Updated Program as per of September, 4 2015 14.09.2015 16:20 Invited lecture 1 No. 1 14.09.2015 16:20 Sustainable Electricity: Wishful thinking or near-term reality? Stefan Hirschberg - Switzerland 14.09.2015 17:20 Nuclear energy and Society No. 101 14.09.2015 17:20 Nuclear Energy, Challenges for the Future Christophe Behar, Pierre Le Coz - France No. 102 14.09.2015 17:40 The need of development Gas Cooled Reactor Technology in Europe Anna Przybyszewska, Kajetan Rozycki - Poland No. 103 14.09.2015 18:00 Human Resources Infrastructure Requirements for New Nuclear Power Program Nikola Popov - Macedonia No. 104 14.09.2015 18:20 How people perceive ionizing radiation: comparison in four countries Nadja Železnik – Slovenia 15.09.2015 08:30 Invited Lecture 2 No. 2 15.09.2015 08:30 The analysis of crud light water reactor fuel rods, and its thermal hydraulic consequences Simon Walker - United Kingdom 15.09.2015 09:10 Thermal hydraulics I No. 201 15.09.2015 09:10 Application of ISA methodology to a Loss of Normal Feedwater ATWS with TRACE 5.0 Maria-Jose Rebollo - Spain No. 202 15.09.2015 09:30 Uncertainty Quantification of NEPTUNE_CFD calculation by Optimal Statistical Estimator Method Andrej Prošek, Boštjan Končar, Matjaž Leskovar - Slovenia 15.09.2015 10:30 Research reactors No. 301 15.09.2015 10:30 Human Resource Development and Nuclear Education Through Research Reactors: Successful Approach to Build Up the Future Generation of Nuclear Professionals Helmuth Böck, Mario Villa, Andrea Borio Di Tigliole, Judy Vyshniauskas, Lubomir Sklenka, Luka Snoj, Attila Tormási - Austria No. 302 15.09.2015 10:50 Measurements with Multiple In-core Fission Chambers at the JSI TRIGA Mark II Reactor Tanja Kaiba, Gašper Žerovnik, Luka Snoj - Slovenia No. 304 15.09.2015 11:10 Analysis of coolant temperature distribution for the validation of TRIGA mark II CFD computational model Romain Henry, Marko Matkovič - Slovenia 15.09.2015 11:30 Radioactive Waste, Environmental issues No. 601 15.09.2015 11:30 Preparation of the national program for the spent fuel and radioactive waste management taking into account possibility of European Repository Development Organisation development Tomaž Žagar, Leon Kegel - Slovenia No. 602 15.09.2015 11:50 On-line relative air dispersion concentrations one week forecast for Krško NPP prepared for routine and emergency use Primož Mlakar, Boštjan Grašič, Marija Zlata Božnar, Borut Breznik - Slovenia No. 603 15.09.2015 12:10 Transfer of Th-230 from soil contaminated with U-mill tailing to radish, savoy and rocket Petra Planinšek, Borut Smodiš, Ljudmila Benedik - Slovenia 15.09.2015 14:00 Reactor Physics I No. 401 15.09.2015 14:00 Simulation of the NPP Krško Core at Hot Full Power with CASL Core Simulator - VERA-CS Fausto Franceschini, Marjan Kromar, Andrew Godfrey - USA No. 402 15.09.2015 14:20 Experimental study of the physical properties of ADS systems – measurement of high energy neutron fields by using the 89Y threshold detectors. Marcin Bielewicz, Elżbieta Strugalska-Gola, Stanisław Kilim, Marcin Szuta - Poland No. 403 15.09.2015 14:40 Sensitivity Ananlysis of Gas-cooled Fast Reactor Jakub Lüley, Stefan Cerba, Branislav Vrban, Ján Haščík - Slovakia No. 404 15.09.2015 15:00 Preliminary Analysis of The FLUOLE-2 Experiment Stephane Bourganel, Jacques Di-Salvo, Thiollay Nicolas, Soldevila Michel - France No. 405 15.09.2015 15:20 ALLEGRO