THREE RIVERS SCHOOL October 23, 2014 News You Can Use “Teaching Responsible Scholars October 24th…… End of 1st Quarter Kick Cancer to the Curb @CJHS 31st…… Early Dismissal @11:00, School Improvement Day November 4th…… Music Boosters Meeting, 7:00 PM @ Three Rivers School 5th…… Picture Re-Takes 6th ….. Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00-8:00 PM Early Dismissal @ 1:40 PM 7th…… Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:30-11:00 AM No School for Students 10th…… Athletic Boosters Meeting @ CJHS, 7:00 PM 14th….. Family Movie Night, 6:30 PM @CJHS, $1.00 per Person 6th Grade MAP Testing 18th,19th,20th….. th th th 26 , 27 and 28 ….. Thanksgiving Holiday Report Cards Sent Home Friday, October 31st BOOK FAIR Sir Readalot's Castle..... Enter the kingdom of books Open Monday, November 3rd - Friday, November 7th Students will have a chance to shop during their library times, and at lunch recess. Open during Parent/ Teacher conferences. PICTURE RE-TAKES Picture re-takes will be Wednesday, November 5th. Students who were absent on picture day, students who forgot to turn in their picture money, and students who are not satisfied with their first set of pictures, will need to have their pictures taken at this time. If you are dissatisfied with your original pictures you must return the ENTIRE PACKET of original pictures to the Three Rivers office by Tuesday, November 4th. Parent/Teacher Conference Sign Up Use Sign Up Genius to schedule your child(s) conferences Parent‐TeacherConferencesareaveryimportantmeansofcommunicationbetweenhome andschool.Parentsareencouragedtomakeanappointmentwiththeirchild’shomeroom teacheratthefollowingwebsite ConferenceswillbeheldonThursday,November6thfrom4:00–8:00PMandFriday, November7thfrom8:30‐11:00AM. Ms.HillsourschoolcounselorwillbeavailableforconferencesonThursdayeveningand Fridaymorning.Mr.Fracassi,Mr.Becker,Mrs.Freehaufwillbeavailableforconferences onFriday,from8:30‐11:00AM. 1). Clickon(orcopy) 2). Scroll to find the teacher you want to see and click on “Sign up” in the time slot available. 3). Enter your student’s name in the white box, fill in your name and Email address and click on the “sign up”. Choose to be a member so you can make changes if needed-it’s FREE! 4). If you would like Email confirmation, you must check the box “Send Email Confirmation”. 5). Click on “My Account” on the top right hand corner to see your schedule and to make changes if necessary. PleasecalltheThreeRiversOfficewithanyquestionsorconcernsat(815)467‐4313. Tech Talk….Internet Safety Are Parents Responsible for What Their Children Do Online? This is a hotly debated question! Clearly, parents can’t monitor their kids’ online activity every minute if every day. But is there a point where parents are negligent if they don’t monitor what their kids are doing? A court ruling in Georgia this week says that there can come a time when parents are liable for what their children are doing online. In this case, a boy created a fake Facebook profile that he used to cyberbully a girl at his school. After the boy’s parents were notified of it, the profile remained on Facebook for 11 months despite being asked to take it down. Because the parents knew about it and did not take it down when requested, they are now considered liable for the damage done to the girl who was the victim. This ruling sets a precedent that should serve as a wake-up call to parents all over the country to be involved with teaching their kids the proper use of technology and the Internet. You can read more about the case here: Halloween is a time for fun and adventure for children, but experts at the Illinois Poison Center (IPC) warn parents to use caution and to keep safety in mind. Follow these safety and prevention tips from the IPC for safe trick or treating: Halloween Health Safety Tips: How To Have A Safe and Spooky Good Time - blog Purchase non-toxic face paint or makeup for a safe, creative alternative to masks. Be sure to use cosmetics on the skin, and do not substitute other products, which may contain emollient laxatives, talc or hydrocarbons, which can be toxic. Home food colorings are not recommended because the tint may be difficult to wash off. If any makeup is swallowed, call the IPC at 1-800-222-1222 for treatment instructions. Carefully check all candy before allowing your child to eat it. Dry Ice Safety - blog Tricky Treats to Avoid This Halloween - blog Happy Halloween: Boo!…not Boo-Hoo. - blog Feed your children before taking them out to reduce the urge to snack on the route. Bring your own candy to give your children along the way so they will not be tempted to eat from their bags. Make certain masks fit properly and have large eyeholes so the child can see and breathe easily. Raise mask when crossing the street. Dry ice can be used in punch bowls, but should not be used in individual glasses. If swallowed, oral burns may occur. Direct contact with the skin can cause a frostbite type injury. Call the IPC with any questions or if someone has been directly exposed to dry ice. Eat only those treats still in their original unopened wrappers. Throw away all unwrapped candy. Also throw away candies if wrappers are faded, have holes or tears or signs of re-wrapping Allow your child to eat fruit and homemade treats only if from someone you know and trust. FALL into PTO! THANK YOU for