SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Plaintiff: GREEN TREE SERVICING LLC Vs Defendant: SUSAN K. BOOTH-LANCE, ET AL. Case Number 11CV174433 Court of Common Pleas, Lorain County, Ohio In pursuance of an Order of Sale issued fi·om said Court to me directed in the above entitled action, I will expose to sale, at public auction in the Commissioner's Public hearing Room on the 4th floor of the Lorain County Administration Building, 226 Middle Ave., Elyria, Ohio on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 10:15 am or shortly thereafter the following described real estate, to wit: Commonly Known as: 38803 BUTTERNUT RIDGE ROAD ELYRIA, 44035 Instructions for obtaining a complete Legal description of the property can be found at Parcel Number: 10-00-006-120-029 Said property appraised at: Ninety-Three Thousand Dollars And Zero cents - $93,000.00 Property cannot be sold for less than 2/3 of the appraised value. Bidding will start at $62,000.00. 10% of bid due at time of sale in cash, cet1ified check or personal check (not less than $1,000). The unpaid balance of the purchase price shall be due and payable to the sheriff within thi11y (30) days from the date of the sale, but also subject to the confirmation order. See office staff for further details. The purchaser shall be required to pay interest on said unpaid balance at ten percent (10%) per annum from the date of the confirmation of the sale to the date of payment of the balance unless the balance shall be paid within eight (8) days fi·om the date of confinnation of sale otherwise the purchaser may be adjudged to be in contempt of court. All appraisals are done on the outside of the property. The Sheriff is not liable for the condition of the property upon confinnation of the sale. Sale is at caveat emptor. Attorney: LERNER SAMPSON & ROTHFUSS CT SEP 19, 26, OCT 3 Phil R. Stammitti- Sheriff of Lorain County Ohio SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Plaintiff: BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC Vs Defendant: JOE J. BOYKO AND JENNIFER L. BOYKO, ET AL. Case Number 13CV181625 Court of Common Pleas, Lorain County, Ohio In pursuance of an Order of Sale issued from said Court to me directed in the above entitled action, I will expose to sale, at public auction in the Cmrunissione1's Public hearing Room on the 4th floor of the Lorain County Administration Building, 226 Middle Ave., Elyria, Ohio on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 10:15 am or shmtly thereafter the following described real estate, to wit: Commonly Known as: 132 NAPLES DRIVE ELYRIA, 44035 Instructions for obtaining a complete Legal description of the property can be found at Parcel Number: 06-23-022-102-006 Said prope11y appraised at: One Hundred Thirty-Two Thousand Dollars And Zero cents- $132 1000.00 Property cannot be sold for less than 2/3 of the appraised value. Bidding will stmt at $88,000.00. 10% of bid due at time of sale in cash, ce1tified check or personal check (not less than $1,000). The unpaid balance of the purchase price shall be due and payable to the sheriff within thirty (30) days from the date of the sale, but also subject to the confmnation order. See office staff for further details. The purchaser shall be required to pay interest on said unpaid balance at ten percent (tO%) per annum from the date of the confirmation of the sale to the date of payment of the balance unless the balance shall be paid within eight (8) days from the date of confirmation of sale otherwise the purchaser may be adjudged to be in contempt of court. All appraisals are done on the outside of the property. The Sheriff is not liable for the condition of the property upon confirmation of the sale. Sale is at caveat emptor. Attorney: LERNER SAMPSON & ROTHFUSS CT SEP 19, 26, OCT 3 Phil R. Stammitti- Sheriff of Lorain County Ohio SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Plaintiff: Vs NATlONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Defendant: TERRY L. JARAM ET. AL. 13CV181780 Comt of Common Pleas, Lorain County, Ohio Case Number ln pursuance of an Order of Sale issued from said Comt to me directed in the above entitled action, I will expose to sale, at public auction in the Commissioner's Public hearing Room on the 4th floor of the Lorain County Administration Building, 226 Middle Ave., Elyria, Ohio on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at l 0:15 am or shmtly thereafter the following described real estate, to wit: Commonly Known as: 133 EASTERN HEIGHTS BOULEVARD ELYRIA, 44035 Instructions for obtaining a complete Legal description of the property can be found at Parcel Number: 06-25-005-101-011 Said property appraised at: Ninety-Six Thousand Dollars And Zero cents - $96,000.00 Property cannot be sold for less than 2/3 of the appraised value. Bidding will start at $64,000.00. 