uncertainty and similarity evaluation Branislav Vrban, Jakub Lüley, Stefan Cerba, Ján Haščík - Slovakia 15.09.2015 15:40 Poster session I No. 105 15.09.2015 15:40 The role of High Performance Computing in the Nuclear Energy Sector Igor Simonovski, Bojan Žefran, Steve Clements, Sandi Cimerman - Netherlands No. 106 15.09.2015 15:40 Use of the Geiger-Müller counter and the cloud chamber to present properties of radioactivity to youngsters Vesna Slapar Borišek - Slovenia No. 107 15.09.2015 15:40 Public Opinion about Nuclear Energy – Year 2015 Poll Radko Istenič, Igor Jenčič - Slovenia No. 108 15.09.2015 15:40 Proposal of a BEPU-FSAR Francine Menzel, Francesco D'Auria, Gaiane Sabundjian, Alzira Madeira - Brazil No. 109 15.09.2015 15:40 Inputs for national research strategies for coordination of social, societal and governance issues in nuclear energy Nadja Železnik, Kjell Andersson - Slovenia No. 110 15.09.2015 15:40 ARCADIA project contribution to the regional cooperation on LFR technology development Daniela Diaconu, Marin Constantin, Georgios Glinatsis, Giacomo Grasso, Fosca Di Gabriele, Allesandro Alemberti, Nadja Železnik, Leon Cizelj - Italy No. 111 15.09.2015 15:40 Transposition challenges of new WENRA requirements into Slovenian regulation Siniša Cimeša, Tomaž Nemec, Djordje Vojnovič, Matjaž Podjavoršek, Andreja Peršič, Andrej Stritar - Slovenia No. 112 15.09.2015 15:40 Quality Assurance System in Nuclear Training Centre Tomaž Skobe - Slovenia No. 113 15.09.2015 15:40 Main European Union Citizens’ Attitude Influencers with Respect to Nuclear Energy Pavel Gabriel Lazaro, Petre Ghitescu - Romania No. 114 15.09.2015 15:40 Analysis of radiation protection training results since adoption of new legislation Jure Hribar, Luka Tavčar, Matjaž Koželj - Slovenia No. 115 15.09.2015 15:40 Nuclear Power Opportunities Through Regional Cooperation Nikola Popov - Macedonia No. 116 15.09.2015 15:40 Planning of Energy Demand in Macedonia Using the MAED Model Nikola Popov - Macedonia No. 117 15.09.2015 15:40 Planning of Energy Supply in Macedonia Using the MESSAGE Model Nikola Popov - Macedonia No. 208 15.09.2015 15:40 Turbulent flow simulations of wire-wrapped fuel pin bundle of sodium cooled fast reactor in lattice-Boltzmann framework Ali Tiftikci, Cemil Kocar - Turkey No. 209 15.09.2015 15:40 Analysis of Channel Blockage of MNSR Reactor Using the System ThermalHydraulic Code RELAP5/MOD3.3 Simon Adu, Ivan Horvatovic Horvatovic, Francesco D'Auria, Benjamin B.J.B Nyarko, Emi-Reynolds Geoffrey, Ofor Darko Emmanuel, Francine Menzel - Ghana No. 210 15.09.2015 15:40 Researches Made in Order to Estimate the Implications of Temperature Variations from the Spent Fuel Bay over the Corrosion Rate of the Spent Fuel Cladding Elements Diana Laura Icleanu - Romania No. 211 15.09.2015 15:40 Simulation of Turbulent Liquid Metal Flow in a Triangular Rod Bundle Sub Channel Miha Pogačar, Ivo Kljenak, Matej Tekavčič - Slovenia No. 212 15.09.2015 15:40 Preliminary study of the LORELEI test device with the CATHARE-2 code Paolo Battistoni, Marco Sumini, Sandro Manservisi, Christian Gonnier, Lionel Ferry, Didier Tarabelli - Italy No. 213 15.09.2015 15:40 Influence of Liquid Inlet Modeling on Simulated Wave Characteristics in Vertical Gas-Liquid Churn Flow Matej Tekavčič, Boštjan Končar, Ivo Kljenak - Slovenia No. 214 15.09.2015 15:40 Experimental Investigation on Powder Conductivity