WHAT IS JOURNEY TO MATRIMONY & WHO IS IT FOR? As the preferred marriage preparation of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Journey to Matrimony is based on the belief that successful marriages thrive on a strong Christian foundation. This couple-based, comprehensive overnight program is intended for those who wish to deepen and enrich their relationship, desire a richer, fuller life together, and are entering marriage for the first time. Various presentation styles are used which may include married couple witness talks, DVD’s, use of a marriage & family therapist or licensed mental health counselor. DATES, TIMES & LOCATION In keeping with diocesan guidelines, couples are encouraged to attend this program at least 3 months prior to their wedding 2014 Schedule February March April June August September November 7 28 25 27 1 12 7 - 8 29 26 28 2 13 8 Deadline 2/24/14 Deadline 3/14/14 Deadline 4/11/14 Deadline 6/13/14 Deadline 7/18/14 Deadline 8/29/14 Deadline 10/24/14 Check-in begins Friday evening at 6:00 p.m. Dinner is served at 6:30 We will conclude Saturday evening no later than 8:30 p.m. Journey to Matrimony is held at Bethany Center in Lutz. Upon processing your registration, confirmation will be sent to each Email address provided. In the absence of Email, notification will be mailed to the bride. The confirmation letter will contain pertinent information about the facility and the program. Since Bethany Center serves only as the host facility, their staff is unable to answer questions about the program or the marriage preparation process. COST & REGISTRATION INFORMATION Registrations submitted after the deadline may be possible but a late fee of $50.00 will apply. As long as your paperwork is received prior to the deadline, the cost to attend is $215.00 per couple. Complete the registration form and submit with a non-refundable deposit of $135.00. The balance is due upon check-in at the facility. If you wish, the full amount can be paid at time of registration. The fee includes program materials, meals, and overnight accommodations. Submit a Check or Money Order by mail (or in person) with the completed registration form. Credit Cards are not accepted. Cash payments must be hand deliver to the Pastoral Center. Please don’t send cash through the mail. Because we must adhere to our religious beliefs, couples are not permitted to stay in the same room. Same-sex roommates will be assigned. Single accommodations are not offered. No couple is denied attending due to lack of funds. Those with financial difficulties should contact us. Registrations are processed in the order received. Written confirmation will be sent via Email to each address provided. In the absence of Email, notification will be mailed to the bride’s home. If you don’t hear from us within 2 weeks of submitting your paperwork, please contact our office. A Comprehensive Preparation Program For First Marriages A Wedding is a Day… Since your meals and accommodations are paid in advance, postponements are possible without penalty as long as notice is received 14 or more days prior to your scheduled arrival. Those who postpone with less notice are subject to a $135.00 rescheduling fee. A HELPFUL SUGGESTION. . . Couples often call to check availability before submitting paperwork. Since registrations are processed in the order received, in cases where space is limited this can be the difference between getting confirmed or not. Payment isn’t processed unless we’re 100% certain we can accommodate you so there’s no risk of losing any money. However, once confirmed all penalties apply. A Marriage is Lifetime! Office of Marriage & Family Ministries Diocese of St. Petersburg OTHER DETAILS Dress is casual and comfortable. At the end of the program each couple will receive a Certificate of Completion providing both the bride and groom were present for the entire duration. This program meets or exceeds the requirements of the Common Guidelines set forth by all Dioceses in Florida, as well as Florida Statute 741.0305. WHO DO WE CONTACT FOR FURTHER ASSISTANCE? Questions should be directed to: Office Marriage & Family Ministries Mon. thru Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. REGISTRATION FORM NOTE: Journey to Matrimony is intended for couples where both persons are entering marriage for the first time. Regardless of circumstances, if either of you have been previously married, before submitting this registration please contact the priest or deacon you’re working with to discuss whether the Remarriage program might be more suitable. To ensure a faster response, Email is the best way to contact us! Email: deb@dosp.org Phone: 727 – 341 – 6847 An emergency contact number will be provided in your confirmation letter in case you need to get in touch with us the day of the program Hand delivered registrations can be brought to: Bishop Larkin Pastoral Center 6363 Ninth Avenue North St. Petersburg 33710 Certificate ______________________________________________________ Home Phone _____________________________ Work Phone ______________________________ Certificate ______________________________________________________ Home Phone _____________________________ Priest /Deacon doing the wedding ___________________________________________________ 2nd Choice: __________________ Wedding Date ___________________________________________________________________ Yes No 1st Choice: __________________ Have either of you been previously married? Seminar Date Requested Work Phone ______________________________ No. ________________ Mail: _______________ B G B/G P M F O MO CHCK E-mail: _________________ Amount: ________________ OFFICE USE Church of Wedding ____________________________________________ City _________________________________ State ____________________ At which parish ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Priest/Deacon assisting you with marriage preparation _______________________________________________________________________________ General Information: Dietary Needs (Allergies/Vegetarian Only) ________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone _______________________________ Parish you attend _________________________________________ City ____________________________________ State _____________________ State _____________________ Zip__________________ Age_________________ Religion ________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________City____________________________________ Name tag _________________________________________________ Please indicate how you would like your name to appear on the following two items: Groom’s Information: Dietary Needs (Allergies/Vegetarian Only) ________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone _______________________________ Parish you attend _________________________________________ City ____________________________________ State _____________________ State _____________________ Zip__________________ Age_________________ Religion ________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________City____________________________________ Name tag _________________________________________________ Please indicate how you would like your name to appear on the following two items: Bride’s Information: PLEASE...PRINT CLEARLY & COMPLETE THE ENTIRE FORM Complete, detach and submit form with your non-refundable deposit of $135.00 made payable to the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Registrations should be mailed to: Journey to Matrimony, Office of Marriage & Family Ministries, P.O. Box 40200, St. Petersburg, FL 33743 – 0200 This experience requires couples to stay at the facility. Everyone will be assigned a same-sex roommate. Single accommodations aren’t available.
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