10% of bid due at time of sale in cash, certified check or personal check (not less than $1 ,000). The unpaid balance of the purchase price shall be due and payable to the sheriff within thirty (30) days from the date of the sale, but also subject to the confinnation order. See office staff for further details. The purchaser shall be required to pay interest on said unpaid balance at ten percent (10%) per annum from the date of the confirmation of the sale to the date of payment of the balance unless the balance shall be paid within eight (8) days from the date of confirmation of sale otherwise the purchaser may be adjudged to be in contempt of court. All appraisals are done on the outside of the property. The Sheriff is not liable for the condition of the property upon confinnation of the sale. Sale is at caveat emptor. Attorney: SHAPIRO & VANESS CT SEP 19,26 OCT 3 Phil R. Stammitti - Sheriff of Lorain County Ohio SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Plaintiff: NAVY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Vs Defendant: DANE J. DANIELS ET. AL. 14CV182572 Court of Common Pleas, Lorain County, Ohio Case Number In pursuance of an Order of Sale issued from said Court to me directed in the above entitled action, I will expose to sale, at public auction in the Commissioner's Public hearing Room on the 4th floor of the Lorain County Administration Building, 226 Middle Ave., Elyria, Ohio on Wednesday, October 22,2014 at 10:15 am or shortly thereafter the following described real estate, to wit: Commonly Known as: 305 FURNACE STREET ELYRIA, 44035 Instructions for obtaining a complete Legal description of the property can be found at Parcel Number: 06-24-158·000·002 Said property appraised at: Fifty-Seven Thousand Dollars And Zero cents - $57,000.00 Property cannot be sold for less than 2/3 of the appraised value. Bidding will stmt at $38,000.00. 10% of bid due at time of sale in cash, ce1tified check or personal check (not less than $1,000). The unpaid balance of the purchase price shall be due and payable to the sheriff within thirty (30) days from the date of the sale, but also subject to the confinnation order. See office staff for further details. The purchaser shall be required to pay interest on said unpaid balance at ten percent (10%) per annum from the date of the confirmation of the sale to the date of payment of the balance unless the balance shall be paid within eight (8) days from the date of confirmation of sate otherwise the purchaser may be adjudged to be in contempt of court. All appraisals are done on the outside of the prope1ty. The Sheriff is not liable for the condition of the property upon confinnation of the sale. Sale is at caveat emptor. Attorney: LERNER SAMPSON & ROTHFUSS CT SEP 19,26,0CT 3 Phil R. Stammitti- Sheriff of Lorain County Ohio SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Plaintiff: THIRD FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND Vs Defendant: KIMBERLY SPRAGGINS ET. AL. Case Number 14CV183042 Comt of Conunon Pleas, Lorain County, Ohio In pursuance of an Order of Sale issued from said Court to me directed in the above entitled action, I will expose to sale, at public auction in the Commissioner's Public hearing Room on the 4th floor of the Lorain County Administration Building, 226 Middle Ave., Elyria, Ohio on Wednesday, October 22,2014 at 10:15 am or shortly thereafter the following described real estate, to wit: Commonly Known as: 908 WILDER AVENUE ELYRIA, 44035 Instructions for obtaining a complete Legal description of the property can be found at Parcel Number: 06-25-027-104-019 Said property appraised at: Ninety-Six Thousand Dollars And Zero cents - $96,000.00 Property cannot be sold for less than 2/3 of the appraised value. Bidding will start at $64,000.00. I 0% of bid due at time of sale in cash, certified check or personal check (not less than $1,000). The unpaid balance of the purchase price shall be due and payable to the sheriff within thitty (30) days from the date of the sale, but also subject to the confinnation order. See office staff for further details. The purchaser shall be required to pay interest on said unpaid balance at ten percent (10%) per annum from the date of the confinnation of the sale to the date of payment of the balance unless the balance shall be paid within eight (8) days from the date of confirmation of sale otherwise the purchaser may be adjudged to be in contempt of court. All appraisals are done on the outside of the property. The Sheriff is not liable for the condition of the property upon confinnation of the sale. Sale is at caveat emptor. Attomey: MORRIS HARDWICK SCHNEIDER CT SEP 19,26 OCT 3 Phil R. Stammitti - Sheriff of Lorain County Ohio SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Plaintiff: FIFTH THIRD MORTGAGE COMPANY Vs Defendant: GEORGE MATHAIOS, ET AL. 14CV183149 Court ofConunon Pleas, Lorain County, Ohio Case Number In pursuance of an Order of Sale issued from said Court to me directed in the above entitled action, I will expose to sale, at public auction in the Commissioner's Public hearing Room on the 4th floor of the Lorain County Administration Building, 226 Middle Ave., Elyria, Ohio on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 10:15 am or shortly thereafter the following described real estate, to wit: Commonly Known as: 33952 CENTER RIDGE ROAD NORTH RIDGEVILLE, 44039 Instructions for obtaining a complete Legal description of the property can be found at Parcel Number: 07-00-008-712-002 Said property appraised at: One Hundred Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars And Zero cents- $135,000.00 Property cannot be sold for less than 2/3 of the appraised value. Bidding will start at $90,000.00. 