for the Application to Double Wall Bayonet Tube Bundle Steam Generator Davide Rozzia, Giuseppe Fasano, Mariano Tarantino, Alessandro Del Nevo, Nicola Forgione, Alessandro Alemberti - Italy No. 215 15.09.2015 15:40 Steady-State Calculation of Krško NPP TRACE model with Three Dimensional Pressure Vessel Ovidiu-Adrian Berar, Andrej Prošek, Borut Mavko - Slovenia No. 217 15.09.2015 15:40 Effect of the mass flow rate and the subcooling temperature on pressure drop oscillations in a horizontal pipe. Il Woong Park, Maria Fernandino, Carlos Dorao - Norway No. 218 15.09.2015 15:40 Downcomer boiling phenomena analysis during large break loss of coolant accident in APR1400 Ho Joon Yoon, Safa Mohamed Aidaroos Salem Alhashmi, Yacine Addad - United Arab Emirates No. 219 15.09.2015 15:40 Spectral element direct numerical simulation of heat transfer in turbulent channel sodium flow Jure Oder, Jernej Urankar, Iztok Tiselj - Slovenia No. 220 15.09.2015 15:40 Modeling of NEK Containment in computer code APROS Jure Jazbinšek, Luka Štrubelj, Ivica Bašić - Slovenia No. 221 15.09.2015 15:40 FONESYS and SILENCE Networks: Looking to the Future of T-H Code Development and Experimentation Sergii Lutsanych, Fabio Moretti, Nusret Aksan, Francesco D'Auria, Alessandro Petruzzi - Italy No. 222 15.09.2015 15:40 Determination of Geometrical and Operating Parameters of PRHR for VVER Reactors: Cooling by Natural Circulation of Atmospheric Air Hüseyin Ayhan, Cemal Niyazi Sökmen - Turkey No. 303 15.09.2015 15:40 Loss of flow accident analyses in Tehran Research Reactor Ahmad Lashkari - Iran No. 305 15.09.2015 15:40 Long-term system outage survey of the TRIGA reactor Vienna K. Mayer, Mario Villa, Helmuth Böck - Austria No. 306 15.09.2015 15:40 JSI TRIGA 3D Reactor Model – Transition to Cartesian Geometry and Sample Kinetic Simulations Vid Merljak, Andrej Trkov - Slovenia No. 307 15.09.2015 15:40 Analysis of the TRIGA Mark II Research Reactor Ex-Core Detector Response Žiga Štancar, Loic Barbot, Luka Snoj - Slovenia No. 309 15.09.2015 15:40 Assessing Field Homogeneity: Application To Gamma Radiation Field Around Irradiated Nuclear Fuel Junoš Lukan, Gašper Žerovnik, Luka Snoj - Slovenia No. 310 15.09.2015 15:40 Instrumentation and Control Implementations in Research Reactors: A Review Andreas Ikonomopoulos, Melpomeni Varvayanni, Nicolas Catsaros - Greece No. 411 15.09.2015 15:40 Severe accident gamma dose distribution through NPP Krško containment and Auxiliary Building calculated using SCALE6/MAVRIC sequence Mario Matijević, Davor Grgić, Dubravko Pevec - Croatia No. 412 15.09.2015 15:40 Use of LiF-TLD100 Detector with B4C filter in Neutron Dosimetry Ilkem Aydogan, Ayhan Yilmazer - Turkey No. 413 15.09.2015 15:40 Simulation of fuel cycle for Krško NPP using Monte Carlo code and GNOMER diffusion code Dušan Ćalić, Andrej Trkov - Slovenia No. 414 15.09.2015 15:40 Application of Support Vector Regression Method on Neutron Buildup Factors Paulina Dučkić, Krešimir Trontl, Dubravko Pevec - Croatia No. 415 15.09.2015 15:40 Investigation of the Allegro MOX Pin Core design by stochastic and deterministic methods Stefan Cerba, Branislav Vrban, Jakub Lüley, Jan Jascik, Vladimir Nečas - Slovakia No. 416 15.09.2015 15:40 Reactivity power and temperature coefficients determination of the TRR Ahmad Lashkari - Iran No. 417 15.09.2015 15:40 The New Edition of Karlsruhe Nuclide Chart in Summer 2015 