PLEASE FAX OR POST THIS FORM TO: China Travel Service (HK) Ltd. Destination Management Centre 4/F CTS House 78-83 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2853 3537 Fax: (852) 2541 9777 E-mail: CHINESE INVITATION LETTER REQUEST FORM (to support visa application) Please provide information as listed below for requesting an invitation letter to support your China visa application. . Procedures: 1. Please make photocopies of this form if more than one applicant requires visa. 2. Complete the application form in block letters or type and return to us. It normally takes 5 workings days to proceed. 3. Once approved, China Travel Service (HK) Ltd Limited will return an invitation letter to you by fax. 4. Please submit the letter together with your passport to your embassy or consulate to get visa. 5. Your embassy or consulate may impose a visa application fee. Attention: Please be reminded that all applicants’ passports must be valid for at least SIX MONTHS beyond the intended date to enter China. Invitation Letter Processing Fee: US$25.00 per person Company Name: Address: ________________________________________ Email: ____________________________________ Telephone: Fax: Surname: First Name: Sex: Nationality: Place & Date of Birth: Passport No.: Occupation: Date of Arrival: Date of Departure: Country/City of Embassy where you wish to collect the visa: Payment Methods : Please settle the payment by credit card Credit Card No: __________________________________________________________________ Name of Cardholder Expiry Date: ____________________________________________________ Signature & Date:___________________________________________________________________ DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF FORM: 23 September 2010 Signed for and on behalf of:Company: World Trade Center: Contact: Position: Address: Email: Tel: Fax: Signature: Date:
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