10% of bid due at time of sale in cash, cettified check or personal check (not less than $1 ,000). The unpaid balance of the purchase price shall be due and payable to the sheriff within thirty (30) days from the date of the sale, but also subject to the confirmation order. See office staff for further details. The purchaser shall be required to pay interest on said unpaid balance at ten percent (10%) per annum from the date of the confirmation of the sale to the date of payment of the balance unless the balance shall be paid within eight (8) days fi·om the date of confirmation of sale otherwise the purchaser may be adjudged to be in contempt of comt. All appraisals are done on the outside of the property. The Sheriff is not liable for the condition of the property upon confirmation of the sale. Sale is at caveat emptor. Attomey: CARLISLE MCNELLIE & RINI CT SEP 19, 26, OCT 3 Phil R. Stammitti - Sheriff of Lorain County Ohio SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Plaintiff: THIRD FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CLEVELAND Vs Defendant: RANDALL S HILASZEK, ET AL Case Number 14CV183311 Court of Common Pleas, Lorain County, Ohio In pursuance of an Order of Sale issued from said Com1 to me directed in the above entitled action, I will expose to sale, at public auction in the Commissioner's Public hearing Room on the 4th floor of the Lorain County Administration Building, 226 Middle Ave., Elyria, Ohio on Wednesday, October 22,2014 at 10:15 am or shortly thereafter the following described real estate, to wit: Commonly Known as: 15567 CHAMBERLAIN ROAD GRAFTON, 44044 Instructions for obtaining a complete Legal description of the property can be found at Parcel Number: 16-00-021-000-003 Said property appraised at: Ninety Thousand Dollars And Zero cents - $90,000.00 Property cannot be sold for less than 2/3 of the appraised value. Bidding will start at $60,000.00. 10% of bid due at time of sale in cash, certified check or personal check (not less than $1,000). The unpaid balance of the purchase price shall be due and payable to the sheriff within thirty (30) days fi·om the date of the sale, but also subject to the confirmation order. See office staff for further details. The purchaser shall be required to pay interest on said unpaid balance at ten percent (10%) per annum from the date of the confinnation of the sale to the date of payment of the balance unless the balance shall be paid within eight (8) days from the date of confirmation of sale otherwise the purchaser may be adjudged to be in contempt of court. All appraisals are done on the outside of the property. The Sheriff is not liable for the condition of the property upon confinnation of the sale. Sale is at caveat emptor. Attorney: CARLISLE MCNELLIE & RINI CT-SEPT 19,26 OCT 3 Phil R. Stammitti- Sheriff of Lorain County Ohio SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Plaintiff: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Vs Defendant: ROBERT L. GERHART ET. AL. 14CV183612 Court of Common Pleas, Lorain County, Ohio Case Number In pursuance of an Order of Sale issued from said Court to me directed in the above entitled action, I will expose to sale, at public auction in the Commissioner's Public hearing Room on the 4th floor of the Lorain County Administration Building, 226 Middle Ave., Elyria, Ohio on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 10:15 am or shortly thereafter the following described real estate, to wit: Commonly Known as: 6583 LAKE AVENUE ELYRIA, 44035 Instructions for obtaining a complete Legal description of the property can be found at Parcel Number: 06-23-009-102-059 Said property appraised at: Fifty-Seven Thousand Dollars And Zero cents - $57,000.00 Property cannot be sold for less than 2/3 of the appraised value. Bidding will start at $38,000.00. 