Zsolt Soti, Magill Joseph, Dreher Raymond, Pfennig Gerda - European Union No. 418 15.09.2015 15:40 Scale 6.1.3 evaluation of the heavy reflector effective cross sections of a GEN III PWR system and a Serpent 2.1.23 model comparison Antonio Guglielmelli, Federico Rocchi, Marco Sumini - Italy No. 419 15.09.2015 15:40 Scale 6.1.3 effective heavy reflector cross sections sensitivity analysis for a PWR GENIII assembly/reflector system Antonio Guglielmelli, Federico Rocchi, Marco Sumini - Italy No. 420 15.09.2015 15:40 BEACON Version 6 vs 7 Software Code Comparison in NPP Krško Operating Cycle 27 Matjaž Božič, Martin Chambers - Slovenia No. 421 15.09.2015 15:40 Participation in OECD/NEA Oskarshamn-2 (O2) BWR Stability Benchmark for Uncertainty Analysis in Modelling Using Triton and Keno for Transport Calculations and Tsunami and Sampler for Cross Section Error Propagation Antonella Labarile, Teresa Barrachina, Rafael Miró, Gumersindo Verdú - Spain No. 422 15.09.2015 15:40 TRITON vs POLARIS. Comparison between two modules for LWRs modelling in SCALE6.2 Antonella Labarile, Teresa Barrachina, Rafael Miró, Gumersindo Verdú - Spain No. 423 15.09.2015 15:40 Neutron noise analysis in the NPP Krško - Comparison of Cycles 26, 27 and 28 Marjan Kromar, Bojan Kurinčič, Urban Simončič, Rok Bizjak - Slovenia No. 424 15.09.2015 15:40 An Overview of the Improvements in Fuel Cycle Sustainability for GEN III+ Reactors Melpomeni Varvayanni, Andreas Ikonomopoulos, Nicolas Catsaros - Greece No. 425 15.09.2015 15:40 Ringhals-1 BWR stability analysis with TRACE/PARCS Consuelo Gómez-Zarzuela Quel, Agustin Abarca, Teresa Barrachina, Rafa Miró, Gumersindo Verdú - Spain No. 506 15.09.2015 15:40 Potential of vapour explosion in sodium Mitja Uršič, Matjaž Leskovar - Slovenia No. 507 15.09.2015 15:40 Probabilistic Safety Assessment of Shutdown and Refueling States Mitja Antončič, Živa Bricman Rejc, Marko Čepin - Slovenia No. 508 15.09.2015 15:40 Analysis of LOFA in BWR Spent Fuel Storage Pool Cemil Kocar, Cigdem Polat Dagli - Turkey No. 509 15.09.2015 15:40 In vessel melt retention (IVMR) for a VVER 1000 reactor – CFD computation Aleksander Grah - Netherlands No. 510 15.09.2015 15:40 Analysis of WO3/ZrO2 vs. UO2/ZrO2 Fuel-Coolant Interaction in KROTOS Conditions Vasilij Centrih, Matjaž Leskovar - Slovenia No. 511 15.09.2015 15:40 Fission Product and Aerosol Deposition Analysis in Phebus Containment Under FPT3 Aurimas Kontautas - Lithuania No. 512 15.09.2015 15:40 Analyses of THINA melt-sodium interaction experiments with MC3D Mitja Uršič, Matjaž Leskovar - Slovenia No. 605 15.09.2015 15:40 Barriers and Operational Risk Assessment of Incidents and Accidents occurring in the Transport of Radioactive Materials Thomas Breznik, Marko Gerbec, Borut Smodiš - Slovenia No. 606 15.09.2015 15:40 Radiochemical techniques for determination of actinides, Po-210, H-3, C-14 and Sr-89/90 in urine samples Ljudmila Benedik, Marko Štrok, Barbara Svetek, Zdenka Trkov - Slovenia No. 608 15.09.2015 15:40 Radioanalytical methods laboratory – past, present and future L. T. Dobrev, B. Slavchev, A. Chalakov - Bulgaria No. 609 15.09.2015 15:40 Breakup and Solidification Behaviour of Liquid Metal Jet in Water Environment Radu Secareanu, Minoru Takahashi, Riccardo Mereu, Ilie Prisecaru - Romania No. 610 15.09.2015 15:40 Traveller Implementation and Experiences at NPP Krško Marko Gordić, Dejvi Kadivnik, Martin