In the frame of the EU project Internacionalizacija visokega šolstva the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School is organising an international workshop from 22 to 24 June 2015 entitled MACHINE LEARNING AND SYSTEMS BIOSCIENCES Prof. Dr. Sašo Džeroski1,2 will open the workshop with a lecture on Monday, 22 June 2015, at 9:00. The workshop will be held at the IPS Lecture Room (N205-N206, Jamova 39, Ljubljana). The lectures will be in English. PROGRAM Time 09:00 10:30 11:15 11:30 Monday, 22 June 2015 Introductory lecture: prof. dr. Sašo Džeroski 1,2 Machine Learning and Systems BioSciences Tuesday, 23 June 2015 dr. Cene Gostinčar 3 Machine learning to the extreme: Studies on extremophilic and extremotolerant fungi prof. dr. Kristina Gruden 1,3 Systems biology of the immune response of plants Break dr. Oren Tzfadia 4 MORPH, an algorithm for revealing missing genes in biological pathways doc. dr. Miha Moškon 6 Computational modelling, analysis and design of biological systems Break prof. dr. Roman Jerala 7 Designable modularity in Synthetic Biology: Repurposing natural building blocks for cell regulation and structure dr. Dimitar Hristovski 5 Semantic literature-based discovery and its applications in pharmacovigilance and gene-expression data analysis Lunch dr. Fran Supek 8 Analysis of 'big data' from cancer genomes dr. Fran Supek 8 Predicting gene function using comparative genomics data 12:15 CoExpNetViz, a gene discovery tool for finding conserved co-expression patterns between orthologs genes 13:00 14:00 Lunch dr. Oren Tzfadia 4 Evaluation and integration of functional annotation pipelines for newly sequenced organisms 14:45 EXPANDER (EXpression Analyzer and DisplayER), a tool for the analysis of gene expression and NGS data Break prof. dr. Maja Bresjanac 5 Translational Medicine for delayed aging prof. dr. Maja Bresjanac 5 Neural responses underlying dance imagery induced by music Close 15:30 16:00 16:45 17:30 Break prof. dr. Blaž Zupan 6 Data fusion doc. dr. Tomaz Curk 6 Data fusion of protein-RNA interaction data using orthogonal matrix factorization Close Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School (IPS), Ljubljana, Slovenia “Jožef Stefan” Institute (JSI), Ljubljana, Slovenia National Institute of Biology (NIB), Ljubljana, Slovenia 4 VIB, Ghent University, Belgium 5 Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 6 Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 7 National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia 8 Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Barcelona, Spain and Ruđer Bošković Institute (IRB), Zagreb, Croatia 9 Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy 10 University Medical Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1 2 3 Wednesday, 24 June 2015 dr. Marco Mina 9 Reconstruction of transcriptional network dynamics from gene expression timecourse data by time-series clustering and hierarchical motif enrichment analysis] dr. Panče Panov 2 Ontology of data types Break dr. Panče Panov 2 Ontology of data mining prof. dr. Borut Peterlin 10 Clinical next generation sequencing for diagnosis of rare diseases Lunch dr. Marco Mina 9 Disease Association Networks in Systems Medicine: Co-morbidity inference and biomarker discovery Close The cost of this contract is funded from European Social Fund, within the project “Krepitev kapacitet MPŠ v mednarodnem sodelovanju”, which was selected at "Javni razpis za sofinanciranje aktivnosti v letih 2013-2015, ki spodbujajo internacionalizacijo slovenskega visokega šolstva”. The organization of this workshop is also supported by the European Commission through the project MAESTRA - Learning from Massive, Incompletely annotated, and Structured Data (Grant number ICT-2013- 612944).
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