10% of bid due at time of sale in cash, certified check or personal check (not less than $1,000). The unpaid balance of the purchase price shall be due and payable to the sheriff within thirty (30) days from the date of the sale, but also subject to the confirmation order. See office staff for fmiher details. The purchaser shall be required to pay interest on said unpaid balance at ten percent (10%) per annum from the date of the confirmation of the sale to the date of payment of the balance unless the balance shall be paid within eight (8) days fi·om the date of confirmation of sale otherwise the purchaser may be adjudged to be in contempt of court. All appraisals are done on the outside of the prope1ty. The Sheriff is not liable for the condition of the property upon confmnation of the sale. Sale is at caveat emptor. Attorney: CARLISLE MCNELLIE & RINI CT SEP 19,26 OCT 3 Phil R. Stammitti- Sheriff of Lorain County Ohio SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Plaintiff: US BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION NO Vs Defendant: PETRONILLA THOMAS-NAZARIO, ET AL 10CV169887 Comt of Common Pleas, Lorain County, Ohio Case Number In pursuance of an Order of Sale issued from said Comt to me directed in the above entitled action, I will expose to sale, at public auction in the Commissioner's Public hearing Room on the 4th floor of the Lorain County Administration Building, 226 Middle Ave., Elyria, Ohio on Wednesday, October 22,2014 at 10:15 am or shortly thereafter the following described real estate, to wit: Commonly Known as: 2655 CAROLINE AVE LORAIN, 44055 Instructions for obtaining a complete Legal description of the property can be found at Parcel Number: 02-00-093-116-015 Said property appraised at: Fifteen Thousand Dollars And Zero cents - $15,000.00 Property cannot be sold for less than 2/3 of the appraised value. Bidding will stmt at $10,000.00. 10% of bid due at time of sale in cash, certified check or personal check (not less than $1,000). The unpaid balance of the purchase price shall be due and payable to the sheriff within thirty (30) days fi·om the date of the sale, but also subject to the confinnation order. See office staff for further details. The purchaser shall be required to pay interest on said unpaid balance at ten percent (10%) per annum from the date of the confirmation of the sale to the date of payment of the balance unless the balance shall be paid within eight (8) days from the date of confirmation of sale otherwise the purchaser may be adjudged to be in contempt of court. All appraisals are done on the outside of the property. The Sheriff is not liable for the condition of the property upon confinuation of the sale. Sale is at caveat emptor. Attorney: LERNER SAMPSON & ROTHFUSS MJ-SEPT 19,26 OCT 3 Phil R. Stammitti - Sheriff of Lorain County Ohio SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Plaintiff: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Vs Defendant: JOEL J. WHITMORE, ET AL. 11CV173025 Court of Common Pleas, Lorain County, Ohio Case Number In pursuance of an ALIAS Order of Sale issued from said Court to me directed in the above entitled actiO!\ I will expose to sale, at public auction in the Commissione1's Public hearing Room on the 4th floor of the Lorain County Administration Building, 226 Middle Ave., Elyria, Ohio on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 10:15 am or shortly thereafter the following described real estat<; to wit: Commonly Known as: 49000 WHITTLESEY ROAD AMHERST, 44001 Instructions for obtaining a complete Legal description of the property can be found at Parcel Number: 01-00-025-000-013 Said property appraised at: Seventy-Two Thousand Dollars And Zero cents- $72 1000.00 Property cannot be sold for less than 2/3 of the appraised value. Bidding will sta1t at $48,000.00. 10% of bid due at time of sale in casl~ certified check or personal check(not less than $1,000). The unpaid balance of the purchase price shall be due and payable to the sherilfwithin thirty (30) days from the date of the salt; but also subject to the confirmation order. See office staff for ftnther details. The purchaser shall be required to pay interest on said unpaid balance at ten percent(lO%) per annum from the date of the confirmation of the sale to the date of payment of the balance unless the balance shall be paid within eight(8) days from the date of confirmation of sale otherwise the purchaser may be adjudged to be in contempt of court All appraisals are done on the outside of the property. The Sheriff is not liable for the condition of the property upon confirmation of the sale Sale is at caveat emptor. Attorney: LERNER SAMPSON & ROTHFUSS MJ SEP 19, 26, OCT 3 Phil R. Stammitti- Sheriff of Lorain County Ohio SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Plaintiff: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Vs Defendant: MARK R HOUX, ET AL Case Number 13CV182057 Comt ofConnnon Pleas, Lorain County, Ohio In pursuance of an Order of Sale issued from said Comt to me directed in the above entitled action, I will expose to sale, at public auction in the Commissioner's Public hearing Room on the 4th floor of the Lorain County Administration Building, 226 Middle Ave., Elyria, Ohio on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 10:15 am or shortly thereafter the following described real estate, to wit: Commonly Known as: 809 WARWICK DRIVE SHEFFIELD LAKE, 44054 Instructions for obtaining a complete Legal description of the property can be found at Parcel Number: 03-00-043-110-002 Said property appraised at: Sixty-Nine Thousand Dollars And Zero cents - $69,000.00 Property cannot be sold for less than 2/3 of the appraised value. Bidding will st3It at $46,000.00. 