. [COBISS.SI-ID 14192662] Predmet: Course Title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Analizna kemija Analytical Chemistry Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year 1. Vrsta predmeta / Course type: Semester Semester zimski Autumn Obvezni / Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures 30 Seminar Seminar Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Labor work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work 105 ECTS 5 Mladen Franko Predavanja / Lecture: Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovene slovenski / Slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Osnovno znanje klasične analizne kemije, matematike in fizike Prerequisits: Vsebina: Predavanja Moderne spektroskopske metode ICP spektrometrija, visoko ločljiva masna spektrometrija Separacijske metode Ekstrakcijske metode, ekstrakcija na trdni fazi Plinska kromatografija in tekočinska kromatografija, ionska kromatografija, sklopljene tehnike z masno spektrometrijo Laboratorijske vaje Content (Syllabus outline): Lectures Modern spectroscopic methods ICP spectroscopy, high resolution mass spectrometry Separation methods Extraction methods, solid phase extraction, gas liquid chromatography (GC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), ion chromatography (IC), hyphenated techniques with mass spectrometry Laboratory work Basic knowledge of classical analytical chemistry, mathematics and physics Vaje zajemajo praktične primere izvedbe analiznih postopkov na področjih modernih,spektroskopskih in separacijskih metod ter izračun merilne negotovosti analiznih rezultatov. Practical examples of analytical procedures in, spectrometric and separation methods, evaluation of measurement uncertainty of analytical results. Temeljni literatura in viri / Textbooks: Douglas A. Skoog, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch, "Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 6. Izdaja, Sounders College Publishing, New York, 2006 D.Brodnjak Vončina, Analizna kemija 2, zapiski predavanj, UM FKKT, 2010 Cilji in kompetence: Predmet daje poglobljeno znanje pomembnejših instrumentalnih analiznih metod in aplikacij metod na področju okolja in varne prehrane. Podatki o sestavi materialov vodijo vsak proizvodni proces v raznih fazah od surovin do končnih produktov. Analiza je osnova za vrednotenje hrane, okolja, delovanja organizmov. Predmet zato obravnava področje kemijske analize teoretično poglobljeno, praktično pa tako usmerjeno, da usposobi slušatelje ne samo za razumevanje, temveč tudi za reševanje analiznih problemov. Predmet daje integralni pregled teorij in metod uporabnih za identifikacijo in rešitev vrste realnih problemov kemijske analize. Objectives and competences: Subject gives the complete overview of most important instrumental analytical methods and applications of analytical methods in environment and safety food. Data from the content of materials lead every production process in different phases from raw materials to final products. Analysis is the basis for quality evaluation of food, environment and living organisms. The subject Analytical chemistry 3 gives the complete theoretical overview and during practical work gives the knowledge not only for understanding but also for solving analytical problems. The subject gives the integral overview of theories and methods used for identification and quantitative determination of real problems of chemical analysis. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Po zaključku tega predmeta bo študent sposoben razumeti osnove kemijske analize, in principe instrumentalnih analiznih meritev. spoznati osnovne principe in zakone na katerih temeljijo instrumentalne analizne metode spoznati kvantitativno ovrednotenje rezultatov meritev On completion of this course the student will be able to understand the base of chemical analysis and principles of instrumental analytical measurements recognize basic principles and laws on which instrumental analytical methods are based. recognize quantitative evaluation of measurement results. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Ročne spretnosti, predvsem zmožnost praktičnega dela na instrumentih. Ovrednotenje rezultatov meritev in merilne negotovosti. Manual skills, preferable the capability of practical work with instruments. Evaluation of analytical results and measurement uncertainty. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Načini ocenjevanja: Izpit je opravljen, če so pozitivno opravljene vse naslednje obveznosti: Ocenjevanje predmeta Računske naloge Ustni izpit Laboratorijske vaje Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 10 60 30 Lectures Lab work Assessment: Student passes the examination if s(he) successfully passed all the following obligations: Assessment of the subject Course work, analytical calculations Oral examination Experimental course Reference nosilca / Lecturer’s references: LUBEJ, Martin, NOVAK, Uroš, LIU, Mingqiang, MARTELANC, Mitja, FRANKO, Mladen, PLAZL, Igor. Microfluidic droplet-based liquid-liquid extraction : online model validation. Lab on a chip, ISSN 1473-0197, str. 1-7, doi: 10.1039/C4LC01460J. [COBISS.SI-ID 1536245187] LIU, Mingqiang, FRANKO, Mladen. Thermal lens spectrometry under excitation of a divergent pump beam. Applied physics. B, Lasers and optics, ISSN 0946-2171. Tiskana izd., 2014, vol. 115, issue 2, str. 269-277, ilustr., doi: 10.1007/s00340-013-5601-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 2827515] LIU, Mingqiang, FRANKO, Mladen. Progress in thermal lens spectrometry and its applications in microscale analytical devices. Critical reviews in analytical chemistry, ISSN 1040-8347, 2014, vol. 44, no. 4, str. 328-353, doi: 10.1080/10408347.2013.869171. [COBISS.SI-ID 3340539] JOVANOV, Pavle, GUZSVÁNY, Valeria, FRANKO, Mladen, LAZIĆ, Sanja, SAKAČ, Marijana, MILOVANOVIĆ, Ivan, NEDELJKOVIĆ, Nataša. Development of multiresidue DLLME and QuEChERS based LC-MS/MS method for determination of selected neonicotinoid insecticides in honey liqueur. Food research international, ISSN 0963-9969, 2014, vol. 55, str. 11-19, doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2013.10.031. [COBISS.SI-ID 2931707] RADOVANOVIĆ, Tatjana, LIU, Mingqiang, LIKAR, Polona, KLEMENC, Matjaž, FRANKO, Mladen. Microfluidic flow injection analysis with thermal lens microscopic detection for determination of NGAL. International journal of thermophysics, ISSN 0195-928X, 8 str., 2014, doi: 10.1007/s10765014-1699-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 3503099] Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Organska kemija Organic chemistry Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 1. 1. zimski Autumn Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Obvezni / Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 30 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 30 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 90 5 Peter Krajnc Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Znanje splošne in osnovne organske kemije. Prerequisits: Knowledge of general chemistry and bases of organic chemistry. Vsebina: Organske reakcije: periciklične reakcije Organske reakcije: premestitve. Asimetrična sinteza. Osnove organske fizikalne kemije: metode študija mehanizmov organskih reakcij. Laboratorijske vaje: vplivi topila na hitrost in mehanizem organskih reakcij. Content (Syllabus outline): Organic reactions: periciclic reactions, rearrangements. Asymetric synthesis. Bases of physical organic chemistry: methods of determination of reaction mechanisms. Experimental course: influence of solvent on kinetics and mechanisms of organic reactions. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: M. B. Smith, J. March, March's Advanced Organic Chemistry, Wiley, 2007. Eric V. Anslyn and Dennis A. Dougherty, Modern Physical Organic Chemistry, University Science Books, 2006. Dodatna priporočena literatura: M. A. Fox, J. K. Whitesell, Organic Chemistry, Jones and Barlett, Boston, 2004. K.P.C. Vollhardt, N.E. Schore, Organic Chemistry - Structure and Function, W. H. Freeman, 2014. D. L. Nelson, M. M. Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, W.H. Freeman, 2008 Cilji in kompetence: Spoznati periciklične reakcije in premestitve. Razumeti in poznati vplive strukture molekule na potek reakcij teh reakcij. Poznati in razumeti metode asimetrične sinteze. Razumeti vplive strukture molekule, reakcijskih pogojev in topila na mehanizem reakcije. Poznati metode za študij mehanizmov organskih reakcij. Objectives and competences: To know: basic types of periciclic reactions and rearrangements, methods of asymetric synthesis, the methods for reaction mechanism determination Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študent pozna periciklične reakcije in premestitve. Pozna in razume metode asimetrične sinteze. Študent je sposoben korelirati reakcijske pogoje, strukturo molekule in topilo z mehanizmom reakcije. Študent pozna in razume metode za študij mehanizmov organskih reakcij. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Student knows periciclic reactions and rearrangements. Knows and understands methods of asymetric synthesis and the methods for reaction mechanism determination. Student can correlate between the reaction conditions, molecule structure and reaction mechanism. To understand the influences of the molecule structure, reaction conditions and solvent on the mechanism of the reaction. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Osnove fizikalne organske kemije Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Bases of physical organic chemistry. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja, seminarji, laboratorijske vaje Learning and teaching methods: Lectures, seminars, laboratory experiments Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt). Izpit je opravljen, če so pozitivno opravljene vse naslednje obveznosti: Pisni izpit Ustni izpit Laboratorijske vaje Seminarska naloga Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 50 20 10 10 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project). Student passes the examination if s(he) successfully passed all the following obligations: Written exam Oral exam Experimental course Seminar presentation Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: PULKO, Irena, SANDHOLZER, Martina, KOLAR, Mitja, SLUGOVC, Christian, KRAJNC, Peter. Removal of an olefin metathesis catalyst using 4-nitrophenyl acrylate based polymer supports. Tetrahedron letters, ISSN 0040-4039. [Print ed.], 2010, vol. 51, issue 44, str. 5827-5829, doi: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2010.08.114. KOVAČIČ, Sebastijan, KRAJNC, Peter, SLUGOVC, Christian. Inherently reactive polyHIPE material from dicyclopentadiene. Chemical communications, ISSN 1359-7345, 2010, vol. 46, issue 40, str. 7504-7506, doi: 10.1039/C0CC02610G. KOVAČIČ, Sebastijan, JEŘÁBEK, Karel, KRAJNC, Peter, SLUGOVC, Christian. Ring opening metathesis polymerisation of emulsion templated dicyclopentadiene giving open porous materials with excellent mechanical properties. Polymer chemistry, ISSN 1759-9954. [Print ed.], Feb. 2012, vol. 3, iss. 2, str. 325-328, doi: 10.1039/c2py00518b. SEVŠEK, Urška, KRAJNC, Peter. Methacrylic acid microcellular highly porous monoliths : preparation and functionalisation. Reactive & functional polymers, ISSN 1381-5148. [Print ed.], Jan. 2012, vol. 72, iss. 1, str. 221-226, doi: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2012.02.007. PODGORNIK, Aleš, SMREKAR, Vida, KRAJNC, Peter, ŠTRANCAR, Aleš. Estimation of methacrylate monolith binding capacity from pressure drop data. Journal of chromatography. A, ISSN 00219673, 11. Jan. 2013, vol. 1272, str. 50-55, doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2012.11.057. JERENEC, Simona, ŠIMIĆ, Mario, SAVNIK, Aleš, PODGORNIK, Aleš, KOLAR, Mitja, TURNŠEK, Marko, KRAJNC, Peter. Glycidyl methacrylate and ethylhexyl acrylate based polyhipe monoliths : morphological, mechanical and chromatographic properties. Reactive & functional polymers, ISSN 1381-5148. [Print ed.], 2014, vol. 78, str. 32-37, doi: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2014.02.011. Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Biokemija in molekularna biologija Biochemistry and molecular biology Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 1. 1. zimski Autmn Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Obvezni / Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. Vaje Tutorial 30 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. Vaje Laboratory work 30 Teren. Vaje Field work Samost. Delo Individ. Work ECTS 90 5 Uroš Potočnik Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Ni. Prerequisits: Vsebina: Content (Syllabus outline): None. Zgradba celice: razlike med prokarionti in evkarionti Osnove kemične zgradbe in termodinamika bioloških molekul, biološke molekule v vodi Pomen sekvenciranja humanega genoma in genomov ostalih organizmov Proteini: aminokisline, peptidi, tridimenzionalna zgradba, biološka vloga,Encimi Ogljikovi hidrati: zgradba in biološka vloga Lipidi: zgradba in biološka vloga, biološke membrane, transport Temelji celičnega metabolizma in bioenergetika, Osnove mikrobiologije DNA struktura in lastnosti, replikacija (prokarionti, eukarionti), rekombinacija DNA, DNA popravljalni mehanizmi, DNA mutacije, struktura kromosomov RNA struktura in lastnosti, vrste RNA molekul in funkcije, transkripcija (prokarionti, eukarionti), postranskripcijske modifikacije Struktura proteinov, sinteza proteinov, posttranslacijske modifikacije proteinov, zvijanje proteinov, transport proteinov, Regulacija proteinske sinteze: Osnove dedovanja in molekularne genetike Metabolizem ogljikovih hidratov in lipidov Razgradnja proteinov Povezovanje, usklajevanje ter posebnosti metabolizma organov Vitamini, hormoni Embrionalni razvoj ,Celična delitev (mejoza, mitoza), Celični cikel, proliferacija, diferenciacija celic, apoptoza Povezovanje celic v tkiva, komunikacija med celicami, signalne poti, receptorji, hormoni Osnove virologije Osnove imunologije Rekombinantna DNA tehnologija Metabolne bolezni Laboratorijsko delo: Obarjanje beljakovin, gelska kromatografija in spektrofotometrično določanje koncentracije proteinov Cell structure: difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes Impact of sequencing of human genome and other genomes Biochemistry: From Atoms to Molecules to Cells, Biomolecules in Water Proteins: Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins, : Protein Architecture and Biological Function,Enzymes Carbohydrates: Structure and Biological Function Lipids: Structure and Biological Function, Biological Membranes and Cellular Transport Basic Concepts of Cellular Metabolism and Bioenergetics, Basics of microbiology DNA structure and characteristics, replication (prokaryotes, eukaryotes), recombination, repair and mutations,, structure and function of genes and chromosomes, RNA structure characteristics: role of different types of RNA, transcription (prokaryotes, eukaryotes), post transcription modification Protein structures, synthesis of proteins, translation, posttranslational modifications, protein folding, protein trafficking,Regulation of protein synthesis Basics of heredity and molecular genetics Cellular Metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids Protein degradation Integration, Specialization, and Hormonal Control of Metabolism Vitamins and hormones Embryonic development,Cell division (meiosis, mitosis), Cell cycle: proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis Integration of cells into tissues, communication between cells, signal transduction, receptors, hormone signaling Basics of virioology Basics of immunology Recombinant DNA technology Metabolic diseases Laboratory work: Precipitation of proteins. Gel chromatography. Frakcionarno obarjanje proteinov, ločevanje proteinov na kromatografski koloni in spektrofotometrično določanje koncentracije proteinov. Proteolitični encimi. DNA iz hrane. Razgradnja želatine s proteolitičnimi encimi (v ananasu, papaji, figah). Izolacija DNA iz hrane.Izolacija DNA, RNA in proteinov iz celičnih kultur in tkivnih vzorcev Verižno pomnoževanje DNA (reakcija PCR) in analiza produktov PCR reakcije z elektroforezo na agaroznem gelu Spectrophotometric determination of protein concentration. Fractional precipitation of proteins. Gel chromatography of precipitated proteins and spectrophotometric determination of protein concentration. Proteolytic enzymes. DNA from food Degradation of gelatin with proteolytic enzymes (pineapple, papaya). Isolation of DNA from food.Gel filtration for protein separation Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and electrophoresis on agarose gel Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Dewlin, Thomas M: Textbook of Biochemistry With Clinical Correlations , 8th Ed J. Wiley & sons, Hoboken (New Jersey), 2014 LODISH H., Baltimore D., Berk A., Zipursky S.L., Matsudaira P., Darnell J.: Molecular Cell Biology, 7th Ed., Scientific American Books, Freeman and Co., New York, 2012 B. ALBERTS et al.: Molecular biology of the cell., 5th Ed., Gerland Publish, Inc., New York, 2007 Nelson DL, Cox MM.; Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 7th ed, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 2012 Cilji in kompetence: Predmet bo nudil študentom osnovno razumevanje in celostni pristop k osnovnim molekularnim procesom v celici, tkivih, organih in celotnem organizmu. Povdarek bo na prenosu DNA informacije za sintezo proteinov. Objectives and competences: Students will understand basic molecular mechanisms in the cell, how cells are organized in tissues, organs and whole organisms. The focus will be on transfer of genomic information to synthesis of proteins. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: osnovne biokemijske in molekularne procese v celici Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: • basic biochemical and molecular processes in the cell Metode poučevanja in učenja: • Predavanja • Laboratorijske vaje Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt) Izpit je opravljen, če sta pozitivno opravljeni naslednji obveznosti: pisni izpit ustni izpit laboratorijske vaje Learning and teaching methods: • Lectures • Laboratory work Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 60 30 10 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): Student has to pass successfully the following obligations: writen exemination oral exemination laboratory work Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: JOSTINS, Luke, MITROVIČ, Mitja, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Host-microbe interactions have shaped the genetic architecture of inflammatorybowel disease. Nature (Lond.), 2012, vol. 491, no. 7422, str. 119-124, doi: 10.1038/nature11582. [COBISS.SI-ID 512230968] PERIN, Petra, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Polymorphisms in recent GWA identified asthma genes CA10, SGK493, and CTNNA3 are associated with disease severity and treatment response in childhood asthma. Immunogenetics, ISSN 0093-7711, 2014, vol. 66, issue 3, str. 143-151, doi: 10.1007/s00251-013-0755-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 17472790 RIVAS, Manuel A, MITROVIČ, Mitja, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Deep resequencing of GWAS loci identifies independent rare variants associated with inflammatory bowel disease. Nat Genet, 2011, vol. 43, no. 11, str. 1066-1073, doi: 10.1038/ng.952. [COBISS.SI-ID 15421974] BERCE, Vojko, PINTO KOZMUS, Carina, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Association among ORMDL3 gene expression, 17q21 polymorphism and response to treatment with inhaled corticosteroids in children with asthma. Pharmacogenomics j. (Print), Dec. 2013, vol. 13, iss. 6., doi: 10.1038/tpj.2012.36. [COBISS.SI-ID 4406079]. REPNIK, Katja, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Haplotype in the IBD5 region is associated with refractory Crohn's disease in Slovenian patients and modulates expression of the SLC22A5 gene. J Gastroenterol, 2011, vol. 46, no. 9, str. 1081-1091, doi: 10.1007/s00535-011-0426-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 15110422]. Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Struktura atomov in molekul Structure of atoms and molecules Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Letnik Academic year 1. 1. Študijska smer Study field Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Semester Semester zimski Autumn Obvezni / Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar 30 Lab. vaje Laboratory work Teren. vaje Field work 30 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: S Sem. vaje Tutorial Samost. delo Individual work 90 Samo Korpar Predavanja / Lectures: Slovenski / slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: Slovenski / slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: • Fizika I in II. • Matematika I, II in III. Prerequisites: • Physics I and II. • Mathematics I, II and III. ECTS 5 Vsebina: • Osnovni principi kvantne mehanike: kvantni pojavi, dvojnost valovanje-delec, načelo nedoločenosti. • Valovna funkcija: Schrödingerjeva enačba, verjetnostna gostota, operatorji, lastne vrednosti in lastne funkcije, načelo superpozicije, pričakovana vrednost. • Enostavni modeli in aproksimacije: prost delec, potencialni lonec, degeneracija in simetrija, nihanje, vrtenje, aproksimacijske tehnike. • Atomi: vodikov atom, orbitale, atomi z več elektroni, spin, skupna vrtilna količina, atom v magnetnem polju. • Molekule: teorija valenčne vezi, teorija molekularnih orbital. • Seminarske vaje: reševanje problemov iz obravnavane snovi. Content (Syllabus outline): • Basic principles of quantum mechanics: quantum phenomena, wave-particle duality, uncertainty principle. • Wave function: the Schrödinger equation, probability density, operators, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, superposition principle, expectation value. • Simple models and approximations: free particle, potential well, degeneracy and symmetry, oscillations, rotations, approximation techniques. • Atoms: hydrogen atom, orbitals, many-electron atoms, spin, total angular momentum, atom in magnetic field. • Molecules: valence-bond theory, molecular orbital theory • Tutorial: solving problems covered by the subject Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: • J. Koller: Struktura atomov in molekul (bolonjski program), Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Ljubljana, 2010. • P.W. Atkins, J. de Paula: Atkins' Physical Chemistry, 8th Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 2006. Dodatna priporočena literatura: • J. Strnad: Fizika. 3. del: Posebna teorija relativnosti, kvantna fizika, atomi, 2. spremenjena izdaja, 2. natis, Društvo matematikov, fizikov in astronomov, Ljubljana, 1998. • J. Strnad: Fizika. 4. del: Molekule, kristali, jedra, delci, 2. spremenjena izdaja, 2. natis, Društvo matematikov, fizikov in astronomov, Ljubljana, 2005. • J. Koller: Struktura atomov in molekul – Zbirka nalog z rešitvami, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Ljubljana, 1998. Cilji in kompetence: Obravnava osnovnih principov in tehnik kvantne mehanike. Poglabljanje znanja in razumevanja o zgradbi snovi z uporabo na novo pridobljenih orodij. Objectives and competences: Treatment of basic principles and techniques of quantum mechanics. Extending knowledge and understanding of structure of matter by using newly acquired tools. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Po zaključku tega predmeta bo študent sposoben: • izkazati znanje in razumevanje osnovnih zakonitosti in tehnik kvantne mehanike, ki so potrebni za razumevanje kvantne kemije, • sestaviti matematični opis problemov in najti ustrezne rešitve. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: • Spretnosti komuniciranja: pisno izražanje pri pisnem izpitu, ustno izražanje pri ustnem izpitu. • Spretnosti računanja: reševanje računskih nalog pri seminarskih vajah in izpitih. • Reševanje problemov: modeliranje problemov z uporabo tehnik kvantne mehanike. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: On completion of the course a student will be able to: • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of basic concepts and techniques of quantum mechanics necessary to understand quantum chemistry. • Mathematically formulate problems and find appropriate solutions. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: • Communication skills: manor of expression at both written and oral examination. • Calculation skills: solving numerical problems at tutorial and written examination. • Problem solving: modelling problems using quantum mechanical techniques. Metode poučevanja in učenja: • klasična predavanja, • obravnava izbranih poskusov in • reševanje nalog. Learning and teaching methods: • lectures, • treatment of selected experiments and • problem solving. Načini ocenjevanja: Izpit je opravljen, če so pozitivno opravljene vse naslednje obveznosti: • pisni izpit, • ustni izpit. Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 40% 60% Assessment: Student passes the examination if s/he successfully passed all the following obligations: • written examination, • oral examination. Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: Belle Collaboration, BONDAR, A., BRAČKO, Marko, GOLOB, Boštjan, KORPAR, Samo, KRIŽAN, Peter, PETRIČ, Marko, SMERKOL, Peter, STARIČ, Marko, ZUPANC, Anže. Observation of two charged bottomoniumlike resonances in [Upsilon](5S) decays. Phys. rev. lett., 2012, vol. 108, no. 12, str. 122001-1-122001-6, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.122001. [COBISS.SI-ID 25989159] Belle Collaboration, ADACHI, Ichiro, BRAČKO, Marko, GOLOB, Boštjan, KORPAR, Samo, KRIŽAN, Peter, PESTOTNIK, Rok, PETRIČ, Marko, SMERKOL, Peter, STANIČ, Samo, STARIČ, Marko, ZUPANC, Anže, et al. First observation of the P-wave spin-singlet bottomonium states h[sub]b (1P) and h[sub]b (2P). Physical review letters, ISSN 0031-9007. [Print ed.], 2012, vol. 108, no. 3, str. 032001-1-032001-6, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.032001. [COBISS.SI-ID 25645351] KRIŽAN, Peter, KORPAR, Samo. Photodetectors in particle physics experiments. Annual review of nuclear and particle science, ISSN 0163-8998, 2013, vol. 63, str. 329-349, doi: 10.1146/annurev- nucl-102212-170604. [COBISS.SI-ID 27425319] Belle Collaboration, HARA, K., BRAČKO, Marko, GOLOB, Boštjan, KLUČAR, Jure, KORPAR, Samo, KRIŽAN, Peter, PESTOTNIK, Rok, PETRIČ, Marko, SMERKOL, Peter, STARIČ, Marko, ZUPANC, Anže, et al. Evidence for B[sup]- [to] [tau][sup]- ([nu][bar])[sub][tau] with a hadronic tagging method using the full data sample of Belle. Physical review letters, ISSN 0031-9007. [Print ed.], 2013, vol. 110, no. 13, str. 131801-1-131801-6, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.131801. [COBISS.SI-ID 27055911] Belle Collaboration, ZUPANC, Anže, BRAČKO, Marko, GOLOB, Boštjan, KLUČAR, Jure, KORPAR, Samo, KRIŽAN, Peter, PESTOTNIK, Rok, PETRIČ, Marko, STANIČ, Samo, STARIČ, Marko, ŠANTELJ, Luka, et al. Measurement of the branching fraction B( [Lambda][sub]c[sup]+ [to] p K[sup][pi][sup]+ ). Physical review letters, ISSN 0031-9007. [Print ed.], 2014, vol. 113, no. 4, str. 0420021-042002-7, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.042002. [COBISS.SI-ID 28163623] Predmet: Subject Title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / SUBJECT SPECIFICATION Strukturna in koloidna kemija Structural and colloid chemistry Študijski program Study programme Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Year 1. 1. Semester Semester zimski Autumn Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University subject code: Predavanja Lectures 30 Seminar Seminar Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Labor work 30 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work 90 ECTS 5 Matjaž Kristl, Regina Fuchs Godec Predavanja / Lecture: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Znanje matematike, fizikalne kemije, fizike in anorganske kemije Prerequisits: Vsebina: Splošno o koloidih: razdelitev koloidnih sistemov, strukturne značilnosti, priprava koloidnih sistemov Kinetične lastnosti koloidiov:Brownovo gibanje, translacijska difuzija Optične lastnosti koloidiov: sipanje svetlobe,motnost Električne lastnosti koloidiov:elektroforeza Pomembnost in uporaba koloidov Content (Syllabus outline): General properties of colloids, preparation of colloidal solutions Knowledge of mathematics, physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry Kinetic properties of colloids: Brownian movement, translational diffusion Optical properties of colloids: light scattering Electrical properties of colloids: electrophoresis The importance and use of colloids lastnosti snovi v trdnem stanju amorfna in kristalinična zgradba trdnin osnovni principi kristalne strukture: periodičnost, mreža, osnovna celica, simetrija, točkovne in prostorske skupine mehanske, električne in magnetne lastnosti trdnih snovi: paramagnetizem, fero-, feri- in antiferomagnetizem, polprevodniki kristalni defekti in nestehiometrični kristali osnovne metode določanja strukture: difrakcijske metode in njihova uporaba Laboratorijske vaje: Praktični primeri iz posameznih vsebin properties of solids amorphous and crystalline structure of solids basics of crystal structure: periodicity, crystallographic net, unit cell, symmetry, point and space groups mechanical, electrical and magnetic properties of solids: paramagnetism, ferro-, ferri- and antiferromagnetism, semiconductors crystal defects and non-stoichiometric crystals basic methods of structure determination: diffraction methods and their application Lab work: Practical examples of some specific topics Temeljni literatura in viri / Textbooks: Temeljna literatura R. Tilley: Crystals and crystal structures, J. Wiley and Sons, Chicester, England, 2007 R.J. Hunter Colloids Science, Oxford University Press Inc., New York, 2001 Dodatna literatura A. R. West: Solid State Chemistry and its Applications, Wiley, New York, 1998 D. Fennell Evans, Håkan Wennerström, The Collodial domain: Where Physics, Chemistry , Biology, and Technology meet, Wiley, New York, 1999. Cilji: razumevanje osnov koloidne kemije spoznati glavne karakteristike koloidov pridobiti znanje o osnovnih principih zgradbe trdnih snovi razumeti povezavo med strukturo in lastnostmi trdnih snovi poznati osnove metod za določanje strukture Objectives: acquirement of knowledge on basic principles of colloids a knowledge of the main characteristics of colloids acquirement of knowledge on basic principles of solids understanding the dependence of the structure and properties of solids knowledge of methods for structure determination Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: razumevanje lastnosti koloidnih sistemov uporaba teoretičnih znanj na praktičnih primerih poznavanje lastnosti snovi v trdnem agregatnem stanju razumevanje osnovnih pojmov kristalne strukture razumevanje zveze med kristalno zgradbo trdnih snovi in njihovimi lastnostmi Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: understanding the properties of the colloidal systems use theories to explain colloid chemical phenomena in practise acquirement of knowledge on properties of solids understanding of basic terms of crystal structure understanding of the relationship between crystal structure and properties of solids Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: poznavanje ciljev in osnov iz koloidne kemije razumevanje osnov difrakcijskih metod in njihove uporabe v praksi Transferable/Key skills and other attributes: Knowledge of goals and bases of colloid chemistry understanding of basic diffraction methods and their application Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja, reševanje problemov, laboratorijske vaje. Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt): Learning and teaching methods: Lectures, problem sessions, lab work. Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): Izpit je opravljen, če so pozitivno opravljene vse naslednje obveznosti: pisni izpit poročilo laboratorijskih vaj Assessment: Student passes the examination if s(he) successfully passed all the following obligations: 70 30 written examination laboratory work report Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: FUCHS-GODEC, Regina, PAVLOVIĆ, Miomir. Synergistic effect between non-ionic surfactant and halide ions in the forms of inorganic or organic salts for the corrosion inhibition of stainless-steel X4Cr13 in sulphuric acid. Corrosion science, ISSN 0010-938X. [Print ed.], May 2012, vol. 58, str. 192201, doi: 10.1016/j.corsci.2012.01.027. [COBISS.SI-ID 15809558], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 4. 4. 2015: št. citatov (TC): 18, čistih citatov (CI): 18, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 23, Scopus do 4. 2. 2015: št. citatov (TC): 19, čistih citatov (CI): 19, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 24] FUCHS-GODEC, Regina. Effects of surfactants and their mixtures on inhibition of the corrosion process of ferritic stainless steel. Electrochimica Acta, ISSN 0013-4686. [Print ed.], Mar. 2009, vol. 54, iss. 8, str. 2171-2179., doi: 10.1016/j.electacta.2008.10.014. [COBISS.SI-ID 12746262], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 13. 10. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 16, čistih citatov (CI): 12, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 6, Scopus do 20. 5. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 17, čistih citatov (CI): 13, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 6] KRISTL, Matjaž, BAN, Irena, DANČ, Anita, DANČ, Valerija, DROFENIK, Mihael. A sonochemical method for the preparation of cadmium sulfide and cadmium selenide nanoparticles in aqueous solutions. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, ISSN 1350-4177, June 2010, vol. 17, iss. 5, str. 916-922, doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2009.12.013. [COBISS.SI-ID 13766422], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 3. 7. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 15, čistih citatov (CI): 9, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 8, Scopus do 25. 3. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 16, čistih citatov (CI): 10, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 9] DOJER, Brina, PEVEC, Andrej, ŠEGEDIN, Primož, JAGLIČIĆ, Zvonko, STROPNIK, Črtomir, KRISTL, Matjaž, DROFENIK, Mihael. Cobalt(II) coordination compounds with acetato and 2-aminopyridine ligands: Synthesis, characterisation, structures and magnetic properties of two polymorphic forms. Inorganica Chimica Acta, ISSN 0020-1693. [Print ed.], 2010, issue 7, vol.363, str. 1343-1347, doi: 10.1016/j.ica.2009.12.052. [COBISS.SI-ID 13809942], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 15. 4. 2013: št. citatov (TC): 5, čistih citatov (CI): 4, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 2, Scopus do 23. 9. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 6, čistih citatov (CI): 5, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 2] KRISTL, Matjaž, HOJNIK, Nuša, GYERGYEK, Sašo, DROFENIK, Mihael. Sonochemical preparation of copper sulfides with different phases in aqueous solutions. Materials research bulletin, ISSN 00255408. [Print ed.], Mar. 2013, vol. 48, iss. 3, str. 1184-1188, doi: 10.1016/j.materresbull.2012.12.020. [COBISS.SI-ID 16676886], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 3. 7. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 2, čistih citatov (CI): 1, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 0, Scopus do 22. 10. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 4, čistih citatov (CI): 3, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 1] Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Anorganska kemija Inorganic chemistry Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 1. 1. poletni Spring Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Obvezni / Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 30 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 105 5 Sašo Gyergyek Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Znanje iz splošne in anorganske kemije: stehiometrija, kemijska reakcija, plinski zakoni, zgradba in lastnosti snovi v trdnem stanju, koordinacijske spojine prehodnih kovin Prerequisits: Knowledge of general and inorganic chemistry: stoichiometry, chemical reaction, gas laws, structure and properties of solids, d-metal coordination compounds Vsebina: Struktura trdnin: osnovna celica, simetrija, recipročni prostor, Ewaldova krogla, uklon rentgenskega valovanja na periodični strukturi, predstavitev korakov reševanja kristalne strukture iz uklonske slike na monokristalu, praškovna difrakcija in njena uporaba pri karakterizaciji trdnin. Elektronska mikroskopija in mikroanaliza. Nekatere fizikalne lastnosti trdnin: elektronske in magnetne lastnosti, povezava med strukturo in fizikalnimi lastnostmi, meritve elektronskih in magnetnih lastnosti, poudarek na feroelektričnosti in feromagnetizmu. Sinteza: poudarek na sintezi anorganskih oksidnih trdnin. Difuzija, 1. in 2. Fick-ov zakon, reakcije v trdnem, nukleacija in rast trdne faze, pretirana rast, segregacija na mejah med zrni. Reakcije v tekočem mediju, hidroliza kovinskih kationov, prisilna hidroliza, nukleacija in rast, pravilo Stranskega, pregled metod sintez trdne faze v tekočini-obarjanje, obarjanje v mikroemulzijah, hidrotermalna sinteza, solvotermalna sinteza, solgel sinteza, sonokemijska sinteza. Laboratorijske vaje: Sinteze izbranih dvojnih soli in koordinacijskih spojin s klasičnimi metodami, prekristalizacija, računanje izkoristka kemijske reakcije. Sinteza v trdnem stanju. Sonokemijska sinteza. Sinteza izbrane anorganske spojine po eni od sodobnih metod po dogovoru. Content (Syllabus outline): Structure of solids: unit cell, symmetry, reciprocal space, Ewald’s sphere, diffraction of X-rays on periodic structure, description of steps in crystal structure determination from diffraction on single crystal, principles of X-ray powder diffraction and its use in characterization of solids. Electron microscopy and microanalysis. Some physical properties of solids: electronic and magnetic properties, structure-properties relationships, measurements of electronic and magnetic properties with emphasis on the ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism. Synthesis: emphasis on the synthesis of inorganic solid oxides. Diffusion, Fick’s laws, reaction in solid state, nucleation and growth, exaggerated growth, grain boundary segregation. Reactions in liquid media, metal cations hydrolysis, forced hydrolysis, nucleation and growth, Stransky rule, overview of the synthesis methods for solid phase synthesis in liquid media-precipitation, precipitation in microemulsions, hydrothermal synthesis, solvothermal synthesis, sol-gel and sonochemical synthesis. Laboratory work: Syntheses of some double salts and coordination compounds by classical methods, single solvent recrystallization, calculation of reaction yield. Synthesis by solid – state reaction. Sonochemical synthesis. Individual synthesis of a chosen compound by one of the modern methods after consultation. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: • R.J.Borg, C.J.Dienes, The Physical Chemistry of Solids, Academic Press, 1992. • A.R. West, Solid State Chemistry and its Applications, John Wiley and Sons, 1990. • D.B. Williams, C.B. Carter, Transmision Electron Microscopy, A Textbook for Materials Science, 2nd Ed., Springer,2009 • T. Sugimoto, Monodispersed Particles, Elsevier, 2001 • J. P. Jolivet Metal oxide chemistry and synthesis, John Wiley&Sons, 2000 • U. Schubert, N. Hüsing, Synthesis of Inorganic Materials, 2nd Ed., Wiley-VCH, 2005 • Jander-Blasius, Lehrbuch der analytischen und präparativen anorganischen • Chemie, 16. Aufl., S. 653 S. Hirzel Verlag, Stuttgart 2006 Cilji in kompetence: Kandidat bo spoznal povezavo med strukutro in lastnostmi trdnih spojin.Spoznal bo izbrane metode klasične anorganske sinteze iz raztopin, reakcije v trdnem in nekatere sodobne metode kemijske sinteze. Seznanil se bo s prednostnimi posameznih metod in njihovimi omejitvami. Spoznal bo zvezo med metodo sinteze in lastnostmi produkta. Cilj predmeta je seznaniti slušatelja s potrebnim teoretičnim znanjem in praktičnimi veščinami na pomembnem področju anorganske sintezne kemije. Objectives and competences: The candidate will understand the structureproperties relationships in solids. He will get familiar with selected methods of classical inorganic synthesis from solutions, solid – state reactions and some modern methods of chemical synthesis. He/she will get familiar with advantages of particular methods and their limitations and the relation between the method of the synthesis and properties of the product. The aim is to give the candidate the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the important are of inorganic synthesis. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Pridobitev osnovenga znanja kristalnih struktur in povezave med kristalno strukutro in fizikalnimi lastnostmi trdnih spojin. Pridobivanje znanja o klasičnih in sodobnih metodah kemijske sinteze. Samostojno načrtovanje kemijskih reakcij za sintezo novih in znanih anorganskih spojin. Primerjava prednosti in slabosti posameznih metod. The candidate will acquire the basic knowledge in crystal structure and correlations between the crystal structure and the physical properties of the solids. The candidate will acquire knowledge about classical and modern methods of chemical synthesis. Autonomous planning of synthesis of new and / or known inorganic compounds. Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of particular methods. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Pridobitev kemijskih znanj, potrebnih za razumevanje mehanizma anorganskih sintez in spoznavanje metod za sintezo anorganskih spojin. Acquirement of chemical knowledge needed for understanding of the mechanism of inorganic synthesis and becoming acquainted with methods for inorganic synthesis. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja, študijski primeri, laboratorijske vaje. Oral lectures, case studies, laboratory work Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt). Izpit je opravljen, če so pozitivno opravljene vse naslednje obveznosti: Pisni izpit Ustni izpit Laboratorijske vaje Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 60 30 10 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project). Student passes the examination if s(he) successfully passed all the following obligations: Written examination Oral examination Laboratory work Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: GYERGYEK, Sašo, MAKOVEC, Darko, KODRE, Alojz, ARČON, Iztok, JAGODIČ, Marko, DROFENIK, Mihael. Influence of synthesis method on structural and magnetic properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles. Journal of nanoparticle research, ISSN 1388-0764, 2010, vol. 12, no. 4, str. 12631273. GYERGYEK, Sašo, DROFENIK, Mihael, MAKOVEC, Darko. Oleic-acid-coated CoFe[sub]2O[sub]4 nanoparticles synthesized by co-precipitation and hydrothermal synthesis. Materials chemistry and physics, ISSN 0254-0584. [Print ed.], 2012, vol. 133, no. 1, str. 515-522. LISJAK, Darja, MAKOVEC, Darko, GYERGYEK, Sašo, DROFENIK, Mihael, et al. The preparation of barium hexaferrite coatings using HVOF. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, ISSN 0002-7820, 2009, vol. 92, no. 4, str. 818-824. GYERGYEK, Sašo, MAKOVEC, Darko. The magnetic and colloidal properties of CoFe[sub]2O[sub]4 nanoparticles synthesized by co-precipitation. Acta chimica slovenica, ISSN 1318-0207. [Tiskana izd.], 2014, vol. 61, no. 23, str. 488-496. KRISTL, Matjaž, BAN, Irena, GYERGYEK, Sašo. Preparation of nanosized copper and cadmium chalcogenides by mechanochemical synthesis. Mater. manuf. process., 2013, vol. 28, iss. 9, str. 1009-1013. Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Izbrana poglavja v analizni kemiji Selected topics in analytical chemistry Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 1. 1. poletni Spring Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Obvezni / Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 30 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 105 5 Mitja Kolar Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Potrebno je predhodno osnovno znanje analizne kemije in instrumentalnih metod v analizni kemiji. Prerequisits: Basic knowledge of analytical chemistry and instrumental methods in analytical chemistry. Vsebina: Pregled izbranih analiznih metod in postopkov ter njihova uporabnost za analizo realnih vzorcev. Vzorčenje kot del analitskega postopka (vzorčenje, hranjenje, stabilnost...) Analitika živil: uvod v osnovno sestavo kmetijskih in živilskih izdelkov (določanje osnovnih kakovostnih parametrov v živilskih izdelkih in določanje dovoljenih ter nedovoljenih dodatkov v živilske izdelke). Pristnost v povezavi s kmetijskimi in živilskimi izdelki, zakonsko ozadje v povezavi s pristnostjo kmetijskih in živilskih izdelkov (uporaba analiznih metodologij za preverjanje pristnosti kmetijskih in živilskih proizvodov). Analitika v farmacevtski in fitofarmacevtski industriji v povezavi z okoljem (določanje ostankov in metabolitov zdravil ter fitofarmacevtskih sredstev v okolju, živalih in ljudeh). Content (Syllabus outline): Overview of selected analytical methods and other analytical procedures for real samples analysis. Sampling as a part of the analytical procedure (sampling, storing, stability...). Food analysis: introduction to basic composition of agricultural and food products (determination of basic quality parameters of food products and determination of permitted and prohibited additives in food products. Authenticity in connection with agricultural and food products, legislative connected with authenticity of agricultural and food products (application of analytical methodologies for checking the authenticity of agricultural and food products). Analytical chemistry in pharmaceutical and phytopharmaceutical industry (analysis of drugs, their metabolites and phytopharmaceutical residues in environment, animals and humans). Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Principles of Instrumental Analysis, Skoog D.A., Leary J.J., Saunders College Publishing, 2005. Pesticide, veterinary and other residues in food, David H. Watson (Editor) CRC Press, 2004. Electrochemistry, C.H. Hamann, A. Hamnett, W. Vielstich, Wiley-VCH, 2007. Znanstveni, strokovni in pregledni članki s področja sodobnih metod v analizni kemiji. H.-D. Belitz, W. Grosch, P. Schieberle: Food Chemistry, Third Edition, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005 Cilji in kompetence: Cilj predmeta je seznaniti študente z: - uporabnostjo različnih analiznih tehnik in postopkov za analizo realnih vzorcev. - vzorčenje, princip, pomen in napake pri vzorčenju, - teoretskimi osnovami pomembnimi za vrednotenje kakovosti in varnosti kmetijskih in Objectives and competences: The aim of the subject is: - - application of different analytical methods and other analytical procedures for real samples analysis. sampling, principles and errors connected with real samples. theory and principles important for živilskih izdelkih z uporabnostjo različnih metodoloških pristopov za ugotavljanja pristnosti kmetijskih in živilskih izdelkov, - možnostmi prisotnost zdravju škodljivih snovi v kmetijskih in živilskih izdelkih. - uporabnostjo sodobnih analiznih metod v povezevi z farmacevtsko in fitofarmacevtsko industrijo in okoljem. - - evaluation of quality and safety of food and agricultural products and application of different methodologies for determination of the authenticity of agricultural and food products, possibilities of presence of health hazardous compounds in agricultural and food products. application of analytical chemistry in pharmaceutical and phytopharmaceutical industry. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: pravilna izbira analiznih metod in postopkov glede na vrsto realnega vzorca. razumevanje problematike povezane s pristnostjo kmetijskih in živilskih izdelkov, kompleksnosti uporabe različnih analiznih metodologij za ugotavljanje varnosti in kakovosti živilskih izdelkov, zdravil in fitofarmacevtskih sredstev. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: selection of appropriate analytical methods for real samples analysis. understanding of problems connected with the authenticity of agricultural and food products, complexity of the use of different analytical methodologies for determination of safety and quality of agricultural and food, pharmaceutical and phytopharmaceutical products. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Predmet se dopolnjuje s predmeti, ki vsebujejo analitske vsebine (instrumentalne metode, okolje, kemometrija, itd.). Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: The subject is related to subjects that include analtical chemistry (instrumental methods, environment, chemometrics, etc.). Metode poučevanja in učenja: Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja v učilnici, ki je opremljena z osnovnimi avdio-vizualnimi pripomočki. Individualna priprava seminarskih nalog s predstavitvijo in diskusijo. Načini ocenjevanja: Način ocenjevanja (izpraševanje - ustni izpit, seminarska naloga): - ustni izpit: - seminarska naloga: Lectures in lecture room, equipped with basic audio-visual equipment Individual preparation of seminars and their presentation with discussion. Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 60 40 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): - oral examination: - seminar - coursework: Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: ZAJŠEK, Katja, GORŠEK, Andreja, KOLAR, Mitja. Cultivating conditions effects on kefiran production by the mixed culture of lactic acid bacteria imbedded within kefir grains. Food chem.. [Print ed.], Jan. 2013, vol. 139, iss. 1-4, str. 970-977, doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.11.142. [COBISS.SI-ID 16645142] PIVEC, Tanja, PERŠIN, Zdenka, KOLAR, Mitja, MAVER, Tina, DOBAJ, Andreja, VESEL, Alenka, MAVER, Uroš, STANA-KLEINSCHEK, Karin. Modification of cellulose non-woven substrates for preparation of modern wound dressings. Tex. res. j., Published online before print April 23, 2013, doi: 10.1177/0040517513483855. [COBISS.SI-ID 16864022] BRGLEZ, Polonca, HOLOBAR, Andrej, PIVEC, Aleksandra, BELŠAK, Nataša, KOLAR, Mitja. Determination of oxygen by means of a biogas and gas - interference study using an optical tris (4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline) ruthenium(II) dichloride complex sensor. Acta chim. slov.. [Tiskana izd.], 2012, vol. 59, no. 1, str. 50-58, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 15889686] KOLAR, Mitja, DOLIŠKA, Aleš, ŠVEGL, Franc, KALCHER, Kurt. Tungsten - tungsten trioxide electrodes for the long-term monitoring of corrosion processes in highly alkaline media and concrete-based materials. Acta chim. slov.. [Tiskana izd.], 2010, vol. 57, no. 4, str. 813-820, graf. prikazi. [COBISS.SI-ID 14701078] PULKO, Irena, SANDHOLZER, Martina, KOLAR, Mitja, SLUGOVC, Christian, KRAJNC, Peter. Removal of an olefin metathesis catalyst using 4-nitrophenyl acrylate based polymer supports. Tetrahedron lett.. [Print ed.], 2010, vol. 51, issue 44, str. 5827-5829, doi: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2010.08.114. [COBISS.SI-ID 14383638] JERENEC, Simona, ŠIMIĆ, Mario, SAVNIK, Aleš, PODGORNIK, Aleš, KOLAR, Mitja, TURNŠEK, Marko, KRAJNC, Peter. Glycidyl methacrylate and ethylhexyl acrylate based polyhipe monoliths : morphological, mechanical and chromatographic properties. Reactive & functional polymers, ISSN 1381-5148. [Print ed.], 2014, vol. 78, str. 32-37, doi: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2014.02.011. [COBISS.SI-ID 17661718] Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Izbrana poglavja v organski kemiji Selected chapters in organic chemistry Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 1. 