getting us off to a great start with our Savers fundraiser! We earned $300 that we will put toward our Spring Movie Night treats! We'll be doing this again for the Spring garage sales so be prepared! Our Fall fundraiser also exceeded expectations! You guys are the best and your kids will benefit in having some super assemblies in the next year. PTO Mtg. is Thursday, November 13 from 7-8pm at Galloway. Childcare provided. It's not too late to earn your free School kit! Everything is Awesome at the PTO!!! Come celebrate with us at the annual Family Movie Night on Friday, November 14. Doors open at 6pm and the movie starts at 6:30pm. Wear your PJs for extra raffle tickets. Spirit wear will be available. Understanding Learning Disabilities October is Learning Disabilities Awareness Month, which means it is time to recognize children, adolescents and adults with learning disabilities -- and the educators who serve them. The month is celebrated to bring attention to individuals that have disabilities like dyslexia, dyscalculia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In 1985, the observation was introduced as a proclamation by President Ronald Reagan. Since then, the month has been used by organizations, such as the National Center for Learning Disabilities and the Learning Disabilities Association of America, to educate the public about those with learning disabilities. According to the National Center for Learning Disabilities, there are 15 million people in the United States with learning disabilities. One of the biggest challenges faced by individuals with learning disabilities is the overall lack of acceptance by society. This month is an excellent time to pay more attention to people with learning disabilities. Educators and parents can take part in Learning Disabilities Awareness Month by teaching their students and children facts about learning disabilities—doing so may show children and adolescents how to be supportive peers. Learning disability is a general term that describes specific kinds of learning problems. A learning disability can cause a person to have trouble learning and using certain skills. The skills most often affected are: reading, writing, listening, speaking, reasoning, and doing math. “Learning disabilities” is not the only term used to describe these difficulties. Others include: dyslexia—which refers to difficulties in reading; dysgraphia—which refers to difficulties in writing; and dyscalcula—which refers to difficulties in math. All of these are considered learning disabilities. Learning disabilities (LD) vary from person to person. One person with LD may not have the same kind of learning problems as another person with LD. Some students have trouble with reading and writing. Another person with LD may have problems with understanding math. Still another person may have trouble in both of these areas, as well as with understanding what people are saying. Researchers think that learning disabilities are caused by differences in how a person’s brain works and how it processes information. Children with learning disabilities are not “dumb” or “lazy.” In fact, they usually have average or above average intelligence. Their brains just process information differently. There is no “cure” for learning disabilities. They are life-long. However, children with LD can be high achievers and can be taught ways to get around the learning disability. With the right help, children with LD can and do learn successfully. MusicBoosterNews! THANK YOU to all the parents who helped make the 3rd annual Forte 5k such an enormous success. We could not have had such a successful race without your support. So many people were involved this year and did whatever was asked of them. The words “thank you” fall short when expressing our gratitude but please know they are meant sincerely. Thank you for everything! More thanks to all the CSD 17 staff who registered and participated in the race. We loved seeing you and truly appreciate your support! We hope you had a great time! Want to be a part of the Channahon Music Boosters? Our membership is free! Please join us for our next meeting on Tuesday, November 4th. Meetings are held in the Art room at Three Rivers School at 7:00 p.m. We will look forward to seeing you! Spirit Wear forms will be coming home very soon! Orders should be ready for delivery before Thanksgiving. Upcoming dates: 10/23: Pep Band for Girls basketball, 5:15 p.m. 11/4 Channahon Music Boosters meeting, 7:00 p.m., TRS Art room BE ASSERTIVE. Tips on parental response As a parent, it’s a natural response to become upset when you first hear your child is being picked on. You want nothing more than to take the situation into your own hands. The first thing to do is to try and stay calm. At this point, your job is to collect as much information as possible from your child about what’s going on when someone is verbally being mean. Allow them to tell their story in their own words. Do not rush in demanding to see the bully’s parents. It may be the very response your child was dreading. Children are often scared of revenge from bullies and if you take care of these issues for your child, it might cause the bullying to happen more. Also do not respond by dismissing their experience as part of “growing up”. You may suspect that your child is being bullied, but is afraid to