10% of bid due at time of sale in cash, certified check or personal check (not less than $1,000). The unpaid balance of the purchase price shall be due and payable to the sheriff within thi1ty (30) days fi·om the date of the sale, but also subject to the confirmation order. See office staff for further details. The purchaser shall be required to pay interest on said unpaid balance at ten percent (10%) per annum fi·om the date of the confirmation of the sale to the date of payment of the balance unless the balance shall be paid within eight (8) days from the date of confirmation of sale othenvise the purchaser may be adjudged to be in contempt of court. All appraisals are done on the outside of the property. The Sheriff is not liable for the condition of the property upon confinnation of the sale. Sale is at caveat emptor. Attorney: MORRIS HARDWICK SCHNEIDER MJ-SEPT 19,26 OCT 3 Phil R. Stammitti- Sheriff of Lorain County Ohio SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Plaintiff: FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION Vs Defendant: TIM HIGGINBOTHAM, ET AL Case Number 14CV182631 Court of Common Pleas, Lorain County, Ohio In pursuance of an Order of Sale issued fi·om said Court to me directed in the above entitled action, I will expose to sale, at public auction in the Commissioner's Public hearing Room on the 4th floor of the Lorain County Administration Building, 226 Middle Ave., Elyria, Ohio on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at I 0: 15 am or shortly thereafter the following described real estate, to wit: Commonly Known as: 5374 GLOBE AVENUE LORAIN, 44055 Instructions for obtaining a complete Legal description of the property can be found at Parcel Number: 03-00-111-116-008 Said property appraised at: Twenty-One Thousand Dollars And Zero cents - $21,000.00 Property cannot be sold for less than 2/3 of the appraised value. Bidding will stm1 at $14,000.00. 10% of bid due at time of sale in cash, cet1ified check or personal check (not less than $1,000). The unpaid balance of the purchase price shall be due and payable to the sheriff within thirty (30) days from the date of the sale, but also subject to the confirmation order. See office staff for further details. The purchaser shall be required to pay interest on said unpaid balance at ten percent ( 10%) per annum from the date of the confinnation of the sale to the date of payment of the balance unless the balance shall be paid within eight (8) days from the date of confinnation of sale otherwise the purchaser may be adjudged to be in contempt of court. All appraisals are done on the outside of the property. The Sheriff is not liable for the condition of the property upon confitmation of the sale. Sale is at caveat emptor. Attorney: DENNIS REIMER MJ-SEPT 19,26 OCT 3 Phil R. Stammitti - Sheriff of Lorain County Ohio SHERIFF'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Plaintiff: U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR CITIGROUP MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2007-WFHE3, ASSET-BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-WFHE3 Vs Defendant: ROY CANDELARIO, ET AL. 14CV183096 Comt of Common Pleas, Lorain County, Ohio Case Number In pursuance of an Order of Sale issued fi·om said Comt to me directed in the above entitled action, I will expose to sale, at public auction in the Commissioner's Public hearing Room on the 4th floor of the Lorain County Administration Building, 226 Middle Ave., Elyria, Ohio on Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at I 0: 15 am or shm1ly thereafter the following described real estate, to wit: Commonly Known as: 1604 EAST 34TH STREET LORAIN, 44055 Instructions for obtaining a complete Legal description of the property can be found at Parcel Number: 03-00-096-107-002 Said propetty appraised at: Thirty Thousand Dollars And Zero cents - $30,000.00 Property cannot be sold for less than 2/3 of the appraised value. Bidding will start at $20,000.00. 10% of bid due at time of sale in cash, cet1ified check or personal check (not less than $1,000). The unpaid balance of the purchase price shall be due and payable to the sheriff within thirty (30) days from the date of the sale, but also subject to the confirmation order. See office staff for further details. The purchaser shall be required to pay interest on said unpaid balance at ten percent (10%) per annum from the date of the confitmation of the sale to the date of payment of the balance unless the balance shall be paid within eight (8) days fium the date of confirmation of sale otherwise the purchaser may be adjudged to be in contempt of comt. All appraisals are done on the outside of the propetty. The Sheriff is not liable for the condition of the property upon confirmation of the sale. Sale is at caveat emptor. Attorney: SHAPIRO & VANESS MJ SEP 19, 26, OCT 3 Phil R. Stammitti - Sheriff of Lorain County Ohio
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