1. poletni Spring Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Obvezni / Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 30 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 105 5 Peter Krajnc Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Znanje splošne kemije ter dobro znanje organske kemije. Prerequisits: Vsebina: Uporaba polimernih nosilcev za organsko sintezo. Organske sinteze s pomočjo mikrovalov. Osnove bioorganske kemije. Seminarsko delo. Content (Syllabus outline): Application of polymeric supports in organic synthesis. Organic synthesis with the aid of microwaves Bases of bioorganic chemistry. Seminar work is added. Knowledge of general chemistry and good knowledge of organic chemistry. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: M. B. Smith, J. March, March's Advanced Organic Chemistry, Wiley, 2007. D. Braun, H.Cherdron, H. Ritter: Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice, Springer, Berlin, 2012. Dodatna priporočena literatura: D. L. Nelson, M. M. Cox: Principles of Biochemistry, W.H. Freeman, 2008. B.-L. Su, C. Sanchet, X.-Y. Yang (Eds.): Hierarchically Structured Porous Materials, Wiley, 2012. C.E. Carraher: Introduction to Polymer Chemistry, Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2010. Cilji in kompetence: Poznati možnosti in prednosti polimernih nosilcev v organski kemiji. Poznati vpliv mikrovalovnih tehnik na kinetiko in potek reakcije. Razumeti pomen organske kemije v bioloških sistemih. Objectives and competences: To know: The possibilities and advantages of polymeric supports in organic chemistry. The influence of microwaves on the kinetics and course of reaction. To understand the importance of principles of organic chemistry in biological systems. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Lastnosti in struktura polimernih nosilcev za reagente in katalizatorje. Primeri sinteze s pomočjo mikrovalov. Osnove bioorganske kemije. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Characteristics and advantages of polymeric supports for reagents and catalysts. Microwave organic syntheses. Bases of bioorganic chemistry. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja, laboratorijske vaje Learning and teaching methods: Lectures, laboratory experiments Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt) Pisni izpit Ustni izpit seminar Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 50 30 20 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): Written exam Oral exam seminar Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: PULKO, Irena, SANDHOLZER, Martina, KOLAR, Mitja, SLUGOVC, Christian, KRAJNC, Peter. Removal of an olefin metathesis catalyst using 4-nitrophenyl acrylate based polymer supports. Tetrahedron letters, ISSN 0040-4039. [Print ed.], 2010, vol. 51, issue 44, str. 5827-5829, doi: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2010.08.114. KOVAČIČ, Sebastijan, KRAJNC, Peter, SLUGOVC, Christian. Inherently reactive polyHIPE material from dicyclopentadiene. Chemical communications, ISSN 1359-7345, 2010, vol. 46, issue 40, str. 7504-7506, doi: 10.1039/C0CC02610G. KOVAČIČ, Sebastijan, JEŘÁBEK, Karel, KRAJNC, Peter, SLUGOVC, Christian. Ring opening metathesis polymerisation of emulsion templated dicyclopentadiene giving open porous materials with excellent mechanical properties. Polymer chemistry, ISSN 1759-9954. [Print ed.], Feb. 2012, vol. 3, iss. 2, str. 325-328, doi: 10.1039/c2py00518b. SEVŠEK, Urška, KRAJNC, Peter. Methacrylic acid microcellular highly porous monoliths : preparation and functionalisation. Reactive & functional polymers, ISSN 1381-5148. [Print ed.], Jan. 2012, vol. 72, iss. 1, str. 221-226, doi: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2012.02.007. JERENEC, Simona, ŠIMIĆ, Mario, SAVNIK, Aleš, PODGORNIK, Aleš, KOLAR, Mitja, TURNŠEK, Marko, KRAJNC, Peter. Glycidyl methacrylate and ethylhexyl acrylate based polyhipe monoliths : morphological, mechanical and chromatographic properties. Reactive & functional polymers, ISSN 1381-5148. [Print ed.], 2014, vol. 78, str. 32-37, doi: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2014.02.011. SUŠEC, Maja, LISKA, Robert, RUSSMÜLLER, Günther, KOTEK, Jiří, KRAJNC, Peter. Microcellular open porous monoliths for cell growth by thiol-ene polymerization of low-toxicity monomers in high internal phase emulsions. Macromolecular bioscience, ISSN 1616-5187. [Print ed.], Feb. 2015, vol. 15, issue 2, str. 253-261, doi: 10.1002/mabi.201400219. Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Kemometrija Chemometrics Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 1. 1. poletni Spring Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Obvezni / Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 30 / 15 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work / Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS / 105 5 Matjaž Finšgar Predavanja / Lectures: slovensko / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovensko / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Osnovno znanje analizne kemije in matematike Prerequisits: Basic knowledge of analytical chemistry and mathematics Vsebina: Statistični testi in delo z merilno negotovostjo (povprečna vrednost meritev, standardni odmik, določanje ubežnikov, Dixonov in Grubbsov test, analiza variance (ANOVA), F-test, t-test, chi2-test, kalibracijska premica, metoda najmanjših kvadratov, interval zaupanja, meja detekcije), enoin večfaktroska linearna regresija (LR in MLR), eksperimentalni načrti, metoda glavnih osi (PCA), optimizacijski postopki (Simplex, GA, SA), nevronske mreže (EBP, CP, Kohonen, RBF), modeliranje napovedi lastnosti izdelkov Content (Syllabus outline): Statistical tests and work with an uncertainty (mean value, standard deviation, outlier test, Dixon and Grubbs test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) F-test, t-test, chi2-test, calibration curve, method of least squares, confidence interval, detection limit), linear regression (LR and MLR), experimental design, the principal component analysis (PCA), optimization methods (Simplex GA, SA), neural network (EBP, CP, Kohonen, RBF) modeling predictions characteristics of the products Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: D.L. Massart, B.G.M. Vandeginste, L.M.C. Buydens, S.De Jong, P.J. Lewi, J. Smeyers-Verbeke: Handbook of Chemometrics and Qualimetrics: Part A, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1998 B.G.M. Vandeginste, D.L. Massart L.M.C. Buydens, S. De Jong, P.J. Lewi, J. Smeyers-Verbeke: Handbook of Chemometrics and Qualimetrics: Part B, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1998 J.C. Miller, J.N. Miller, Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry, Ellis Horwood, New York, 5th edition, 2005 ZUPAN, Jure. Kemometrija in obdelava eksperimentalnih podatkov. Ljubljana: Kemijski inštitut: Inštitut Nove revije, Zavod za humanistiko, 2009. 368 str., ilustr. ISBN 978‐961‐92463‐3‐7. Cilji in kompetence: Študenti bodo seznanjeni s teorijo in uporabo kemometričnih metod za pripravo eksperimentov, predobdelavo merskih podatkov in vrednotenje rezultatov, ki je potrebno za analitsko delo za zagotavljanje kvalitete analiznih rezultatov. Objectives and competences: Students will be familiar with the theory and applications of chemometric methods for the preparation of the experiments, pretreatment of the experimental data and the evaluation of the results, which is required for the analytical work for ensuring the quality of analytical results. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Po zaključku tega predmeta bo študent sposoben razumeti osnove statističnih in kemometričnih metod za ovrednotenje analiznih meritev. Sposoben bo spoznati osnovne principe in zakone na katerih temeljijo statistične in kemometrične metode Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: On completion of this course the student will be able to understand the basic statistical and chemometrics methods for evaluation of analytical measurements. Student will be able to recognize basic principles and laws on which statistical and chemometrics methods are based. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Spretnosti pri delu z računalniki in računalniškimi programi. Ovrednotenje rezultatov meritev. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Calculation skills, preferable the capability of practical work with computer programs. Evaluation of analytical results. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Laboratory work Delež (v %) / Načini ocenjevanja: Weight (in %) Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge) Izpit je opravljen, če so pozitivno opravljene vse naslednje obveznosti: Seminarska naloga, računske naloge 10 Ustni izpit 60 Laboratorijske vaje 30 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework). Student passes the examination if s(he) successfully passed all the following obligations: Coursework, computer calculations Oral examination Lab work Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: Matjaž Finšgar, Sebastijan Peljhan, Anton Kokalj, Janez Kovač, Ingrid Milošev, Determination of the Cu2O Thickness on BTAH-Inhibited Copper by Reconstruction of Auger Electron Spectra, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 157 (2010) C295-C301. FINŠGAR, Matjaž, Jackson, The corrosion resistance of 2205 duplex steel in non-inhibited methanesulphonic acid at elevated temperatura, DOI: 10.1002/maco.201408222 Matjaž Finšgar, Ingrid Milošev, Corrosion behaviour of stainless steels in aqueous solutions of methanesulfonic acid, Corrosion Science, 52 (2010) 2430–2438 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Molekularna biologija in molekularna genetika Molecular biology and molecular genetics Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 1. 1. poletni Spring Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Obvezni / Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 30 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Uroš Potočnik Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Ni. Prerequisits: None. Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 105 5 Vsebina: • Osnove molekularne genetike: DNA struktura in lastnosti, replikacija (prokarionti, eukarionti), rekombinacija DNA, DNA popravljalni, mehanizmi, mehanizem nastanka DNA mutacij, organizacija, struktura in funkcija genov, struktura genoma (rastlinski, živalski in človeški), transkripcija, translacija, regulacija genske ekspresije • Osnove dedovanja, kromosomska teorija dednosti, Mendlovo dedovanje, poligensko dedovanje • Gensko mapiranje, mitohondrijski genom • Mutacije, polimorfizmi v DNA in v proteinih, fenotip, genotip, alelna frekvenca, haplotipi, haplotiski bloki (projekt HapMap), HardyWeinbergov zakon, analiza genetske vezave, vezavno neravnotežje (linkage disequilibrium) • Velikost in struktura populacije • Naravni izbor, mutacije, genetski zdrs, genski pretok, parjenje v sorodstvu • Molekularna evolucija, molekularna ura, nastanek genomov, genetika ogroženih vrst • Kvantitativna genetika • Genetsko testiranje posameznikov in populacije: metode genske tipizacije in določanja mutacij, genski testi v medicini (monogenske genetske bolezni, kompleksne genetske bolezni), preiskava DNA za tipizacijo tkiv in za osebno identifikacijo (forenzika) • Vloga molekularne in populacijske genetike v sodobni družbi: etični, sociološki in ekonomski vidiki • Laboratorijske vaje: Verižna reakcija s polimerazo (PCR) in polimorfizem dolžin restrikcijskih fragmentov (RFLP). Spoznavanje reakcije PCR in RFLP za genotipizacijo izbranih polimorfizmov SNP. PCR reakcija v relanem času (qPCR) Merjenje izražanja genov z reakcijo kvantitativnega PCR (PCR v realnem času – qPCR). Reverzna transkripcija. Relativna kvantifikacija genske ekspresije. HRM tehnika. Genotipizacija izbranih SNP-jev s tehniko talilne krivulje visoke ločljivosti (HRM) na aparaturi za PCR v realnem času. Content (Syllabus outline): Basic molecular genetics: DNA structure and characteristics, replication (prokaryotes, eukaryotes), recombination, repair and mutations, organization, structure and function of genes and chromosomes, genome structure (plant, animal, human) transcription (prokaryotes, eukaryotes), translation, regulation of gene expression Chromosomal basis of heredity, Mendelian inheritance, polygenic inheritance Gene mapping, mitochondrial genome Mutations, polymorphisms, phenotype, genotype, allele frequency, haplotypes, haplotype blocks (HapMap project), the Hardy-Weinberg law, linkage analysis, linkage disequilibrium. Size and structure of population Natural selection, mutations, genetic drift, gene flow, inbreeding Molecular evolution, molecular clocks, how genomes evolve, conservation genetics Quantitative traits Gene testing in individuals and populations: mutation detection and genotyping methods, genetic testing in medicine (genetic diseases with classical Mendelian and complex inheritance), DNA analysis in forensics and bone marrow transplantation typing Molecular and population genetic and society: ethical, social and economical issues Laboratory work: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP). PCR and RFLP reaction for genotyping of selected disease susceptible SNPs. Real time PCR reaction (qPCR). Gene expression measurement using quantitative PCR (real time PCR – qPCR). Reverse transcription. Relative quantification of gene expression. HRM technique. Genotyping of selected SNPs using high resolution melting analysis on real time PCR. Cloning of target DNA sequence into plasmid Transformation of competitive bacteria with plasmid DNA cDNA synthesis and gene expression using RT PCR and qRT PCR reactions • Kloniranje tarčnega DNA fragmenta v plazmid • Transformacija kompetentnih celic s plazmidno DNA • Sinteza cDNA, genska eskpresija z RT PCR in qRT PCR reakcijo Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Tom Strachan, Judith Goodship & Patrick Chinnery,Genetics and genomics in medicine, Garland Sc, ISBN 9780815344803, 2014 Thompson & Thompson : Genetics in Medicine, W.B.Saunders Company., 7the ISBN 0-7216-0244-4 and 7the ed. ISBN: 9781416030805, 2007. LODISH H., Baltimore D., Berk A., Zipursky S.L., Matsudaira P., Darnell J.: Molecular Cell Biology, 7th Ed., Scientific American Books, Freeman and Co., New York, 2012HEDRICK PW: Genetics of Populations, Jones & Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, Inc., 3rd ed, 2004 KLUG M and CUMMINGS MR.: Genetics: A Molecular Perspective. Pearson Education, Inc. New Jersey, 2003 Cilji in kompetence: Študenti bodo seznanjeni z osnovnimi koncepti populacijske genetike. Povdarek v razumevanju genetske raznolikosti populacije in evolucijsko pomebnih genov bo na interpretaciji novih informacij pridobljenih z modernimi pristopi molekularne genetike kot so sekvenciranje celotnih genomov in primerjalna genomika. Objectives and competences: Students will be provided with basic population genetics principles. The focus will be on new molecular data including genome projects that compare population samples to identify patterns of genetic diversity and genes that have been under selection which helps to understand molecular evolution • the role of mutations and genetic diversity in evolution Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: • approaches and program tools for statistical genetics Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: zakonitosti prenosa genetske informacije med generacijami povezave med genotipom in fenotipom dejavniki, ki vplivajo na frekvenco DNA polimorfizmov in genetsko raznolikost v različnih populacijah vloga mutacij in genetske raznolikosti v molekularni evouluciji Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: pristopi in orodja statistične genetike Metode poučevanja in učenja: • Predavanja • Laboratorijske vaje principals of heredity and transfer of genetic information between generations correlations genotype-phenotype factors that influence frequency of DNA polymorphisms and genetic diversity in different populations the role of mutations and genetic diversity in evolution Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: approaches and program tools for statistical genetics Learning and teaching methods: • Lectures • Laboratory work Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt) Izpit je opravljen, če sta pozitivno opravljeni naslednji obveznosti: pisni izpit seminar laboratorijske vaje Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 60 30 10 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): Student has to pass successfully the following obligations: writen exemination seminar laboratory work Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: JOSTINS, Luke, MITROVIČ, Mitja, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Host-microbe interactions have shaped the genetic architecture of inflammatorybowel disease. Nature (Lond.), 2012, vol. 491, no. 7422, str. 119-124, doi: 10.1038/nature11582. [COBISS.SI-ID 512230968], LIU, Jimmy Z, MITROVIČ, Mitja, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Dense genotyping of immune-related disease regions identifies nine new risk loci for primary sclerosing cholangitis. Nat Genet, 2013, 79 str., ilustr., doi: 10.1038/ng.2616. [COBISS.SI-ID 512280376], RIVAS, Manuel A, MITROVIČ, Mitja, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Deep resequencing of GWAS loci identifies independent rare variants associated with inflammatory bowel disease. Nat Genet, 2011, vol. 43, no. 11, str. 1066-1073, doi: 10.1038/ng.952. [COBISS.SI-ID 15421974], BERCE, Vojko, PINTO KOZMUS, Carina, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Association among ORMDL3 gene expression, 17q21 polymorphism and response to treatment with inhaled corticosteroids in children with asthma. Pharmacogenomics j. (Print), Dec. 2013, vol. 13, iss. 6., doi: 10.1038/tpj.2012.36. [COBISS.SI-ID 4406079]. REPNIK, Katja, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Haplotype in the IBD5 region is associated with refractory Crohn's disease in Slovenian patients and modulates expression of the SLC22A5 gene. J Gastroenterol, 2011, vol. 46, no. 9, str. 1081-1091, doi: 10.1007/s00535-011-0426-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 15110422]. Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Statistična termodinamika Statistical Thermodynamics Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Študijska smer Study field Vrsta predmeta / Course type Letnik Academic year 1. 1. Semester Semester poletni Spring Obvezni / Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar 30 Lab. vaje Laboratory work Teren. vaje Field work 30 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Sem. vaje Tutorial Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 90 5 Urban Bren Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Osnovno znanje matematike, fizike in fizikalne kemije Prerequisits: Basic knowledge of mathematics, physics and physical chemistry Vsebina: Osnove: Merjenje, časovna odvisnost in časovno povprečje. Zakona statistične termodinamike. Opis mikroskopskega stanja. Kanonična porazdelitev. Povprečja in kolebanja okoli povprečne vrednosti, povezava s termodinamiko. Izolirani sistem. Odprt sistem, kolebanja koncentracije, stisljivost in stabilnost sistema. Drugi sistemi. Neodvisni podsistemi: Einsteinov model kristala. Paramagnetna snov. Fermi-Diracova in Bose−Einsteinova statistika. Boltzmannova statistika: razredčeni plini. Izračun konstante kemijskega ravnotežja. Adsorbcija, Langmuirjeva in B.E.T. izoterma, vezanje ligandov na makromolekulo. Content (Syllabus outline): Introduction: Time-average of measured quantity. Laws of statistical thermodynamics. Description of microscopic state of a system. Canonical distribution. Averages and fluctuations; the relations with thermodynamics. Isolated system. Open system, concentration fluctuations, compressibility, stability of the system. Other systems. Independent subsystems: Einstein model of crystal. Paramagnetic material. Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics. Boltzmann statistics: diluted gasses. Evaluation of the chemical equilibrium constant. Adsorption, Langmuir and B.E.T. isotherms, ligand binding to macromolecules. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Dill, K. A., Bromberg, S., Molecular Driving Forces: Statistical Thermodynamics in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Nanoscience,2nd edition, USA: Garland Science, 2010. Dodatni viri: Friedman, H. L., A Course in Statistical Mechanics, New Jersey: Prantice-Hall, 1985, pp 1109. Hill, T. L., Introduction to Statistical Thermodynamics, Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1960, pp 124-188. McQuarrie, D. A., Statistical Thermodynamics, USA: University Science Books, 1985. Cilji in kompetence: Cilji: Naloga statistične termodinamike je, da iz podatkov o lastnostih atomov in molekul ter sil med njimi izpelje makroskopske lastnosti snovi. Na ta način omogoča molekularno interpretacijo merskih podatkov. Kompetence: Objectives and competences: Objectives: The purpose of statistical thermodynamics is to predict macroscopic properties of a given thermodynamic system, using as input the knowledge about constituent atoms (or molecules) and intermolecular forces between them. It makes possible to interpret the V prvem delu obravnavamo osnove statistične termodinamike, le−te omogočajo globje razumevanje pojavov kot so toplota, entropija, termodinamično povprečje, kolebanje okoli povprečne vrednosti in ostali. Drugi del predmeta je namenjen prikazu posameznih primerov uporabe statistične termodinamike v kemiji in sorodnih vedah. experimental data from molecular point of view. Competences: Profound understanding of thermodynamic quantities, such as heat, entropy, thermodynamic averages, fluctuations, and others. Application to real chemical and physical problems. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Poznavanje osnov statistične termodinamike, ki jih obravnava predmet, omogoča globlje razumevanje pojmov iz fizikalne kemije ter interpretacijo eksperimentalnih podatkov na osnovi lastnosti atomov in molekul. Uporaba: Pri tem predmetu se spoznamo z modernimi teoretičnimi metodami za študij lastnosti snovi. Metode se uporabljajo v kemiji, farmaciji in biologiji, pa tudi pri načrtovanju različnih tehnoloških procesov kot so, na primer, separacijske metode. Predmet je osnova raziskovalnemu delu na področju kemije. Refleksija: Znanja, ki jih študent osvoji pri tem predmetu, pomagajo pri kritičnem vrednotenju merskih podatkov, razumevanju lastnosti fizikalnih sistemov in s tem omogočajo kvalitetno in samostojno delo na drugih področjih kemije. Prenosljive spretnosti: Spretnosti uporabe domače in tuje literature in drugih virov, identifikacija in reševanje problemov, kritična analiza rezultatov, kvantitativno razumevanje drugih (bolj opisnih) predmetov. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: The basic knowledge of statistical thermodynamics that is the subject of this course enables the students a deeper understanding of the physical chemistry concepts, as well as the interpretations of the experimental data in view of the properties of atoms and molecules. Application: The students get to know the modern theoretical methods used for studying the properties of different substences. The methods are used in chemistry, pharmacy and biology, as well as in planning different technologocal processes, such as separation methods. The course is prociding the bases for the research work in the chemistry field. Analysis: The knowledge that the students obtain via this course is meant to be used in the critical assesment of measuring data, as well as the understanding the system properties which is neede in different areas of chemistry. Skill‐Transference Ability: The ability of using different literature, as well as other resources, identification and problem solving, critical evaluation of the results, quantitative interpretation of knowledge obtained in other courses. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja, seminarji, domače naloge Learning and teaching methods: Lectures, seminars, homeworks Načini ocenjevanja: Domače naloge Pisni izpit Ustni izpit Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 25 35 40 Assessment: Homeworks Written exam Oral exam Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: GALEŠA, Katja, BREN, Urban, KRANJC, Agata, MAVRI, Janez. Carcinogenicity of acrylamide : a computational study. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, ISSN 0021-8561, 2008, vol. 56, no. 18, str. 8720-8727., doi: 10.1021/jf800965y. [COBISS.SI-ID 3975962], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 4. 8. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 13, čistih citatov (CI): 9, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 2.25, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 12, Scopus do 22. 7. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 14, čistih citatov (CI): 11, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 2.75, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 14] kategorija: 1A1 (Z1, A'', A', A1/2); uvrstitev: SCI, Scopus, MBP; tipologijo je verificiral OSICN. točke: 39.18, št. avtorjev: 4 BREN, Urban, KRŽAN, Andrej, MAVRI, Janez. Microwave catalysis through rotationally hot reactive species. The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory, ISSN 1089-5639, 2008, vol. 112, no. 2, str. 166-171. [COBISS.SI-ID 3846938], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 4. 8. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 16, čistih citatov (CI): 11, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 3.67, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 6, Scopus do 11. 8. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 16, čistih citatov (CI): 11, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 3.67, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 6] kategorija: 1A1 (Z1, A', A1/2); uvrstitev: SCI, Scopus, MBP; tipologijo je verificiral OSICN. točke: 34.08, št. avtorjev: 3 BREN, Urban, GUENGERICH, F. Peter, MAVRI, Janez. Guanine alkylation by the potent carcinogen aflatoxin B1: quantum chemical calculations. Chemical research in toxicology, ISSN 0893-228X. [Print ed.], 2007, vol. 20, no. 8, str. 1134-1140. [COBISS.SI-ID 3762970], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 7. 9. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 28, čistih citatov (CI): 21, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 7.00, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 10, Scopus do 1. 9. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 26, čistih citatov (CI): 21, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 7.00, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 10] kategorija: 1A1 (Z1, A', A1/2); uvrstitev: SCI, Scopus, MBP; tipologijo je verificiral OSICN. točke: 43.9, št. avtorjev: 3 MARTÍNEK, Václav, BREN, Urban, GOODMAN, Myron F., WARSHEL, Arieh, FLORIÁN, Jan. DNA polymerase [beta] catalytic efficiency mirrors the Asn279-dCTP H-bonding strength. FEBS letters, ISSN 0014-5793. [Print ed.], 2007, vol. 581, no. 4, str. 775-780. [COBISS.SI-ID 3658010], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 4. 8. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 17, čistih citatov (CI): 11, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 2.20, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 4, Scopus do 30. 7. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 19, čistih citatov (CI): 13, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 2.60, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 5] kategorija: 1A2 (Z1, A1/2); uvrstitev: SCI, Scopus, MBP; tipologijo je verificiral OSICN. točke: 20, št. avtorjev: 5 BREN, Matevž, FLORIÁN, Jan, MAVRI, Janez, BREN, Urban. Do all pieces make a whole? Thiele cumulants and the free energy decomposition. Theoretical Chemistry accounts, ISSN 1432-881X, 2007, vol. 117, no. 4, str. 535-540. [COBISS.SI-ID 3685146], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 4. 8. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 40, čistih citatov (CI): 36, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 9.00, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 14, Scopus do 30. 7. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 41, čistih citatov (CI): 37, čistih citatov na avtorja (CIAu): 9.25, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 15] kategorija: 1A2 (Z1, A1/2); uvrstitev: SCI, Scopus, MBP; tipologijo je verificiral OSICN. točke: 23.93, št. avtorjev: 4 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Organska analiza Organic analysis Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 2. 2. zimski Autumn Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Obvezni / Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar 30 Lab. vaje Laboratory work Teren. vaje Field work 30 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Sem. vaje Tutorial Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 120 6 Jernej Iskra Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Znanje organske kemije ter osnovnih principov organske analize. Prerequisits: Knowledge of organic chemistry and basic principles of organic analysis. Vsebina: Nuklearna magnetne resonanca (proton, 13C, druga jedra,osnovne 2D tehnike). Metode reševanja NMR spektrov. Uporaba NMR spektroskopije v sintezi in analizi. Infrardeča spektroskopija, ATR, RAMAN- teoretske osnove in aplikacije. UV VIS metode v organski kemiji. Masna spektroskopija organskih spojin, sklopljene metode- teorija Kombinacije NMR, IR in MS metod za določitev strukture kompleksnejših organskih spojin. Content (Syllabus outline): Nuclear magnetic resonance. (proton , 13C other nuclei, basic 2D techniques). Methods for spectra representation. Infrared spectroscopy, ATR, RAMAN- theory behind it. UV VIS methods in organic chemistry. Mass spectroscopy of organic compounds, coupled techniques- theory. Combinations of NMR, IR and MS methods for the determination of structure of complex organic compounds. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: R. M. Silverstein, F. X. Webster, D. Kiemle, Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, 7th Ed., Wiley, 2005. L. D. Field, S. Sternhell, J. R. Kalman, Organic Structures from Spectra, 5th Ed., Wiley, 2013. E. Breitmeir, Structure Elucidation by NMR in Organic Chemistry: A Practical Guide, 3rd Ed., Wiley, 2002. Cilji in kompetence: Spoznati metodo protonske in 13C NMR spektroskopije ter osnove drugih jeder ter 2D tehnik; znati rešiti zahtevnejše spektre organskih spojin. Poznati princip infrardeče spektroskopije, tudi RAMAN spektroskopije. Znati interpretirati infrardeči in RAMAN spekter organske spojine. Poznati metodo masne spektroskopije in fragmentacije organskih spojin. Spoznati sklopljene metode, ki se uporabljajo v organski analitiki. Poznati teoretične osnove in principe delovanja UV vis spektroskopije. Objectives and competences: To know: the method of proton and 13C NMR spectroscopy and basics of other nuclei and 2D NMR techniques; and to apply it to complex organic molecules; the principle of infrared and RAMAN spectroscopy; the method of mass spectroscopy of organic compounds and the applications of coupled techniques in organic analitics. To understand: how to interpret complex proton NMR spectra. To interpret infrared and RAMAN spectra of organic compounds. The theory and usage of UV vis spectroscopy for organic molecules. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študent pozna principe in aplikacije spektroskopskih metode za določanje strukture organskih spojin: NMR, IR, MS, UV/ vis, kromatografija. Zna razlagati NMR, IR in MS spektre organskih spojin in na osnovi teh spektrov določiti strukturo Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Student knows the classical and spectroscopic methods for the determination of the structure of organic compounds: NMR, IR, MS, UV/vis. Student is able to interpret these spectra and is able to conclude the compound structure. kompleksnejših organskih spojin. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Poznavanje metod NMR, IR, MS, UV/ vis, kromatiografije za določanje strukture organskih spojin. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Knowledge of the methods NMR, IR, MS, UV/ vis, chromatography for the determination of structure of organic compounds. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja, seminar, seminarske vaje. Learning and teaching methods: Lectures, seminar, tutorial. Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt) Izpit je opravljen, če so pozitivno opravljene vse naslednje obveznosti: Pisni izpit Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 100 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): Student passes the examination if s(he) successfully passed all the following obligations: Written exam Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: Leon Bedrač, Jernej Iskra, Iodine(I) reagents in hydrochloric acid-catalyzed oxidative iodination of aromatic compounds by hydrogen peroxide and iodine, Adv. Synth. Catal., 2013, 355, 1243-1248. Ajda Podgoršek, Marko Zupan, Jernej Iskra, Oxidative halogenation with "green" oxidants : oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2009, 48, 8424-8450. Ajda Podgoršek, Marco Eissen, Jens Fleckenstein, Stojan Stavber, Marko Zupan, Jernej Iskra, Selective aerobic oxidative dibromination of alkenes with aqueous HBr and sodium nitrite as a catalyst, Green Chem., 2009, 11, 120-126. PODGORŠEK, Ajda, JURISCH, Markus, STAVBER, Stojan, ZUPAN, Marko, ISKRA, Jernej, GLADYSZ, John A. Synthesis and reactivity of fluorous and nonfluorous aryl and alkyl iodine(III) dichlorides : new chlorinating reagents that are easily recycled using biphasic protocols. J. Org. Chem., 2009, 74, 3133-3140. STAVBER, Gaj, ISKRA, Jernej, ZUPAN, Marko, STAVBER, Stojan. Aerobic oxidative iodination of ketones catalysed by sodium nitrite on water or in a micelle-based aqueous system. Green chem., 2009, 11, 1262-1267. Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Elektrokemijske metode Electroanalytical Methods Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 2. 2. zimski Autumn Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Obvezni / Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 30 / / Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 30 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS / 120 6 Matjaž Finšgar Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Potrebno je predhodno osnovno znanje analizne kemije in instrumentalnih metod v analizni kemiji. Prerequisits: Vsebina: Content (Syllabus outline): Requires prior basic knowledge of analytical chemistry and instrumental methods in analytical chemistry. Pionirji elektrokemije Temeljni pojmi Ne/faradayski procesi Študij elektrodnih reakcij Reverzibilni in ireverzibilni sistemi Elektrokemijske celice Tokovno napetostni diagram Vrste elektrokemijskih analiznih metod Podrobno razumevanje elektrod Potenciometrija Kronopotenciometrija Vzroki napak, selektivnosti, vpliv temperature in pH Elektrokemijski senzorji Elektrogravimetrija in kulometrija Tokovno-napetostno razmerja med elektroliza Potenticiostatska kulometrija Galvanostatska kulometrija Voltametrija (vzbujevalni signali, mikroelektrode, voltamogrami, hidrodinamska voltametrija, rotirajoče elektrode, polarografija, inverzna voltametrija (stripping)) Ohmski padec Spektroelektrokemija Aplikacije elektrokemijskih metod Osnovne elektrokemijske metode za preiskovanje korozijskih procesov Osnove tehnike EIS Elektrokemijske tehnike v pretočnih sistemih ter sklopljenih sistemih Primerjava z drugimi analitskimi metodami Pioneers of electrochemistry Fundamental concepts Non/Faradaic processes Study of the electrode reactions Reversible and irreversible systems Electrochemical Cells Current/Potential diagram Types of Electroanalytical Methods Advanced understanding of electrodes Potentiometry Chronopotentiometry Sources of errors, selectivity, effect of temperature and pH Electrochemical sensors Electrogravimetry and coulometry Current-Voltage Relationships During an Electrolysis Potentiostatic Coulometry Amperostatic Coulometry Voltametry (Excitation Signals, Microelectrodes, Voltammograms, Hydrodynamic Voltammetry, Rotating electrodes, Polarography, Stripping methods) Ohmic drop Spectroelectrochemistry Applications of electrochemical methods Basic electrochemical methods for investigating corrosion processes Basics of EIS technique Electroanalytical methods in flow systems and electroanalysis in hyphenated systems. Comparison with other analytical methods Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Joseph Wang, Analytical Electrochemistry, 3rd Edition, 2006 Douglas A. Skoog, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, 6th Edition, 2006 John O'M. Bockris Amulya K.N. Reddy, Maria E. Gamboa-Aldeco, Modern Electrochemistry 2A: Fundamentals of Electrodics, 2nd Edition, 2001 John O'M. Bockris, Amulya K.N. Reddy, Modern Electrochemistry 2B: Electrodics in Chemistry, Engineering, Biology and Environmental Science, 2nd Edition, 2001 Cilji in kompetence: Cilj predmeta je študij elektrokemijskih zakonitosti, kot osnova za raziskovalno delo na področju, kjer ima elektrokemija prednost/smotrnost pred uporabo drugih analitskih metod. Uporabnost metod v realnih analiznih sistemih, nadgradnja elektroanaliznih metod in uporabnost v pretočnih in sklopljenih sistemih. Analiza elektrokemijskih procesov povezanih s korozijo in kvantitativni/kvalitativni analizi kovinskih produktov degradacije materialov. Objectives and competences: The aim of the course is to study the fundamentals of electrochemistry, as a basis for research work in the field, where the use of electrochemistry has an advantage/sense compared to other analytical methods. The applicability of methods in real systems, progress of electroanalytical methods and usability in flow and coupled systems. Analysis of electrochemical processes associated with corrosion and quantitative / qualitative analysis of metallic materials of degradation products. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Razumevanje tokovno-napetostnih odvisnosti pri različnih elektrokemijskih metodah in razlikovanje elektrokemijskih zakonitosti. Študenti bodo zmožni razlikovati primernost in omejenost metode glede na določen problem v analizni kemiji. Predmet je nadgradnja vsebin predmetov Analizne kemije II in Industrijske analize, ter se dopolnjuje z vsebinami predmetov na področju analizne kemije. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Understanding the current-voltage dependences in various electrochemical methods and electrochemical differentiation of electrochemical fundamentals. Students will be able to distinguish the suitability and limitations of methods based on a certain problem in the analytical chemistry. This lecture is an upgrade of Analytical Chemistry II and Industrial analysis, and complements the lectures in the field of analytical chemistry. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja v učilnici, ki je opremljena z osnovnimi avdio-vizualnimi pripomočki. Learning and teaching methods: Lectures in lecture room, equipped with basic audio-visual equipment Individualna priprava seminarskih nalog s predstavitvijo in diskusijo. Individual preparation of seminars and their presentation with discussion. Načini ocenjevanja: Način ocenjevanja (izpraševanje - ustni izpit, seminarska naloga): - ustni izpit: - seminarska naloga: Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 60 40 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): - oral examination: - seminar - coursework: Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: FINŠGAR, Matjaž, FASSBENDER, Stefan, HIRTH, Sabine, MILOŠEV, Ingrid. Electrochemical and XPS study of polyethyleneimines of different molecular sizes as corrosion inhibitors for AISI 430 stainless steel in near-neutral chloride media. Materials chemistry and physics, 2009, vol. 116, str. 198-206. FINŠGAR, Matjaž, MILOŠEV, Ingrid. Corrosion study of copper in the presence of benzotriazole and its hydroxy derivative. Materials and corrosion, 2011, vol. 62, str. 956-966. Matjaž Finšgar, Jennifer Jackson, Application of corrosion inhibitors for steels in acidic media for the oil and gas industry: A review, Corrosion Science, 86 (2014) 17–41. Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Molekularno modeliranje Molecular Modeling Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Študijska smer Study field Vrsta predmeta / Course type Letnik Academic year 2. 2. Semester Semester zimski Autumn Obvezni / Obligatory Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. Vaje Tutorial 30 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 30 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 120 6 Urban Bren Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovene Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Osnovno znanje statistične termodinamike ter strukture atomov in molekul Prerequisits: Basic knowledge of statistical thermodynamics and of structure of atoms and molecules Vsebina: Klasična Mehanika: Konfiguracijski integral in povprečja. Parski potencial. Parske porazdelitvene funkcije. Molekulske simulacije: Metoda Molekulske Dinamike Metoda Monte Carlo Metoda Molekulskega Sidranja Content (Syllabus outline): Classical Mechanics: Configuration integral and averages. Pair potential and radial distribution function. Molecular Simulations: Molecular Dynamics Method Monte Carlo Method Molecular Docking Method Kvantna Mehanika: Metode za približno računanje: variacijska metoda in metoda motenj. Modeli za obravnavanje molekulskih sistemov: teorija valenčnih vezi in teorija molekulskih orbital, Hartree-Fockov model. Implicitni modeli topila. Pregled metod, sistemov in ciljev modeliranja. Elektronska struktura: ab initio metode semiempirične metode metode na osnovi gostotnega funkcionala Quantum Mechanics: Methods for approximative computations: the variational principle and perturbation theory. Modelling of molecular systems: valence bond theory and molecular orbital theory, HartreFock model. Implicit solvent models. Review of methods, systems and objectives of molecular modeling. Molecular electronic structure: ab initio methods semiempirical methods density functional theory methods Mešane kvantno-mehanske/molekulskomehanske (QM/MM) metode Mixed Quantum-Mechanical/MolecularMechanical (QM/MM) methods Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: A.R. Leach, Molecular Modelling, Principles and Applications, Addison Wesley Longman, London 1998. A. Hinchliffe, Molecular Modelling for Beginners, Wiley, Chichester 2003. Cilji in kompetence: Cilji: Poznavanje elektronske strukture in geometrije molekul. Napoved lastnosti molekul in njihova povezava s strukturo. Podobnost molekul. Načrtovanje molekul z želenimi lastnostmi. Kompetence: Razumevanje in obvladovanje vloge računalniške grafike pri molekulskem modeliranju. Pregled najbolj znanih računalniških programov za uporabo pri modeliranju (Gaussian, Spartan, HyperChem...), prikaz praktičnega dela na osebnem računalniku, delovni postaji in veliki računalniški gruči (preko računalniške mreže). Sistematični Objectives and competences: Objectives: The knowledge (prediction) of molecular geometry and molecular electronic structure. The use of molecular modeling and quantum mechanical methods for prediction of molecular properties. Qualitative and quantitative structure-property relationships. Structure based design of molecules with given properties. Competences: Overview of well-known programs for molecular modeling and quantum chemical computations such as Gaussian, Spartan, HyperChem, Schrodinger Suite with hands on sessions on personal computer, working station and big pregled celotne snovi. cluster (using web interface). Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Predmet je namenjen nadgradnji znanja klasične in kvantne kemije ter njeni praktični uporabi. Študente seznani s pojmom molekulskega modeliranja, ki je že dalj časa močno orodje za pomoč eksperimentalistom, saj omogoča vpogled na nekatera eksperimentom nedostopna področja znanosti. Ob koncu so sposobni formulirati problem, izbrati primerno metodo modeliranja in kritično ovrednotiti dobljene rezultate. Pomembno je potem tudi iskanje korespondence med dobljenimi teoretičnimi in v literaturi poiskanimi rezultati. Uporaba: Slušatelj je sposoben uporabiti znanje klasične in kvantne kemije za modeliranje danega kemijskega ali biokemijskega problema, komercialne računalniške programske sisteme s tega področja mu ni več potrebno uporabljati kot "black box", zaradi česar lahko tudi mnogo bolj kompetentno razlaga dobljene rezultate. Refleksija: Študent si pridobi občutek, da se lahko v primeru nepremostljivih eksperimentalnih težav še vedno zateče k računu, kjer so problemi drugačni in navadno drugje, kar pogosto privede do zadovoljive razjasnitve problema. Prenosljive spretnosti: Pri predmetu se študenti naučijo prepoznavati problem, ga prevesti v matematično obliko, rešiti in na koncu interpretirati rezultate. Poseben poudarek je na kritičnem ovrednotenju dobljenih rezultatov. Naučijo se uporabe domače in tuje literature ter podajanja zaključenega dela v pisni obliki. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: This course is designed to upgrade the knowledge of quantum and classical chemistry and its practical application. During this course the students will be introduced to molecular modeling methods and principles. Molecular modeling became an excellent tool that serves as support to experimentalist for better understanding of fundamental and applicative science. At the end of the course students, will be able to formulate a problem, to select and to set up a proper molecular modeling method, and also to evaluate the obtained results critically. They will be also able to compare the experimental data either from literature and/or laboratory with the data resulted from computional chemistry approach. Application: The student is able to use quantum and classical chemistry knowledge for modeling of certain chemical or biochemical problems. The background that the student obtains in the course transforms her/him into an advanced user of computational chemistry software. They are able to competently interpret computational chemistry results. Analysis: The information from the computational experiment are often complementary to those obtained from laboratory experiment. The proper combination of laboratory and computational work often leads to a more relevant description of the problem. Skill‐Transference Ability: In this course the students are able to recognize a problem, to transform it to a mathematical form, to solve the problem and at the end to interpret the results. The critical evaluation of the results is one of the most important skills that students learn during the course. At the end of the course the students know how to write a scientific report and to give a scientific presentation. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Seminar Praktične vaje na računalniku Načini ocenjevanja: Seminarska naloga Ustni izpit Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Seminars Practicle exercises using computers Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 50 50 Assessment: Seminar work Oral exam Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: UDOMMANEETHANAKIT, Thanyarat, RUNGROTMONGKOL, Thanyada, FRECER, Vladimir, SENECI, Pierfausto, STANISLAV, Miertus, BREN, Urban. Drugs against avian influenza A virus : design of novel sulfonate inhibitors of neuraminidase N1. Current pharmaceutical design, ISSN 1381-6128, 2014, vol. 20, issue 21, str. 3478-3487., doi: 10.2174/13816128113199990629. [COBISS.SI-ID 5396250], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 4. 8. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 1, čistih citatov (CI): 1, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 0, Scopus do 22. 7. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 1, čistih citatov (CI): 1, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 0] GRAF, Michael, BREN, Urban, HALTRICH, Dietmar, OOSTENBRINK, Chris. Molecular dynamics simulations give insight into D-glucose dioxidation at C [sub] 2 and C [sub] 3 by Agaricus meleagris pyranose dehydrogenase. Journal of computer-aided molecular design, ISSN 0920-654X, 2013, vol. 27, iss. 4, str. 295-304, ilustr., doi: 10.1007/s10822-013-9645-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 5218330], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 4. 6. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 3, čistih citatov (CI): 3, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 2, Scopus do 28. 5. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 3, čistih citatov (CI): 3, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 2] BREN, Urban, OOSTENBRINK, Chris. Cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibition by ketoconazole : tackling the problem of ligand cooperativity using molecular dynamics simulations and free-energy calculations. Journal of chemical information and modeling, ISSN 1549-9596. [Print ed.], 2012, vol. 52, issue 6, str. 1573-1582., doi: 10.1021/ci300118x. [COBISS.SI-ID 4965658], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 3. 9. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 15, čistih citatov (CI): 13, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 10, Scopus do 20. 8. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 15, čistih citatov (CI): 13, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 42] BREN, Urban, JANEŽIČ, Dušanka. Individual degrees of freedom and the solvation properties of water. The Journal of chemical physics, ISSN 0021-9606, 2012, vol. 137, iss. 2, str. 024108-1024108-11. [COBISS.SI-ID 5014554], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 4. 8. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 10, čistih citatov (CI): 9, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 4, Scopus do 13. 8. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 12, čistih citatov (CI): 11, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 5] BREN, Matevž, JANEŽIČ, Dušanka, BREN, Urban. Microwave catalysis revisited : an analytical solution. The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory, ISSN 1089-5639, 2010, vol. 114, iss. 12, str. 4197-4202, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1851882], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 8. 7. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 6, čistih citatov (CI): 5, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 3, Scopus do 12. 8. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 6, čistih citatov (CI): 5, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 3] Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Anorganski materiali Inorganic Materials Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 2. 2. zimski Autumn Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni / Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar 15 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 150 6 Mihael Drofenik Predavanja / Lectures: slovenščina, angleščina / slovenian, english Vaje / Tutorial: slovenščina, angleščina / slovenian, english Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Znanja iz: anorganska in splošna kemija, fizike in fizikalne kemije Prerequisits: Performed courses of Inorganic and general chemistry, Physics and Physical chemistry Vsebina: Keramika in steklo Polprevodniki in ionski prevodniki Kovinski materiali Magnetni, optični in ostali funkcijski materiali Nonostrukturni in hibridni materiali Zeoliti Kompoziti Content (Syllabus outline): Ceramics and glasses Semiconductors and ion conductors Metallic materials Magnetic, optical and other functional materials Nanostructured and hybrid materials Zeolites Composites Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: K.J. Rao,Structural Chemistry of Glasses, Elsevier (2002) B. Viswanathan, V. R. K. Murthy, Ferrite Materials- Science and Technology, Springer Verlag (1990) A. Goldman, Modern Ferrite Technology, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990 F. Vodopivec, Kovine in zlitine, Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, Ljubljana (2002) W, Vogel, Kemija Stakla, SKTH/ Kemija u industriji, Zagreb (1985) Cilji in kompetence: Namen predmeta je, da pridobi kandidat osnovno uporabno znanje za razvoj in raziskave anorganskih materialov. Slušatelji se bodo seznanili s specifičnimi lastnostmi pomembnih skupin anorganskih materialov ter spoznali njihovo uporabnost v tehniki in medicini. Objectives and competences: The focus of the course is to acquire basic knowledge of inorganic materials for it’s development and fundamental research. Emphasis is given to learn the specific properties of important classes of inorganic materials and their applicability in technique and medicine. . Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Kandidat bo dobil temeljno in praktično znanje s področja pomembnih skupin anorganskih materialov uporabnih v tehniki in biomedicini. The candidate will be acquainted with the basic conception of some important classes of inorganic materials which can be used in technique and medicine. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Anorganski materiali omogočajo prispevek k napredku na področju tehnike in medicine. Inorganic materials enables the contribution to the progress in the field of technique and medicine. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja, seminarske naloge, samostojno delo Learning and teaching methods: Lectures, coursework, individual work Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt). Izpit je opravljen, če so pozitivno opravljene vse naslednje obveznosti: Ocena seminarske naloge in izpit: Ustni izpit Pisni izpit Seminarska naloga Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 20 50 30 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project). Student passes the examination if s(he) successfully passed all the following obligations: Assessment of the coursework and examination Oral exam Written exam seminar Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: ZAJC, Igor, DROFENIK, Mihael. PTCR anomaly in barium-titanate-based composites. Ceramics international, 2014, vol. 40, no. 6, str. 8033-8036, JENUŠ, Petra, LISJAK, Darja, KUŠČER, Danjela, MAKOVEC, Darko, DROFENIK, Mihael. The lowtemperature cosintering of cobalt ferrite and lead zirconate titanate ceramic composites. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2014, vol. 97, no. 1, str. 74-80 MUŠIČ, Branka, DROFENIK, Mihael, VENTURINI, Peter, ŽNIDARŠIČ, Andrej. Electromagnetic wave absorption by an organic resin solution based on ferrite particles with a spinel crystal structure. Ceramics international, 2012, vol. 34, issue 4, str. 2693-2699 DRMOTA, Ana, DROFENIK, Mihael, ŽNIDARŠIČ, Andrej. Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline strontium hexaferrite using the co-precipitation and microemulsion methods with nitrate precursors. Ceramics international, 2012, vol. 38, issue 2, OVTAR, Simona, LISJAK, Darja, DROFENIK, Mihael. The influence of processing parameters on the orientation of barium ferrite platelets during electrophoretic deposition. Colloids and surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2012, vol. 403, str. 139-147, LISJAK, Darja, DROFENIK, Mihael. Chemical substitution - an alternative strategy for controlling the particle size of barium ferrite. Crystal growth & design, 2012, vol. 12, no. 11, str. 5174-5179, KOVAČIČ, Sebastijan, FERK, Gregor, DROFENIK, Mihael, KRAJNC, Peter. Nanocomposite polyHIPEs with magnetic nanoparticles : preparation and heating effect. Reactive & functional polymers, 2012, vol. 72, iss. 12, str. 955-961 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Biokemija in genomika Biochemistry and genomics Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 2. 2. zimski Autumn Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni / Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 15 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Uroš Potočnik Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Ni. Prerequisits: None. Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 150 6 Vsebina: • Struktura evkariontske celice, funkcija subcelularnih organel in membran Proteini: struktura in vloga v bioloških procesih, analiza plazemskih proteinov za diagnosticiranje bolezni, analiza aminokislin za diagnosticiranje bolezni, povezave med strukturo in funkcijo v proteinskih družinah, Naddružina imunoglobulinov, DNA vezavni proteini Encimi: klasifikacija, reakcije, kinetika, inhibicija, koencimi, uravnavanje encimske aktivnosti Biološke membrane: zgradba in biološka vloga, aktivni in pasivni transport, liposomi kot prenašalci zdravil in encimov, bolezni, ki so posledica izgube fluidnosti celične membrane in okvare membranskih transportnih sistemov Metabolizem ogljikovih hidratov: glavne metabolne poti in njihova kontrola, posebne metabolne poti, Sladkorna bolezen Metabolizem maščobnih kislin in lipidov: uporaba in shranjevanje energije v obliki lipidov, metabolne poti specifičnih skupin lipidov, ateroskleroza, hiperholesterolemia Nukleinske kisline: DNA, RNA, zgradba in biokemijske lastnosti Biokemija Hormonov Temelji celičnega metabolizma in bioenergetika Nastanek NADH in NADPH: citratni ciklus, glioksilatni ciklus in fosfoglukonatna pot Verige za prenos elektronov in nastanek ATP Metabolizem aminokislin in drugih dušikovih spojin Povezovanje, usklajevanje ter posebnosti metabolizma organov Prebava in absorbcija glavnih hranilnih snovi Princibi prehranjevanja: makronutrienti, mikronutrienti, vitamini, vegetarijanska dieta in energijsko potrebni proteini Metabolne bolezni Laboratorijskske vaje: • Encimska kinetika • Elektroforeza proteinov na poliakrilamidnem gelu SDS • Kvantitativno določanje proteinov in ogljikovih hidratov-spektroskopija PCR reakcija v relanem času (qPCR) Merjenje izražanja genov z reakcijo kvantitativnega PCR (PCR v realnem času – qPCR). Reverzna Content (Syllabus outline): Eukaryotic Cell Structure, Functional Role of Subcellular Organelles and Membranes Proteins: Architecture and Biological Function, Plasma Proteins in Diagnosis of Disease, Use of Amino Acid Analysis in Diagnosis of Disease, Structure Function Relationships in Protein Families, The Immunoglobulin Superfamily, DNA-Binding Proteins Enzymes: Classification, Kinetics, Inhibition, Coenzymes, Regulation Biological Membranes: Structure and biological function, Active and passive Membrane Transport, Liposomes as Carriers of Drugs and Enzymes, Diseases Due to Abnormalities of Cell Membrane Fluidity and Loss of Membrane Transport Systems Carbohydrates Methabolism: Major Metabolic Pathways and Their Control, Special Pathways, Diabetes Mellitus Lipid methabolism: Utilization and Storage of Energy in Lipid Form, Pathways of Metabolism of Special Lipids, Atherosclerosis, Hypercholesterolemia Nucleid acids; DNA and RNA: Structure and Function Biochemistry of hormones Basic Concepts of Cellular Metabolism and Bioenergetics Metabolism of Carbohydrates Production of NADH and NADPH: The Citric Acid Cycle ATP Formation by Electron-Transport Chains Metabolism of Amino Acids and Other Nitrogenous Compounds Integration, Specialization, and Hormonal Control of Metabolism Digestion and Absorption of Basic Nutritional Constituents Principles of Nutrition I: Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Vitamines, Vegetarian Diets and Protein-Energy Requirements Metabolic diseases Laboratory work: • Enzyme kinetics • SDS polyacrilamide electrophoreses • Protein and carbohydrate quantification using spectroscopy - Real time PCR reaction (qPCR). transkripcija. Relativna kvantifikacija genske ekspresije. Gene expression measurement using quantitative PCR (real time PCR – qPCR). Reverse transcription. Relative quantification of gene expression Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Lee W. Janson, M. Tischler, Medical Biochemistry: The Big Picture (LANGE The Big Picture), McGraw-Hill, 2012, ISBN:9780071637923. Tom Strachan, Judith Goodship & Patrick Chinnery,Genetics and genomics in medicine, Garland Sc, ISBN 9780815344803, 2014 Dewlin, Thomas M: Textbook of Biochemistry With Clinical Correlations , 6th Ed., J. Wiley & sons, Hoboken (New Jersey), 2006 Voet, Donald: Fundamentals of biochemistry : life at the molecular level, 2nd ed., J. Wiley & sons, Hoboken (New Jersey), 2006 Nelson DL, Cox MM.; Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 7th ed, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 2012 Cilji in kompetence: Študenti bodo poglobili znanje o strukturnih značilnostih in lastnosih glavnih skupin biomolekul ter njihovo vlogo v metabolizmu in ostalih bioloških procesih, predvsem s procesi povezanimi z nastankom bolezni.. Objectives and competences: Students will deply understand structural characteristics of major groups of biomolecules and their role in cell metabolism and other important biological processes including biological processes involved in human diseases. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: strukturne značilnosti biomolekul vloga biomolekul v celičnih procesih in patogenezi bolezni structural characteristics of biomoleculs the role of biomolecules in cell function and disease pathogenesis Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Seminar Laboratorijske vaje approaches and program tools for statistical genetics Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Seminar Laboratory work Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt) Izpit je opravljen, če sta pozitivno opravljeni naslednji obveznosti: pisni izpit seminar laboratorijske vaje Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 60 30 10 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): Student has to pass successfully the following obligations: writen exemination seminar laboratory work Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: JOSTINS, Luke, MITROVIČ, Mitja, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Host-microbe interactions have shaped the genetic architecture of inflammatorybowel disease. Nature (Lond.), 2012, vol. 491, no. 7422, str. 119-124, doi: 10.1038/nature11582. [COBISS.SI-ID 512230968], PERIN, Petra, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Polymorphisms in recent GWA identified asthma genes CA10, SGK493, and CTNNA3 are associated with disease severity and treatment response in childhood asthma. Immunogenetics, ISSN 0093-7711, 2014, vol. 66, issue 3, str. 143-151, doi: 10.1007/s00251-013-0755-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 17472790], PERIN, Petra, BERCE, Vojko, POTOČNIK, Uroš. CD14 gene polymorphism is not associated with asthma but rather with bronchial obstruction and hyperreactivity in Slovenian children with nonatopic asthma. Respiratory medicine, ISSN 0954-6111, 2011, vol. 105, suppl. 1, str. S54-S59. [COBISS.SI-ID 15408150 BERCE, Vojko, PINTO KOZMUS, Carina, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Association among ORMDL3 gene expression, 17q21 polymorphism and response to treatment with inhaled corticosteroids in children with asthma. Pharmacogenomics j. (Print), Dec. 2013, vol. 13, iss. 6., doi: 10.1038/tpj.2012.36. [COBISS.SI-ID 4406079]. REPNIK, Katja, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Haplotype in the IBD5 region is associated with refractory Crohn's disease in Slovenian patients and modulates expression of the SLC22A5 gene. J Gastroenterol, 2011, vol. 46, no. 9, str. 1081-1091, doi: 10.1007/s00535-011-0426-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 15110422]. Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Biomolekularne simulacije Biomolecular Simulations Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Študijska smer Study field Vrsta predmeta / Course type Letnik Academic year 2. 2. Semester Semester zimski Autumn Izbirni / Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 15 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 150 6 Urban Bren Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Osnovno znanje biokemije, statistične termodinamike ter strukture atomov in molekul Prerequisits: Basic knowledge of biochemistry, of statistical thermodynamics and of structure of atoms and molecules Vsebina: 1) Osnove biomolekularne dinamike. 2) Različna klasična polja sil. 3) Strukturna analiza biomolekul s pomočjo NMR ter kristalografije. 4) Povezava med simulacijami ter eksperimentom. 5) Večskalno modeliranje biomolekularnih sistemov. 6) Izziv redkih dogodkov pri konformacijskih spremembah. Content (Syllabus outline): 1) The basics of biomolecular dynamics. 2) The different classical force fields. 3) The structural analysis of biomolecules, e.g. through NMR and crystallography. 4) The link between simulation and experiments. 5) Multiscale modeling of biomolecular systems. 6) The problem of rare events in conformational changes. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: • A.R. Leach, Molecular Modelling, Principles and Applications, Addison Wesley Longman, London 1998. • L. Monticelli, E. Salonen, Biomolecular Simulations, Methods and Protocols, Humana Press, USA 2013. Cilji in kompetence: Cilji: Predmet nudi uvod v biomolekuske simulacije na osnovi molekulske dinamike. Kompetence: Molekulska dinamika predstavlja mogočno orodje za raziskavo strukture in dinamike biološko relevantnih makromolekul – proteinov, nukleinskih kislin, ogljikovih hidratov ter maščob na atomski skali. Vpogled iz simulacij molekulske dinamike nudi kvantitatine napovedi ter molekularni film pomembnih procesov, ki pomagajo eksperimentalistom interpretirati njihove rezultate. Tovrstne simulacije lahko uporabimo tudi za napoved posledic mutacij. Objectives and competences: Objectives: This course provides an introduction to biomolecular simulation using molecular dynamics. Competences: Molecular dynamics is a powerful tool to investigate the structure and dynamics of biologically relevant molecules such as proteins, DNA and lipids in atomistic detail. The insight from MD simulation yields quantitative predictions and a 'molecular movie' of important processes that helps experimentalists interpret their results. Such simulations can also be used to predict effects of e.g. point mutations. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Predmet je namenjen nadgradnji znanja klasične in kvantne biokemije ter njeni praktični uporabi. Študente seznani s pojmom biomolekularnih simulacij, ki so že dalj časa močno orodje za pomoč eksperimentalistom, saj omogočajo vpogled na nekatera eksperimentom nedostopna področja znanosti. Ob koncu so sposobni formulirati problem, izbrati primerno metodo simulacij in kritično ovrednotiti dobljene rezultate. Pomembno je potem tudi iskanje korespondence med dobljenimi teoretičnimi in izmerjenimi ali v literaturi poiskanimi rezultati. Uporaba: Slušatelj je sposoben uporabiti znanje klasične in kvantne biokemije za modeliranje danega kemijskega ali biokemijskega problema, komercialne računalniške programske sisteme s tega področja mu ni več potrebno uporabljati kot "black box", zaradi česar lahko tudi mnogo bolj kompetentno razlaga dobljene rezultate. Refleksija: Študent si pridobi občutek, da se lahko v primeru nepremostljivih eksperimentalnih težav še vedno zateče k računu, kjer so problemi drugačni in navadno drugje, kar pogosto privede do zadovoljive razjasnitve biokemijskega problema. Prenosljive spretnosti: Pri predmetu se študenti naučijo prepoznavati problem, ga prevesti v matematično obliko, rešiti in na koncu interpretirati rezultate. Poseben poudarek je na kritičnem ovrednotenju dobljenih rezultatov. Naučijo se uporabe domače in tuje literature ter podajanja zaključenega dela v pisni obliki. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: This course is designed to upgrade the knowledge of quantum and classical biochemistry and its practical application. During this course the students will be introduced to biomolecular simulation methods and principles. Bioolecular simulations became an excellent tool that serves as support to experimentalist for better understanding of fundamental and applicative science. At the end of the course students, will be able to formulate a problem, to select and to set up a proper biomolecular simulation technique, and also to evaluate the obtained results critically. They will be also able to compare the experimental data either from literature and/or laboratory with the data resulted from biomolecular simulation approach. Application: The student is able to use quantum and classical biochemistry knowledge for modeling of certain chemical or biochemical problems. The background that the student obtains in the course transforms her/him into an advanced user of biomolecular simulation software. They are able to competently interpret biomolecular simulation results. Analysis: The information from the computational experiment are often complementary to those obtained from laboratory experiment. The proper combination of laboratory and biomolecular simulations often leads to a more relevant description of the biochemical problem. Skill‐Transference Ability: In this course the students are able to recognize a problem, to transform it to a mathematical form, to solve the problem and at the end to interpret the results. The critical evaluation of the results is one of the most important skills that students learn during the course. At the end of the course the students know how to write a scientific report and to give a scientific presentation. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Seminar Praktične vaje na računalniku Načini ocenjevanja: Seminarska naloga Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Seminars Practicle exercises using computers Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 100 Assessment: Seminar work Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: UDOMMANEETHANAKIT, Thanyarat, RUNGROTMONGKOL, Thanyada, FRECER, Vladimir, SENECI, Pierfausto, STANISLAV, Miertus, BREN, Urban. Drugs against avian influenza A virus : design of novel sulfonate inhibitors of neuraminidase N1. Current pharmaceutical design, ISSN 1381-6128, 2014, vol. 20, issue 21, str. 3478-3487., doi: 10.2174/13816128113199990629. [COBISS.SI-ID 5396250], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 4. 8. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 1, čistih citatov (CI): 1, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 0, Scopus do 22. 7. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 1, čistih citatov (CI): 1, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 0] GRAF, Michael, BREN, Urban, HALTRICH, Dietmar, OOSTENBRINK, Chris. Molecular dynamics simulations give insight into D-glucose dioxidation at C [sub] 2 and C [sub] 3 by Agaricus meleagris pyranose dehydrogenase. Journal of computer-aided molecular design, ISSN 0920-654X, 2013, vol. 27, iss. 4, str. 295-304, ilustr., doi: 10.1007/s10822-013-9645-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 5218330], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 4. 6. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 3, čistih citatov (CI): 3, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 2, Scopus do 28. 5. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 3, čistih citatov (CI): 3, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 2] BREN, Urban, OOSTENBRINK, Chris. Cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibition by ketoconazole : tackling the problem of ligand cooperativity using molecular dynamics simulations and free-energy calculations. Journal of chemical information and modeling, ISSN 1549-9596. [Print ed.], 2012, vol. 52, issue 6, str. 1573-1582., doi: 10.1021/ci300118x. [COBISS.SI-ID 4965658], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 3. 9. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 15, čistih citatov (CI): 13, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 10, Scopus do 20. 8. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 15, čistih citatov (CI): 13, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 42] BREN, Urban, JANEŽIČ, Dušanka. Individual degrees of freedom and the solvation properties of water. The Journal of chemical physics, ISSN 0021-9606, 2012, vol. 137, iss. 2, str. 024108-1024108-11. [COBISS.SI-ID 5014554], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 4. 8. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 10, čistih citatov (CI): 9, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 4, Scopus do 13. 8. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 12, čistih citatov (CI): 11, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 5] BREN, Matevž, JANEŽIČ, Dušanka, BREN, Urban. Microwave catalysis revisited : an analytical solution. The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory, ISSN 1089-5639, 2010, vol. 114, iss. 12, str. 4197-4202, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 1851882], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 8. 7. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 6, čistih citatov (CI): 5, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 3, Scopus do 12. 8. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 6, čistih citatov (CI): 5, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 3] Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Farmakogenomika Pharmacogenomics Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level zimski Autumn 2. 2. Vrsta predmeta / Course type Semester Semester Izbirni / Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 15 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Uroš Potočnik Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Ni. Prerequisits: None. Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 150 6 Vsebina: • Predstavljene bodo možnosti uporabe najsodobnejših orodij farmakogenomskih raziskav v Sloveniji in svetu, vključno z visoko pretočnimi tehnologijami genske tipizacije, uporabo mikromrež (biočipov) za določanje globalnega profila izražanja genov in uporabo masne spektroskopije v proteomiki. Kandidat bo podrobno seznanjen z različnimi tipi farmakogenomsko molekularnih bioloških označevalcev, kot so polimorfizmi enega nukleotida (SNP), aleli, haplotipi, gensko ekspresijski profili, proteinski profili ter njihovo vlogo v procesu odkrivanja in razvoja novih zdravil kot tudi uporabi že odobrenih zdravil v terapiji. Razložene bodo glavne zakonitosti statistične in populacijske genetike. Prikazani bodo glavni molekularni mehanizmi in geni vključeni v metabolizem zdravil (Cyp450), transport zdravil (ABCB1/MDR1) in vezavo zdravil na receptorje. Pregledno bodo prikazani konkretni primeri kliničnih študij znanih korelacij genetske raznolikosti z odzivom na zdravila pri različnih boleznih. Diskutirani bodo etični in socialno ekonomski vidiki farmakogenomskih študij in aplikacij. Laboratorijske vaje: Analiza polimorfizmov SNP z metodo dolžinskih polimorfizmov restrikcijskih fragmentov (RFLP) Iskanje podatkov v genetiki (genomika, transkriptomika, proteomika). Spoznavanja podatkovnih baz za iskanje genetskih podatkov (geni povezani z boleznimi, lokacije genov, polimorfizmi posameznega nukleotida – SNP, transkripti, proteini, …). Izolacija DNA iz krvnih vzorcev. Izolacija krvnih limfocitov iz krvi. Izolacija DNA iz krvnih limfocitov. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Content (Syllabus outline): The students will be provided with information about the state of art technology and bioinformatic tools in pharmacogenomic research including highthroughput genotyping, microarrays and mass spectroscopy. The pharmacogenomic markers such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), alleles, haplotypes, gene expression profiles and proteomes and their role in drug discovery and therapy will be discussed. Basics of statistical genetics relevant for pharmaogenomics will be explained. Molecular mechanisms and genes involved in drug metabolism (Cyp450), drug transport (ABCB1/MDR1) and drug receptors will be described. Already known associations between genes and drug response will be comprehensively reviewed. Ethic and social economic issues in pharmacogenomic research and application will be discussed Laboratory work: SNP analysis using Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) Data mining (genomics, trancriptomics, proteomics). Databases for genetic data (disease associated genes, gene locations, single nucleotide polymorphisms – SNPs, transcripts, proteins, …) DNA isolation from blood. Isolation of blood lymphocytes. Isolation of DNA from blood lymphocytes. • • • Liciano J. (ed.): Pharmacogenomics, The Search for Individualized Therapies, John Wiley&Sons, 2002R.J.M. Kalow W. (ed.): Pharmacogenomics, Marcel Dekker; 1st edition 2001 BERCE, Vojko, PINTO KOZMUS, Carina, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Association among ORMDL3 gene expression, 17q21 polymorphism and response to treatment with inhaled corticosteroids in children with asthma. Pharmacogenomics j. (Print), Dec. 2013, vol. 13, iss. 6. Cilji in kompetence: Cilj predmeta je omogočiti študentu razumevanje molekularno genetskih in biokemijskih osnov, ki pogojujejo raznolik odziv na zdravila glede na posameznikovo genetsko predispozicijo, kar bo omogočilo študentu sodelovanje pri izvajanju individualiziranega zdravljenje v praksi kot tudi vodenje lastne študije iskanja novih povezav med gensko predispozicijo in odzivom na zdravljenje ter preverjanje. Objectives and competences: The aim of this course is to provide student with understanding of molecular genetic and biochemical mechanisms underlaying different response to drug terapy. Student will be able to collaborate with medical doctors doing presonalized medicine and will be able to design and conduct research for discovery of molecular markers in pharmacogenomic Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: molekularno genetski in biokemijski mehanizmi, ki pogojujejo raznolik odziv na zdravila Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: students will understant molecular genetic and biochemical mechanisms underlying variation in drug response among different individuals Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: pristopi in orodja statistične genetike Metode poučevanja in učenja: • Predavanja Seminar • Laboratorijske vaje Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt) Izpit je opravljen, če sta pozitivno opravljeni naslednji obveznosti: pisni izpit seminar laboratorijske vaje approaches and program tools for statistical genetics Learning and teaching methods: • Lectures Seminar • Laboratory work Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 60 30 10 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): Student has to pass successfully the following obligations: writen exemination seminar laboratory work Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: JOSTINS, Luke, MITROVIČ, Mitja, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Host-microbe interactions have shaped the genetic architecture of inflammatorybowel disease. Nature (Lond.), 2012, vol. 491, no. 7422, str. 119-124, doi: 10.1038/nature11582. [COBISS.SI-ID 512230968], PERIN, Petra, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Polymorphisms in recent GWA identified asthma genes CA10, SGK493, and CTNNA3 are associated with disease severity and treatment response in childhood asthma. Immunogenetics, ISSN 0093-7711, 2014, vol. 66, issue 3, str. 143-151, doi: 10.1007/s00251-013-0755-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 17472790], PERIN, Petra, BERCE, Vojko, POTOČNIK, Uroš. CD14 gene polymorphism is not associated with asthma but rather with bronchial obstruction and hyperreactivity in Slovenian children with nonatopic asthma. Respiratory medicine, ISSN 0954-6111, 2011, vol. 105, suppl. 