Chambers, Bojan Kurinčič - Slovenia No. 611 15.09.2015 15:40 Radiation Protection Training Needs in Slovenia Matjaž Koželj, Igor Jenčič - Slovenia No. 704 15.09.2015 15:40 Visualisation of Fusion Related Models Stored in General Grid Description Marijo Telenta,, Janez Krek, Marijo Telenta - Slovenia No. 705 15.09.2015 15:40 Sub-Divertor Neutral Gas Analysis at JET with the ITER-like Wall Aleksander Drenik, Martin Oberkofler, Daniel Alegre, Uron Kruezi, Sebastijan Brezinsek, Marco Wischmeier, Carine Giroud, Miran Mozetič, Jet Contributors Slovenia No. 706 15.09.2015 15:40 Study of some atomic and molecular processes relevant to the tokamak edge plasma modelling Iztok Čadež, Sabina Markelj, Anže Založnik - Slovenia No. 707 15.09.2015 15:40 Interfacing of CAD models to a Common Fusion Modelling Grid Description Marijo Telenta, Marijo Telenta,, Robert Akers - Slovenia No. 708 15.09.2015 15:40 Simulations of an Ion Energy Analyzer using PIC technique Gabrijela Ikovic, Lino Šalamon, Tomaž Gyergyek - Slovenia No. 807 15.09.2015 15:40 Calculation of Intergranular Stress and Strain Distributions in NeutronIrradiated Stainless Steel Aggregate Model Samir El Shawish, Leon Cizelj - Slovenia No. 808 15.09.2015 15:40 Heat Exchanger Tube Cutting System Matej Pleterski, Joško Valentinčič, Izidor Sabotin - Slovenia No. 809 15.09.2015 15:40 Thermo-mechanical model of a pipe under thermal fatigue Francesco Dolci - Netherlands No. 810 15.09.2015 15:40 Vortex Robot for Rapid Low Cost Scanning and Improved Non-Destructive Testing of Large Concrete Structures Petar Mateljak, Estefania Artigao, Eleni Cheilakou, Vassilis Kappatos, Alvaro Garcia, Marko Budimir - Croatia No. 811 15.09.2015 15:40 Modeling and Assessment of PCI in LWR Fuel Davide Rozzia, Alessandro Del Nevo, Lelio Luzzi - Italy No. 812 15.09.2015 15:40 Effect of tensile strain on micro-structure of irradiated core internal material Hygreeva Namburi - Czech Republic 15.09.2015 16:20 Reactor Physics II No. 406 15.09.2015 16:20 Application of Monte Carlo Method for Burnup Dependent Full Core Neutronic Analysis of PBMR Cihangir Çelik, Mehmet Tombakoglu - USA No. 407 15.09.2015 16:40 Investigating a Newton-based, matrix-free, Neutronic-Monte Carlo/Thermal Hydraulic coupling scheme Antonios Mylonakis, Melpomeni Varvayanni, Nicolas Catsaros - Greece No. 408 15.09.2015 17:00 Evaluation of the Full Core VVER-440 Benchmarks Using the KARATE and MCNP Code Systems György Hegyi, Csaba Maráczy, Gábor Hordósy, Emese Temesvári - Hungary No. 409 15.09.2015 17:20 ANET Reaction Rates Validation Based on the VENUS-2 MOX Core Benchmark Analysis Thalia Xenofontos, Gregory Delipei, Panayiota Savva, Melpomeni Varvayanni, Jacques Mailliard, Nicolas Catsaros, B. Gaveau - Greece No. 410 15.09.2015 17:40 Determination of the NPP Krško Spent Fuel Activity Marjan Kromar, Bojan Kurinčič - Slovenia 16.09.2015 08:30 Severe Accidents & PSA No. 501 16.09.2015 08:30 The Latest Results from Source Term Research: Overview and Outlook Luis E. Herranz, Tim Haste, Teemu Kärkelä - Spain No. 502 16.09.2015 08:50 In Vessel Corium Propagation Sensitivity Study Of Reactor Pressure Vessel Rupture Time With PROCOR Platform Maciej Skrzypek, Eleonora Skrzypek, Laurent Saas, Romain Le Tellier - Poland No. 503 16.09.2015 09:10 CSN Experience in the Development and Application of a Computer Platform to Verify Consistency of Deterministic and Probabilistic