say anything. Is there a way of raising the subject? Suggest that your child keep a diary of bullying incidents, so they have concrete facts if ever necessary. Being there for your child to listen to, guide, and help build skills of assertiveness and resilience is important to permanently bully-proof your child. These skills do not appear overnight. This is a long term plan your children can practice and use for the rest of their lives in order to handle conflict effectively. Good Luck to our Olympian! We are so proud to announce that we have an Olympic athlete at Three Rivers School! Ethan Scheidt will be participating in the Equestrian event at the Special Olympics this weekend in Rockford, IL. Ethan has been riding horses at Victory Reins in Peotone, IL every Saturday since he was three years old. Ethan’s favorite horse to ride is Rasha, but he will be riding Nowell in the competition as he does much better competing when riding him. He will be participating in two events, the English Equitation and Working Trails, which he has been training very hard to perfect. For the Working Trails competition, Ethan must memorize a pattern and control the horse enough, through the use of verbal commands and steering with the reins, to maneuver Nowell through different obstacles and terrain. Ethan recently participated in a competition in which he brought home two First Place finishes and one Second Place finish which is a great accomplishment. The students and staff at Three Rivers want to support Ethan and cheer him on to victory as he strives to bring home the gold! RED R RIBBO R ON WEEK W A AGEN NDA 2 2014 October O r 27th th hrough Octobe er 31st Be somebo s ody’s hero. h Have H th he pow wer to say NO! MONDA AY 10/27: KICKOF FF Wear W red day! d Red R ribbon ns distribu uted in cla assrooms. Essay E Conttest begin ns (Option nal): Who is the hero in yourr life? Writing prompt p willl be distriibuted. Du ue by Thu ursday. To op 3 winners will be e announced a d Friday! Trees T outsside the scchool will be decoraated by lu unch groups. TUESDAY 10/28: POWER R THROU UGH TO Y YOUR FUTURE up! Dress D like who you want to be b when yyou grow u Students S pledge p to live a drug-free lifee by decorrating and d signing tthe riibbon pled dge at lun nch/recesss. Pencils will be pa assed out to remind d students th hey have the powe er to stay drug free. WEDNE ESDAY 10 0/29: TEA AM UP AG GAINST D DRUGS Wear W your favorite sports ge ear to “teaam up aga ainst drug gs.” Fact F game es/activitie es about the t dangeers of drugs and m making healthy h liffe choicess will be during PE cclasses. THURS SDAY 10/3 30: DRUG G FREE SUPERHE S ERO ME Wear W yourr favorite superhero s o shirt. Essays E for the essay y contest due. A wellnesss walk will be held at a the end d of the day. FRIDAY Y 10/31: HEROES H MAKE HEALTHY AND SAF FE CHOICES Top T 3 winn ners of the essay contest announced. ***Numb bers on the back of the ribbo ons will be e called ovver the annou uncementss through hout the week. w Stud dents with h the winn ning numb ber must be wearin ng their ribbon to come c to th he office tto receive e a prize.* *** Food and Clothing Drive October 29th thru November 7th Chanooka Wish and our Veterans need your Sponsored by Beta Club Contact person: Shane O’Brien (815) 467-6613 help this holiday season! Bring your gently used clothing, winter accessories and nonperishable food items to school to help families in need in time for Thanksgiving. Donation items will be distributed between Chanooka Wish and Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center to help care and support our Veterans. Drop off locations are designated at each school. HALLOWEEN SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS Costume Safety: • Use make-up or face paint instead of mask, but if mask are used, make sure that they fit properly and have hole large enough for mouth and eyes. • Wear brightly colored clothing/or put on glow-in-dark patched or strips on your costume so vehicles can see you. Clothing should be short enough and shoes should fit properly to prevent tripping. • Choose costumes that are marked flame retardant • Make props such as magic wands and swords out of cardboard rather than metal or wood Trick-or-Treat Safety: • Give and accept wrapped or packaged candy only. • Children should bring home treats for adult inspection before they are eaten. • Accompany small and elementary school age children when they are trick-or-treating and send older children in groups. • Go out in daylight and carry a flashlight in case of delay. • Stay within your neighborhood; only visit homes you know • Make sure you cross streets at corners • Have your parents check Illinois State Police Sex Offender registry website for addresses of known child sex offenders in the neighborhood TRICK OR TREAT HOURS: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2014 4:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. (Channahon) 5:00 P.M. – 7:00 P.M. (Shorewood) 3:00 P.M.- 6:00 P.M. (Joliet) CHANNAHON/MINOOKA POLICE VS CHANNAHON/MINOOKA FIRE SUNDAY, November 9th AT 1:30PM Kick off at 2:00PM THREE RIVERS SCHOOL CHANOOKA BRAVES FOOTBALL FIELD 24150 W. Ford Rd $2 Donation for Adults Kids are Free All proceeds will be donated to Chanooka Wish Sponsored by the Chanooka Braves &
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