1, str. S54-S59. [COBISS.SI-ID 15408150 BERCE, Vojko, PINTO KOZMUS, Carina, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Association among ORMDL3 gene expression, 17q21 polymorphism and response to treatment with inhaled corticosteroids in children with asthma. Pharmacogenomics j. (Print), Dec. 2013, vol. 13, iss. 6., doi: 10.1038/tpj.2012.36. [COBISS.SI-ID 4406079]. REPNIK, Katja, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Haplotype in the IBD5 region is associated with refractory Crohn's disease in Slovenian patients and modulates expression of the SLC22A5 gene. J Gastroenterol, 2011, vol. 46, no. 9, str. 1081-1091, doi: 10.1007/s00535-011-0426-6. [COBISS.SI-ID 15110422]. Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Kemija in analiza vod Chemistry and water analyses Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 2. 2. zimski Autumn Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni / Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 15 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 150 6 Simonič Marjana Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Osnove analizne in organske kemije Prerequisits: Basic knowledge of Analytical and Organic Chemistry Vsebina: 1. Karakteristike pitnih in odpadnih vod 2. Principi analiznih metod (spektrofotometrija, kromatografija, volumetrija, potenciometrija) 3. Problematika vzorčevanja 4. Kemijske analize pitnih vod - splošne analize - anorganske snovi - organske snovi 5. Homogenizacija vzorcev 6. Kemijske analize odpadnih vod, s poudarkom na principu določanja 7. Biološke raziskave Content (Syllabus outline): 1. Drinking and Waste Water Characteristics 2. Principles of analytical determination (spectrophotometry, chromatography, volumetric titration, potentiometry) 3. Water sampling 4. Chemical water analyses - general analyses - inorganic compounds - organic compounds 5. Homogenisation 6. Chemical wastewater analyses, emphasizing the principle of the method 7. Biological analyses Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Wastewater Engineering, Treatment and Reuse, 4th edition. Mc Grew Hill Co, 2003. Baird C., Cann M. C., Environmental Chemistry, 3th edition. W. H. Freeman, cop., USA, 2005. Roš M., Simonič M., Šostar-Turk S., Priprava in čiščenje vod, Tiskarna tehniških fakultet, 2005. Skoog D.A., Analytical chemistry: An introduction, 6th edition. USA, Soundes College Publishing, 1994. Cilji in kompetence: Osnovno znanje o analizi vod Razumevanje principov analiz vode Osvojiti pripravo vzorcev Razumevanje pomembnosti vzorčenja Usklajevati pogoje dela in obratovanja z zakonodajnimi zahtevami Objectives and competences: Introduction to water analyses Understanding of the water analyses principles Knowledge of sample preparation Understanding of water sampling importance Consider method in relation to regulations Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Osvojiti principe metod za analizo vode Osvojiti tehnike vzorčevanja Osvojiti tehnike v analizni kemiji Statistična obdelava analiznih rezultatov Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Advanced knowledge of Water Analyses The principal sampling techniques The principal techniques of analytical chemistry Statistical calculations of analytical results Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Predznanje za dobro delo v praksi Pravilno oceniti in ovrednotiti analizne podatke Sposobnost razložiti pridobljene analizne podatke Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Achieving knowledge for good practice in industry Skills in evaluation of water quality data Ability to interpret data from analyses Metode poučevanja in učenja: Learning and teaching methods: Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt) Ustni izpit Poročilo Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 70 30 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): Oral exemination Report Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: • SIMONIČ, Marjana. Removal of inorganic As [sup] 5+ from a small drinking water system. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, ISSN 0352-5139, 2009, vol. 74, no. 1, str. 85-92. • PETROVIČ, Aleksandra, SIMONIČ, Marjana. The efficiency of a membrane bioreactor in drinking water denitrification. Chemical industry & chemical engineering quarterly, ISSN 1451-9372, Online first 2014, vol. , no , str. 1-17 • SIMONIČ, Marjana. Lead and pesticide removal by carbon block filter. V: GALBÁCS, Zoltán (ur.). Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on analytical and environmental problems, Szeged, Hungary, 19 September 2011. Szeged: SZAB, 2011, str. 487-491. • SIMONIČ, Marjana. Vsebnost THM v kopalnih vodah pri različnih postopkih dezinfekcije. V: Strokovno posvetovanje Kakovost kopalnih voda, Ljubljana, 26. in 27. maja 2010. Kakovost kopalnih voda '10. Ljubljana: Most do znanja, družba za izobraževanje, 2010, [7] str. Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Kemija okolja Environmental Chemistry Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 2. 2. zimski Autumn Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni / Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 15 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 150 6 Mitja Kolar Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Potrebno je predhodno osnovno znanje analizne kemije in instrumentalnih metod v analizni kemiji. Prerequisits: Basic knowledge ofanalytical chemistry, physical chemistry, biology and physics Vsebina: Predavanja Splošni pojmi, lastnosti atmosfere in onesnaževala. Nastanek, pretvorbe in transport onesnaževal. Metodologija vzorčevanja, monitoring, načrtovanje in računalniško modeliranje vplivov onesnaževanja. Razgradlijive in obstojne organske spojine v vodah. Zakonski predpisi in mejne vrednosti onesnaževal v pitnih, rečnih, podzemnih in odpadnih vodah. Odvzem in priprava vzorcev, shranjevanje in konserviranje vzorcev. Standarni analizni postopki za določitev kvalitete vod. Analiza anorganskih in organskih onesnaževal. Analiza tal in sedimentov. Zakonski predpisi in mejne vrednosti polutantov v tleh, odvzem in priprava vzorcev, shranjevanje in konserviranje vzorcev standardni postopki za določitev kvalitete tal merjenje parametrov onesnaževanja. Analiza onesnaževal v zraku. Odvzem in priprava vzorcev. Standardni postopki za določitev splošnih, anorganskih in organskih parametrov. Laboratorijske vaje Vaje zajemajo praktične primere izvedbe analiznih postopkov okoljskih vzorcev Content (Syllabus outline): Lectures General concepts, properties of atmosphere and pollutants. Origin, transformation and transport of pollutants. Methodology of sampling, monitoring and computer modeling of pollution influences. Degradable and persistent organic compounds in waters. Legislation end legal limits for pollution parameters in river, drinking, ground and waste waters. Sampling and preparation of water samples, preservation of samples. Standard analytical procedures for water quality evaluation. Analysis of inorganic and organic pollutants. Analysis of soil and sediments. Legislation and legal limits of pollution parameters in soil. Sampling and preparation of soil samples, preservation of soil samples. Standard analytical procedures for quality evaluation of soil and sediments, determination of pollution parameters. Analysis of pollutants in air. Sampling and preparation of air samples. Standard analytical procedures for determination of general, inorganic and organic parameters. Laboratory work Practical examples of analytical procedures of environmental samples. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: • J.F. Artiola, I.L. Pepper, M. Brusseau, Environmental monitoring and characterization, Elsevier, 2004. • G.B. Wiersma, Environmental Monitoring, CRC Press, 2004. • E.K. Berner, R.A. Berner, Global environment: water, air and geochemical cycles, (Second edition) PU Press, 2012. • S. E. Manahan, Environmental Chemistry, Eighth Edition, CRC Press 2004. Cilji in kompetence: Predmet obravnava problematiko okolja, vpliv industrije, kmetijstva in drugih faktorjev na obremenjevanje okolja, predvsem na onesnaženje pitnih, rečnih in odpadnih vod, na onesnaženje zraka in tal. Kemijske analize vod, zraka in zemlje ter živilskih proizvodov so Objectives and competences: Subject gives the overview of knowledge about environment, influence of industry, agriculture and other factors on the environment, especially on pollution of drinking, river and waste waters and on the pollution of soil and air. Chemical analyses of water, soil and air samples and also of food osnova za vrednotenje onesnaževanja okolja. Ta dejstva opredeljujejo vlogo in pomen analizne kemije v ekologiji. Predmet obravnava področje kemijske analize tako usmerjeno, da usposobi slušatelje ne samo za razumevanje, temveč tudi za reševanje ekoloških problemov. Poseben poudarek se daje na presojo analiznih postopkov pri analizi vod, zraka in zemlje ter živilskih proizvodov z vidikov selektivnosti, občutljivosti, meje zaznavanja (LOD) in meje določanja (LOQ) in nato ocena onesnaženja v skladu s predpisi za vode, zrak, sedimente in živilske proizvode. products are the basis for the evaluation of pollution of environment. These facts determine the role and importance of analytical chemistry in environment. The subject gives the knowledge only for understanding, but also for solving ecological problems. Special emphasis is devoted on estimation of analytical procedures for analyses of water, soil air and food samples according to the parameters such as selectivity, sensitivity, detection and quantification limits LOD, LOQ) and then assessment of pollution according to the legislation for waters, air, soil and food products. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Po zaključku tega predmeta bo študent sposoben razumeti osnove vpliva onesnaževal na okolje spoznati osnovne principe in zakone na katerih onesnaževala spreminjajo okolje On completion of this course the student will be able to understand the base of influence of pollutants on the environment recognize basic principles and laws on which pollutants modify environment . Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Ročne spretnosti, predvsem zmožnost praktičnega dela z okoljskimi vzorci. Vzorčenje in analiza okoljskih vzorcev in ovrednotenje rezultatov meritev v skladu z zakonodajo. Manual skills, preferable the capability of practical work with environmental samples. Sampling and analysis of environmental samples. Evaluation of analytical results according to the legislation. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Learning and teaching methods: Predavanja v učilnici, ki je opremljena z osnovnimi avdio-vizualnimi pripomočki. Izvedba laboratorijskih vaj. Individualna priprava seminarskih nalog s predstavitvijo in diskusijo. Lectures in lecture room, equipped with basic audio-visual equipment. Lab work. Individual preparation of seminars and their presentation with discussion. Delež (v %) / Načini ocenjevanja: Weight (in %) Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge). Izpit je opravljen, če so pozitivno opravljene vse naslednje obveznosti: pisni izpit seminarska naloga 60 40 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework). Student passes the examination if s(he) successfully passed all the following obligations: Student passes the examination if s(he) successfully passed all the following obligations: written exam seminar Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: BRGLEZ, Polonca, HOLOBAR, Andrej, PIVEC, Aleksandra, BELŠAK, Nataša, KOLAR, Mitja. Determination of oxygen by means of a biogas and gas - interference study using an optical tris (4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline) ruthenium(II) dichloride complex sensor. Acta chimica slovenica, ISSN 1318-0207. [Tiskana izd.], 2012, vol. 59, no. 1, str. 50-58, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 15889686] KRAJNC, Bojana, KOLAR, Mitja. Chemical analysis and the river Mura water quality. Sanitarno inženirstvo, ISSN 1854-0678, feb. 2010, vol. 4, no. 2, str. 4-17. [COBISS.SI-ID 15255574] KOLAR, Mitja. Uporaba analiznih metod za določevanje kovin : zbrano gradivo [z izvedene delavnice, 30. 9. 2014, na UM FKKT]. [s. l.: s. n., 2014]. 34 f., pros. [COBISS.SI-ID 18192918] BRGLEZ, Polonca, HOLOBAR, Andrej, PIVEC, Aleksandra, KOLAR, Mitja. Spin-coating for opticaloxigen-sensor preparation = Uporaba spinskega nanosa pri izdelavi optičnih senzorjev za kisik. Materiali in tehnologije, ISSN 1580-2949. [Tiskana izd.], mar.-apr. 2014, letn. 48, št. 2, str. 181-188. [COBISS.SI-ID 17746454] LESJAK, Polonca, BAUMAN, Maja, POBERŽNIK, Mojca, KOLAR, Mitja, LOBNIK, Aleksandra. Oksidacijski nusprodukti bojila C.I. Direct Blue 106 nakon ozonizacije = Oxidation by-products of the C.I. Direct Blue 106 dye after ozonation. Tekstil, ISSN 0492-5882. [Print ed.], 2014, vol. 63, no. 7/8, str. 228-242. [COBISS.SI-ID 18338070] UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Predmet: Kemija organskih onesnaževal Course Title: Chemistry of organic pollutants Študijski program Study programme Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Year 2. 2. Vrsta predmeta / Course type Semester Semester zimski Autumn Izbirni / Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar 15 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 150 6 Ernest Vončina Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Potrebno je znanje splošne in organske kemije Prerequisits: Knowledge of General and organic Chemistry is required. Vsebina: Predmet obravnava problematiko onesnaževanja okolja z organskimi spojinami. Podaja in opisuje eksterno in interno izpostavljenost človeka v bivalnem okolju s kontaminanti. Poudarja pomembnost izpostavljenosti s koncentracijami okoljskega ozadja nevarnih spojin v bivalnem in širšem okolju. Razumevanje vpliva onesnaževal na bivalno okolje in na zdravje ljudi je pomembno za ohranjanje čistega okolja. Pri predmetu se študenti seznanijo z nevarnimi spojinami, ki so posledica predvsem antropogenega vpliva na okolje. Seznanijo se z metodami, ki se uporabljajo za ugotavljanje vsebnosti onesnaževal in njihovih razgradnih produktov v okolju. Predmet obravnava onesnaževala kot so policiklični aromatski ogljikovodiki, nitrozamini, fenolne spojine, pesticidi in tradicionalni organoklorni insekticidi, onesnaževala s področja tehničnih kemikalij kot so estri ftalne in fosforjeve kisline, poliklorirani naftaleni, bifenili, dioksini in furani, polibromirani difenil etri vključno z perfluoriranimi spojinami površinsko aktivnih snovi. Predmet podaja porazdeljevanje spojin v okolju (zrak, voda, sediment/zemlja), njihovo obstojnost, globalno razširjenost, biološko koncentriranje in razgradnjo, ter daje pregled nad potencialno nevarnostjo, ki jo predstavljajo. Predmet obravnava pomembnejše spojine, ki onesnažujejo (spreminjajo) okolje predvsem kot motilci naravnega hormonalnega (endokrinega) ravnotežja človeka. Sem spadajo naravne estrogene spojine in spojine, ki jih je proizvedel človek hote za potrebe industrije in kmetijstva ter spojine, ki nastajajo nehote, kot stranski produkti industrijskih procesov. Pri predavanjih se obravnavajo posamezne predstavljene skupine organskih onesnaževal okolja: -kemijska opredelitev spojin z njihovimi fizikalno kemičnimi lastnostmi kot skupinskimi parametri -s fizikalno kemijskimi lastnostmi podprto porazdeljevanje spojin med elementi okolja (voda, zrak, sediment) -različne poti vstopanja predstavljenih spojin v okolje in možnosti ter sposobnosti okolja za njihovo razgradnjo Content (Syllabus outline): Understanding the environment pollution with hazardous substances. The subject explains external and internal exposure of humans with pollutants and the importance of exposure with background pollutant concentrations in living environment, which is an area of research that is fundamental to all of the environmental sciences. Understanding influence of pollutants on the environment and human health is essential for preserving clear environment. Students are met with hazardous substances which are a consequence of anthropogenic impact on the environment and gain knowledge in methods used for determination of pollutants and their degradation products in the environment. The subject is dealing with pollutants such as: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrozamines, phenolic compounds, pesticides and traditional organochloric insecticides, esters of phtalic and phosphoric acids as technical chemicals pollutants, polychlorinated naphtalenes, biphenyls, dioxins and furans, polybrominated diphenyl ethers including perfluorinated substances of surface active compounds. Subject is discussing the distribution of hazardous substances in environment (air, water, sediment/soil), their persistence, global distribution, biological concentration and degradation. It surveys potential risk of hazardous substances. Subject gives knowledge on important substances which can modify environment especially as disruptors of natural hormonal endocrinal equilibrium of human organism. These substances are natural estrogen compounds and substances made by human for use in industry and agriculture, and substances made unintentionally as byproducts of industrial processes. The subject addresses particular groups of environmental organic pollutants: -Chemical identification by their physical and chemical properties as grouping parameters -Distribution of substances in environment (water, air, sediment) supporting by physical-chemical properties. -Different modes (ways) of introducing hazardous substances into environment and environment ability for their degradation - poti vstopanja spojin v prehrambeno verigo človeka in nevarnosti, ki jo predstavljajo za njegovo zdravje - poti razširjanja in preprečevanja razširjanja nevarnih spojin v okolje -različni analitski postopki za določevanje organskih onesnaževal -predavanja bodo širila zavest o pomembnosti ohranjanja zdravega okolja - Seminarske vaje -Seminarske vaje zajemajo praktične primere ocenjevanja organskih onesnaževal na vplive okolja glede vsebnosti posameznih parametrov in glede na evropsko zakonodajo. -Mode of incoming of substances into food chain and risks for human health -Modes of distribution and prevention of distribution of hazardous substances into environment -Different analytical methods for determination of organic pollutants -The subject will help to propagate ideas of importance to preserve health environment Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: • J. W. Moore, Inorganic Contaminants of surface water, Research and monitoring priorities, Springer –Verlag, 1991 • C. Baird, Environmental Chemistry, New York, 1995 • Colborn, D. Dumanoski, J.P.Myers, Our Stolen Future, A Dutton Book, Penguin Group, 1996 Cilji in kompetence: Študenti: Razumejo metode, ki se uporabljajo v moderni okoljski kemiji za odkrivanje in določanje vsebnosti nevarnih snovi in njihovih razgradnih produktov v okolju; osvojijo temeljno in poglobljeno znanje o prisotnosti nevarnih snovi v okolju spoznajo osnovne principe delovanja nevarnih snovi na človeka spoznajo področja, kjer se lahko uporabljajo znanja o vplivu nevarnih snovi na okolje spoznajo principe preprečevanja onesnaževanja Objectives and competences: Students: understand basic methods used in modern environmental chemistry for detecting and determinating the contents of hazardous substances and their degaradation products; acquire basic and advanced knowledge necessary to study the occurence of hazardous substances in environment; understand basic principles of influences of hazardous substances on environment understand other fields where knowledge of hazardous substances influences on environment that is essential; understand basic principles of prevention of contamination . Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Študenti: razumejo metode, ki se uporabljajo v okoljski kemiji; osvojijo temeljno in poglobljeno znanje s področja nevarnih snovi v okolju; razumejo znanja okoljske kemije, ki so nujno potrebna na drugih področjih okolja; spoznajo področja, na katerih se aplicirajo znanje o nevarnih snoveh v okolju Students: understand basic methods used in modern environmental chemistry; acquire basic and advanced knowledge on hazardous substances in environment; understand the knowledge of environmental chemistry essential for other subjects in the field of environment; students gain knowledge in the areas in which ecology is applied Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Students: students acquire experience and laboratory skills that are essential for an autonomous laboratory work; are able to understand articles in basic scientific journals and more advanced textbooks. Študenti: pridobijo izkušnje in laboratorijske spretnosti, ki so nujno potrebne pri samostojnem laboratorijskem delu; so sposobni razumeti znanstvene prispevke in zahtevnejšo študijsko literaturo. . . Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja Laboratorijske vaje Seminarska naloga Načini ocenjevanja: Pisni praktični kolokvij Seminarska naloga Pisni izpit Learning and teaching methods: Lectures Laboratory excersises Seminar work Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 20 20 60 Assessment: Written practical examination Seminar work Written examination Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: KRANVOGL, Roman, KNEZ, Jure, MIUC, Alen, VONČINA, Ernest, BRODNJAK-VONČINA, Darinka, VLAISAVLJEVIĆ, Veljko. Simultaneous determination of phthalates, their metabolites, alkylphenols and bisphenol a using GC-MS in urine of men with fertility problems. Acta chimica slovenica, ISSN 1318-0207. [Tiskana izd.], 2014, vol. 61, no. 1, str. 110-120. [COBISS.SI-ID 17710102] KNEZ, Jure, KRANVOGL, Roman, BREZNIK, Barbara, VONČINA, Ernest, VLAISAVLJEVIĆ, Veljko. Are urinary bisphenol A levels in men related to semen quality and embryo development after medically assisted reproduction?. Fertility and sterility, ISSN 0015-0282. [Print ed.], Jan. 2014, vol. 101, no. 1, str. 215-221., doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2013.09.030. [COBISS.SI-ID 4809023] PAVŠIČ, Primož, MLADENOVIČ, Ana, MAUKO, Alenka, KRAMAR, Sabina, DOLENEC, Matej, VONČINA, Ernest, PAVŠIČ VRTAČ, Katarina, BUKOVEC, Peter. Sewage sludge / biomass ash based products for sustainable construction. Journal of cleaner production, ISSN 0959-6526. [Print ed.], 2013., doi: [COBISS.SI-ID 1998695] ALFIREVIĆ, Marjetka, KRIŽANEC, Boštjan, VONČINA, Ernest, BRODNJAK-VONČINA, Darinka. Presence of nonylphenols in plastic films and their migration into food simulants. Acta chimica slovenica, ISSN 1318-0207. [Tiskana izd.], 2011, vol 58, no. 1, str. 127-133. [COBISS.SI-ID 14880790] KAIŠAREVIĆ, Sonja N., HILSCHEROVA, Klara, WEBER, Roland, SUNDQVIST, Kristina L., TYSKLIND, Mats, VONČINA, Ernest, BOBIC, Stanka, ANDRIĆ, Nebojša, POGRMIC-MAJKIC, Kristina, VOJINOVIĆMILORADOV, Mirjana, GIESY, John Paul, KOVAČEVIĆ, Radmila. Characterization of dioxin-like contamination in soil and sediments from the "hot spot" area of petrochemical plant in Pancevo (Serbia). Environmental science and pollution research international, ISSN 0944-1344. [Print ed.], 2011, vol. 18, no. 4, str. 677-686, doi: 10.1007/s11356-010-0418-8. [COBISS.SI-ID 15555606] Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Kombinatorna kemija Combinatorial chemistry Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 2. 2. zimski Autumn Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni / Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 15 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 150 6 Peter Krajnc Predavanja / Lectures: Slovenski/slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: Slovenski/slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Znanje splošne in organske kemije. Prerequisits: Knowledge of general and organic chemistry. Vsebina: Principi kombinatorne kemije: split and mix tehnike. Prednosti kombinatornih principov pri sintezi organskih spojin. Osnove sinteze na trdni fazi, funkcionalizacije nosilcev. Šaržne in pretočne tehnike. Vaje: seminarsko delo. Content (Syllabus outline): Principles of combinatorial chemistry: split and mix techniques. Advantages of combinatorial principles for the synthesis of organic compounds. Bases of solid phase synthesis, functionalisations of supports. Batch and flow through techniques. Seminar work is added. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: S. El Basil: Combinatorial Organic Chemistry: An Educational Approach, Nova Biomedical, 2000. W. Bannwarth, B. Hinzen at al.: Combinatorial Chemistry: From Theory to Application, Wiley, 2006. Dodatna priporočena literatura: Czarnik: A Practical Guide to Combinatorial Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 1999. Cilji in kompetence: Dobiti pregled kombinatornih tehnik v sintetski kemiji. Spoznati možnosti in prednosti kombinatorne kemije. Poznati uporabe polimernih nosilcev za sinteze in separacije. Objectives and competences: To get an overview of combinatorial principles in chemistry. To realize the potencial and advantages of combinatorial chemistry. To know the usage of polymeric supports for synthesis and separation. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Solidno poznavanje kombinatornih tehnik in polimernih nosilcev. Intended learning outcomes: Solid knowledge of combinatorial techniques and polymeric supports. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja, seminarsko delo. Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt) Pisni izpit Ustni izpit Seminarska naloga Learning and teaching methods: Lectures, seminar work. Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 60 20 20 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): Written exam Oral exam seminar Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: PULKO, Irena, SANDHOLZER, Martina, KOLAR, Mitja, SLUGOVC, Christian, KRAJNC, Peter. Removal of an olefin metathesis catalyst using 4-nitrophenyl acrylate based polymer supports. Tetrahedron letters, ISSN 0040-4039. [Print ed.], 2010, vol. 51, issue 44, str. 5827-5829, doi: 10.1016/j.tetlet.2010.08.114. KOVAČIČ, Sebastijan, KRAJNC, Peter, SLUGOVC, Christian. Inherently reactive polyHIPE material from dicyclopentadiene. Chemical communications, ISSN 1359-7345, 2010, vol. 46, issue 40, str. 7504-7506, doi: 10.1039/C0CC02610G. KOVAČIČ, Sebastijan, JEŘÁBEK, Karel, KRAJNC, Peter, SLUGOVC, Christian. Ring opening metathesis polymerisation of emulsion templated dicyclopentadiene giving open porous materials with excellent mechanical properties. Polymer chemistry, ISSN 1759-9954. [Print ed.], Feb. 2012, vol. 3, iss. 2, str. 325-328, doi: 10.1039/c2py00518b. SEVŠEK, Urška, KRAJNC, Peter. Methacrylic acid microcellular highly porous monoliths : preparation and functionalisation. Reactive & functional polymers, ISSN 1381-5148. [Print ed.], Jan. 2012, vol. 72, iss. 1, str. 221-226, doi: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2012.02.007. JERENEC, Simona, ŠIMIĆ, Mario, SAVNIK, Aleš, PODGORNIK, Aleš, KOLAR, Mitja, TURNŠEK, Marko, KRAJNC, Peter. Glycidyl methacrylate and ethylhexyl acrylate based polyhipe monoliths : morphological, mechanical and chromatographic properties. Reactive & functional polymers, ISSN 1381-5148. [Print ed.], 2014, vol. 78, str. 32-37, doi: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2014.02.011. SUŠEC, Maja, LISKA, Robert, RUSSMÜLLER, Günther, KOTEK, Jiří, KRAJNC, Peter. Microcellular open porous monoliths for cell growth by thiol-ene polymerization of low-toxicity monomers in high internal phase emulsions. Macromolecular bioscience, ISSN 1616-5187. [Print ed.], Feb. 2015, vol. 15, issue 2, str. 253-261, doi: 10.1002/mabi.201400219. Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Matematične metode v organski kemiji Mathematical methods in organic chemistry Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 2. 2 Zimski autumn Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni / Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar 15 Lab. vaje Laboratory work Teren. vaje Field work 15 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Sem. vaje Tutorial Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 150 6 Petra Žigert Pleteršek Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Matematika I, Matematika II, Organska kemija I, Organska kemija II Prerequisits: Mathematics I, Mathematics II, Organic chemistry I, Organic chemistry II Vsebina: Osnove teorije grafov: definicija grafa, izomorfni grafi, posebne vrste grafov, sosednostna matrika, matrika razdalj, spekter grafa. Content (Syllabus outline): Fundamentals of graph theory: definition of a graph, isomorphic graphs, special graphs, matchings, adjacency matrix, distance matrix, spectrum of a graph. Molekulski grafi: matematični model ogljikovodikov, aciklični grafi, karakteristični polinom, benzenoidni grafi. Molecular graphs: mathematical model of hydrocarbons, acyclic graphs, characteristic polynomial, benzenoid graphs. Topološki indeksi: vloga topoloških indeksov, Wienerjev indeks, hiperSzegedški indeks, Randićev indeks, Hosojev indeks in Hosoyev polinom, hiper-Wienerjev indeks, Topological indices: role of the topological inices, Wiener index, Szeged index, Randić index, Hosoya index and Hosoya polynomial, hyper-Wiener index. Resonančne strukture: Kekulejeve strukture in metode za njihov izračun, Clarove strukture in Clarovo število, struktura resonančnih grafov, Fibonaccijeve kocke. Resonance structures: Kekule structures and the methods for their calculation, Clar structures and Clar number, structure of the resonance graphs, Fibonacci cubes. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: • Ivan Gutman, Sven J. Cyvin, Introduction to theory of benzenoid hydrocarbons, Berlin, SpringerVerlag, 2012, • Ivan Gutman, Oskar R. Polansky, Mathematical concepts in organic chemistry, Berlin, SpringerVerlag, 2011. Dodatna literatura: • Sandi Klavžar, Petra Žigert, Izbrana poglavja uporabne matematike, Maribor, Pedagoška fakulteta, 2002. Cilji in kompetence: - študent naj pridobi in utrdi osnovna znanja teorije grafov, - študent naj spozna matematični model strukture nekaterih ogljikovodikov in vlogo topoloških indeksov. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Objectives and competences: - the student should gain and establish the basic mathematical knowledge about graph theory, - the student is familiar with the mathematical model of structure of some hydrocarbons and the use of topological indices. Intended learning outcomes: Znanje in razumevanje: Knowledge and Understanding: - študent pozna osnove teorije grafov in jih zna prenesti na matematično modeliranje strukture nekaterih ogljikovodikov, - the student is familiar with the basic concepts of graph theory and knows how to use them in the mathematical modeling of structure of some hydrocarbons, - študent zna izračunati nekatere topološke indekse ogljikovodikov, - the student knows how to calculate some topological indices of hydrocarbons, - študent pozna resonačne grafe in zna poiskati število Kekulejevih struktur ter Clarovo število. - the student is familiar with the resonance graphs and can find the number of Kekule structures and Clar number. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: - matematično modeliranje v organski kemiji, - mathematical modeling in the organic chemistry, - interdisciplinarnost matematike in kemije. - interdisciplinarity of mathematics and chemistry. Metode poučevanja in učenja: - Learning and teaching methods: predavanja in seminarske vaje. Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt) - seminarska naloga, - ustni izpit. - Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) lectures and exercises. Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): 20% - a seminar work, 80% - an oral exam. Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: BERLIČ, Martina, TRATNIK, Niko, ŽIGERT PLETERŠEK, Petra. Equivalence of Zhang-Zhang polynomial and cube polynomial for spherical benzenoid systems. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, ISSN 0340-6253, 2015, vol. 73, no. 2, str. 443-456. [COBISS.SI-ID 18543126] BALAKRISHNAN, Kannan, BREŠAR, Boštjan, CHANGAT, Manoj, KLAVŽAR, Sandi, VESEL, Aleksander, ŽIGERT PLETERŠEK, Petra. Equal opportunity networks, distance-balanced graphs, and Wiener game. Discrete optimization, ISSN 1572-5286, 2014, vol. 12, str. 150-154. [COBISS.SI-ID 17782806] ŽIGERT PLETERŠEK, Petra, BERLIČ, Martina. Lucas cubes and resonance graphs of cyclic polyphenanthrenes. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, ISSN 0340-6253, 2012, vol. 68, no. 1, str. 79-90. [COBISS.SI-ID 16050198] DIUDEA, Mircea V., NAGY, Csaba L., ŽIGERT PLETERŠEK, Petra, KLAVŽAR, Sandi. Cluj and related polynomials in tori. Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Chemia, ISSN 1224-7154. [Print ed.], 2010, vol. 55, no. 4, str. 113-123. [COBISS.SI-ID 15037206], Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Organski materiali Organic materials Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 2. 2. zimski Autumn Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni / Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 15 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 150 6 Peter Krajnc Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Znanje splošne kemije in osnov organske kemije. Prerequisits: Knowledge of general chemistry and bases of organic chemistry. Vsebina: Uvod: razdelitev organskih materialov: naravni vs. sintetični; monomerni vs. polimerni. Razdelitev organskih polimerov po kemijski sestavi in načinu priprave, nomenklatura polimerov. Načini polimerizacije (kemizem): radikalska (prosta in kontrolirana), kondenzacija. Načini polimerizacije (medij): v topilu, v masi, heterogeni mediji. Vplivi polimerizacijskih pogojev na strukturo. Strukturna organiziranost polimerov, strukturni nivoji: molekulska, nadmolekulska in mikrostruktura polimerov. Naravni polimeri: pridobivanje in uporaba. Sintetični polimeri: sodobni polimerni materiali. Analizne metode za identifikacijo kemizma in strukturne organiziranosti polimerov. Vaje: v obliki seminarskega dela. Content (Syllabus outline): Introduction: division of organic materials: natural vs. synthetic; monomeric vs. polymeric. Systematics and nomenclature of organic polymers. Polymerisations (chemistry): radical (free and controlled), condensation. Polymerisations (medium): solvent, bulk, heterogenuous. Influence of polymerisation conditions on the structure. Structural levels of polymers: molecular, supramolecular, micro. Natural polymers: preparation and applications. Synthetic polymers: advanced polymeric materials. Analytical methods for identification of chemistry and structure of polymers. Seminar work is added. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: • D. Braun, H.Cherdron, H. Ritter: Polymer Synthesis: Theory and Practice, Springer, 2001. • H. G. Elias: Macromolecules - Chemical Structures and Syntheses, Wiley, 2005. Dodatna priporočena literatura: G. Odian: Principles of polymerization, Wiley, 4th Edition, 2004. C.E.Carraher: Introduction to Polymer Chemistry, Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2010. Lendlein, A. Sisson (Eds.): Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers – Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, Wiley, 2011. B.-L. Su, C. Sanchet, X.-Y. Yang (Eds.): Hierarchically Structured Porous Materials, Wiley, 2012. Cilji in kompetence: Dobiti pregled organskih materialov, tako naravnih kot sintetičnih. Spoznati osnovne načine priprave sintetičnih polimerov. Poznati lastnosti naravnih in sintetičnih polimerov in njihova področja uporabe. Obvladati mehanizme kemizma sinteze polimerov Spoznavanje principov oblikovanja strukture polimernih materialov ter sprememb strukture zaradi modifikacije polimerov. Poznati analitske metode, ki se uporabljajo za karakterizacijo polimerov. Objectives and competences: To get an overview of organic materials. To know: basic ways of polymer preparation, characteristics of natural and synthetic polymers and their fields of preparation, principles of structure relations, analytical methods for polymer characterisations. To understand the mechanisms of polymer synthesis. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Intended learning outcomes: Znanje in razumevanje: Študent pozna sintezne načine polimerov. Razume mehanizme kemijskih reakcij priprave. Pozna analitske metode za karakterizacijo kemizma in strukture polimerov. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Knowledge and Understanding: Student knows synthetic pathways for various polymers. Understands the mechanisms of synthetic reactions. Knows the analytical methods for the characterisations of chemistry and structure of polymers. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja, seminarsko delo. Learning and teaching methods: Lectures, seminar work. Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt) Pisni izpit Ustni izpit Seminarska naloga Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 60 20 20 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): Written exam Oral exam seminar Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: MERT, E. H., SLUGOVC, Christian, KRAJNC, Peter. Tailoring the mechanical and thermal properties of dicyclopentadiene polyHIPEs with the use of a comonomer. Express polymer letters, ISSN 1788618X, 2015, vol. 9, no. 4, str. 344-353. BUNDERŠEK, Alenka, JAPELJ, Boštjan, MUŠIČ, Branka, RAJNAR, Nevenka, GYERGYEK, Sašo, KOSTANJŠEK, Rok, KRAJNC, Peter. Influence of Al(OH)3 nanoparticles on the mechanical and fire resistance properties of poly(methyl methacrylate) nanocomposites : Elektronski vir. Polymer composites, ISSN 0272-8397. [Print ed.], Article first published online: 23 DEC 2014, let. , no. , str. 1-7, ilustr., doi: 10.1002/pc.23338. HUŠ, Sebastjan, KRAJNC, Peter. PolyHIPEs from methyl methacrylate : hierarchically structured microcellular polymers with exceptional mechanical properties. Polymer, ISSN 0032-3861. [Print ed.], Avg. 2014, vol. 55, iss. 17, str. 4420-4424, doi: 10.1016/j.polymer.2014.07.007. SEVŠEK, Urška, KRAJNC, Peter. Methacrylic acid microcellular highly porous monoliths : preparation and functionalisation. Reactive & functional polymers, ISSN 1381-5148. [Print ed.], Jan. 2012, vol. 72, iss. 1, str. 221-226, doi: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2012.02.007. JERENEC, Simona, ŠIMIĆ, Mario, SAVNIK, Aleš, PODGORNIK, Aleš, KOLAR, Mitja, TURNŠEK, Marko, KRAJNC, Peter. Glycidyl methacrylate and ethylhexyl acrylate based polyhipe monoliths : morphological, mechanical and chromatographic properties. Reactive & functional polymers, ISSN 1381-5148. [Print ed.], 2014, vol. 78, str. 32-37, doi: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2014.02.011. SUŠEC, Maja, LISKA, Robert, RUSSMÜLLER, Günther, KOTEK, Jiří, KRAJNC, Peter. Microcellular open porous monoliths for cell growth by thiol-ene polymerization of low-toxicity monomers in high internal phase emulsions. Macromolecular bioscience, ISSN 1616-5187. [Print ed.], Feb. 2015, vol. 15, issue 2, str. 253-261, doi: 10.1002/mabi.201400219. Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Polimerne membrane Polymeric membranes Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 2. 2. zimski Autumn Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni / Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 15 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 150 6 Peter Krajnc Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski/slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski/slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Nekaj poznavanja strukture polimerov. Poznavanje faznih diagramov in faznih premen. Prerequisits: Some knowledge about polymer structures. Knowledge on phase diagrams and transitions. phase Vsebina: Polimerne membrane pri ločevanju tekočih in plinastih medijev; membranski moduli in nekateri principi prenosa snovi. Reverzna osmoza hiperfiltracija, nanofiltracija, ultrafiltracija, mikrofiltracija; ločevanje plinov in pervaporacija. Formiranje polimernih membran. Priprava polimernih membran z metodami fazne inverzije; mokra fazna inverzija. Termodinamske in kinetične razmere: ternarni polimer-topilo-netopilo fazni diagram; modusi fazne separacije: jedrenje in rast ter spinodalno razmešanje. Nekateri realni membranotvorni ternarni polimertopilo-netopilo sistemi. Content (Syllabus outline): Polymeric membranes in separation of liquid and gaseous media; membrane modules and some principles of mass transport. Reverse osmosis hyperfiltration, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, microfiltration; gas separation, pervaporation. Polymeric membranes formation. Phase inversion methods of polymeric membranes preparation; wet phase inversion. Thermodynamic and kinetic relations: ternary polymer-solvent-nonsolvent phase diagram; modi of phase separations: nucleation and growth, spinodal demixing. Some real membrane forming ternary polymersolvent-nonsolvent systems. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Thomas MELIN, Robert RAUTENBACH: Membranverfahren; Springer 2004. Richard W. Baker: Membrane Technology and Applications; McGraw-Hill 2000. Cilji in kompetence: Študentje osvojijo znanje o termodinamskih in kinetičnih razmerah pri pripravi polimernih membran s postopkom fazne inverzije. Prav tako dobijo vpogled v uporabo polimernih membran za različne separacije. Objectives and competences: Students acquire knowledge on thermodynamic and kinetic relations on polymeric membranes preparation by phase inversion process. They also get insight into the use of polymeric membranes for various separations Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Študentje poznajo in razumejo nekatere procese, ki potekajo med formiranjem polimerne membrane po postopku mokre fazne inverzije. Dobijo vpogled v nekatere podrobnosti raziskovalnega dela. Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Students know and understand some processes taking place during the polymeric membranes formation by wet phase inversion; they get insight into some details of research work. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Student ve kako izdelati polimerno membrano po postopku mokre fazne inverzije; prav tako obvlada nekatere metode karakterizacije polimerne membrane. Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Students know haw to make polymeric membranes by wet phase inversion method; they also master some polymeric membranes characterisation methods. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja; seminarji; laboratorijske vaje. Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, ustno izpraševanje, naloge, projekt). Izpit je opravljen, če so pozitivno opravljene vse naslednje obveznosti: Opravljene laboratorijske vaje s seminarskim delom. Ustni izpit (predstavitev seminarskega dela). Learning and teaching methods: Lectures; seminars; laboratory practical. Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 20 80 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project). Stude nt passes the examination if s(he) successfully passed all the following obligations: Accomplished laboratory practical with seminar work. Oral exam (presentation of seminar work). Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: KOVAČIČ, Sebastijan, KREN, Harald, KRAJNC, Peter, KOLLER, Stefan, SLUGOVC, Christian. The use of an emulsion templated microcellular poly(dicyclopentadiene-co-norbornene) membrane as a separator in Lithium-ion batteries. Macromolecular rapid communications, ISSN 1022-1336, 12. Apr. 2013, vol. 34, iss. 7, str. 581-587, graf. prikazi, doi: 10.1002/marc.201200754. SEVŠEK, Urška, SEIFRIED, Silvo, STROPNIK, Črtomir, PULKO, Irena, KRAJNC, Peter. Poly(styrene-codivinylbenzene-co-2-ethylhexyl)acrilate membranes with interconnected macroporous structure = Poli(stiren-ko-divinilbenzen-ko-2-etilheksil)akrilatne membrane s povezano porozno strukturo. Materiali in tehnologije, ISSN 1580-2949. [Tiskana izd.], 2011, letn. 45, št. 3, str. 247-251. PULKO, Irena, SMREKAR, Vida, PODGORNIK, Aleš, KRAJNC, Peter. Emulsion templated open porous membranes for protein purification. V: GIESE, R. (ur.). Selected Papers of the 4th Summer School of Monolith Technology for Biochromatography, Bioconversion and Phase State Synthesis, Portorož, Slovenia, 30 May-02 June 2010, (Journal of Chromatography A, ISSN 0021-9673, Vol. 1218, no 17 (2011)). [S. l.]: Elsevier, cop. 2011, vol. 1218, iss. 17, str. 2396-2401, doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2010.11.069. HUŠ, Sebastjan, KRAJNC, Peter. PolyHIPEs from methyl methacrylate : hierarchically structured microcellular polymers with exceptional mechanical properties. Polymer, ISSN 0032-3861. [Print ed.], Avg. 2014, vol. 55, iss. 17, str. 4420-4424, doi: 10.1016/j.polymer.2014.07.007. SUŠEC, Maja, LISKA, Robert, RUSSMÜLLER, Günther, KOTEK, Jiří, KRAJNC, Peter. Microcellular open porous monoliths for cell growth by thiol-ene polymerization of low-toxicity monomers in high internal phase emulsions. Macromolecular bioscience, ISSN 1616-5187. [Print ed.], Feb. 2015, vol. 15, issue 2, str. 253-261, doi: 10.1002/mabi.201400219. Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Termična karakterizacija materialov Thermal characterization of materials Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 2. 2. zimski Autumn Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni / Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 15 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 150 6 Irena Ban Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / Slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Prerequisits: Znanje anorganske in organske kemije ter fizike. Knowledge of inorganic, organic chemistry and physics. Vsebina: Teoretske osnove termičnega razpada snovi. Opis analitskih eksperimentalnih tehnik za preiskovanje lastnosti vzorcev v odvisnosti od temperature: Termogravimetrija, Diferenčna termična analiza in Diferenčna dnamična kalorimetrija. Vrednotenje eksperimentalnih podatkov Kinetika termičnega razpada Ostale metode-pregled Uporaba posameznih metod termične analize v laboratoriju-vaje: Tipične meritve z uporabo diferenčne dinamične kalorimetrije DSC (tališče, kristalizacija....) Tipične meritve z uporabo termogravimetrije TG(vsebnost vlage,kristalohidratne vode, oksidacija...) Content (Syllabus outline): Basic principles of thermal degradation of compounds. Description of analytical experimental techniques which investigate the behavior of samples as a function of temperature: Thermogravimetry, Differential Thermal analysis and Differential scanning calorimetry Evaluation of experimental work Reaction kinetics Review of other thermoanalytical methods Applications of thermal analysis methods in laboratory-experiments: Typical Measurements made with the DSC(melting behaviour, crystalization... Typical Measurements made with the thermogravimetry TG(water content,hydrate water content, oxidation...) Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Haines, P.J., Principles of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, The Royal Cociety of Chemistry, 2002, UK J.W. Dodd, K.H. Tonge, Thermal methods, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2008 Dodatna priporočena literatura: M. E. Brown and Patrick K. Gallagher, Handbook of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Applications to Inorganic and Miscellaneous Materials, Volume 2, (2003) (izbrana poglavja) M. E. Brown, Handbook of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Recent Advances, Techniques and Applications, Vol 5 (2007) (izbrana poglavja) Cilji in kompetence: Predmet obravnava kemijske in fizikalne spremembe pri segrevanju snovi. Študentje se bodo seznanili z osnovnimi modeli za opis termičnega razpada, metodami analize eksperimentalnih podatkov in posameznimi področji uporabe termoanaliznih metod. Objectives and competences: The subject of the course are chemical and physical changes as a function of temperature. Emphasis is given to learn the basic models for description of thermal degradation, methods of experimental data analysis and applicability of thermoanalytical methods. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: Kandidat bo The candidate will: Dobil temeljno in praktično znanje s področja različnih termoanalitskih metod. Razumel interpretacijo podatkov dobljenih s termično analizo vzorcev. Razumel pogoje priprave vzorcev v povezavi z različnimi analitskimi metodami. Understand the principals techniques of thermal analysis. Understand the interpretation of data obtained by thermal analysis of materials. Understand the requirements for sample preparation in addition to competence in the various analytical methods. of different Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Termična analiza omogoča prispevek k razvoju tehnik za karakterizacijo anorganskih materialov, polimerov, farmacevtskih materialov... Thermal analysis enables the contribution to the progress of techniques for characterization of inorganic materials, polymers, pharmaceuticals… Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja, laboratorijske vaje, seminarske naloge, samostojno delo Learning and teaching methods: Lectures, laboratory work, coursework, individual work Načini ocenjevanja: Način (pisni izpit, naloge, projekt). Izpit je opravljen, če so pozitivno opravljene vse naslednje obveznosti: -Ocena seminarske naloge -Ustno preverjanje Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 60 40 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project). Student passes the examination if s(he) successfully passed all the following obligations: -Assessment of the coursework and -Oral examination Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: • KRISTL, Matjaž, BAN, Irena, DANČ, Anita, DANČ, Valerija, DROFENIK, Mihael. A sonochemical • • • method for the preparation of cadmium sulfide and cadmium selenide nanoparticles in aqueous solutions. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, ISSN 1350-4177, June 2010, vol. 17, iss. 5, str. 916-922, doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2009.12.013. [COBISS.SI-ID 13766422], [JCR, SNIP, WoS do 3. 7. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 15, čistih citatov (CI): 9, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 8, Scopus do 25. 3. 