Arguments in Licensing Safety Cases Jose M. Izquierdo, Javier Hortal, Enrique Meléndez, Miguel Sánchez - Spain No. 504 16.09.2015 09:30 Simulation of Hydrogen Combustion Experiment in Large-Scale Experimental Facility with ANSYS Fluent CFD Code Tadej Holler, Ed Komen, Ivo Kljenak - Slovenia No. 505 16.09.2015 09:50 Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the Generic Containment SB-LOCA accident Mantas Povilaitis, St. Kelm, Egidijus Urbonavičius - Lithuania 16.09.2015 11:10 Thermal hydraulics II No. 204 16.09.2015 11:10 Accurate wall-resolved Large Eddy Simulation of a turbulent flow in 5×5 fuel rod bundle Blaž Mikuž, Iztok Tiselj - Slovenia No. 205 16.09.2015 11:30 Assessment of NEPTUNE_CFD Code Capabilities to Simulate Two-Phase Flow in the OECD/NRC PSBT Subchannel Experiments Sergii Lutsanych, Fabio Moretti, Francesco D'Auria - Italy No. 206 16.09.2015 11:50 Numerical Investigation to Examine Dust impacts on the Dry Cask passive Cooling under U.A.E. harsh environmental conditions Alia Mohamed Ahmed Hammad Alghafri, Yacine Addad, Ho Joon Yoon - United Arab Emirates No. 207 16.09.2015 12:10 NPP Krško DVI LOCA Calculation Using RELAP5/mod 3.3 and FRAPTRAN to Assess UFC Modification Influence Vesna Benčik, Davor Grgić, Siniša Šadek, Nikola Čavlina - Croatia 17.09.2015 08:30 Invited Lecture 3 No. 3 17.09.2015 08:30 Key results and future directions of the JET fusion research programme Karl Krieger, Jet Contributors – Germany 17.09.2015 09:10 Fusion No. 701 17.09.2015 09:10 Deuterium retention studies in self-ion damaged tungsten exposed to neutral atoms Sabina Markelj, Anže Založnik, Thomas Schwarz-Selinger, Mitja Kelemen, Primož Vavpetič, Primož Pelicon - Slovenia No. 702 17.09.2015 09:30 Ball-pen probe diagnostics of a weakly magnetized discharge plasma column Lino Šalamon, Gabrijela Ikovic, Jernej Kovačič - Slovenia No. 703 17.09.2015 09:50 Global Thermal Analysis of Demo Tokamak Oriol Costa Garrido, Boštjan Končar, Samo Košmrlj, Christian Bachmann, Botond Meszaros - Slovenia 17.09.2015 10:30 Materials No. 801 17.09.2015 10:30 Strain gradient crystal plasticity approach to modelling micro-plastic flow and localisation in polycrystalline materials Igor Simonovski, Tuncay Yalcinkaya - Netherlands No. 802 17.09.2015 10:50 High Temperature Pipe Structural Health Monitoring System utilising Phased Array probes on TOFD configuration Ivan Vican, Channa Nageswaran, Nikos Makris, Alvaro Garcia, Abbas Mohimi, Stephan Michau, Marko Budimir - Croatia No. 803 17.09.2015 11:10 Characterisation of coatings evaluated for LFR applications Fosca Di Gabriele, Alessandro Gessi, Petra Bublikova, Hana Jirkova, Dagmar Bublikova - Czech Republic No. 804 17.09.2015 11:30 On the effect of MOX fuel conductivity in predicting melting in FR fresh fuel by means of TRANSURANUS code Aly Ahmed, Davide Rozzia, Alessandro Del Nevo, Christophe Demaziere - Sweden No. 805 17.09.2015 11:50 Porosimetry of ZrO2 Scales Formed During Oxidation of Zr-Based Fuel Claddings in Nuclear Severe Accident Conditions Florian Haurais, Emilie Beuzet, Martin Steinbrück, Yunxiao Wu, Antoine Ambard, Eric Simoni, Mohamed Torkhani - France No. 806 17.09.2015 12:10 Detailed modelling of the thermal radiation shields for applications in superconducting magnetic energy storage systems Mihai Anghel, Marian Curuia, Adrian Badea - Romania
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