2014: št. citatov (TC): 16, čistih citatov (CI): 10, normirano št. čistih citatov (NC): 9] STERGAR, Janja, BAN, Irena, DROFENIK, Mihael, MAKOVEC, Darko. Synthesis and characterization of Cu-Ni magnetic nanoparticles for hyperthermia applications. V: Twelfth Annual Conference YUCOMAT 2010, Herceg Novi, Montenegro, September 6-10, 2010. USKOKOVIĆ, Dragan (ur.). Programme and the book of abstracts. Belgrade: Institute of Technical Sciences of the Serbian Academy of Sciences & Arts, 2010, str. 68. [COBISS.SI-ID 14368534] FERK, Gregor, BAN, Irena, DROFENIK, Mihael, MAKOVEC, Darko. Monodispersed water-soluble maghemite nanoparticles stabilized by a polymerized bilayer for biomedical applications. V: 5th International Congress of Chemistry and Environment, ICCE 2011, 27-29 May, 2011, Port Dickson, Malaysia. Book of abstracts, (Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, ISSN 0972-0626). Indore: Success Advertisers and Publisher, 2011, str. 126. [COBISS.SI-ID 25266215] BAN, Irena, STERGAR, Janja. Meritve Curierjeve temperature z uporabo modificirane TGA aparature mehanokemijsko sintetiziranih nanozlitin. Kemija v šoli in družbi, ISSN 1855-3478, jun. 2014, letn. 26, št. 2, str. 18-24. [COBISS.SI-ID Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Transportni pojavi v bioloških sistemih in tehnologija biomimetike Transport phenomena in biological systems and biomimetic technology Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Študijska smer Study field Vrsta predmeta / Course type Letnik Academic year 2. 2. Semester Semester zimski Autumn Izbirni / Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 15 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 150 6 Claus Hélix-Nielsen Predavanja / Lectures: angleški / English Vaje / Tutorial: angleški / English Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Osnovno znanje splošne in anorganske kemije, matematike in fizike. Prerequisits: Vsebina: Predmet zajema tri glavne teme z naslovi: 1. Biomolekule (sestava beljakovin in membrane) in njihovo delovanje 2. Celice: lastnosti in delovanje izbranih celic, celična mehanika 3. Transport fluidov in osmozni pojavi v nano območju, biomembrane in prenos snovi skozi membrano Content (Syllabus outline): The course includes three main thematic topics entitled: 1. Biomolecules (protein and membrane components) and their function. 2. Cells: properties and function of selected cells, cellular mechanics. 3. Transport of fluidics and osmotics phenomenom in nanoscale size, biomembranes and membrane transport. Computer Exercises: Računalniške vaje: Basic knowledge of general and inorganic chemistry, mathematics and physics. Izračuni transportov fluidov in osmoznih pojavov v nano območju bioloških sistemov. Projektna naloga. Calculation of fluid transport and osmotic phenomenon in nanoscale size of biological systems. Project assignment. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Material predavanja bo v obliki izpiskov / Course material will be in the form of handouts. Osnovna literatura (izbrana poglavja) / Background readings (selected chapters): • Molecular Biology of the Cell by Julian Lewis, Peter Walter, Alexander Johnson, Keith Roberts, Martin Raff & Bruce Alberts. Garland Science ISBN-13:9780815341116 (chapters 3,10 and 11). 2008. • Biomimetic membranes for sensor and separation applications by Claus Hélix-Nielsen. Springer Verlag ISBN 978-94-007-2183-8 (chapters 2,3,4,7, and 9) 2012. • Biophysics – an Introduction by Rodney Cotterill. Wiley ISBN-13: 978-0471485384 (chapters 5,6, 8, and 11), 2002. Cilji in kompetence: Predmet predstavi izbrane sodobne teme, ki povezujejo področja med biofiziko, mikro in nanovelikostjo fizike. V Laboratoriju za vodno biofiziko in membranske procese (LWB) bomo uvedli nove raziskovalne dejavnosti. V beljakovinah, celicah, biomembranah in organizmih se bodo proučevale kompleksne biološke strukture in njihovo delovanje. Obravnavani bodo nanotehnološki in biomimetični pristopi za testiranje biofizikalnih struktur in procesov. Študenti bodo pridobili osnovna znanja in izkušnje pri iskanju strokovne literature v nastajajočem interdisciplinarnem področju, kar jim bo omogočilo nadaljnje raziskovanje/nadgrajevanje z izvedbo lastnih raziskovalnih projektov. Objectives and competences: The course introduces selected contemporary topics at the interface between biophysics and micro- and nanoscale physics. At the same time, research activities at the Laboratory for Water Biophysics and membrane processes (LWB) are introduced. Complex biological structures and their function are studied, ranging from proteins, cells, biomembranes to organisms. Nanotechnological and biomimetic approaches for probing biophysical structures and processes will be discussed. Participants will obtain the basic knowledge and skills for understanding the research literature in an emerging interdisciplinary field and will be able to consider and perform future research projects of their own. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: Z osvojenimi cilji bo študent lahko: • razumel in uporabljal podatkovne baze biomolekurnih struktur in zaporedij • pojasnil celično sestavo odgovorno za mehanske lastnosti celic • opredelil strukturne in funkcionalne elemente biomembran • obrazložil transportne pojave skozi membrano, vključno z difuzijo, aktivnim transportom, pospešenim transportom in Intended learning outcomes: A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to: • Understand and use databases of bio-molecular structures and sequences • Explain the cellular constituents responsible for mechanical properties of cells • Explain defining structural and functional elements of biomembranes • Explain membrane transport phenomena including barrier diffusion, active transport, facilitated transport and osmotic transport osmotskim transportom • pojasnil osnovni koncept toka tekočine v mikro-merilu bral, razumel in predstavil sodobne interdisciplinarne raziskovalne članke s področja biofizike, biotekočin in biomimetike Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja, učenjev skupinah na določenih nalogah/problemih in pisanje poročil. • Explain the basic concepts of fluid flow at the micrometer scale Read, understand and present contemporary interdisciplinary research articles in the field of biophysics, biofluidics, and biomimetics. Learning and teaching methods: Lectures, problem based learning in groups, and writing report. Delež (v %) / Načini ocenjevanja: Weight (in %) Assessment: Izpit je opravljen, če so pozitivno opravljene vse Student has to pass successfully the naslednje obveznosti: following obligations: Ustni izpit Projektno poročilo 50 50 Oral exam Project report Reference nosilca / Lecturer’s references: • • • Nielsen, C.H. Biomimetic membranes for sensor and separation applications. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 395, 697-718, 2009. Nielsen, C.,H. Protein-lipid interactions in Biological Membranes. In Bohr, H. (ed.) Handbook of Molecular Biophysics, 329-358, Wiley-VC Berlin, Germany, 2009. ISBN-10: 3527407022. Hélix-Nielsen, C. Biomimetic membranes for sensor and separation applications. Springer Verlag ISBN 978-94-007-2183-8 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Zagotavljanje kakovosti meritev Quality control Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 2. 2. poletni Spring Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Izbirni / Elective Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial 15 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Lab. vaje Laboratory work 15 Teren. vaje Field work Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 150 6 Mitja Kolar Predavanja / Lectures: slovenski / slovenian Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / slovenian Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Potrebno je predhodno osnovno znanje analizne kemije in osnov statistike. Prerequisits: Vsebina: Predavanja Vzorčenje Notranji nadzor kakovosti v laboratoriju (kontrolne karte) Medlaboratorijske primerjave: ovrednotenje rezultatov sodelovanja Primerjava različnih načinov ovrednotenja merilne negotovosti (primeri) - Pregled mednarodnih standardov s področja Content (Syllabus outline): Lectures Sampling Internal quality control in a laboratory (control charts) Interlaboratory comparisons: evaluation of the results Comparison of different measurement uncertainty approaches using case studies Interpretation of measurement results Basic knowledge of analytical chemistry and basic statistics is required. zagotavljanja kakovosti - Vodstvene zahteve standarda EN ISO 17025 in sorodnih standardov - Tehnične zahteve standarda EN ISO 17025 - Nacionalna tehnična infrastruktura (meroslovje, akreditacija, standardizacija) - Postopek pripravljanja in sprejemanja tehnične zakonodaje - Mednarodna tehnična infrastruktura (BIPM, EA, ISO, …) - Overview of the international standards on Quality management systems Management requirements of EN ISO 17025 and related standards Technical requirements of EN ISO 17025 National quality infrastructure (metrology, accreditation, standardisation) Drafting of the technical legislation International quality infrastructure Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: N. Majcen (Ed), V. Gegevičius (Ed), Analytical measurement: measurement uncertainty and statistics, JRC IRRM, ISBN 978-92-79-23070-7, 2012. N. Majcen (Ed), Ph. Taylor (Ed), Practical examples on traceability, measurement uncertainty and validation in chemistry, Vol. 1, EUR 22791, ISBN 978-92-79-06157-8, 2007. B.W. Wenclawiak (Ed), M. Koch (Ed), E. Hadjicostas (Ed), Quality Assurance in Analytical Chemistry: Training and Teaching, Springer, 2004, ISBN 978-3-540-40578-8. Statistics for Analytical Chemistry, Miller J.C., Miller J.N., Ellis Horwood, Fifth edition 2005. An Introduction to Metrology, Laaneots R., Mathiesen O., Tut Press, 2006. J. Zupan, Kemometrija in obdelava eksperimentalnih podatkov, (KI, Inštitut Nove revije) 2009. Cilji in kompetence: Cilj predmeta je naučiti slušatelje naslednje vsebine: - vzorčenje kot del analitskega/merilnega postopka - načini nadzora kakovosti dela v laboratoriju - različni načini ovrednotenja merilne negotovosti na praktičnih primerih - interpretacija rezultatov meritev - zagotavljanju kakovosti rezultatov meritev v skladu z zahtevami mednarodnih standardov - nacionalni in mednarodni infrastrukturi, ki podpira, uporablja in/ali predpisuje zahteve glede kakovosti rezultatov meritev, da so le-ti ustrezno harmonizirani in priznani na mednarodnem nivoju. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Objectives and competences: The aim of the subject is to provide advanced knowledge on: - sampling - internal quality control and inter-laboratory comparisons - different approaches of measurement uncertainty evaluation - Interpretation of measurement results. The aim of the subject is to teach the students also about: - how to achieve reliable measurements according to the relevant international standards, - National and international quality, infrastructure that ensures harmonized reliable and internationally recognized measurements. Intended learning outcomes: Znanje in razumevanje: Knowledge and understanding: - vpliv vzorčenja na rezultat meritve in ovrednotenje merilne negotovosti - pojmov, ki opredeljujejo kakovost rezultata meritve - pomena mednarodne primerljivosti rezultatov meritev - različnih načinov ovrednotenja merilne negotovosti (primerjava na konkretnih primerih) - interpretacije rezulatov meritev, s poudarkom na primerih, predpisanih z zakonodajo principov zagotavljanja kakovosti meritev v skladu z mednarodnimi standardi (vodstveni in tehnični vidik) - delovanja nacionalne in mednarodne tehnične infrastrukture, ki podpira in uporablja rezultate meritev - influence of sampling on measurement results and its uncertainty - parameters that describe quality of a result - international comparability of measurement results - various approaches of measurement uncertainty evaluation (on case studies) - interpretation of results, with the emphasis of legally prescribed limits. - principles of assuring good quality measurements, as prescribed by the international standards - national and international quality infrastructure that is needed to support harmonised and reliable measurements. Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: Predmet se dopolnjuje s predmeti, ki vsebujejo meroslovne vsebine, oziroma obravnavajo merilne postopke (meritve v kemiji, biologiji, biokemiji). The subject is related to contents that include metrology aspects e.g. different types of measurements in chemistry, biology, biochemistry. Metode poučevanja in učenja: Predavanja v učilnici, ki je opremljena z osnovnimi avdio-vizualnimi pripomočki. Learning and teaching methods: Lectures in lecture room, equipped with basic audio-visual equipment. Seminarsko delo je predvideno v računalniski učilnici. Načini ocenjevanja: Način ocenjevanja (izpraševanje - ustni izpit, seminarska naloga): - pisni izpit: - seminarska naloga: For seminar work, computer room is foreseen. Delež (v %) / Weight (in %) 60 40 Assessment: Type (examination, oral, coursework, project): - writen examination: - coursework: Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: BULSKA, Ewa, KOLAR, Mitja (avtor, prevajalec), MAJCEN, Nineta (avtor, urednik, redaktor prevoda), ŠNUDERL, Katja (redaktor prevoda), TURNŠEK, Urška (redaktor prevoda), BENEDIK, Ljudmila (prevajalec), BRODNJAK-VONČINA, Darinka (redaktor prevoda), DROLC, Andreja (prevajalec), INKRET, Monika (redaktor prevoda), et al. TrainMiC presentations translated in Slovenian. Pt. 2, Interlaboratory comparisons, v. 3, Selection and use of reference materials, v. 3, Sampling as part of measurement procedure, v. 3 = TrainMiC predstavitve v slovenščini. Del 2, Medlaboratorijske primerjave, v. 3, Izbira in uporaba referenčnih materialov, v. 3, Vzorčenje kot del merilnega postopka, v. 3, (JRC Scientific and Technical Reports). Geel: European Comission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, cop. 2011. 76 str., ilustr. ISBN 97892-79-20615-3. ISBN 978-92-79-20616-0, doi: 10.2787/45449. [COBISS.SI-ID 15706390] KOLAR, Mitja, MAJCEN, Nineta (avtor, urednik), ŠNUDERL, Katja, TURNŠEK, Urška, BENEDIK, Ljudmila, BRODNJAK-VONČINA, Darinka, DROLC, Andreja, INKRET, Monika, et al. TrainMiC presentation translated in Slovenian. Pt. 1, Traceability of measurement results, Single laboratory validation of measurement procedures, Internal quality control = TrainMiC predstavitve v slovenščini. Del 1, Sledljivost merilnih rezultatov, Validacija merilnih postopkov v laboratoriju, Notranji nadzor kakovosti, (JRC Scientific and Technical Reports). Geel: European Comission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, cop. 2010. 66 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-92-79-17086-7, doi: 10.2787/31295. [COBISS.SI-ID 34553605] KOLAR, Mitja. Razvoj in validacija kromatografskih metod za določanje analitov v realnih sistemih : zbrano gradivo [z izvedene delavnice, 30. 9. 2014, na UM FKKT]. [s. l.: s. n., 2014]. 51 f., pros. [COBISS.SI-ID 18192406] Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Praktično usposabljanje Practical course Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 2. 2. poletni Spring Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Teren. vaje Field work Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: Vaje / Tutorial: Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Pogojev ni. Prerequisits: None. Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 150 5 Vsebina: Študent izvaja praktično usposabljanje v (industrijski) organizaciji s področja kemije, farmacije, kemijske tehnologije ali sorodnih panog. Študent lahko izvaja praktično usposabljanje tudi na fakulteti ali inštitutu, če je zaradi narave dela to primerneje. Študentu sta dodeljena mentor v organizaciji in na Fakulteti za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, ki je praviloma tudi mentor študentovega magistrskega dela. V času izvajanja usposabljanja se študent seznani z organiziranostjo, obratovanjem in poslovanjem organizacije. V okviru projekta obravnava specifični problem v organizaciji. Mentor v organizaciji vodi študenta pri izvajanju aktivnosti, ki pripeljejo do uspešnega zaključka projekta. Študent o izvajanju in rezultatih industrijskega projekta napiše poročilo. Content (Syllabus outline): Student works an (industrial) organization in the field of chemistry, pharmacy, chemical engineering or related industries. The project can also be carried out at the Faculty or Institute if this is required by the nature of project work. Two mentors are appointed to student: one in the organization, and the other one at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, who is, as a rule, mentor of student’s Master Thesis. Student becomes acquainted with the structure, production process and management in the organization. Within the industrial project, student deals with the specific problem in the organization. Mentor in the organization leads student’s activities to the successful finish of the project. Student prepares a written report about the execution and results of the project. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Specifično literaturo bodo študentom posredovali mentorji. Cilji in kompetence: Namen praktičnega usposabljanja je, da študent: določen čas dela v (industrijski) organizaciji s področja kemije ali sorodne panoge spozna organiziranost, obratovanje in poslovanje druge organizacije uporabi teoretično znanje, pridobljeno med študijem, za reševanje konkretnega problema v praksi pridobi specifične spretnosti, ki jih ne more pridobiti na fakulteti Objectives and competences: The aim of the industrial project is to: work for the specified time period in an industrial chemical or other related organization become familiar with the structure as well as with production and management processes in nonacademic organization apply knowledge gained during the study for solving practical problem acquire skills different from the ones taught at the Faculty Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: poznavanje organiziranosti, obratovanja in poslovanja neakademskih organizacij boljše poznavanje zaposlitvenih možnosti po zaključku študija boljše poznavanje in razumevanje nalog in odgovornosti v poklicnem okolju Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: to understand the structure, production and management process in non-academic organization to increase understanding of employment options after graduation to get a better perception of tasks and responsibilities within a professional environment Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: prilagajanje obnašanja in ravnanja v različnih to learn a different way of behavior, suitable for different professional environments to obtain a better view of the position of a company compared to other companies and global economy (competition) to obtain new skills that are necessary to successfully accomplish practical project poklicnih okoljih širši pogled na položaj organizacije v določeni panogi in globalnem gospodarstvu (konkurenčnost) pridobljene nove spretnosti, ki so potrebne za uspešno izvajanje in zaključek praktičnega projekta Metode poučevanja in učenja: samostojno delo konzultacije z mentorjem v organizaciji priprava pisnega poročila Learning and teaching methods: independent work consultations between student and mentor in the organization preparation of written report Delež (v %) / Načini ocenjevanja: Weight (in %) Industrijski projekt je zaključen, če so pozitivno opravljene naslednje obveznosti: Assessment: Student has to pass successfully the following obligations: pisno poročilo written report Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: 100 Predmet: Course title: UČNI NAČRT PREDMETA / COURSE SYLLABUS Magistrsko delo Master Thesis Študijski program in stopnja Study programme and level Študijska smer Study field Letnik Academic year Semester Semester 2. 2. poletni Spring Kemija / 2. stopnja Chemistry / 2nd level Vrsta predmeta / Course type Univerzitetna koda predmeta / University course code: Predavanja Lectures Seminar Seminar Sem. vaje Tutorial Lab. vaje Laboratory work Teren. vaje Field work 20 Samost. delo Individ. work ECTS 730 25 Nosilec predmeta / Lecturer: Jeziki / Languages: Predavanja / Lectures: Vaje / Tutorial: slovenski / Slovene Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti: Večina opravljenih izpitov in soglasje mentorja. Prerequisits: Completion of majority of required courses and consent of mentor. Vsebina: Priprava magistrskega dela poteka kot samostojno delo študenta na raziskovalnem projektu s področja kemije. Magistrsko delo je lahko tudi skupni raziskovalni projekt več študentov. Teme projektov za magistrska dela razpišejo mentorji v okviru raziskovalnih laboratorijev Fakultete za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo ali jih predlagajo študentje. Študent pridobi soglasje predvidenega mentorja, ki ga usmerja in svetuje pri izvedbi magistrskega dela. Formalni postopek priprave in zagovora magistrskega dela poteka v skladu s Pravilnikom o postopku priprave in zagovora magistrskega dela na študijskem programu 2. stopnje, Univerze v Mariboru. Predvidene aktivnosti študenta pri pripravi in zagovoru magistrskega dela so naslednje: formulacija problema pregled in analiza dosedanjih raziskav in relevantne literature postavitev raziskovalnih hipotez definiranje metod dela časovni načrt izvedbe projekta praktično delo v enem od raziskovalnih laboratorijev fakultete interpretacija in kritična presoja rezultatov priprava pisnega izdelka ustna predstavitev. Content (Syllabus outline): The student has to work independently on a research project concerning chemical or biochemical engineering problem. Master thesis can be a common research project of several students. The research topics are issued by the mentors in the research laboratories of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering or could be initiated by students. Consent of mentor is required. Mentor guides the student through the research work of Master Thesis. The formal procedure for Master Thesis preparation and defence is regulated by the “Pravilnik o postopku priprave in zagovora magistrskega dela na študijskem programu 2. stopnje” of the University of Maribor. The preparation and defence of Master Thesis usually include the following activities of student: problem formulation state-of-the-art in the proposed field of research and survey of the relevant literature definition of research hypotheses definition of research methods time plan of project practical work in one of the Faculty research laboratories interpretation and evaluation of the results written presentation of the work oral presentation of the work. Temeljni literatura in viri / Readings: Peter Glavič: Navodila za izdelavo diplomskega dela. Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Maribor, 2008. Pravilnik o postopku priprave in zagovora magistrskega dela na študijskem programu 2. stopnje. Univerza v Mariboru, 2007. Specifično literaturo bodo študentom posredovali mentorji. Kravanja Zdravko, Navodila za kvalitetno izvajanje magistrskega dela. Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Maribor, 2014. pdf Novak Pintarič Zorka, Kravanja Zdravko, Predloga z navodili za pisanje magistrskega dela. Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Maribor, 2014. Cilji in kompetence: Cilj je, da študent doseže: sposobnost branja in razumevanja mednarodne literature o določenem problemu sposobnost samostojnega raziskovalnorazvojnega dela z namenom reševanja določenega problema sposobnost dela v interdisciplinarni skupini strokovnjakov sposobnost predstavitve rezultatov dela strokovni javnosti v obliki pisnega poročila, predavanja, diskusije. Objectives and competences: The student would be able to: read and understand international literature of a specific topic work independently in a research and development environment in order to solve specific problem work in an interdisciplinary team of experts present the results to a professional audience by means of a a written report, oral presentation and discussion. Predvideni študijski rezultati: Znanje in razumevanje: poglobljeno obvladanje znanj in izrazoslovja s strokovnega področja magistrskega dela poznavanje sistematike, metod in pristopov raziskovalno-razvojnega dela sposobnost identifikacije, formulacije in reševanja problemov s področja kemije Intended learning outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding: mastery of knowledge and terminology in the specific professional field of Master Thesis knowledge of systematics, methods and approaches of research and development work, ability of identification, formulation and solution of problems in the field of Chemistry Prenesljive/ključne spretnosti in drugi atributi: Transferable/Key Skills and other attributes: sposobnost samostojnega raziskovalnega dela, ability to independently accomplish the research work, solve the professional problems, understand the literature and to think critically ability to efficiently communicate about problematics, ability to efficiently present and interpret the results of work reševanja strokovnih problemov, kritičnega razmišljanja in razumevanja strokovne literature sposobnost učinkovite komunikacije o strokovni problematiki sposobnost učinkovite predstavitve in interpretacije rezultatov dela Metode poučevanja in učenja: konzultacije in diskusije študenta z mentorjem o vsebinskem poteku dela priprava pisnega izdelka in ustne predstavitve Learning and teaching methods: consultations and discussions between student and mentor about the content and progress of the work preparation of written report and oral presentation Delež (v %) / Načini ocenjevanja: Weight (in %) Magistrsko delo je zaključeno, če so pozitivno opravljene naslednje obveznosti: 70 magistrsko delo 30 Assessment: Student has to pass successfully the following obligations: master thesis work ustni zagovor Reference nosilca / Lecturer's references: oral presentation
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